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CentOS 6.3 Step by Step Installation Guide with
By Narad Shrestha Under: CentOS, Linux Distros On: July 16, 2012
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This post will guide you a step-by-step installation of Community ENTerprise
Operating System 6.3 (CentOS) with screenshots. Less than three weeks after the
release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.3. The CentOS Project has released its
clone of RHEL 6.3 distribution on 09 July 2012.
CentOS 6.3 Features
CentOS Linux Distribution contains some new exciting features like.
Custom Hosting Solutions
Secure, Reliable Dedicated Hosting 24/7 Customer Support. 0% Downtime.
CentOS 6.3 Step by Step Installation Guide with ...
1 of 53 Saturday 12 July 2014 04:53 PM
OpenOce 3.2 has been replaced by LibreOce 3.4, if you update from previous
version of CentOS 6 using yum update and have openoce installed, the update
will automatically remove openoce and install libreoce.
Many drivers have been updated and improved in virtulisation. 2.
Upstream has deprecated the Matahari API for operating system management has
been deprecated, and theres new tools for moving physical and virtual machines
into Virtual KVM machine instances. These new tools from Red Hat are virt-p2v
and virt-v2v for physical-to-virtual and virtual-to-virtual migration, respectively.
Direct Download CentOS 6.3 DVD ISO Images
CentOS-6.3-i386-bin-DVD1.iso 1.
CentOS-6.3-i386-bin-DVD2.iso 2.
CentOS-6.3-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso 1.
CentOS-6.3-x86_64-bin-DVD2.iso 2.
Torrent Download CentOS 6.3 DVD ISO Images
CentOS-6.3-i386-bin-DVD1to2.torrent 1.
CentOS-6.3-x86_64-bin-DVD1to2.torrent 2.
CentOS 6.3 Step by Step Graphical Installation Guide
Boot Computer with CentOS 6.3 OS Installation CD/DVD.
1. Select Install or Upgrade existing system options.
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Select Install or Upgrade
2. Choose skip media test as it may take long time to check media.
Skip CentOS 6.3 Media Test
3. CentOS 6.3 Welcome Screen press Next.
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CentOS 6.3 Welcome Screen
4. Language Selection.
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CentOS 6.3 Language Selection
5. Select appropriate Keyboard.
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CentOS 6.3 Keyboard Selection
6. Select Basic Storage Device if your hard drive is attached locally.
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CentOS 6.3 Storage Device Selection
7. You may get Storage Device warning, you can click Yes, discard any data
button to Continue.
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CentOS 6.3 Storage Device Warning
8. Give a Hostname to the server and click on Congure Network button if you
want to congure network while installation.
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CentOS 6.3 Hostname and Network Setup
9. Click Wired tab and click on Add button.
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CentOS 6.3 Network Setup
10. Select Connect Automatically, go to ipv4 settings tab and select Method
and select Manual in drop down. Click on Add tab to ll address box with IP
Address, Netmask, Gateway and DNS Server. Here Im using IP Address and DNS Server is for demo. This IP Address may vary in
your environment.
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CentOS 6.3 Network Conguration
11. Select Time Zone.
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CentOS 6.3 Set Timezone
12. Give a root password.
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CentOS 6.3 root Password
13. Select appropriate partitioning as per your requirement.
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CentOS 6.3 Partition Selection
14. Verify lesystem. Here, you can edit lesystem If you want.
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CentOS 6.3 Partition Verify
15. Disk Format Warning, click on Format.
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CentOS 6.3 Disk Format
16. Select Write Changes to disk.
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CentOS 6.3 Disk Changes
17. Hard Drive is Formatting.
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CentOS 6.3 Disk Formatting
18. Here, you can give Boot loader Password for better security.
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CentOS 6.3 Boot Loader Password
19. Select the applications you want to install, you can choose Customize now and
click Next.
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CentOS 6.3 Package Selection
20. Select the applications you want to install and click Next.
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CentOS 6.3 Packages Selection
21. Installation started, this may take several minutes as per selection of packages.
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CentOS 6.3 Installation
22. Installation completed, Please remove CD/DVD and reboot system.
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CentOS 6.3 Installation Completes
23. Welcome to CentOS 6.3 Login Screen.
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CentOS 6.3 Login Screen
24. CentOS 6.3 Desktop Screen.
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CentOS 6.3 Desktop Screen
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Narad Shrestha
He has over 10 years of rich IT experience which includes various
Linux Distros, FOSS and Networking. Narad always believes sharing
IT knowledge with others and adopts new technology with ease.
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95 Responses
Lorenz Leitner says:
July 24, 2012 at 3:15 pm
Nice guide, thanks.
Share Share
CentOS 6.3 Step by Step Installation Guide with ...
26 of 53 Saturday 12 July 2014 04:53 PM
Forrest Shields says:
September 14, 2012 at 9:54 am
Thanks for the guide. I dont understand why the CentOS website doesnt have a
visual installation guide like yours.
One question Why in step #9 would you add another wired network adapter
instead of selecting the pre-created System eth0 and click the Edit button?
Ravi Saive says:
September 14, 2012 at 11:50 am
@Forrest yes you can select system eth0 to congure your network. and the
above example is just for further Ethernet and DNS conguration if you have
Macsek says:
November 29, 2012 at 5:31 pm
Hi Forrest,
I dont understand why the CentOS website doesnt have a visual installation
guide like yours.
I thought is easy to answer:
Branded installation instructions and other documentation for starting out
well are available for releases through CentOS 5; after that, a license change
in upstream sources for this documentation presently rule out creation of
CentOS branded variants.
Reading your question once again shows my citation is probably not the exact
answer for your question, just related.
Have a nice day.
Yogesh Mandge says: 3.
CentOS 6.3 Step by Step Installation Guide with ...
27 of 53 Saturday 12 July 2014 04:53 PM
September 17, 2012 at 8:53 am
Nice article but what about create custom layout in step 13 please help me up
Ravi Saive says:
September 17, 2012 at 12:06 pm
@Yogesh You can select custom layout to create custom partitions as per
your requirement.
Reply says:
October 11, 2012 at 4:44 pm
thanks nice site
pramod says:
October 19, 2012 at 3:28 pm
nice guide
amaresh says:
November 21, 2012 at 5:20 pm
thank you Helpful
Hassan says:
December 5, 2012 at 5:02 pm
Thank you for the guide.
But i have one question, i followed all the steps, and after restarting the machine, i
lost the graphical interface (i choose web server as installation just like you), and i
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have only command line interface.
Can you help me please.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Ravi Saive says:
December 5, 2012 at 5:14 pm
Dont worry just connect to internet and install graphical interfaces KDE or
GNOME with YUM command. Login as root and run the following command.
yum groupinstall "X Window System" "KDE (K Desktop Environment)"
yum groupinstall "X Window System" "GNOME Desktop Environment"
If you dont have internet, then open the le /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-
Media.repo with vi editor, change the enabled=0 to enabled=1 and mount
the CentOS installation DVD under /media/cdrom/ and run the yum commands
If you still having any problem, comment here.
Gita says:
March 19, 2013 at 5:10 am
Hi Ravi,
I had a VM with CentOS 6.3 installed in my PC (Windows on host). It had
gnome, and I wanted to use kde. I used yum groupinstall KDE. It had a
warning: no kde-desktop package available. Although this installed
many kde features but still didnt have the option to change to kde (no
such option during login session. When I tried KDE at prompt it replied:
no such command). I then found this site and used yum groupinstall X
Window System KDE. I restarted my VM and looks like it started the
boot process and then goes blackprobably some conict. Any
help/suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
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Hassan says:
December 5, 2012 at 5:55 pm
thank you for your help.
I have just to notice that i use vmware player, and the problem of connectoing VM
to the physical machine is causing (in part) the choice of the type of virtual
connection between the VM and the physical network.
So, how can i mount the device : cdrom, if im using the VM?
Thank you.
Best regards,
Sanjay says:
January 3, 2013 at 8:40 pm
If you are using VMWare, you could add it in as a device from VMWare
Workstation Manager and it will appear as one of the devices if you double
click the Computer icon in your GUI.
Darwin says:
December 12, 2012 at 7:40 pm
Just an fyithe most recent .iso les are not bootable, please review:
Download and run the CentOS-6.3-x##_##-netinstall.iso, and eventually youll
have an option to install from several sources, choose DVD, The installer looks for
CentOS-6.3-x##_##-bin-DVD1.iso in the DVD. What a PITA, I dont like the extra
bryan says:
January 2, 2013 at 8:06 am
CentOS 6.3 Step by Step Installation Guide with ...
30 of 53 Saturday 12 July 2014 04:53 PM
I currently have 2 internal hard drives on my computer. One already running
windows. In the installation could you select the hard disk in which CENTOS would
be installed?
Matthew says:
January 5, 2013 at 7:01 am
Hey thanks for this, denitely helpful. Any idea how I go about retrieving the
contents from the second dvd .iso? I think I need some of those packages in
order to install the drivers for my graphics card?
Sanjay says:
January 3, 2013 at 8:41 pm
Very succinct and clear. Thanks.
clark kent says:
January 5, 2013 at 9:20 am
very nice tutorial, can you help me how to congure in making virtual host? thanks
Vivek says:
January 5, 2013 at 7:51 pm
Just installed 6.3 32 bit using the bootable disks created using the 2 iso les
provided for download on CentOS site.
I have Two questions.
1- How to congure Broadband connection? (I am having BSNL, India, modem
based broadband connection that required user/pwd to connect through my
land-line phone)
2- What is the use of Disk 2 iso image that is provided?
The installation got completed with the rst disk itself and it never prompted for
disk 2 iso image.
Thanks in advance.
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31 of 53 Saturday 12 July 2014 04:53 PM
Ravi Saive says:
January 7, 2013 at 12:49 pm
if your installation is completed then no need of 2nd disk. and about
broadband setup. please follow this artilce.
syazwan says:
January 6, 2013 at 9:34 pm
great tutorial, but I have problem on step 2..If I click yes,discard any datawill it
remove my data on the hard disk? I am planning for dual boot.
Ravi Saive says:
January 7, 2013 at 12:45 pm
YES! it will discard data on selected disk. If youve planned for dual boot make
sure you must have empty drive for your centos installation.
Jerry Billygoat says:
January 8, 2013 at 9:18 pm
The installation is easy. However, I am installing in text mode. It never prompts for
hostname, disk partition instructions, network setup, package selection (samba,
ftp, apache, php, mysql, etc.) Do I now install individual packages after the initial
Ravi Saive says:
January 9, 2013 at 11:59 am
Yes, you can install individual packages after initial installation of OS via
online or using cd-rom.
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Jerry Billygoat says:
January 9, 2013 at 7:47 pm
I have CentOS 6.3 DVD 1 and 2. I believe all packages I need are
somewhere on the DVDs. How do I go about installing them? For
example, I need ssh, Samba, Bind, Apache, and more. Some of them I can
get from their respective sites. But ssh is ususally part of the initial
Ravi Saive says:
January 9, 2013 at 10:10 pm
Yes, you want you can install those packages using centos dvd.
Please follow the below article on how to install packages using
centos dvd.
clark kent says:
January 10, 2013 at 7:39 am
hi sir can you help me plsi already install centos 6.2 and i already congure the
network by putting static ip address but still i can not connect to internet
when i login as a root and typing links to browsing internet..still the message
appear host not found.
can you help me sir what are some steps to congure so that i can connect to
Ravi Saive says:
January 10, 2013 at 4:36 pm
Have you added dns entries in /etc/resolve.conf le? if not, add the entries and
try to ping any host and see the results.
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clark kent says:
January 11, 2013 at 8:37 am
hi sir thank you for your responsesir i already added entries in resolve.conf but
still i can not connect to internet.. even in local connection i cant ping the ip
address that i put in centos serversir what are those possible
congurationthank you very much sir
Ravi Saive says:
January 11, 2013 at 11:23 am
Please follow the link below for setting up internet connection. if you
have questions pls buzz me here.
Rajeev says:
January 18, 2013 at 5:31 pm
I tried all the steps to install CentOS 6.3 on a desktop (with the default webserver
option selected) and i have added mysql server additionally. After installation is
complete my desktop restarted and asked for logins. I typed root and password
but it started showing the below line repeatedly instead of loging in.
[drm] nouveau 000:04:00:0: no native mode, forcing panel scaling
[drm] nouveau 000:04:00:0: no native mode, forcing panel scaling
[drm] nouveau 000:04:00:0: no native mode, forcing panel scaling
[drm] nouveau 000:04:00:0: no native mode, forcing panel scaling
Can any one help me please. Thanks,
I used the same DVD and settings to install CentOS 6.3 on Oracle VM, it works ne.
I was even able to run a web based application developed using Jboss & mysql on
the VM.
Ravi Saive says:
January 18, 2013 at 6:34 pm
Add the following to kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst le, will x the
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34 of 53 Saturday 12 July 2014 04:53 PM
or create a cong le modprobe.conf under /etc/modprobe.d/ directory and
add the following line and save.
options drm_kms_helper poll=0
Restart the server.
Rajeev says:
January 18, 2013 at 6:41 pm
@ Ravi:
Thank you. It works. I have added drm_kms_helper.poll=0 to menu.lst
Thanks a lot.
Ravi Saive says:
January 18, 2013 at 10:44 pm
Good hear it worked. :)
daljit says:
January 23, 2013 at 5:11 pm
Greeting of the day
I was trying to install centos 6.3 through my usb on to the hard in wch i have 100gb
free space. other partitions contain window volumn. i was trying to install with
options using free space then selecting my harddisk in install target devices it is
showing not have enough space for LVM request
please tell what should i do
i was also trying to install through by custom layout same situation was there
Saad says:
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35 of 53 Saturday 12 July 2014 04:53 PM
February 26, 2013 at 1:31 pm
This is happening might be because you have less memory space remaining
for your CentOS installation.
Ravi says:
January 27, 2013 at 11:26 am
I have windows 7 32 bit installed already and then I installed CentOS 64bit , when i
start my pc every time i dont see CentOs in bootloader, by default windows gets
I dnt know the reason why i dnt se cenos in bootloader
Please help
llipe says:
February 1, 2013 at 5:21 pm
Im trying to install centos 6.3 at a new pc in my lab, but the installation stop after
step 1 and my screen gets black. Do you have any idea how i x that problem?
Ravi Saive says:
February 1, 2013 at 6:53 pm
I think video graphic driver problem, from the grub select Install system with
basic video driver option and proceed installation and let me know what
happens next.
Nada says:
February 6, 2013 at 3:27 am
I used the same version of CentOs to install it but i only get the command line after
installing (no graphic interface). Also during the installation i never got to see all
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36 of 53 Saturday 12 July 2014 04:53 PM
the steps u screenshoted. Why ? Can you provide me an available link where to
download the same version as yours ? Thanks
PS : i did try to edit the CentOS-Media.repo le but it wont work at all
Ravi Saive says:
February 6, 2013 at 1:41 pm
The download links are already provided in the article. If you are looking for
GUI then install GNOME or KDE. Use the following command to install any of
the one.
# yum groupinstall "X Window System" "GNOME Desktop Environment"
# yum groupinstall "X Window System" "KDE (K Desktop Environment)"
Nada says:
February 6, 2013 at 3:48 pm
Hi thanks for ur reply.
I found out i cant install it with the GUI, it says i dont have enough ram to
do so.
I did type those commands but it seems i dont have an internet
connection because i get this error :
pycurl error 6 couldnt resolve host
I did try to edit the repo.conf, it didnt help to solve the internet problem.
Right now im installing the 5.9 version and it seems to work ne (GUI)
todd says:
February 6, 2013 at 8:15 pm
Nada, I ran into the same issue in a VM. I gave the VM 512MB by
default, but the installer requires minimal 652MB ram on the guest
in order to do GUI install. I adjusted the VM with this minimum req ,
reran the install and was able to install via GUI.
Nada says:
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37 of 53 Saturday 12 July 2014 04:53 PM
February 6, 2013 at 9:32 pm
Oh really ?! thanks for sharing this with me. Ill denetly try
this tonight and let u know !
Nada says:
February 7, 2013 at 12:30 am
Well Todd i must say thank you so much ! I nally got to install
CentOS 6.3 with GUI ^^ Thanks again for ur tip !
S V Prasad says:
February 7, 2013 at 5:07 pm
I installed centos 6.3 on a Lenovo H525s core i5 3GHz, 4GB RAM and 500 GB Win
8 Desktop by creating 146 GB partition. The bios supports UEFI. After installation
when I restart the system it always goes to windows only. The GRUB boot loader is
not able to see the linux part. When I searched the forums many are saying it is due
to MBR / GPT / UEFI incombatibility. If that is the case then I may have to add
GRUB 2 support. Where can I get GRUB 2 inclded centos 6.3 distribution. My
second query is since i am not able to boot into Linux directly I used rescue mode
and am able to get into linux command mode. From there if I trype startx it goes
into GUI mode but my keyboard and mouse hangs. Could any one suggest me steps
to x any of these issues. Thanks a lot for any help.
Nagendra says:
February 25, 2013 at 7:52 pm
I got the similar problem. I could not see the option to go to Centos. Did you
nd the solution. If so may you post here for me please?
S V Prasad says:
February 26, 2013 at 2:52 am
Short answer Solution for Lenono desktop could not be found. No
success yet. Long answer Try the following ifyou have time:
1. There is a Centos 6.3 minimal install with Grub2 support at least that
is what the website mentioned. This supports few hardware platforms. If
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you could download and install and if that works for your platform then
you should be ne. It did not work for my HW platform.
2. GRUB2 source code is available for download. If you could compile and
integrate with Centos 3 it might work. Again it did not work for me.
3. Create three partitions. One with Windows, another one with Centos
6.3 and third one (may be small one) with Fedora latest release (which
already has support for Grub2). If using Fedora your system is able to
accept the hardware and if you could see boot option then you can modify
by it to point to centos as well. This I did not have time to check
completely. You can try and see for your self.
4. Last option is wait for Centos 6.4 with Grub2 full support. I do not
know when.
Sorry I could not be of much help.
Manoj says:
February 10, 2013 at 6:51 pm
i downloaded CentOS-6.3-x86_64-bin-DVD1to2 and i dont get the GUI! is it a
minimal? how do i download the oftware Development Workstation, is there one?
Thank you, i was glad to nd some screenshots!
Akshay bhaiji says:
February 15, 2013 at 9:08 am
Hi,How Can I install Updates & 3rd party tools (VLc) Without Internet
Connction.PLZ Guide
Ravi Saive says:
February 15, 2013 at 2:20 pm
No, you cant install updates or any third party packages without internet
connection. You must have connected to internet in order to download updates
or packages.
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Nagaraju J P says:
February 15, 2013 at 1:40 pm
Nice guide, thanks.
Yogesh Mandge says:
February 25, 2013 at 11:09 pm
Hello I Know Its My Second Comment on Same Post But Im Totally Confused,
I want To Install Centos But Have a Serious Question Will I Loose my All Data in
If Yes Then Please Tell Me Some Method to Protect it Approx Size of Data is
Thanks Your Support is Appreciated
Ravi Saive says:
February 26, 2013 at 1:04 pm
You mean, you have dual boot environment where you like to install CentOS
with windows. If yes, then rst allocate a drive with free space and then install
the centos on that free space drive.
Yogesh Mandge says:
February 26, 2013 at 5:11 pm
No Ravi I want to Completely Remove Windows And Install CentOS Is
There Anyway to Save my Data.
Ravi Saive says:
February 26, 2013 at 5:26 pm
No, you will not loose any data, if you install the centos in windows
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drive after removing existing windows.
Balaji Sridhar says:
April 6, 2013 at 2:32 pm
Dear Ravi,
We require to install the Cent OS 6.3 i386 in VMware Env. In
cmd line the installation is completed. I can only see very less
les in /etc. How to install the 2nd DVD Cent OS. Please advice.
Thanks in advance,
Ravi Saive says:
April 6, 2013 at 5:35 pm
rstly, must you have selected minimal packages during
installation, so you get less les in /etc. If you want to install
other packages you can use yum command to install it. If you
not aware of yum, you can take look at the yum guide.
vamsi says:
March 5, 2013 at 1:52 pm
can u please explain the dierences between
1.use all space
2.replace existing linux system
3.shrink current system
4.use free space
5.create custom layout
Carlos Vicente says:
March 10, 2013 at 5:39 pm
What should I do to install a wireless network on my Centos 6.3 S.O. ? RT3070 was
recognized but theres no wlan0 when I type $iwcong
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Tanos says:
April 22, 2013 at 3:49 pm
Thank you Ravi. It helped me to setup my site :-)
jenko says:
June 11, 2013 at 10:29 pm
Hey thanks for this tutorial. Will it apply for version 6? The part the confused me a
little was the wired tab. Im not sure if we need that. We need our set up to be
used to format hard drives with Linux for Digital Cinema distribution and it will
have a a CRU dock attached with a eSata connection to be used as a network drive.
Its a new machine and already has 7 32bit installed on it. Should we keep that on a
parition? It will not be connected to the internet, only by the network to my DCP
creation machine. We will be loading, or loading content to or from a hard drive in
the CRU slot. Whats you opinion on how we should install?
John says:
June 22, 2013 at 9:33 am
When installing CentOS on a Vitual Machine, do i need to do the partitioning just
the usual way like we partition on the physical machine?
Ravi Saive says:
June 24, 2013 at 3:08 pm
Yes! same way like we do on the physical machine.
prince says:
July 2, 2013 at 7:05 am
Helpful but Im doing the minimal install. I want a feeper understanding of
CentOS so I can pass Linux certications.
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42 of 53 Saturday 12 July 2014 04:53 PM
Anushka says:
July 4, 2013 at 2:10 pm
Very useful Thanking you sir,
Naveen kathait says:
July 7, 2013 at 7:37 pm
i think the website is doing a great job. thanks</a
Jacinto says:
July 10, 2013 at 11:46 pm
I was wondering if any one can let me know why I cant download CentOS 6.3 64
dvd ISO.
When I click the link It said ERRO and there is only a blank page.
Thank you
Ravi Saive says:
July 11, 2013 at 8:38 am
Sorry, the CentOS 6.3 download links were outdated and removed by CentOS
team, due to new release of CentOS 6.4. I added new download links, please
nasir says:
July 17, 2013 at 11:43 pm
I have xenserver 6.1 and installing centos 6.4 I can not get the gui on xencenter
I can connect through vnc but no console on xencenter
switch to graphical console grayed out
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rishi says:
July 31, 2013 at 9:42 am
my web server not suppert desktop why :(( giveing error
Ravi Saive says:
August 1, 2013 at 5:45 pm
How much RAM you have?
Sam T. says:
August 2, 2013 at 6:41 am
I am trying to download centos 6.3 from mirror web sites. However the directory is
empty and it refers to the latest version 6 which is 6.4. Is version 6.3 deprecated
and it is encouraged to use version 6.4 ? I am new to centos and I was a bit
surprised that point releases are deprecated so fast.
Here is a web site example:
Ravi Saive says:
August 2, 2013 at 8:36 am
Sam, may be that mirror outdated, we already provided download links for
centos 6.3 ISO in the article. Please follow those links to download.
Sam T. says:
August 3, 2013 at 12:31 am
Ravi, I did check a couple of other sites and they were all the same.
Thanks for the response and you folks have a helpful site.
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Mak K. says:
September 9, 2013 at 12:12 pm
I installed CentOS 6.4 x86_64. Installed apache over it. Provided xed ip to the
machine but the apache website is not accessible over LAN, is am I missing
Narad Shrestha says:
September 9, 2013 at 6:38 pm
Check rewall setting. If not allow in iptables. Verify doing telnet on port 80.
Usman says:
September 23, 2013 at 3:05 am
I installed 6.4 in my desktop. when i start my PC after boot menu i lost my display.
Please tell me what i do?
Narad Shrestha says:
September 23, 2013 at 11:05 am
What is amount of Memory given for CentOS
Try given atleast 1GB of RAM
faizu says:
October 1, 2013 at 8:33 pm
done upto step 22, after reboot following
black screen comes , says to login, i m able to root login,,
help to get rid of black screen
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Ravi Saive says:
October 2, 2013 at 12:15 am
How much RAM you have?
venkatesh karnasula says:
October 3, 2013 at 10:24 pm
here installing centos there default selection is minimal and this screen shot
shown select a web server: please remember ,that no need to select minimal r
web server
here we have to select DESKTOP that only select for gui coming on centos
otherwise command mode only comming thanking u ..
irshad says:
October 19, 2013 at 10:51 pm
Till snapshot 22 my installation was correct. But dint get the login screen as shown
in the snapshots. I tried ssh -X and startx commands but dint work.
annonimous says:
November 15, 2013 at 3:06 pm
please help me.. my work is gone.. this centos is bullshit
Ravi Saive says:
November 15, 2013 at 7:15 pm
What kind of help you looking for, can you describe here.
nagapavan says:
November 20, 2013 at 2:42 pm
i have windows8 on my laptop and i have installed centos in my laptop along with
window8 but during my boot up it is not showing centos option please give tell me
CentOS 6.3 Step by Step Installation Guide with ...
46 of 53 Saturday 12 July 2014 04:53 PM
the solution
Chandramouli says:
November 24, 2013 at 1:01 pm
Thank you so much. Now, I have installed CentOS 6.4 successfully in my machine
with dual boot.
Ben says:
January 9, 2014 at 5:00 am
I am not getting the screen from #19 to customize the install when using a i386
live CD or live DVD.
Abado Jack Mtulla says:
March 3, 2014 at 8:59 pm
After reading this installation guide,am now thinking of moving away from Ubuntu
Desktop to CentOS as my primary OS.
Amir Mahjouri says:
March 11, 2014 at 5:43 pm
Dear sirs,
thanks very nice for your tutorial ;
But I want to know Dierence oracle linux with centos.
and how clustering-system on linux centos?
thank you very much
harish says:
April 22, 2014 at 11:36 pm
hi guys,
i am very much interested to learn the linux, so currently im using Centos avour
in linux while practising the Centos im getting lot of doubts in my dialy practical
scenario, so here my doubt is that when im creating partitions automatically its
CentOS 6.3 Step by Step Installation Guide with ...
47 of 53 Saturday 12 July 2014 04:53 PM
taking 4 partitions . so could anyone please explain why its taking 4 partitions
when im creating only one ???
Kim says:
May 7, 2014 at 6:34 pm
Very nice tutorial :) Thanks
Sandeep says:
May 12, 2014 at 1:13 pm
i am using windows 8 with VMware 6 and installed centos 6.4 with 768 MB
i am very new to Linuxbut successfully installed CentOS.
I have following doubts please clarify
1) when i boot my centOS i am just getting Command line with Username and
password. i can log in no problem with that. How can i get a GUI display???
2) now on this CentOS i want to install asterisk 3.0 How can i acheive that ?? i have
Asterisk setup already downloaded in ISO imagePlease guide
Ravi Saive says:
May 12, 2014 at 6:18 pm
For your rst point, run the following command to get GUI.
# init 5
For second point, search asterisk article using our search form at the top right
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