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1. Your school is holding a cultural Fiesta for collecting funds for the Kargil
Jawans Welfare Fund. Draft a notice for your school Notice Board giving
details of the programme and donations to e made. !ign yourself as
"ano# !ehgal$ %ultural !ecretary$ &ose 'ulic !chool$ "umai.
(. You are )nita Desai* )nup !harma$ the !ports secretary of !t. 'aul pulic
school$ )hmadaad. Your school has decided to host the regional +evel
Bas,et Ball -ournament. Draft a notice for your school Notice Board
inviting all the school children to attend the -ournament and cheer the
.. You are the 'resident of the !tudents council of !t. Francis !r.
!econdary school$ Bangalore. You have invited a visiting &ussian Ballet
-roupe to give a performance in your school on the occasion of its /olden
Juilee celerations. Write a notice in aout 01 words$ informing the
students aout this event. sign yourself as &ohit*&a,hi.
2. You are the !ports !ecretary of your school. write a notice in not more
than 01 words for the school Notice Board$ as,ing the students interested
in %ric,et to give their names for selection for your school %ric,et team.
3 4ligiility555students aove 62 years7
0. !uppose yourself to e )mit*)mrita$ 8ead Boy*8ead /irl of your school
3 9enith 'ulic !chool7.Write a notice for your school Notice Board calling
for the entries from desirous students for Britannia :ui; %ontest5
'reliminary round to e held at your school.
<. -he !tudents %ouncil of your school has organi;ed an 4=cursion to /oa*
)#anta and 4llora for the students of classes >? and >?? during Winter
Brea,. )s 'resident of the council$ write a notice in not more than 01
words telling the students aout this e=cursion and inviting their names for
#oining it.
7. You are )vdesh* )vanti,a !ecretary$ !cience Forum$ "odern !chool
)llahaad. Write a notice for the school notice oard inviting the students
to attend a lecture to e delivered y an eminent scientist. ?nvent all other
8. You have planned a si= wee, course to help the children of your 8ousing
!ociety comple= in developing their communication s,ills. 'repare a
notice for the !ocietys Notice Board stating the o#ectives of the course
and give all necessary details as,ing the people to #oin the course. Do not
forget to mention the eligiility$ timing$ venue and the fees. You are
Yashwant &ai$ an effective communicator and a memer of the society.
9. Write a notice for the school Notice Board inviting volunteers for one day
Blood Donation %amp to e organi;ed in your school. You are B. +al$
8ead Boy$ )pe= 'ulic !chool$ Bhopal.
61. You are the !ecretary of your !chool +iterary association. Write a notice
in not more than 01 words$ giving details of the inauguration of the +iterary
)ssociation )ctivities in your school. You will sign yourself as &a#at*
@idisha of :ueen @ictoria !enior !econdary !chool$ Nagpur.
66. You are @ipin Dogra *@ihuti !harma$ -he !tudent 4ditor of the maga;ine
of /andhi "emorial !enior secondary school. Draft a suitale notice for
your school Notice Board inviting articles$ poems$ etc. for the forthcoming
edition of the maga;ine.

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