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We gather today as Gods beloved children to worship our Heavenly Father.

We praise his
holy name, we listen eagerly for his words of comfort, hope, and challenge to us, and we
offer ourselves to him in dedicated service. May you be blessed as you worship here today.
St. Paul Lutheran Church is a congrega-
tion of The Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (E.L.C.A.). It is referred to as
Borchers since Rev. Henry Borchers, who
served our congregation from 1857-1881,
advised and influenced a small group of
pioneer settlers that wanted to establish a
congregation in the area. This year we
celebrate 162 years of life and ministry in this
beautiful country setting in Southern Indiana.
We look forward to many more years of
growth and change as we seek continually to
be faithful to Gods call to mission.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion is
offered at the 8:00 a.m. services on the 2
and 4
Sundays and at the 10:15 a.m. ser-
vice on the 1
and the 3
Sundays of the
month. Christians who believe in the true
presence of Christ in the bread and wine for
our forgiveness and salvation are invited to
receive Holy Communion.

Sunday School classes are held each Sun-
day for all ages at 9:10 a.m. Visitors are
welcome to attend.
Leading and Assisting in Worship
Leaders: Pastor Stephen Wood
Organist: Olga Otte
Deacons: Mark Hoffmeier; Larry Guinn
Greeters: Bob & Dena Schafstall (8:00)
Milton & Laberta Otte (10:15)
Communion Assistant: Leah Otte (8:00)
Altar Care: Lou Ann Hoevener
Lectors: Lois Bryden (8:00)
Laberta Otte (10:15)
Acolytes: Kori Otte (8:00)
Sarah Davis(10:15)
Projectors: Jamie Baker (8:00)
John Pierceall (10:15)
Flowers: Susie Schnitker
Welcome Center: Tammi Reinbold (8:00)
Laberta Otte (10:15)

July 13, 2014
St. Paul Lutheran Church
10792 North 210 East,
Seymour, IN 47274
Office 522-7364
Annex & Fax 522-7484
Parsonage 522-7421
Web Site:
Office hours: Tuesday - Friday
The Reverend Stephen WoodPastor
Carolyn Jones...............Director of Youth & Family
Ministries and Borchers Preschool Director
Michelle Wood.....Secretary
Trish Tangman..Care Team Director
Tyler Claycamp...Intern Youth & Family Director
Amy Pierceall and
Mandy OtteCustodians
Jamie Baker. Director of Technology
head phones available for those in need of
assistance with hearing. They are located on
the table at the entrance of the sanctuary.

are a handful of large print bulletins availa-
ble. They are located on the table at the en-
trance of the sanctuary.

PASTOR STEVE is on vacation through July
20. Please contact Trish with emergencies and

BEGINNING JULY 21, Michelle will be in the
office on Monday and Wednesday from 8:30 a.m.
2:30 p.m. (with a half-hour lunch around noon)
and Friday from 8:30 a.m.12:30 p.m.

WELCOME information needs to be given to
Michelle by noon on Wednesday each week.

newsletter will be July 20.

QUARTERLY MEETING will be held today at
9:15 a.m.
hired two new preschool teachers : Jennifer Dun-
can comes to us from Brownstown and has close
to 15 years of preschool teaching experience.
Shannon (Meyer) Garrison is also going to be
one of the teachers for the upcoming year.
Looking forward to a great year!

awards a $3,000 scholarship to students who
have (1) been confirmed at St. Pauls,
(2) continued active membership here and
(3) completed one year of education beyond high
school. Students interested in being considered
for the scholarship should submit a letter to the
Foundation and a transcript of their grades by
Sunday, July 20. Applications may be placed
in the Gerkensmeyer Foundation mailbox in the
church office.

much for your prayers and good wishes with
cards, visits and phone calls while I was under-
going heart surgery and during my recovery. A
special thanks to Trish and the Borchers Break-
fast Club for the gift basket which lifted my spirits
daily while still in the hospital. Thank you Pastor
Steve for being there for me at the most critical
moments. I am truly blessed to have you all as a
loving support group.
Peace, Campbell Mansfield

DAYCAMP PHOTOS Photos on display in the
Narthex may now be taken home. If you see a
friends photo that does not attend church,
please take and deliver the photo to them.

DAYCAMP CD If you purchased a Daycamp
Picture CD, you make pick up your copy in the
church office.

This week: July 13thJuly 19th

Today- 8:00 am Worship
9:10 am Sunday School
9:15 am Quarterly Meeting
10:15 am Worship
7:00 pm Prayer
Monday 14th Pastor Steve on vacation thru July 20
7:00 pm Church Council
Thursday 17th 9:00 am Breakfast Club

Next week: July 20thJuly 26th
Sunday 20th 8:00 am Worship
9:10 am Sunday School
10:15 am Worship
Wednesday 23rd 1:30 pm Clothing Center
Thursday 24th 9:00 am Breakfast Club

TOWNSHIP Leah Otte is collecting military
photos of veterans and active duty service
members for the Jackson County Fair. If you
would like to submit a photo, please contact
Leah Otte 528-3764.

meeting for Stephen Ministers is Monday, July
@ 6:30 pm. Chapter 3 of the book, The
Wounded Healer, will be discussed.

THE FOOD PANTRY item being collected in
July is oatmeal/grits. Please place your dona-
tions in the wooden box in the hallway near the
kitchen, or in the basket near the main entry

SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL is at 9:15 in the
Fellowship Room for ages 3-5
grade. Jr High
and High School youth will take a break for the
summer but are invited to help with the sum-
mer Sunday School.

er for about a half hour and spend the time
lifting up a variety of requests and whatever
else is on peoples minds. The next meeting
will take place on Wednesday, July 30th . Any
questions, please talk with Pastor Steve.

BORCHERS PRESCHOOL is now accepting
enrollment for the 2014-2015 school year.
Your child must be age 4 by August 1
, 2014
to be in the 4/5 yr. old class; to be in the 3/4 yr.
old class the have to be age 3 by August 1
2014 and for the 2/3 yr. old class they have to
be 2 by August 1
, 2014. Enrollment forms are
at the Welcome Center or call the church office
at 522-7364 for more information or an enroll-
ment form.
KIDS HANDBELLS sign-up sheet is on the
Welcome Center. Any youth grade 3 and up
is welcome. Any questions, talk to Carolyn.

MISSING SWEATER Jo McGrew is miss-
ing a blue cardigan zip-up sweater with a
hood. If you know anything about it, please
speak with her.

Annual Golf Scramble August 16
Scoop of Faith August 17

Walking in Faith Sowing Christs Love

The mission of St. Paul Lutheran Church is derived from our core values - the essence of
our purpose for existence and the criteria we should use to guide our congregational
decisions and actions.

Our Core Values:
1. Spirituality to worship and to grow and
develop spiritually as Christians.
2. Outreach To spread the message of Gods love and
grace by word and by action.
3. Service to Others To live Christs message
to Love one another.

You can support the mission of our church by coming to worship, engaging in study, shar-
ing the word, bringing a friend to church, taking part in Care Team initiatives, volunteering
at church or in the community and loving one another.
We invite you to join us in this journey.
Our Response to Gods Love
We Worshipped: July 6th 8:00 am service 86 10:15 am service 49

Total Offerings for July 6th: $13,252.00
Spending Plan Giving $ 7707.00 New Church Loan Payment $2885.00
Other Giving $ 2660.00

{The weekly amount needed to cover expenses in the 2014 Spending Plan is $5,853.00}
*This amount does not include the $5,900.00 monthly mortgage payment
Those assisting with worship July 20
Communion Assistant: Dan Davis (10:15)
Altar Care: Nina Franke (10:15)
Acolytes: Eliana Baker (8:00)
Ariel Douglass(10:15)
Projectors: Doris Rorick (8:00)
Hannah Wood (10:15)
Flowers: Susie Schnitker
Welcome Center: Tammi Reinbold (8:00)
Laberta Ote (10:15)

Readings for July 20

Ruth 2:1-23
Psalm 73:23-28
Luke 6:36-38

Jodi Brown (8:00)
Marc Fountain (10:15)


July 13,

Memory Verse: Ruth 1:16
But Ruth said, Do not press me to leave you or to turn back from following you! Where you go, I will
go; where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people and your God my God.

Nineteenth Sunday of Easter
Jesus' summary of the law in today's gospel echoes our first reading
from Leviticus. We are called not only to love God with heart, soul,
and mind, but also to love our neighbor as ourselves. It is out of
such deep care that Paul shares the gospel with the Thessalonian
community. In the confession of sins, we acknowledge that we have
not loved God, neighbor, and self; yet we gather to hear the word of
forgiveness and to be strengthened by word and meal to be signs of
God's love and mercy in the world.

Readings for the Day:
Leviticus 19:12, 1518- The holiness code in Leviticus urges
people to be holy because God is holy. Holiness is lived out in
partiality for and consideration of the poor and the weak. We are to
love our neighbors as ourselves. God's people exercise justice and
love in their dealings with one another.

1 Thessalonians 2:18- Paul uses maternal imagery to depict the
caring and nurturing relationship he shares with the Thessalonian
Christians. When he first came to their city it was not to benefit
himself but to share the gospel with them, which was his
responsibility as an apostle of Christ.

Matthew 22:3446- Put on the spot by the Pharisees, Jesus
displays wisdom by summarizing the law of God in just two
commandments and by demonstrating the Messiah must be more
than the son of David.

From Sunday & Seasons, copyright 2008 Augsburg Fortress
Going Deeper
The purpose of this page is to provide a tool or instrument for your spiritual growth. This page
contains a brief synopsis of the readings as well as some questions for your reflection to help you go
deeper with the Word. On the back is a day by day listing of scripture readings with possible prayer
request. Individuals are listed on their day of birthso that you might pray for them on their birthday.
Also on the back is the prayer list for the congregation. Keep on Growing Spiritually!!

Readings for the Day:

Ruth 1:1-22: In this reading, Ruth, a Moabite woman, goes
above and beyond the call of duty to accompany Naomi, her
Israelite mother-in-law, to new life back in Israel. In loving and
tender words, Ruth pledges to stay with Naomi and to adopt
Naomis land and God as her own.

Matthew 5:3-9: Jesus opens the Sermon on Mount by naming
those who are blessed in the reign of God.

From Sunday & Seasons, copyright 2014 Augsburg Fortress

Questions To Ponder:
1What do you think the main point of the book of Ruth is?
2What is significant about the fact that Naomi & Elimelech
were from Bethlehem?
3Why would Naomi want her daughter-in-laws to return to
their mothers house?
4What is significant about the fact that Ruth is a Moabite?
5How does this text speak to you today?

July 13,

Memory Verse: Ruth 1:16
But Ruth said, Do not press me to leave you or to turn back from following you! Where you go, I will
go; where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people and your God my God.

Going Deeper
The purpose of this page is to provide a tool or instrument for your spiritual growth. This page
contains a brief synopsis of the readings as well as some questions for your reflection to help you go
deeper with the Word. On the back is a day by day listing of scripture readings with possible prayer
request. Individuals are listed on their day of birthso that you might pray for them on their birthday.
Also on the back is the prayer list for the congregation. Keep on Growing Spiritually!!

Readings for the Day:

Ruth 1:1-22: In this reading, Ruth, a Moabite woman, goes
above and beyond the call of duty to accompany Naomi, her
Israelite mother-in-law, to new life back in Israel. In loving and
tender words, Ruth pledges to stay with Naomi and to adopt
Naomis land and God as her own.

Matthew 5:3-9: Jesus opens the Sermon on Mount by naming
those who are blessed in the reign of God.

From Sunday & Seasons, copyright 2014 Augsburg Fortress

Questions To Ponder:
1What do you think the main point of the book of Ruth is?
2What is significant about the fact that Naomi & Elimelech
were from Bethlehem?
3Why would Naomi want her daughter-in-laws to return to
their mothers house?
4What is significant about the fact that Ruth is a Moabite?
5How does this text speak to you today?

Going Deeper in Prayer

Sunday 7/13
Deuteronomy 22:1-30
Hebrews 12:1-29
Jeff Lewis
World peace

Monday 7/14
Deuteronomy 23:1-25
Hebrews 13:1-25
Ronni Rotert
Military personnel who are deployed

Tuesday 7/15
Deuteronomy 24:1-22
James 1:1-27
Nathan Otte, Rachel Hoevener

Wednesday 7/16
Deuteronomy 25:1-19
James 2:1-26
Julia Rust

Thursday 7/17
Deuteronomy 26:1-19
James 3:1-18
Christians in Chile

Friday 7/18
Deuteronomy 27:1-26
James 4:1-17
social workers

Saturday 7/19
Deuteronomy 28:1-68
James 5:1-20
Lyra Claycamp, Mary Eglen, Huntley
Homeless shelters

Prayer List
Prayer for Homebound Individuals: Phyllis Neidinger; Betty Hoene, Eunice Lutes, Evelyn Otte; Geneva
Hoene; Orville Schnitker

Prayer for Long Term Care Issues: Helen Carter; Andy Runge, Peggy Meahl (Sarah Roterts sister-in-
law); Pastor Ed and Joan Winter; Walter Von Fange (Bertha Ottes brother in-law), Bill Lucas

Recent Hospitalizations: Floyd Meahl

Other Prayer Request: Carolyn Hughes (cancer-sister of Jo McGrew); Jim Schoemaker (cancer-friend
of Dena Schafstall); Linda Witkemper (cancerfriend of Benny Kleffman); Nancy Greathouse (cancer
friend of Kathy Kleffman); Virginia Knoke (broken neckJohn Knokes Mother); Vicky Ent (cancer
friend of Judy Wonning); Linda Nicholson (friend of Jenny Engelau); Matt; Ava Lewis
(Nephroblastomatosis2 yr. old friend of Charlena Warfield); James Otte; Joe and Carolyn Ross
(illnessBeth Claycamps parents);Rex Sipes (cancerfriend of Dennis and Vickey Otte); Renee Holly
(Allen Morrisons aunt); Tom Elkins; Karen Vaughn (neighbor of Merrell Otte); Mandy Wessel (cancer-
friend of Carolyn Jones); Jeannie Isaacs (physical health-cousin of Karen Hoene); Dale Ann Hoyt
(cancer-friend of Bob & Dena Schafstall); Herschel Kleffman; Kristie Wessel (Tracey Engelaus sister);
Tom Harris (cancer-friend of Leah Otte); Claudine Rowe (cancer- friend of Bill & Marlis Kidd); Emily
Hume; Amy Siefker (niece of Karen Hoene); Frances Lamberson (Terri DeVoes Mother); Shirley Darlage
Duncan (cancer-friend of Dena Schafstall)

Prayers for those in Military Service: DJ Snyder (Cathy Wentes nephew); Steven Rieker (Jerry &
Pixie Ottes Grandson); Chad Brigdon, Evan Marshall, Tyler Kruse

Going Deeper in Prayer

Sunday 7/13
Deuteronomy 22:1-30
Hebrews 12:1-29
Jeff Lewis
World peace

Monday 7/14
Deuteronomy 23:1-25
Hebrews 13:1-25
Ronni Rotert
Military personnel who are deployed

Tuesday 7/15
Deuteronomy 24:1-22
James 1:1-27
Nathan Otte, Rachel Hoevener

Wednesday 7/16
Deuteronomy 25:1-19
James 2:1-26
Julia Rust

Thursday 7/17
Deuteronomy 26:1-19
James 3:1-18
Christians in Chile

Friday 7/18
Deuteronomy 27:1-26
James 4:1-17
social workers

Saturday 7/19
Deuteronomy 28:1-68
James 5:1-20
Lyra Claycamp, Mary Eglen, Huntley
Homeless shelters

Prayer List
Prayer for Homebound Individuals: Phyllis Neidinger; Betty Hoene, Eunice Lutes, Evelyn Otte; Geneva
Hoene; Orville Schnitker

Prayer for Long Term Care Issues: Helen Carter; Andy Runge, Peggy Meahl (Sarah Roterts sister-in-
law); Pastor Ed and Joan Winter; Walter Von Fange (Bertha Ottes brother in-law), Bill Lucas

Recent Hospitalizations: Floyd Meahl

Other Prayer Request: Carolyn Hughes (cancer-sister of Jo McGrew); Jim Schoemaker (cancer-friend
of Dena Schafstall); Linda Witkemper (cancerfriend of Benny Kleffman); Nancy Greathouse (cancer
friend of Kathy Kleffman); Virginia Knoke (broken neckJohn Knokes Mother); Vicky Ent (cancer
friend of Judy Wonning); Linda Nicholson (friend of Jenny Engelau); Matt; Ava Lewis
(Nephroblastomatosis2 yr. old friend of Charlena Warfield); James Otte; Joe and Carolyn Ross
(illnessBeth Claycamps parents);Rex Sipes (cancerfriend of Dennis and Vickey Otte); Renee Holly
(Allen Morrisons aunt); Tom Elkins; Karen Vaughn (neighbor of Merrell Otte); Mandy Wessel (cancer-
friend of Carolyn Jones); Jeannie Isaacs (physical health-cousin of Karen Hoene); Dale Ann Hoyt
(cancer-friend of Bob & Dena Schafstall); Herschel Kleffman; Kristie Wessel (Tracey Engelaus sister);
Tom Harris (cancer-friend of Leah Otte); Claudine Rowe (cancer- friend of Bill & Marlis Kidd); Emily
Hume; Amy Siefker (niece of Karen Hoene); Frances Lamberson (Terri DeVoes Mother); Shirley Darlage
Duncan (cancer-friend of Dena Schafstall)

Prayers for those in Military Service: DJ Snyder (Cathy Wentes nephew); Steven Rieker (Jerry &
Pixie Ottes Grandson); Chad Brigdon, Evan Marshall, Tyler Kruse

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