Gordon-Conwell: "Contact" Magazine 2014 Article - News

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Gordon-Conwell Professors
Make PreaHingToday.com`s Top Ten"
hree Gordon-Conwell faculty were named on
PreachingToday.com`s Top Ten of zc1!" lists. On
the Top Ten Sermons from zc1!" list was What to Do
When Your lig Tree Doesn`t Blossom" by Dr. Jenrey
Arthurs, Professor of Preaching and Communication
and Chair of the Division of Practical Teology.
Te list also included Te World`s Best Love Story" by
Dr. Haddon Robinson, Senior Director of the Doctor of

Ministry Program.
Dr. Arthurs` article,
Te Big ldea Let`s
Get Back to the Text,"
appeared on the Top
Ten Skills Articles from zc1!" list along with Te Big
ldea lxegete Your Culture and the Text" by Dr. Mauhew
Kim, Assistant Professor of Preaching and Ministry.
Four Alumni Receive Book Awards
from !"#$%&$'($&) +,-')
!"#$%#&'#%( *+,&(`s annual Book Awards highlight the books most
likely to shape evangelical life, thought and culture. Tis year,
books wriuen by four Gordon-Conwell alumni received awards.
Dr. Scou Sunquist`s -',."$%&',#'/ 0!"#$%#&' 1#$$#+'2 3&"%#4#5&%#+'
in Svering onJ G|ory received the Missions/Global Anairs Award.
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Aericon Cvrd' by Dr. Paul Borthwick received the award of merit
in the same category.
Dr. Stephen Um received the Christianity and Culture Award of Merit
for a book that he co-authored with Justin Buzzard, Vy Ciies Mouer:
To GoJ, e Cv|vre, onJ e Cvrd. Kevin DeYoung`s Cro:y Bvsy: A
>1."4#<?88(@ A!+"% B++C D9+?% & >;.&88(@ B#/ 3"+98.E received the award
of merit for the Christian Living category.
Seminary Professor, Alumni Receive Golden Halo Awards
&E. #' %!. 3&5."$, a novel by Dr. William Spencer,
Ranked Adjunct Professor of Teology and the Arts,
has received the zc1! Golden Halo Award for Outstanding
Contribution to Literature from the Southern California
Motion Picture Council.
Jeanne Delazio (MAR `c1) and John Lathrop (MAUM
`c!) recently co-edited the book, 0".&%#F. 6&($ %+ B?#8,
0!"#$%#&' 0+EE?'#%( (Wipf & Stock, zc1!), which re-
ceived the Golden Halo Award for Literary lxcellence in
December zc1!. Te book, which had many contribu-
tors, seeks to provide personal and practical responses
on how to implement community within churches and

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