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She sells sea shells by the sea shore. How fast can you say it without making a mistake?

Your students can listen to tongue twisters and then record themselves saying them here on
LearnEnglish Kids:!twisters
Note you can download all the tongue twisters from LearnEnglish kids here on
"sing tongue twisters in class is a fun and challenging way of providing pronunciation
practice. #ongue twisters don$t always make sense ut your students will en%oy trying to
say them and learning aout this &uirky part of traditional English!speaking culture. Here
are some ideas for using tongue twisters on LearnEnglish Kids with your learners.
Listen and speak
You could focus on listening and speaking efore looking at the written form. 'lay or say
the tongue twister then tell your students that they are going to repeat the sentence it y it
after you. (tart y asking your students to repeat the last part of the sentence and uilding
up to the full tongue twister like this:
#eacher: sea shore
(tudents: sea shore
#eacher: by the sea shore
(tudents: by the sea shore
#eacher: sea shells by the sea shore
(tudents: sea shells by the sea shore
#eacher: She sells sea shells by the sea shore
(tudents: She sells sea shells by the sea shore
Have your class repeat the whole tongue twister slowly and then more &uickly after the
version on LearnEnglish kids. )ind the aove chant here:!twisters/she!sells!...
*ow have students work in pairs to take turns repeating the tongue twister as fast as
possile without mistakes. #his isn$t easy of course and you could demonstrate this to the
class y trying to say it &uickly and correctly yourself. +et the students to count how many
consecutive error free versions you can say.
,hen they feel confident- your learners can record themselves saying the sentence y %ust
clicking on the red utton underneath the tongue twister. .o this as a whole class- in pairs
or individually depending on how many computers you have. Have them see how fast they
can say it without making mistakes/
Listen- write and speak
How aout getting your students to listen to a tongue twister and then put the words in the
correct order? You could display your chosen tongue twister on the oard with the words
written randomly inside a fluffy cloud shape. 0sk students to identify which letters are
repeated most fre&uently. 1an they tell you how the words containing these letters are
pronounced? You could e2plain any new words if students insist and you could also point
out that- as tongue twisters don$t really make sense- they don$t need to understand every
You can also create- and display on the 3,4- a word cloud made from your chosen tongue
twister. +o to: then %ust type in the tongue twister and click on
5create5. You can then manipulate the font- layout- colour and si6e as you like. #he e2ample
elow is ! If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which
watch? 7 which you can find here:!

.rill and practise the sentence with the class as aove and when the students are ready have
them record themselves y clicking on the red utton underneath the tongue twister.
.isappearing tongue twister
1hoose a tongue twister. You could show the list to your class
8!twisters9 and have a student select one.
Listen to the tongue twister and practise it as a class then write up the sentence on the
board, for examle!
" tricky frisky snake with sixty suer scaly stries.!twisters/tricky!fri... 9
*ow ru out a couple of words and replace them with lines- for e2ample:
" tricky frisky ::::::with sixty suer scaly :::::::.
0sk the class to say the complete tongue twister- then remove another word- for e2ample:
" tricky frisky ::::::with ::::::suer scaly :::::::.
1ontinue like this until there are no words left/ Your learners can now practise repeating the
tongue twister as &uickly as possile. #hey can take turns doing this in pairs efore they
record themselves y clicking on the red utton underneath the tongue twister.
;ake your own tongue twister
#his is an idea that adapted from 5Young learners5 y (arah 'hilips.
.ecide which sounds you want to practice with the class and chose a tongue twister using
these sounds.
"se ! " big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose.
8!twisters/ig!lack!ug 9 to
practise the // sound.
"se ! If you want to buy, buy, if you don#t want to buy, bye bye/
8<=>?9 to practice the vowel
sound in uy and ye.
'ractise the chosen tongue twister using one of the suggestions aove then write up the
sentence on the oard and underline one e2ample of the sound you want to focus on- e.g. If
you want to buy, buy, if you don#t want to buy, bye bye$ Have the students identify other
e2amples of the sound in the tongue twister and underline them ! If you want to buy, buy, if
you don#t want to buy, bye bye$ Elicit 8or feed in9 more e2amples of word with the same
sound 7 high- sky- pie- lie- try 7 and make a list on the oard. *ow work as a class to
sustitute some of the original words with some from your list- e.g. If you want to buy, buy
ie, if you don#t want to buy, bye bye lie lie$ @ememer it doesn$t have to make sense as it$s
a tongue twister/ (tudents work in pairs to create different versions using the e2ample on
the oard as a model. Have the pairs read out their new tongue twisters for the class to
.o you need help deciding which English sounds your students need to practise? You can
find a simple guide to common pronunciation prolems for speakers of different languages
You might want to use the phonemic chart in class to model sounds for your learners or %ust
use it to check your own pronunciation. #here$s an interactive phonemic chart here:!help!pronunciation.htm
You and your students can check the spelling and listen to the pronunciation of words here: #ype in the word- then click on the definition to hear the
word and see how the sounds are represented in phonemic script.
You might want to remind your students that part of the fun of tongue twisters is getting
them wrong so it doesn$t matter if you make lots of mistakes. Cust have fun/
Sally Trowbridge
%hen you ha&e used some of these ideas, why not come back to this age and lea&e a
comment below to tell us how your class went. %e'd lo&e to know if you ha&e any
additional ideas$

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