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Slavery and Secession

1. African slaves were first brought to the Americas by Europeans over a trade route
known as ______________________ ________________.
2. The slaves journey from Africa to the Americas was known as
__________________ ___________________.
3. Slaves were first introduced into what today is the United States at
___________________ in _______.
4. Slavery might have died out in the US if it was not for the invention of
_____________ ____________ cotton gin.
5. Due to its extensive planting that required much physical labor, slaves transformed
southern plantations into the ____________ ________________.
6. In 1820, the United States Senate attempted to solve the controversy over slavery
in the territories by passing the _____________ _________________.
7. According to the Compromise _________________ was allowed into the union as
a _______ state. Maine was brought in as a _________ state and a _____ - ___
line was drawn dividing free and slave territories.
8. To control the behavior of slaves, southern states passed _____________
9. Slaves were considered ___________________________________________.
Slaves had no __________________________________________________.
Slaves could not receive any formal ___________________.
10. In the 1830s an ________________ ____________ spread throughout the North
demanding the immediate ________________ of slavery.
11. The leading Black Abolitionist of the day was _________________
____________, himself a runaway slave.
13. A spirit of ________________ _______________________ spread
throughout the nation during the ____________.
14. Manifest Destiny means it is _________________________________________.
15. Although the country expanded greatly during the 1840s the issue of
__________ would divide the ______________________________
16. Some Southerners blamed ___________ _______________ for inciting slaves
which led to, __________ ____________ Rebellion in which ______ whites
were killed by their slaves.

17. Southerners defended slavery as their __________________ ________________

and called northern workers ________ __________.
18. Only ________ of all southerners owned slaves as the average cost of a slave was
19. Ninety-five percent of all ______________ in America lived in the ________
in ________________.
20. To assist slaves escape the South ________________ ____________ and others
created a series of safe houses known as the ______________ ______________.
21. In 1850, _________________ requested admission to the _____________. The
____________________ of _________ allowed California in as a ______ state, but
also included a _____________ ___________ _______ that forced Northern
officials to help return runaway slaves.
22. In 1852, ______________ ___________ ________ published _______________
___________ ____________ which inflamed passions in both the North and South
over slavery.
23. In 1854, the ________________ - _____________ Act was passed allowing the
people of those territories to vote on the issue of slavery. This was called
____________________ _______________________.
24. Pro-slavery and abolitionists clashed in Kansas which came to be known as
______________ ____________ when abolitionist, __________ _________
killed 5 pro-slavery men at the _____________________________ Massacre.
25. In 1857, the Supreme Court ruled in the ________ _________ case that
slavery for all intents and purposes was ___________ anywhere in the United States.
26. In 1859, John Brown led a raid at ______________ __________, Virginia. He
was attempting to lead the slaves into ____________________.
27. Brown was captured and executed. In the North he was viewed as a
____________. In the South he was seen as a ___________________.
28. In the Election of 1860, _____________ ________________ was elected
President. Although not an __________________ , Lincoln and his newly formed
_________________ Party came out against _______________ of slavery into the
29. As a result of Lincolns election, __________ ______________ seceded from the
Union. Eventually _________ southern states also seceded and formed the
___________________________ _____________ of _____________________.
30. The CSA President was _______________ _________________ . Their capital
was located at ________________ ____________________.

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