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A screenplay by Joseph Long

Jolly music plays, the kind of music that plays people to dance to at a ball.
INT. A ballroom- lit up by chandeliers. !erything is in black and "hite other than a fire in a fireplace.
There is a group of balloons#also in black and "hite$ "ho are follo"ing the rhythmic mo!ements of the
only colored balloon in the room. This balloon is red, and is by himself in comparison to the other
balloons "ho are all together, yet they are in an orderly fashion. All of the balloons follo" the happy
mo!ements of the red balloon. This goes on for a couple of minutes. The same mo!ements of the
ancebecome repeated and repeated.
The red balloons mo!ement e!entually slo" do"n, and e!entually stops. It turns as if its "atching the
other balloons. The other balloons continue to follo" the same mo!ements of the pattern "ithout the
red balloon.
The red balloon e!entually turns around as if looking around himself, turns to"ards the fire place, then
back to"ards the balloons and once more back to"ards the fire place. The shot then mo!es tosho"ing
only the red balloon and the fire place. The music here becomes more melancholy, as the red balloon
mo!es in slo"lyto the beat to"ards the fire place.
%hots then s"itch back and forth bet"een the other balloons dancing to"ards happy music, and the red
balloon mo!ing to"ards the fire to a sadder music.
!entually the red balloon goes into the fire and pops. All music stops, the other balloons ha!e no"
stopped mo!ing and turn to"ards the fire place. The camera stays on them for &' seconds as they float
(inally, the )olly music proceeds as they continue to dance in the same pattern only this time they mo!e
into a line to"ards the fire. No" there is a close up on the fire as the balloons one by one go into it and
pop to the same music and pattern of the dance before.
*nce all the balloons ha!e popped, the music continues and it +ooms out to"ards the ballroom, nothing
left. It fades to black
The end

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