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Whoknowsit @
Table of Contents
The Basics..................................................................................................................................................9
Time Sensitive Information...................................................................................................................9
Things to Know and do Before you get Started....................................................................................9
Auction House Alts ..........................................................................................................................9
Bag Space ......................................................................................................................................1
!odule 1" 11 Addons #ou $an%t &ive 'ithout........................................................................................1
Addons ...........................................................................................................................................1
TradeS)ill!aster *TS!+............................................................................................................11
KevTool ,ueue *KT,+ and -nome'or)s................................................................................1.
5ishing Buddy............................................................................................................................16
7ut of 8ate Addons........................................................................................................................16
7ther 9esources..............................................................................................................................16
'hat to 8o :ow;................................................................................................................................1<
!odule =" The Auction House !ade >asy..............................................................................................1<
$ommon !ista)es ? !isconceptions................................................................................................1@
Know the :um/ers A Auction House $uts.....................................................................................1@
Being Impatient .............................................................................................................................1@
Thin)ing I $an Share :um/ers 'ith #ou That 'ill !a)e #ou 9ich ...........................................19
Thin)ing #ou Always :eed to 0ndercut .......................................................................................19
!y 9ealm%s >conomy Is Screwed 0pB I $an%t !a)e -old In It ....................................................19
I 8on%t Have >nough Time to !a)e -oldB I%m a $asual (layer.....................................................19
(rices Always -o 8own Because (eople Keep 0ndercutting >ach 7ther ...................................=
-etting Started ....................................................................................................................................=
Trac)ing (rices ..............................................................................................................................=1
Setting 0p and 0sing !ar)et 'atcher...........................................................................................=1
0sing the Trade $hannel................................................................................................................=C
'ealth in -old A:8 Items.............................................................................................................=C
'hen to 0ndercut...........................................................................................................................=C
0sing Addons ................................................................................................................................=.
Tips for 0sing Auctionator..................................................................................................................=.
Buy Buy Buy..................................................................................................................................=.
Sell Sell Sell ...................................................................................................................................=4
The Shopping &ist .........................................................................................................................=4
'atching #our >Disting Auctions ..................................................................................................=<
AdEusting #our 0ndercut ...............................................................................................................=<
Stac) SiFes......................................................................................................................................=@
Splitting and $om/ining Items ......................................................................................................=9
$losing Spreads .............................................................................................................................=9
5indingB Buying and 9eselling Hot Items ..........................................................................................C
>Dpensive Trade -oods..................................................................................................................C
9aid Bind on >Guips.......................................................................................................................C1
&evel .B 4@ and 6@ -reens............................................................................................................C1
9are (ets ........................................................................................................................................C=
How to 5ind your 7wn :iche to Sell..................................................................................................C.
!iscellaneous Strategies.....................................................................................................................C.
Artificially Inflating (rices ............................................................................................................C.
(reA(atch Buyouts .........................................................................................................................C.
(atch $hanges.................................................................................................................................C4
!odule C" -et (aid to -ather..................................................................................................................C4
-athering Addons................................................................................................................................C4
How to !a)e -old with !ining.........................................................................................................C6
5arming 7re....................................................................................................................................C6
5arming Trillium 7re......................................................................................................................C<
5arming (yrite 7re.........................................................................................................................C<
(yrite in Twilight Highlands......................................................................................................C@
5arming >lementium 7re...............................................................................................................C9
>lementium 7re in Twilight Highlands.....................................................................................C9
>lementium 7re in 8eepholm....................................................................................................
5arming 7/sidium 7re....................................................................................................................1
7/sidium 7re in !ount HyEal....................................................................................................1
5arming Thorium 7re .....................................................................................................................=
Thorium in Silithus ....................................................................................................................=
Thorium in Blasted &ands...........................................................................................................C
5arming $o/alt 7re..........................................................................................................................
$o/alt in Iul%8ra) .......................................................................................................................
$o/alt in Howling 5Eord ............................................................................................................4
5arming !ithril 7re .......................................................................................................................6
!ithril in 5elwood......................................................................................................................6
!ithril in Badlands.....................................................................................................................<
5arming Saronite 7re .....................................................................................................................@
Saronite in Icecrown ..................................................................................................................@
Saronite in SholaFar....................................................................................................................9
5arming Adamantite 7re ...............................................................................................................4
5arming 5el Iron 7re .....................................................................................................................41
5arming Iron 7re in 5eralas...........................................................................................................4=
5arming Tin 7re in Hills/rad 5oothills..........................................................................................4C
5arming $opper 7re in Any Starting Ione....................................................................................4.
$onverting 7re into Bars...........................................................................................................44
How to !a)e -old with S)inning .....................................................................................................44
>Dotic &eather.................................................................................................................................4<
Savage &eather J Blac)ened 8ragonscale.......................................................................................4<
Savage &eather in 0ldum ..........................................................................................................4<
Savage &eatherJBlac)ened 8ragonscale in Twilight Highlands................................................4@
Savage &eatherJBlac)ened 8ragonscale in Kelp%Thar 5orestB HashE%ir......................................49
$o/ra Scales ..................................................................................................................................6
:eru/ian $hitin .............................................................................................................................61
5orgotten 8epths :($s A Icecrown ..........................................................................................61
Hath%ar S)immer A Iul%8ra) ......................................................................................................6=
:eru/%ar :($s A Borean Tundra................................................................................................6=
Icy 8ragonscale .............................................................................................................................6C
8ra)es A SholaFar Basin ............................................................................................................6C
Scale/anes A $rystalsong 5orest................................................................................................6.
9ugged &eather...............................................................................................................................64
$ats ? #eti A 'interspring ........................................................................................................64
7ther &ocations for 9ugged leather ..........................................................................................64
Kormungar Scale..............................................................................................................................64
Kormungars A The Storm (ea)s .................................................................................................66
Kormungars A 8ragon/light........................................................................................................6<
Borean &eather ...............................................................................................................................6@
S)inna/le !o/s A Iul%dra) ........................................................................................................6@
S)inna/le !o/s A SholaFar Basin .............................................................................................69
Knothide &eather ...........................................................................................................................<
!edium &eather .............................................................................................................................<1
Heavy &eather.................................................................................................................................<=
How to !a)e -old with Her/alism....................................................................................................<C
&evel 1A@4 Her/s............................................................................................................................<C
&evel @4A9 Her/s..........................................................................................................................<C
'hiptail *&evel @A@4+...................................................................................................................<.
Twilight Kasmine and $inder/loom *&evel @A@4+.........................................................................<4
-athering Icethorn and &ich/loom *lvl @+....................................................................................<6
The Storm (ea)s........................................................................................................................<6
5arming Adder%s TongueB -oldclover and Tiger &ily from SholaFar Basin...................................<<
SholaFar Basin...........................................................................................................................<<
5arming 5elweed ? -olden Sansam in Hellfire (eninsula *lvl 6L+ ............................................<@
Hellfire (eninsula ......................................................................................................................<@
Icecap and !ountain Silversage *&evel 4A6 her/s+....................................................................<9
-roms/loodB (urple &otus 8reamfoil and -olden Sansam *&evel .A4 her/s+...........................@
Kings/loodB &iferootB Khadgar%s 'his)ersB Sungrass *&evel =A. her/s+...................................@1
Briarthorn and !ageroyal *&evel 1A= her/s+..............................................................................@=
(eace/loomB Silverleaf and >arthroot *&evel 1A1 her/s+..............................................................@C
!odule ." $rafting #our 'ay to Thousands A 8ay.................................................................................@.
The System..........................................................................................................................................@.
8etermine 'hat Items To $raft......................................................................................................@.
&ilSpar)y%s 'or)shop................................................................................................................@4
Buying !aterials and $rafting.......................................................................................................@4
KevTool ,ueue *KT,+ and Altoholic........................................................................................@<
Buying !aterials........................................................................................................................@9
8istri/uting and 7rganiFing #our Items....................................................................................9
(ost Items $ompetitively................................................................................................................9
System 7verview............................................................................................................................9
Spirit of Harmony...........................................................................................................................91
(lus Kewelcrafting and >nchanting.................................................................................................91
Transmuting (rimal 8iamonds ? &iving Steel..............................................................................91
$onsuma/les J >nchants.................................................................................................................9.
Spiritguard *&evel @4 Tan)ing -ear+..............................................................................................94
!asterwor) Spriritguard *&evel 9 Tan)ing+.................................................................................94
!asterwor) &ightsteel *$aster (late+.............................................................................................96
$ontender%s *(v( Starter Set+..........................................................................................................96
>pic -ear *i&vl .<6 and i&vl .96 MA Blood Spirit -ear+...............................................................9<
How to !a)e -old with >nchanting ..................................................................................................9@
8isenchanting ................................................................................................................................9@
Selling >nchanting........................................................................................................................1
>nchant $hest..........................................................................................................................11
>nchant Boots..........................................................................................................................11
>nchant Bracer.........................................................................................................................1=
>nchant -loves........................................................................................................................1C
>nchant $loa)..........................................................................................................................1.
>nchant 7ffAHand....................................................................................................................1.
'eapon >nchants.....................................................................................................................14
Shield >nchants........................................................................................................................16
How to !a)e -old with >ngineering...............................................................................................16
$rafting 9anged 'eaponsB ScopesB Trin)ets and -ears...............................................................16
$rafting !ounts............................................................................................................................1<
How to !a)e -old with Inscription..................................................................................................11
Scroll of 'isdom..........................................................................................................................11
7ff Hands......................................................................................................................................11
Inscriptions *>nchants+.................................................................................................................11
(ic)ing -lyphs Based on Average Auction (rice....................................................................111
(ic)ing -lyphs 7neA/yAone.....................................................................................................11=
!illing Her/s...........................................................................................................................11=
8ar)moon $ards of !ists ............................................................................................................11=
How to !a)e -old 'ith Kewelcrafting ............................................................................................11=
Spar)ling Shards...........................................................................................................................11C
(rimal 8iamonds..........................................................................................................................11C
Kewelry *:ec)s ? 9ings+..............................................................................................................11.
How to !a)e -old with &eatherwor)ing.........................................................................................114
Armor Kits *enchants+..................................................................................................................114
$ontender%s -ear *(v( gear+.........................................................................................................116
9aiding -ear.................................................................................................................................11<
How to !a)e -old 'ith Tailoring ...................................................................................................11@
!a)ing Imperial Sil)....................................................................................................................11@
$ontender%s -ear *(v(+.................................................................................................................119
9aiding -ear.................................................................................................................................1=
$rafting !iscellaneous Items.......................................................................................................1=
!odule 4" 5ishing and $oo)ing #our 'ay To (rosperity.....................................................................1==
How to !a)e -old with 5ishing ? $oo)ing....................................................................................1==
5ishing Buddy...............................................................................................................................1==
The Anglers...................................................................................................................................1==
'hat to 5arm.....................................................................................................................................1=C
Tiger -ourami...............................................................................................................................1=.
-iant !antis Shrimp....................................................................................................................1=4
>mperor Salmon...........................................................................................................................1=6
9ed/elly !andarin.......................................................................................................................1=6
Kewel 8anio..................................................................................................................................1=@
!ushan 9i/s.................................................................................................................................1=9
9aw Tiger Stea)............................................................................................................................1=9
9aw $rocolis) Belly.....................................................................................................................1C
9aw $ra/ !eat.............................................................................................................................1C
9aw Turtle !eat...........................................................................................................................1C1
!odule 6" 5arm and -row 9ich............................................................................................................1C=
5arming Spirit of Harmony in (andaria............................................................................................1C=
5arming $loth....................................................................................................................................1CC
5arming &inen $loth ...................................................................................................................1CC
5arming 'ool $loth ....................................................................................................................1C6
5arming Sil) $loth ......................................................................................................................1C9
5arming !ageweave $loth ..........................................................................................................1.
5arming 9unecloth ......................................................................................................................1.=
5arming :etherweave $loth ........................................................................................................1.C
5arming 5rostweave $loth ..........................................................................................................1.4
5arming >m/ersil) $loth.............................................................................................................1.6
5arming 'indwool $loth.............................................................................................................1.@
5arming !eat....................................................................................................................................141
!ushan 9i/s.................................................................................................................................141
9aw Tiger Stea)............................................................................................................................141
9aw $rocolis) Belly.....................................................................................................................14=
9aw $ra/ !eat.............................................................................................................................14=
9aw Turtle !eat...........................................................................................................................14C
5arming Holatiles...............................................................................................................................14.
Holatile 5ireJAirJ>arthJ&ife in !ount HyEal.................................................................................144
Holatile Air in 0ldum....................................................................................................................146
Holatile 5ireJAirJ'ater in Twilight Highlands.............................................................................14<
!odule <" ,uic) and >asy Instance 5arming........................................................................................14<
'ailing $averns *16A=+...................................................................................................................14@
Shadowfang Keep *1@A=1+.................................................................................................................149
The Stoc)ade *==A=4+ Alliance..........................................................................................................161
Scholomance *.A.C+........................................................................................................................16=
Iul%5arra) *.6A.9+.............................................................................................................................16.
Stratholme $rusader%s SGuare *.@A41+...............................................................................................164
Stratholme The -auntlet *.@A41+.......................................................................................................16@
Temple of Atal%Ha))ar *4=A44+ .........................................................................................................169
Hellfire 9amparts *49A6=+.................................................................................................................1<1
Strategy to !a)e -old..................................................................................................................1<=
0tgarde Keep *69A<=+........................................................................................................................1<C
Strategy to !a)e -old..................................................................................................................1<.
Hiolet Hold *<4A<<+...........................................................................................................................1<.
Strategy to !a)e -old..................................................................................................................1<4
!odule @" A -uide To !a)ing -old Before &evel 9..........................................................................1<4
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................1<4
Things that $an /e 8one 9egardless of &evel .................................................................................1<4
Auction House..............................................................................................................................1<4
&evels 1AC .......................................................................................................................................1<6
&inen $loth *&evel 1A=+............................................................................................................1<6
!ining $opper *&evel 1AC+ ......................................................................................................1<<
S)inning !edium &eather *&evels =4AC4+ ..................................................................................1<@
'ool $loth *&evel =AC4+ ............................................................................................................1<9
Briarthorn and !ageroyal *&evel =AC+.....................................................................................1@
&evels CA6 .....................................................................................................................................1@1
Sil) $loth *&evel CA.+...............................................................................................................1@1
Kings/loodB &iferootB Khadgar%s 'his)ers *&evel C6L+..............................................................1@=
Khadgar%s 'his)ers and Sungrass *&evel .1L+............................................................................1@C
!ageweave *&evel .A4+............................................................................................................1@.
5arming !ithril 7re *&evel .L+.................................................................................................1@6
!ithril in 5elwood...................................................................................................................1@6
!ithril in Badlands..................................................................................................................1@<
Heavy &eather *&evel .=L+ ..........................................................................................................1@<
9unecloth *4A6+.........................................................................................................................1@9
9ugged &eather *&evels 44L+.......................................................................................................19
7ther &ocations for 9ugged leather ........................................................................................191
Thorium 7re *&evel 44L+.............................................................................................................191
Thorium in Silithus .................................................................................................................191
Thorium in Blasted &ands........................................................................................................19=
&evels 6A<......................................................................................................................................19C
5arming 5elweed ? -olden Sansam in Hellfire (eninsula *lvl 6L+ ..........................................19C
!ining 5el Iron 7re *lvl 6L+ ......................................................................................................19.
!ining Adamantite 7re *lvl 6.L+ ................................................................................................19.
Knothide &eather *&evel 64L+ .....................................................................................................194
:etherweave $loth *&evel 6.L+ ..................................................................................................196
&evels <A<9 .....................................................................................................................................19@
!ining $o/alt 7re *&evel 6@L+....................................................................................................19@
Adder%s TongueB -oldclover and Tiger &ily *&evel <4L+.............................................................19@
5rostweave $loth *&evel <4L+ .....................................................................................................199
Borean &eather *&evel <4L+ ........................................................................................................=
&evels @A@.......................................................................................................................................=1
7/sidium *&evel @+.....................................................................................................................=1
>m/ersil) *&evel @=L+..................................................................................................................==
Heart/lossom and $inder/loom *&evel @=L+...............................................................................=C
>lementium 7re *&evel @=L+...................................................................................................=.
&evel @4A@9...................................................................................................................................=4
-host Iron &evel @4A@<.................................................................................................................=4
'indwool &evel @4L....................................................................................................................=4
!odule 9" !a)ing -old 5or 5un and (rofit..........................................................................................=6
9unning &ower &evel (layers through Instances..............................................................................=6
Begging for -old...............................................................................................................................=<
,uesting at &evel 9..........................................................................................................................=<
Scan (u/lic Test 9ealm for $hanges.................................................................................................=@
Browse (rofession 5orums for Ideas.................................................................................................=@
Keeping up with the Holidays...........................................................................................................=@
The Basics
Than) you for purchasing The Secret -old -uide. This guide is the most comprehensive -old -uide
ever made to date for 'orld of 'arcraft. #ou will see after going through the guide that I have left
nothing out. 'ithout further adieuN I present to you the Secret -old -uideB soon you%ll /e on your way
to ma)ing a lot of goldB enEoyO
Time Sensitive Information
Some information is very time sensitive. A great eDample is when BliFFard added Inscription to The
Burning $rusade and people who were prepared were a/le to ma)e tens of thousands of gold in a single
night. 'hile this guide will contain information to help you detect and prepare yourself for these
changesB if you don%t have the latest version or if you don%t have access to my regular -old TipsB you
might miss an opportunity.
The good news is that you should already have access to my HI( area where I post weekly gold tips.
To find these login at http"JJwww.haydenhaw)e.comJmem/ers. If you are not already receiving wee)ly
eAmailsB )eep up with these gold tips /y su/scri/ing to my gold tips newsletter at
http"JJwww.haydenhaw)e.comJmem/ersJnewsletter.php. By watching for wee)ly gold tips you will
)now what%s hot nowB stay in the )now a/out new addons and tric)s and have all sorts of new ideas to
ma)e gold.
Things to Know and do Before you get Started
I%ve compiled a list of things you should )nowB things you should getB and things you should do /efore
you get started ma)ing gold. I didn%t want anyone to start into the guide and not /e prepared to fully
optimiFe their gold ma)ing eDperience.
Auction House Alts
The first thing you should do is setup a character dedicated to storing your wealth. I call this character
my auction alt or /an) altB it does all the /uyingB selling and trading of items on the Auction House and
in trade chat. 'hen I log onto this character I have one goal in mindB to ma)e gold. The purpose of this
character is to /e a large storage unit for the items that you find while levelingB raiding and farming.
This will free your main character%s /ag spaceB remove your identity from your auctions and give you a
central location for trading.
!ail all unneeded trade goods and all your eDtra cash to your auction alt. Some people will go as far as
leveling their auction alt to get them a mountB or using a high level mage as their alt so that they can
port from city to city.
If you%re playing AllianceB you should create a Human and send them to Stormwind. If you%re HordeB
you should create either a Troll or an 7rc and send them to 7rgrimmar. #ou might find it necessary to
create more than 1 /an) alt as you eDpand the ways you ma)e gold. #ou mightB for instanceB have =
/an) alts to hold and sell glyphsB one to sell /lac)smithing itemsB one for &eatherwor)ing itemsB one
for KewelcraftingB etc. 7n each oneB you can pull in thousands of gold a day in profits and help you
finance a small empire in AFeroth.
&aterB you might even find it /eneficial to create an alt on each factionB Horde and AllianceB and then
put one in Booty Bay to help facilitate cross faction trading.
Bag Space
The neDt thing you want to do is load this character up with the largest /ags you can afford. In !ists of
(andariaB there are a lot of different /ags availa/le *clic) here to see them all+. HoweverB the
:etherweave Bags *1@ slots+ has /een a favorite for a very long time /ecause it%s eDtremely
ineDpensive to ma)e and availa/le on the auction house =. hours a day.
To increase your storage capacity you can also start a guild for the sole purpose of using it%s guild /an)
for storage. #ou will pro/a/ly end up doing this as you eDpand the num/er of items you tradeB craft and
collect. #ou can /uy up to 6 ta/s costing 1gB =4gB 4gB 1BgB =B4g and 4Bg. The guild /an)
can also hold a near infinite amount of gold and you can configure permission to your various
characters which will ma)e it easier to get gold onto certain characters.
>ven with a guild /an) you might have pro/lems storing massive amounts of trade goods. The final
tric) I have for storing items is to mail them to a character and then ignore them in the mail/oD. This
wor)s really well for some profiting systems li)e selling vendor pets. After C days BliFFard will
automatically return them to the sender and in another C days they will /e deleted. #ou Eust have to
remem/er to reAsend them /efore they get deleted. I%ve never reached a limit storing items this way.
Module 1 11 Addons !ou "an#t $ive %ithout
The third thing you should do is install some addons. #ou should at least install the general auction
house addons and then as you start farmingB install the farming addonsB etc. Addons are what ma)es
'orld of 'arcraft incredi/ly easy and convenient for everyone" raidersB farmersB gold ma)ers and
(v(%ers ali)e.
As a matter of factB addons seem to /e the /rea) through for a lot of new players. I receive a lot of eA
mails from new profiteers who ma)e 4BA1B gold in the first few days after installing addonsB
organiFing their /agsB setting up an auction alt and selling the stuff they already hadO It%s a real pain to
sell items without the right addons.
If you don%t have the following addons installed you will /e missing out on ta)ing advantage of the
Auction House and ma)ing things easier for yourselfB which in turn ma)es you a lot more gold. I use
the $urse $lient availa/le at http"JJwww.curse.comJclient to downloadB install and manage the versions
of all of my addons. #ou can also install them manuallyB /y unFipping the compressed addon files and
moving them into your 'orld of 'arcraftJInterfaceJAddons folderB however if you%re not proficient
with your computer I don%t recommend doing that. The $urse $lient has served me well for years.
Below are /rief introductions to the addons you will want to use and familiariFe yourself with.
If I had to ma)e gold with only one addon I would choose Auctionator. It provides an eDtremely
intuitive and simple interface for scanning item prices current and historicB posting auctionsB /uying
items and chec)ing up on eDisting auctions. I have an entire section dedicated to the use of this addon
in $hapter 1 A The Auction House. #ou should install this addon nowB thoughB and familiariFe yourself
with it as much as you can.
Auctioneer Suite provides you with the tools and data necessary to ma)e those difficult auctioning
decisions with ease. 5rom purchasing to postingB the Auctioneer Suite provides timeAtested tools to
allow you more time to actually play your characters or play the mar)et. As you will soon discoverB it is
much more than a simple PAuctioning Add7nPB the Auctioneer Suite also shows inAdepth information
for all game itemsB such as those used in Guests or recipesB and muchB much more. Several other addons
will also use the Auctioneer statistics you gather via scanning. This is especially true for many of the
popular crafting addonsB such as &ittle Spar)y%s 'or)shop. Install and familiariFe yourself with this
addon if you intend to /uy and sell items on the Auction House.
(ostal is an eDtremely helpful addon that lets you retrieve all your incoming mail with a clic) of a
/utton. #ou can use the option %7pen All% to have all your mail opened and placed in your inventory. It
will report in your chat window what item you received or how much gold was in each message. After
your inventory is empty it will summariFe how much gold you made in total. This ma)es /uying and
selling tons of items off the Auction House very easy.
It has some options worth eDploring. They are accessi/le /y clic)ing the down arrow in the top right of
the mail/oD when (ostal is installed. Ta)e note of the 7penAll option as it will let you configure which
mail is automatically opened and which mail will /e left alone. Sometimes it%s /eneficial to leave mail
with attachments alone so that you can use your character%s mail/oD as additional storage.
TradeSkillMaster 'TSM(
TradeS)ill!aster *TS!+ is one of the most powerful addons for postingB canceling and managing a
large num/er of auctions. It%s used to manage groups of items that you want automatically posted a/ove
a specified price. 5or instanceB if you are a Kewelcrafter and want to ma)e sure you are posting all of a
specific gem cuts a/ove 1 gold /ut at the /est price possi/leB TS! will do it for you automatically.
)on#t try to setup TSM unless you know %H! you#re using it first*
I will eDplain in detail how to apply the features of TS! in other sections of this guideB mostly in the
$rafting (rofessions chapter. 0ntil thenB here is a tutorial on how to use the most /asic features of
I will admit that TradeS)ill!aster loo)s scary at first. Add to that the fact that the addon developers
continue to ma)e it loo) more confusing than it needs to /e and the result of this is that a lot of players
are turned off. This might /e a good thing for profiteers since it reduces the competitionB /ut we%ll have
to overcome that so that we can /e the ones ma)ing gold in !ists of (andaria.
TS! is the most important addon when it comes to ma)ing gold on the auction house and even for
players who Eust farm. If you%re not using it you%re pro/a/ly doing way too much manual wor).
%hy is TSM so important+ 'ellB here is a list"
It lets you post a large num/er of items eDtremely Guic)ly.
It prices items for you /ased on a set of rules so you don%t have to chec) prices.
It lets you forget which items you%re selling and /asically sells them for you.
It remem/ers how much gold you want to see each item for.
$om/inedB these features allow you to enter new mar)ets with only a small initial investment of time.
0nfortunatelyB it can ta)e 1A14 minutes to actually figure out and understand how TS! wor)s the first
time you use it. It%s worth123it though.
To get startedB I%ll wal) you through the most /asic way to use TS!QAuctioning.
Start /y installing TradeS)ill!aster. As with other addons I recommend you use the $urse $lient which
is free at http"JJcurse.comJclient. Search for TradeS)ill!aster and install all of the various addons
associated with it. AlthoughB we%ll only /e using TradeS)ill!asterQAuctioning today.
0se your main auction character to set this up. If you don%t already have something in your /ags /uy a
stac) of 'indwool $loth or something. In the eDample /elow I will use Borean &eather. Kust ma)e sure
your character has at least 1 trade good in its /ags that you%re willing to sell.
$oad "onfiguration
7nce it%s installedB ma)e sure you eDit and reload 'orld of 'arcraft. 7nce in the gameB load up the
TS! options /y typing Jtsm. This is where stuff gets craFy. There are options and teDt everywhereO
8on%t read any of it *for now+B Eust clic) the PAuctioning -roupsJ7ptionsP /utton on the right.
"reating a ,roup
:ow we%re going to create a group. This is the most powerful feature within TS!.
1. $lic) %$ategories J -roups% on the left. 9ight /elow %7ptions%
=. $lic) %,uic) -roup $reation% at the top
C. Select the trade good mentioned a/ove in the %(repare% section *in my case" Borean &eather+ and
clic) %Add% in the middle.
.. !a)e sure there is an Item in the %Items to /e added% column
4. $lic) %$reate -roup%B name the group and clic) %7)ay%
"onfigure !our ,roup
#ou now have a group. #ou will see it on the left hand side of the configuration screen. #ou can clic) it
and it will /ring up the group%s PoverridesP that%s a fancyJconfusing way of saying PoptionsP.
'hen you /ring up the groups% PoverridesP you will see a long list of options" post timeB per auctionB
post capB undercut /yB /id percentB price threshold and fall/ac). 123It%s important to understand each
one of theseB how they wor) and what they do. The /est way to do that is to hold your mouse over each
oneB right clic) 123and then read the tooltip.
$onfigure your first group however you want. 5or my Borean Tundra group I might configure it li)e
(ost time" =. hours
(ost cap" 4 A I don%t care how many stac)s I post at once
(er auction" = A I always post stac)s of = for trade goods li)e this
0ndercut /y" 1c A I only change this for things over 1B gold or so
Bid percent" 0se 1R to avoid having items /ought /elow your threshold.
(rice threshold" 1 gold 6 silver A I want to sell my Borean &eather for 1 gold 6 silver and no
lower. 7nce a wee) or so the price Eumps up that high and my auctions sell. I can usually /uy
Borean &eather for <4 silver *14 gold a stac)+123if I loo) hard enough. That%s my realmB your
realm is different.
5all/ac) price" 9 gold 99 silver A I figure this is the highest people will pay per Borean &eather.
This price is only used when no other stac)s of Borean &eather are posted.
How to Actually &ost
Hisit your auction houseB clic) the TS! ta/ on the /ottom and clic) %(ost Auctions% on the left. This
won%t really post your auctions *yet+B it will start /y scanning the items that you have which are
configured in a group. In my caseB it searched for Borean &eather and notified me that it was time for
me to sell Borean &eather.
0sually there are more than 1 %(ostings% in the upper part of the main area. >ach time you clic) %(ost% at
the /ottom it will post the neDt auction. There might /e postings the first few times you run scans. If
soB Eust leave and come /ac) later. All that means is that none of your groups triggered a posting.
#ou can use this to sell hundreds of glyphs at once *see the professions chapter in the S-- for more
details+ or you can Eust use it to auto post the materials you farmB /uy from vendors or /uy in trade
KevTool -ueue 'KT-( and ,nome%orks
KT, is an addon made for a very specific purpose" Gueuing up the creation of a large num/er of crafts.
It%s used mostly with crafting professions when you might craft =A= different items in a row.
-nome'or)s is a profession 0I that replaces the default (rofessions windowB it%s reGuired to use KT,.
These two addons will /e used in conEunction with Altoholic to do some eDtreme automation later in
this guide. #ou won%t need to use them until thenB /ut they are worth installing and learning a/out.
#ou will need to install -nome'or)s /y visiting" http"JJwww.wowace.comJaddonsJgnomewor)sJ. If
you use the $urse $lient you can select %Install% in the upper right to automatically install it. 7therwise
you will need to download and manually install the addon.
Altoholic is an addon that stores information a/out what each of your characters are wearingB have in
their inventory and have posted on the Auction House. This is an eDtremely valua/le addon to have
when using multiple characters to ma)e gold in 'o'. 5or eDampleB if you are crafting items on your
Tailor and need to )now how many Brilliant Spellthread your alt hasB all you have to do is move your
mouse overtop of an eDisting Spellthread and it will tell you how many you have on each character in
their /agsB mail /oD and posted on the Auction House.
$ar/onite is a very involved addon that changes a lot of your interface. It replaces your minimapB your
mapB your Guest notifications and a lot of other stuff. 'hen you first install it you might get
overwhelmed and want to remove it right away. HoweverB it is very powerful so you should give it
some time.
It%s primary useB in my opinionBis for farming ore and her/s. It provides a uniGue system for generating
routes to her/s and mineral nodes. The routes in $hapter = will wor) Eust as wellB /ut some players
prefer $ar/onite. Ta)e a loo) at this video to see what it can do. Here is another video with instructions
on how to import her/ and mining nodes once it is properly installed. This addon is not availa/le at or through the $urse $lientB you need to use this lin)"
0sing $ar/onite123is easy. Install it through $urse client or123manually123from this
page"123http" 7nce its installedB ma)e sure its ena/led in
the addons menu /efore you login. It might say P7ut of dateP and you might have to select Pload out of
date addonsP in order to get it to wor). It wor)s in !o( and has for a long time consistently.
'hen you load into the game you will pro/a/ly /e shoc)ed when it changes
your123interface123around. #ou will want to toy around with the configuration until it loo)s the way
you li)e it. If you hate itB Eust disa/le the addon when you%re not farming. It%s worth it.
&oad up the options /y clic)ing the $ minimap icon. -o to -uide on the left and then import
Her/alism and !ining nodes *or whichever you intend to use+
:ow right clic) the map *use %m% to toggle it in and out+ and go to 9oute AS $urrent -athering :odes.
It%ll create a route for you to follow.
That%s it. 5ollow the pathB pic)up stuff and sell it on the auction house. >asy gold.
-atherer is an addon for her/alistsB minersB and treasure hunters in 'orld of 'arcraft. It%s very similar
to $ar/onite and most people use one or the other. -atherer is simpler and not as involvedB it%s easier to
learn and use.
It%s main purpose is to trac) the closest her/sB depositsB and treasure locations on your minimap. The
addon does not trac) li)e a trac)ing a/ility doesB rather it Premem/ersP where you have found various
items in the past. It does this whenever you gather *perform Her/alismB mining or opening+ on an itemB
and records the specific map location in its history. 5rom then onB whenever the item comes into range
of /eing one of the closest 1A=4 *configura/le+ items to your present locationB it will pop up on you
minimap. 'hen you view your world mapB you will also see the item locations mar)ed on the
particular map you are viewing there.
3ishing Buddy
A fishing addon that )eeps trac) of the fish you catch and helps manage your fishing gear. 5eatures" A
%5ish 'atcher% lets you see the fish you%ve caught here /efore *or the fish that you%ve caught in the
current session+ A 8isplay your current s)ill level and the time since you started fishing A $hoose your
fishing outfit and change into it easily A Support for automatically adding a lure to your fishing pole A
5ull Titan (anel support A myAdd7ns support A (reliminary support for trac)ing %cycle fish% such as the
:ightfin Snapper so you )now when to go loo)ing for them.
4ut of )ate Addons
In some cases you will run into an addon that is out of date. $hances are it still wor)s. -o to your
character screen and select %Addons% in the /ottom left. !a)e sure you have %&oad out of date addons%
chec)ed in the upper right. !a)e sure the addons you want to use are selected from the list. If an addon
doesn%t wor)B disa/le it from this menu.
Sometimes you will also have to download the latest version of the addon directly from the addon%s
we/site. #ou can find these /y using -oogle%s search. If you were searching for Auctioneer you would
google" %Auctioneer Addon.% 0sually you can find a way to download it from the top result.
4ther 5esources
Along with AddonsB there are some helpful resources on the internet worth using.
#ou should /e very familiar with how to use 'o'HeadB an online 'orld of 'arcraft data/ase that
stores itemsB GuestsB achievementsB :($sB a/ilitiesB etc and provides several tools li)e item comparisonB
talent calculatorsB maps and other time sensitive tools. The site is mostly self eDplanatory. #ou should
scan the information that it has stored /y loo)ing inside the %8ata/ase% drop down"
:otice the wealth of information availa/le. The /est part a/out it is that it%s sorta/le with filters. If you
want to view all the helmets usa/le /y your Horde 'arloc) and added in $ataclysm you can do that
with a few filters. -o to 8ata/aseASItems add a filter %Added in eDpansion% AS %$ataclysm%. Select
%Horde% and %'arloc)% neDt to the 0sa/le la/el and select %Head% from the slot column *you can shift and
shiftLctrl clic) to select multiple slots+. $lic) %Apply filter% to see all the matching items. #ou can also
add stat weights to sort and find high powered items or upgrades. 5amiliariFe yourself with wowheadB
it is a great tool for doing research to find profita/le items and gear upgrades.
T 'owhead provides data to players /efore maEor patches and eDpansions are released. 5or instanceB
/efore !ists of (andariaB data is made availa/le at http"JJwww.wowhead.comB they are put on
http"JJmop* #ou can find lin)s to future data on somewhere near the
The /ndermine 6ournal
The 0ndermine Kournal is an online resource that collectsB crunches and displays all sorts of relevant
information a/out item prices from live realms. #ou can chec) the price for items li)e Sil) $loth to see
their price history on your realm.
'hile running manual scans with inAgame addons li)e Auctioneer will still provide very useful inAgame
dataB you have to rely on only one source of information. The 0ndermine Kournal will give you another
resource to chec) your information against. #ou should familiariFe yourself with The 0ndermine
KournalB it provides price historyB notifications and other valua/le information. It can /e found at
http" If you%re a HI( mem/erB chec) the archives for posts a/out The
0ndermine Kournal for more information.
The 0ndermine Kournal does not support >0 realms. If you%re loo)ing for >0 dataB ta)e a loo) at 'o'
Trader *http" It is still in its early stages of development /ut you might find
something useful there.
%hat to )o 7ow+
:ow that you have the /est gold ma)ing resource availa/le to 'orld of 'arcraft playersB what do you
do neDt; After completing this chapter I recommend you setup the recommended addonsB especially
(ostalB Auctionator and TS!. 9ead the entire Auction House chapter and start learning a/out the prices
on your realm with The 0ndermine Kournal.
There are detailed instructions on how to use the most important addons in the following chapters.
:eDtB find and read the chapters that cover all the professions you already haveB if you%re not level 9
yet read $hapter < A Before &evel 9. This will help you develop a solid foundation for ma)ing gold.
Module 8 The Auction House Made 9asy
The Auction House is the life/lood of any gold ma)ing strategies in 'orld of 'arcraft. It is eDtremely
important that everyone who reads this guide understands how to use AuctionatorB (ostalB The
0ndermine Kournal and the Trade $hannel. 5urtherB auction trading is a discipline and an art. I can%t
teach it to you with one paragraphB there%s no 1Atric) that will give you the edge over other people.
InsteadB it%s a game of patience and )nowledge.
0nderstanding how to properly use the Auction House is very important so I have included an entire
chapter focused on it. There are even guides out there li)e 9eaching -old $apB that focus entirely on
the Auction House. In this chapter you will learn a/out the essential addons to use to ma)e /uying and
selling on the Auction House much easier. #ou will also learn a/out /uying items and reselling them
for a high profit. I will also discuss ways in which you can find your own niche to ma)e tons of gold.
5inallyB in this chapter you will learn a/out techniGues including mar)et manipulation of the prices of
items and a/out /idding on items and getting them eDtremely cheap. It is these )inds of strategies that
are discussed in this chapter that will ma)e using and selling items on the Auction House much easier.
#ou will /e a/le to Guic)ly assess the value of items and ma)e informed decisions regarding pricing.
'hat you won%t learn in this chapter is how to /est sell items that #70 crafted in your professions. To
learn a/out thatB see $hapter C.
"ommon Mistakes : Misconceptions
It%s /est to start /y clearing your mind of a few common mista)es and misconceptions a/out ma)ing
gold on the Auction House. These are the pro/lems I encounter most often with people who are
struggling in this area. Here%s a list of common mista)es that you need to avoid if you%re going to learn
to ma)e gold on the Auction House the way I do.
Know the 7um.ers ; Auction House "uts
>very time you sell an item on the Auction House you will only receive 94R of the sell priceB BliFFard
ta)es the rest in what we call the Pauction house%s cut.P 5or instanceB if you sell an item for 1g you
will only get 94g in the mail. This is important /ecause it mar)s the minimum profit you need to ma)e
in order for a trade to /e successful when selling on the Auction House. It also tells us that if a player is
selling an item in trade chat it should sell for at least 4R less than the going rate on the auction house.
Some players will forget this fact and eDpect full price in trade chat or worse yet calculate their profit
/ased on receiving 1R of the sell value. 8on%t ma)e this mista)eB always )eep in mind that your
faction%s Auction House will ta)e 4R. The neutral Auction House in Booty Bay and -adgetFan will
ta)e 14R when you sell cross faction. This is a huge amountB ma)ing it very difficult to /e profita/le
on the neutral Auction House or perform crossAfaction ar/itrage.
8eposits are another thing to consider. The deposit is the amount you have to pay to post the item up
for sale. #ou will receive this /ac) if the item sells /ut you will not get it .ack if you either cancel the
auction or the auction eDpires. 5or 1= hour auctions it%s 14R of the vendor sell price<B =. hour auctions
it%s CR of the vendor sell price and for .@ hour auctions it%s 6R. This ma)es it important to price
eDpensive items properly or avoid posting entirely. 5ortunatelyB not a lot of items have a high vendor
sell price.
<sell price is 1=> of the .uy;from vendor price* Most trade goods aren#t purchased from vendors?
.ut the sell price can .e seen on the item#s tooltip* /sually it#s a pretty small amount*
Being Impatient
Some people might thin) that the purpose of this chapter is to teach them how they can log on and in
= minutes ma)e a few thousand gold off the Auction House. 8on%t get me wrongB you will %earn%
thousands of gold in short periods of time /ut you will likely hold onto those items for several days
or even weeks /efore you cash in on the items you purchased. Trading on the Auction House is a game
of patience and wisdom. #ou won%t /e a/le to login on day 1 and earn this type of gold either. #ou will
need to watch the Auction House prices for several days if not wee)s /efore you have the confidence to
start capitaliFing on the price fluctuations.
Thinking I "an Share 7um.ers %ith !ou That %ill Make !ou 5ich
Some people are loo)ing for specific num/ersB li)e %/uy all the U you see that go for less than 4g and
repost them at <g%. This guide is not here to give you price specifics li)e that. I might share with you
the price ranges I use /ut these are dependent on the realmB faction and time that I used those prices.
The most important factor in ma)ing gold trading on the Auction House is )nowing the value of items.
If you traded for = wee)s and watched A/yss $rystals sell for Cg almost every Tuesday evening and
now see a stac) of 1< A/yss $rystals at =g eachB you need to pull from your eDperience to Guic)ly
ma)e that investment /efore someone else does and )now how long to wait /efore reposting them.
Knowing these price ranges for as many high volumeJcost items as possi/le is going to help you ma)e
gold on the Auction House. 0nfortunately I can%t teach you the num/ers I useB unless you play Alliance
on my realmB and even then my criteria for /uyingJselling changes regularly. 5ortunatelyB resources li)e
The 0ndermine Kournal will give you a really good idea of what prices should /e.
Thinking !ou Always 7eed to /ndercut
A lot of people complain a/out having to undercut all the time and losing money. This is a /ad ha/it
many people ma)e when starting off on the Auction HouseB especially people who farm something and
try to sell it as Guic) as possi/le. If you farm 4 stac)s of Thorium 7re and Eust undercut the lowest
stac)s on the Auction House you%re pro/a/ly not going to ma)e as much gold as you wanted to. !ore
than li)elyB someone li)e me will see your low/all postB /uy it immediately and post it =
(rices stay low for periods of timeB sometimes days or even wee)s. #ou need to /e patient and watch
the prices come up /efore you post your items. If the prices are lowB and you )now itB you can /uy a lot
of inventory to sell during high price periods. This is how I ma)e a ton of my gold. There are
situations where you will want to undercut as @uickly as possi.leB these apply to special
circumstances li)e selling crafted items and vendor pets. #ou also don%t have to sell items with the
cheapest as)ing priceN you can post them higher than a doFen other items and your auction can still sell
when the price moves up.
#ou can use The 0ndermine Kournal to see what prices ought to /e for a specific item. Always factor in
changes to the game /efore concluding that an item is for saleB some items lose value over time and
sometimes changes in the game can permanently drop the value of items.
My 5ealm#s 9conomy Is Screwed /p? I "an#t Make ,old In It
I%ve heard this several times. !ost of the people who complain are complaining /ecause they are
eDperiencing eDtreme price fluctuations. #ou actually want to see theseB they are what let you ma)e
gold. The people who complain a/out them are those who made the mista)e of /uying high and not
/eing patient enough to wait for prices to come /ac) up /efore selling their inventory. In shortB you can
ma)e gold on any realm%s Auction House. I have /een successful on lowB mediumB and high population
realms and there%s no reason for you to get discouraged if you%re struggling on your realmB it#s not your
realm#s fault.
I )on#t Have 9nough Time to Make ,old? I#m a "asual &layer
A lot of people simply don%t have time to farmB they would rather raidB do dungeonsB daily Guests or Eust
chill in the Barrens telling $huc) :orris Eo)es. That%s actually good newsB /ecause you can ma)e a lot
more gold per hour if you only spend C minutes a day chec)ing the Auction House. In the CA. hours
you spend on the Auction House per wee) *spending a/out C minutes per day+ you can ma)e 4A1B
gold without much thin)ing. That%s an average of over =B4 gold an hourO
If you don%t have a lot of time then you need to start /y focusing on this part of the guide. !ost of your
time investment goes into developing and setting up systems that are time consuming to setup /ut easy
to complete on a daily /asis. This involves setting up addons and characters in a certain way to do most
of the wor) for you.
&rices Always ,o )own Because &eople Keep /ndercutting 9ach 4ther
This can%t possi/ly /e trueB if it were everything would /e freeB right; It might seem o/vious to you /ut
this is a common misconception people have when they only play during pea) hours. 8uring these
hours most prices have a tendency to either plummet or go up rapidly. They will adEustB trust me. In
factB when they adEust the prices Eump up as all of the auctions at the /ottom sell to a few people. #ou
don%t always have to undercutB each time you post an item you have to figure at what price it will sell
and undercutting is only effective if you%re posting in your desired price range.
,etting Started
The first thing you should do is start /uying some cheap items and repost them. 8on%t eDpect to get rich
right away. This is how I got started when I was new. #ou might lose a little /it of gold at first /ut each
time you lose gold you will learn a valua/le lesson you would otherwise have missed completely. Start
with a few items that you can follow on the auction house and on The 0ndermine Kournal. As you get
comforta/le with those items continue to eDpand your list. Here%s a list of some /asic items I would
recommend monitoring in the /eginning"
Spirit 8ust
!ysterious >ssence
>thereal Shard
Sha $rystal
>Dotic &eather
!agnificent Hide
-host Iron
Trillium 7re and Bars
&iving Steel
-olden &otus
9are gems" Hermillion 7nyDB 9iver%s HeartB Sun%s 9adianceB Imperial AmethystB (rimordial
9u/y and 'ild Kade
I selected each of the a/ove items /ecause they have /oth high volume so they are traded often enough
to ma)e things happen Guic)ly and set at decent prices so the amount you ma)e per trade is suita/le for
#ou shouldn%t Eust watch these itemsB you need to understand the dynamics /ehind why people /uy
them and where they come from. #ou can familiariFe yourself with these items on 'o'Head. #ou
should especially )now what these items are used for and how they are o/tained.
Tracking &rices
As you%re getting started you%ll need to get a good feel for how the prices move up and down for each
item. It%s /est to start off with a few items and get comforta/le o/serving their price changes and then
start /uying when you feel that they are li)ely going to increase in price. To trac) pricesB you can use
the !ar)et 'atcher addon. 9emem/erB )nowing the value of items is one of the most valua/le tools to
trading on the Auction House and trade chat.
I stopped using !ar)et 'atcher during $ataclysmB /ut I%m leaving this in the guide /ecause it offers
another way for players to familiariFe themselves with their economies. As an alternative to !ar)et
'atcher I use The 0ndermine Kournal to do price research. The prices there only go /ac) 1. daysB
while you can )eep CL days in !ar)et 'atcher.
Start /y adding a few items to !ar)et 'atcher and running scans a few times each day. #ou can via
this lin)+.
Setting /p and /sing Market %atcher
#ou can install !ar)et 'atcher Eust li)e any other addon. >nsure it%s ena/led in the addon menu of the
character screen. !ar)et 'atcher will add two ta/s to the end of your Auction House window. To start
adding your first items select the History ta/ and select %Add% from the upper left.
'hen you select %Add% in the upper left it will load up the %Add Item% dialog as seen a/ove. >nter the
item name and clic) %-et Item Info% then clic) %Add%
The neDt dialog will let you set some /asic settings. Make sure you check the #5ecord Scans#
check.oA. This wayB each time you clic) %Scan% laterB it records all the data. #ou can also toggle how
long you want to store data *!aD Age+ as well as the maDimum num/er of entries you want to store.
SiDty days and = entries will wor) good.
7nce you have added a few itemsB select the %Scan% ta/ and hit %Scan% in the top right. !a)e sure the
%9ecord Scans% chec)/oD is chec)edB this will record scans. #ou should do this first thing every time
you log into your primary /an) alt. TwoAthree times a day is a good start. It will /e a few days /efore
you have enough data to start creating some useful graphs.
#ou can view the graphs /y selecting the %History% ta/ and selecting the item from the left column
whose prices you want to see graphed. There are several options on the right for viewing moving
averagesB trendsB lowsB highs and averages. The most useful is %Actual &ow% and once you have a lot of
data the %Actual Trend%. Here%s what a few wee)s of data might loo)s li)e"
!ar)et 'atcher will /e your /est friend once you collect enough data. #ou will /e unstoppa/le when it
comes to evaluating trade goods. #ou will /e a/le to step into mar)ets Guic)er and more effectively
with the data !ar)et 'atcher collects.
/sing the Trade "hannel
'henever you canB watch the trade channelB even when you%re not actively playing. &eave 'o' up in
windowed mode so you can see it while you%re surfing the net *and while you%re reading this+. (eople
who are selling rare and epic items will catch your eyes. 7nce you )now what items are worthB you will
see all sorts of deals in trade chat.
!a)e an offer to >H>9#7:> you see selling A:#THI:-B even if they are as)ing a higher price than
you%re willing to pay. A lot of times you%ll find someone really desperate to sell an item. If they are
advertising in trade chatB it means they are already too laFy to post it on the auction house and they
li)ely want to sell it :7'.
After ma)ing a good dealB always ask the person if they have more to sell. %Anything else to sell;%
#ou already )now the person you%re dealing with is desperate to ma)e moneyB so may/e they have
some enchanting materials sitting around they%ll sell to you for less than they are worth. This is your
chance to really low/all themB they )now they can ma)e the deal immediately and won%t go dou/le
chec) prices. Know your pricesB and low/all all of them.
If you find yourself in a situation where someone is unloading items into the trade windowB you can use
Auctionator%s or Auctioneer%s tool tip to rapidly determine the item%s value. As a rule of thum/B I usually
offer them HA&5 the value the tool tip tells me it%s worth. They usually accept such an offer when
selling large Guantities of itemsB they really have no idea what they%re sitting on. 7therwise I can altAta/
to T0K and loo)up the price in a/out = seconds.
%ealth in ,old A7) Items
#ou won%t Eust gain goldB you%ll also gain a stash of items. #ou may have these in your mail/oDB in your
/ac)pac) or posted on the Auction House. It might not feel li)e you are ma)ing a lot of gold at first
/ecause you%ll /e /uying things that you sell a wee) laterB meaning you%ll have a wee) of items stored
up. 8on%t forget to count what you own when estimating how much gold you%ve made. It would ta)e
me several wee)s to %liGuidate% or sell all my items to find out how much gold I actually have.
%hen to /ndercut
&i)e I mentioned in the common mista)es sectionB don%t always undercut. HoweverB there are a few
important times that undercutting is essential. If you see an item that is usually CA.g and suddenly
there are only a couple of them posted on the auction house for @gB this is a sign that someone recently
/ought out the item and now it%s time for you to enter an undercutting war. #ou should post yours at
<9g 99s 99c until someone undercuts youB and then you should undercut them /y 1c until the price of
the item is /ac) to normal. This will increase the li)ely hood that your item is the cheapest when the
neDt /uyer comes along and you receive the huge mar)up.
The other time to undercut is with very eDpensive items with very low volume. This can include rare
petsB epic /ind on eGuip items or an o/scure item that you%re only competing with 1 or = people with.
8on%t enter an undercutting war with items selling at their average priceN this will unnecessarily lower
prices. Items with high volumeB li)e trade goodsB sell in large Guantities at a time so you don%t have to
post yours at the lowest price to sell your item.
/sing Addons
&i)e I mentioned in the first paragraphB you need to install and use (ostal and Auctionator. I wrote an
entire section dedicated to using Auctionator to employ all my favorite tric)s. #ou may also want to
install Auctioneer. I use Auctioneer along with Auctionator /ecause it has a few features that
Auctionator doesn%t haveB such as the percent columns when /rowsing the Auction House.
Tips for /sing Auctionator
&et%s tal) a/out the addon you%ll use most when trading items on the auction house and in trade chat.
This is AuctionatorB for installation instructions and a /rief overview of the addon chec) the
Introduction of this guide. Below are tips to using the addon to dominate the Auction House.
Buy Buy Buy
The first feature to familiariFe yourself with is the %Buy% ta/. It%s added to your auction interface at the
/ottom along with the other standard ta/s. 'hen you clic) it you%ll get a search /oD at the topB an
empty column on the left and an empty area on the right. >nter an item name into the search field and
hit search. 'hen you hit %searchB% Auctionator will search the auction house for auctions containing the
words you searched for. If you search for %Trillium% it will list all the types of %Trillium% on the right and
then you can clic) on the one you want. If you entered %Trillium 7re% it will show you the auctions for
sale for Trillium 7re *not the /ars+.

The reason we use Auctionator to search for auctions is /ecause of the way it sorts the results. Instead
of listing each of the auctions for sale and the price they are selling forB which can result in pages and
pages of resultsB it groups them /y their price and Guantity. :otice in the screen shot that it lists the
cheapest auction as %19 stac)s of 1% instead of showing 19 different auctions at the same price. This
gives us a visualiFation of the mar)et at any given time.
Sell Sell Sell
The %Sell% ta/ is similar to the Buy ta/B it%s located at the /ottom of the auction window and it displays a
similar visualiFation of the availa/le auctions for an item. This will help you position your auctions
appropriately. Instead of Eust posting for the cheapest priceB you can clic) on the location you want to
post your auction. To sell an itemB altAclic) the item in your /ag and Auctionator will search for that
item for sale on the auction house and list the results on the right. ThenB clic) on the item that you want
to undercut from the list on the right. This will automatically adEust the /uyout and /id price of your
posting and you can then clic) %$reate Auction% to place your item on the mar)et. #ou can also adEust
whether you want to sellB for instanceB 1 stac) of =B . stac)s of 4B = stac)s of 1 or any com/ination of
items you have a large Guantity of.
The Shopping $ist
The Shopping &ist and 9ecent Searches store lists of favorite items *so you don%t have to type them+
and a list of recent searches. 7nce you do a normal search it will put that search at the top of the recent
searches and all you have to do is clic) the item name in the left column for it to do another search.
#our 9ecent Searches list will get overloaded with typos and a huge assortment of item names fairly
Guic)ly. That%s why I recommend you create a few Shopping &ists to sort your favorite items into
logical groups. I use groups li)e %$loth% %>nchanting !aterials% %Her/s% etc. See /elow for an eDample.
At the /ottom of the left column are the tools used for creating and managing Shopping &istsB including
%:ew Shopping &ist% and %Add Item To &ist.%
%atching !our 9Aisting Auctions
#ou can chec) the status of your eDisting auctions /y using
the %!ore% ta/ provided /y Auctionator. 'hen you hit
%$hec) for 0ndercuts% it will scan all of the items you have
posted and tell you which ones of them you are posting at
the lowest price for *green chec)+ and which ones you have
/een undercut *red D+. If you%ve /een undercutB it will as)
you if you want to cancel all of those auctionsB this is
seldom necessary. This ta/ is the Guic)est way to chec) on
the status of your auctions.
AdBusting !our /ndercut
There are only a few Auctionator options. #ou can set them /y selecting %options% at the top right of any
of the a/ove mentioned auction house ta/s */uyB sell and more+. #ou should adEust your undercuts to
lower values. The only reason to use more than 1c is when dealing with eDpensive items where people
might see the tiny undercut and ta)e personal offense. Here is what I set my undercuts to"
Stack SiCes
Items are posted in different siFe stac)s" 1 stac) of =B = stac)s of 1B . stac)s of 4B = stac)s of 1B or
any other com/ination depending on how many of the item can fit into a stac). These stac)s will often
sell for very different prices. 5or instanceB someone might post a stac) of = for 1g *4g per item+
while another person might post 4 stac)s of 1 at 1g each. These discrepancies can /e eDploited to /uy
items for cheap *1g for = of an item+ and sell them for more *1g per item+.
0sually people sell items in large stac)s for low prices in order to sell their items faster. They may also
post their stac)s at round num/ers li)e seen in the screen shot /elow. This is usually a misuse of the
default auction house interface /ut it%s important to note since it results in a/normally cheap auctions.
It%s also important to notice that each item tends to sell in a different stac) siFe. 5or instance some
materials will sell in stac)s of 1B others stac)s of 4B =B etc. (ristine Hides in stac)s of 1B = and C.
Holatiles in stac)s of 4B1B=B etc. >m/ersil) in stac)s of =. 7/sidium Bars in stac)s of =. #ou can
research each item on wowhead and use the %reagent for% ta/ to see what the item is used for and
determine what stac) siFes it will sell fastest in.
To illustrate how you can ma)e gold with thisB imagine a situation where you%re loo)ing at an item that
sells /est in stac)s of 1B and you see this"
In this scenarioB someone posted 6 of the item for a much lower price than the cheapest stac) of 1.
8epending on !ar)et 'atcher price data as well as how much gold I haveB this may /e an opportunity
to /uy the items and resell them at =.g. These types of opportunities are almost always availa/le /ut
can ta)e you awhile to sell what you /uy. This tric) wor)s in two directions" /uying large stac)s and
reselling them as singles and /uying unfilled stac)s and selling them as full stac)s. The second way
wor)s /est with items that sell in stac)s of =B li)e >m/ersil)B Savage &eather and Bars
Splitting and "om.ining Items
There are many items in the game that can /e com/ined into each other or split into smaller pieces. In
!ists of (andaria >nchanters can com/ine 4 Spirit 8ust into 1 !ysterious >ssenceB 4 !ysterious
>ssence into 1 >thereal Shard and 4 >thereal Shards into 1 Sha $rystal. #ou can also turn C !ysterious
>ssence into 1 -reater !ysterious >ssence.
Both the -reater and normal versions sell at high volume on the auction houseB /ut there are often
significant price discrepancies that you can eDploit. This is a very simple form of %ar/itrage.% 'hen you
see a price discrepancy all you have to do is /uy the -reaterB split it into C normal and post the three
normals for more than 1JC of the price of the -reater *as seen /elow+. 7therwiseB you can do it in the
other direction /y /uying C normalsB com/ing themB and posting them as a -reater.
"losing Spreads
If everything were perfectB everyone would /e undercutting each other /y 1 copper and prices would
remain relatively steady. In realityB craFy things happen. (eople log on and undercut /y several goldB
the neDt guy undercuts /y 1cB the neDt might under cut /y another gold and after all of this the PspreadP
/etween prices is very erratic. Here%s an eDample of an erratic mar)et.
1D4V=g MAAA Ignored
1=D1V==g MAAA Bottom
Imagine that this item sells /est in singlesB so the stac) of 4 posted at =g each can /e ignored. So now
we see the mar)et a little differentB there are 4 items posted /elow ==g at the average price of 1@g 6s.
#ou can easily /uy these 4 items and resell them at =1g99s99c rather Guic)ly.
#ou really have to loo) at stac) siFes and the Guantity of items that are selling at the prices to determine
how much you can afford or ris) to move to higher prices.
Here%s a real eDample that wouldn%t /e o/vious if you didn%t ta)e note of the large stac)s"
3inding? Buying and 5eselling Hot Items
5indingB /uying and reselling hot items on the Auction House is one of the /est things you can do with
any characterB regardless of it%s level and with only a little /it of gold. The tric) is to )now which items
will sellB how long they will ta)e to sell and how much that /uyer will pay. Some itemsB li)e specific
greensB might appear to /e worth only 1A=4g /ut in reality a new level 6@ 8eath Knight might have the
/an) to drop 14g on a chest piece with the right stats. Twin)s will also /uy some items for insane
amounts since your realm might only see a few of a specific item get posted every month.
8isenchanters also have the a/ility to scan the Auction House and /uy greens within certain level
ranges /elow their disenchant value *see the >nchanting section for more details+.
9Apensive Trade ,oods
There are always a few trade goods in the game that are highly sought after. They are usually reGuired
to ma)e the /est gear crafta/le. In 'rath of the &ich King these items wereB at first" 5roFen 7r/s and
A/yssal $rystals. 'hen 0lduar was released 9uned 7r/s too) their placeB Trial of the $rusader was
the source of $rusader 7r/s and finally Ice $rown $itadel was the source of (rimordial Saronite. All of
these items go through 6A1= month cycles going from very valua/le *up to =B gold+ to cheap *1A
= gold+. 'hen they are away from /oth eDtremes of eDpensive to cheap they will fluctuate in price
and provide a great investment for people who want to ma)e gold trading items.
There are also eDpensive and difficult to acGuire trade goods in each profession. In 'rath these items
were" Arctic 5ur *&eatherwor)ing+B specialty cloth" >/onweaveB !oonshroud and Spellweave
*Tailoring+ and Titansteel *Blac)smithing+. These items remain in steady demand throughout the entire
eDpansion and provide very consistent and high priced items for us to trade.
In !ists of (andariaB the first of these items is the Sha $rystalB !agnificent Hide*&eatherwor)ing+ and
&iving Steel *Blac)smithing+. These items will create volatile mar)ets that you can /uy at low prices
and sell at high prices. #ou should loo) for deals on the Auction House and in trade chat and /ase your
pricing on data you collect with !ar)et 'atcher and that you find on The 0ndermine Kournal. Also
)eep your eye on the Blood Spirit.
5aid Bind on 9@uips
(0-s and organiFed raid guilds run raids everyday and very often Bo> drops are ta)en to the Auction
House for sale. This is a very specific mar)et and you need to understand the prices of each Bo> itemB
)now what to offer and )now what it should sell for. 7ther ways to acGuire these items are from your
guild depending on what point system is used to distri/ute gear. #ou can offer to sell the item for your
guild master and ta)e a cut for yourself. #ou can also lead your own (0- and reserve raid Bo>s to
yourself. These usually sell for thousands of gold since they are usually /etter or eGual to the /est
crafta/le gear and much /etter than anything that can /e o/tained without a guild.
$evel >H? IF and JF ,reens
There are three more categories of gear that are very popular. The first is level . plate and mail. At
level . 'arriors and (aladins gain access to plate armor and Shamans and Hunters gain access to mail
armor. This means that most characters will rush to the auction house *if they didn%t already in
preparation of+ to upgrade their level Cs mail to plate or leather to mail. So our Eo/ is to ma)e sure that
the prices accurately reflect the supply ? demand curve. price gouging+.
"lass ,ear SuffiA
Hunters upgrading to mail of the !on)ey
Shamans upgrading to mail of the >agleB 5alconB !on)ey
'arriors upgrading to plate of the !on)ey or Tiger
(aladins upgrading to plate of the >agleB BearB !on)ey or Tiger
The neDt /ig cut offs are level 4@ ? 6@. $haracters leveling through the 4s ? 6s end up with really
crappy gear compared to the 7utland greens that open up at 4@ and :orthrend greens that open up at
6@. 7nce they hit that level all /ets are off /ecause they gain access to all the greens that drop in
7utlandJ:orthrend. The stats on these greens are scaled entirely different and will ma)e it possi/le for
a level 4@ to /reeFe through Hellfire (eninsula or a 6@ to /reeFe through Howling 5Eord or Borean
Tundra. I purchase these greensB particularly the most popular of themB and resell them a lot higher.
#ou can tell the difference /etween an 7utland item and an 7ld 'orld item /y it%s i&vl *visi/le with
Item &evel Add7n or Auctioneer+. 7utland greens start at i&vl @.B #ou won%t find a green from the 7ld
'orld that high. The same applies for :orthrend itemsB however those greens start at 1C. The greens
in 7utlands go to a/out 111.
#ou can%t Eust /uy out all greens though. I stic) to suffiD items /ecause they are so easy to interpret and
reAlist. 5or eDampleB you wouldn%t want to try to resell cloth %of the 5alcon% since it has agility on it
*what cloth wearer is going to use agility;+. :either would you want anything that is %of the 'olf%B since
'olf is a com/ination of Agility and Spirit. The most popular suffiD items are %of the !on)ey% plate
armor. The reason /eingB all three plate wearersB (aladinsB 8eath Knights and 'arriors can use this
stuff. Here%s a ta/le I came up with to help understand the relationship /etween different suffiDes.
.ear .oar eagle falcon gorilla monkey owl tiger whale wolf
'arloc) D D
!age D D
(riest D
8ruid D D D
9ogue D
Hunter D
Shaman D D D
(aladin D D D D
'arrior D D
In conclusionB purchase any level 4@ or 6@ leatherJmailJplate of the !on)eyJTiger if it%s price doesn%t
already reflect this increased demand. Be carefulB ma)e sure the stats reflect 7utland or :orthrend
statsB don%t accidentally /uy a level 4C green of the mon)ey and try to resell it.
5are &ets
A niche you may want to loo) into if you have the time is pets. (ets are very popular with many players
and you can ma)e decent profit /y selling them on the Auction House. In the &eisure section of the
guide /uying holiday pets is discussed /ut in this section I%m going to tal) a/out selling pets on the
neutral Auction House. I should also note that often times you can sell your faction%s pets on your
Auction House /ecause many players are too laFy to visit the vendor to /uy it themselvesB don%t realiFe
that the item is /ought from a vendorB certain pets reGuire certain faction or currency to /e purchased
that many players don%t haveB and /ecause some are on limited supply vendors that must /e farmed.
The pets in the ta/les /elow are some pets that you can /uy from vendors and then sell on the Auction
House if you choose to do so. If you doB you should use Trade S)ill !aster to post the items from a
dedicated /an) alt.
&et Source
$at $arrier *'hite Kitten+ &il Timmy in Stormwind $ity
!ana 'yrmling 8ealer 9ashaad in :etherstorm
Brown 9a//it $rate 8ealer 9ashaad in :etherstorm
Blue 8ragonhaw) Hatchling 8ealer 9ashaad in :etherstorm
9ed !oth >gg 8ealer 9ashaad in :etherstorm
'ood 5rog BoD 5li) in Terro)ar 5orest
$at $arrier *Siamese+ 8ealer 9ashaad in :etherstorm
Ancona $hic)en !agus Tirth in Thousand :eedles
Blac) Kingsna)e Uan%tish in 7rgrimmar
Blue !oth >gg SiDD in The >Dodar
Brown Sna)e Uan%tish in 7rgrimmar
$at $arrier *7range Ta//y+ 8onni Anthania in >lwynn 5orest
$oc)roach 8ealer 9ashaad in :etherstorm
Keremiah (ayson in 0ndercity
$rimson Sna)e 8ealer 9ashaad in :etherstorm
Uan%tish in 7rgrimmar
-olden 8ragonhaw) Hatchling Kilanne in >versong 'oods
-reat Horned 7wl Shylenai in 8arnassus
Haw) 7wl Shylenai in 8arnassus
(rairie 8og 'histle Halpa in Thunder Bluff
9a//it $rate *Snowshoe+ #arlyn Am/erstill in 8un !orogh
9ed 8ragonhaw) Hatchling Kilanne in >versong 'oods
Silver 8ragonhaw) Hatchling Kilanne in >versong 'oods
Tree 5rog BoD 5li) in Terro)ar 5orest
'hite !oth >gg SiDD in The >Dodar
#ellow !oth >gg SiDD in The >Dodar
There are a few pets that drop around the world. HoweverB some of them are so ridiculously difficult to
o/tain that they are not worth farmingB even though they sell for upwards of 1B gold. I wanted to
include a list of these in case you see them under priced on the Auction House. If you do see themB do
some Guic) research to ma)e sure there drop rate hasn%t /een recently increased. 7therwiseB pic) them
up and try to ma)e /an) off of them. Here%s the list *I%ve eDcluded their sources for simplicity+"
8isgusting 7oFeling
Tiny >merald 'helpling
Tiny $rimson 'helpling
AFure 'helpling
$aptured 5irefly
$at $arrier *Blac) Ta//y+
Blac) 'helpling
How to 3ind your 4wn 7iche to Sell
5inding your own niche is not as hard as it sounds. 'hat you want to do here is start with everything
you%re )nowledgea/le with. 5or eDampleB if you%re a Blac)smithB you )now eDactly what you can ma)e
and you )now eDactly how much it should sell for...or may/e you don%t and that%s why you need to
search for items you craft in the Auction House to see if anyone is selling them and how much they are
selling for. #ou can do this with every profession you have.
Another way to find a niche is to /ase it off what you are currently doing in game. If you%re doing daily
Guests and you recogniFe a Guest reGuires a reagent that is in high demand /y other playersB see what
that reagent is going for on the Auction House. (erhaps you run instances all day and you have
!ysterious >ssence and Spirit 8ust from disenchanting or something else that drops in the instanceB
then you can control those niches. Anything you regularly o/tain or regularly sell gives you a huge
advantage over other players when wor)ing the Auction House.
'hen you focus on things that you already )now and do *area of competence+B ma)ing gold is that
much easier for you /ecause you%re always one step ahead of the competition.
Miscellaneous Strategies
Artificially Inflating &rices
This strategy involves using two or more characters in order to convince a potential /uyer that an item
is worth more than it actually is. In many of the crafting professions I%ve outlined specific pieces of
gear that can /e crafted and postedB in other cases I%ve tal)ed a/out particular rare items which have
prices that are very negotia/le. These eDclude items that are easy to o/tain. A great eDample would /e a
/ind on eGuip epic from a raid. The price might /e difficult to gauge and if you /egin negotiations with
another player you%ll want to ma)e sure you have something to /ase your offer on. #ou can do this /y
putting the item on the auction house using an alt with a different name. (ut it up forB sayB ==gB and
then advertise in trade that you%re selling the same item for only 14g *<g less than the Auction
House+B /ut only for a limited time /ecause you need gold :7'O AlternativelyB if you%re Guiet a/out itB
a /uyer might as) %how much;% and you can respond with %hold onB let me chec) the auction house%.
Keep this tric) in mind when dealing with low supplyJGuestiona/le valued items.
&re;&atch Buyouts
7n Tuesday%s the servers often times go down for maintenance or a patch. 'hen these servers go
offline people aren%t a/le to access anythingB not even login. But you%ll /e surprised to learn that the
Auction House doesn%t stop tic)ing time away on the auctions. This means if you post an auction
sometime /efore the server goes downB there will /e a period of time when no one is a/le to /uy it. So
how does this wor) in your favor; SimpleO If you )now a patch day or maintenance day is comingB the
night /efore or hours /efore the patchB you go into the auction house and Eust /id on everything that%s
priced low. :ot /uyoutB BI8O It%s important that you /id /ecause the /uyout price is usually significant
higher than the /id price. If you find auctions that will eDpire after the server goes down no one else
will /e a/le to /id on that same item and /est of allB if the person who posted the auction didn%t get a
/id for what they wantedB they won%t /e a/le to login and cancel the auction. This means you can
/asically steal items for low /ids that are eDpiring during maintenance J patch days.
This is a great way to acGuire items at low value. If !aelstrom $rystals are selling for 1g and people
are posting them with a /id price of @g you normally can not win a /id on these items since they will
sell or /e ta)en down. But on patch night you can put in a /id on the cheapest crystals and have a /atch
to sell the neDt wee) at full price.
&atch "hanges
(atches also have great potential to cause change. As mentioned a/ove items play their role for a period
of time and then they slowly lose value. Sometimes BliFFard will introduce maEor changes such as
adding new trade goodsB ma)ing a trade good a reagent for a new recipe or removing an item
completely. To usB change is a huge potential for profitN this is why we need to watch patch notes at
popular sites li)e mmoAchampion or on the 'orld of 'arcraft forums to see these changes coming and
ensure that we ma)e as much gold as we can. 5or o/vious reasonsB these types of events aren%t included
in this guide. They are highly time sensitive and shortAlived. If you want to stay active in the changes to
'orld of 'arcraft your /est /et is to /ecome a HI( mem/er. #ou%re pro/a/ly already signed upB you
can visit the HI( area at" http"JJwww.haydenhaw)e.comJmem/ers.
Module D ,et &aid to ,ather
-athering professions are traditionally the /est way to ma)e gold. There is a sta/le demand for )ey
mineralsB her/sB gemsB and leather for KewelcraftingB Blac)smithingB AlchemyB Inscription and
&eatherwor)ing. (rices of heavily farmed materials are relatively sta/le compared to other trade goods
in the game /ecause there is such a large volume of people farming them and people /uying them.
In order to ma)e more gold per hour gatheringB we want to ma)e sure we have the /est tools to give us
an advantage. 'e will tal) a/out a few addons neDt. 'e also want to ma)e sure that we )now the /est
places to visit and have a variety of places to farm so that we don%t over farm a single mineralB her/ or
leather so we%ll have maps to help guide us through the /est Fones.
,athering Addons
There are two main her/alismJmining gathering addons availa/le" -atherer and $ar/onite. -atherer
trac)s each mineral or her/ that you find and puts it on your map so that you can visit it later. There is
also an eDisting data/ase of nodes availa/le for -atherer that you can download and import so that you
can see where every node is. Keep in mind not all nodes are availa/le at all times /ut this can still help
you determine where you should fly to find minerals and her/s. There are downloads and instructions
for /oth -atherer and -atherer 8B at" http"JJwww.gathereraddon.comJdlJ
$ar/onite is a much more involved addon and it%s easy to get overwhelmed when installing and setting
it up. The /enefit to $ar/onite is that once it%s setupB it will calculate a route for you to fly while you%re
flying /ased on li)ely locations of her/s and minerals in the near /y area. As soon as you are in range
of a potential node and your client realiFes it%s emptyB $ar/onite will reroute you to the neDt potential
node. 'hether you li)e $ar/onite or -atherer will /e up to your personal preferenceB I suggest you try
to /oth if you%re serious a/out gathering. There are downloadsB installation instructions and video
tutorials for $ar/onite at their we/site here" http" I also wrote a
/rief tutorial on $ar/onite that you can find in the introduction of this guide as well as /y searching for
car/onite in the HI( area.
There is a large variety of mineralsB leathers and her/s you can farm. #ou don%t have to farm one her/B
leather or mineral all the timeB it%s actually /etter to farm a variety of everything. If you want to farm
!ists of (andaria her/s head to HaleB 8read 'astes and then Townlong Steppes. $over a variety of
locations so you can collect a variety of her/s or ore. This will give you a larger variety of places to
farmB saving you from the monotony and it will help you avoid flooding the mar)et with a single trade
good which can /e very easy to do with some of the nonA(andaria trade goods.
9emem/erB it%s not all a/out the newest materialsB you can ma)e a lot of gold on old world stuff simply
/ecause no one else is willing or smart enough to go /ac) and farm it. Sometimes it can ta)e a lot
longer to get the price you want when selling older her/sB ores and leathers /ut the payoff is worth the
How to Make ,old with Mining
This section will cover the different routes you can use to gather ore and other ways to ma)e gold with
!ining. (lease read the section a/out $ar/onite at the /eginning of this chapter so you are aware of
other methods of gathering. #ou can use $ar/onite when gathering ore.
3arming 4re
5arming ore is pro/a/ly one of the most relia/le ways to ma)e gold in 'orld of 'arcraft. Starting with
the /est ore to farm first and wor)ing our way down to the least profita/le I will give you all of the
routes on maps.
4re 5ecommended &layer $evel to 3arm
Trillium 7re *Blac) ? 'hite+ 9
Kyparite @<L
-host Iron 7re @4L
(yrite 7re @.L
>lementium 7re @CL
7/sidium 7re @L
Thorium 7re 4L
$o/alt 7re 6@L
!ithril 7re .4L
Saronite 7re <CL
Adamantite 7re 6=L
5el Iron 7re 4@L
Iron 7re =L
Tin 7re 1L
$opper 7re :one
3arming Trillium 4re
5arming Trillium 7re in !ists of (andaria promises to /e one of the most profita/le ways to ma)e gold
in the first months of the game. The /eta didn%t provide us with enough information to refine routes and
methods of farming itB /ut come /ac) shortly after !o( is released to see my personal tried and tested
farming locations.
7ur /est /et will /e to fly through 8read 'astes and Townlong Steppes loo)ing for Trillium nodes.
3arming &yrite 4re
(yrite 7re was the new Titanium 7re and can only /e found in the upper $ataclysm Fones such as
Twilight Highlands. >ven though this was a primary ore in $ataclysmB chec) the mar)et during !o( to
see how valua/le it still is. !ore players want this to help level their professions or to ma)e old items
than players who want to go /ac) to farm it.
&yrite in Twilight Highlands
0se the map /elow for the /est results.
3arming 9lementium 4re
>lementium 7re will /e found on the same route as the (yrite 9oute for Twilight Highlands. Another
good source of >lementium is 8eepholm.
9lementium 4re in Twilight Highlands
0se the map /elow for the /est results.
9lementium 4re in )eepholm
8eepholm is littered with >lementium Heins and almost anywhere you fly you won%t /e a/le to avoid
them eDcept in the :orthern area.
3arming 4.sidium 4re
7/sidium 7re will /e found in the lower level $ataclysm Fones. HashE%r and !ount HyEal will have itB
/ut !ount HyEal is /etter to farm. 9ich 8eposits can also /e found in 8eepholm and you will run into
them while farming >lementium.
4.sidium 4re in Mount HyBal
The /etter selection for pure 7/sidium 7re without the hassle of going underwater.
3arming Thorium 4re
Believe it or notB the most profita/le nonArare spawn ore is Thorium which is from the original 'orld
of 'arcraft. The reason /ehind this is simpleB more and more people are power leveling their
professions to .4 /ut none of these people want to go out and farm Thorium and most people would
rather Eust /uy it in the Auction House. This is /ad for themB /ut good for those who want to ma)e
some gold. So /elow I will give you the /est = routes to get Thorium. 9emem/er there are 9ich
Thorium Heins *reGuired s)ill =<4+ and Small Thorium Heins *reGuired s)ill =.4+.
Thorium in Silithus
#ou will most li)ely want to /e around level 44 or higher to farm this route without getting )illed
freGuently. 8on%t forget there are 7oFe $overed 9ich Thorium Heins in this Fone to /e mined Eust li)e
regular 9ich Thorium Heins. !ost of the nodes are around the hives where the /ugs are.
Thorium in Blasted $ands
>nsure you are high enough mining /efore heading out here. The new Blasted &ands now has Thorium
8epositsB especially in the southwestern areaB /ut you fill find them all along this route. The eastern
area might contain less nodes toward the water.
3arming "o.alt 4re
$o/alt 7re typically sells for a/out the same as Thorium 7reB there are several advantages and
disadvantages to each. 5or eDampleB $o/alt 7re will reGuire you to /e a higher level and if you want to
do it efficiently it is /est that you have a flying mount and /e level <<L even though you will not need
to /e that level to not /e )illed. The mo/s are also higher level around the $o/alt :odes and there will
/e more competition. The advantage isB you can farm $o/alt 7re while you level in :orthrend. So
choose which one to farm /ased off your local Auction HouseB /oth are great.
"o.alt in Lul#)rak
I%m highly recommending you do not try to follow this route unless you have a flying mount /ecause
you will run into pro/lems with walls and drop offs without one. It can /e done without a flying mount
/ut it may not /e optimal. AlsoB there is a miD of $o/alt 8eposits and 9ich $o/alt 8epositsB if you
aren%t C<4 s)ill so you can mine /oth it also might not /e optimal /ut technically you can farm the
regular $o/alt 8eposits at C4 s)ill.
"o.alt in Howling 3Bord
There will also /e a miD of 9ich $o/alt 8eposits and $o/alt 8eposits in Howling 5Eord /ut the s)ill I
recommend is going to remain at C4 /ecause there should /e more regular nodes than not. #ou will
also want a flying mount to complete the route effectively /ut you don%t need one Eust watch out for
parts of the route that don%t use /ridges and ma)e sure you ride across them instead of following the
route in some places.
3arming Mithril 4re
Here is another great ore from the original 'orld of 'arcraft that can /e farmed for some profits. The
reason people want this oreB is the same reason they want Thorium 7re. It ta)es awhile to farm and
they%d rather pay for it to power level their professions. If you%re not level @4 don%t worryB this step was
made Eust for youO
Mithril in 3elwood
#ou don%t need to /e high level for this mining routeB level .L will suffice. 7/viouslyB it%s always
/etter to /e higher level than the highest mo/ you%re going to /e near /ut it%s doa/le without that.
Mithril in Badlands
If you didn%t li)e 5elwood for some reasonB try out the reshaped Badlands in $ataclysm.
3arming Saronite 4re
Saronite is always worth at least 6s per Saronite Bar *Cs per Saronite 7re+B /ecause it can /e used /y
a Blac)smith to craft Saronite Bulwar)s which sell to a vendor for @g .@s from only 1. Saronite Bars.
Keep this in mind if prices ever drop /elow 6s per /ar. The demand for it has /een significantly down
since $ataclysmB /ut once the over a/undance of it disappears and the supply comes downB it will sell
for a reasona/le amount.
Saronite in Icecrown
#ou will pro/a/ly find Titanium on the way too since Saronite is a placeholder for Titanium. Titanium
may still yield some value on the Auction House /ut is not worth farming /y itself.
Saronite in SholaCar
SholaFar is usually the favorite for many players. This route can also /e farmed on land mount /ut its
not recommended.
3arming Adamantite 4re
Adamantite 7re can /e farmed for a moderate profit /ut it%s not as important as the first five so I%ll Eust
give you one good map to use.
3arming 3el Iron 4re
5el Iron is on the same par as Adamantite for ma)ing gold off of itB /ut it%s pro/a/ly easier to get
/ecause it%s most prevalent in the /eginning Fone once you enter 7utlandB Hellfire (eninsula.
3arming Iron 4re in 3eralas
This is a step lower level players can do to ma)e money if you aren%t high enough to do the ones a/ove.
The mo/s in Fones with Iron are typically start at around level = and is mined in Fones up to .B
therefore you need not /e much higher to effectively follow this routeB level C4A. will /e sufficient for
3arming Tin 4re in Hills.rad 3oothills
Hills/rad 5oothills is /y far the /est area to farm Tin 7re in. It is heavily loaded in the northern area in
and around the 7gre area at the 9uins of Alterac.
3arming "opper 4re in Any Starting Lone
$opper 7re is the first resource you will find as a new player in 'orld of 'arcraft. It is availa/le in
almost every starting area and that%s precisely where you should go to farm it. There are too many
starting areas to list /ut here%s a map of >lwynn 5orest and 8urotar.
"onverting 4re into Bars
Since the introduction of KewelcraftingB there usually isn%t a price discrepancy /etween ore and /ars
/ecause Kewelcrafters need to prospect oreB /ut sometimes there isB especially for nonAprospecta/le
ores. Before you post any of your ore up for sale ma)e sure you chec) the price of /ars and see if you
can ma)e more money Eust /y smelting them. Also loo) for ore in the Auction House and see if any of
it is cheap enough to /uy and ma)e into /ars for profit. This is an easy way to ma)e some cash without
even going mining /ut it depends on your local Auction House.
How to Make ,old with Skinning
There are a few different ways to ma)e money s)inning. There are rare mo/s that can /e s)inned to
drop rare itemsB there are common mo/s that can /e s)inned to drop rare furB and there are regular
mo/s to s)in that can drop leather for you. The most consistent way to ma)e money is through
common leatherB /ut this can /e done while loo)ing for these Eac)pots.
Skinning "omponent 5ecommended &layer $evel to 3arm
>Dotic &eather @4L
Savage &eather @L
Blac)ened 8ragonscale <6L
Arctic 5ur 6@L
$o/ra Scales 64L
:eru/ian $hitin 6@L
Icy 8ragonscale <4L
9ugged &eather 4L
Kormungar Scale <L
Borean &eather 6@L
Knothide &eather 4@L
!edium &eather ==L
Heavy &eather CL
9Aotic $eather
>Dotic &eather is the new leather type in (andaria. #ou%ll /e a/le to s)in itB along with ShaATouched
&eatherB from /easts in (andaria. As I find and test farming locations in (andaria they will /e added to
the guide /elow. 0ntil thenB Eust remem/er this stuff is eDtremely valua/le early in !o(.
Savage $eather = Blackened )ragonscale
'hile farming Savage &eather you have a chance to get a (ristine HideB all of the areas for Savage
&eather can /e used to farm (ristine Hide as well. Blac)ened 8ragonscale will /e availa/le in a few
areas that you farm Savage &eather.
Savage $eather in /ldum
#ou%ll want to /e @CL to s)in Savage &eather in here. The two areas I have chosen are !angled Hyena%s
in the red and the 9iver/ed $rocolis)s in Blue. #ou may find that the hyenas are surrounded /y too
many humanoids for your taste so I recommend doing the crocs.
Savage $eather=Blackened )ragonscale in Twilight Highlands
#ou%ll want to /e @.L to s)in Savage &eather in here. Also )eep in mind the 7/sidian 8ragon)in can
drop Blac)ened 8ragonscalesB these are used freGuently in leatherwor)ing. This is a good dual purpose
farming spot where you can get /oth Savage &eather and Blac)ened 8ragonscale from.
Savage $eather=Blackened )ragonscale in Kelp#Thar 3orest? KashB#ir
#ou%ll want to /e @L to s)in Savage &eather in here. Also )eep in mind the /oth of these can give you
a Blac)ened 8ragonscaleB these are used freGuently in leatherwor)ing. This is a good dual purpose
farming spot where you can get /oth Savage &eather and Blac)ened 8ragonscale from.
"o.ra Scales
This component is farmed in 7utlandB more specificallyB the /est spot to farm this item is in
Shadowmoon Halley off of Shadow Serpents. It is still one of the highest profita/le reagents due to no
one farming them anymore and their demand for twin)s. They commonly sell /etween 4ACgB /ut /e
careful not to over farm themB the demand is less for these than it used to /e. It is used to ma)e two leg
enchantsB one can /e placed on level 4L players and the other 6L. $hec) your Auction House /efore
farming these to ma)e sure it is not flooded.
7eru.ian "hitin
This s)inning component only can /e s)inned from the :eru/ian :($s that are commonly found
inside and around the instances of AFEolA:eru/ and Ahn%)ahet" The 7ld Kingdom. If you are a level @
one option you have is soloing these instances on regular to get :eru/ian $hitinB otherwise you will
have to find a group or farm mo/s that have less common drop rates. There are two other main spots to
do this if you don%t )ill the mo/s outside of AFEolA:eru/.
3orgotten )epths 7&"s ; Icecrown
There are a few :($s that can drop :eru/ian $hitin that spawn in this area. They start with the name
5orgotten 8epths and are /ug loo)ing creatures. They spawn all around these two temples. #ou will
want to /e <4L to do this area may/e even <<L.
Hath#ar Skimmer ; Lul#)rak
There are a /unch of Hath%ar S)immers around Kolramas Eust waiting for you to come )ill and s)in
them. So why )eep them waiting; #ou will want to /e at least level <=L to do this area.
7eru.#ar 7&"s ; Borean Tundra
These :($s spawn around 'arsong HoldB you can do it as Alliance /ut /e careful not to get too close
to the guards. There are all )inds of /ug loo)ing :eru/%ar :($s around the hold that spawn and also a
5lamespitter that can drop :eru/ian $hitin. I%d draw you a map /ut they are easy to find since they sit
right outside a maEor Horde $ity.
Icy )ragonscale
These are mostly found on dragon)in inside of Hiolet Hold. #ou can go into regular Hiolet Hold to
farm a few of these at higher levels or you can go to either of the following spots to get some Icy
)rakes ; SholaCar Basin
In the northern part of SholaFar Basin there are dra)es flying in the air and also on ground. #ou can )ill
and s)in these and you can also /rea) hatchlings out of the eggs here to )ill and s)in. This will net you
with a decent amount of Icy 8ragonscales /ecause this area has one of the higher drop rates in game.
#ou%ll want to /e <4L for this area.
Scale.anes ; "rystalsong 3orest
There are a lot of dragon)in out in this area of $rystalsong 5orest that have a really good drop rate. 0se
whichever of the two areas you prefer. #ou%ll want to /e <6L for this area.
5ugged $eather
As with all gathering professionsB old world regular components are worth more than some of the new
ones. The reason for this is simpleB everyone wants to power level their professions /ut do not want to
go farm the components themselves. Since less people are doing the farmingB they get paid higher for
each itemB thus ma)ing 9ugged &eather the most profita/le leather to farm.
"ats : !eti ; %interspring
These are the /est places to gather 9ugged &eather. #ou can go to either location in case one or the
other is farmedB they are near identical. #ou will want to /e 44L for this area.
4ther $ocations for 5ugged leather
0n%-oro $rater A >ntire western part of Fone has higher drop rate than eastern
6ormungar Scale
There are two maEor locations to get Kormungar Scales fromB The Storm (ea)s and 8ragon/light. If you
don%t )now what a Kormungar isB it%s one of those ugly loo)ing /ig worms that tries to eat you. These
are good to )ill and s)in /ecause they drop 'orm !eat as well which can /e used for coo)ing.
6ormungars ; The Storm &eaks
Kormungars are all over this FoneB so I%ll highlight the areas on the map the different Kormungars can /e
found. They are all /asically eGual drop ratesB a/out =4RB so where you go is up to you. #ou should /e
<6L for this part /ecause the :($s will /e around level @.
6ormungars ; )ragon.light
The drop rate on these is a/out 14R /ut the advantage is you can do them at level < or soB which is a
great for people needing gold and Eust starting in :orthrend.
Borean $eather
Borean &eather is a leather that was introduced with 'rath of the &ich King. The advantage to farming
Borean &eather is you can farm a num/er of other things off of mo/s anywhere in :orthrend where
those /easts or s)inna/le mo/s to get it. #ou only have to /e 6@L to efficiently collect Borean &eatherB
the higher the level you are the faster you%ll collect it. #ou can get a lot of this stuff out of instances li)e
Hiolet HoldB -undra)B and Iul%8ra) alsoB in case you%re loo)ing to do an instance.
Skinna.le Mo.s ; Lul#drak
There are so many mo/s you can farm in this Fone for Borean &eather. The ones in this map have some
of the highest drop rate in the gameB near 1R when averaged out. #ou may also run into -ondria in
easter Iul%8ra)B he is a rare spirit /east li)e &oGue%:aha) and drops a randomly enchanted finger slot
Skinna.le Mo.s ; SholaCar Basin
There are very few things that cannot /e s)inned in SholaFarB you can /asically wal) around drun) with
a s)inning )nife and if you manage to )ill something it%s pro/a/ly s)inna/le. But I highlighted the areas
that have near 1R drop rate anyway. I recommend you /e level <.L to do this area.
Knothide $eather
(eople still need Knothide &eather from the Burning $rusade to level from CAC4 &eatherwor)ing or
for other miscellaneous things. Kust for your informationB if you are level @4 or so you will want to Eust
go ahead and start a regular instance of Blac) !orass and )ill and farm the mo/s there and then reset
when you are doneB it%s the /est place to farm Knothide &eather. #ou may /e a/le to Eust do it in the
high 6s effectively since most of the stuff is nonAelite anyway.
7therwiseB you can head to :agrand and slaughter the /easts in the northern part of the Fone. The
Tal/u) ThorngraFers are grouped up around the la)es and trees and are an easy target for farming
Knothide &eather.
Medium $eather
(eople still need !edium &eather and what you%ll learn is everyone is /usy farming the high demand
leathers /ut then when you go to the Auction House you%ll see those prices are /eaten down and things
li)e !edium &eather cost more per stac). The !ottled 9aptors are pro/a/ly the /etter area /ut they
can /e in camps as many as 4 that may all aggro you so /e ready.

Heavy $eather
(eople still need Heavy &eather to level leatherwor)ing or for other miscellaneous things. The same
thing happens to these old and forgotten suppliesB no one has them in stoc) and no one wants to farm
themB so they are worth a lot of gold coming from the players who are getting them Eust /y leveling.
The supply is low and the demand eDceeds itB even though the item doesn%t transact in masses across
the Auction House.
How to Make ,old with Her.alism
There are /etween 6 and < different her/s in 'orld of 'arcraft. Including o/scure her/s that are no
longer usedB low level her/s that fluctuate in value and high level her/s that are used in huge volume
everyday /y alchemists and inscriptionists *scri/es+. 'e%ll ta)e a loo) at how the her/s are usedB I%ll
show you how to pic) ones to farm and then you choose from the collection of tested farming routes
'hen an a new scri/e levels InscriptionB they will need various types of pigment which is eDtracted
from her/s using an a/ility called milling. They will need many stac)s of her/s for each type of
pigment. &evel 1A1 her/s *(eace/loomB Silverleaf and >arthroot+ give 1 pigmentB while &evel 1A=
her/s *BriarthornB Bruiseweed and !ageroyal+ give another. This continues all the way to level @A@4
her/s and then there is a group of !ists of (andaria her/s *@4A9+. A new scri/e will loo) for the
cheapest and most a/undant her/ to /uy large Guantities of for each level range and /uy that her/ out.
5or instanceB for the level 1A1 her/s listed a/ove they might /e a/le to /uy (eace/loom for 1s each
and !ageroyal for Cs each. There will /e a ton of (eace/loom /ut not much !ageroyal. They are not
going to /uy the !ageroyal for CsB they will /uy all the (eace/loom for the cheaper price and never
loo) /ac).
Alchemists also use her/s as they level Alchemy. However they use such a small Guantity that it doesn%t
really have longAterm or predicta/le impact on the mar)et. They won%t need anymore than CA. stac)s of
any given her/.
$evel 1;FI Her.s
To determine if lower level her/s are worth farming you want to ma)e sure that the her/s are /oth in
the demand and priced high enough to ma)e it worth farming. To do thisB chec) the other her/s in their
level range and )eep in mind that most scri/es will /uy the cheapest of them. Also )eep in in mind that
not all players )now what they are doing and might /uy the more eDpensive her/ for reasons no one
Here are the most popular her/s of each level range"
&evel 1A1 her/s" (eace/loomB Silverleaf and >arthroot
&evel 1A= her/s" BriarthornB Bruiseweed and !ageroyal
&evel =AC her/s" 'ild Steel/loomB Kings/loodB and &iferoot
&evel CA. her/s" 5adeleafB -oldthornB Khadgar%s 'his)ersB and 8ragon%s Teeth
&evel .A4 her/s" (urple &otusB SungrassB BlindweedB and -roms/lood
&evel 4A6 her/s" -olden SansamB 8reamfoilB !ountain SilversageB SorrowmossB and Icecap
&evel 6A< her/s" 5elweedB 8reaming -loryB:ether/loomB and 9agveil
&evel <A@ her/s" -oldcloverB Tiger &ilyB Adder%s TongueB Icethorn and &ich/loom
&evel @A@4 her/s" 'hiptailB $inder/loom and Twilight Kasmine
$evel FI;GH Her.s
There are 6 new her/s in !ists of (andaria"
9ain (oppy
-reen Tea &eaf
Snow &ily
5ool%s $ap
-olden &otus
'ith the eDception of -olden &otusB which is ultraArare and valua/leB the 4 other her/s are a/out the
same in scarcity and value. >arly in !Ists of (andaria they will all /e eDtremely valua/le since they
will /e needed to create In) of the 8ream and Starlight In) *inscription+ and to craft any of the new
Alchemy recipes.
'hile we don%t yet )now which are the /est and most valua/le to farm and tradeB we have a pretty good
idea that circling 8read 'astesB Townlong Steppes and Hale of the >ternal Blossoms on our epic flying
mounts at level 9 will /e the /est way to start ma)ing loads of gold with Her/alism.
%hiptail '$evel FH;FI(
'hiptail is used in $ataclysm flas)sB potions /ut more often milled /y scri/es. It can only /e farmed in
0ldum on the edge and mouth of the river. It%s the most plentiful $ataclysm her/B so it%s still worth to
farm since people loo) for it and /uy it since it%s usually so damn cheap.
Twilight 6asmine and "inder.loom '$evel FH;FI(
Twilight Kasmine is only found in Twilight HighlandsB it%s an important her/ for alchemists to ma)e
level @A@4 flas)s as well as some potions and eliDirs. (eople may still /e loo)ing for Twilight Kasmine
/y name since it has some uniGue and specific uses. $inder/loom is also a decent her/ to go /ac) and
farm and you can find it in Twilight Highlights as well. 5arm them /oth using this route"
,athering Icethorn and $ich.loom 'lvl FH(
Icethorn and &ich/loom are used for leveling Alchemy and Inscription through level .=4. #ou should
chec) the prices and demand of these her/s /efore spending time farming them. If you find these her/s
desira/le the /est place to get them is /etween Storm (ea)s and Icecrown using the following route.
The Storm &eaks
3arming Adder#s Tongue? ,oldclover and Tiger $ily from SholaCar Basin
:o one wants to go /ac) to :orthrend to farm her/sB however there will still /e demand for them as
they are needed to level Alchemy and Inscription. $hec) prices and demand /efore you decide to
collect these her/s *same with any her/+. SholaFar is rich with these her/s and you will gather tons very
SholaCar Basin
3arming 3elweed : ,olden Sansam in Hellfire &eninsula 'lvl JHM(
5elweed and -olden Sansam are used a lot while leveling Alchemy and Inscription. 'ith InscriptionB
5elweed is the only her/ worth milling to get :ether (igmentB so it sells in high volume every time a
new Inscriptionist levels from C to C4. -olden Sansam is used a lot in AlchemyB /ut sells in low
volume. #ou%ll /e a/le to move tons of 5elweed /ut you%ll find yourself sitting on a lot of -olden
Sansam after running this route */ut it will sell very high+. If you have a flying mount you can widen
the circle a little /it around Thrallmar and head through the (ools of Aggonar.
Hellfire &eninsula
Icecap and Mountain Silversage '$evel IH;JH her.s(
Icecap and !ountain Silversage are used when leveling Alchemy and /y scri/es loo)ing for Silvery
(igment *from level 4A6 her/s+. 'interspring is loaded with these two her/s and will ma)e it really
easy to stoc) up on them to supply alchemists and scri/es.
,roms.lood? &urple $otus )reamfoil and ,olden Sansam '$evel >H;IH her.s(
These her/s are used /y alchemists to level and milled /y scri/es to Hiolet (igment *&evel .A4+. This
is another great Fone with very high density of her/s. It%s also right neDt to HyEal so you can ta)e the
portal there and fly down if you%re level @4.
Kings.lood? $iferoot? Khadgar#s %hiskers? Sungrass '$evel 8H;>H her.s(
This group of her/s is highly concentrated in the >astern and 'estern (laguelands. #ou can focus on
one Fone or the other or Eust connect the two Fones to ma)e a huge circle. These her/s are used in
decent Guantities /y alchemists leveling and milled to -olden and >merald (igment.

Briarthorn and Mageroyal '$evel 1H;8H her.s(
These two her/s are used a lot in leveling alchemy and for milling 8us)y (igment. The loop /elow
covers a ton of the her/sB notice the area inside the 9uins of Alterac where you can find 5roFen Her/s.
This is an eDtremely high density area to her/ where you%ll find neDt to no competition and no
&eace.loom? Silverleaf and 9arthroot '$evel 1;1H her.s(
Sometimes these her/s are worth farmingB even at level @4. The /est place to find them is right outside
7rgrimmar in 8urotar. If you%re in Stormwind you can go right outside to >lwynn 5orest.
Module > "rafting !our %ay to Thousands A
!a)ing gold with your crafting professions is the easiest and least time consuming method of ma)ing
gold in $ataclysm. The /asic idea /ehind ma)ing a profit crafting is thatB as long as the item /eing
crafted is usefulB it will sell for more than the materials are worth. However there are some eDceptionsB
for instance when an item is crafted a lot /y players while they are leveling a professionN these players
will gladly post their items for a loss on the Auction House dropping the price down. Another eDample
is when an item is crafted /y so many people that the profit you can ma)e crafting it is very low.
If it%s as easy as /uying materialsB crafting items and posting them on the auction house why isn%t
everyone doing it and ma)ing tons of gold; There are a few pitfalls that ma)e this process challengingB
we%ll overcome themB /ut first let%s identify them.
In order to ma)e a significant profitB you have to craft and sell a lot of itemsN for a normal person the
compleDity of /uying the needed materialsB crafting the desired itemsB managing the inventory of items
that you crafted and finally posting them on the Auction House for the right price is a T7: of wor).
'e%ll overcome all . of these pro/lems using addons and automationB this will give us the edge over the
normal player and allow us to ma)e A &7T of gold with a system that is almost completely automated.
The System
Here%s a /rief step /y step overview of how our system will wor)"
1+ 8etermine what items we want to craft.
=+ Buy the materials and craft the items
C+ (ost the items on the Auction House /y undercutting competition 'ITH70T going /elow the price
it cost to craft the item.
.+ -o through your mail and repost items that didn%t sell and undercut people who undercut you.
)etermine %hat Items To "raft
The first step will involve doing mathB o/serving mar)et pricesB using addons or Eust guessing. 'e want
to find items that have a good mar)up so we can craft and sell them. In the following sections of this
chapter I will cover each professionB /ut )eep in mind that each realm is different so you will have to
evaluate profita/ility /efore you do anything else. AlthoughB you can Eust guessB the system is /uilt to
prevent you from losing money. Instead of Eust losing goldB you%ll craft a /unch of eDtra stuff you may
never sell. It%s no /ig deal if you craft something that isn%t profita/le.
If you want to determine if something is profita/leB there are two /asic factors to consider" cost to
produce and estimated value. If the value of the item is more than the cost then you can ma)e a profit.
The cost is easy to calculateB it%s Eust the sum of the mar)etAprices of the materials needed to craft it. If
an item reGuires . -reen Tea &eaf and 1 -olden &otus to create then it%s %cost to produce% is"
(rice of . -reen Tea &eaf L -olden &otus
#ou can determine how much materials are worth with several methods. #ou can use your own scan
data from Auctionator or Auctioneer *this will show in the items tooltips+. #ou can use your scan data
from !ar)et 'atcher or even TradeS)ill!asterB or you can use an online price data/ase li)e The
0ndermine Kournal *http"JJtheundermineEournal.comJ+. #ou want to calculate the cost /ased on the
lowest price of itemsB since you%re going to /uy in /ul) and shop around for good prices.
The neDt thing to do is calculate the value of the item you%re crafting. #ou can use the same methods
descri/ed a/ove. 7nce you have /oth the cost and the value you can calculate the potential profit and
then determine if you want to craft the items. 8on%t /e shyB the system we%re going to use is ro/ust and
can handle a lot of items.
$ilSparky#s %orkshop
If you have enough scan data from AuctioneerB you can use &ilSpar)y%s 'or)shop and -nome'or)s to
calculate the cost and value of all the items in your profession%s spell /oo). See the following screen
shot for an eDample.
To see this yourselfB ensure you have -nome'or)s installed *you can install with $urse $lient or from"
http"JJwww.wowace.comJaddonsJgnomewor)sJ+. !a)e sure that &ilSpar)y%s is installed and ena/led.
!a)e sure you have ran at least 1 scan with Auctioneer on the account you are using and open up your
profession spell /oo) as if you were going to craft something. #ou should see the -nome'or)s
interface along with the value column that you see /elow. If you don%t see a value column it%s pro/a/ly
/ecause you haven%t ran a scan or /ecause &ilSpar)y%s is not installed or ena/led. 8on%t worry thoughB
this step is optional and it%s only purpose is to help you determine what to craft.
0nder the %value% column &ilSpar)y%s wor)shop will show you the estimated value of the item on the
mar)etB and under cost it will add up the costs of all the materials. This is only .eneficial if you have a
ton of scan data with AuctioneerB otherwise the results will /e very inaccurate and potentially
misleading. #ou can right clic) the Halue column to change the location it gets the scan data from.
>ventually our goal will /e to ma)e a list of items we want to craftB a /ig list.
Buying Materials and "rafting
This is the /iggest and most involved step. #ou%ll need to install the following addons" KT,B AltoholicB
-nomewor)s and &ilSpar)y%s 'or)shop. 5or /asic information on these individual addons read the
introduction to this guide.
5irstB log into your crafting character and open up their crafting spell /oo). This should load up the
-nome'or)s interface. :otice the /utton with the right arrow on it on the right side of the interface.
This will eDpand your crafting Gueue.
7nce you eDpand the crafting GueueB you should see an empty Gueue. If it has something in itB you can
hit the %$lear% /utton to clear it out.
At this pointB what you could do is go through the list of crafta/le items on the left clic) %Gueue% for
each item you want to craft. To demonstrateB I chose to Gueue 1 of each of the Savage itemsB including
Savage $o/altB Savage SaroniteB etc.
This will fill up our crafting Gueue and reagentsT list up very Guic)ly. Here%s what mine loo)ed li)e
after Gueuing up 9 items and eDpanding them in the Gueue.
Treagents is another word for materials
The /est part a/out -nome'or)s is that it will give us a list of materials that we are short in order to
craft everything in the Gueue. I won%t start crafting until I have all the materials. :otice it organiFes it
/y guildBan)B auctionB and vendor. Also notice that some of the Ws in the ,ueue are redB meaning there
are insufficient materials to craft these items. I will load up on materials at the lowest prices I can find.
I have enough materials to craft my Savage Saronite S)ullshieldB so I can go ahead and clic) the
%(rocess% /utton in the middle of the Gueue. But li)e I saidB I want to wait until I have all the materials I
need so that I can close my eyesB cross my fingers and mash the process )ey over and over until
everything is crafted. 8uring this processB consider watching a movieB tal)ing on vent or playing ping
pong against the wall with an eDtra cordless mouse.
7)ayB so that%s a /rief eDplanation of how -nome'or)s wor)s. 'e won%t actually manually Gueue up
items li)e we Eust didN that was way too much wor)B instead we%ll create macros and use an addon
called KevTool ,ueue *KT,+ to do this for us.
KevTool -ueue 'KT-( and Altoholic
The neDt step is to ma)e sure we have Altoholic installed and setupB which is pretty simple. 'e won%t
ever have to configure or even loo) at it. It will sit in the /ac)ground and )eep trac) of how many of
each of our items our characters have.
:eDtB we will use KT, /y typing really simple commands. The point of KT, is to Gueue up items for
usB so that we don%t have to. It%s as easy as typing *load up ,nome%orks clear your @ueue first+
/ktq queue 3 Savage Saronite Pauldrons
This will Gueue up no more than C Savage Saronite (auldrons. If all of your characters com/ined have
1 Savage Saronite (auldrons alreadyB then it will only Gueue up =. If you already have =B it will Gueue
up 1. If you already have 1B it will Gueue up =B and if you already have CB it will do nothing. This will
allow us to mindlessly refresh our stoc) of the items that we want to sell.
'e can also use this command to Gueue up more than 1 item. If we Eust use the command"
/ktq queue 3 Savage Saronite
It will Gueue up all the items that your character can craft that start with %Savage Saronite.% In my case
this will include all @ Savage Saronite pieces *S)ullshieldB &egplatesB etc+. It#s very important you
understand how these wildcards work? since it will make @ueuing up Tailoring &v& gear 'for
eAample( really easy*
There are also some shortcuts /uilt into KT,. 5or eDample"
/ktq queue 3 Glyphs
This will Gueue up C of each glyphB if you%re a scri/e. There are also shortcuts for 9are-ems and
>pic-ems. #ou can also use a thresholdB which will use your scan data to eDclude any item that isn%t
selling a/ove that threshold. In actionB this would loo) li)e this"
/ktq set threshold 5g
/ktq Gueue C 9are-ems
This would Gueue C of each rare Guality cut that you have as long as it%s selling for more than 4g.
By now we have a really good idea how to Gueue up a large W of items. But we%re not actually going to
type these commands every timeB that%d /e insane. 'e Eust want to clic) a /uttonB right;
5inallyB we%ll create a macro dedicated to Gueuing all the items for a given professions. Sometimes
you%ll even need more than 1 macroB I%ve used C macros for a single profession. 7nce they are setupB
you Eust clic) 1 at a time and watch your Gueue fill up.
To create a macroB type Jmacro. Here%s an eDample of a macro I used on my Blac)smith during 'rath
of the &ich King"
:otice my use of a//reviations. I used J)tG Gueue = Savage Saronite to craft @ items.
T The most important part of this entire system is to create the right set of macros for your character.
>ach crafting profession has potential to /e profita/le if you Gueue up the right items on a regular /asisB
craft them and then use TS! to post them.
Buying Materials
:ow that you )now how to Gueue everything up and generate a shopping list of materials. All you need
to do is shop around for a few days or even wee)s and /uild up a large inventory of the materials you
need. (ic) them up whenever they go really cheap or negotiate low prices in chat.
Keep notice of character names that are selling really cheap materials in the Auction House. If you see
them more than once they might /e a serious farmer and you can contact them via inAgame mail and set
it up so they send you materials $o8 at their /est price. It%s essentially that you /uy at the cheapest
priceB /ecause there%s no rush to get materials you shouldn%t pay more than you have to.
'e ma)e our profit at every step of the processB /uying materials cheapB crafting items efficiently and
selling them for fair prices. 8on%t pay more than you have to for materials or you%ll /e losing 1JC of that
7nce you%ve Gueued everything up and /ought the materialsB all you need to do is hit the %(rocess%
/utton over and over. &i)e I mentioned a/oveB you can do this while watching a movieB tal)ing on ventB
playing ping pong or even using another program on your computer. If you use windows mode inside
'orld of 'arcraft you can altAta/ in and out of 'o' very Guic)ly to clic) (rocess when the current
process completes.
)istri.uting and 4rganiCing !our Items
The final step in crafting is to use TradeS)ill!aster *TS!+ to setup an autoAmailer to send all these
items to the character that you will post them on the auction house with.
Auto mailing is another eDtremely powerful feature of TS!. To create an auto mailerB type Jtsm and
select the %!ailing 7ptions% in the /ottom right. $reate an mail target and assign it items eDactly li)e
you did when you created the item group a/ove. 7nce setup and assigned itemsB all you have to do is
visit the mail/oD and select %AutoA!ail% and it will fire off all the mail to that target. This ma)es
managing trade materials and crafted items very easy.
If you don%t play your crafterB you could Eust leave them on that character. In most cases I send all the
items to a dedicated /an) alt who will sell them.
I also use autoAmailers to send materials from my primary /an) alt to my crafters. This is completely
optional thoughB you can Eust as easily /uy materials directly with with the crafters.
&ost Items "ompetitively
This neDt step involves setting up Trade S)ill !aster *TS!+ to do all our wor) for us. !a)e sure you
have TS! installed and load up the character with all your crafted items. Keep in mindB TS! is
covered in detail in the Introduction to this guideB so please read that /efore continuing *ma)e sure you
have all the TradeS)ill!asterQ additions installed+.
'hat you need to do now is group the items into logical groups /ased on how much they cost to craft.
In the eDample a/ove where I crafted Savage SaroniteB each of these pieces cost a/out the same to
craft" 1=A1. Saronite Bars and 1 >ternal. 'ith this information I will calculate the minimum price I
would sell the most valua/le of these itemsB and then round up. Imagine Saronite Bars cost me =g and
the most eDpensive >ternal is 1g.
This would put me at =@g for the Saronite Bars and 1g for the >ternalB add those together and we%re at
C@g. I would round up to .4 or 4g and consider that the cheapest I would sell any of the Savage
Saronite pieces for. 'e%ll use this value as our threshold. In !ists of (andaria loo) for profit margins
/etween 4A14 gold on most items.
#ou can do this /y leveraging the TS! addon eDplained in the introduction of this guide. $reate item
groups for each logical group and price them accordingly. !ore information will /e provided on the
eDact Ws to use when doing this throughout the guide.
This is what I do when I log onto my auction characters. The first step is optionalB and that is canceling
your auctions. #ou might not want to cancel auctions since it can ta)e a lot of time *minutes+ and also
cost you deposits. It will depend on the type of item that you are selling. 7nce you%ve cancelledB or if
you didn%tB head to your mail/oD and collect all your salesB eDpired auctions and cancelled auctions.
9eturn to the Auction House and use the %(ost% /utton in the %Auction% ta/ to repost everything. It%s that
System 4verview
This is the entire %system% that you should use to ma)e gold with crafting professions. Setup KT,
macrosB /an) altsB autoAmailers and item groups. $ollect materialsB send them to craftersB load up your
Gueue with your macroB ma)e sure you have all needed materialsB process all itemsB autoAmail them to
your /an) altB log into your /an) altB postJrepost and finally collect your profits. The great part a/out
this system is that we%ll never craft unnecessary items */eyond the first few+B it is a self correcting
system that guarantees a profit and is mostly automated.
Spirit of Harmony
Spirits of Harmony *SoH+ are a new type of trade good introduced at the /eginning of !ists of
(andaria. These are reGuired /y every profession to create some of their /est items. The downside is
that they are Bind on (ic)up and a random world dropB ma)ing them very difficult to acGuire if you
don%t actively play this character.
This definitely puts a hamper on our automated and multiAprofession crafting systemB since it forces us
to play characters with each profession to accumulate SoH. HoweverB there are still plenty of crafts that
don%t reGuire SoHB so we%ll have to /e mindful of what we eDpect to craft on each character.
#ou may remem/er $haos 7r/s during $ataclysmB they were only Bind on (ic)up for the first year of
the eDpansion. $an we eDpect BliFFard to lift the Bo( reGuirement on SoH later in !o(; (ro/a/lyN /ut
until then there%s little we can do a/out it.
#ou can definitely use %The System% with AlchemyB it%s a great candidate for ma)ing gold. #ou can
ma)e potionsB eliDirs and flas)s as well as transmute (rimal 8iamondsB &iving SteelB Trillium and rare
gems from uncommon gems L a -olden &otus.
'ith AlchemyB you%ll want to craft massive Guantities of items /ecause they sell Guic)ly and in larger
stac)s than normal. #ou%ll want to hold several stac)s of the potionsB flas)s and eliDirs that you%re
selling and post them in stac)s of 4B 1 or =.
&lus 6ewelcrafting and 9nchanting
(airing Alchemy with Kewelcrafting allows you to prospect ore and get massive green and /lue Guality
gems. These gems can /e shuffled into various other things. -reenB orange and purple gems can /e
transmuted into (rimal 8iamonds and then those can /e cut into any of the 1. specific cuts. The
remaining redB yellow and /lue gems can utiliFed /y crafting 7rnate Bands and Shadowfire :ec)laces
which can then /e sent to your >nchanter to disenchantB com/ine and sell the enchants as Sha $rystals.
7therwise you can use enchanting to create scrolls and post them on the auction house.
Transmuting &rimal )iamonds : $iving Steel
The (rimal 8iamond is the primary uncut meta gem in !ists of (andariaB it can /e cut into a/out 1.
different specific meta gems. It should /e in good demand on your realm%s auction houseB so if the
materials are availa/le to you at the right prices you should transmutes as many of these as you can.
&iving Steel is used /y >ngineers and Blac)smiths to craft high Guality endAgame items. 0nli)e in
$ataclysmB the materials for &iving Steel consist of only Trillium Bars. Keep in mind thatB regardless of
whether you%re an Alchemist or notB you can advertise in chat and get other people to com/ine Trillium
into &iving Steel for you. As an AlchemistB you can only transmute a &iving Steel once a day.
#ou can also transmute 1 -host Iron Bars into a single Trillium Bar. This is a pure num/ers gameB if
the Trillium is selling faster than the -host Iron and for the right priceB you can ma)e a lot of gold.
HoweverB most of the time this opportunity is not availa/le.
#ou can also transmute any green Guality gem into the same color /lue Guality gem /y adding a -olden
&otus. -olden &otus prices on your realm are going to help you determine if this is profita/le or not. If
you can come up with a /ul) source of -olden &otus you can and pro/a/ly should transmute green
gems into their /lue counter parts. :ot a lot of Alchemists ta)e the time to do this or even realiFe they
can do it.
Item Materials
Transmute &rimal )iamond
= 'ild Kade *green+
= Hermillion 7nyD *orange+
= Imperial Amethyst *purple+
Transmute $iving Steel 6 Trillium Bars
Transmute Trillium Bar 1 -host Iron Bars
There are 4 general and 1 alchemist only flas)s in !ists of (andaria *eDactly li)e in $ataclysm+. The
alchemist only flas) is Bo( so we can not trade it. The general flas)s reGuire 1 -olden &otus and an
assortment of (andarian her/s.
'hether or not you can consistently ma)e money with these flas)s will depend on the raiding
community on your realm and whether or not you can get the her/s at a low enough price. Sometimes
you%ll find yourself competing against Her/alismJAlchemist com/os who will gather their own her/sB
ma)e flas)s and sell the flas)s /elow the price the her/s cost /ecause they thin) that%s a good idea.
>Ither wayB I recommend using The System and Gueuing up all the trada/le flas)sB Eust ma)e sure you
set the right threshold and /uy the her/s at the /est possi/le prices.
Item Materials
3lask of 3alling $eaves 'Spirit(
1 -olden &otus
. -reen Tea &eaf
3lask of Spring Blossoms 'Agility(
1 -olden &otus
. Snow &ily
3lask of %inter#s Bite 'Strength(
1 -olden &otus
. 5ool%s $ap
3lask of the 9arth 'Stamina(
1 -olden &otus
. 9ain (oppy
3lask of the %arm Sun 'Intellect(
1 -olden &otus
. Sil)weed
All of the potions are super cheap to ma)e eDcept the (otion of &uc). There%s no telling how well the
(otion of &uc) actually wor)sB /ut people are /uying itN so you should ma)e themO $reate the cheap
potions and cran) your threshold up so that you ma)e a suita/le profit every time a stac) sells. Sell
them in stac)s of 4B 1 and =. If no one else is selling stac)s small than 1B ma)e people /uy stac)s of
1O 8on%t sell small stac)s unless you have to.
Item Materials
Kermen#s Bite 'Agility(
1 -reen Tea &eaf
1 Snow &ily
Master Healing &otion 1 -reen Tea &eaf
&otion of the 6ade Serpent 'Intellect(
1 -reen Tea &eaf
1 Sil)weed
&otion of the Mountains 'Armor(
1 -reen Tea &eaf
1 9ain (oppy
&otion of Mogu &ower 'Strength(
1 -reen Tea &eaf
1 5ool%s $ap
)arkwater &otion 'Movement Speed( C 8esecrated 7il *C Spinefish each+
Master Mana &otion
1 Snow &ily
1 -reen Tea &eaf
1 5ool%s $ap
&otion of 3ocus 'mana regen( = Snow &ily
&otion of $uck < C -olden &otus
There are -uardian and Battle eliDirs whichB similar to potionsB are very cheap to ma)e reGuiring only =
her/s each. The same applies for eliDirs as does for potions. Sell theseB /ut at a high mar)up so it%s
worth your time to craft them.
Item Materials
9liAir of %eaponry '9Apertise( = Sil)weed
Mad HoCen 9liAir '"ritical Strike( = 9ain (oppy
Mantid 9liAir 'Armor( = -reen Tea &eaf
Monk#s 9liAir 'Mastery(
1 9ain (oppy
1 Sil)weed
9liAir of Mirrors ')odge(
1 Sil)weed
1 5ool%s $ap
9liAir of &eace 'Spirit(
1 9ain (oppy
1 5ool%s $ap
9liAir of &erfection 'Hit(
1 Sil)weed
1 Snow &ily
9liAir of the 5apids 'Haste(
1 9ain (oppy
1 Snow &ily
There are a few o/scure things you can ma)e as an alchemist that sell well on the Auction House. Both
>liDir of -iant -rowth and Swiftness potions. They are /oth really cheap to craft and sell to people
/ecause they are fun to have and use. Both of these recipes are a random world dropB so you%ll either
need to get luc)y and find them yourself or /uy them off the Auction House. !ost people who sell
these on the Auction House don%t realiFe they are actually valua/leB so you can get them pretty cheap.
TSwiftthistle is gathered from Briarthorn and !ageroyal. If you%re an alchemist the /est place to gather
this is in Hills/rad 5oothills. See the Her/alism routes in $hapter = for details.
Item Materials
9liAir of ,iant ,rowth
1 8eviate 5ish
1 >arthroot
Swiftness &otion
1 SwiftthistleT
1 Briarthorn
#ou will ma)e most of your gold in Blac)smithing from ma)ing gear. #ou%ll also ma)e gold /y ma)ing
a few consuma/les and items li)e Shield Spi)esB 'eapon $hains and Belt Buc)les.
There are C level @4 uncommon leveling sets that Blac)smiths ma)eB /ut the only one worth crafting is
the Spiritguard set. This set is perfect for characters who load up old level @4 tan)s and want to get new
gear so they can tan) from level @4A9. There are also (v( setsB the $ontender%s 9evenant and
$ontender%s Spirit sets. These are i&vl .4 pieces which will sell to /oth new (v( players and new
level 9s who want to /e a/le to Gueue up for heroics sooner.
There is a level 9 tan)ing set that will also sell to tan)s who Eust reached level 9 and want to /e a/le
to dive into heroics as a tan). This is the !asterwor) Spiritguard setB it%s also i&vl .4 so it will help
players get into heroics faster.
!ost of the -hostA5orged eGuipment has M9andom >nchantS so I avoid this in the System.
!asterwor) &ightsteel will sell to new level 9 paladins who want the caster stats. 5inallyB there is an
assortment of epic i&vl .<6A.96 epics that will sell to new raidersN these reGuire Blood Spirits and
Spirits of Harmony to craft.
"onsuma.les = 9nchants
The &iving Steel Belt Buc)le is pro/a/ly the most popular item purchased in !ists of (andaria. Almost
every time a level 9 gets a /elt upgrade they will load up the auction house and /uy the cheapest
&iving Steel Belt Buc)le. #ou should craft these /y the doFens and post them at the neDt competitive
price whenever you%re online.
Shield Spi)es and 'eapon $hains also sellB /ut much less often than Belt Buc)les.
Item Materials
$iving Steel Belt Buckle 1 &iving Steel
$iving Steel %eapon "hain 1 &iving Steel
,host Iron Shield Spike 1= -host Iron Bars
Spiritguard '$evel FI Tanking ,ear(
A lot of people overloo) this set of gear. It%s level @4 tan)ing gear and it%s relatively cheap. This is very
helpful to the player who loaded up a level @4 they never raided with and who wants to tan) through
dungeons to level 9. I%ve /een in this position in the past and what I do is load up wowheadB find the
tan)ing gear and then find it on the auction house and pay whatever it costs. It%s always a huge upgrade
from what I had anyway.
#ou can Gueue up crafting all this gear using /ktq queue # Spiritguard and use The System to craft and
sell it. Start with C of each piece.
Item Materials
Spiritguard Bracers
4 -host Iron Bars
Spiritguard Belt < -host Iron Bars
Spiritguard ,auntlets < -host Iron Bars
Spiritguard Boots < -host Iron Bars
Spiritguard $egplates 1= -host Iron Bars
Spiritguard Shoulders < -host Iron Bars
Spiritguard Shield 9 -host Iron Bars
Spiritguard Breastplate 1= -host Iron Bars
Spiritguard Helm
1= -host Iron Bars
There is also a &ightsteel set at level @4. 'hile it might /e worth producing and testing on your realmB I
have not had good results with this type of gear. The same goes for the -hostA5orged gearB which
comes with random enchants.
Masterwork Spriritguard '$evel GH Tanking(
This tan)ing gear is also overloo)ed. It will sell to most new level 9s who want to tan) heroics. #ou
can literally /uy a set of this and instantly Gueue up for heroics. #ou can Gueue up crafting all this gear
using /ktq queue # Masterwork Spiritguard and use The System to craft and sell it. I recommend C of
each piece to start.
Item Materials
Masterwork Spiritguard Belt
1 Trillium Bar
< -host Iron Bars
Masterwork Spiritguard Boots
1 Trillium Bar
< -host Iron Bars
Masterwork Spiritguard Bracers
1 Trillium Bar
4 -host Iron Bars
Masterwork Spiritguard Breastplate
1 Trillium Bar
1= -host Iron Bars
Masterwork Spiritguard ,auntlets 1 Trillium Bar
< -host Iron Bars
Masterwork Spiritguard Helm
1 Trillium Bar
1= -host Iron Bars
Masterwork Spiritguard $egplates
1 Trillium Bar
1= -host Iron Bars
Masterwork Spiritguard Shoulders
1 Trillium Bar
< -host Iron Bars
Masterwork Spiritguard Shield
1 Trillium Bar
1= -host Iron Bars
Masterwork $ightsteel '"aster &late(
This gear is also overloo)edB it will sell to new level 9s who are loo)ing for the plateB intellect and
spirit. It is i&vl .4B so it will help new characters Gueue up for heroics as soon as possi/le.
#ou can Gueue up crafting all this gear using /ktq queue # Masterwork Lightsteel and use The System to
craft and sell it. I recommend starting with C of each piece.
Item Materials
Masterwork $ightsteel Belt < -host Iron Bars
Masterwork $ightsteel Boots < -host Iron Bars
Masterwork $ightsteel Bracers 4 -host Iron Bars
Masterwork $ightsteel Breastplate 1= -host Iron Bars
Masterwork $ightsteel ,auntlets < -host Iron Bars
Masterwork $ightsteel Helm 1= -host Iron Bars
Masterwork $ightsteel $egplates
1= -host Iron Bars
Masterwork $ightsteel Shield
1= -host Iron Bars
= Trillium Bars
Masterwork $ightsteel Shoulder < -host Iron Bars
"ontender#s '&v& Starter Set(
There are @ pieces for each plate niche" intellectLspirit and strengthLstamina. These 16 pieces total will
sell to level 9 players who want to start doing (v(. There is no /etter option for them. Sell these setsO
#ou can Gueue up this gear with /ktq queue 3 Contender's and sell it using the system descri/ed a/ove.
I recommend starting with .A4 for each pieceB depending on your supply of -host Iron.
Item Materials
"ontender#s 5evenant Belt < -host Iron Bars
"ontender#s 5evenant Boots < -host Iron Bars
"ontender#s 5evenant Bracers 4 -host Iron Bars
"ontender#s 5evenant Breastplate 1= -host Iron Bars
"ontender#s 5evenant ,auntlets < -host Iron Bars
"ontender#s 5evenant Helm 1= -host Iron Bars
"ontender#s 5evenant $egplates 1= -host Iron Bars
"ontender#s 5evenant Shoulders < -host Iron Bars
"ontender#s Spirit Belt < -host Iron Bars
"ontender#s Spirit Boots < -host Iron Bars
"ontender#s Spirit Bracers 4 -host Iron Bars
"ontender#s Spirit Breastplate 1= -host Iron Bars
"ontender#s Spirit ,auntlets < -host Iron Bars
"ontender#s Spirit Helm 1= -host Iron Bars
"ontender#s Spirit $egplates 1= -host Iron Bars
"ontender#s Spirit Shoulders < -host Iron Bars
9pic ,ear 'i$vl >NJ and i$vl >GJ O; Blood Spirit ,ear(
There are a/out 1= pieces of epic gear. >ach one fits a certain niche within the game and will /ring a
customer searching for them to help them get their raiding gear together. They are a /it more difficult to
macro with KT,B /ut you can do it with a/out @ lines.
Item Materials
Breastplate of Ancient Steel
@ &iving Steel
@ Spirit of Harmony
,auntlets of Ancient Steel
4 &iving Steel
@ Spirit of Harmony
,host 5eaver#s Breastplate
@ &iving Steel
@ Spirit of Harmony
,host 5eaver#s ,auntlets
4 &iving Steel
@ Spirit of Harmony
$iving Steel Breastplate
@ &iving Steel
@ Spirit of Harmony
$iving Steel ,auntlets
4 &iving Steel
@ Spirit of Harmony
Bloodforged %arfists
6 &iving Steel
6 Blood Spirit
= Spirit of Harmony
"hestplate of $imitless 3aith
@ &iving Steel
@ Blood Spirit
C Spirit of Harmony
,auntlets of Battle "ommand 6 &iving Steel
6 Blood Spirit
= Spirit of Harmony
,auntlets of /n.ound )evotion
6 &iving Steel
6 Blood Spirit
= Spirit of Harmony
4rnate Battleplate of the Master
@ &iving Steel
@ Blood Spirit
C Spirit of Harmony
/nyielding Bloodplate
@ &iving Steel
@ Blood Spirit
C Spirit of Harmony
How to Make ,old with 9nchanting
>nchanting is a very eDpensive profession to level and most players stay away from it unless they
already have it. #ou can ma)e very easy gold disenchanting items off the Auction House as well as
selling enchants in trade. HoweverB the /est way to ma)e gold is to post them on the Auction House as
7ne way to ma)e gold with enchanting is to use Auctioneer and >nchantriD to search the Auction
House and find items that are posted with a /uyout or /id /elow their average disenchant price. To do
this you need at least several days of Auctioneer scan data /ut over a wee) is /etter. If you have the
Auctioneer Suite installed *from http"JJauctioneeraddon.comJ or via the $urse $lient+ you can run a
%Guic) scan% /y opening up a window the Auction House and hitting the fastAfoward /utton at the top of
the Browse ta/"
After running several days worth of scans and immediately after one of those scans you can use
Auctioneer%s Search0IB found in the Search ta/. Inside itB if you%re searching with a /an) alt instead of
an enchanter select %use custom levels% so that it won%t guess that you%re not an enchanter. 5inallyB hit the
search /utton and it will scan your most recent auction house data for profita/le purchases.
'hat Eust happened; Auctioneer chec)ed all of the current auctions /ased on your most recent scan and
found items with a /uyout or /id price /elow the average disenchant value. The most profita/le item in
my search was a Honed Stiletto of the Bear. There are two values that are calculated /y Auctioneer"
8isenchant *AucAdv+ and 8isenchant *Baseline+. The AudAdv is /ased on the average price of the
average results of disenchanting. 5or this item it would /e calculated li)e this"
-reater Astral >ssence" <4R T 1.4 T average price of -reater Astral >ssence
Soul 8ust" =R T 1.4 T average price of Soul 8ust
&arge -limmering Shard T average price of &arge -limmering Shard
The Baseline price is /ased on the least eDpensive resultsB ie+ the worst case scenario.
If you have Auctionator installed and if you have scanned the enchanting materials with AuctionatorB it
will calculate a 8isenchant valueB seen at the top. This is calculated in the same way eDcept it uses the
latest low prices of the itemsN so it%s a /it more pessimistic.
#ou can sort the search results /y %(rofit% /y left clic)ing that column header"
:otice that the /uy out of the Honed Stiletto of the Bear is only 6sB this is a great /uy. So are the
BronFe Battle ADes. The 9eason column will tell you whether the (rofit column is calculated /y using
the /uy or the /id price of the auction.
'ith this method you can run periodic scans and searches to find really great Pfree money.P If you use
Auctionator to post the disenchanted materialsB you%ll generate eDtremely accurate data for the
Auctionator tooltip and /e a/le to /etter refine your purchases.
Selling 9nchanting
The classic way for selling enchants is to advertise your >nchanting /oo) in the trade channel and hope
that some one will message you with an enchanting reGuest. A long time agoB /efore you could even
lin) your entire enchanting /oo) you would have to lin) individual enchants in trade.
>ither wayB the main pro/lem with this approach is that it is time consuming. It%s still a good thing to do
while you%re on your enchanter /ut using >nchanting Hellums is much more efficientB it allows us to
use PThe SystemP to rapidly produce lots of scrolls and post them to the AH at competitive prices.
#ou can use %The System% as descri/ed at the /eginning of this chapter with >nchantingB the /ig
difference is that when you are processing your Gueue you have to clic) on the Hellum in your /ag after
you select %(rocess.% BliFFard doesn%t ma)e many random or useless enchantsB they all have their place.
The material cost of enchants is pretty lowB so there%s really no eDcuse if you%re not posting the maEority
of these enchants especially since most of them are availa/le from the trainer.
$evel 1;FI 9nchants
#ou will notice that older enchants are still in the list /elow. Some of them are there for specific
reasonsB such as they are good for a certain level character. 7thers are there simply /ecause they are
often cheaper than the level 9 option. If you%re hardcore and want to maDimiFe the amount of gold you
ma)e with >nchantingB create these level 1A@4 enchants and post them so that players have a cheaper
option to get stats on their leveling gear.
9nchant "hest
Item Materials Source
Mighty Stats = &esser $elestial >ssence Trainer
4 Hypnotic 8ust
1 &esser $elestial >ssence
Mighty 5esilience 9 Hypnotic 8ust Trainer
9Aceptional Spirit
1 Hypnotic 8ust
= -reater $elestial >ssence
1 Hypnotic 8ust
. Heavenly Shard
= !aelstrom $rystal
Twilight Highlands
&eerless Stats
C Heavenly Shard
C !aelstrom $rystal
Twilight Highlands
$evel GH
Mighty Spirit . Spirit 8ust Trainer
Super 5esilience '&v&(
C Spirit 8ust
1 !ysterious >ssence
Superior Stamina
. Spirit 8ust
1 !ysterious >ssence
,lorious Stats
= Spirit 8ust
C !ysterious >ssence
9nchant Boots
Item Materials Source
9arthen Kitality = Hypnotic 8ust Trainer
= Hypnotic 8ust
1 &esser $elestial >ssence
MaBor Agility
. Hypnotic 8ust
= &esser $elestial >ssence
= Hypnotic 8ust
= &esser $elestial >ssence
1 >liDir of Impossi/le Accuracy
1 Hypnotic 8ust
C &esser $elestial >ssence
Assassin#s Step
4 Hypnotic 8ust
< &esser $elestial >ssence
= Heavenly Shard
1 !aelstrom $rystal
Twilight Highlands
1 &esser $elestial >ssence
= Heavenly Shard
1 !aelstrom $rystal
Twilight Highlands
$evel GH
,reater &recision 'Hit(
= Spirit 8ust
1 !ysterious >ssence
Blurred Speed 'MSpeed :
= >thereal Shards Trainer
,reater Haste
= Spirit 8ust
= !ysterious >ssence
&andaren#s Step
. Spirit 8ust
C !ysterious >ssence
9nchant Bracer
Item Materials Source
= Hypnotic 8ust
1 &esser $elestial >ssence
"ritical Strike
. Hypnotic 8ust
= &esser $elestial >ssence
4 -reater $elestial >ssence
1 Holatile Air
1= Hypnotic 8ust
1 &esser $elestial >ssence
9Aception Spirit
9 Hypnotic 8ust
C &esser $elestial >ssence
,reater 9Apertise
. Hypnotic 8ust
C &esser $elestial >ssence
,reater "ritical Strike
14 Hypnotic 8ust
C &esser $elestial >ssence
= Heavenly Shard
1 !aelstrom $rystal
Twilight Highlands
,reater Speed
1= Hypnotic 8ust
. &esser $elestial >ssence
= Heavenly Shard
1 !aelstrom $rystal
Twilight Highlands
$evel GH
Mastery . Spirit 8ust Trainer
MaBor )odge
@ Spirit 8ust
= !ysterious >ssence
9Aceptional Strength C Sha $rystal August $elestials A 9evered
,reater Agility C Sha $rystal August $elestials A 9evered
Super Intellect C Sha $rystal August $elestials A 9evered
9nchant ,loves
Item Materials Source
1= Hypnotic 8ust
= !aelstrom $rystals
14 Holatile Air
9andom 8rop
MaBor Strength
6 Hypnotic 8ust
= !aelstrom $rystals
=4 Holatile >arth
9andom 8rop
Mighty Intellect
. Hypnotic 8ust
. -reater $elestial >ssence
= !aelstrom $rystals
14 Holatile 'ater
9andom 8rop
1 Hypnotic 8ust
1 &esser $elestial >ssence
. Hypnotic 8ust
1 &esser $elestial >ssence
9Aceptional Strength
C Hypnotic 8ust
= -reater $elestial >ssence
,reater 9Apertise
4 Hypnotic 8ust
= -reater $elestial >ssence
,reater Mastery 1 Hypnotic 8ust
4 -reater $elestial >ssence
Twilight Highlands
= !aelstrom $rystal
Mighty Strength
. Hypnotic 8ust
@ -reater $elestial >ssence
= !aelstrom $rystal
Twilight Highlands
$evel GH
,reater Haste . Spirit 8ust Trainer
Superior 9Apertise = !ysterious >ssence Trainer
Super Strength
C Spirit 8ust
1 !ysterious >ssence
1 >thereal Shard
Superior Mastery C !ysterious >ssence Trainer
9nchant "loak
Item Materials Source
,reater Spell &iercing C Hypnotic 8ust Trainer
Intellect 6 Hypnotic 8ust Trainer
"ritical Strike
@ Hypnotic 8ust
= -reater $elestial >ssence
@ Hypnotic 8ust
C -reater $elestial >ssence
,reater Intellect
9 Hypnotic 8ust
. -reater $elestial >ssence
,reater "ritical Strike 4 !aelstrom $rystal Twilight Highlands
$evel GH
Superior "ritical Strike 1 !ysterious >ssence Trainer
Superior Intellect
C Spirit 8ust
C !ysterious >ssence
Accuracy < Spirit 8ust Trainer
,reater &rotection = >thereal Shards Trainer
9nchant 4ff;Hand
Item Materials Source
Superior Intellect
6 Hypnotic 8ust
. -reater $elestial >ssence
$evel GH
MaBor Intellect C !ysterious >ssence Trainer
%eapon 9nchants
Item Materials Source
9nchant %eapon ;
. &arge Brilliant Shard
. >ssence of Air
Tim/ermaw Hold A Honored
9nchant 8H %eapon ;
@ &arge Brilliant Shard
. >ssence of Air
Tim/ermaw Hold A 5riendly
9nchant %eapon ;
. &arge Brilliant Shard
. >ssence of 0ndeath
. &iving >ssence
9andom drop" Scholomance
9nchant %eapon ;
6 Hoid $rystal
1 &arge (rismatic Shard
@ -reater (lanar >ssence
. Arcane 8ust
8rops off !oroes in KaraFhan. Binds on (ic)up
. Hypnotic 8ust
6 -reater $elestial
11 Hypnotic 8ust
C -reater $elestial
9lemental Slayer
< Hypnotic 8ust
= -reater $elestial
1 Heavenly Shard
6 Heavenly Shard
6 Holatile Air
9 Hypnotic 8ust
C -reater $elestial
C Heavenly Shard
C Holatile &ife
6 Hypnotic 8ust
4 -reater $elestial
4 Heavenly Shard
4 !aelstrom $rystal
Twilight Highlands
&ower Torrent
1. Hypnotic 8ust
@ Heavenly Shard
. !aelstrom $rystal
Twilight Highlands
. -reater $elestial
6 Heavenly Shard
6 !aelstrom $rystal
Twilight Highlands
Mighty Agility '8H( C Hypnotic 8ust Trainer
C -reater $elestial
C Heavenly Shard
$evel GH
9lemental 3orce
M 9lemental )amage
C !ysterious >ssence Trainer
"rit? Haste : Mastery
1= Spirit 8ust
1 >thereal Shard
A.sor. )M, &roc
C >thereal Shards Trainer
)ancing Steel
M Strength or MAgility
1= Spirit 8ust
1 Sha $rystals
ShadoA(an 9evered
6ade Spirit
M Intellect : MSpirit
. !ysterious >ssence
1 Sha $rystals
ShadoA(an 9evered
5iver#s Song
M )odge &roc
1 9iver%s Heart
4 !ysterious >ssence
ShadoA(an 9evered
Shield 9nchants
Item Materials Source
1 -reater $elestial >ssence
14 Holatile >arth
Blocking 1= Hypnotic 8ust Trainer
$evel GH
,reater &arry
C !ysterious >ssence
1 >thereal Shard
How to Make ,old with 9ngineering
>ngineers have the least num/er of things to craft. But this also means there will /e less people crafting
>ngineering items and posting them on the Auction House. If you%re an >ngineerB you should ta)e
advantage of your uniGue a/ilities and craft all the various level @4A9 items and as many other o/scure
items that can sell on your realm.
"rafting 5anged %eapons? Scopes? Trinkets and ,ears
There is a single ranged weapon worth craftingB the &ongA9ange Trillium SniperB which is a decent
piece of eGuipment for players who Eust hit level 9. There are also = scopes *enchants+ worth posting"
the !irror Scope and &ord Blastington%s Scope of 8oom. These items will sell primarily to players who
Eust reached level 9 or who are still leveling *in the case of the scopes+.
There is a neat loo)ing trin)etB the -host Iron 8ragonlingB which does nothing on its own /ut you can
put C cogwheels into it. These are >ngineer crafted PgemsP. There are @ different Tin)er%s -ears"
5lashing Tin)er%s -ear *L6 (arry+
5ractured Tin)er%s -ear *L6 !astery+
(recise Tin)er%s -ear *L6 >Dpertise+
,uic) Tin)er%s -ear *L6 Haste+
9igid Tin)er%s -ear *L6 Hit+
Smooth Tin)er%s -ear *L6 $ritical Stri)e+
Spar)ling Tin)er%s -ear *L6 Spirit+
Su/tle Tin)er%s -ear *L6 8odge+
$onsidering you can put C of these into a 8ragonling trin)etB the trin)et itself is going to /e really
powerful. #ou might even want to advertise the trin)et and the gears in trade chat. >ach gear costs =
-host Iron Bars to create. /se PThe SystemP to keep these posted on your auction houseQ
Item Materials
Mirror Scope 'M"rit &roc(
. -host Iron Bolts
= &apis &aFuli
$ord Blastington#s Scope of )oom
'MAgility &roc(
1@ -host Iron Bolts
= (rimordial 9u/y
1 Spirit of Harmony
$ong;5ange Trillium Sniper
1= Thorium Bars
1 Spirit of Harmony
1 &ord Blastington%s Scope of 8oom *see
,host Iron )ragonling
1= 'indwool $loth
@ -host Iron Bolts
. HighA>Dplosive -unpowder
"rafting Mounts
There are the 'rath of the &ich King mechanical passenger mounts. They cost at least 1=B4 gold to
/uy the materials for and then some. Always find a .uyer .efore you try to make one of these* If you
have the schematic you should periodically advertise in trade /ecause if you can find a /uyerB you can
charge at least 1Bg as a mar)up.
There are also two new mounts introduced in !ists. Both roc)et loo)ing things. $hec) your mar)et on
your realm /efore crafting theseB you might even want to find a /uyer /efore you actually craft them.
They cost a lot of Spirit of Harmony and Trillium.
Item Materials 7otes
)epleted;Kyparium 5ocket 1= &iving Steel
= Kyparite
C 7r/ of !ystery
1= HighA>Dplosive -unpowder
1= Spirit of Harmony
= -host Iron Bolts
consider finding a /uyer firstO
,eosynchronous %orld
1= &iving Steel
1= Trillium Bars
1= Spirit of Harmony
= -host Iron Bolts
C 7r/ of !ystery
consider finding a /uyer firstO
Mekgineer#s "hopper 1= Titansteel Bar
. Handful of $o/alt Bolts
= Arctic 5ur
1 Salvaged Iron -olem (arts
@ -o/linAmachined (iston
1 >lementiumAplated >Dhaust
This is the Alliance version of
the hog. It can only /e o/tained
from the Alliance Hanguard
vendors and you must /e eDalted
reputation with them. It is very
very eDpensive to craft and very
very hard to find someone to sell
Mechano;hog 1= Titansteel Bar
. Handful of $o/alt Bolts
= Arctic 5ur
1 Salvaged Iron -olem (arts
@ -o/linAmachined (iston
1 >lementiumAplated >Dhaust
This is the Horde version of the
$hopper. It can only /e o/tained
from the Horde >Dpedition
vendors and you must /e eDalted
reputation with them. It is very
very eDpensive to craft and very
very hard to find someone to sell
$ompanions *non com/at pets+ are collected /y a lot of players in 'o'. Some people collect them for
achievementsB others collect them Eust for fun. >ither wayB when there is a pet that they really want and
there are only a few sources to get itB they will pay hundreds of gold. !ost of the schematics for these
pets drop in o/scure locations. #ou should /e aware of them /ecause if you have one of them they are
usually worth selling on your auction house.
5arming -nomergan will get you Schematic" &il% Smo)y and Schematic" (et Bom/ling. 'atch the
auction house for Schematic" &ifeli)e !echanical Toad and Schematic" !echanical SGuirrel. If you%re
a/ove level 44B head to 0n%-oro and complete the Guest" Are 'e There #eti for Schematic" TranGuil
!echanical #eti.
The 8eA'eaponiFed !echanical $ompanion schematic is availa/le to -nomish >ngineers and the
(ersonal 'orld 8estroyer schematic is availa/le to -o/lin >ngineers.
In !ists >ngineers can learn the !echanical (andaren 8ragonlingB really there%s no reason you
shouldn%t try to sell these.
Item '5e@uired $evel(
Materials 7otes
Mechanical &andaren
. -host Iron Bats
6 Trillium Bars
= Spirit of Harmony

)e;%eaponiCed Mechanical
1= 7/sidium Bar
. Handful of 7/sidium Bolts
@ >lectrified >ther
= Kasper
&ersonal %orld )estroyer
1 7/sidium Bar
@ Handful of 7/sidium Bolts
@ >lectrified >ther
$ifelike Mechanical Toad '8JI(
1 &iving >ssence
. Thorium 'idgets
1 -old (ower $ore
1 9ugged &eather
This schematic is a very rare
world drop. #ou should chec) the
auction house periodically if you
want to ma)e these pets.
Tran@uil Mechanical !eti '8IH(
1 $ured 9ugged Hide
. Thorium 'idget
= -lo/e of 'ater
= Truesilver Transformer
1 -old (ower $ore
!ust complete Guest line Are 'e
There #eti from 0mi
9umplesnic)er in >verloo)B
'interspring. Then once you are
=4L >ngineering and at least
level 44 tal) to her again and
she%ll give you a Guest that
teaches you how to ma)e them.
$il# Smoky '8HI(
1 $ore of >arth
= -yrochronatom
1 5used 'iring
= !ithril Bar
1 Truesilver Bar
This schematic drops in
-nomerganB most often off
Arcane :ullifier UA=1. It drops
only for >ngineers and has a
pretty high drop rate.
&et Bom.ling '8HI(
1 Big Iron Bom/
1 Heart of 5ire
1 5used 'iring
6 !ithril Bar
The schematic for this drops
from !e)gineer Thermaplugg if
an >ngineer is in the group. It
can only /e looted an an
>ngineer and has a pretty high
drop rate.
Mechanical S@uirrel 'NI(
1 $opper !odulator
1 Handful of $opper Bolts
1 $opper Bar
= !alachite
This schematic is a random
world drop. #ou can usually find
it on the Auction House though.
These are a few eDtra items that you might enEoy ma)ing and posting on your realm%s Auction House.
The !istA(iercing -ogglesB for eDampleB are a miner mustAhave. Sell theseO They should sell if you
ma)e them availa/le on a regular /asis and they are pretty easy to ma)e.
Item Materials
Mist &iercing ,oggles
@ -host Iron Bolts
= Spirit of Harmony
Authentic 6r* 9ngineer ,oggles
@ 7/sidium Bar
= Hessonite
= Savage &eather
$ure Master Tackle BoA = >lementium Bar
. Handful of 7/sidium Bolts
8 Heat;Treated Spinning $ure
1 Handful of 7/sidium Bolts
. >lementium Bar
1 Holatile 5ire
How to Make ,old with Inscription
Scri/es can use %The System% to ma)e useful relics and /oo)s as well as tons of glyphs. This profession
has one of the highest potentials for profit since a successful glyph system can ma)e thousands of gold
a day without much wor). HoweverB it has /ecome one of the most used systems to ma)e goldB so it
can get competitive. (ersistence will pay off.
Scroll of %isdom
#ou can create a Scroll of 'isdom every day /y com/ining C In) of the 8reamsB this will give you a
Scroll of 'isdom which can /e used in several crafts. Since you%re limited to 1 a dayB use them wisely.
#ou will also discover a new glyph each time you craft a Scroll of 'isdom. !a)e sure you start doing
this on the first day you reach level 4=4.
4ff Hands
There are a few high level off hands that will sell well on the auction house. >ach of these reGuire 4
Scrolls of 'isdomB so you won%t /e a/le to craft them using the system /ut that also means their value
will /e much higher and there will /e less competition selling them.
Item Materials
Inscri/ed Kade 5an
1 Inscri/ed 5an
C Starlight In)
4 Scroll of 'isdom
Inscri/ed 9ed 5an
1 Inscri/ed 5an
C Starlight In)
4 Scroll of 'isdom
BliFFard gave scri/es some uniGue companions that only they can sell. These are great candidates to
add to your crafting system. >ach of them only reGuire . In) of 8reams so you can craft them in larger
Guantities and use TS! to post them.
Item Materials
"hi;Bi Kite . In) of 8reams
!u#lon Kite . In) of 8reams
Inscriptions '9nchants(
Also new in !o(B scri/es can create %Inscriptions% which are the eGuivalent to shoulder enchants. They
are Bo> meaning you can trade and sell them on the auction house. There are = Guality tiers of .B
ma)ing @ total. They are actually really cheap to craftB so you%re going to want to ma)e these things in
volume and out automate your competition.
Item Materials
"rane %ing Inscription 'MInt? M"rit( . In) of 8reams
4A Horn Inscription 'MStam?
. In) of 8reams
Tiger "law Inscription 'MAgi? M"rit( . In) of 8reams
TIger 3ang Inscription 'MStr? M"rit( . In) of 8reams
,reater "rane %ing Inscription
'MInt? M"rit(
. Starlight In)
,reater 4A Horn Inscription 'MStam?
. Starlight In)
,reater Tiger "law Inscription
'MAgi? M"rit(
. Starlight In)
,reater Tiger 3ang Inscription 'MStr?
. Starlight In)
-lyphs can provide su/stantial profit /ut it is highly dependent how many people and who else is
selling the glyphs on your realm. :ew characters will often /uy all the glyphs they need off the auction
house at whatever the lowest price is. This is why reposting is important if you%re selling glyphsB you
want to have the lowest price during pea) play time.
#ou can use PThe SystemP descri/ed at the /eginning of this chapter to sell glyphs. #ou can use the %all
glyphs% command with KT,"
/ktq queue 5 Glyphs
This command will Gueue up to 4 of each glyph that you )now how to ma)e. 0nfortunatelyB there are
a/out = glyphs and many of them are discovered opposed to trained. 'hile you can use this method
and setup = auction characters to each sell half of these glyphsB you%ll find yourself logging in doing
monotonous craftingB postingB canceling and emptying your mail/oD for 1L minutes per round. #ou
can ma)e a ton of gold doing thisB /ut you might find /eing more specific a/out what glyphs you craft
more effective.
#ou can setup a specialty mar)et /y pic)ing a class and ma)ing all of their glyphs. #ou can pic) either
!inor or !aEor glyphs only to craftB you can pic) glyphs /ased on their current mar)et price or you can
select glyphs one /y one using a tool li)e wowpopular.
&icking ,lyphs Based on Average Auction &rice
If you have sufficient scan data you can use KT, to Gueue glyphs that are selling a/ove a specified
mar)et price. To do this you Eust set a threshold and then run the Gueue -lyphs command"
/ktq set threshold 5g
/ktq queue 5 Glyphs
These two commands will Gueue up to 4 of each glyph that is priced a/ove 4g */ased on your scan
data+. This is a great way to limit the W of glyphs you%re crafting.
&icking ,lyphs 4ne;.y;one
Head to http"JJwww.wowpopular.comJ and chec) %-lyphs% and then !aEor on the right. This will show
you the most popular !aEor glyphs currently in use in !ists. #ou can literally go through these one /y
one and select as many as you want /ased on their popularity. Kust put them into your macros li)e this"
/ktq queue 5 Glyph o! Lay on "ands
/ktq queue 5 Glyph o! Steady Shot
There is a character limit per macroB so you may have to create several macros. This will )eep the W of
glyphs you craft down to a minimum while also )eeping your profit per glyph optimal. If you%ve got a
scri/e I strongly recommend setting up a glyph system li)e this.
Milling Her.s
#ou will have to mill a ton of her/s to run a glyph selling system. Here%s a macro that should /e very
/$ast Milling
/use %ool's Cap
/use Snow Lily
/use Silkweed
/use Green &ea Lea!
/use 9ain (oppy
T under no circumstance should you mill ,olden $otusQ
)arkmoon "ards of Mists
8ar)moon $ards are turned in for an epic trin)et during the 8ar)moon 5aire. HoweverB you need to
collect an entire dec)B ace through eightB /efore /eing a/le to turn it in for the epic trin)et. The trin)ets
are very valua/leB /ut you have no say in which card you get. It costs a lot of money to craft a single
random 8ar)moon $ard and you can /e continually shafted on cards that are only worth a few hundred
In !ists there are two ways to craft a cardB either you use 1 Scroll of 'isdom and 1 Starlight In) or
1 Spirits of Harmony and 1 Starlight In). Ten SoH is a lotB so I don%t see that /eing an efficient way
to ma)e cards. #ou can create a So' everydayB ma)ing this the more li)ely route to ma)e cards.
!a)ing cards is a gam/leB /ut considering the other uses of So' you might want to Eust get in the ha/it
of ma)ing a card and selling it everyday.
How to Make ,old %ith 6ewelcrafting
Kewelcrafters ma)e a lot of money /y /uying or prospecting ore into uncut gems and cutting them into
the patterns that they have acGuired. The /iggest change in !ists to Kewelcrafting is the fact that now
you will /e a/le to %discover% 1 new gem cut per day so long as you perform a P(andarian 9esearch.P
To perform one of thoseB you need to use one of the following spells"
9iver%s Heart A costs C 9iver%s Heart
Sun%s 9adiance A costs C Sun%s 9adiance
Hermilion 7nyD A costs C Hermilion 7nyD
'ild Kade A costs C 'ild Kade
Imperial Amethyst A costs C Imperial Amethyst
(rimordial 9u/y A costs C (rimordial 9u/y
Secrets of the Stone A costs C Spirit of Harmony
8epending on which craft you use to researchB you will receive X5acets of 9esearchY which will contain
= cut gems of the color you used and you will learn one random cut for that color. 5or the Secrets of the
StoneB you will learn a random cut and receive random colored cut gems in the facets.
The first 6B all of which consume C uncut gemsB can /e used once a day /ut they all share the same
timer. This allows you to learn at least 1 new cut per day and another cut for every C Spirits of
Harmony you are willing to use.
7nce you accumulate a fair amount of rare Guality cuts you can Gueue them up using KT, /y running
the command"
/ktq queue 3 'areGe(s
KT, will Gueue up to C of each rare gem cut that you have. #ou may find it more advantageous to
customiFe macros /ased on the popularity and color distri/ution of your cuts. So that you are a cutting
a/out the same of each color and only cutting the /est cuts.
#ou can use 'o' (opular *http"JJwww.wowpopular.comJ+ to view gem cuts sorted /y popularity and
you can use 'owhead *http" to trac) down the source of desired gems. 0se %The
System% as outlined a/ove to Gueue cutsB collect raw gems from AH or prospectingB post and repost
whatever cuts you have. This is one of the most lucrative professions since it has such a large /arrier to
#ou can ma)e gold prospecting /y /uying ore cheap enough and selling the gems high enough.
Because prices from realm to realm vary so much you will have to determine the price you%re willing to
spend on the ore. A stac) of -host Iron 7re prospects into a/out 6 uncommon gemsB 4 Spar)ling
ShardsB and has a/out a .<4 rare gems. #ou%ll are /ased on early /eta testing and will li)ely /e refined
as time goes /y.
Sparkling Shards
'hile prospecting you will find Spar)ling Shards. Ten of these shards can /e com/ined into a single
Serpent%s >ye which can then /e cut into epic KewelcrafterAonly gems. They can also /e used in some of
the recipes /elow. #ou should accumulate a fair amount of these while prospecting.
&rimal )iamonds
(rimal 8iamonds are created /y Alchemists *no cooldown+ /y com/ining = 'ild KadeB = Hermillion
7nyD and = Imperial Amethyst. They are used to create metas. If you have your own Alchemist it
would /e wise to send a load of 'ild KadeB Hermillion 7nyD and Imperial Amethyst to it and return
your own stash of (rimal 8iamonds.
7nce you have your own (rimal 8iamondsB start cutting them into as many meta cuts as you can find.
There are 1. different cuts which all loo) li)e Bo( random worldAdrops.
6ewelry '7ecks : 5ings(
Besides cutting gems and metasB Kewelcrafters can ma)e some nice entryAlevel Eewelry for new level
9s. These are all i&vl .4B which are good for heroicsB and cost an assortment of gems and diamonds.
#ou can Gueue these up individually and they will sell to players who Eust reached level 9. #ou%ll
pro/a/ly notice no competition in this mar)etB so more easy gold.
Item Materials
Band of Blood
= Hermillion 7nyD
6 Serpent%s >ye
,olem.reaker Amulet
6 (andarian -arnet
6 Serpent%s >ye
Heart of the 9arth
= 'ild Kade
6 Serpent%s >ye
$ionsfall 5ing
= Sun%s 9adiance
6 Serpent%s >ye
$ord#s Signet
= (rimordial 9u/y
6 Serpent%s >ye
5eflection of the Sea
= 9iver%s Heart
6 Serpent%s >ye
5oguestone Shadow.and
6 9oguestone
6 Serpent%s >ye
Skymage "ircle
= Imperial Amethyst
6 Serpent%s >ye
Tiger 4pal
6 Tiger 7pal
6 Serpent%s >ye
%idow "hain
6 Sunstone
6 Serpent%s >ye
Kewelcrafters are also the eDclusive source of two nonAcom/at pets. (layers collect these for various
reasons so there%s no reason you shouldn%t /e posting them on the auction house.
Item Materials
6ade 4wl
C 'ild Kade
C Spirit of Harmony
Sapphire "u.
C 9iver%s Heart
C Spirit of Harmony
Kewelcrafting is the sole source of some pretty epic panther flying mounts. There are four rare Guality
flying mounts" Kade (antherB 9u/y (antherB Sapphire (anther and Sunstone (anther. If you com/ine all
four of them you%ll get the epic Guality Keweled 7nyD (anther. These should sell great on your realm.
Item Materials
6ade &anther
1 7r/ of !ystery
= 'ild Kade
. &iving Steel
= Serpent%s >ye
5u.y &anther
1 7r/ of !ystery
= (rimordial 9u/y
. &iving Steel
= Serpent%s >ye
Sapphire &anther
1 7r/ of !ystery
= 9iver%s Heart
. &iving Steel
= Serpent%s >ye
Sunstone &anther
1 7r/ of !ystery
= Sun%s 9adiance
. &iving Steel
= Serpent%s >ye
6eweled 4nyA &anther
1 Kade (anther
1 9u/y (anther
1 Sapphire (anther
1 Sunstone (anther
How to Make ,old with $eatherworking
In !ists &eatherwor)ers have a/out a half doFen different armor )its and leg armors they can sell on
the auction house. They can also craft C sets of i&vl .4 (v( that will sell on the auction house to
players gearing up for heroics and (v(. They also have @ total pairs of gear for raidingB each with a
hand piece and a chest piece. Half the sets are i&vl .<6 while the other half are i&vl .96. 'hile these
reGuire a lot of Spirit of Harmony and Blood SpiritsB they are very valua/le on the auction house and
will command a price worth earning.
Armor Kits 'enchants(
Similar to the leg armors of the pastB &eatherwor)ers are the sole source of im/uing your leg
eGuipment. There are three types each with two tiers" LStrength ? L$ritB LAgility ? L$rit and
LStamina ? L8odge. There is also a generic Armor Kit that adds stamina to a variety of types of
eGuipment. $raft all of these and get them on the auction house as often as possi/le"
Item Materials
Sha Armor Kit 'MArmor( . >Dotic &eather
Brutal $eg Armor 'MStrength :
1= >Dotic &eather
Sha;Touched $eg Armor 'MAgility :
1= >Dotic &eather
Toughened $eg Armor 'MStamina :
1= (rismatic Scales
Angerhide $eg Armor 'MStrength :
1 !agnificent Hide
1 Spirit of Harmony
Ironscale $eg Armor 'MStamina :
1 !agnificent Hide
1 Spirit of Harmony
Shadowleather $eg Armor 'MAgility
: M"rit(
1 !agnificent Hide
1 Spirit of Harmony
"ontender#s ,ear '&v& gear(
If you want to ma)e gold as a &eatherwor)er it%s really essential you try to craft some of this stuffB even
though it%s going to cost a little /it to get into it should sell very well. The $ontender%s (v( sets are i&vl
.4B so players who are gearing up for heroics will /uy them as will players who are starting a new (v(
There are four sets total that you can Gueue up in groups"
$ontender%s 8ragonscale *!ail" AgilityLStamina+
$ontender%s &eather *&eather" AgilityLStamina+
$ontender%s Scale *!ail" IntellectLStamina+
$ontender%s 'yrmhide *&eather" IntellectLStamina+
Item Materials
!ail" AgilityLStamina"
"ontender#s )ragonscale Belt 14 (rismatic Scales
"ontender#s )ragonscale Boots 14 (rismatic Scales
"ontender#s )ragonscale Bracers 1= (rismatic Scales
"ontender#s )ragonscale "hestguard = (rismatic Scales
"ontender#s )ragonscale ,loves 14 (rismatic Scales
"ontender#s )ragonscale Helm = (rismatic Scales
"ontender#s )ragonscale $eggings = (rismatic Scales
"ontender#s )ragonscale Shoulders 14 (rismatic Scales
&eather" AgilityLStamina
"ontender#s $eather Belt 14 >Dotic &eather
"ontender#s $eather Boots 14 >Dotic &eather
"ontender#s $eather Bracers 1= >Dotic &eather
"ontender#s $eather "hestguard = >Dotic &eather
"ontender#s $eather ,loves 14 >Dotic &eather
"ontender#s $eather Helm = >Dotic &eather
"ontender#s $eather $eggings = >Dotic &eather
"ontender#s $eather Shoulders 14 >Dotic &eather
!ail" IntellectLStamina
"ontender#s Scale Belt 14 (rismatic Scales
"ontender#s Scale Boots 14 (rismatic Scales
"ontender#s Scale Bracers 1= (rismatic Scales
"ontender#s Scale "hestguard = (rismatic Scales
"ontender#s Scale ,loves 14 (rismatic Scales
"ontender#s Scale Helm = (rismatic Scales
"ontender#s Scale $eggings = (rismatic Scales
"ontender#s Scale Shoulders 14 (rismatic Scales
&eather" IntellectLStamina
"ontender#s %yrmhide Belt 14 >Dotic &eather
"ontender#s %yrmhide Boots 14 >Dotic &eather
"ontender#s %yrmhide Bracers 1= >Dotic &eather
"ontender#s %yrmhide "hestguard = >Dotic &eather
"ontender#s %yrmhide ,loves 14 >Dotic &eather
"ontender#s %yrmhide Helm = >Dotic &eather
"ontender#s %yrmhide $eggings = >Dotic &eather
"ontender#s %yrmhide Shoulders 14 >Dotic &eather
5aiding ,ear
&eatherwor)ers can also craft 16 different pieces of epic gear. >ight pieces are i&vl .<6 *preAraid+ and
the other eight are i&vl .96 *postAraid+. The former reGuires !agnificent Hides and Spirits of Harmony
while the latter reGuire !agnificent HidesB Spirits of Harmony and Blood Spirits. This stuff is pretty
high Guality and will fetch a huge price. #our /est /et is to try to sell these /efore you actually craft
them. 7therwise watch your auction house carefully and see if other people are actively selling these.
$hec) what the price is and decide whether its worth your time and investment to add these to the
Item i$vl Materials
,loves of 9arthen
= !agnificent Hide
6 Spirit of Harmony
,reyshadow ,loves .<6
= !agnificent Hide
6 Spirit of Harmony
$ifekeeper#s ,loves .<6
= !agnificent Hide
6 Spirit of Harmony
%ild.lood ,loves .<6
= !agnificent Hide
6 Spirit of Harmony
"hestguard of 9arthen
C !agnificent Hide
@ Spirit of Harmony
,reyshadow "hestguard .<6
C !agnificent Hide
@ Spirit of Harmony
$ifekeeper#s 5o.e .<6
C !agnificent Hide
@ Spirit of Harmony
%ild.lood Kest .<6
C !agnificent Hide
@ Spirit of Harmony
3ists of $ightning .96
= !agnificent Hide
C Spirit of Harmony
6 Blood Spirit
$iferuned $eather ,loves .96
= !agnificent Hide
C Spirit of Harmony
6 Blood Spirit
Murderer#s ,loves .96
= !agnificent Hide
C Spirit of Harmony
6 Blood Spirit
5aven $ord#s ,loves .96
= !agnificent Hide
C Spirit of Harmony
6 Blood Spirit
"hestguard of 7emeses .96
C !agnificent Hide
. Spirit of Harmony
@ Blood Spirit
7ightfire 5o.e .96
C !agnificent Hide
. Spirit of Harmony
@ Blood Spirit
5aiment of Blood and Bone .96
C !agnificent Hide
. Spirit of Harmony
@ Blood Spirit
Storm.reaker "hestguard .96
C !agnificent Hide
. Spirit of Harmony
@ Blood Spirit
How to Make ,old %ith Tailoring
Making Imperial Silk
Tailoring is /uilt around Imperial Sil)B which can /e created in 1 of = ways. >ither /y com/ining @
'indwool $lothB /ut limited to once a dayB or /y com/ining 4 'indwool $loth and C Spirit of
Imperial Sil) is Bind on (ic)upB so it must /e used /y the same Tailor who made it. It%s used to craft the
higher tiered SpellthreadsB the . pieces of i&vl .<6 gear *preAraid gear+ and the . pieces of i&vl .96
*postAraid+ gear. The point is that you should create an Imperial Sil) everydayO
There are two varieties of Spellthread in !ists" (earlescent *LInt ? Spirit+ and $erulean *LInt ? $rit+
There are two tiers of eachB one reGuiring only . 'indwool $loth to ma)e and the other reGuiring an
Imperial Sil). This is a huge /ummer /ecause it caps the num/er of rare Guality spellthreads you can
ma)e each day while also ma)ing the lower Guality spellthread really cheap.
Item Materials
&earlescent Spellthread . 'indwool $loth
"erulean Spellthread . 'indwool $loth
,reater "erulean Spellthread 1 Imperial Sil)
,reater &earlescent Spellthread 1 Imperial Sil)
"ontender#s ,ear '&v&(
There are two sets of (v( gear that should sell very well on the auction house for you. It%s i&vl .4 so it
should sell to new (v(%ers and new level 9 characters who want to /e a/le to Gueue up for heroics
sooner. The first set is $ontender%s SatinB its primary stats are Int and Spirit. The second set is Sil)B
which gives IntB Hit and Stamina. These are great sets to craft using the system"
Item Materials
"ontender#s Satin Amice . 'indwool $loth
"ontender#s Satin Belt . 'indwool $loth
"ontender#s Satin "owl 4 'indwool $loth
"ontender#s Satin "uffs C 'indwool $loth
"ontender#s Satin 3ootwraps . 'indwool $loth
"ontender#s Satin Handwraps . 'indwool $loth
"ontender#s Satin &ants 4 'indwool $loth
"ontender#s Satin 5aiment 4 'indwool $loth
"ontender#s Silk Amice . 'indwool $loth
"ontender#s Silk Belt . 'indwool $loth
"ontender#s Silk "owl 4 'indwool $loth
"ontender#s Silk "uffs C 'indwool $loth
"ontender#s Silk 3ootwraps . 'indwool $loth
"ontender#s Silk Handwraps . 'indwool $loth
"ontender#s Silk &ants 4 'indwool $loth
"ontender#s Silk 5aiment 4 'indwool $loth
5aiding ,ear
Tailors don%t have a lot to offer in terms of raiding gearB Eust = pieces *chest and gloves+ for each niche
at tierN that%s @ pieces total. The i&vl .<6 stuffB which is for gearing up for raids costs anywhere from .A
6 Imperial Sil) while the i&vl .96 stuffB which is raiding gear itselfB reGuires a similar amount of
Imperial Sil) along with 4A@ Blood Spirits for each piece.
The i&vl .<6 stuff is the type of gear you should put up when you have the Imperial Sil) availa/le and
the i&vl .96 you should only craft if you have a /uyer.
Item i&vl Materials
,loves of "reation .<6 . Imperial Sil)
Spelltwister#s ,loves .<6 . Imperial Sil) of "reation .<6 6 Imperial Sil)
Spelltwister#s ,rand 5o.e .<6 6 Imperial Sil)
Touch of $ight .96
. Imperial Sil)
4 Blood Spirit
Imperial Silk ,loves .96
. Imperial Sil)
4 Blood Spirit
$egacy of the 9mperor .96
6 Imperial Sil)
@ Blood Spirit
5o.e of 9ternal 5ule .96
6 Imperial Sil)
@ Blood Spirit
Almost every new character /uys . :etherweave Bags as soon as they can. These are hot and there is
no reason you can%t /e selling them using The System. The two /ig /ags to ma)e are the :etherweave
BagB which costs . Bolts of :etherweaveB and the 9oyal SatchelB which is the new /ag in !ists that
reGuires 1= Imperial Sil) to ma)e. There are some other /ags that people sellB /ut they don%t sell often
enough to craft.
"rafting Miscellaneous Items
Believe it or not /ut those seemingly useless shirts that you can ma)e with Tailoring can actually /e
profita/le to sell on the Auction House. $hec) your realm%s prices /efore /eginning a large shirt
ma)ing operation.
The tric) in selling shirts is that you might only sell one of a shirt every month. #ou have to ma)e sure
that the shirts are always posted on the Auction House. The /est way to do this is /y setting up a Trade
S)ill !aster group for each group of shirts you want to )eep posted and auto sending them to a
dedicated /an) alt. This will ensure that you%re always listing the shirts at the lowest price and don%t
have to thin) a/out the item until it sells.
Item Materials Source
4 Blac) >m/ersil)
@ Bolt of
>m/ersil) $loth
@ Holatile 5ire
@ >ternium
1 $haos 7r/
Twilight Highlands
=C &avender !ageweave
= Bolt of
= (urple 8yeB
= Heavy Sil)en
BoryaB The 8rag Z[\ 7rgrimmar *H+ 7utfitter
>ric Ironforge *A+
1@4 9ich (urple Sil) Shirt . Bolt of Sil)
1 (urple 8yeB
1 Heavy Sil)en
9are 'orld 8rop
144 8ar) Sil) Shirt = Bolt of Sil)
= -ray 8yeB
1 5ine Thread
!allen SwainB Tarren !ill Z[\ Hills/rad
5oothills *H+
Sheri IipstitchB 8ar)shireB 8us)wood *A+
. Blue 'or)man%s Shirt . Bolt of
1 Blue 8ye
9are 8rop in :orthrend
. Blue &um/erEac)
. Bolt of
1 Blue 8ye
9are 8rop in :orthrend
. 9ed &um/erEac) Shirt . Bolt of
1 9ed 8ye
9are 8rop in :orthrend
=. TuDedo Shirt . Bolt of
= Heavy Sil)en
!illie -regorianB The !agic ,uarter Z[\
0ndercity *H+
7utfitter >ric Ironforge *A+
=4 TuDedo Kac)et 4 Bolt of
C Heavy Sil)en
!illie -regorianB The !agic ,uarter Z[\
0ndercity *H+
7utfitter >ric Ironforge *A+
=.4 TuDedo (ants . Bolt of
C Heavy Sil)en
!illie -regorianB The !agic ,uarter Z[\
0ndercity *H+
7utfitter >ric Ironforge *A+
=4 8ress Shoes . Bolt of
= Thic) &eather
Haughty !odisteB Steamwheedle (ort A
Module I 3ishing and "ooking !our %ay To
How to Make ,old with 3ishing : "ooking
&et%s face itB ma)ing gold with fishing and coo)ing is done /y farming fish and meats. The Anglers
faction and even a hardcore progression with :at (agle were added to !istsB ma)ing 5ishing more fun.
#ou%ll want to ta)e on those challenges to unloc) the Anglers% rewardsB li)e the Anglers 5ishing 9aftB
8ragon 5ishing (ole and Sharpened Tus)arr Spear. These rewards will help you catch more fish in less
time laterB helping you earn more gold with fishing.
3ishing Buddy
The first thing you should doB if you plan to ma)e gold fishingBis gra/ the 5ishing Buddy addon. This
addon will trac) catch rates and other helpful statistics to help you figure out if what you%re doing is
wor)ing for you.
The Anglers
The Anglers are the fishing faction in !iss of (andaria. By earning faction with them you will unloc) a
few useful fishing rewards as well as access to a fishing raft. #ou%ll also unloc) access to a water strider
mount at eDalted.
Here is the rewards that are availa/le from the Anglers ,uartermaster"
>Dalted" 9eins of the AFure 'ater Strider
>Dalted" Anglers Ta/ard
9evered" Anglers 5ishing 9aft
9evered" 8ragon 5ishing (ole
9evered" Sharpened Tus)arr Spear
Honored" (andaren 5ishing (ole
Honored" Tiny -oldfish
5riendly" 9ecipe" Hiseclaw Soup
5riendly" Krasarang 5ritters
If you already have a !astercraft Kalu%a) 5ishing (oleB from :orthrendB you won%t need the 8ragon
5ishing (ole since they are /oth LC fishing s)ill. Although the Sharpened Tus)arr Spear at revered
may /e helpful since it adds another 14 to fishing.
#ou can find the Anglers and all of their daily Guests at the Anglers 'harf in south eastern Krasarang
'ilds. #ou won%t really need to go anywhere else to gain faction with the Anglers and their daily Guests
can /e completed with level 1 fishing. #ou will earn fishing s)illB factionB goldB valor points and charms
of good fortune for doing their dailies.
%hat to 3arm
The neDt Guestion you might /e as)ing isB what should I farm; There are a/out a doFen fish and a/out
the same num/er of raw meats availa/le in (andaria. Some of them are nearly useless while others are
used in the highest Guality food /uffs. 7thers are used in o/scure Guests and might sell here and there.
5ish and meat prices fluctuate a lot and can vary from realm to realm depending on how many raiders
there areB whether they farm their own stuff and whether or not there are already people supplying the
mar)et already or not.
To figure out which fish and meats to loo) at firstB let%s ta)e a loo) at the availa/le coo)ing food /uffs
in !ists. There is one LC *L.4 in the case of Stamina+ food availa/le for each stat. >ach of these
recipes reGuires 4 fish and 4 meats. There is also the /anGuets which reGuire 1 and = of each Kewel
8anio and 9aw Tiger Stea). Highlighted /elow are the important recipes"
Strength Buff
$har/roiled Tiger Stea) =4 Tiger Stea)
>ternal Blossom 5ish =<4 Kade &ungfish
Blac) (epper 9i/s and Shrimp C 4 -iant !antid ShrimpB 4 !ushan 9i/s
Stamina Buff
'ildflower 9oast C<4 'ildfowl Breast
Twin 5ish (latter .14 = Krasarang (addlefish
$hun Tian Spring 9olls .4 4 9ed/elly !andarinsB 4 9aw Tiger Stea)
Intellect Buff
Swirling !ist Soup =4 Kade &ungfish
Braised Turtle =<4 9aw Turtle !eat
!ogu 5ish Stew C 4 >mperor SalmonB 4 9aw $rocolis) Belly
Spirit Buff
Shrimp 8umplings =4 -iant !antis Shrimp
5ire Spirit Salmon =<4 >mperor Salmon
Steamed $ra/ Surprise C 4 Kewel 8anio. 4 9aw $ra/ !eat
Agility Buff
Sauteed $arrots =4 = Kuicycrunch $arrots
Halley Stir 5ry =<4 9eef 7ctopusB 'ildfowl Breast
Sea !ist 9ice :oodles C 4 Tiger -ouramiB 4 9aw Turtle !eat
Hit Buff
'ildfowl -inseng Soup =<4 'ildfowl Breast
Spicy Salmon C 4 >mperor Salmon
9Apertise Buff
9ice (udding =<4 nJa
Spicy Hegeta/le $hips C nJa
5aid Ban@uets
(andaren BanGuet 1Aman 1 Kewel 8anioB 1 9aw Tiger Stea)
-reat (andaren BanGuet =4Aman = Kewel 8anioB = 9aw Tiger Stea)
5rom this ta/le we can say that certain meat and fish are going to /e used in higher volume than others.
#ou can chec) these out on your realm and determine which ones are worth farming and which ones
are not. Here is a list of the important meats from the a/ove ta/le"
Tiger -ourami
-iant !antis Shrimp
>mperor Salmon
9ed/elly !andarin
Kewel 8anio
!ushan 9i/s
9aw Tiger Stea)
9aw $rocolis) Belly
9aw $ra/ !eat
9aw Turtle !eat
Below are tips and farming locations that should help you ma)e gold from these professions.
Tiger ,ourami
Tiger -ourami is found only in KunA&ai Summit. The /est place to fish these is from the schools in the
north eastern part of KunA&aiB around the (ea) of SerenityB 'hite Tiger Temple and around Iouchin
Hillage. #ou will catch Tiger -rouami almost 1R of the time from their pools and a/out =R from
open water.
These are a secondary ingredient in Sea Mist 5ice 7oodlesB which is the LC Agility /uff food.
,iant Mantis Shrimp
!antis Shrimp are in high demand /ecause they are needed in /oth BanGuet of the 'o) and -reat
BanGuet of the 'o)B which is a raid ready /uffet. The /est way to find -iant !antis Shrimp is to find
-iant !antis Shrimp Swarms located around the coast of (andaria. #ou%ll find more of these around
the southern coastB though.
In any southern coastal water you are li)ely to catch these shrimp a/out CR of the timeB while you%ll
catch them 1R of the time from swarms.
-iant !antis Shrimp are used to coo)" Black &epper 5i. and Shrimp 'MDHH Strength( and Shrimp
)umplings 'M8IH Spirit(.
9mperor Salmon
The /est way to catch >mperor Salmon is /y finding >mperor Salmon Schools on the river /an)s of
Halley of the 5our 'inds and Krasarang 'ilds. #ou will also /e a/le to catch them in nonAschools at a
rate of a/out =R.
>mperor Salmon are valua/le /ecause they are used in the 3ire Spirit Salmon 'M8NI Spirit(? Mogu
3ish Stew 'MDHH Intellect( and Spicy Salmon 'MDHH Hit(.
5ed.elly Mandarin
There are two ways to farm 9ed/elly !andarin. Their pools spawn in /oth Hale of >ternal Blossoms
and in Kade 5orest. If you Eust want 9ed/elly !andarin you should go to Kade 5orest. If you want to
farm Kewel 8anioB one of the more valua/le fish in !istsB then you should got to Hale. #ou%ll find
9ed/elly !andarin Schools in /oth Fones within inland la)es and rivers.
If you want to catch 9ed/elly !andarin without hunting down schoolsB fish in open waters within Kade
5orestB avoid the coast.
9ed/elly !andarin is valua/le /ecause it%s used to craft "hun Tian Spring 5olls 'M>IH Stamina(
9ed/elly !andarin Schools share the same spawn locations as Kade &ungfish in Kade 5orest"
#ou will also find 9ed/elly !andarin in Hale"
6ewel )anio
The Kewel 8anio is fiDin to /e one of the most valua/le fish in (andarian /ecause of the difficulty to
find it. Schools spawn in Hale of >ternal BlossomsB /ut you%ll want to deplete all the pools you find
since Kewel 8anio shares their spawn points. #ou can catch it almost all the time from schools or a/out
=4R of the time from open inland waters.
Kewel 8anio is used in the /est raid /uff availa/leB the ,reat &andaren Ban@uet? the &andaren
Ban@uet and Steamed "ra. Surprise 'MDHH Spirit(.
Kewel 8anio Schools spawn in the same locations as 9ed/elly !andarin Schools"
Spinefish isn%t used in any dishes li)e some of the other fishB /ut it might /e valua/le on the auction
house since players need a lot of it to complete the Spinefish Alpha Guest with :at (agle. 8ue to the
way schools spawn it%s /est to cast into inland la)es and rivers in Kade 5orestBand 8read 'astes. Both
of these Fones will yield a =4R catch rate of Spinefish. If you really want to hunt for schoolsB you will
find them in the interior of 8read 'astes and in ShaATouched la)es in KunA&ai Summit.
Mushan 5i.s
!ushan are the /ig dinosaurs similar to the Thunder/ellys that roam South Barrens. They eDist
throughout (andaria /ut most of the spawn locations are within Halley of the 5our 'inds. #ou%ll find a
/ig group in the southwest and a /ig group in the northeast. #ou can fly from one group to the otherB
slaughtering all of the !ushanB Ao> looting and then return to the other group to do the same.
Here is a map showing where the !ushan spawn in Halley of the 5our 'inds"
5aw Tiger Steak
9aw Tiger Stea) is in /ig demand as its used in several of the highAtier recipes. There are two decent
places worth chec)ing out. The first one is in Kade 5orestB in the north central area called the 'aDwood.
Here you will find 'aDwood !atriarchs and Hunters. They have a decent drop rate and are only level
@4. The second place is in Krasarang 'ildsB in the ruins in the north east you will find Krasari
HuntressB (rowlers and !aulers. These are only level @6 and also have a decent drop rate of Tiger
Stea). Here is a map showing the locations in /oth Kade 5orest and Krasarang 'ilds"
5aw "rocolisk Belly
This one is pretty easy /ecause there is really only one place worth collecting $rocolis) Bellys. Head to
the southern tip of (andariaB to the :ayeli &agoon and clean the entire northern island out of
!ort/reath S)ul)ers and !ort/reath Snappers. These have a great drop rate and there are a lot of them
around the island. They are level @< and should drop a $rocolis) Belly 4R of the time. Here is a map
showing the island I%m tal)ing a/out"
5aw "ra. Meat
I%ve found two decent places to farm cra/ meat. The first is on the northern coast of KunA&ai summit
near Iouchin Hillage. Here you%ll find level @@ AFure (ric)ly $rawlers that drop cra/ meat. The second
place *as seen in the map /elow+ is the southern coast of Krasarang 'ilds. The pro/lem here is that you
might find small areas where there are no cra/s so you Eust have to )eep moving down the coast. Here
is a map showing you the coast and how far to travel east and west.
There is a third place that has potential if you can manage the water. That is the western coast of
Townlong Steppes. This is directly north of the southwestern island and to the west of the small islands
that connect the southwestern island to the mainland. $hec) it out if the other locations don%t wor) for
5aw Turtle Meat
There are two really good places to farm turtle meat. The first is in Townlong Steppes around Kri%vess.
Here you will /e loo)ing for 9an)/ite Ancients and 9an)/ite Tortoise. They are /oth level @@ and drop
a decent amount of turtle meat. The second place is south of the gorge in 8read 'astesB Eust west of the
/ro)en wall. Here you will find level 9 $hillwater Turtles. 8on%t get too eDcited /ecause this is a very
slow dropping meat.
Here are maps of each location"
Module J 3arm and ,row 5ich
The word farming often conEures up images in players minds of someone sitting for hours trying to
grind out on mo/s in one spot in order to ma)e a few gold. 7thers thin) of mass num/ers of people
sitting at computers for 1= hours at a time grinding on mo/s for =4 cents an hour. 'hatever image
farming /rings to your mindB discard it. I%ve included some of the most popular items to farm right now
and the /est places to get these items so that you don%t need to spend hours getting the items you need
or items you want to sell.
3arming Spirit of Harmony in &andaria
7ne of the challenges in (andaria is to come up with more Spirits of Harmony for your main crafting
character. So naturallyB players as) where they can farm Spirits of Harmony *SoH+. The pro/lem isB
SoH is a random (andariaAworld drop. This means that there isn%t any particular type of mo/ or place
that you can go to collect more SoH than another. However there are a few principles that you can
follow if you want to find more SoH per hour than otherwise.
Always .e Killing" This is the same principle discussed in my &eveling Secrets guide. 8on%t stopB
always /e )illing something. The longer you spend lootingB typingB flying aroundB etc the less li)ely
you are to )ill something that is going to drop a Spirit of Harmony. 7nce you%re level 9 start logging
out in areas where there are things to )illB that way right when you load up you can continue farmingB
)illing or doing whatever it is you were doing when you logged off.
Higher $evel Mo.s 7/viously higher level mo/sB and elitesB have a higher chance to drop Spirit of
Harmony that lower level mo/s. 9unning heroicsB raidsB and doing daily Guests for level 9 factions are
all great ways to increase the num/er of SoH you collect.
3arming in &andaria So long as you%re doing something in (andaria you have a chance to find SoHs.
If you li)e to farm clothB farm cloth. If you li)e to farm meatB farm meat. (ro/a/ly the /est way to get
SoH is to run heroic dungeonsB /ut there will /e a lot of down time in /etween runs.
3arming "loth
Selling cloth on the Auction House is a good way to ma)e gold. There is usually a sta/le mar)et for it
and from my eDperience cloth is one of those items that will usually sell fast the first time you post it
on the Auction House. 7ne thing to /e careful of when selling cloth on the Auction House is to not
flood the mar)et with tons of cloth or continually post auctions undercutting other prices /ecause you
will drive the price of the cloth down.
The chart /elow shows the various types of cloth you can farm for gold. The profita/ility of different
cloth types variesB this is due to the fact that some cloth is very easy to get and some cloth has a very
high demand. 5elcloth has a very high selling price /ut one thing to )eep in mind is that 5elcloth is
hard to get and there is a limited demand for it since it is an old world cloth that is used /y very few
recipes. In factB I wouldn%t advocate farming itB /ut it can /e a /onus if you happen to loot some while
farming 9unecloth.
"loth Types That "an Be 3armed
&inen $loth
'ool $loth
Sil) $loth
!ageweave $loth
:etherweave $loth
5rostweave $loth
>m/ersil) $loth
Below you will find maps for some of the /est places to farm cloth. 'hen farming for cloth it%s
important to consider not only the drop rate of the cloth off of the mo/ /ut the num/er of mo/s in an
area. It%s /etter to have C mo/s in an area with a 4R drop rate than having 1 mo/s in an area with a
<4R drop rate /ecause with fewer mo/s it%s li)ely that you will have to wait for mo/s to respawn.
3arming $inen "loth
In addition to the Fones /elowB you can also loot &inen $loth from Shadowfang Keep and Stoc)ades.
'estfall is a good place to farm &inen $loth. There are siD main areas *and some more scattered areas
on the coastline+ that offer decent areas for collecting &inen $loth. This Fone offers a good route you
can follow going from one camp to another with little down time.
8ar)shore is another good Fone to find &inen $loth in. There are four main areas in the Fone that you
can choose fromB although the top two large circles shown on the map are pro/a/ly the /est locations to
farm at. #ou might also find 'ool $loth while farming here.
&och !odan has four main &inen $loth farming locations which are all conveniently located on the left
side of the Fone so that you don%t have to ma)e huge Fone siFed loops while you are farming.
:orthern Barrens has five main areas for farming &inen $loth and one small area *the small circle on
the /ottom left of the map+. #ou can try to run a loop /etween these campsB although if you have one
maEor camp to yourself you might find the mo/s respawning /ac) Guic)ly /efore you can ma)e it out
anywhere else.
AFshara has seven areas with mo/s that drop &inen $loth you might also get some 'ool $loth if
farming here.
Tirisfal -lades has two large &inen $loth farming areas and three smaller ones. 'hen farming in this
Fone I would stic) to the left side of the Fone and ignore the small area to the right.
3arming %ool "loth
In addition to the Fones /elowB you can also loot 'ool $loth from 'ailing $avernsB Stoc)adesB and
Shadowfang Keep.
Ashenvale has eight 'ool $loth farming areas. This Fone is pac)ed with humanoids waiting to /e
8us)wood is teeming with groups of humanoidsB which ma)es this Fone great for farming 'ool $loth.
Hills/rad 5oothills 'ool $loth farming locations are on the map /elow.
:orthern Stranglethorn has many camps of humanoids to )ill for 'ool $loth. I would ignore the two
small camps *which also drop Sil) $loth+ to the /ottom right of the map unless I was in the area
already. #ou%ll also li)ely pic) up Sil) $loth in other locations in the FoneB especially in the left most
circled area on the map.
9edridge !ountains is a decent 'ool $loth farming FoneB with five maEor areas to choose from.
3arming Silk "loth
In addition to the Fones /elowB you can also loot Sil) $loth from Shadowfang Keep and Scholomance.
7ne of the /est places to farm Sil) $loth is in Scarlet !onasteryB if you have a high level character I
strongly suggest you try Scarlet !onastery /ecause of the high amount of mo/s and good drop rate of
Southern Barrens a decent amount of Sil) $loth farming locations as show on the map /elow.
The $ape of Stranglethorn has a good amount of humanoids in the southern parts of it.
3arming Mageweave "loth
In addition to the Fones /elowB you can also get !ageweave $loth from ScholomanceB Stratholme"
$rusader%s SGuareB Stratholme" The -auntletB and Iul%5arra). I would recommend you attempt to farm
in Iul%5arra) or Stratholme if you canB otherwise try out the Fones /elow.
>astern (laguelands is full of areas to farm !ageweave. #ou can start off /y farming in the Fone as you
ma)e your way to Stratholme to collect even more cloth.
Tanaris has several !ageweave $loth farming locationsB /ut they are more spread out than in >astern
(laguelands and if possi/le you should try to instance farm some cloth as you will li)ely have an easier
and faster time collecting it.
3arming 5unecloth
In addition to the Fones /elowB you can also loot 9unecloth in Stratholme" $rusader%s SGuareB
Stratholme" The -auntletB and Hellfire 9amparts.
In the Blasted &ands there are three main humanoid camps to get 9unecloth.
Below you%ll find areas to farm for 9unecloth in Hellfire (eninsula. The areas on the map have a drop
rate of .A..R.
3arming 7etherweave "loth
In addition to the areas /elowB you can also loot :etherweave in Hellfire 9amparts.
Shadowmoon Halley is a great place to get cloth /ecause there are so many humanoids with good drop
rates throughout the Fone. The areas circled on the map have a drop rate of C9A41R.
:agrand is also a great place to farm for cloth. 7ne thing to note is that some of the mo/s in 5orge
$amp Hate and 5orge $amp 5ear are elites. The areas circled on the map have an average drop rate of
3arming 3rostweave "loth
In addition to the Fones /elowB you can also loot 5rostweave $loth from 0tgarde Keep and Hiolet Hold.
Below you will see cloth farming locations in SholaFar Basin. The areas circled on the map have an
average drop rate of C9A.4R.

Below you%ll find locations for farming 5rostweave $loth in Icecrown. The areas that are circled in the
map /elow have an average drop rate of C4A.@R.
3arming 9m.ersilk "loth
>m/ersil) is found throughout the high level $ataclysm Fones and is found in high level @4 instances.
Below are several good Fones for farming it.
8eepholm is a good place for farming >m/ersil)B there are lots of humanoid camps located within a
close distance of each other.

Tol Barad (eninsula is a good place to pic) up some >m/ersil) $loth if you are in the Fone doing
dailies. $ircled /elow are the general areas to farm it.
Twilight Highlands is full of >m/ersil) $loth *as you can see /y the ridiculous amount of areas circled
on the map /elow+. 5arm wherever ma)es sense to you /ased on whether you are Horde or Alliance
and how many other people are in the Fone.

0ldum is a good Fone to farm >m/ersil) in with lots of locations to choose from.
3arming %indwool "loth
'indwool drops off humanoids in (andaria. 7ur /est /et to farm it is to find /ig pac)s of humanoids
with low hpB level @<LB fast respawn and not too many people.
Hale of >ternal Blossoms is a good place to farm 'indwoolB and since it%s a level 9 area you%ll find a
good drop rate of Spirit of Harmony as well. There are pac)s of ShaoATien in the central and north and
pac)s of Slates)in in the south"
#ou can find pac)s of Humanoids in 8read 'astesB all around Set%vess you%ll find She)%Feer humanoids
who drop a fair amount of cloth. Along the southern shore you will find I)%thi) humanoids as well.
If you%re not yet level 9B no worries. There are also great places to farm 'indwool in Halley of the
5our 'inds. There are more I)%thi) humanoids in the westB at the end of the path in Stoneplow. There is
also a large group of Springtail diggers and such who drop 'indwool in the north"
3arming Meat
As we discussed in the last chapterB there are five really popular meats that might /e worth farming"
!ushan 9i/s
9aw Tiger Stea)
9aw $rocolis) Belly
9aw $ra/ !eat
9aw Turtle !eat
These are used in the highest level stat /uff foods and /anGuets as well as when leveling coo)ing.
$hec) the prices on your auction house to see how valua/le they are on your realm.
Mushan 5i.s
!ushan are the /ig dinosaurs similar to the Thunder/ellys that roam South Barrens. They eDist
throughout (andaria /ut most of the spawn locations are within Halley of the 5our 'inds. #ou%ll find a
/ig group in the southwest and a /ig group in the northeast. #ou can fly from one group to the otherB
slaughtering all of the !ushanB Ao> looting and then return to the other group to do the same.
Here is a map showing where the !ushan spawn in Halley of the 5our 'inds"
5aw Tiger Steak
9aw Tiger Stea) is in /ig demand as its used in several of the highAtier recipes. There are two decent
places worth chec)ing out. The first one is in Kade 5orestB in the north central area called the 'aDwood.
Here you will find 'aDwood !atriarchs and Hunters. They have a decent drop rate and are only level
@4. The second place is in Krasarang 'ildsB in the ruins in the north east you will find Krasari
HuntressB (rowlers and !aulers. These are only level @6 and also have a decent drop rate of Tiger
Stea). Here is a map showing the locations in /oth Kade 5orest and Krasarang 'ilds"
5aw "rocolisk Belly
This one is pretty easy /ecause there is really only one place worth collecting $rocolis) Bellys. Head to
the southern tip of (andariaB to the :ayeli &agoon and clean the entire northern island out of
!ort/reath S)ul)ers and !ort/reath Snappers. These have a great drop rate and there are a lot of them
around the island. They are level @< and should drop a $rocolis) Belly 4R of the time. Here is a map
showing the island I%m tal)ing a/out"
5aw "ra. Meat
I%ve found two decent places to farm cra/ meat. The first is on the northern coast of KunA&ai summit
near Iouchin Hillage. Here you%ll find level @@ AFure (ric)ly $rawlers that drop cra/ meat. The second
place *as seen in the map /elow+ is the southern coast of Krasarang 'ilds. The pro/lem here is that you
might find small areas where there are no cra/s so you Eust have to )eep moving down the coast. Here
is a map showing you the coast and how far to travel east and west.
There is a third place that has potential if you can manage the water. That is the western coast of
Townlong Steppes. This is directly north of the southwestern island and to the west of the small islands
that connect the southwestern island to the mainland. $hec) it out if the other locations don%t wor) for
5aw Turtle Meat
There are two really good places to farm turtle meat. The first is in Townlong Steppes around Kri%vess.
Here you will /e loo)ing for 9an)/ite Ancients and 9an)/ite Tortoise. They are /oth level @@ and drop
a decent amount of turtle meat. The second place is south of the gorge in 8read 'astesB Eust west of the
/ro)en wall. Here you will find level 9 $hillwater Turtles. 8on%t get too eDcited /ecause this is a very
slow dropping meat.
Here are maps of each location"
3arming Kolatiles
Believe it or not /ut level @4 Holatiles still hold a decent amount of value. 'hile you wouldn%t want to
farm this stuff everydayB if you gathered a stac)s of 1 or so once every few months you could sell
them slowly on the auction house for really good profit. $hec) the prices on your realm first /efore you
start flying /ac) to $ataclysm Fones.
Kolatile 3ire=Air=9arth=$ife in Mount HyBal
This is one of the /eginning Fones in $ataclysm. There are only a few Howling 9iftdwellers for
Holatile Air. The wailing weeds may /e heavily camped /ut is a good area for Holatile &ife. The 5iery
Tormentors are a pretty decent spot. The Scalding 9oc) >lementals might /e one of the easiest places
to get Holatile >arth as the guards help you out and you can Eust peg a lot of them at once.
Kolatile Air in /ldum
This is a pretty decent spot to farm Holatile Air and definitely the /est spot of the spots listed in all of
these maps.
Kolatile 3ire=Air=%ater in Twilight Highlands
The enslaved tempests in the southwest are scattered and may not /e worth farming unless it is as a last
resort. The >nslaved Inferno%s have a small camp that is only good for one person to farm at. A lot of
>nslaved 'aterspouts are actually in the water and slow farming.
I recommend for Holatile 5ire that you do the 0n/ound >m/erfiends and Bound 5lesh/urners and for
Holatile 'ater you do the !uddied 'ater >lementals.
Module N -uick and 9asy Instance 3arming
Instance farming is one of the most fun ways to ma)e gold and as an added /onus you can ta)e lower
level characters with youB either other players and charge them for the free rideB or your own and level
them up while ma)ing lots of gold.
In this section of the guide I have highlighted some of my very favorite instances to farm to ma)e lots
of gold in. I%ve personally done the instances I have listed hundreds of times and have made thousands
of gold off of them.
Before doing any of these instances please make sure you identify how you are going to make gold.
If it is primarily off disenchants and items you're looting, check your Auction House prices to make
sure it's worth doing if you plan to sell these.
Also keep in mind, total potential gold per hour is dependent upon filling groups. Filling your group
of people who are paying for run throughs is a primary method of earning gold while instance
farming, without a full group, your potential gold per hour will be significantly less.
%ailing "averns '1J;8H(
This instance is located in southwestern :orthern Barrens. #ou may /e a/le to get a group together for
run throughs /ut if you do ma)e sure you have a s)inner come with. S)inning is where you will
pro/a/ly ma)e the most gold. &ight &eather and !edium &eather is found all over in this instanceB
especially on the west side and can sell from 6A=g a stac) depending on your server.
,old Making Info
$evel 5ange 16A=
)isenchanting 5eagents from Items
Small -limmering ShardB Strange 8ustB &esser ?
-reater !agic >ssence
"loth Type )ropped &inen and 'ool $loth *not much+ of Bosses 6 of 5are Spawns nJa
Amount to "harge for 5un Throughs 4A1g per person
9stimated Time for $evel FH To 5un Through M = minutes V &evel @4 or higher
&otential ,old &er Hour for 5un Throughs
with 3ull ,roup
=A.g per run D C runs per hourB 6A1=g per
Treasure "hests+ #es
5are Bo9 )rops+ nJa
/ni@ue Items nJa
Skinna.le Mo.s+ #esB lots of leather
Mines+ :o
Total ,old &er Hour &otential 6A=g per hour
The main focus of 'ailing $averns is to get someone in your run through group to do s)inning so you
don%t have to. !a)e sure all the stuff they s)in they give you at the end of the run. #ou should end up
with loads of &ight and !edium leather which usually does well on the Auction House. An added
/onus is the green items will turn into Strange 8ustB and you can also get money from running people
Shadowfang Keep '1F;81(
This instance is located in southern Silverpine 5orest. It will /e more commonly ran /y Horde since it%s
in Horde territory /ut Alliance will run it a lot too. It may /e hard to find people to fill your run through
group /ecause it may /e hard to travel too. It is advised that you have = characters or a friend help you
summon people to the instance in order to get people into your group for run throughs.
,old Making Info
$evel 5ange 1@A=1
)isenchanting 5eagents from Items
Small -limmering ShardB Strange 8ustB &esser ?
-reater !agic >ssence
"loth Type )ropped &inen $lothB 'ool $lothB Sil) $loth of Bosses 4 of 5are Spawns nJa
Amount to "harge for 5un Throughs 4A1g per person
9stimated Time for $evel FH To 5un Through M 1 minutes V &evel @4 or higher
&otential ,old &er Hour for 5un Throughs
with 3ull ,roup
=A.g per run D . runs per hourB @A16g per
Treasure "hests+ #es
5are Bo9 )rops+ nJa
/ni@ue Items nJa
Skinna.le Mo.s+ :o
Mines+ :o
Total ,old &er Hour &otential =ACg
The main focus of Shadowfang Keep will /e to get people for run throughs and to farm 'ool $loth.
'ool $loth usually sells well on the Auction HouseB sometimes as much as 1g per stac)B depending
on the server it could /e more.
The Stockade '88;8I( Alliance
&ocated in Stormwind $ity this is primarily an Alliance farming areaB even though Horde characters of
the appropriate level will /e a/le to get into this instance with the J&58 tool and high levels may try to
snea) into Stormwind. It will /e /est farmed /y AllianceB especially since the Auction House is near/y.
,old Making Info
$evel 5ange ==A=4
)isenchanting 5eagents from Items
Small ? &arge -limmering ShardB Strange 8ustB
&esser ? -reater Astral >ssence
"loth Type )ropped &inen $lothB 'ool $loth of Bosses C of 5are Spawns nJa
Amount to "harge for 5un Throughs 4A1g per person
9stimated Time for $evel FH To 5un Through M 4 minutes V &evel @4 or higher
&otential ,old &er Hour for 5un Throughs
with 3ull ,roup
=A.g per run D . runs per hourB @A16g per
Treasure "hests+ :o
5are Bo9 )rops+ nJa
/ni@ue Items >lemental >arthJ5ire possi/le from >lementals
Skinna.le Mo.s+ :o
Mines+ :o
Total ,old &er Hour &otential =ACg
The main focus of ma)ing gold from The Stoc)ade is to ma)e sure you fill a run through group. The
other side of it will /e collecting &inen and 'ool cloth to sell on the Auction HouseB the /eauty of The
Stoc)ade is lower level players will /e a/le to do it solo.
Scholomance '>H;>D(
&ocated on an island in the la)e in the eastern portion of 'estern (laguelandsB this dungeon was
completely revamped in !ists of (andaria. It can still /e farmed and you can still run players through it
really fast at level @4A9.
,old Making Info
$evel 5ange .A.C
)isenchanting 5eagents from Items
Small 9adiant ShardB &esser :ether >ssenceB
Hision 8ustB &arge -lowing ShardB -reater
!ystic >ssence
"loth Type )ropped Sil) $lothB !ageweave $loth of Bosses 4 main of 5are Spawns nJa
Amount to "harge for 5un Throughs =4g per person
9stimated Time for $evel FH To 5un Through M =4 minutes V &evel @4 or higher
&otential ,old &er Hour for 5un Throughs
with 3ull ,roup
1g per run D = runs per hourB =g per hour
Treasure "hests+ :o
5are Bo9 )rops+ nJa
/ni@ue Items
>ssence of 0ndeathB Bone 5ragmentsB Ichor of
Skinna.le Mo.s+ SomeB Thic) &eather
Mines+ :o
Total ,old &er Hour &otential =A.g
The main focus of ma)ing gold from Scholomance is to fill a run through groupB since there are so
many Guests this might not /e hard to do. The gold from disenchanting items will /e nominalN howeverB
the gold from !ageweave $loth gathered should help you net a decent gold per hour amount.
Lul#3arrak '>J;>G(
&ocated in northwestern corner of TanarisB Iul%5arra) has long /een a farmers dream Fone. The levels
were raised in $ataclysm to .6A.9 ma)ing it slightly higherB /ut it still drops !ageweave $loth and
people want to run through it. This Fone has . Guests availa/le right at the start.
,old Making Info
$evel 5ange .6A.9
)isenchanting 5eagents from Items
&arge 9adiant ShardB HisionJ8ream 8ustB -reater
:ether >ssence
"loth Type )ropped !ageweave $loth *lots+ of Bosses 4 mainB 1 rare of 5are Spawns 1
Amount to "harge for 5un Throughs =4g per person
9stimated Time for $evel FH To 5un Through M = minutes V &evel @4 or higher
&otential ,old &er Hour for 5un Throughs
with 3ull ,roup
1g per run D C runs per hourB Cg per hour
Treasure "hests+ nJa
5are Bo9 )rops+ nJa
/ni@ue Items nJa
Skinna.le Mo.s+ 5ew
Mines+ :o
Total ,old &er Hour &otential CA.g per hour
The main focus of ma)ing gold from Iul%5arra) is to find a full group for run throughs. Then collect
!ageweave $lothB of which you should get a healthy serving per run. 'hat I recommend is you have
other players in your group collect it for you that you can trust and have them trade it to you at end.
#ou could also disenchant greens and unused /lues for a little /it eDtra gold.
Stratholme "rusader#s S@uare '>F;I1(
&ocated in northwestern >astern (laguelandsB $rusader%s SGuare comes loaded with 4 Guests of its ownB
many valua/lesB and lots of /osses. This should prove to /e a very good farming area for lower level
,old Making Info
$evel 5ange .@A41
)isenchanting 5eagents from Items
Small Brilliant ShardB &arge 9adiant ShardB
HisionJ8ream 8ustB -reater :ether >ssence
"loth Type )ropped !ageweave $loth *lots+B 9unecloth of Bosses . mainB = sideB 1 triggeredB 1 rare of 5are Spawns 1
Amount to "harge for 5un Throughs =4g per person
9stimated Time for $evel FH To 5un Through M = minutes V &evel @4 or higher
&otential ,old &er Hour for 5un Throughs
with 3ull ,roup
1g per run D C runs per hourB Cg per hour
Treasure "hests+ #es
5are Bo9 )rops+ nJa
/ni@ue Items
>ssence of 0ndeathB Bone 5ragmentsB Ichor of
0ndeathB 9ighteous 7r/s
Skinna.le Mo.s+ 9are
Mines+ :o
Total ,old &er Hour &otential .A6g per hour
The main focus of ma)ing gold from Stratholme is to fill a group for run throughs. #ou may /e a/le to
sell &arge 9adiant Shards for 4 gold or more per and some /osses drop = /lues so you could gain a
little /it of gold there. The thing that%s insane a/out this Fone is the !ageweave $lothB which sells for
as much as 14g per stac) or more. #ou should have . or more stac)s per run. Then 9ighteous 7r/s can
sell for =g or moreB depending on the demand on your server. $hec) the prices /efore you go.
Stratholme The ,auntlet '>F;I1(
&ocated in north >astern (laguelands at the >astwall -ateB The -auntlet comes loaded with 6 main
/osses and a rare /oss. &ots of !ageweave and lots of gold to /e made.
,old Making Info
$evel 5ange .@A41
)isenchanting 5eagents from Items
Small Brilliant ShardB &arge 9adiant ShardB
HisionJ8ream 8ustB -reater :ether >ssence
"loth Type )ropped !ageweave $loth *lots+B 9unecloth of Bosses 6 mainB 1 rare of 5are Spawns 1
Amount to "harge for 5un Throughs =4g per person
9stimated Time for $evel FH To 5un Through M = minutes V &evel @4 or higher
&otential ,old &er Hour for 5un Throughs
with 3ull ,roup
1g per run D C runs per hourB Cg per hour
Treasure "hests+ #es
5are Bo9 )rops+ nJa
/ni@ue Items
>ssence of 0ndeathB Bone 5ragmentsB Ichor of
0ndeathB 9ighteous 7r/sB $ryptfiend (artsB
A/ominal Stitching
Skinna.le Mo.s+ Some
Mines+ :o
Total ,old &er Hour &otential .A6g per hour
The main focus of ma)ing gold from Stratholme is to fill a group for run throughs. #ou may /e a/le to
sell &arge 9adiant Shards for 4 gold or more per and some /osses drop = /lue so you could gain a little
/it of money there. The thing that%s insane a/out this Fone is the !ageweave $lothB which sells for as
much as 14g per stac) or more. #ou should have C or more stac)s per run. $hec) the prices /efore you
go. Keep in mind some weapons that are /lue might sell for more to a vendor than the item you get
when you disenchant.
Temple of Atal#Hakkar 'I8;II(
This is a nice area to get a lot of 9ugged &eather. The instance is very shortB under 1 minutesB you
may /e a/le to get people to pay you for run throughs /ut this one will /e a lot harder to find people to
fill the group.
,old Making Info
$evel 5ange 4=A44
)isenchanting 5eagents from Items
Small Brilliant ShardB Illusion 8ustB 8ream 8ustB
&esser ? -reater >ternal >ssence
"loth Type )ropped 9unecloth *very few+ of Bosses . of 5are Spawns nJa
Amount to "harge for 5un Throughs =4g per person
9stimated Time for $evel FH To 5un Through M 1 minutes V &evel @4 or higher
&otential ,old &er Hour for 5un Throughs
with 3ull ,roup
=4g per person D.B 1g every 1 minute runB
4g per hour
Treasure "hests+ :o
5are Bo9 )rops+ nJa
/ni@ue Items nJa
Skinna.le Mo.s+ #esB lots of 9ugged &eather
Mines+ :o
Total ,old &er Hour &otential 6gL
The focus of ma)ing gold in the Sun)en Temple is off 9ugged &eather which can sell for 1gL a stac)
depending on your serverB ma)e sure you chec) the Auction House /efore you go here.
Hellfire 5amparts 'IG;J8(
Hellfire 9amparts is the first instance in the 7utland located in Hellfire (eninsula. The mo/s range
from level 6A6=. It is easily soloa/le /y any level @ and can /e soloed /y as low as level 64 if you go
slower and are really goodB /ut you want to /e as high of a level as you can to maDimiFe gold output. In
one run there are C /osses and from these C /osses you will get . /lue drops which can /e disenchanted
for gold. There will also /e greens and cloth to sell. This is also a very good instance to power level alts
$evel 5ange 49A6=
)isenchanting 5eagents from Items
Arcane 8ustB Small (rismatic ShardB (lanar
"loth Type )ropped 9uneclothB :etherweave $loth of Bosses C of 5are Spawns
Amount to "harge for 5un Throughs =4gL
9stimated Time for $evel FH To 5un Through M 14 minutes V &evel @4 or higher
&otential ,old &er Hour for 5un Throughs
with 3ull ,roup
Treasure "hests+ #es
5are Bo9 )rops+ Kust 'orld 8rops
Skinna.le Mo.s+ Hery 5ew
Mines+ :o
Total ,old &er Hour &otential 4gL
Strategy to Make ,old
The most important thing to ma)e money out of an instance is to always loot every corpseB then you
will want to find a group of people you can charge for a run throughB this might /e hard. >ven if you
only get one person to run with youB tell them they loot everything and give it to you and you%ll run
them for freeB it%s worth it. #ou%ll end up with a /unch of greensB some /lues to disenchant from /ossesB
and a /unch of cloth to sell. These runs can go very fast so it%s /est you get as many people as you can
lined up for a run through even if you have to reduce the rate you are charging. There should /e a good
amount of people needing to do 9amparts during the prime time hours of your server /ecause everyone
wants a 8eath Knight or alt.
/tgarde Keep 'JG;N8(
0tgarde Keep is the first instance in :orthrend for the 'rath of the &ich King eDpansion. Soloing it to
farm will /e slow unless you%re on a level @4A9. 5arming this one is completely dependent on what the
:orthrend supplies do on the Auction House and you should chec) the Auction House to see if this is
even worth doing.
Strategy to Make ,old
The strategy to ma)e gold here is completely dependent on how much Infinite 8ustB Small 8ream
ShardsB and 5rostweave $loth sell for on your server. $hec) these things /efore you even try to come
out here. #ou will get at least C 8ream Shards from /luesB a random amount of Infinite 8ust from
greensB and a few stac)s of 5rostweave $loth per run.
Kiolet Hold 'NI;NN(
Hiolet Hold is a level <4A<< dungeon located in 8alaranB the main city of :orthrend. The main focus of
this instance is not necessarily run throughs /ecause those might /e hard to findB /ut to /e a s)inner and
disenchanter so that you can get Infinite 8ustB 8ream ShardsB and Borean &eather off the :($s. All of
the :($%s are dragon)in and s)inna/le so you will /e a/le to pic) up Arctic 5ur occasionally too which
could sell for an o)ay amount on your server.
#ou a/solutely will have to /e @4A9 to have this /e efficient and may need some decent gear to do this
and )ill the enemies fast enough.
$evel 5ange <4A<<
)isenchanting 5eagents from Items 8ream ShardB Infinite 8ust
"loth Type )ropped 5rostweave $loth of Bosses C of 5are Spawns
Amount to "harge for 5un Throughs 0n)nown
9stimated Time for $evel FH To 5un Through M C minutes V &evel @4 or higher
&otential ,old &er Hour for 5un Throughs
with 3ull ,roup
Treasure "hests+ :o
5are Bo9 )rops+ Kust 'orld 8rops
Skinna.le Mo.s+ #esB lots of Borean &eather
Mines+ :o
Total ,old &er Hour &otential 14gL per hour from selling items
Strategy to Make ,old
Be a s)inner and disenchanter. Infinite 8ust may sell for =g or more a stac). Borean &eather may sell
for 1.g or more a stac). #ou%ll also get 8ream Shards from /luesB 5rostweave $lothB and have a chance
to get an Arctic 5ur. &ots of opportunity here for farming items out of here. It may /e hard to find
people for a run through /ut if you can get someone that%d /e even more money. The enemies also drop
around 1 gold each on average.
Module F A ,uide To Making ,old Before
$evel GH
!ost of the other gold guides out there focus on end game gold farming as if level @4 players are the
only people who need gold. 'hat they don%t understand is most of the people who /uy these guides are
not level @4 and are having pro/lems getting gold for their mounts or even their s)ills. :ow there are
leveling guides out there that can get you to @4 in days li)e Iygor%s &eveling -uide /ut you%re not
going to /e rich Eust using a guide li)e that.
There are gold ma)ing opportunities as you level as well as places to go if you need gold /ased on your
level. 'hile a lot of this information is already throughout the guide I%ve put it in this chapter for
people who are not level @4 so that they can Guic)ly find places to go and what to do if they need gold.
Things that "an .e )one 5egardless of $evel
Auction House
The Auction House is a great place to ma)e money where anyone can get started right away. I won%t
repeat everything in this chapter that is already in my Auction House $hapterB instead ta)e a loo) at it
/efore you get started here.
There is potential to ma)e gold with almost every crafting profession even at lower levels. HoweverB
most of the items are useless or have very low demand. $hec) your crafting profession in my $rafting
(rofessions $hapter.
$evels 1;DH
&eveling from 1A= might feel li)e the longest segment of the game /ecause you have to do it all on
footB once you reach level = you get to purchase your first ground mount *or learn 9unning 'ild as a
'orgen+. 0ntil thenB you%re stuc) Guesting with few options to ma)e gold. &uc)ily there are several
items that sell for a large amount on the Auction House that you can effectively gather while at the
same time earning eDperience )illing mo/s. The Fones and mo/ groups /elow have /een selected to /e
close to home cities and in areas where you don%t have to run around too much. I suggest leveling to =
as Guic)ly as possi/le to get your mountB /ut you don%t need to.
Before you go out and gather a /unch of somethingB ma)e sure it%s price is high enough on your
Auction House. (rices can vary significantly from one realm to another and while these items are
generally valua/le enough to Eustify farmingB they may not /e on your realm.
$inen "loth '$evel 1H;8H(
If you%re strapped for gold and still low level you can collect &inen $loth in 'estfall or Tirisfal -lades.
#ou can ma)e several gold per stac) of &inen $loth.
There are siD main areas *and some more scattered areas on the coastline+ that offer decent areas for
collecting &inen $loth. This Fone offers a good route you can follow going from one camp to another
with little down time.
Tirisfal -lades has two large &inen $loth 5arming areas and three smaller ones. 'hen farming in this
Fone I would stic) to the left side of the Fone and ignore the small area to the right.
T There are more &inen farming locations in the farming chapter.
Mining "opper '$evel 1H;DH(
$opper Bars sell for a surprising price on the Auction House considering how accessi/le it is to low
level players. #ou can find it in any level 1A= area in large amounts. If you%re Alliance you can Eust
leave Stormwind into >lwynn 5orest and head south and follow this path. This is a great thing to do if
you Eust reached level =B have your mount and are strapped for gold. -o into /oth caves mar)ed on the
The /est place for the Horde is to run around 8urotarB Here%s the loop I follow *go into the caveB there
are usually $opper Heins in there+.
Skinning Medium $eather '$evels 8I;DI(
!edium &eather goes for a good price on the Auction House. #ou can s)in it off of any level /east that
is level =AC *roughly+. The higher the level the more li)ely it is to give you !edium &eather. The
!ottled 9aptors and >/on 'helps in 'etlands are a great place to gather !edium &eather and other
useful stuff at level == and higher.
%ool "loth '$evel 8H;DI(
'ool is worth a/out twice as much as &inen and can /e found /etween level =AC. If you%re in need of
some eDtra gold to get started on these farming locations should help you get started.
Ashenvale has eight 'ool $loth farming areas. This Fone is pac)ed with humanoids waiting to /e
8us)wood is teeming with groups of humanoidsB which ma)es this Fone great for farming 'ool $loth.
Hills/rad 5oothills 'ool $loth farming locations are on the map /elow.
T There are more 'ool $loth locations in the farming chapter.
Briarthorn and Mageroyal '$evel 8H;DH(
If you%re an her/alist and want to gather her/s /etween = and CB this is the place to go. There is a ton
of Briarthorn and !ageroyal on the outside of the 9uins of Alterac. There%s a circle of !ageroyal
around the south eastern area and a /unch of 5roFen Her/ *higher level+ in the 9uins of Alterac. :ote
this is similar to the map a/oveB you can gather /oth 'ool and her/s at the same time.
$evels DH;JH
At level = you finally have your ground mountB your neDt upgrade is at level . and will cost a/out
4g. At level 6 you will /e a/le to learn to flyB this will cost you several hundred gold. Here%s some
routes to help you stay rich enough to /uy your mounts at level . and level 6.
Silk "loth '$evel DH;>H(
Sil) $loth sells for even more than 'ool $loth /ut chec) your realm%s Auction House /efore spending
too much time collecting it.
Southern Barrens a decent amount of Sil) $loth farming locations as show on the map /elow.
The $ape of Stranglethorn has a good amount of humanoids in the southern parts of it.
Kings.lood? $iferoot? Khadgar#s %hiskers '$evel DJM(
'estern (laguelands is a great place to gather her/s. There is a ton of them in a small area. #ou Eust
need to /e around level C6AC< or higher so that you can defend yourself.
Khadgar#s %hiskers and Sungrass '$evel >1M(
If you%re in your mid .s or so >astern (laguelands is a great place to farm Sungrass and Khadger%s
'his)ers. It%s all over the place.
Mageweave '$evel >H;IH(
!ageweave can cost Guite a /it on the Auction House and /e very lucrative to farm. Ta)e a loo) at your
prices and you might not /e Eust ma)ing a few gold /ut a lot instead.
>astern (laguelands is full of areas to farm !ageweave. #ou can start off /y farming in the Fone as you
ma)e your way to Stratholme to collect even more cloth.
Tanaris has several !ageweave $loth farming locationsB /ut they are more spread out than in >astern
(laugelands and if possi/le you should try to instance farm some cloth as you will li)ely have an easier
and faster time collecting it.
3arming Mithril 4re '$evel >HM(
Here is another great ore that can /e farmed for some profits. The reason people want this oreB is the
same reason they want Thorium 7re. It ta)es awhile to farm and they%d rather pay for it to power level
their professions.
Mithril in 3elwood
#ou don%t need to /e high level for this mining routeB level ..L will suffice. 7/viouslyB it%s always
/etter to /e higher level than the highest mo/ you%re going to /e near /ut it%s doa/le regardless.
Mithril in Badlands
If you didn%t li)e 5elwood for some reasonB try out the reshaped Badlands in $ataclysm.
Heavy $eather '$evel >8M(
&eatherwor)ers need 1s of Heavy &eather to level upB you can find a lot of it in Southern
Stranglethorn Hale"
5unecloth 'IH;JH(
Since a lot of players are rushing through level 4 content they will not collect a lot of 9uneclothB
increasing its value. This can /e a very valua/le cloth to farm.
In the Blasted &ands there are three main humanoid camps to get 9unecloth.
Below you%ll find areas to farm for 9unecloth in Hellfire (eninsula. The areas on the map have a drop
rate of .A..R.
5ugged $eather '$evels IIM(
9ugged &eather can go up in price Guiet a /it if people aren%t farming it. This is /ecause players only
spend a short amount of time at the levels needed to gather it and it%s still needed in the 1s to level
&eatherwor)ing. To find itB head to 'interspring and )ill yetis and cats.
4ther $ocations for 5ugged leather
0n%-oro $rater A entire western part of Fone has higher drop rate than eastern
Thorium 4re '$evel IIM(
Believe it or notB the most profita/le nonArare spawn ore is Thorium which is from the original 'orld
of 'arcraft. The reason /ehind this is simpleB more and more people are power leveling their
professions to 4=4 to get awesome epic items in $ataclysm /ut none of these people want to go out and
farm Thorium and most people would rather Eust /uy it in the Auction House. This is /ad for themB /ut
good for those who want to ma)e some gold. So /elow I will give you the /est = routes to get Thorium.
9emem/er there are 9ich Thorium Heins *reGuired s)ill =<4+ and Small Thorium Heins *reGuired s)ill
Thorium in Silithus
#ou will most li)ely want to /e around level 44 or higher to farm this route without getting )illed
freGuently. 8on%t forget there are 7oFe covered 9ich Thorium Heins in this Fone to /e mined Eust li)e
regular 9ich Thorium Heins. !ost of the nodes are around the hives where the /ugs are.
Thorium in Blasted $ands
>nsure you are high enough mining /efore heading out here. The new Blasted &ands now has Thorium
8epositsB especially in the southwestern areaB /ut you will find them all along this route. The eastern
area might contain less nodes toward the water.
$evels JH;NH
-athering stuff from 7utland is valua/le /ecause no one wants to travel there to get what they need.
ButB they still need this stuff to level their professions. So while you%re in 7utland levelingB you should
definitely consider farming up some of this stuff and /ringing it /ac) to AFeroth.
3arming 3elweed : ,olden Sansam in Hellfire &eninsula 'lvl JHM(
5elweed and -olden Sansam are used a lot while leveling Alchemy and Inscription. 'ith InscriptionB
5elweed is the only her/ worth milling to get :ether (igmentB so it sells outs every time a new
Inscriptionist levels from C to C4. -olden Sansam is used a lot in AlchemyB /ut sells in low volume.
#ou%ll /e a/le to move tons of 5elweed /ut you%ll find yourself sitting on a lot of -olden Sansam after
running this route.
Mining 3el Iron 4re 'lvl JHM(
5el Iron is on the same par as Adamantite for ma)ing gold off of itB /ut it%s pro/a/ly easier to get
/ecause it%s most prevalent in the /eginning Fone once you enter 7utlandB Hellfire (eninsula.
Mining Adamantite 4re 'lvl J>M(
Adamantite 7re can /e farmed for a moderate profit.
Knothide $eather '$evel JIM(
Knothide &eather is another great thing you can gather and sell to people leveling through
&eatherwor)ing. The /est place is right around -aradarB the $lefthoof Bulls and Tal/u) ThorngraFers
have a high drop rate and are plentiful.
7etherweave "loth '$evel J>M(
:etherweave is a great way for a mid 6 to start saving money for their flying mounts. :ot a lot of
people want to go to the 7utland to farm this stuffB so you won%t have a lot of competition.
Shadowmoon Halley is a great place to get cloth /ecause there are so many humanoids with good drop
rates throughout the Fone. The areas circled on the map have a drop rate of C9A41R.
:agrand is also a great place to farm for cloth. 7ne thing to note is that some of the mo/s in 5orge
$amp Hate and 5orge $amp 5ear are elites. The areas circled on the map have an average drop rate of
$evels NH;NG
:orthrend is old newsB there are no longer portals in 8alaran to ma)e traveling to and from :orthrend
any easier. If you%re leveling through :orthrend you%re going to collect a lot of materials that are highly
sought after. Ta)e the opportunity while you%re there to gather some eDtra.
Mining "o.alt 4re '$evel JFM(
There is a miD of 9ich $o/alt 8eposits and $o/alt 8eposits in Howling 5Eord. #ou will also want a
flying mount to complete the route effectively /ut you don%t need one Eust watch out for parts of the
route that don%t use /ridges and ma)e sure you ride across them instead of following the route in some
Adder#s Tongue? ,oldclover and Tiger $ily '$evel NIM(
SholaFar Basin is Eam pac)ed with Adder%s TongueB -oldclover and Tiger &ily. :o one wants to go to
:orthrend and farm this stuffB so if you%re here alreadyB run at least a few loops around the /asin to get
some her/s.
3rostweave "loth '$evel NIM(
There are no good spots in the pre <4 areas to farm 5rostweave $lothB the first opportunity is SholaFar
Basin and the neDt /est is Icecrown.
Below you will see cloth farming locations in SholaFar Basin. The areas circled on the map have an
average drop rate of C9A.4R.

Below you%ll find locations for farming 5rostweave $loth in Icecrown. The areas that are circled in the
map /elow have an average drop rate of C4A.@R.
Borean $eather '$evel NIM(
Borean &eather is great to farmB the /est place is western SholaFar Basin where there are tons of /easts
including 8readsa/ersB $o/rasB and 9hinos.
$evels FH;F>
5rom levels @ to @. you%re going to find yourself in !t. HyEalB HashE%irB Twilight HighlightsB 8eepholm
and 0ldum. !a)e the /est use of your time /y farming some of these valua/le trade goods.
4.sidium '$evel FH(
#ou can head straight to HyEal at level @ and gather 7/sidiumB there%s a lot of it hereN /ring your flying
9m.ersilk '$evel F8M(
8eepholm is a good place for farming >m/ersil)B there are lots of humanoid camps located within a
close distance of each other.
Heart.lossom and "inder.loom '$evel F8M(
&i)e I mentioned a/oveB 8eepholm is a farmer%s paradise and it%s especially an her/alist%s paradise. This
is a perfect route that is Eam pac)ed with Heart/lossom and $inder/loomB two high end her/s in
Heart/lossom and $inder/loom are used in a variety of flas)sB potions and eliDirs /ut /ecause of their
availa/ility and the Guantity that they are collectedB they are also used as a cheap her/ /y scri/es when
milling for pigment. The /est place to farm /oth of them is /y doing this eDtremely her/Adense route in
9lementium 4re '$evel F8M(
8eepholm is littered with >lementium Heins and almost anywhere you fly you won%t /e a/le to avoid
them eDcept in the :orthern area.
$evel FI;FG
:ot level 9 yet; :o worriesB there are a few interesting opportunities to farm while you%re leveling.
,host Iron $evel FI;FN
-host Iron is found a lot in Kade 5orest and Halley of the 5our 'indsB which is eDactly where you will
/e for the first few levels in (andaria. Stay off the main path and stic) near the edges of the map near
mountainsJcliffsB la)es and rivers to find the most deposits of -host Iron.
%indwool $evel FIM
As discussed in the farming chapterB you can farm 'indwool in Halley of the 5our 'inds along the
western edge /y the wall /y Stoneplow. #ou can also find easy to )ill humanoids north of The
Heartland who drop plenty of 'indwool $loth.
Module G Making ,old 3or 3un and &rofit
There are actually a lot of miscellaneous ways to ma)e gold in 'o'. #ou can parta)e in holiday
festivitiesB help out lower level charactersB or even /eg for gold if you are really loo)ing for an
interesting time. In this section of the guide I have highlighted some other good ways to ma)e gold if
you want to do something outside of the ordinary.
5unning $ower $evel &layers through Instances
>ven /efore recruit a friend /ecame popularB there was always a high demand for lower level players to
receive Prun throughsP. A run through is /asically someone with a high level character running one or
more low level players through an instance that is the level of the lower level players. 5or eDampleB a
level C player may have pro/lem finding a group to go through Scarlet !onastery so they may come
into trade channel and as) for someone that is higher level to run them through. This is where you
come inB you don%t always have to /e the maD level to do run throughsB a level . can easily run
through Stoc)ades or other instances that are significantly lower.
So ta)e your character and start going through the instances starting from the lowest to highest all /y
yourself. 5igure out which instances you can solo and run people through fast and figure out which
instances you can run through say if one of the people you are running through can heal.
0sually a level 6 character can run up to Iul%5arra) unassistedB a level < character can run up to
Stratholme without much assistanceB and a level @ player can run most of the 7utland instances
without too much assistanceB an @4 can even solo some of the level @ instances in :orthrend and a 9
can run level @4 instancesB /ut it depends on your classB gearB and s)ill so figure that outB ma)e a list
and then start advertising. See chapter 6 for more details on running dungeons for gold.
To advertise ma)e social )eys that tal) in trade chat. If you don%t )now how to do this very simplyB type
JmacroB clic) newB select any icon and name you wishB and then in the !acro $ommands /oD type PJ=
8oing Scarlet !onastery run throughs =4g per personB pstP. !a)e sure you don%t put the Guotes in
thereB then drag the /utton to your hot/ar and press it when you are in cities. This will announce in J=
which is trade chat that you are offering to run players through Scarlet !onastery for =4g per person.
#ou can tailor the message to whatever it is you would li)e to do and you can ma)e multiple /uttons
and put them on a separate hot/ar if you want. #ou can also change the channel you are advertising inB J
1 is generalB etc.
Begging for ,old
#esB /egging for gold wor)s. It%s also a great way to get started on a new server without leveling. These
people are /oth the entertainment and disgrace of Stormwind and 7rgrimmar. $reate an alt with an
emo anime name and level it to < or higherB then start chatting it up with people in 7grimmar or
Stormwind. 8on%t eDpect to /ecome rich /ut do demand results. I%ve eDperimented with this a little /it
and actually found myself in a giving mood enough times to )now it wor)s. Here are a few tips that can
help a lot"
1. As)ing for gold for a specific reason *talents or a specific item on the Auction House+
=. Start a conversation a/out something else firstB P'here%s the mining trainer;P
C. 5ind people in isolated areas near profession trainers. The /ystander effect is applica/le in
'o'B if you%re in a miD of =AC people near the Auction House and mail /oD people are much
more li)ely to ignore you.
.. If you find someone who respondsB )eep tal)ing to them. !ost people will ignore youB so the
ones who respond are rare potentials.
Here%s a /ad eDample of how to /eg for gold"
&olB good luc) and have fun /egging for goldO
-uesting at $evel GH
If you level straight to 9B you might hit 9 as you enter Townlong SteppesB leaving 8read 'astesB Hale
of >ternal Blossoms and the rest of Townlong Steppe Guests unfinished. If you leveled that wayB you
pro/a/ly left several Guest hu/s unfinished in KunA&aiB HalleyB Krasarang 'iilds and in Kade 5orest.
&oad up your achievement menu and find out which Fones you didn%t complete all the Guests inB go
/ac) and complete them. #ou will find many engaging and interesting story lines throughout (andaria.
#ou%ll ma)e a surprisingly large amount of goldB gain some achievementsB get some faction and
discover new places in (andaria you didn%t )now eDisted.
#ou can also go /ac) to $ataclysmB :orthrend and even 7utlands Fones to finish up Guests. #ou won%t
ma)e a ton of gold doing themB /ut you will have a lot of fun.
Scan &u.lic Test 5ealm for "hanges
This can give you a serious upper hand against other players if you ta)e an active role in scanning for
upcoming game changes. Their are a few ways you can do this. #ou could Eust play on the pu/lic test
realmB read the pu/lic test realm patch notesB or read the forums at The way I
recommend you do it to save yourself the most time is to Eust read the (u/lic Test 9ealm (atch :otesB
you can see updated version of the patch notes here.
'hat you want to loo) for is changes to anything in this guide that I tal)ed a/out and not only changes
to the a/ove material /ut new ways that could /e coming up to ma)e money. If you%ve read this guide
you are already far more aware of the possi/le ways to ma)e money more so than any average player.
0se this )nowledge to loo) for things in the patch notes that you can ma)e gold from.
Browse &rofession 3orums for Ideas
There are specific profession forums you can /rowse to see if you can figure out what people are
loo)ing for or what the neDt item in demand is.
Here is a lin) to the profession forums
Keeping up with the Holidays
If you have the eDtra timeB you can ma)e a good amount of gold around the various holidays that eDist
within 'orld of 'arcraft. (eople will pay very high amounts of gold for low level items Eust so they
can complete holiday Guests and achievements or Eust to simply participate in the holiday fun with their
characters. 7ne important )ey point of ma)ing gold during the holiday season is that you need to have
a head start and /egin listing items related to various Guests and achievements within at least the first
few days of the holiday. 5or eDampleB during the 5east of the 'inter Heil a lot of players loo) to the
Auction House to /uy Small >ggs so that they don%t need to farm them in a low level Fone in order to
complete the Guest for -reatfather 'inter for an achievement. If you prepare for this /y farming Small
>ggs /efore the holiday you can put them up on the Auction House the night /efore the holiday goes
live and ma)e some decent gold.
Another tactic you can ta)e is to farm holiday items during the season and then sell them on the
Auction House later in the year. This can /e somewhat profita/le as the random player decides he%d li)e
to /uy some snow/alls to throw at people during a raid in Kuly. Some of the most common items to sell
on the Auction House from the holidays are Snow/allsB crafted clothingB (reserved HollyB Holiday
SpicesB !istletoeB Small >ggsB holiday crafting formulasB and pets. (ets li)e the Kingling BellB 9ed
Helper BoDB -reen Helper BoDB and Snowman Kit can sell for a few hundred gold in the off season to
players loo)ing to complete the Shop SmartB Shop (et...Smart achievement or to players who Eust li)e
collecting pets.

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