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Historical background of digitalization

1. Ministry of Industry (
The present government's vision of making a "Digital angladesh" by !"!# has brought about an
in$reased Impetus in effi$ien$y and te$hnologi$al improvement towards a greater openness%
transparen$y% and &$$ountability in government system and performan$e. The !""' ele$tions in
angladesh brought in a new government with a broad platform to redu$e poverty as well as improve
governan$e% rule of law and $iti(en's a$$ess to government servi$es. "Digital angladesh" has been
pro$laimed a high priority of the )overnment in the pre*ele$tion manifesto The +orld ank in !"",
ranked angladesh -!nd among #.! $ountries and last among / $ountries in the 0outh &sian
sub$ontinent% with regards to its I1T infrastru$ture. The Ministry of Industries is lo$ated in a seven*
storied building named 0hilpa haban at -#% Moti2heel $ommer$ial area% Dhaka. efore
independen$e% there was a department of 1ommer$e and Industries in Dhaka% the then provin$ial
$apital. &fter liberation of angladesh a new Ministry was $reated as Ministry of 1ommer$e and
Industries in #-,!. The ministry was shifted from angladesh 0e$retariat to the present pla$e in #-,'.
&fterward it was divided into . Ministries i.e.
(#) Ministry of 1ommer$e
(!) Ministry of Industries
(.) Ministry of Te3tile and 4ute
oard of Investment and 5rivati(ation $ommission $ame out as separate entities in #-'- and !"""
respe$tively from the Ministry of Industries. There are four $orporations% 6 dire$torate7institutions and
one &$$reditation oard working under the ministry of Industries. The ministry supervises and
$oordinates the a$tivities% poli$y matters and administrative affairs of these organi(ations in
$onformity with the e3isting laws% rules and regulations.

02. Brief profile of the website
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This offi$ial website of Ministry of Industries of the )overnment provides mu$h information. &n
important ob2e$tive of $reating this website is to disseminate the useful information relating to
industries% so that the foreign investors as well as lo$al entrepreneur7 stakeholders $an learn about our
servi$es online.

Ministry of Industries is primarily responsible for developing new poli$ies 8 strategies for
promotion% e3pansion and sustainable development of Industrial se$tor of the $ountry. )iven the
present environment and in$reasing trend in globali(ation% the private se$tor is playing an important
role in the industriali(ation of the $ountry. Therefore% the Ministry of Industries has taken the role of a
fa$ilitator with a view to $reating in$reased industrial a$tivities in the $ountry.

This site provides basi$ information about the stru$ture of this Ministry% its a$tivities and also
provides $onne$ting link to the various Ministries% Department% 8 1orporations. This site will help all
$on$erned understand the way% in whi$h the Ministry of Industry is fun$tioning and the efforts e3erted
by the Ministry towards fulfilling the hopes and aspirations of the $iti(en of angladesh 8 above all
its towards our national growth and e$onomi$ development.

+e also hope that this site will not only improve our $ommuni$ation with the stakeholders but
also signifi$antly fa$ilitate the servi$es to be provided to the private se$tor.

+e will appre$iate thoughtful feedba$k and suggestions from all $on$erned
03. Types of information proided by the website!
The information provided in the website is not very low or not very high in 9uality rather it is
moderate and average. +hy it seems moderate and average in 9uality to me as follows:
Design of the website is reasonably standard $omparing to other ministry;s website. The website
$reates $ommuni$ation network $orresponden$e to the users and to the prospe$tive $lients. There
e3ists strong presen$e of information% different types of publi$ations of the ministry% different poli$ies
and programs% allo$ation of different se$tors su$h as business% work% $iti(en $harter et$. but most of
information provided in the website is in angla% there is no $lear mission statement and strategi$ plan
for te$hni$al $ompeten$e in designing and developing the website% $ommitment for providing
9ualitative and up*to*date information.
0". #$%T analysis
".1 #trengths!
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Design of the website is reasonably standard $omparing to other ministry;s website.
0trong presen$e of information.
&ll types of publi$ations of the ministry are available in the website.
Different poli$ies and programs are available in the website in digital format.
&llo$ations of different se$tors su$h as business% work% $iti(en $harter et$. are present in the
This website has download option.
+ell arranged information.
1reate $ommuni$ation network $orresponden$e.
+ebsite is well designed% informed and easily a$$essible.
".2 $eaknesses!
Most of information provided in the website is in angla.
<o $lear mission statement and strategi$ plan in the website.
=a$k of up*to*date information.
=a$k of Te$hni$al $ompeten$e in $ase of designing and developing the website.
=a$k of $ommitment for providing information.
5oliti$al influen$e.
0ome information in 5D> format is very big in si(e.
=a$k of $lientele;s reliability by providing 9ualitative information.
=ess innovation.
0ear$h option does not work properly to find any information.
This website $ontains very limited information for the web browsers.
The website should add more videos and images on their re$ent a$tivities to $lear up the
reader;s mind.
0erver speed is slow.
In website% all data are not available.
+eak web site se$urity.
".3 %pportunities!
The website has the possibility to provide more information about the Ministry of
It has the potentiality to provide better servi$es than $ompetitors.
This site will in$rease the number of users for its better servi$e.
It has
".& Threats!
#. &ll of the information $ontains in the website is not e3a$tly a$$urate therefore the
estimation and planning for the ministry may not be right.
!. The website does not update the information periodi$ally therefore $ontain ba$kdated
.. The website does not provide all the ne$essary data% and is not enough to take any
de$ision based on the data.
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0'. (ossible )easures to improe the $ebsite!
0trengthening ?esear$h and Development department of the Ministry.
There should a $lear mission statement and strategi$ plan in the website.
5roviding up*to*date information about different types of publi$ations of the ministry%
different poli$ies and programs% allo$ation of different se$tors su$h as business% work% $iti(en
$harter et$.
5roviding up*to*date more (!*. years) information about annual report% different poli$ies and
5roviding information both in angle and @nglish.
0trengthening information system to enhan$e a$$ess to latest information relating industrial
0timulating key te$hnologi$al $apabilities for designing and developing the website
0*. +onclusion!
Ministry of Industry is primarily responsible for developing new poli$ies 8 strategies for promotion%
e3pansion and sustainable development of industrial se$tors of the $ountry. )iven the present
environment and in$reasing trend in globali(ation% the private se$tor is playing an important role in
the industriali(ation of the $ountry. Therefore% the Ministry of Industry has taken the role of a
fa$ilitator with a view to $reating in$reased industrial a$tivities in the $ountry.

This site provides basi$ information about the stru$ture of this Ministry% its a$tivities and also
provides $onne$ting link to the various Ministries% Department% 8 1orporations. This site also helps
all $on$erned understand the way% in whi$h the Ministry of Industry is fun$tioning and the efforts
e3erted by the Ministry towards fulfilling the hopes and aspirations of the $iti(en of angladesh 8
above all its towards our national growth and e$onomi$ development. +e also hope that this site will
not only improve our $ommuni$ation with the stakeholders but also signifi$antly fa$ilitate the
servi$es to be provided to the private se$tor.
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