Aerospace ByLaws

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SEPTEMBER 13, 1999

International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural
Implement Workers of America, U.A.W.
Table of Contents
Article Title Page
1. Name 1
2. Constitution 1
. !iscal "ear 1
#. $embers%ip 2
&. $embers%ip $eeting 2
'. Po(er of Administrations 2
). *ocal Union +fficers
,. -.ecuti/e 0oard
1. Committee and 2te(ards #
13. 0argaining Committee #
11. Committees #
12. -lections and -lection Committee ,
1. !inances 12
1#. Attendance 4ules 1#
1&. 5elegates !rom *ocal 1&
1'. Appeals 1'
1). 2trike and 2trike Committee 1'
1,. 4etired Workers C%apter 1'
11. 6eneral 1)
23. Amendments 1)
21. $iscellaneous 1,
Amended and Approved a Re!"#ar Mem$er%&'p Mee'n!
Sepem$er (, 2))3
B*-La+% Comm'ee
Tom Co,,e*
L'nda -one%
C&ar#oe .add'/
Ar'0#e 11 2ame
Se0'on 11
T%is organi7ation s%all be kno(n as *ocal 112 International Union,
United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers,
Ar'0#e 21 Con%'"'on and B*-La+%
Se0'on 11
T%e Constitution of t%is organi7ation s%all be t%e Constitution of t%e
International Union, UAW and t%ese b89la(s s%all be in all respects subordinate
To sa8 Constitution and all sa8 applications and interpretations t%ereof.
Ar'0#e 31 F'%0a# Year
Se0'on 11
T%e fiscal 8ear of t%is *ocal Union s%all begin on :anuar8 1
and end
5ecember 1
Ar'0#e 31 Mem$er%&'p
Se0'on 11
;a< T%e *ocal Union s%all be composed of (orkers eligible for $embers%ip in t%e
International Union, United Automobile Aerospace and Agriculture Implement
Workers of America UAW, o/er (%om t%e *ocal Union %as =urisdiction.
;b< -ac% member in good standing of t%is *ocal Union %as t%e rig%t to attend all
$embers%ip meeting and /ie(s, arguments, and opinions on all
$atters and business, including candidates for office, properl8 before t%e
$eeting> to meet and assemble freel8 (it% ot%er members and generall8, to
Participate in t%e acti/ities of t%e *ocal Union in a responsible manner
Consistent (it% good conscience in order to present and discuss factuall8 and
?onestl8 t%e issues and personalities upon (%ic% t%e members%ip must base
Its decision. T%ese rig%ts s%all at all times be sub=ect to t%e rules of t%e Union.
A member, in e.ercising t%e foregoing rig%ts and pri/ileges s%all not take an8
Irresponsible action, (%ic% (ould tend to =eopardi7e or destro8, or to be
5etrimental to eit%er t%e *ocal or International Union as organi7ations> or
t%eir !ree democratic %eritage or (%ic% (ould interfere (it% t%e performance
b8 T%is *ocal Union or t%e International Union as an affiliate of t%e
0"9*AW2 +! *+CA* UAW 112 1
International Union. @iolation or abuse of t%ese rig%ts and pri/ileges of
$embers%ip, or engaging in conduct unbecoming of a union member
;c< T%e members%ip s%all stri/e to obtain t%e ob=ecti/es set fort% in t%e
International Constitution and additional ob=ecti/es as establis%ed as t%e
Polic8 of t%e International Union> to maintain free relations (it%
+rgani7ations> to do all in its po(er to strengt%en and promote t%e *abor
$o/ement> to cooperate (it% 4egional 0oard $embers, t%e International
4epresentati/es and %elp promote organi7ational acti/ities.
Ar'0#e 41 Mem$er%&'p Mee'n!%
Se0'on 11 4egular members%ip meetings s%all be %eld on t%e second ;2
$onda8 of eac% mont%, at )A33 a.m. ;
s%ift<, 1A33 p.m. ;2
and A3 p.m. ;1

Se0'on 21 2pecial members%ip meeting ma8 be called (%en deemed
necessar8 b8 *ocal Union -.ecuti/e 0oard or t%e President
of t%e Union.
Se0'on 31 T%e order of business of regular members%ip meetings s%all be
as outlined in Article #2 of t%e International Constitution. All
Buestions of parliamentar8 nature s%all be decided b8 4oberts
4ules of order.

Se0'on 31 $embers in attendance at t%e regular members%ip meeting s%all
Constitute a Buorum.
Se0'on 41 An8 member (%o attends a meeting in an into.icated condition
andC or creates a disturbance or becomes unrul8 s%all lose rig%t to /ote at
said meeting. W%en necessar8 to maintain order, t%e member ma8 be
e/icted from t%e meeting b8 order of t%e C%airman, sub=ect to t%e
c%allenge of t%e member. !lagrant and persistent /iolation of t%is section
b8 an8 $ember s%all be considered conduct unbecoming a union member.
Ar'0#e 51 Po+er% o, Adm'n'%ra'on
;a< T%e members%ip is t%e %ig%est aut%orit8 of t%e *ocal Union and s%all be
empo(ered to take or direct action not inconsistent (it% t%e Constitution or
0"9*AW2 +! UAW *+CA* 112 2
;b< 0et(een members%ip meetings, t%e -.ecuti/e 0oard s%all be t%e %ig%est
aut%orit8 of t%e *ocal Union and s%all be empo(ered to act on t%e
members%ip to t%e e.tent urgent business reBuires prompt and decisi/e
action sub=ect to subseBuent members%ip appro/al, but t%e -.ecuti/e
0oard ma8 not take action affecting t%e /ital interests of t%e *ocal Union,
(it%out prior members%ip appro/al.
;c< 0et(een meeting of t%e -.ecuti/e 0oard, t%e President s%all e.ercise
general administrati/e aut%orit8 and s%all be empo(ered to act on t%e
be%alf of t%e -.ecuti/e 0oard.
Ar'0#e 61 Lo0a# Un'on O,,'0er%
Se0'on 11 T%is *ocal Union s%all %a/e t%e follo(ing -.ecuti/e +fficersA
President, @ice President, 4ecording 2ecretar8, !inancial
2ecretar8CTreasurer, T%ree Trustees, 2ergeant9at9Arms
and 6uide.
Se0'on 21 All officers s%all familiari7e t%emsel/es (it% t%e International Constitution
and t%ese 089*a(s, in t%eir entiret8.

Se0'on 31 T%e duties of t%e President s%all be as outlined in A4TIC*- #3,
2ection 1 of t%e International Constitution.
Ar'0#e (1 E/e0"'ve Board
Se0'on 11 4egular meeting of t%e 0oard s%all be %eld on t%e
second ;2
< $onda8 of eac% mont% at 11A33 a.m.
Se0'on 21
;a< T%e -.ecuti/e 0oard s%all direct pa8ment of all ordinar8 bills and
e.penses of t%e *ocal Union, and s%all %a/e t%e aut%orit8 to make
disbursements of t%e *ocal Union !unds.
;b< A simple ma=orit8 of t%e -.ecuti/e 0oard s%all constitute a Buorum.
;c< $inutes of all -.ecuti/e 0oard meetings (ill be taken b8 t%e 4ecording
2ecretar8 and s%all be a/ailable to t%e members%ip at meetings.
;d< In case t%e C%airman of t%e 0argaining Committee is absent from t%e
-.ecuti/e 0oard meetings, t%e @ice9C%airman (ill take %is place (it%
/oice and /ote, as an -.ecuti/e 0oard $ember for t%at meeting. It is t%e
dut8 of t%e C%airman to notif8 t%e @ice9C%airman (%en %e intends to be
absent from an -.ecuti/e 0oard $eeting.
Ar'0#e 91 Comm'ee and Se+ard%
Se0'on 11 Committeemen s%all be nominated and elected in t%e :une election b8
t%e members%ip. 2te(ards s%all be nominated and elected in August b8
t%e members%ip.
0"9*AW2 +! *+CA* UAW 112

Se0'on 21 All members in good standing, (orking under t%e =urisdiction
to be represented b8 t%e 2te(ards s%all be eligible to nominate and /ote
for t%e ste(ards.
Se0'on 31 A /ote on t%e Buestion of recalling a ste(ard or committeeman
to a petition, setting fort% (%8 recall is soug%t and signed b8 at least
2&D of t%e current members (orking under t%e =urisdiction of t%e ste(ard.
Se0'on 31 Committeeman and 2te(ards s%all be elected b8 a simple pluralit8.
Se0'on 41 An8 Committee9person (%o %as been called to discuss a
c%ange in a =ob classification s%all not file a grie/ance t%at is to be
filed t%at (ould in/ol/e t%e c%anging of a =ob classification until
suc% %as been discussed (it% entire 2%op Committee.
Ar'0#e 1)1 Bar!a'n'n! Comm'ee
Se0'on 11 T%e 0argaining Committee andCor Negotiating Committee s%all
consist of t%e President, @ice9President, and t%e t(o ;2<
Ar'0#e 111 Comm'ee%
Se0'on 11 T%e *ocal Union s%all %a/e in addition t%e *ocal Union
-.ecuti/e 0oard, t%e follo(ing standing committeesA
;a< Constitution and 089*a(s Committee
;b< Union *abel Committee
;c< -ducational Committee
;d< 4ecreation9Conser/ation Committee
;e< Communit8 2er/ices Committee
;f< Communit8 Action Program and *egislati/e Committee
;g< -ditorial Committee
;%< +rgani7ational Committee
;i< @eterans Committee
;=< !air Practices and Anti95iscrimination Committee
;k< 0argaining Committee
;l< Publicit8 Committee
;m< 0udget Committee
;n< WomenEs Committee
;o< Consumer Affairs Committee
0"9*AW2 +! *+CA* UAW 112 #

Se0'on 21
;a< $embers of t%ese committees s%all ser/e for a period of ;t%ree<
8ears. T%e8 ma8 be replaced if t%e8 do not function. T%e President
ma8 replace t%e c%airman.
;b< Committees (ill function onl8 for t%e purpose for (%ic% t%e8 are
establis%ed. T%e8 (ill not assume t%e duties of officers of t%e *ocal
Union and in no case (it% t%e8 incur bills (it%out t%e aut%orit8 of
t%e -.ecuti/e 0oard of $embers%ip.
Se0'on 31 T%e c%airman of standing committees s%all direct t%e
!unctioning of t%e committee. It s%all be t%e dut8 of t%e c%airman
of eac% committee to make a report at eac% meeting and t%e
President s%all call on eac% for suc% report.
Se0'on 31 T%e c%airman of standing committees s%all %a/e aut%orit8 onl8
to t%e e.tent of carr8ing out t%e decisions of t%e committees.
Se0'on 41 No persons (ill be allo(ed to be c%airman of more t%an one ;1<
committee at a time (it%out appro/al of members%ip.
Se0'on 51 5uties of t%e 089*a(s Committee are as follo(sA
;a< To stud8 t%e Constitution of t%e International Union and t%ese b89
la(s and to formulate and recommend c%anges or amendments to t%ese
;b< To formulate proposed b89la(s (%en directed to do so b8 t%e *ocal
;c< To make a stud8 of t%e Constitution of t%e International Union> to
ascertain (%et%er or not an8 c%anges are desirable and to formulate
recommendations to resolutions to be submitted to t%e International
Con/ention after suc% resolutions b8 t%e general
members%ip of t%e *ocal Union.
Se0'on 61 T%e 4ecreation9Conser/ation Committee s%all be composed of
t(o ;2< sub9committees.
;1< 4ecreation and *eisure Time Acti/ities Committee
;2< Conser/ation and Natural 4esources 5e/elopment Committee
;a< T%e duties of t%e 4ecreation and *eisure Time Acti/ities Committee
s%all be to pro/ide leisure time acti/ities and to promote recreational
and at%letic programs for t%e *ocal Union members and t%eir
families. T%e committee s%all inform t%e members%ip of at%letic
acti/ities and encourage t%eir participation.

0"9*AW2 +! *+CA* UAW 112 &
;b< T%e duties of t%e Conser/ation and Natural 4esources 5e/elopment
Committee s%all beA

;1< To inform t%e members%ip of steps t%e UAW is taking in
conser/ation and recreation.
;2< To (ork (it% t%e communit8 to stud8 and e/aluate conser/ation
and recreation problems.
;< To determine t%e interests and needs of t%e members and t%eir
families as t%e8 relate to conser/ation and recreation.
;#< To propose and implement programs to sol/e conser/ation
;&< To undertake communit8 action programs alone, or (it% ot%er
;'< To establis% a close (orking relations%ip (it% ot%er *ocal
Union Committee.
;)< To cooperate (it% ot%er *ocal Unions on t%ese problems.

;b< $embers in good standing in t%e UAW s%all be permitted
To participate in all 4ecreational and at%letic programs
implemented b8 t%e *ocal Union.
Se0'on (1 T%e duties of t%e Communit8 2er/ice Committee are follo(sA
;a< To purc%ase a floral offering or 0ible to be sent to t%e famil8 or %is
parents. 2uc% floral offering is to bear t%e insignia of t%e *ocal
Union. T%e practice of sending flo(ers to members (%o are ill ma8
be discontinued b8 t%e -.ecuti/e 0oard and ma8 be resumed in t%e
same manner. T%e cost of flo(ers and 0ibles s%all be c%arged to t%e
Communit8 2er/ices funds.
Se0'on 91 T%e duties of t%e Communit8 Action Program and *egislati/e
Committee s%all be as follo(sA
;a< To anal87e labor legislation and keep members%ip informed t%ereof.
;b< To ascertain t%e Bualification of political candidates and keep t%e
members%ip informed on t%e issues of local, state, and federal
;c< To in/estigate and appro/e all political petitions before t%e8 are
permitted to be circulated b8 t%e *ocal Union.
;d< To see t%at all members participate in all local, state, and federal
elections and balloting, and if necessar8, to appoint a sub9committee
to ac%ie/e t%is end.
;e< To see t%at steps are taken to inform local, state, and federal officials
of t%e *ocal UnionEs decisions, recommendation protests or
endorsements in matters of go/ernment politics.

0"9*AW2 +! UAW *+CA* 112 '
;f< To ad/ise t%e members%ip of pending legislation or action, and to
organi7e effecti/e protest, endorsements, or ot%er action among t%e
members of t%e *ocal Union.
;g< To see t%at all literature, placards, pamp%lets, and ot%er political
material issues b8 t%e International Union and t%e *ocal Union are
properl8 and effecti/el8 distributed among members and ot%ers.
Se0'on 1)1 T%e duties of t%e -ditorial Committee are as follo(sA
;a< To %a/e c%arge of editing t%e *ocal Union Ne(spaper.
;b< To see t%at all t%e *ocal Union papers and ot%er union papers or
pamp%lets are eit%er mailed or passed out at t%e gates of t%e plants.
T%e met%od s%all be determined b8 t%e *ocal Union.
Se0'on 111 T%e duties of t%e @eteranEs Committee are as follo(sA
;a< To make stud8 of legislation pertaining to national defense, selecti/e
training and ser/ice acts, soldiers and sailors ci/il relief and similar
legislation. To keep t%e members%ip informed as to t%ose sub=ects
and to make recommendations to t%e *ocal Union t%e8 deem
;b< To see t%at labor is properl8 represented on draft boards, appeal
board and as appeal agents.
Se0'on 121 T%e duties of t%e +rgani7ational Committee are as follo(sA

;a< To de/ise (a8s and means of bringing all (orkers (it%in t%e
=urisdiction of t%e *ocal Union into members%ip.
;b< To use all means possible to organi7e t%e office (orkers and an8
ot%er group t%at ma8 be possible.
;c< To report to t%e -.ecuti/e 0oard and to t%e *ocal Union
members%ip t%e general organi7ation problems of t%e *ocal, t%e
International Union, and to recommend action b8 t%e *ocal Union to
assist in sol/ing t%ese problems.
Se0'on 131 T%e duties of t%e !air Practices and Anti95iscrimination
Committee is as follo(sA
;a< To promote fair emplo8ment practices and to eliminate
discrimination affecting labor (elfare of indi/idual members
of t%e *ocal Union, t%e International Union, t%e labor
$o/ement of t%e Nation.
;b< To in/estigate and take effecti/e action t%roug% t%e proper
*ocal Union c%annels on all cases of discrimination on
account of race, se., color, creed, or national origin.
;c< To summit recommendations to t%e *ocal Union on (a8s and
means to eliminate unfair emplo8ment practices.

0"9*AW2 +! UAW *+CA* 112 )
;d< To de/ise (a8s and means to dissipate racial pre=udice.
Se0'on131 T%e duties of t%e Publicit8 Committee are as follo(sA

;a< To gi/e proper publicit8 to t%e affairs and acti/ities of t%e *ocal
Union (%ic% are not secret, (%en suc% publicit8 (ill en%ance t%e
UAW in t%e e8es of t%e general public and of t%e *ocal Union
Se0'on 141 T%e duties of t%e 6rie/ance Committee are as follo(sA
;a< To present to t%e -.ecuti/e 0oard or general members%ip
meetings for t%eir disposition, an8 grie/ance of a member of
t%is *ocal Union or against t%e International Union, or an8
$ember t%ereof, pro/ided suc% member s%ould not c%oose to
seek redress under t%e pro/ision of t%e International
Se0'on 151 T%e duties of t%e WomenEs Committee are as follo(sA
;a< To ac%ie/e (omen in t%e labor mo/ement.
;b< To aid and assist all ot%er committees.
;c< To organi7e (omenEs educational programs.
;d< To encourage (omen to take more acti/e participation in all
Union and communit8 acti/it8.
Se0'on 161 T%ese committees s%all perform all duties assigned to t%em
b8 t%e Constitution and b89la(s and suc% additional duties
t%at ma8 be directed to perform from time b8 t%e -.ecuti/e
0oard or t%e members%ip.
Ar'0#e 121 E#e0'on% and E#e0'on Comm'ee
Se0'on 11
;a< An election committee of t%ree ;< (ill be elected to conduct
all elections, (%ic% and election committee must
constitutionall8 conduct, and certain ot%er elections during
t%e period of t%e election committee tenure.
;b< T%e election committee (ill be nominated and elected at t%e
regular meeting preceding t%e meeting at (%ic%
nominations for *ocal Union -.ecuti/e +fficers take place.
;c< T%e President s%all be empo(ered to appoint an election
committee of t%ree ;< to conduct t%e election of t%e election
0"9*AW2 +! UAW *+CA* 112 ,
Se0'on 21
;a< Candidates (ill be elected b8 nomination, b8 a number at a
meeting (it% t%e nominee %a/ing t%e option to accept or
decline at said meeting> if nominee is not present at t%e
meeting set fort% for nominations, %e s%all be under
obligation to accept (it%in se/en ;)< da8s, in (riting to a
member of t%e election committee or t%e !inancial 2ecretar89
Treasure. Candidates (ill automaticall8 be considered as
declining if %e or s%e fails to accept (it%in t%e time limits.
;b< To be eligible to be a candidate for or %old a *ocal Union
-.ecuti/e office, t%e member must %a/e been in good
standing in t%e *ocal Union for t%e last t(el/e ;12< mont%s
preceding t%e nominations for t%at office.
;c< All members in good standing s%all be notified at least fifteen
;1&< da8s, in ad/ance of t%e time and place of elections and
run9off election, if necessar8.
Se0'on 31 Committeeman s%all be elected for a t%ree ;< 8ear term
of office and elected at t%e same time as t%e *ocal Union
-.ecuti/e officers are elected, per A4TIC*- #&.
Se0'on 31 Nominations and electi/e for *ocal Union officers s%all
be made from t%e floor during a regular mont%l8 meeting.
e.cept as pro/ided in A4TIC*- 12, 2ection of t%ese b89la(s.
Se0'on 41 T%e nominations and elections for *ocal Union officers s%all
be as outlined in A4TIC*- ,, 2ection 2 of t%e International
Se0'on 51 0argaining Committee, ot%er t%an t%e C%airman and t%e
Fone Committeemen, s%all be elected at large from t%e
pre/iousl8 elected 5istrict Committeemen, not less t%an ten
;13< da8s, not more t%an fifteen ;1&< da8s after t%e election.
Se0'on 61 T%e *ocal Union s%all post a special bulletin of t%e candidates
names prior to t%e general election.
Se0'on (1 All elections for *ocal Union officers, Committee and 5elegates
s%all be b8 secret ballot.
Se0'on 91 4egular elections or special elections s%all be %eld at our *ocal
Union office.
0"9*AW2 +! *+CA* UAW 112 1
Se0'on 1)1 @oters (%o %a/e cast t%eir ballot s%all not be allo(ed to
loiter in t%e /oting place. An8one c%arged (it% /iolation of
t%e section s%all be sub=ect to t%e trial procedure in t%e
International Constitution.
Se0'on 111 An8 candidate s%all %a/e t%e rig%t to petition a recount. T%e
petition must be filed (it% t%e election committee in (riting
(it%in se/en ;)< da8s after t%e election and t%e results %a/e
been posted. T%e petition must state briefl8 t%e reason for
seeking a recount.
Se0'on 121 T%e installation ceremon8 ma8 be performed b8 t%e retiring
President, acting President or an8 regular commissioned
4epresentati/e of t%e International Union.
Se0'on 131 An8 ballot (%ic% clearl8 indicate to t%e intention of t%e
/oter s%all be considered /alid, pro/ided %o(e/er, t%at
(%ere t%e ballot bears an identification mark, t%e ballot
s%all be declared /oid.
Se0'on 131 W%ere a member %as /oted for more candidates t%an is
permitted for t%e office, or if, for an8 reason, t%e memberEs
/ote for office is declared in/alid, t%e memberEs /ote for
t%at office s%all not be counted> %o(e/er, t%is s%all not affect
t%e /alidit8 of t%e remainder of t%e ballot.
Se0'on 141 T%e candidate elected for t%e election committee recei/ing
t%e %ig%est number of /otes s%all automaticall8 becomes
C%airman of t%e -lection Committee.
Se0'on 151 T%e duties of t%e -lection Committee s%all be as follo(sA
;a< To ascertain t%e eligibilit8 of t%e candidates> to see t%at t%e election
is properl8 ad/ertised and to maintain t%e proper polling place or
places (%ic% s%all be open from &A33 a.m. till &A33 p.m.
;b< To super/ise t%e /oting, count t%e /otes> pro/ide an adeBuate c%eck
to pre/ent frauds and report t%e results of t%e election as soon as
possible after t%e /otes are tabulated.
;c< To take necessar8 precautions and institute t%e reBuired regulations
to see t%at no member /otes more t%an once and to make ot%er
regulations as (ill insure a fair and impartial election.
0"9*AW2 +! UAW *+CA* 112 13
;d< @oting to be b8 mac%ine and Gor ballot. T%e tabulation of t%e /ote to
be immediatel8 after t%e polls close if practicable.
;e< All candidates t%at appear on t%e ballot are to be place in
alp%abetical order.
Se0'on 161 T%e election committee s%all %a/e complete c%arge of t%e election.
It s%all be responsible onl8 for t%e *ocal Union.
Se0'on 1(1 No one e.cept committee and t%ose (%o are (aiting to /ote
s%all be allo(ed in t%e place designated as t%e /oting place
for t%e election. T%e *ocal is reBuired to permit c%allengers to
obser/ed t%e /oting and t%e counting in accordance (it%
A4TIC*- ,> 2ection 13 ;g< of t%e International Constitution.
Se0'on 191 Copies of t%e election regulations s%all be placed in a
prominent position and eac% election committee s%all make
t%emsel/es familiar (it% t%e same.

Se0'on 2)1 An8 member of t%e election committee or an8 member of t%e
*ocal Union /iolating an8 of t%e election rules s%all be
reported to t%e ne.t general members%ip meeting.
Se0'on 211 An8 member con/icted of misrepresenting returns, altering,
mutilating, destro8ing deposited ballots, /oting freBuentl8, or
intimidating ot%ers b8 t%reats, or ot%er(ise interfering (it% a
member of t%e e.ercise of %is or %er rig%ts to cast %is or %er
ballot in t%e *ocal Union election, or strike balloting, s%all be
punis%ed in accordance (it% t%e International Constitution.
Se0'on 221 4esults of t%e election s%all be posted on t%e Union9!actor8
bulletin board as soon as possible.
Se0'on 231 No member of t%e *ocal Union s%all circulate or cause to be
circulated false propaganda against an8 member or candidate
because of %is or %er race, color, se., age, or nationalit8> religious
or political affiliations. An8one found guilt8 b8 t%e trial
committee of /iolation (ill be sub=ect to suspension from t%e
*ocal Union.

0"9*AW2 +! UAW *+CA* 112 11
Se0'on 231 T%e general election s%all be conducted according to t%e
International Constitution, b89la(s, and t%e UAW 6uide for
*ocal Union -lection Committee.
Ar'0#e 131 F'nan0e%
Se0'on 11

;a< Initiation fee for ne( members s%all be as set fort% in A4TIC*- 1',
2ection 1 ;a< and 1 ;b< of t%e International Constitution, t%is being
H#3.33 per ne( member for t%is *ocal Union.
;b< $ont%l8 dues s%all be as establis%ed b8 t%e International
Constitution, in A4TIC*- 1'> 2ection 2 ;b<.
;c< A reinstatement fee s%all be c%arged in accordance (it% A4TIC*- 1',
2ection , of t%e International Constitution.
Se0'on 21
In t%e e/ent an8 lost time is in/ol/e t%e -lection Committee
(ill recei/e straig%t time pa8, for t%e time spent at t%e polls and
until all ballots are counted, at regular straig%t time (ages. In no
e/ent (ill t%e -lection Committee be paid time and one %alf for
ser/ing o/er eig%t ;,< %ours at t%e poll.
Se0'on 31
;a< 5elegates, officers, and representati/es of t%is *ocal ser/ing t%e
*ocal on union business s%all not be paid for 2unda8 lost time.
;b< 5elegates, officers, and representati/es of t%is *ocal ser/ing t%e
*ocal on union business, s%all be allo(ed lost time, not to e.ceed ,
%ours per da8.
;c< T%eir transportation allo(ance s%all be t%e actual cost of airfare
N+T to e.ceed coac% fare, or t%e ma.imum ;mileage allo(ance per
mile< set b8 t%e International Union ;current rate is H.2, ;t(ent89
eig%t cents per mile<. -.pense for transportation is to be paid for t%e
actual mode of transportation used. $ileage e.penses can onl8 be
paid to t%e dri/er of t%e automobile. In eac% case t%e s%ortest route to
and from t%eir destination (ill be used. *ost time reimbursement
s%all be limited to one ;1< da8 ma.imum to and ;1< da8 ma.imum
from t%eir destination for distances e.ceeding 1&3 miles one9(a8 as
establis%ed b8 AAA mileage c%arts. !or distances of less t%an 1&3
miles one9(a8, onl8 lost time reimbursements for t%e da8;s< of t%e
meeting (ill be paid, alt%oug% lodging for t%e nig%t pre/ious to t%e
meeting da8;s< (ill be paid if t%e delegate;s< (is% to go to t%eir
destination t%e nig%t before. If Iuna/oidableJ circumstances cause
t%e Ie.tendedJ dela8 of a delegate on union business of distances
0"9*AW2 +! UAW *+CA* 112 12

less t%an 1&3 miles one9(a8, a return da8 can be granted
t%e President.
;d< *ocal 112 UAW (ill pa8 t%e single room rate for %otel or motel or at
K of t%e double room rate if s%ared (it% anot%er member or an8 representati/e
of *ocal 112 UAW (%o is a(a8 from %ome on Union
0usiness or acti/it8. A receipt must be turned into t%e !inancial
2ecretar8 after eac% trip.
;e< An8 representati/e of *ocal 112 UAW (%o is out of to(n on Union
0usiness or acti/it8 for more t%an one ;1< da8 and t%ere is a full da8
;s< lost time in/ol/ed, (%ere o/ernig%t accommodations are
necessar8, s%all recei/e fort8 dollars ;H#3.33< a da8 for meals, and
ot%er incidental e.penses t%at is necessar8 in t%e performance of
t%eir duties. -ig%teen dollars ;H1,.33< (ill be paid on da8 of return.
If fl8ing is used as t%e mode of transportation, airport parking (ill be
paid (it% presentation of a /alidated receipt s%o(ing t%e c%arge.
If fl8ing is used as t%e mode of transportation, and free s%uttle
ser/ice is not supplied b8 t%e %otel or agenc8 of t%e %otel for
transportation to t%e %otel from t%e airport and /ise9/ersa, s%uttle
c%arges or reasonable ta.i fares (ill be paid upon t%e presentation of
a /alidated receipt s%o(ing t%e c%arge. W%ere applicable, a
minimum of delegates (ill s%are a ta.i and eBuall8 s%are its total
fare. All delegates must present a receipt in order to be reimbursed.
If dri/ing is used, as t%e mode of transportation, t%e actual %otel
Parking fees, (%en s%o(n as a separate dail8 c%arge on t%e %otel
room receipt, (ill be paid. T%is does not include tips, e.tra c%arges
of /alet parking or in and out c%arges.
;f< An8 representati/e of *ocal 112 UAW (%o is on union business
a(a8 from t%e union %all, and t%ere is a full da8 of lost time in/ol/ed
s%all recei/e eig%teen dollars ;H1,.33< a da8 for eac% one ;1< da8
period, (%ere no o/ernig%t accommodations are reBuired. If fl8ing is
used as a mode of transportation, airport parking (ill be paid (it%
t%e presentation of a /alidated receipt s%o(ing t%e c%arge. If fl8ing
is used as t%e mode of transportation, and free s%uttle ser/ice is not
supplied b8 t%e %otel or agenc8 of t%e %otel for transportation to t%e
%otel from t%e airport and /ise9/ersa, s%uttle c%arges or reasonable
ta.i fares (ill be paid upon t%e presentation of a /alidated receipt
s%o(ing t%e c%arge. W%en applicable a minimum of delegates (ill
s%are a ta.i and eBuall8 s%are its total fare. All delegates must
present a receipt in order to be reimbursed. If less t%an a full da8 of
lost time is in/ol/ed> t%e e.pense s%all be ten dollars ;H13.33<. T%is
is for t%e necessar8 e.pense in t%e performances of attending
meetings, onl8 parking, etc.
;g< W%en an8 member of *ocal 112 UAW is out of to(n on union
business, it is reBuired upon t%eir returned t%at t%e8 deposit (it% t%e
local union !inancial 2ecretar8 t%eir original %otel or motel bills,
original gasoline receipts, or remaining airline tickets.
0"9*AW2 +! UAW *+CA* 112 1
;%< 0argaining Committee on nig%ts attending called $anagement
meeting, (ill be allo(ed four ;#< %ours pa8 for attending morning
meetings, and eig%t ;,< %ours pa8 for meetings t%at last all da8,
pro/iding %e actuall8 loses time in t%e plant.
Se0'on 31
;a< T%e /arious and separate funds of t%e *ocal Union (ill be used
solel8 for (%ic% t%e8 are establis%ed, e.cept as %erein pro/ided.
;b< +n t%e recommendation of t%e -.ecuti/e 0oard, all or an8 part
of t%ese funds e.cept t%e retireeEs fund and ne( member orientation fund, ma8
be transferred to 6eneral !und, if suc% a transfer is appro/ed b8 t%e
members%ip at a regular or special ad/ertised meeting.
Se0'on 41 T%e *ocal Union s%all pa8 /acation pa8 to all full9time
emplo8ees %ired b8 t%e *ocal Union on t%e same basis as
members co/ered b8 t%e UAW9112 agreement.
Se0'on 51 T%e President of t%e *ocal Union s%all recei/e one %undred
;H133.33< dollars per mont% for miscellaneous e.penses
incurred in administering %is office. T%e !inancial 2ecretar89
Treasure of t%e *ocal Union s%all recei/e ninet8 ;H13.33<
dollars per mont% for miscellaneous e.penses incurred in
administering %is office. T%e @ice9President of t%e *ocal
Union s%all recei/e fift8 ;H&3.33< dollars per mont% for
miscellaneous e.penses incurred in administering %is office.
T%e 4ecording 2ecretar8 of t%e *ocal Union s%all recei/e
fort8 Lfi/e ;H#&.33< dollars per mont% for miscellaneous
e.penses incurred in administering %is office. T%e
Committeemen s%all recei/e fifteen ;H1&.33< per mont% for
miscellaneous e.penses incurred in administering %is office.
Se0'on 61 T%e *ocal 1129UAW s%all pa8 for cell p%ones used b8 t%e 0argaining
Committee for t%e purpose of conducting Union business for its
ART7CLE 131 Aendan0e R"#e%
Se0'on 11
;a< All -.ecuti/e +fficers and ot%er members of t%e -.ecuti/e
0oard must attend t(o out of e/er8 t%ree members%ip
meetings, and t(o out of e/er8 t%ree -.ecuti/e 0oard
meetings, unless properl8 e.cused, in order to continue to
%old t%e respecti/e office or position.
;b< All members of t%e 0argaining Committee, Committeemen,
2te(ards must attend t(o out of e/er8 t%ree9members%ip meeting.
0"9*AW2 +! UAW *+CA* 112 1#
;C< In no case (ould t(o out of e/er8 t%ree meetings be misinterpreted
To mean an elected official could attend one meeting and miss t%e
ne.t> t%e8 must attend at least eig%t ;,< meetings per fiscal 8ear.
Se0'on 21 T%e follo(ing reasons for absence (ill be acceptedA
;a< Absence due to attending anot%er union function.
;b< Working in t%e plant on o/er9time.
;c< 5eat% in famil8, illness or on /acation.
;d< T%e same rules establis%ed for members%ip meetings,
-.ecuti/e 0oard and Committeemen s%all appl8 to delegates
to councils also to c%airman of all standing committees,
-lection Committee members. All e.cuses must be in
(riting and presented to t%e -.cuse Committee, for
consideration, (it%in fi/e ;&< da8s.
Se0'on 31 W%en a member is remo/ed from office for failure to
compl8 (it% t%e establis%ed attendance rules, %e s%all not be
eligible to run for an8 electi/e position and loses %is
eligibilit8 to be a candidate for delegates to t%e UAW
Se0'on 31 T%e President (ill be empo(ered to appoint t%ree ;<
members to act as an e.cuse committee.
Se0'on 41 T%e -.ecuti/e 0oard alone s%all %a/e t%e po(er to remo/e
an -.ecuti/e 0oard member or 2te(ard for reasons of
ART7CLE 141 8e#e!ae% ,rom &e Lo0a#
Se0'on 11 5elegates to t%e UAW International Con/ention s%all be
c%osen pursuant to pro/isions of A4TIC*- , of t%e
International Constitution. Also, eligibilit8 of a member
for Con/ention delegate is controlled b8 t%e International
Se0'on 21 5elegates to t%e 5istrict Auto Council s%all be nominated
and elected at t%e 6eneral -lection as pro/ided for in
A4TIC*- ,> 2ection of t%e International Constitution.
Se0'on 31 4unner9up for t%e Con/ention or Councils s%all be t%e first
alternate> ne.t to be t%e second alternation, etc., until t%ere
is eBual number of alternates as t%ere are delegates.
0"9*AW2 +! UAW *+CA* 112 1&
Se0'on 31 In case of a tie delegateEs elections, t%e (inner (ill be
decided on b8 a toss of a coin, pro/ided all parties agree.
In t%e e/ent parties do not agree on t%e toss of a coin,
anot%er election (ill be %eld.
ART7CLE 151 Appea#%
Se0'on 11 All appeals s%all compl8 (it% A4TIC*- &3 of t%e International
ART7CLE 161 Sr'9e and Sr'9e Comm'ee
Se0'on 11
;a< All strike s%all be called or terminated onl8 in a strike conformance
(it% A4TIC*- &&, 2ection 1 of t%e International Constitution.
;b< T%e President s%all be empo(ered to appoint a strike committee
(%en deem necessar8.
ART7CLE 1(1 Re'red Wor9er C&aper
Se0'on11 T%ere s%all be a *ocal Union 4etired Worker C%apter as for under
A4TIC*- &&, 2ection 1 of t%e International Constitution.
Se0'on 21 T%e President of t%e *ocal Union s%all appoint a delegate to ser/e
on t%e go/erning board of t%e *ocal Union 4etired Worker C%apter.
Se0'on 31 T%e President s%all appoint a delegate to t%e Area 4etired Worker
ART7CLE 191 :enera#
Se0'on 11
;a< 0onding of officers s%all be as set fort% in t%e International
Constitution, A4TIC*- 1&, and directi/es from t%e International
-.ecuti/e 0oard.
;b< To insure democrac8 and acti/ate as man8 members as possible, no
member s%all not %old more t%an one ;1< electi/e office, nor is a
member of more t%an t(o ;2< standing committee in t%is *ocal
Union unless appro/ed b8 members%ip.
0"9*AW2 +! UAW *+CA* 112 1'
;c< $inutes of all meetings of t%e -.ecuti/e 0oard and general
members%ip meetings s%all be signed b8 t%e 4ecording 2ecretar8
and presiding officer.
;d< 2ummaries of t%e sessions of t%e International Union -.ecuti/e
0oard s%all be place on t%e bulletin board in t%e *ocal Union office
for one ;1< mont% and t%en placed on file.
;e< All *ocal Union officers, committees, committeemen and alternates
%andling funds or ot%er propert8 of t%e Union s%all at completion of
t%eir duties turn o/er all papers, documents, funds and Gor ot%er union
propert8 to t%e properl8 constituted *ocal Union +fficers.
;f< W%en, in t%e b89la(s, a pronoun is used it refers eBuall8 (%et%er to
t%e reference is applicable to bot% men and (omen in t%e singular or
;g< A4TIC*- &, 2ection 1 and # of t%ese b89la(s to considered 4ules
and order.
;%< All *ocal Union officers, committeemen, alternates and s%op
committeemen, upon termination of office s%all return identification
badges to t%e *ocal Union office or reimburse t%e *ocal Union t%e
full replacement price of said badge.
ART7CLE 2)1 Admendmen%
Se0'on 11 T%ese b89la(s s%all be amended, altered or re/ised in conformance
(it% t%e follo(ing procedureA
;a< A motion must be made and second. T%e motion s%all be referred to
t%e 089*a(s Committee, and s%all be reported out side
committee, at t%e ne.t members%ip meeting toget%er (it% t%e
recommendation of t%e committee.
;b< T%ese b89la(s or amendments s%all be read at one ;1< members%ip
meeting and s%all be in force and effect after being /oted upon andM
passed b8 t(o9t%irds ;2G< ma=orit8 and summit to t%e International
Union for appro/al.
;c< An8 b89la(s or amendments t%ereof adapted b8 t%e members%ip
s%all be binding on t%e *ocal Union members%ip, immediatel8 upon
submission to t%e International Union. T%e International Union
-.ecuti/e 0oard ma8, %o(e/er, at an8 time, declare all or part of t%e
*ocal Union b89la(s in/alid, as being conflict (it% t%e International
Constitution or applicable la(> in (%ic% e/ent, t%e *ocal s%all be
0"9*AW2 +! UAW *+CA* 112 1)
notified and t%e b89la(s t%at %a/e been in/alidated s%all
immediatel8 become null and /oid.
ART7CLE 211 M'%0e##aneo"%
Se0'on 11
;a< No lead man s%all %old t%e position of 2te(ard in t%e *ocal Union.
0"9*AW2 +! UAW *+CA* 112 1,

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