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Re: Just a couple

Amy Lynn
Today at 7:23 PM
Dan Weson
Haaahaaaa lmao....that sounds better anyway...
On Jan 16, 2014 7:21 PM, "Dan Weson" <> wrote:
lmao... I hope not!! It's usually because they have to make dinner and take
care of the kids.
From: Amy Lynn <>
To: Dan Weson <>
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: Just a couple
Lol...really?...that's cause their spouses are at home....haha ; p
On Jan 16, 2014 7:12 PM, "Dan Weson" <> wrote:
lol... nooooo... most people talk more at work I think.
From: Amy Lynn <>
To: Dan Weson <>
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 7:05 PM
Subject: Re: Just a couple
Not everyone's off work yet? ; p
On Jan 16, 2014 6:57 PM, "Dan Weson" <> wrote:
You're pretty much the only one I'm talking to right now.
From: Amy Lynn <>
To: Dan Weson <>
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: Just a couple
How many girls you got on the line right now?
On Jan 16, 2014 6:43 PM, "Amy Lynn" <> wrote:
Done anal with about 4. Havent been with a girl, havent been wit
h two guys at once.... I dont have have any hooker a lady in publi
c and a slut in bed...;)
On Jan 16, 2014 6:30 PM, "Dan Weson" <> wrote
That's so hot... :P
How many guys have you done anal with?
From: Amy Lynn <>
To: Dan Weson <>
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: Just a couple
I would wanna wake you up from sleep with my lips around you
r cock...
On Jan 16, 2014 5:58 PM, "Amy Lynn" <>
Ive probably been with about 15.
Had one once looked about the size of yours...seemed as
though when I would grind down I could feel it in my throat..;)
Best lover was the one that knew sexual pleasure is a tw
o way street...had enough self control to cum with me...who was your best lover?
On Jan 16, 2014 5:48 PM, "Dan Weson" <
m> wrote:
I've probably been with about 20 or so. You never t
old me how many you'd been with.
What's the biggest cock you ever had?
Who was your best lover?
Your answers are hot... I'm squeezing myself when I
read some of them...
From: Amy Lynn <>
To: Dan Weson <>
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: Just a couple
Never had a guy dominate me...a fuck toy yes...who h
asn't been at one time ot another
Do you dominate all your women
How many women have you been with
How do you like my answers
On Jan 16, 2014 5:29 PM, "Dan Weson" <weson_dan@yaho> wrote:
I thought I'd been pretty open about what I like
... the questions I ask should give you some clue... or you can just ask me...
Have you ever had a guy dominate you, or just us
e you as a fuck toy?
From: Amy Lynn <>
To: Dan Weson <>
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: Just a couple
I dont like giving wet sloppy blow jobs, I like
giving wet hott clean ones...good til the last drop. Gave my first one when I wa
s 18.
Walking on the trail ended up on the bench...he
went down on me, then we had sex...that was intense because of time of day and a
nyone walking up on us..
You can start spilling anytime....;)
On Jan 16, 2014 5:07 PM, "Dan Weson" <weson_dan@> wrote:
Do you like giving wet, sloppy blow jobs?
When did you give your first one??
How many guys have you been with?
Tell me the bench story.. :P
From: Amy Lynn <>
To: Dan Weson <>
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: Just a couple
;)...i don't spit...and other than regular p like to stroke you until you cum on my breasts...I would really enjoy
making you cum...
Those names wouldnt bother me...
There are times when I just rub my clit and
there are times I put fingers inside me. You would probably be very surprised to
know I only started masturbating about five years ago and for the most part hav
e really come into my own sexuality
Depends on what im thinking about....thought
about you last night when I masturbated, thought about your huge cock inside me
Usually do it in bed, once in tanning bed...
something hit me, it was warm...I was relaxed...;)
The strangest place was in the middle of the
day on a bench on a walking trail....never been caught...
On Jan 16, 2014 4:27 PM, "Dan Weson" <weson_> wrote:
MMM I'd love to see that pretty face lo
oking up at me while you stuff my cock into your throat.
Where do you like a guy to cum?
Do do you like being called a dirty girl
and a sexy slut??
Do you just rub your clit or do you put
your fingers inside you?
When did you start masturbating?
Who or what do you usually think about w
hen you're doing it.
Where do you usually do it?? bed? shower
? car at work?? :P
Where the strangest place you've done it
? Ever been caught?
From: Amy Lynn <>
To: Dan Weson <>
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: Just a couple
Oh well that smack is ok :p....I dont cu
m from having a cock in my ass...I would enjoy sucking your cock, I can deep thr
oat and id like to see how much I can take in....not too sure on the name callin
g...its a letting go of control thing...
I masturbate quite often sometimes twice
day sometimes every other day once a week , so much ive almost perfected it ;).
..I have used toys, but mostly my fingers
On Jan 16, 2014 3:55 PM, "Dan Weson" <we> wrote:
Not like a really hard smack... just
enough to get your attention. :p
I wouldn't force you to do anal...
do you cum from having a cock in your ass?
I might make you suck my cock... see
how much of it you can take...can you deep throat? :O
Do you liek teh dirty talk/dirty nam
es thing?
How often do you masturbate? Fingers
or toys??
From: Amy Lynn <amyelynn1977@gmail.c
To: Dan Weson <>
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 3:4
9 PM
Subject: Re: Just a couple
Lets see, slapping...not sure, I wou
ld probably cry but I guess thats the point?....I have done anal, not forcefully
....being forced to do things...not saying I wouldnt but giving up control would
be challenging...being called dirty names...ive been called lots of names in my
lifetime never while being turned on...masturbating in front of you, very possi
ble although never have in front of anyone...
On Jan 16, 2014 3:39 PM, "Dan Weson"
<> wrote:
Let's see....
being "forced' to do things?
Being called dirty names?
masturbating in front of me?
From: Amy Lynn <amyelynn1977@gma>
To: Dan Weson <weson_dan@yahoo.c
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014
3:29 PM
Subject: Re: Just a couple
Im not sure if there's anything
I wouldnt do...or wouldnt consider trying to see if I liked it or not
On Jan 16, 2014 3:23 PM, "Amy Ly
nn" <> wrote:
To be honest yea more times
than not I have been the submissive, but there's also been a few times when I wa
snt. I don't trust very much so im curious as to my response to being tied up
On Jan 16, 2014 3:13 PM, "Am
y Lynn" <> wrote:
Well thats what ive hear
d. ....
Idk..I love sex, I will
pretty much try anything and do anything to please
Wellll, that and I guess
i'm just a bit of a pervy boy. :p
Water and teh beach
are kind of over rated I think... too many thinks to interfere with the lubricat
ion... unless you just get soaking wet I guess...;P
What other fantasies do
you have?
From: Amy Lynn <amyelynn>
To: Dan Weson <weson_dan>
Sent: Thursday, January
16, 2014 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: Just a coup
That could be true. Is t
hat why you hit all areas of sexuality first?
Ive always wanted to hav
e sex in the water. Ive heard different things about it, Ive just never done it,
I wanna feel what it feels like
On Jan 16, 2014 2:42 PM,
"Dan Weson" <> wrote:
I honestly don't kno
w. But I've found that if I'm not sexually compatible with someone, the other as
pects will be lacking too.
Any fantasies or thi
ngs you've always wanted to try??
From: Amy Lynn <amye>
To: Dan Weson <weson>
Sent: Thursday, Janu
ary 16, 2014 2:35 PM
Subject: Re: Just a
Question...why is it
, when I find someone I feel like I could really get along with and definitely a
ttracted to both mentally and physically, that thier wants seem to be of somethi
ng completely different...
On Jan 16, 2014 2:22
PM, "Amy Lynn" <> wrote:
All i'd have to
say is please make it hurt so good...:P....
On Jan 16, 2014
2:15 PM, "Dan Weson" <> wrote:
Pffft.. you
're the one tied up... you tell me... :P
From: Amy Ly
nn <>
To: Dan Weso
n <>
Sent: Thursd
ay, January 16, 2014 2:07 PM
Subject: Re:
Just a couple
Oh I think I
could handle it...could you? :P
On Jan 16, 2
014 1:58 PM, "Dan Weson" <> wrote:
Oh reall
ly :P
Are you
sure?? :) I have a good imagination.....
From: Am
y Lynn <>
To: Dan
Weson <>
Sent: Th
ursday, January 16, 2014 1:33 PM
Re: Just a couple
Well tha
nk you...again...
Havent e
ver been spanked sexually...but there might not be a whole lot I wouldnt let you
On Jan 1
6, 2014 1:28 PM, "Dan Weson" <> wrote:
t.. looks good to me.
o.. do you like being spanked... :P
: Amy Lynn <>
Dan Weson <>
: Thursday, January 16, 2014 12:32 PM
ect: Re: Just a couple
I do
, it makes me think im covering imperfections up a little...?
On J
an 16, 2014 12:22 PM, "Dan Weson" <> wrote:

You do it well. ;)

Do you tan??

From: Amy Lynn <>

To: Dan Weson <>

Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 11:57 AM

Subject: Re: Just a couple

Well I try ;)

On Jan 16, 2014 11:54 AM, "Dan Weson" <> wrote:

Mmmmmm sexy!!

From: Amy Lynn <>

To: Dan Weson <>

Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 8:35 AM

Subject: Re: Just a couple

Just a little morning peck ;)

On Jan 16, 2014 1:51 AM, "Dan Weson" <> wrote:

You're a sexy angel of mercy... :P

From: Amy Lynn <>

To: Dan Weson <>

Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 1:32 AM

Subject: Re: Just a couple

Youre a sweetheart...

On Jan 16, 2014 1:23 AM, "Dan Weson" <> wrote:

It was all because of you...

From: Amy Lynn <>

To: Dan Weson <>

Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 1:08 AM

Subject: Re: Just a couple

Hmmmm.....very nice!! On Jan 16, 2014 1:06 AM, "Dan Weson" <weson_da> wrote: That did it.. :D From: Amy Lynn <> To
: Dan Weson <> Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 12:58 AM Subj
ect: Re: Just a couple ; P On Jan 16, 2014 12:35 AM, "Dan Weson" <weson_dan@yaho> wrote: You can, just send me a couple more pictures of that sexxy booty b
ent over... :P From: Amy Lynn <> To: Dan Weson <weson_dan> Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 12:31 AM Subject: Re: Just a couple
Mmmm I wish I could see...I wish my lips were on yours...kissing your neck...yo
ur chest....down your stomach.... On Jan 16, 2014 12:26 AM, "Dan Weson" <weson_d> wrote: Pretty much.... ;P From: Amy Lynn <>
To: Dan Weson <> Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 12:22 AM S
ubject: Re: Just a couple More than the effect you showed me earlier? On Jan 16,
2014 12:19 AM, "Dan Weson" <> wrote: Just being honest.... i
f only you could see the effect you're having on me... From: Amy Lynn <amyelynn1> To: Dan Weson <> Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2
014 12:17 AM Subject: Re: Just a couple Wow thank you ; ) On Jan 16, 2014 12:16
AM, "Dan Weson" <> wrote: Yep... you're naturally pretty and
have a wicked sexy gleam in your eye.... :P From: Amy Lynn <amyelynn1977@gmail.c
om> To: Dan Weson <> Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 12:13 A
M Subject: Re: Just a couple Me... just standing there? On Jan 16, 2014 12:10 AM
, "Dan Weson" <> wrote: Fuck yes.... From: Amy Lynn <amyelynn> To: Dan Weson <> Sent: Thursday, January 16,
2014 12:06 AM Subject: Re: Just a couple Sexy now? ;P On Jan 16, 2014 12:01 AM,
"Amy Lynn" <> wrote: See I like that I have you turned on.
..that turns me on... On Jan 15, 2014 11:59 PM, "Dan Weson" <
> wrote: You have me really turned on right now... ;P From: Amy Lynn <amyelynn19> To: Dan Weson <> Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2
014 11:52 PM Subject: Re: Just a couple What turns you on On Jan 15, 2014 11:51
PM, "Amy Lynn" <> wrote: Just where you neck... m
y lips.... On Jan 15, 2014 11:33 PM, "Dan Weson" <> wrote: Wh
ere do you want me to start? :P From: Amy Lynn <> To: Dan
Weson <> Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 11:25 PM Subject:
Re: Just a couple Id enjoy kissing you I think... On Jan 15, 2014 11:22 PM, "Am
y Lynn" <> wrote: You had me at "First" ;) On Jan 15, 2014
11:19 PM, "Dan Weson" <> wrote: First, I'd want to kiss you.
.. let my hands wander down your sexy curves.... kiss you on the neck.. maybe bi
te your shoulder gently while I kiss you there as well.. Then I'd tell you to be
nd over and put your hands on the dresser... I want you to be able to look in th
e mirror anfd watch everything... then I'd pull your pants down... slooowly slid
ing them down over that sexy butt and leaving them around your knees... From: Am
y Lynn <> To: Dan Weson <> Sent: Wednes
day, January 15, 2014 11:14 PM Subject: Re: Just a couple So tell me what you wo
uld do to me if I were standing in front of you right now... On Jan 15, 2014 11:
05 PM, "Dan Weson" <> wrote: Well... you helped. :P Your
turn sexy girl... From: Amy Lynn <> To: Dan Weson <weson_d> Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 11:01 PM Subject: Re: Just a cou
ple Thats a good thing...;) On Jan 15, 2014 10:50 PM, "Dan Weson" <weson_dan@yah> wrote: The lady is correct. This is what you do to me.... From: Amy Lynn
<> To: Dan Weson <> Sent: Wednesday, J
anuary 15, 2014 10:44 PM Subject: Re: Just a couple Your turn ; P On Jan 15, 201
4 10:36 PM, "Dan Weson" <> wrote: Those look awesome... thos
e nails are sexy too... now from the front please. From: Amy Lynn <amyelynn1977> To: Dan Weson <> Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 201
4 10:21 PM Subject: Re: Just a couple View from top...View from below...; Hmmmm
you like that big booty? On Jan 15, 2014 10:05 PM, "Dan Weson" <weson_dan@yahoo.
com> wrote: MMmmmm Oh my god yes!!!Have you bend over in front of me.... some so
ft caresses and maybe a gentle massage first to get you warmed up.... Aaaaand I'
m going to need a few more of those pictures please... :P From: Amy Lynn <amyel> To: Dan Weson <> Sent: Wednesday, January
15, 2014 9:59 PM Subject: Re: Just a couple You wanna spank that!!!? On Jan 15,
2014 9:43 PM, "Dan Weson" <> wrote: But I still get to spank
you... right??? :P From: Amy Lynn <> To: Dan Weson <weson> Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 9:25 PM Subject: Re: Just a co
uple Well I say you are way more than sexy sexy On Jan 15, 2014 9:12 P
M, "Dan Weson" <> wrote: Why in the world would you say that?
? I obviously think you're cute and sexy. :P Don't make me spank you.... :) F
rom: Amy Lynn <> To: Dan Weson <> Sent:
Wednesday, January 15, 2014 8:54 PM Subject: Re: Just a couple Yea ..if your on
the ok list im on the pile of shit list... On Jan 15, 2014 8:06 PM, "Dan Weson"
<> wrote: Mmmm you sexy little tease.. very nice! Your tur
n. :P From: Amy Lynn <> To: Dan Weson <
m> Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 7:15 PM Subject: Re: Just a couple On Jan 1
5, 2014 4:17 PM, "Dan Weson" <> wrote: Hope you like them, wo
uld love to get a couple back from you.

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