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A study in Scarlet!

Would it be too presumptious to advocate the hanging the

strangulation of a street whore? You know what I mean, the torn out
bowels of one street worker wrapped tightly around her own neck !h
dear, but this very thing happened! In whitechapel london in "###
$he precision of cut they said could have only been e%ecuted by a
doctor or similar medical practioner, a skilful mortician? &o, the
'ndings also showed various (glands( had been removed too! A
psychopath surely had no interest in such things, not even )ack the
*ipper! +lood was copius and the corpse centrally cut open to remove
the bowels and displace the inner organs to cut out these glands?
,lands no doubt urgently needed by an Alien-species! $he reptilian
blue blooded race was capable of (transformation(, of shape-shifting
$he facts showed a number of police had chased the unknown
murderer into a dead end alley, but they then (seemed( to witness his
dissapearance through a solid wall? Was it teleportation?
$here was a number of like murders that same year, glands again and
some mutilation to the privates .oor young women whom did not
deserve this macabre form of strangulation, perhaps chosen (purposely(
because of their glandular secretions? $heir hormonal activity, their
(opened-channels(? Scotland yard was and has been privy to many
strange (occult( and paranormal cases /idden from the view of the
public because of their sinister and daemonic methods of death $here
used to be dark magical practices beneath the citys of london0paris0los-
angeles0cairo and other asian territories And (of course( the methods
of sorcery employed did bring about the manifestation of dark gods
+lood must be spilt, secretions 1ow and bowls 'lled with 'lthy ungents
taken from the living and dead, willing or not! /ell its work of a sort!
And some of these (con2urations( refused to return to their (inbetween-
habitats( Ions, di3erent than Aeons are in'nite (depositories( of other-
worlds Worlds within us all, worlds which cascade down the fountain of
youth, the ravine of the living 1ame or serpent $he kundalini aroused,
either by meditation or magical se%-rites, as practised below these
cities 4 $he manipulation of the (clanger in the +ell( the arousal of
primeval forces within the female temple A delicate tongued action
causing an ecstasy a 1ow from certain chakras and glands of the 5alic-
energy! $he priestess, well rehearsed in magical rites then (releases( a
copius amount of ions into the magical cup /er mind now beyond this
world and her thoughts and sight within the chasms of the abyssmal
swamps A priest nearby busily records any words she might speak,
however strange they may seem $he ions collected are drunk by the
master of ceremonies, so he too might perceive other (spaces(! $he
priestess twists and gyrates as some new (shadows( form around her
Shadows capable of instilling power within the congregation close by
$he rite is usually performed over a large golden lion, the female
mounted across its mouth which ushers forth the peculiarities of
(outside-ions( Some of the congregation su3er terrible hallucinations
and yet some are renewed in 1esh and blood $hese rites have been
performed for thousands of years, and it is the (shadows( whom can
assume the elemental forms re6uired by the more se%ual deviants of
this rite! It is performed only on special occasions and only by the
highest knowledgable magi 7 Yes the (yard( knows of many such rites
yet (dares not( intervene! 8any of the Adepts involved like to remain
hidden and retain their superior positions in society! +lood is a
formidable allie for con2uring spirits and daemons, its (perfume(
contains a special essence which can pass through spacial barriers 8an
knowest not its properties, nor its .ower! 9 A study in scarlet part

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