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Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

Players Option:
Skills & Powers Book
Design: Douglas Niles and Dale A. Donovan
Psionis Design: Bill Slavisek and Dale A. Donovan
Develop!ent and "diting: #ean $a%e
Design Contri%utions: $i& Baker' Skip (illia!s
"diting Contri%ution: Dori )ein
Pro*et Coordinator: Steve (inter
+ypograp&y: Angelika ,okot-
.rap&i Design: Dee Barnett
Prodution: Paul )an&ette
Cover Art: #e// "asley
0nterior Art: +&o!as Ba1a' Doug C&a//ee' ,es Dors&eid' #e// "asley' 2en 3rank' "ri
+&anks to: (ol/ Baur' +i! Bea&' 4i&ele Carter' $oger ". 4oore
Speial +&anks to: Brad Bolas
+S$' 0n. +S$ ,td.
567 S&eridan Springs $oad 756 C&ur& "nd' C&erry )inton
,ake .eneva Ca!%ridge CB7 8,B
(0 987:; <SA <nited 2ingdo!
Advaned Dungeons & Dragons' Dungeon 4aster' Dark Sun' Dragonlane' and AD&D
are registered trade!arks owned %y +S$' 0n.
Players Option' D4' 4onstrous 4anual' Planesape' and t&e +S$ logo are trade!arks
owned %y +S$' 0n.
$ando! )ouse and its a//iliate o!panies &ave worldwide distri%ution rig&ts in t&e %ook
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Distri%uted to t&e %ook and &o%%y trade in t&e <nited 2ingdo! %y +S$ ,td. Distri%uted
to t&e toy and &o%%y trade %y regional distri%utors.
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Any reprodution or unaut&ori-ed use o/ t&e !aterial or artwork presented &erein is
pro&i%ited wit&out t&e e1press written onsent o/ +S$' 0n.
579:???7967 Seond printing: 3e%ruary 7>>@ Printed in t&e <.S.A.
(&en 0 /irst %egan playing t&e AD&DA ga!e B!ore years ago t&an 0 are to
re!e!%erC' t&e syste! see!ed to o//er rules /or every oneiva%le eventualityDindeed'
t&e %ooks ontained !ore syste!s and proedures t&an any player or D4 ould possi%ly
0t didnt take long to disa%use !ysel/ o/ t&at notion. As 0 reall' it was t&e /irst
ti!e t&e players asked !e' t&e D4' i/ t&eir &araters ould swi!. )ow wellE )ow /ast'
and /or &ow longE And i/ t&eir &araters ouldnt swi!' ould t&ey /loat /or aw&ileE And
&ow !any gold piees ould you arry %e/ore you sank like a stoneE
4any o/ t&ose Fuestions &ave %een su%seFuently answered in aessories and'
!ost signi/iantly' in t&e AD&D 5nd "dition ga!e rules. )owever' /or every situation
de/ined %y rules' and every new proedure introdued to t&e ga!e' !ore Fuestions were
asked %y reative Bdare 0 say GdeviousEC players' and !ore syste!s were i!provised %y
every D4.
0t would nie t&e say t&at t&e Players Option: Skills & Powers syste! will put
all t&at to restD%ut wed all reogni-e t&at as an e1aggeration' to say t&e least. Nor
would t&at %e a realisti o%*etive. Part o/ adventure ga!ing is t&e disovery o/ t&e
unknown and t&e une1peted' and well always need a re/eree to oversee t&is.
)owever' 0 %elieve t&at t&is %ook adds a lot to t&e ga!e' and 0 &ope you will agree
t&at it does so wit&out inreasing t&e ga!es o!ple1ity. +&e word Goption is in t&e title
/or a very good reason: (e &ave atte!pted to add to t&e nu!%er o/ &oies availa%le to
players and D4s alike' wit&out adding to t&e o!pliations o/ resolving t&ese &oies.
0 sinerely &ope t&at youll deide t&at we &ave sueeded.
Doug Niles' April 59' 7>>9
All t&ings in nature !ust evolve in order to keep pae wit& t&eir surroundings.
Organis!s !ust adapt as t&eir environ!ent &anges i/ t&ey wis& to t&rive. +&is also is
true in ga!ing. +&e AD&D ga!e is one o/ t&e oldest roleHplaying rules syste!s around.
And its a great syste!I its longevity is proo/ enoug& o/ t&at. But in t&e ti!e t&at t&e
AD&D ga!e &as e1isted' ga!ing itsel/ &as evolved' and so &as t&e ga!e. +&e original
AD&D ga!e evolved /ro! t&e D&D ga!e in t&e late 7>;6s. +&en' in t&e early GJ6s' t&e
<neart&ed Arana %ook' t&e /irst !a*or evolution o/ t&e AD&D ga!e' was pu%lis&ed.
4ore evolutions /ollowed' ul!inating in 7>J> wit& t&e pu%liation o/ t&e AD&D 5nd
"dition ga!e rules. Now' t&e Players Option %ooks Band t&e D4 Option: )ig&Hlevel
)and%ook to %e pu%lis&ed later t&is yearC represent t&e latest evolutions o/ t&e AD&D
+&e entral onept %e&ind t&e Players Option %ooks is player &oie. (e wanted
to e1pand t&e AD&D ga!e in ways t&at &ad never %een e1plored %e/ore. (e &oped to
o//er t&e players and D4s o/ t&e AD&D ga!e !ore options Bt&eres t&at word againC
t&an t&ey ever &ad. (e wanted to give t&ose w&o play t&e AD&D ga!e !ore &oies'
!ore ontrol over t&eir ga!e and t&eir &araters t&an was previously onsidered
possi%le. (e &ope weve sueeded' %ut in trut&' t&at deision is not in our &ands. Kou'
t&e D4s and players o/ t&e ga!e will &ave t&e /inal say in t&is !atter.
(e &ope you use t&ese rules in your ga!es. (e also &ope youll give us your
/eed%ak on t&ese rules and t&e AD&D ga!es you play using t&e!' t&us insuring t&at t&e
ga!e will ontinue to evolve.
4e' 0! *ust &appy to &ave &ad an i!pat on t&e ga!e t&at &as in/luened !y li/e
/or so !any years.
Dale Donovan' April 5@' 7>>9
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Character Points
C&arater .eneration
C&arater Bakgrounds
Chapter 2: Abilit !cores
Strengt&' Sta!ina' 4usle
De1terity' Ai!' Balane
Constitution' )ealt&' 3itness
0ntelligene' $eason' 2nowledge
(isdo!' 0ntuition' (illpower
C&aris!a' ,eaders&ip' Appearane
Alternate Su%a%ility 4et&od
Su%a%ility C&eks
4ore A%out A%ility C&eks
Chapter ": #acial #e$uire%ents
$aial A%ility Ad*ust!ents
$aial ,evel ,i!its
C&arater Points
Ot&er $aes
+&e $aes
Aarakora' Alag&i' Bug%ear' Bullywug'
Centaur' 3lind' .i//
.it&-erai' .noll
.o%lin' )o%go%lin' 2o%old' ,i-ard !an'
4inotaur' 4ongrel!an
Ogre' Or' satyr' Swan!ay'
+&riHkreen' (e!i
Chapter &: Character Classes
Speialty Priests
Speialist (i-ards
4ultiHlassed and
DualHlassed C&araters
Chapter ': Character (its
+&e Soial $anks Syste!
Aro%at' A!a-on
Ani!al 4aster' Assassin
Bar%arian' Beggar
Diplo!at' "1plorer
.ladiator' #ester
4ariner' 4er&ant
4ysti' No%le
Outlaw' Peasant )ero
Pirate' Pugilist
$ider ;J
Savage' S&olar
Sout' S&arps&ooter
Soldier' Spy
(eapon 4aster
Creating New 2its
Chapter ): *onweapon Proficiencies
Pro/iienies and t&e
C&arater Point Syste!
0!proving Pro/iienies
AFuiring C&arater +raits
Seleting C&arater Disadvantages
<sing Pro/iienies in Play
4odi/ying Pro/iieny $olls
Pro/iienies and ,evel Advane!ent
<se o/ Pro/iienies %y
Nonpro/iient C&araters
<sing Disadvantages
Pro/iieny Desriptions
+rait Desriptions
Disadvantage Desriptions
Chapter +:
,eapon Proficienc and -aster
Seleting (eapon Pro/iienies
C&arater Class $estritions
(eapon .roups
Nonpro/iieny and (eapon 3a!iliarity
(eapon .roup Pro/iienies
S&ield Pro/iieny
Ar!or Pro/iieny
3ig&ting Style Speiali-ation
(eapon Speiali-ation and 4astery
4onsters and (eapon 4astery
Di//erent 3or!s o/ (ealt&
(ays to Spend and Save 4oney
"nu!%rane and 4ove!ent
"Fuip!ent +a%les
C&apter J: New S&ools o/ 4agi
+&e Al&e!ist
+&e .eo!eter
+&e S&adow 4age
+&e Song (i-ard
Chapter .: Psionics
<sing Psionis
Closed and Open 4inds
4ental Ar!or Class
Psioni Strengt& Points
Psioni Co!%at
+&e 3ive Psioni Attaks
+&e 3ive Psioni De/enses
Adding Su%stane to Psioni Co!%at
<sing Psioni Powers
Closing an Open 4ind
Psionis in a $ound
,i!itations to Psioni Powers
Psionis and 4agi
Psioniists and (ild +alents
(ild +alents
Psioni Powers
Clairsentient Powers
Psy&okineti Powers
Psy&o!eta%oli Powers
Psy&oportive Powers
+elepat&i Powers
Psioni Powers Su!!ary
Appendi/: Co%piled Tables
C&apter 7:
C&arater Points
0ntrodution (elo!e to Players Option Skills & Powers' t&e o!panion to t&e
Players Option Combat & Tactics %ook. +&is volu!e unveils new roleHplaying
possi%ilities wit&out inreasing t&e o!ple1ity o/ t&e AD&DA ga!e. #ust as t&e Combat
& Tactics %ook widened t&e sope o/ enounters' t&is to!e e1pands &arater reation.
+oget&er' t&ese %ooks &eig&ten players involve!ent wit& t&eir &araters' t&e a!paign'
and t&e AD&D ga!e as a w&ole. <se w&at you like' &ange w&at you dont like' and
a%ove all &ave /unL
+&e &apters in t&is %ook are %uilding %loks /or onstruting Players Option
&araters. AD&D ga!e players will /ind several /a!iliar ter!s' su& as kits. But t&ese
kits are di//erent t&an t&ose presented in supple!ents su& as The Complete Fighters
Handbook. 0nstead' Players Option kits are pakages oupled wit& speial skills t&at add
dept& and /lavor to &araters. +&ere are ot&er &anges and additions' and t&ese will
un/old as you read t&is %ook. One su& &ange is seleting &arater a%ilities using a
&arater point syste!. )eres an overview o/ w&at &arater points do:
C&arater Points "very &arater %egins play wit& a nu!%er o/ &arater points
deter!ined %y &is rae and lass. 3urt&er' every ti!e a &arater advanes a level' &e
gains 8 to 9 &arater points. +&e &arater point syste! is a new onept /or t&e AD&D
ga!e. +&e points serve nu!erous purposes' and t&ese are su!!ari-ed %elow. Note: +&is
%ook assu!es t&at a typial a!paign will award 8 CPs per level' and t&at !ost
&araters will use one o/ t&ese during play Bsee %elowC. ,arger &arater point awards
will result in a &ig&erHpowered a!paign' %ut i/ %ot& D4 and players agree' t&ats /ineD
en*oy yourselves.
C&arater points are used to pur&ase weapon pro/iienies. New weapon pro/iienies
usually ost 5 or 8 &arater points. +&is is disussed in &apter seven.
Si!ilarly' &arater points are used to pur&ase nonweapon pro/iienies. Pur&asing a
nonweapon pro/iieny usually osts /ro! 5 to 9 points. Also' &arater points are
used to pur&ase traits' and %onus &arater points are awarded /or taking
disadvantages. +&is is disussed in &apter si1.
Points an %e used to inrease pro/iieny sores. One &arater point i!proves a
pro/iieny sore %y a M7 per!anent %onus. 3or e1a!ple' A wi-ard wit& an
0ntelligene o/ 7; &as a spellra/t pro/iieny sore o/ 77. +&e &arater will
suess/ully use t&is pro/iieny on a d56 roll o/ 77 or less. +&e wi-ard ould i!prove
t&is sore /ro! 77 to 75 %y spending 7 &arater point. +&is is overed in &apter si1.
Points an %e spent to aFuire raial a%ilities /or de!i&u!ans' su& as in/ravision or t&e
elves attak %onus wit& swords or %ows. $aial a%ilities ost 9 to 76 &arater points.
)u!ans &ave no raial a%ilities and an spend t&eir points in ot&er ways. +&is is
disussed in &apter t&ree.
Player &araters an spend points on aFuiring lass a%ilities' su& as t&e paladins
apaity to lay on hands. "a& lass a%ility usually osts 76 &arater points. +&ere is
!ore in/or!ation a%out t&is in &apter /our.
Priests and wi-ards an spend points to gain e1tra spells. Only one additional
en&ant!ent per level an %e pur&ased t&is way' and t&e ost is 5 points plus 7 point
per level o/ t&e spell pur&ased. Priests and wi-ards annot pur&ase &ig&er level
spells t&an t&ey an ast. ,ook to &apters /our and eig&t /or !ore in/or!ation on
!agi and &arater points.
Points an %e spent to i!prove a &araters roll /or additional &it points w&en advaning
a level. 3or every 5 &arater points spent' t&e player an roll one additional die w&en
deter!ining new &it points' taking t&e &ig&est nu!%er /ro! t&e die rolled.
C&arater points also an %e used in t&e ourse o/ play' not *ust during &arater reation
or %etween adventures. During a ga!e session' a player an spend saved points to
give &is &arater a seond &ane to ao!plis& a /eat' or to reroll a /ailed attak'
saving t&row' pro/iieny &ek' or even a low da!age roll.
3or e1a!ple' ,eon &ooses to save 5 &arater points a/ter reating &is /ig&ter.
During a ga!e' ,eons /ig&ter tries to strike an ogre. +&e attak roll /ails. )owever' t&e
ogre strikes t&e /ig&ter' wounding &i! %adly. 0n t&e ne1t round' /earing /or &is /ig&ters
li/e' ,eon delares t&at &e will spend a &arater point i/ &is attak !isses. +&e roll
indeed /ails' and ,eon now an spend a point and reroll &is attak. 0/ t&is attak roll
sueeds' t&e /irst roll is ignored and ,eons /ig&ter &as struk t&e ogre. 0/ t&e reroll
/ailed' ,eons &arater still !isses and play ontinues.
$egardless o/ any rerolls suess' any &arater points spent are lost. Players an
ontinue to spend points as long as t&ey delare so %e/ore rolling any dieDand as long
as t&ey &ave points to spend. +&is !e&ani allows &araters a seond &ane to
ao!plis& i!portant tasks or to a&ieve /eats vital to t&e story.
4ore in/or!ation a%out &arater points an %e /ound t&roug&out t&is volu!e.
+&e /ollowing setion disusses esta%lis&ing &arater statistis.
C&arater .eneration +&e Players Handbook details several !et&ods /or
deter!ining a &araters si1 a%ility sores. +&ese are su!!ari-ed %elow' in addition to a
/ew new ideas t&at allow players !ore ontrol over t&eir &araters. D4s s&ould review
all t&e options and &oose one /or t&eir a!paign so t&at all &araters are reated using
t&e sa!e !et&od.
+&e si1 syste!s o/ &arater reation /ro! t&e Players Handbook generate
di//erent types o/ &eroes. 4et&ods 0 and 000 yield &araters wit& /ew sores o/ 79 or
a%ove. +&ese !et&ods are %est /or a!paigns in w&i& t&e &eroes arise /ro! t&e o!!on
people. +&ese &araters usually &ave average a%ility sores' and are o/ten less apa%le o/
a!a-ing /eats. ,owH/antasy or lowH!agi a!paigns wit& a gri! or gritty tone are t&e
per/et settings /or su& &araters.
)owever' i/ epi story lines /illed wit& rousing adventure and swas&%ukling
ation are pre/erredDand t&e &araters are e1peted to per/or! t&ree !iraulous Fuests
%e/ore %reak/astD&ig&er a%ility sores are alled /or. C&araters generated using 4et&od
0N are partiularly suited /or t&is type o/ a!paign. +&e ot&er generation !et&ods give
varying results.
-ethod 0: $oll 8d@ /or ea& o/ a &araters si1 a%ility sores and reord t&e die
total in t&e /ollowing order: Strengt&' De1terity' Constitution' 0ntelligene' (isdo!' and
-ethod 00: $oll 8d@ twie /or ea& a%ility. C&oose t&e &ig&est total o/ ea& pair
o/ rolls and reord t&e sores in t&e order: Strengt&' De1terity' Constitution' 0ntelligene'
(isdo!' and C&aris!a.
-ethod 000: $oll 8d@ si1 ti!es' noting ea& total. Players plae t&e totals in t&e
a%ilities o/ t&eir &oie.
-ethod 01: $oll 8d@ 75 ti!es and note t&e totals. Players an &oose t&e si1
&ig&est totals and assign t&ose si1 to a%ilities in any order t&ey want.
-ethod 1: Players roll :d@ /or ea& a%ility sore and selet t&e t&ree &ig&est
nu!%ers. +&en t&e nu!%ers are assigned to &araters a%ilities as desired.
-ethod 10: All si1 a%ilities %egin wit& a sore o/ J. +&e player &as an additional
;d@ to divide a!ong t&ose sores. All t&e points /ro! a d@ !ust %e applied to one a%ility
sore. Sores o/ 7J are possi%le only i/ t&e total o/ one or !ore die' added to t&e %ase o/
J' add up to e1atly 7J. Sores &ig&er t&an 7J are not possi%leDe1ept in so!e
a!paigns' su& as t&e Dark SunA setting.
2/a%ple: ,eon wants to use 4et&od N0 to reate &is &arater. )is ;d@ rolls are:
9' 7' 9' 7' 8' 8' and :. $e!e!%er' &is PC already &as t&e /ollowing %ase points as well:
Strengt& J
De1terity J
Constitution J
0ntelligene J
(isdo! J
C&aris!a J
,eon wants to reate a leri' w&o s&ould %e wise %ut also apa%le o/ de/ending
&i!sel/ well in o!%at. ,eon &ooses to plae t&e points &e rolled on t&e ;d@ as su&:
Strengt& JM9 O78
De1terity JM: O75
Constitution JM8 O77
0ntelligene JM8 O77
(isdo! JM9M7 O7:
C&aris!a JM7 O>
,eon need not add any o/ &is ;d@ results to an a%ility sore i/ &e is willing to
aept an J in one or !ore a%ilities.
New Syste!s
)ere are /our new !et&ods o/ deter!ining a &araters si1 a%ility sores.
-ethod 100: "a& player &as ;9 points to divide a!ong a &araters si1 a%ility
sores. No sore an %e lower t&an 8' and none an %e &ig&er t&an 7J. Also' all raial
!a1i!u!s and !ini!u!s !ust %e o%served. (&en all si1 a%ilities &ave nu!%ers
assigned' dou%leH&ek t&e !at& %y adding t&e a%ility sores toget&er. +&ey s&ould total
;9. 0/ not' t&ere is a !istake so!ew&ere. Start again.
,eon wants to reate a wi-ard &arater using t&is syste!' and divides &is ;9
points as /ollows:
Strengt& >
De1terity 79
Constitution 79
0ntelligene 7J
(isdo! >
C&aris!a >
-ethod 1000: +&e player assigns 5:d@ a!ong a &araters si1 a%ility sores.
"a& a%ility sore !ust &ave at least 8d@' %ut no !ore @d@' devoted to it. 0/ t&e player
desires a &arater wit& a &ig& Strengt&' &e ould devote :d@' 9d@' or even @d@ to t&at
a%ility. Ne1t' t&e appropriate nu!%er o/ die are rolled /or ea& a%ility' and t&e total o/
t&e t&ree &ig&est results %eo!e t&e sore. Any and all ot&er die rolled /or t&at a%ility
are disarded.
3or e1a!ple' ,eon wants to reate a rogue &arater using t&is !et&od. )e
deides to divide &is 5:d@ as /ollows:
Strengt& :d@
De1terity @d@
Constitution 8d@
0ntelligene :d@
(isdo! 8d@
C&aris!a :d@
,eon rolls t&e nu!%er o/ die &e assigned to ea& a%ility and reords t&e results:
Strengt& '3 5' '3 &
De1terity )3 '3 8' 7' 8' &
Constitution )3 13 2
0ntelligene '3 &3 "3 8
(isdo! &3 &3 2
C&aris!a )3 &3 5' &
+aking t&e t&ree &ig&est results /ro! ea& set o/ die and disarding t&e results o/
t&e ot&er die' ,eons rogue &arater &as t&e /ollowing a%ility sores:
Strengt& 7:
De1terity 79
Constitution >
0ntelligene 75
(isdo! 76
C&aris!a 7:
-ethod 04: A player rolls 5d@ to rando!ly deter!ine t&e nu!%er o/ points t&at
an %e divided a!ong &is &araters si1 a%ilities and t&e !a1i!u! sore o/ ea& a%ility.
No a%ility sore an %e lower t&an 8. +&e 5d@ result is /ound on t&e &art %elow.
Point .eneration
2d) roll Points -a/i%u%
5 @J 7J
8 ;6 7J
: ;5 7;
9 ;5 7J
@ ;: 7;
; ;: 7J
J ;@ 7;
> ;@ 7@
76 ;J 7@
77 ;J 79
75 J6 79
3or e1a!ple' ,eon wants to reate a &arater using t&is !et&od. )is 5d@ result is
a :. Consulting t&e &art' ,eon notes t&at &e &as ;5 points to work wit&' and no a%ility
sores an e1eed 7; Be1epting raial %onuses' et.C ,eon is now /ree to assign &is ;5
-ethod 4: Players use &arater points to reate t&eir adventurers statistis. A
player divides ;9 points a!ong &is PCs Strengt&' 0ntelligene' (isdo!' De1terity'
Constitution' and C&aris!a sores. 3ig&ters an pur&ase 76 points o/ e1eptional
Strengt& /or ea& e1tra &arater point spent. 3or e1a!ple' it osts 57 o/ t&e ;9 &arater
points to give a /ig&ter an 7JP86 Strengt& B7JM8O57C. $aial !ini!u!s and !a1i!u!s
!ust %e o%served.
C&arater Bakgrounds Now t&at t&e &araters nu!%ers &ave %een generated' its
ti!e to /les& out a %akground. +&is Players Option %ook introdues several new
ele!ents to developing &araters &istories and personalities. +wo o/ t&ese ele!ents'
traits and disadvantages' are detailed in &apter si1. Brie/ly' traits are !inor %ene/its or
advantages t&at players an pur&ase wit& &arater points. +&ese inlude: internal
o!pass' keen eyesig&t' lig&t sleeper' luky' and preise !e!ory.
Disadvantages are !inor &indranes or inonvenienes t&at yield %onus &arater
points. So!e disadvantages are: allergies' lu!sy' olor%lind' greedy' la-y' unluky' and a
nu!%er o/ p&o%ias. Players !ig&t want to look a&ead to t&e traits and disadvantages
setion o/ &apter si1 to get an idea o/ w&i& traits and disadvantages t&ey want to work
into a &araters %akground.
Bakground "vents
Anot&er new aspet o/ &arater reation is deter!ining t&e events t&at turned a
players &arater into an adventurer.
Below is a list o/ 56 sa!ple events t&at !ig&t &ave sent a &arater on a li/e o/
adventure. A/ter all' every &arater needs so!e reason to live su& a dangerous li/e. +&e
list an %e e1panded' and details an %e added a%out ea& event. $eo!!ended
nonweapon pro/iienies t&at ould /it wit& t&e listed %akground event are inluded /or
re/erene and inspiration. $oll 7d56 to rando!ly deter!ine a %akground' or &oose one
t&at suits t&e &arater.
Table 1: 5ac6ground 2vents
1d27 2vent
7 Aused o/ a ri!e
5 Apprenties&ip
8 "nslaved
: "1iled
9 3ailed %usiness venture
@ 3ell in love
; 3led a disaster
J 3ound or stole a valua%le ite!
> )o!eless
76 0deologial di//erenes
77 #oined t&e irus
75 2idnapped
78 2illed so!eone
7: 4ade a power/ul ene!y
79 Orp&aned
7@ $an away /ro! &o!e
7; $e/or!ed
7J +ou&ed %y !agi
7> (ent to sea
56 (itnessed a ri!e
Accused of a cri%e: +&e &arater is pu%lily aused o/ a ri!e &e did not
o!!it. 0t !ig&t %e a ase o/ !istaken identity' or t&e &arater ould &ave %een /ra!ed
/or a ri!e. +&e &arater was /ored to /lee and %eo!e an adventurer rat&er t&an /ae
ertain punis&!ent. Suggested NWPs Any.
Apprenticeship: +&e &arater entered into an apprenties&ipDan arrange!ent
w&ere a pratied ra/ts!an taug&t &i! a skill in e1&ange /or !oney or servies.
Apprenties&ips need not %e li!ited to !undane tradesI &araters an enter into
apprenties&ips wit& ot&er adventurers. 4any a /ig&ter %egan &is areer as a !ere sFuire'
and !ore t&an one young person wit& a talent /or t&e Art signed wit& t&e loal &edge
wi-ard. Suggested NWPs Noational skills su& as ani!al &andling' ani!al training'
%laks!it&ing' %oat piloting' o%%ling' engineering' ge! utting' sulpting' weaving' and
so on. Adventuring skills su& as %lindH/ig&ting or spellra/t also !ig&t %e learned.
2nslaved: +&e &arater was a slave or indentured servant. +&e details o/ t&e
&araters esape are le/t to t&e player and t&e D4. 0t is likely su& a &arater will arry
a grudge against t&ose w&o owned &i! or will strive /ervently to /ree ot&er slaves.
Suggested NWPs Survival' &unting' /is&ing' /oraging' %owyerP/let&er' and
2/iled: 3or so!e reasonD%ad %e&avior' an unaepta%le pro/ession' an
ino!pati%le align!ent' s&ady assoiates' et.Dt&e &arater is %anis&ed /ro! &is /a!ily.
Or per&aps t&e &arater is ast out /ro! t&e soiety in w&i& &e was raised. +&e o//ense
ould %e a %rea& o/ so!e tri%al or o!!unity law or religious ta%oo. (it& now&ere to
turn' t&e &arater is /ored to live %y &is wits. +&e PC !ig&t develop !any skills'
inluding t&ieving a%ilities. Suggested NWPs 3ireH%uilding' /is&ing' traking' &unting'
&ealing' &er%alis!' set snares' and survival.
3ailed %usiness venture: Per&aps t&e &arater was a o%%ler and opened a s&oe
store. 4ay%e &e owned a tavern' was a %rewer' or !ade a living painting portraits. No
!atter t&e &araters pro/ession' &is %usiness venture /ailed and &e &ad to pursue anot&er
line o/ workDas an adventurer. Suggested NWPs Any appropriate to t&e &araters
previous pro/ession.
Fell in love: +&e &arater %eo!es attrated to so!eone' and t&eir relations&ip
propels t&e &arater toward an adventuring areer. Per&aps t&e love interest is an
adventurer' w&o! t&e &arater ao!panies on Fuests. +&e love interest !ig&t %e
outside t&e &araters soial lass' and eit&er or %ot& /a!ilies ould protest or atte!pt to
end t&e ourts&ip. +&e outo!e o/ t&e ro!ane is le/t to t&e player and t&e D4. Questing
to /ind a lost love or to avenge t&e loss o/ one an !ake /or power/ul roleHplaying and
e1iting adventures. Suggested NWPs Daning' etiFuette' ga!ing' !usial instru!ent'
and so on.
Fled a disaster: +&e &araters &o!eland su//ered a tre!endous disasterDan
eart&Fuake' /lood' plague' or war. +&e &arater !anaged to esape' per&aps *ust %arely.
(it&out a &o!e to return to' t&e &arater %eo!es an adventurer' !ay%e wit& t&e goal o/
preventing t&e spread or /uture ourrene o/ t&e disaster t&at ost &is &o!e. Or it ould
%e &e sear&es /or loved ones lost w&en t&e disaster struk. Suggested NWPs )unting'
/is&ing' set snares' /ireH%uilding' and survival.
Found or stole a valuable ite%: +&e &arater unovered or stole so!et&ing o/
value or interest to ot&ers. 0t ould %e goldI *ewelry or ge!sI a !inor !agial ite!I a !ap
to a dungeon' lost ity' or treasure &oardI a pri-ed &orse and arriageI or a glass slipper.
(&atever t&e ite!' so!eone wants it %ak. +&e previous owner !ig&t %elieve t&e
&arater stole t&e ite!Dw&et&er t&e PC atually did. Or t&e owner !ig&t try to reward
t&e o%servant &arater /or reovering t&e ite!. "it&er way' t&is ite! an %e t&e ause o/
a longHter! relations&ip %etween t&e &arater and t&e owner. +&is %akground event also
&elps e1plain &ow a 7stHlevel rogue gained &is a%ilities. Suggested NWPs Appraising'
/orgery' ge! utting' &eraldry' and ot&er skills t&at allow t&e &arater to notie t&e ite!s
true wort&.
8o%eless: +&e &arater &as no plae to live. Per&aps &e sold t&e &o!estead to
raise !oney /or an adventuring areer. 4ay%e &is property was sei-ed %y unsrupulous
!eans. +&e landlord ould &ave /orelosed' or t&e land ould &ave %een on/isated %y
t&e rown /or %ak ta1es. (it& not&ing to &old t&e &arater in one plae' &e sets out on a
li/e o/ adventureDand' per&aps' revenge. Suggested NWPs Agriulture' !ining'
arpentry' and loal &istory.
0deological differences: +&e &arater wasnt o!/orta%le in t&e soiety in w&i&
&e was raised. +&e &arater ould %e religious in an agnosti ulture' law/ullyHinlined in
a &aoti soiety' or disgusted %y &is &o!elands evil praties. One e1a!ple o/ t&e latter
is Dri--t Do<rden and &is loat&ing o/ t&e drow ulture /ro! w&i& &e a!e. +&e
&arater leaves &is soiety %e&ind to /ind one t&at suits &i! %etter. Suggested NWPs
9oined the circus: 4any are /asinated %y t&e olor' e1ite!ent' and ro!ane o/
a traveling troupe o/ per/or!ers. +&e &arater was one su& person' and &e le/t &o!e
and &eart& %e&ind to take up a li/e wit& entertainers. Suggested NWPs #uggling' *u!ping'
!usial instru!ent' tig&trope walking' t&rowing' singing' daning' tu!%ling' and
(idnapped: +&e &arater was kidnapped as a young &ild. +&e kidnappers ould
%e evil relatives' people wandering t&roug& t&e &araters &o!eland' !onsters' or
si!ply strangers w&o want to raise a /a!ily and ant &ave &ildren o/ t&eir own. +&e
details are le/t to t&e player and D4. As !any kidnappers !ig&t not !ake e//etive
parents' t&e &arater likely would %eo!e sel/Hsu//iient. Per&aps t&e &arater is
o%sessed wit& /inding &is natural parents or disovering w&ere &e is /ro! and w&o &e
really is. Suggested NWPs Survival' &unting' /is&ing' /oraging' %owyerP/let&er' and
(illed so%eone: "it&er t&roug& intent or aident' so!eone dies and t&e
&arater is aused. +&e aut&orities and t&e viti!s relatives are a/ter t&e &arater' and
i/ aug&t' t&e &arater will likely /ae deat&. Suggested NWPs Skills su& as disguise'
survival' and /orgery would %e use/ul in evading apture.
-ade an ene%: +&e &arater &as an eternal /oe. +&is /oe ould %e a %usiness
o!petitor' a rival /or a lover' a relative overo!e %y *ealousy' or a villain t&e &arater
de/eated %ut did not kill. (&atever t&e ase' t&is ene!y aused t&e &arater to /lee and
take up t&e adventuring li/e. Suggested NWPs Any.
:rphaned: +&e &araters parents died w&en t&e &arater was young. Causes
inlude: sikness' war' assassination' aident' or !ysterious disappearane. Parents w&o
!ysteriously vanis&ed !ig&t %e alive' %ut t&eyve %een gone so long t&at everyone'
inluding t&e &arater' %elieves t&e! lost /orever. Per&aps t&e &arater was raised in a
group &o!e or in a state or religious institution. 4ay%e t&e &arater %ea!e a street
ur&in wit& %udding t&ie/ skills. +&e partiulars are le/t /or t&e player and t&e D4.
Suggested NWPs Any.
#an awa fro% ho%e: +&e &arater /led &o!e early in li/e. Possi%le reasons
inlude: %oredo!' wanting to see t&e world' %reaking /ree /ro! an un&appy &o!e li/e'
and wanderlust. Per&aps so!eone sear&es /or t&e &arater' and t&e &arater %elieves
so!eone is &ounding &i!. Suggested NWPs Any.
#efor%ed: +&e &arater was a ri!inal w&o deided to &ange &is li/estyle.
Per&aps &e saw &ow &is villainous ats &urt ot&ers' or !ay%e &e %ea!e a viti!' too'
and deided it was ti!e to &ange pro/essions. Beause t&e &arater is likely wanted in
one or !ore o!!unities' &e &ad to take on t&e adventuring li/e' traveling /ro! plae to
plae wit& no plans to settle down. Su& an individual !ig&t go out o/ &is way to &elp
t&ose viti!i-ed %y ri!es or to prevent young people /ro! pursuing ri!inal areers.
Suggested NWPs Appraising' /orgery' disguise' ga!ing' and ge! utting.
Touched b %agic: +&e &arater %ea!e an adventurer %eause so!et&ing
!agial &appened in &is li/e. Per&aps &e was ripped /ro! &is &o!e world or plane
%eause &e unknowingly triggered a portal. 4ay%e &e was an ani!al w&o %ea!e a !an
%eause o/ a wi-ards e1peri!ent. Or &e ould &ave %een a priest killed in a disaster and
reinarnated into a new /or!Dand &e !ust start a areer /ro! srat&. +&e possi%ilities
are endless. Suggested NWPs Any.
,ent to sea: +&e &arater is /ro! an oeanHgoing o!!unity or ulture and
deides to seek &is /ortune on t&e waves. +&e !any lands and peoples &e enounters open
&is eyes to t&e diversity in t&e world. Suggested NWPs Boat piloting' rope use'
sea!ans&ip' navigation' and weat&er sense.
,itnessed a cri%e: +&e &arater saw' &eard' or &as evidene t&at a terri%le
ri!e took plae. )owever' turning in t&e ulprits is not possi%le. +&e ulprits !ig&t %e
power/ul in loal politis' t&ey ould %e /oreign spies or sa%oteurs' or t&e ri!e !ay %e
so out o/ &arater /or t&e! t&at si!ply no one would %elieve t&e &araters outrageous
ausation against t&e!. 0n any ase' t&e ulprits would not %e !ade to pay /or t&eir
ri!es and t&us would %e /ree to take vengeane against t&e witness. Per&aps t&e player
&araters /a!ily sent &i! away to avoid retri%ution. Or !ay%e t&e &arater /led on &is
own to protet ot&ers. Suggested NWPs +o /lee t&e ri!inals' t&e &arater !ig&t need to
learn disguise' reading lips' running' endurane' ventriloFuis!' navigation' %oat piloting'
&arioteering' and sea!ans&ip.
C&apter 5:
A%ility Sores
One a player &araters si1 a%ility sores &ave %een esta%lis&ed' its ti!e to introdue
t&e Players Option onept o/ subabilities. "a& standard a%ility soreDStrengt&'
0ntelligene' (isdo!' De1terity' Constitution' and C&aris!aDis divided into two
su%a%ilities. +&ese are !ore spei/i de/initions o/ w&at !akes up a &arater. 3or
e1a!ple' a &araters Strengt& sore is divided into t&e su%a%ilities o/ Sta!ina' w&i&
re/lets %eing a%le to p&ysially e1ert onesel/ over a period o/ ti!e' and 4usle' w&i&
!easures t&e raw power needed to /ore open loked doors or overturn %anFuet ta%les.
+o deter!ine a &araters su%a%ilities' si!ply dou%le t&e sore o/ t&e parent
a%ility BStrengt&' (isdo!' et.C and divide t&at total %etween t&e su%a%ilities. +&e sores
/or t&e two su%a%ilities !ust %e wit&in /our points o/ ea& ot&er. Only w&ole nu!%ers are
allowed' no su%a%ility sore an %e lower t&an 8' andDwit& t&e e1eption o/ Strengt&D
no su%a%ility sore an %e &ig&er t&an 7J. $aial !odi/iers to a%ility sores are
e1eptions to t&is rule. Also' su%a%ilities an e1eed raial a%ility !a1i!u!s and
3or e1a!ple' ,eon is deter!ining t&e su%a%ilities /or &is /ig&ter. +&e /ig&ters si1
a%ility sores are:
Strengt& 7@ 0ntelligene 75
De1terity 7: (isdo! J
Constitution 75 C&aris!a 77
,eon dou%les t&e /ig&ters Strengt& sore B7@15O85C' and divides t&e 85 points as
/ollows: Sta!inaD79' 4usleD7; B79M7;O85C. ,eon reords t&is on &is &araters
reord s&eet.
!trength 7@ Constitution 75
Sta!ina 79 0ntelligene 75
4usle 7; (isdo! J
De1terity 7: C&aris!a 77
Su%a%ilities are used as t&e %ase nu!%ers /or !any pro/iienies in t&e Players
!ption syste!. See &apter si1 /or !ore in/or!ation.
Su%a%ility sores also are used in plae o/ t&e si1 standard a%ility sores w&en
a%ility &eks are alled /or. 3or e1a!ple' i/ ,eons /ig&ter wanted to li/t a large piee o/
/allen !asonry t&at is trapping a /ellow adventurer' t&e D4 nor!ally would all /or one
Strengt& &ek to see i/ t&e /ig&ter is apa%le o/ li/ting t&e &eavy %lok o/ stone' and
anot&er Strengt& &ek to see i/ t&e /ig&ter an &old t&e %lok alo/t long enoug& /or t&e
ot&er &arater to rawl /ree. (it&out su%a%ilities' t&e /ig&ter stands an eFual &ane o/
sueeding at %ot& atte!pts.
<sing t&e sa!e senario wit& t&e Players !ption syste!' t&e D4 would all /or a
4usle &ek B4usle sore o/ 7;C to see i/ t&e /ig&ter &as t&e s&eer power to li/t t&e
stone %lok o// &is /riend. Assu!ing t&at roll is suess/ul' ne1t a Sta!ina &ek
BSta!ina 79C would %e needed to &old t&e !asonry in t&e air long enoug& /or &is /riend to
!ove out /ro! under it.
+&e 75 su%a%ilities are listed %elow' along wit& t&eir e//ets on &araters.
Strengt& +&e su%a%ilities derived /ro! a &araters Strengt& sore are Sta!ina and
4usle' and t&ese are t&e only su%a%ilities t&at an &ave sores &ig&er t&an 7JDprovided
t&e &arater is a warrior. Su& &araters an &ave e1eptional su%a%ility sores' *ust as
t&ey an &ave e1eptional Strengt& sores. 0/ a warrior Fuali/ies /or e1eptional su%a%ility
sores' roll perentile die B7d766C and onsult t&e &arts under Sta!ina and 4usle. A
warrior wit& an 7J Strengt& sore !ig&t deide to &ave 7Js in %ot& su%a%ilities' at w&i&
point &e would roll perentile die /or %ot&. Or' t&e warrior !ig&t &ave a 56 Sta!ina or
4usle' wit& t&e ot&er su%a%ility &aving a sore o/ 7@Dor any o!%ination in %etween.
C&araters /ro! ot&er lasses an &ave sores o/ 7J in Strengt& su%a%ilities' %ut
annot &ave e1eptional su%a%ility sores' and do not roll perentile die /or t&ese
+&e Sta!ina su%a%ility sore deter!ines !usle e//iieny. A &arater wit& a
Sta!ina sore &ig&er t&an &is 4usle sore !ay not &ave !asses o/ &uge !usles' %ut
t&e !usles &e &as will %e rok &ard. C&araters like t&ese !ay surprise ot&ersDnot
%eause t&ey an li/t /our &ay %ales at one' %ut %eause t&ey an li/t one or two at a ti!e
/or 76 &ours straig&t.
Table 2: !ta%ina
!ta%ina !core ,eight Allowance
8 9
:R9 76
@R; 56
JR> 89
76R77 :6
75R78 :9
7:R79 99
7@ ;6
7; J9
7J 776
7JP67R96 789
7JP97R;9 7@6
7JP;@R>6 7J9
7JP>7R>> 589
7JP66 889
7> :J9
56 989
57 @89
55 ;J9
58 >89
5: 7'589
59 7'989
,eight Allowance: +&is is t&e weig&t in pounds a &arater an arry wit&out
%eing enu!%ered Bsee "nu!%rane' &apter seven' /or !ore in/or!ationC. C&araters
arrying less t&an or eFual to t&eir weig&t allowane !ove at t&eir /ull nor!al speed.
!printing: Sta!ina is used w&en a &arater needs to !ake a Sprinting &ek.
Fatigue: A &araters Sta!ina in/luenes w&en &e %eo!es /atigued.
Proficiencies: Sta!ina is t&e %ase nu!%er /or pro/iienies su& as swi!!ing'
arpentry' and stone!asonry.
+&e 4usle su%a%ility !easures t&e s&eer power a &arater an e1ert at a
!o!ents notie. A &arater wit& a 4usle sore &ig&er t&an &is Sta!ina sore will look
Fuite strong. 4ales will &ave %ulging %ieps' %road &ests' and wide s&oulders. (&ile
/e!ales dont generate t&e !usle !ass o/ !ales' t&ey will &ave wellHde/ined' strongly
toned /or!s.
Table ": -uscle
-uscle Att; Da%; -a/; :pen 5end 5ars<
!core Ad=; Ad=; Press Doors >ift ?ates
8 R8 R7 76 5 6S
:R9 R5 R7 59 8 6S
@R; R7 6 99 : 6S
JR> 6 6 >6 9 7S
76R77 6 6 779 @ 5S
75R78 6 6 7:6 ; :S
7:R79 6 6 7;6 J ;S
7@ 6 M7 7>9 > 76S
7; M7 M7 556 76 78S
7J M7 M8 599 77 7@S
7JP67R96 M7 M8 5J6 75 56S
7JP97R;9 M5 M8 869 78 59S
7JP;@R>6 M5 M: 886 7: 86S
7JP>7R>> M5 M9 8J6 79B8C 89S
7JP66 M8 M@ :J6 7@B@C :6S
7> M8 M; @:6 7@BJC 96S
56 M8 MJ ;66 7;B76C @6S
57 M: M> J76 7;B75C ;6S
55 M: M76 >;6 7JB7:C J6S
58 M9 M77 7'786 7JB7@C >6S
5: M@ M75 7'::6 7>B7;C >9S
59 M; M7: 7'989 7>B7JC >>S
Attac6 Ad=ust%ent: +&is !odi/ier is su%trated /ro! or added to d56 rolls
during o!%at. A %onus wit& a M sign !akes an opponent easier to &it' w&ile a penalty
wit& a R sign !akes an opponent !ore di//iult to strike.
Da%age Ad=ust%ent: +&is !odi/ier is applied to da!age rolls a/ter suess/ul
p&ysial attaks in o!%at.
-a/i%u% Press: +&is is t&e !ost weig&t a &arater an li/t over &is &ead. )e
annot walk !ore t&an a /ew steps wit& it' nor an &e &old it very long.
:pen Doors: +&is indiates t&e &ane a &arater &as to /ore open a &eavy door
or one t&at is stuk losed. +o open su& a door' a player rolls 7d56. 0/ t&e result is eFual
to or less t&an t&e nu!%er listed /or t&e &araters 4usle sore' t&e door opens. A
&arater w&o /ailed an try again' %ut ea& suessive atte!pt takes !ore ti!e and
!akes !ore noise. +&e nu!%ers in parent&eses are a &araters &anes to open a
loked' %arred' or !agially &eld door. Only one atte!pt /or ea& su& door is allowed.
5end 5ars<>ift ?ates: +&is represents t&e &araters &ane Brolled on 7d766C
to %end iron %ars' li/t a vertial gate or portullis' or per/or! a si!ilar /eat o/ 4usle
power. 0/ t&e nu!%er rolled on 7d766 is eFual to or less t&an t&e listed sore' t&e
&arater %ends t&e %ars or li/ts t&e gate. 0/ t&e roll /ails' t&e &arater annot atte!pt t&e
sa!e /eat again. +&e &arater ould' &owever' atte!pt to %end t&e %ars o/ a gate &e
/ailed to li/t' or vie versa.
Proficiencies: One e1a!ple o/ a pro/iieny t&at uses t&e 4usle sore as a %ase
nu!%er is *u!pingDan a%ility t&at utili-es t&e !usles e1plosive power rat&er t&an
De1terity +&is a%ility sore is divided into t&e su%a%ilities o/ Ai!' w&i& represents
&andHeye oordination and !anual auity' and Balane' w&i& denotes re/le1es and
overall agility. ,eon &ooses to use t&ese De1terity su%a%ilities /or &is &arater:
!trength 7@ De/terit 7:
Sta!ina 79 Ai! 75
4usle 7; Balane 7@
Constitution 75 (isdo! J
0ntelligene 75 C&aris!a 77
A &arater wit& a &ig& Ai! sore !ig&t %e an e1pert !arks!an or a
sleig&tHo/H&and artist.
Table &: Ai%
Ai% -issile Pic6 :pen
!core Ad=; Poc6ets >oc6s
8 R8 R86S R86S
: R5 R59S R59S
9 R7 R59S R56S
@ 6 R56S R56S
; 6 R56S R79S
J 6 R79S R79S
> 6 R79S R76S
76 6 R76S R9S
77 6 R9S 6S
75R79 6 6S 6S
7@ M7 6S M9S
7; M5 M9S M76S
7J M5 M76S M79S
7> M8 M79S M56S
56 M8 M56S M56S
57 M: M56S M59S
55 M: M59S M59S
58 M: M59S M86S
5: M9 M86S M86S
59 M9 M86S M89S
-issile Ad=ust%ent: +&is !odi/ier is applied to t&e d56 o!%at roll w&enever a
&arater attaks wit& a !issile weapon' su& as /iring arrows or &urling a spear. As
a%ove' negative !odi/iers are penalties to t&e die roll' and positive nu!%ers are %onuses.
Pic6 Poc6ets: +&is !odi/ier applies only to rogue &araters w&o &ave t&e a%ility
to pik anot&er &araters pokets Bsee &apter /ourC.
:pen >oc6s: Si!ilarly' t&is !odi/ier is used only %y rogue &araters wit& t&e
open loks a%ility.
Proficiencies: +&e *uggling' o%%ling' pottery' rope use' sea!stressPtailor' /orgery'
and ge! utting pro/iienies all use Ai! as t&eir %ase nu!%er.
A &arater possessing a &ig& Balane sore !ay %e an aro%at or a tig&trope
walker. A new rule /or t&e Players Option syste! is t&at all unar!ored warrior and rogue
&araters gain an additional M5 %onus to ar!or lass w&ile unenu!%ered. +&is %onus is
in addition to any t&e &araters !ig&t reeive /or &ig& Balane sores.
Table ': 5alance
Balane $ea. De/. 4ove Cli!%
Sore Ad*. Ad*. Silently (alls
8 R8 M: R86S R86S
: R5 M8 R86S R59S
9 R7 M5 R86S R56S
@ 6 M7 R59S R56S
; 6 6 R59S R79S
J 6 6 R56S R79S
> 6 6 R56S R76S
76 6 6 R79S R9S
77 6 6 R76S 6S
75 6 6 R9S 6S
78R7: 6 6 6S 6S
79 6 R7 6S 6S
7@ M7 R5 6S 6S
7; M5 R8 M9S M9S
7J M5 R: M76S M76S
7> M8 R: M79S M79S
56 M8 R: M79S M56S
57 M: R9 M56S M56S
55 M: R9 M56S M59S
58 M9 R@ M59S M59S
5: M9 R@ M59S M86S
59 M9 R@ M86S M86S
#eaction Ad=ust%ent: +&is !odi/ier is applied to a d76 to deter!ine i/ a
&arater is surprised %y an une1peted enounter. +&e !ore positive t&e value' t&e less
likely t&e &arater is to %e surprised.
Defensive Ad=ust%ent: +&is !odi/ier is applia%le to a &araters saving t&rows
versus attaks t&at an %e dodged' su& as lightning bolt spells' &urled %oulders' et. 0t
also !odi/ies t&e &araters ar!or lass' representing t&e &araters a%ility to dodge
nor!al !issile attaks and parry !elee attaks. +&e lower t&e negative value' t&e !ore
di//iult t&e &arater will %e to strike.
-ove !ilentl: +&is onerns only t&ose rogue &araters w&o &ave t&e !ove
silently a%ility. +&e &ig&er t&e positive value' t&e easier t&e skill %eo!es /or t&e
Cli%b ,alls: +&is !odi/ier also applies to t&ose rogue &araters wit& t&e li!%
walls a%ility.
Proficiencies: Balane is used as a %ase nu!%er /or su& pro/iienies as
tu!%ling' daning' sea!ans&ip' tig&trope walking' and &arioteering.
Constitution Constitution is divided into t&e su%a%ilities o/ )ealt&' w&i& is a
!easure!ent o/ a &araters a%ility to resist diseases and ot&er &ards&ips' and 3itness'
w&i& indiates overall p&ysial ondition and t&e &araters a%ility to endure
punis&!ent. ,eon sets up &is &araters Constitution su%a%ilities like t&is:
!trength 7@ Constitution 75
Sta!ina 79 )ealt& 75
4usle 7; 3itness 75
De/terit 7: 0ntelligene 75
Ai! 75 (isdo! J
Balane 7@ C&aris!a 77
A &arater wit& a &ig& )ealt& sore would seldo! get sik and %e little a//eted
%y allergies and ot&er ail!ents.
Table ): 8ealth
8ealth!ste% Poison
!core !hoc6 !ave
8 89S 6
: :6S 6
9 :9S 6
@ 96S 6
; 99S 6
J @6S 6
> @9S 6
76 ;6S 6
77 ;9S 6
75 J6S 6
78 J9S 6
7: JJS 6
79 >6S 6
7@ >9S 6
7; >;S 6
7J >>S 6
7> >>S M7
56 >>S M7
57 >>S M5
55 >>S M5
58 >>S M8
5: >>S M8
59 766S M:
!ste% !hoc6: +&is is t&e perentage &ane Bon a 7d766C t&at t&e &arater &as
to survive !agial e//ets t&at age or alter &is %odyDsu& as petri/iation Band reversing
itC' poly!orp&ing' !agial aging' et. 0/ t&e syste! s&ok result is eFual to or less t&an
t&e listed &ane' t&e &arater survives t&e proess o/ alteration.
Poison !ave: +&is !odi/ier applies to saving t&rows !ade versus poisons.
A &arater wit& a &ig& 3itness sore &as great endurane and an su//er !ore
da!age t&an ot&er &araters w&ile ontinuing to /untion.
Table +: Fitness
Fitness 8it Point #esurrection
!core Ad=ust%ent Chance
8 R5 :6S
: R7 :9S
9 R7 96S
@ R7 99S
; 6 @6S
J 6 @9S
> 6 ;6S
76 6 ;9S
77 6 J6S
75 6 J9S
78 6 >6S
7: 6 >5S
79 M7 >:S
7@ M5 >@S
7; M5BM8C >JS
7J M5BM:C 766S
7> M5BM9C 766S
56 M5BM9C 7 766S
57 M5BM@C 5 766S
55 M5BM@C 5 766S
58 M5BM@C 8 766S
5: M5BM;C 8 766S
59 M5BM;C 8 766S
Parent&etial %onuses apply only to warrior &araters. All ot&er &arater lasses are
li!ited to a M5 !a1i!u! %onus per &it die.
7 All 7s rolled on &it die are onsidered 5s.
5 All 7s and 5s rolled on &it die are onsidered 8s.
8 All 7s' 5s' and 8s rolled on &it die are onsidered :s.
8it Point Ad=ust%ent: +&is !odi/ier is applied to t&e &it die roll every ti!e a
&arater advanes to a new e1periene level. No roll yields /ewer t&an 7 &it point'
regardless o/ any !odi/ier.
+&is %onus ends w&en a &arater rea&es 76t& level B>t& /or warriors and priestsC.
)it points gained a/ter t&is are given on t&e e1periene point ta%le /or ea& lass. See t&e
Players Handbook /or details.
#esurrection Chance: +&is is t&e perentage &ane Bon a 7d766C t&at a dead
&arater &as o/ %eing suess/ully %roug&t %ak to li/e t&roug& !agial resurrection or
raise dead spells. 0/ t&e roll is eFual to or less t&an t&e listed &ane' t&e &arater is
%roug&t %ak to li/e.
Proficiencies: 3itness serves as t&e %ase nu!%er /or su& pro/iienies as
0ntelligene +&is %eo!es t&e su%a%ilities o/ $eason' w&i& !easures a &araters
apaity /or learning and dedution' and 2nowledge' w&i& s&ows a general level o/
eduation' e1periene' and t&e a%ility to re!e!%er in/or!ation. ,eon assigns &is
&araters su%a%ility sores like t&is:
!trength 7@ Constitution 75
Sta!ina 79 )ealt& 75
4usle 7; 3itness 75
De/terit 7: 0ntelligence 75
Ai! 75 $eason 77
Balane 7@ 2nowledge 78
(isdo! J C&aris!a 77
+&is a%ility de/ines &ow well a &arater &andles new in/or!ation. A &arater
wit& a &ig& $eason sore would %e good at solving riddles and pu--les' and would %e
talented at using dedutive' logial t&inking.
Table @: #eason
#eason !pell -a/; A!pell
!core >evel !pells 0%%unit
> :t& @ D
76R77 9t& ; D
75 @t& ; D
78 @t& > D
7: ;t& > D
79 ;t& 77 D
7@ Jt& 77 D
7; Jt& 7: D
7J >t& 7J D
7> >t& All 7
56 >t& All 5
57 >t& All 8
55 >t& All :
58 >t& All 9
5: >t& All @
59 >t& All ;
!pell >evel: +&is is t&e &ig&est level o/ !agial spells t&at an %e ast %y wi-ards
wit& orresponding $eason sores.
-a/; A !pells: +&is is t&e !ost spells per level t&at a wi-ard wit& t&at $eason
sore an !e!ori-e.
!pell 0%%unit: +&is is t&e level o/ illusionPp&antas! spells t&at a &arater wit&
t&at $eason sore is i!!une to. All i!!unities are u!ulative' so a &arater wit& a 57
$eason sore is i!!une to /irstH' seondH' and t&irdHlevel illusion spells.
Proficiencies: $eason is used as t&e %ase nu!%er /or su& pro/iienies as
engineering' navigation' and spellra/t.
+&is sore is a !easure!ent o/ t&e &araters eduational e1perienesDw&et&er
in a s&ool or on t&e streets' &is grasp o/ languages' and &is !e!ory apaity. A &arater
wit& a &ig& 2nowledge sore an speak !any languages' knows so!et&ing a%out several
su%*ets' and an re!e!%er t&e slig&test detail o/ a past event.
Table .: (nowledge
(nowledge 5onus A B >earn
!core Profs; !pell
8RJ 7 D
> 5 89S
76 5 :6S
77 5 :9S
75 8 96S
78 8 99S
7: : @6S
79 : @9S
7@ 9 ;6S
7; @ ;9S
7J ; J9S
7> J >9S
56 > >@S
57 76 >;S
55 77 >JS
58 75 >>S
5: 79 766S
59 56 766S
5onus A Proficiencies: +&is is t&e !a1i!u! nu!%er o/ additional languages a
&arater wit& t&e appropriate 2nowledge sore an learn. 0/ you are using t&e &arater
point syste! introdued in t&e previous &apter' t&is is t&e nu!%er o/ %onus &arater
points t&e &arater gains w&en %uying pro/iienies. 3or e1a!ple' +&eodor t&e /ig&ter
&as an 0ntelligeneP2nowledge o/ 75' w&i& gives &i! 8 %onus pro/iienies under t&e
standard rules' or 8 e1tra &arater points under t&e &arater point syste!.
B >earn !pell: +&is is t&e perentage &ane Bon 7d766C t&at a wi-ard an learn
to ast a partiular spell. 0/ t&e roll is eFual to or less t&an t&e listed &ane' t&e wi-ard
an learn t&e spell. 0/ t&e roll is &ig&er t&an t&e listed &ane' t&e wi-ard an try to learn
t&e spell laterDa/ter gaining an e1periene level.
Proficiencies: 2nowledge is t&e %ase nu!%er used wit& pro/iienies su& as
anient and loal &istory' anient and !odern languages' and readingPwriting.
(isdo! (isdo! is divided into t&e su%a%ilities o/ 0ntuitionDw&i& deter!ines t&e
&araters awareness o/ &is surroundings' grasp o/ a situation' and understanding o/
ot&er people' and (illpowerDw&i& !easures t&e &araters strengt& o/ will and
o!!it!ent. ,eon deides &is &arater &as little (illpower. +&e &araters statistis
now read:
!trength 7@ 0ntelligence 75
Sta!ina 79 $eason 77
4usle 7; 2nowledge 78
De/terit 7: ,isdo% J
Ai! 75 0ntuition 76
Balane 7@ (illpower @
Constitution 75 C&aris!a 77
)ealt& 75
3itness 75
A &arater wit& a &ig& 0ntuition sore likely would %e very pereptive and good
at !aking eduated guesses' and would %e di//iult to /ool or lie to e//etively.
Table 17: 0ntuition
0ntuition 5onus B !pell
!core !pells Failure
8 6 96S
: 6 :9S
9 6 :6S
@ 6 89S
; 6 86S
J 6 59S
> 6 56S
76 6 79S
77 6 76S
75 6 9S
78 7st 6S
7: 7st 6S
79 5nd 6S
7@ 5nd 6S
7; 8rd 6S
7J :t& 6S
7> 7st' 8rd 6S
56 5nd' :t& 6S
57 8rd' 9t& 6S
55 :t&' 9t& 6S
58 7st' @t&6S
5: 9t&' @t& 6S
59 @t&' ;t& 6S
5onus !pells: +&is is t&e nu!%er o/ additional spells t&at priest &araters
reeive' aording to t&eir 0ntuition sores. Note t&at t&e e1tra spells are u!ulative' and
t&e priest an ast only t&ose spells allowed %y &is e1periene level.
B !pell Failure: +&is is t&e perentage &ane t&at a priests spell will /ail w&en
ast. +&ose priests wit& low 0ntuition sores run t&e risk o/ &aving spells !is/ire.
Proficiencies: 0ntuition is t&e %ase nu!%er /or su& diverse pro/iienies as
traking' &ealing' orienteering' weat&er knowledge' religion' and &unting.
+&is sore gauges a &araters strengt& o/ will' a%ility to resist !agial /ores'
and sense o/ o!!it!ent to a ause. A &arater wit& a &ig& (illpower would %e
di//iult to &ar! wit& !indHa//eting !agi spells' ould %e Fuite stu%%orn' and would
resist interrogation.
Table 11: ,illpower
,illpower -agic Def; !pell
!core Ad=; 0%%unit
8 R8 D
: R5 D
9 R7 D
@ R7 D
; R7 D
JR7: D D
79 M7 D
7@ M5 D
7; M8 D
7J M: D
7> M: 7T
56 M: 5T
57 M: 8T
55 M: :T
58 M: 9T
5: M: @T
59 M: ;T
-agic Defense Ad=ust%ent: +&is !odi/ier applies to t&e &araters saving
t&rows versus !agial spells t&at a//et t&e viti!s mind"beguiling# charm# $ear#
hypnosis# possession# suggestion' et. +&is !odi/ier is applied auto!atially' wit&out any
e//ort on t&e part o/ t&e &arater or player !aking t&e saving t&row.
!pell 0%%unit: +&is grants t&ose &araters wit& e1tre!ely &ig& 2nowledge
sores protetion /ro! t&e spells listed under ea& nu!%er %elow. +&ese i!!unities are
7. 0!!unity to: cause $ear# charm person or mammal# command# $riends' and
hypnotism spells.
5. 0!!unity to: $orget# hold person# ray o$ en$eeblement' and scare.
8. 0!!unity to: $ear.
:. 0!!unity to: charm monster# con$usion# emotion# $umble# and suggestion%
9. 0!!unity to: chaos# $eeblemind# hold monster# magic &ar' and 'uest.
@. 0!!unity to: geas# mass suggestion# and rods o$ rulership.
;. 0!!unity to: antipathy(sympathy# death spell' and mass charm.
Proficiencies: +&is sore serves as t&e %ase nu!%er /or su& pro/iienies as
ani!al &andling' ani!al training' ridingDlandH%ased' and ridingDair%orne.
C&aris!a C&aris!a is split into t&e su%a%ilities o/ ,eaders&ip' w&i& !easures
/ore/ulness o/ personality and &ow willing ot&ers are to /ollow t&e &araters lead' and
Appearane' w&i& gauges p&ysial attrativeness' presene' and poise. ,eon deides &is
&arater will &ave t&ese ,eaders&ip and Appearane sores:
!trength 7@ 0ntelligence 75
Sta!ina 79 $eason 77
4usle 7; 2nowledge 78
De/terit 7: ,isdo% J
Ai! 75 0ntuition 76
Balane 7@ (illpower @
Constitution 75 Charis%a 77
)ealt& 75 ,eaders&ip 76
3itness 75 Appearane 75
A &arater wit& a &ig& ,eaders&ip o/ten !ay %e a groups leader' or at least its
spokes!an. .enerals and t&ose w&o an al! or inite a !o% wit& a /ew words all &ave
good ,eaders&ip sores.
Table 12: >eadership
>eadership >oalt A of
!core 5ase 8ench%en
8 R@ 7
: R9 7
9 R: 5
@ R8 5
; R5 8
J R7 8
>R77 6 :
75R78 6 9
7: M7 @
79 M8 ;
7@ M: J
7; M@ 76
7J MJ 79
7> M76 56
56 M75 59
57 M7: 86
55 M7@ 89
58 M7J :6
5: M56 :9
59 M56 96
>oalt 5ase: +&is !odi/ier is applied to &en&!ens loyalty sores Bsee t&e
)ungeon *aster+ ,uideC. +&is !odi/ier an %e ruial during %attles' w&ere good
!orale is vital.
-a/; A of 8ench%en: +&is is t&e !a1i!u! nu!%er o/ per!anent allies and
retainers a &arater an attrat. +&is does not a//et t&e nu!%er o/ &irelings'
!erenaries' or ot&er servitors a &arater an &ave.
Proficiencies: +&is sore is used as t&e %ase nu!%er /or su& nonweapon
pro/iienies as ga!ing and disguise.
+&is deter!ines t&e p&ysial presene and attrativeness o/ t&e &arater. A
&arater wit& a &ig& Appearane sore would %e &andso!e or %eauti/ul' per&aps even
/a!ous /or outstanding looks Bsu& as )elen o/ +royC.
Table 1": Appearance
Appearane $eation
Sore Ad*ust!ent
8 R9
: R:
9 R8
@ R5
; R7
JR75 6
78 M7
7: M5
79 M8
7@ M9
7; M@
7J M;
7> MJ
56 M>
57 M76
55 M77
58 M75
5: M78
59 M7:
$eation Ad*ust!ent: +&is nu!%er !odi/ies t&e $eation $oll !ade w&en a
&arater interats wit& NPCs and intelligent reatures /or t&e /irst ti!e Bsee t&e D4.C.
O%no1ious %e&avior an negate %onuses /or a &ig& Appearane sore' *ust as soliitous
!anners an overo!e a weakness.
Pro/iienies: +&is sore ats as t&e %ase nu!%er /or pro/iienies su& as daning
and etiFuette.
Alternate Su%a%ility 4et&od
$at&er t&an si!ply assigning nu!%ers to su%a%ility sores' players an deter!ine
t&e sores rando!ly. 3irst' generate t&e %asi a%ility soreI /or e1a!ple' ,eon rolls 8d@
/or &is &araters Strengt& sore and gets a 78. Seond' t&e player assigns t&e %ase sore
to one o/ t&e su%a%ility soresI ,eon assigns &is roll o/ 78 to &is &araters
Strengt&PSta!ina sore. +&ird' roll a die or /lip a oin to see i/ t&e re!aining su%a%ility
sore will %e %etter or worse t&an t&e %ase sore. ,eon rolls 7d@ and gets a :' so &is
&araters Strengt&P4usle sore will %e &ig&er t&an Strengt&PSta!ina. ,ast' add or
su%trat 7d: to t&e %ase sore to deter!ine t&e w&at t&e seond su%a%ility atually isI
,eon rolls a 8' so &is &araters Strengt&P4usle sore is 7@.
Su%a%ility C&eks Su%a%ilities are !ore spei/i de/initions o/ a &araters aptitudes.
+&ey an %e used !ore o/ten to deter!ine t&e suess o/ ations %eyond si!ple
pro/iieny &eks. +&e onept o/ a%ility &eks was introdued in t&e Players
Handbook. +&is onept is e1panded wit& su%a%ilities. Spei/i e1a!ples o/ t&e various
su%a%ility &eks /ollow. +&e lists are not intended to %e allHeno!passing' %ut si!ply
guidelines o/ t&e uses o/ su%a%ility &eks.
Sta!ina: +&is su%a%ility is used to asertain a &araters p&ysial e1ertion over a
period o/ ti!e. Sa!ple opportunities to all /or Sta!ina &eks inlude a &arater
&olding a &eavy weig&t or propping up a ollapsing eiling. (&en a &arater is in
pursuit o/ an NPC or !onster t&at &as t&e sa!e !ove!ent rate' t&e Sta!ina &ek
deter!ines w&o will tire /irst. Ot&er &eks ould involve longHter! p&ysial e1ertion
su& as swi!!ing vast distanes' de/ending t&e astle walls /ro! attakers over t&e
ourse o/ &ours or days' or staying awake long enoug& to !e!ori-e spells /or t&e ne1t
dayDa/ter a long day o/ adventuring.
4usle: +i!es to all /or 4usle &eks inlude w&en &araters try to pik up
&eavy o%*ets' leap &as!s' ar! wrestle' and display /eats o/ strengt&.
Ai!: Potential ti!es to use Ai! &eks inlude w&en &araters enter ga!es o/
skill' su& as dartsI w&en t&ey try sleig&tHo/H&and !aneuversI and w&en t&ey try to at&
t&ings t&rown at t&e!' su& as %alls' oins' or %ooks.
Balane: Balane &eks an %e alled /or w&en a &arater walks along a narrow
ledge to rea& a window' w&en &e /lees aross a rope %ridge w&ile trying to avoid
attakers !issile weapons' and w&en &e at&es a &and&old a/ter an ene!y da!ages t&at
rope %ridge and auses it to ollapse.
)ealt&: )ealt& &eks an %e used to deter!ine a &araters resistane to a
disease' and to /ind out i/ a &arater at&es t&e /lu going around t&e kingdo!. +&ey also
deter!ine a &araters resistane to into1iants' drugs' or poisons.
3itness: 3itness &eks an %e used to gauge an adventurers resistane to
longerHter! &ards&ips su& as /ored !ar&es' /ood or water deprivation' and nonHlet&al
$eason: .ood ti!es to all /or $eason &eks inlude w&en a &arater is
sear&ing /or lues at t&e sene o/ a ri!e' w&en so!eone is trying to learn new
in/or!ation' or w&en a &arater is atte!pting to read a ode or deip&er a rypti
2nowledge: 2nowledge &eks an %e used w&en &araters try to understand a
strange language or reall %its o/ in/or!ation t&ey &ave see!ingly /orgotten.
0ntuition: +&ese &eks are alled /or w&en adventurers t&ink t&ey are %eing
/ollowed' t&at t&eir NPC /riend is ating strangely' or w&en so!eone atte!pts to on
(illpower: (illpower &eks are needed w&en a &araters /ore o/ will is
&allenged' su& as w&en &e is o//ered a %ri%e' is interrogated' or is %lak!ailed. Ot&er
possi%ilities inlude w&en a &arater tries to persuade an NPC a%out an i!portant issue
or point' or w&en a &arater is tortured to surrender valua%le in/or!ation.
,eaders&ip: Situations alling /or ,eaders&ip &eks inlude w&en an adventurer
leads NPCs into %attle' w&en one adventurer asks a /avor o/ anot&er' or w&en a &arater
atte!pts to instill a %elie/ or attitude into a rowd or !o%.
Appearane: Appearane &eks an %e used in soial iru!stanes w&ere t&e
involved &arater &as no esta%lis&ed reputation. Or t&e &eks !ig&t deter!ine i/ an
NPC %eo!es ro!antially interested in t&e &arater.
One pro%le! wit& a%ility &eks as t&ey now stand /ollows:
U,eon' see i/ your 7; 4usle /ig&ter an li/t t&at iron &est.V
-.olling a d/01 U4issed it. 0 rolled a 7>.V
U+o!as' &ek i/ your @ 4usle wi-ard an do it.V
UKesLD0 !ade it wit& a :LV
+&e a%ove re/lets t&at so!eti!es a &arater wit& a &ig& sore will /ail' only to
&ave a &arater wit& a lower sore get luky and sueed. Depending on t&e nu!%er o/
points in ea& su%a%ility sore' t&e &arater an !ake additional atte!pts at /eats. +&e
rule is: /or ea& point in a su%a%ility a%ove 79' t&e player an roll an additional 7d56 /or
&eks against t&at su%a%ility. 3or e1a!ple' %eause ,eons /ig&ter &as a 7; 4usle' t&e
&arater an !ake up to t&ree &eksDt&e initial &ek' plus two !ore. So i/ ,eons
/ig&ter wants to /ore open a trap door' ,eon rolls 8d56. 0/ any o/ t&e die register a
suess/ul &ek' t&e /ig&ter opens t&e door. +o!as &arater' wit& a @ 4usle only rolls
+&is !ultiple d56 syste! does not eli!inate t&e possi%ility o/ a &arater wit& a
low a%ility sore sueeding w&ere a &arater wit& a &ig&er a%ility sore /ails. But t&e
syste! does redue t&e nu!%er o/ ti!es su& an i!pro%a%le inident will our.
)eig&tened Di//iulties An additional %ene/it o/ t&is syste! is t&at t&e D4 an set
partiularly di//iult &eks /or &araters wit& &ig& a%ility soresDreFuiring two or
!ore suesses on t&e &araters !ultiple d56 rolls.
3or e1a!ple' i/ t&e iron &est ,eons /ig&ter wants to li/t &ad %een welded in
plae' t&e D4 ould lai! t&at two or even all t&ree o/ t&e /ig&ters d56 rolls %e
suess/ul /or t&e &est to o!e /ree. +&is /urt&er rein/ores t&e idea t&at &araters wit&
low sores are not as apa%le as t&eir o!rades wit& &ig&er sores.
3or t&ose oasions w&en a lone adventurer annot sueed at an a%ility &ek
due to insu//iient die' additional &araters !ig&t %e a%le to &elp. 0/ t&e D4 rules t&at
!ore t&an one &arater an atte!pt t&e /eat' roll t&e d56s o/ t&e &arater wit& t&e
&ig&est a%ility sore' t&en add 7d56 /or ea& additional &arater assisting t&e pri!ary
+&is syste! also an %e used to deter!ine t&e outo!e o/ diret a%ilityHvs.Ha%ility
ontests %etween &araters. +&e winner o/ su& a ontest is t&e one w&o suess/ully
rolls t&e &ig&est resultDi/ t&at result is eFual to or under t&e a%ility sore in Fuestion. 3or
e1a!ple' i/ two &araters wit& 7: Ai! sores o!pete to see w&o an &it a /arHo//
%oulder wit& t&rown stonesDand t&e results o/ t&e d56 rolls are a 7: and a @Dt&e
&arater w&o rolled t&e 7: wins t&e ontest and strikes t&e %oulder /irst. Bot& &araters
rolls sueeded' %ut t&e 7: is a &ig&er degree o/ suess t&an t&e @. 0/ t&e &arater wit&
t&e 7: result &ad instead rolled a 79 or a 9' t&e ot&er o!petitor would &ave won' in t&e
/irst ase %eause 79 is not a suess/ul Ai! &ek' and in t&e seond %eause a @ is
&ig&er t&an a 9.
Anot&er o!!on e1a!ple o/ su& a ontest is an ar!Hwrestling !at&. 4ars&all
&as a ranger wit& a Strengt& o/ 79 and su%a%ility sores o/ Sta!ina 78 and 4usle 7;.
Brian &as a /ig&ter wit& a Strengt& o/ 78 and su%a%ility sores o/ 78 in %ot& Sta!ina and
4usle. +&ese &araters deide to ar! wrestle to see w&o gets t&e /irst &oie o/
treasure. +&e /irst a%ility &ek would %e against 4usle to see i/ eit&er &arater ould
overw&el! t&e ot&er wit& a %urst o/ Strengt&. 4ars&all and Brian roll 7d56' and %ot&
4usle &ek results are 77. +&e &araters &ave !at&ed power /or power.
+&e ne1t &ek Band all su%seFuent &eksC would %e against Sta!ina to see
w&i& &arater tires /irst. 4ars&all rolls a ; and Brian rolls a 75. Bot& are suesses' %ut
Brians roll was &ig&er. Brians &arater wins t&e ar!Hwrestling !at& despite &aving
lower Strengt& and 4usle sores. Si!ply put' Brians &arater got luky' and t&e ne1t
!at& %etween t&e &araters ould turn out di//erently.
A%ilties vs. +&ie/ Skills A note s&ould %e !ade regarding a%ility &eks t&at !irror
t&e lass a%ilities o/ rogues. C&araters wit& &ig& Balane sores !ay' %y t&e nu!%ers'
see! to %e %etter at t&ieving skills t&an so!e rogues' espeially lowHlevel ones. D4s
s&ould take are not to let nonrogue &araters steal t&e spotlig&t away /ro! t&e real
rogues. +&e li!% walls a%ility is a good e1a!ple. 4ost &araters wit& a%ove average
Balane sores would &ave a relatively si!ple ti!e li!%ing a raggy rok /ae or li//'
%ut only t&ieves an li!% %rik walls or s&eer sur/aes.
D4s w&o wis& to grant &araters wit& &ig& a%ility sores so!e &ane o/
suess at /eats si!ilar to t&ieving a%ilities ould reFuire !ultiple suesses /or su&
&araters to sueed.
C&apter 8:
$aial $eFuire!ents
Players !ption &araters an %e &u!ans' elves' dwarves' gno!es' and &al/lingsDor
t&ey !ig&t %e &al/Helves' &al/Hors' or even &al/Hogres. D4s an devise additional raes
/or &araters' too' so t&e &oies an %e as wide and as olor/ul as t&e a!paign in
w&i& t&ey adventure.
Players s&ould onsult t&e /ollowing ta%le' w&i& lists !ini!u! and !a1i!u!
a%ility sores /or t&e o!!on raes. 4ini!u! sores are listed to t&e le/t o/ t&e slas&es'
!a1i!u!s to t&e rig&t. Starting &arater statistis !ust /all wit&in t&ese ranges' t&oug&
t&e statistis an inrease and derease during t&e ourse o/ play. 3or e1a!ple' i/ an el/
&as &is De1terity sore redued to less t&an @ %eause &e /ell a/oul o/ a !agial urse' t&e
&arater is still an el/. 0/ a &al/ling drank a potion t&at inreased &is 0ntelligene to 7>' &e
is still a &al/ling.
+a%le 7:: $aial $eFuire!ents
A%ility Dwar/ "l/ .no!e)al/Hel/ )al/Hor )al/Hogre )al/ling
Str JP7J 8P7J @P7J 8P7J @P7J 7:P7J ;P7JT 8P7J
De1 8P7; @P7J 8P7J @P7J 8P7; 8P75 ;P7J 8P7J
Con 77P7J ;P7J JP7J @P7J JP7J 7:P7J 76P7J 8P7J
0nt 8P7J JP7J @P7J :P7J 8P7; 8P75 @P7J 8P7J
(is 8P7J 8P7J 8P7J 8P7J 8P7: 8P75 8P7; 8P7J
C&a 8P7; JP7J 8P7J 8P7J 8P75 8PJ 8P7J 8P7J
T )al/ling /ig&ters annot possess e1eptional Strengt& sores.
$aial A%ility Ad*ust!ents One t&e &araters a%ility sores &ave %een
deter!ined' t&e rae &osen' and t&e $aial $eFuire!ents ta%le onsulted' !odi/y t&e
a%ility sores %ased on t&e $aial Ad*ust!ents ta%leDand deter!ine t&e su%a%ility sores
as per t&e rules in &apter two.
Table 1': #acial Ad=ust%ents
#ace Ad=ust%ents
Dwar/ M7 Con' R7 C&a
"l/ M7 De1' R7 Con
.no!eM7 0nt' R7 (is
)al/Hel/ None
)al/Hor M7 Str' M7 Con' R5 C&a
)al/Hogre M7 Str' M7 Con' R7 0nt' R7 C&a
)al/ling M7 De1' R7 Str
$aial ,evel ,i!its +&e $aial ,evel ,i!its &art lists t&e !a1i!u! e1periene
levels attaina%le %y t&e various raes. 3or !ore on lasses' see &apter /our.
Table 1): #acial >evel >i%its
Class Dwarf 2lf ?no%e 8alfCelf 8alfCorc 8alfCogre
8alfling 8u%an
Bard D D D < D D D <
Cleri 76 75 > 7: : : J <
Druid D D D > D D D <
3ig&ter 79 75 77 7: 76 75 > <
0llusionist D D 79 D D D D <
4age D 79 D 75 D D D <
Paladin D D D D D D D <
$anger D 79 D 7@ D D D <
+&ie/ 75 75 78 75 J D 79 <
D +&is sy!%ol represents unli!ited lass advane!ent /or &araters o/ t&ose raes.
D A !e!%er o/ t&is rae annot &oose t&is lass.
"1eeding +&ese ,i!its
The )ungeon *aster ,uide inluded an optional rule w&ere de!i&u!an
&araters ould e1eed level li!its i/ t&ey possessed &ig& pri!eHreFuisite a%ility sores.
+&is rule is o//iial in t&e Players !ption syste!. See t&e &art %elow /or %onus levels
granted to t&ose &araters wit& &ig& sores in t&eir lass pri!e reFuisites.
Table 1+: Pri%e #e$uisite 5onuses
Abilit !core 5onus >evels
7:R79 M7
7@R7; M5
7J M8
7> M:
56M M9
+&e %onus levels are added to t&e &araters !a1i!u! e1periene level s&own in t&e
$aial ,evel ,i!its ta%le.
C&arater Points "a& rae detailed %elow reeives a nu!%er o/ &arater points t&at
an %e spent on raial skills and ot&er a%ilities. +&is lets players personali-e t&eir
&araters. No longer !ust all dwarves &ave e1atly t&e sa!e a%ilities' skills' and
%onuses. Players an pur&ase pakages o/ a%ilities' or t&ey an usto!i-e t&eir
De!i&u!ans an save 9 &arater points /ro! t&is proess and apply t&e! at any
ot&er point in t&e &arater reation proess. )u!ans an save 76 points. Nonstandard
raes su& as li-ard !en and t&riHkreen annot save any raial &arater pointsDany
points not spent on raial a%ilities are lost.
$aial Nariants
Nu!erous o//Hs&oot raes an %e player &araters. 3or e1a!ple' a player /ond o/
dwarven &araters ould &oose /ro! t&e &ill' !ountain' gray' or deep varieties. Players
w&o selet su& a &arater pur&ase t&e standard pakage o/ a%ilities /or t&e su%rae.
Optionally' a player an usto!i-e a &arater %y &oosing individual a%ilities /ro! t&e
list /or t&at rae. .enerally' %uying a pakage o/ a%ilities is t&e !ost e//iient way to
spend &arater points.
#acial >anguages: A &arater /ro! a de!i&u!an su%rae reeives an initial
pakage o/ languages /or no additional ost in &arater points. )owever' no &arater
an know !ore languages t&an &is or &er 0ntelligeneP2nowledge sore allows Bsee +a%le
>C. 0/ a raial pakage o//ers !ore languages t&an a &arater an know' t&e player an
&oose w&i& languages t&e &arater knows.
Dwarves Dwarves are a s&ort' stoky rae' averaging a%out :R:7W5X tall. +&ey o/ten
&ave ruddy o!ple1ions' dark &air' and piering' dark eyes. +&e natural li/e span /or a
dwar/ is a%out 896 years. +&ey are a serious lot' given rarely to /rivolity. +&ey pre/er a
good' &ard days work. +&oug& so!eti!es onsidered dour or taiturn' /ew dou%t t&e
dwarves ourage or %ravery. +&ey &ave little talent /or !agi' %ut e1el at /ig&ting' war
ra/t' and arts su& as engineering.
Dwarves typially live in &illy or !ountainous regions' en*oying t&e strengt& o/
t&e eart& and roks t&at !ake up t&eir underground &o!es. Dwarves !ine t&e eart& /or
preious !etals and ge!s' and t&ey are partiularly /ond o/ gold.
Beause o/ t&eir resistane to !agi' dwarves &ave di//iulty using en&anted
ite!s. All !agial ite!s not speially suited to t&e dwar/s &arater lass &ave a 56S
Bon 7d766 rollC to !al/untion. A &ek /or !al/untion is !ade every ti!e t&e dwar/
atte!pts to use t&e ite!. 0/ t&e &ek is passed' t&e ite! works until it is turned o//' put
away' or its duration e1pires. 0/ t&e &ek /ails' t&e !agial Fualities o/ t&e ite! annot %e
alled upon' t&oug& t&e ite! !ig&t /untion nor!ally t&e ne1t ti!e t&e dwar/ tries to use
it. 4al/untion &eks apply to !agial wands' rods' staves' rings' a!ulets' potions'
&orns' and *ewels. +&e &eks do not apply to dwarven leris using lerial !agial
ite!s' and to weapons' s&ields' ar!or' gauntlets' and girdles. 0/ a dwar/ possesses a
cursed ite! and it !al/untions' t&e dwar/ will reogni-e t&e nature o/ t&e ite! and an
sa/ely dispose o/ it.
+&e standard dwarven su%raes are: &ill' !ountain' deep' and gray. A dwarven
&arater !ig&t &oose to %e a /ig&ter' leri' or t&ie/. A dwar/ also an %e !ultiHlassed
as a /ig&terPleri or a /ig&terPt&ie/.
Plaers who choose dwarves for their characters have &' character points to
spend on racial abilities; +&ese points an %e spent to usto!i-e a dwar/ /ro! t&e
general skill list %elow' or t&ey an %e used to pur&ase a su%raes skill pakage. Only 9
points an %e retained /or use later in t&e &arater reation proess.
Deep Dwarves
Character point cost: &'
As t&eir na!e i!plies' deep dwarves live /art&er underground t&an t&eir &ill or !ountain
relatives. +&ey pre/er t&e seurity and t&e isolation t&at living /ar %eneat& t&e eart&
+&e typial deep dwar/ is :R:7W5X tall and weig&s 756 pounds. +&ey are
largeH%oned' %ut t&inner t&an t&eir ousins w&o live loser to t&e sur/ae. And t&ey an
!ove easily t&roug& t&e narrow tunnels t&ey dig in t&e %edrok.
Deep dwarves seldo! &ave ontat wit& reatures /ro! t&e sur/aeD/ew su&
reatures an rea& re!ote underground plaesDand t&e deep dwarves /eel no need to
dig tunnels to t&e sur/ae. 4ost deep dwarves are neutral' law/ul neutral' or &aoti
neutral. Players !ay &oose any align!ent /or t&eir deep dwar/ &araters.
,anguages: Deep dwarves an speak t&eir own raial dialet' gray dwar/' illit&id'
troglodyte' deep gno!e' and undero!!on Bt&e trade language o/ all <nderdark raesC.
Deep DwarvesE !pecial Abilities
0n/ravision' >6X Saving +&row Bonuses
4elee Co!%at BonusesT 4ining Detetion A%ilities
T Attak %onus applies vs. drow' troglodytes' and ors.
Deep Dwarf #acial Penalties
Deep dwarves su//er a R7 penalty to all rolls w&en in %rig&t sunlig&t or wit&in t&e
radius o/ a continual light spell. 2ight spells and all ot&er lig&t soures &ave no e//et on
a deep dwar/.
.ray Dwarves
Character point cost: &'
Also known as duergar' gray dwarves live /ar undergroundDat ti!es even %eyond t&e
deep dwarves. )owever' sine t&ey oasionally reside near ea& ot&er' gray and deep
dwarves tend to o!e into on/lit over t&e resoures o/ t&e <nderdark.
An average gray dwar/ is a%out :X tall and weig&s 756 pounds. +&e t&innest o/ t&e
su%raes' gray dwarves al!ost appear e!aiated. 4ost are %ald' and t&ose w&o are not
usually s&ave t&eir &eads. +&eir %eards are w&ite. .ray dwarves rarely venture a%ove
ground' as t&ey /ind sunlig&t to %e pain/ul to t&eir eyes.
4ost gray dwarves are law/ul evil in align!ent' wit& neutral tendenies. Player
&arater gray dwarves an %e o/ any align!ent.
>anguages: Duergar %egin play wit& knowledge o/ t&eir own tongue' deep dwar/'
dark el/' illit&id' kuoHtoa' troglodyte' and undero!!on.
?ra DwarvesE !pecial Abilities
0n/ravision' 756X Saving +&row Bonuses
4elee Co!%at BonusesT Stealt&
4ining Detetion A%ilities
T No attak %onus applies ' t&e &arater reeives only t&e de/ensive %ene/its.
?ra Dwarf #acial Penalties
.ray dwarves su//er a R7 penalty on all rolls w&en e1posed to %rig&t sunlig&t or
continual light spells. Ot&er lig&t soures do not i!pair t&e!. Ot&er types o/ dwarves
distrust duergar' and as su&' duergar su//er an initial R5 penalty to reation rolls /ro!
t&eir ousins.
)ill Dwarves
Character point cost: &7
)ill dwarves live in areas o/ rolling &eadlandsDo/ten dwelling underground' t&oug& t&ey
are known to &ave outposts on t&e sur/ae.
A typial &ill dwar/ stands :X tall and weig&s a%out 796 pounds. )e is
wellH!usled and stoky' wit& tan or %rown skin' dark &air' and %rig&t eyes. )ill dwarves
pre/er eart& tones and seldo! wear *ewelry. +&ey are t&e !ost o!!on o/ all t&e
dwarven varieties' as t&ey adapt well to li/e a%ove and %elow ground. 4ost &ill dwarves
are law/ul good' %ut player &araters an %e o/ any align!ent.
>anguages: )ill dwarves an speak t&eir own tongue as well as ot&er dwarven
dialets. 0n addition' &ill dwarves an speak gno!e' go%lin' or' and gnoll.
8ill Dwarf !pecial Abilities
)ill dwarves &ave t&e /ollowing raial a%ilities: t&e dwarven saving t&row
%onuses versus poison and !agial attakI t&e dwarven !elee o!%at %onusI in/ravision
to a range o/ @6 /eetI and t&e dwarven !ining detetion a%ilities.
8ill DwarvesE !pecial Abilities
0n/ravision' @6X Saving +&row Bonuses
4elee Co!%at Bonuses 4ining Detetion A%ilities
8ill Dwarf #acial Penalties
)ill dwarves are not austo!ed to traveling over water. +&ey su//er a R5 penalty
to reation rolls w&en t&ey are in or ad*aent to rivers' lakes' and seas.
4ountain Dwarves
Character point cost: &7
+&is variety o/ dwar/ lives %eneat& t&e !ountains in isolated strong&olds. 4ost !ountain
dwarves value t&eir privay and avoid ontat wit& outsiders. A typial !ountain dwar/
stands :7W5X tall and weig&s 7;6 pounds. +&eir &air is lig&ter t&an t&eir &ill dwar/
ousins' and t&eir skin tends to &ave a reddis& tint.
4ountain dwarves are o/ten wary o/ &ill dwarves' as t&ey are suspiious o/ t&eir
ousins dealings wit& t&e outer world. 4ost !ountain dwarves are law/ul good' %ut
player &araters an %e any align!ent.
>anguages: 4ountain dwarves an %egin wit& t&eir own tongue' &ill dwar/'
gno!e' &ill giant' gnoll' %ug%ear' and o!!on.
-ountain DwarvesE !pecial Abilities
0n/ravision' @6X Saving +&row Bonuses
4elee Co!%at Bonuses 4ining Detetion A%ilities
-ountain Dwarf #acial Penalties
,ike &ill dwarves' !ountain dwarves are not austo!ed to traveling over water.
)owever' t&ey are o!/orta%le around rivers and s!all lakes. +&ey su//er a R5 penalty to
reation rolls only w&en on %oard seaHgoing vessels or w&en in large %odies o/ water.
Dwarven A%ilities A &arater wit& le/tover &arater points !ay selet additional
raial a%ilities a/ter taking one o/ t&e standard su%rae pakages. Or' i/ t&e player wis&es
to reate &is own usto!i-ed dwarven &arater' &e an pik and &oose /ro! t&e list o/
dwarven a%ilities listed %elow. A%ilities ost eit&er 9 or 76 &arater pointsI re/er to t&e
desriptions %elow.
A/e bonus F'G: M7 to attak rolls wit& &and or %attle a1es.
5etter 5alance F17G: M7 to t&e Balane su%a%ility sore. +&is allows a dwarven &arater
to &ave !ore t&an a : point di//erene in t&e De1terity su%a%ilities.
5rewing F'G: M5 to t&e Brewing pro/iieny sore. +&e dwar/ !ust &ave t&is pro/iieny
to gain t&is %ene/it.
Close to the earth F'G: Dwarves wit& t&is a%ility &eal /aster in su%terranean settings.
(&en t&is &arater is underground' &e &eals 5 points o/ da!age overnig&t rat&er
t&an t&e 7 point nor!ally &ealed %y ot&er raes. +&is %onus does not apply i/ t&e
&arater is a%ove ground.
Constitution<8ealth bonus F17G: A ConstitutionP)ealt& sore %onus o/ M7' %eause t&e
dwar/ is austo!ed to t&e old and o/ten da!p <nderdark.
Crossbow bonus F'G: Beause dwarves /avor ross%ows' t&ey gain a M7 attak %onus
wit& any ross%ow. )urled weapons are li!ited in tunnels' and ot&er %ows reFuire
large piees o/ wood w&i& are not readily aessi%le.
Deter%ine stabilit F'G: +&e &arater is an e1pert at deter!ining i/ t&e ground is sta%le.
By onentrating /or one round' t&e &arater an deter!ine i/ t&ere will %e a
dangerous tre!or' ollapse' rok/all or slide w&en t&e &arater enters an area. +&e
&ane o/ suess is 7R: on 7d@.
Deter%ine age F'G: By e1a!ining a %uilding or ruins' t&e dwar/ stands an e1ellent
&ane o/ deter!ining t&e appro1i!ate age o/ t&e struture. +&e &ane o/ suess is
7R9 on 7d@.
Dense s6in F17G: 0/ t&e dwar/ is struk %y a %lunt weapon' t&e &arater su//ers only &al/
t&e da!age t&e attak would nor!ally in/lit.
Detect poison F'G: By sni//ing /ood or drink' t&e dwar/ an deter!ine i/ it &as %een
poisoned. +&e &ane o/ suess is 7R: on 7d@.
2valuate ge%s F'G: A dwar/ wit& t&is a%ility an deter!ine wit&in 76S t&e value o/ any
given ge!.
2/pert haggler F'G: +&is dwar/ drives a &ard %argain. Anyt&ing &e pur&ases osts 76S
less t&an t&e listed prie.
8it point bonus F17G: +&e dwar/ gains an additional &it point ea& ti!e t&e &arater
attains a new level.
0llusion resistant F'G: +&ese dwarves gain a M5 %onus on atte!pts to dis%elieve
0%proved !ta%ina F17G: M7 to t&e Sta!ina su%a%ility sore. +&is allows a dwarven
&arater to &ave !ore t&an a : point di//erene in t&e Strengt& su%a%ilities.
0nfravision F17G: Dwarves &ave in/ravision to @6 /eetDt&e a%ility to see &eat patterns
given o// %y living war!H%looded reatures in t&e dark.
-ace bonus F'G: M7 to attak rolls wit& t&e /oot!ans !ae.
-eld into stone F17G: One a day a dwar/ wit& t&is a%ility an meld into stone as a priest
o/ t&e sa!e level.
-elee co%bat F17G: Dwarves &ave a M7 %onus to t&eir attak rolls vs. ors' &al/Hors'
go%lins' and &o%go%lins. 3urt&er' w&en ogres' &al/Hogres' ogre !agi' trolls' giants' or
titans /ig&t dwarves' t&ese aggressors su//er a R: penalty on all attak rolls. Dwarves
are s!all and &ave de/ensive tatis against t&ese large /oes.
-ining Detection Abilities F17G: A &arater wit& t&is skill is /a!iliar wit& !ining'
tunneling and stonework. By onentrating /or one round t&e &arater an:
Deter!ine t&e appro1i!ate dept& underground' 7R8 on 7d@.
Detet any sliding or s&i/ting walls or roo!s' 7R: on 7d@.
Detet any grade or slope in t&e passage t&ey are passing t&roug&' 7R9 on
Detet stonework traps' pits' and dead/alls' 7R8 on 7d@.
Detet new onstrution in stonework.' 7R9 on 7d@.
-ore %uscles F17G: M7 to t&e 4usle su%a%ility sore. +&is allows a dwarven &arater
to &ave !ore t&an a : point di//erene in t&e Strengt& su%a%ilities.
Pic6 bonus F'G: M7 to attak rolls wit& !ilitary piks.
!aving Throw 5onuses F17G: Dwarves gain %onuses to saving t&rows vs. poison and
against !agial attaks /ro! rods' wands' and spells %ased on t&eir
ConstitutionP)ealt& sores. Deter!ine t&e dwar/s ConstitutionP)ealt& sore and
onsult t&e &art %elow:
!core 5onus
:R@ M7
;R76 M5
77R78 M8
7:R7; M:
7JR56 M9
!hort sword bonus F'G: M7 to attak rolls wit& s&ort swords.
!tealth F17G: 0/ t&e dwar/ is not in !etal ar!or' a R5 penalty is applied to opponents
surprise rolls i/ t&e dwar/ is at least >6 /eet a&ead o/ a party o/ &araters wit&out t&is
a%ility' or ao!panied only %y &araters wit& eFuivalent stealt& skills. +&e dwar/ is
also di//iult to surprise &i!sel/ and reeives a M5 %onus to &is own surprise rolls.
!tone tell F17G: One a day a dwar/ wit& t&is a%ility an use t&e stone tell a%ility' as a
priest o/ t&e sa!e level.
,arha%%er bonus F'G: M7 to attak rolls wit& t&e war &a!!er.
"lves "lves tend to %e taller t&an dwarves' and s&orter and sli!!er t&an &u!ans. +&eir
/eatures are angular and /inely &iseled' and alt&oug& elves !ay appear t&in and weak'
t&ey are atually Fuik and strong. (&en iru!stanes ditate' elves an %e /iere
warriors' taking any steps neessary to protet t&e!selves' t&eir &o!es' and t&eir /riends.
4ost elves are %etween 9 and 9 7P5X tall and weig& a%out 776 pounds. +&ey pre/er to live
in natural settings su& as seluded /orests and groves. +&ey are &aoti %y nature' and
ot&er raes so!eti!es onsider elves /rivolous and aloo/.
"lves are an e1tre!ely longHlived rae' averaging a%out 7'566 years. +&is !ay
e1plain so!e o/ t&eir attitudesDli/e is to %e taken slowly and en*oyedI never rus& a%out
to ao!plis& t&ingsI t&ere is plenty o/ ti!e /or all ativities. "lves en*oy singing'
daning' and looking /or t&e natural %eauty in everyt&ing t&ey see.
Per&aps %eause t&ey live so long' elves /ind it di//iult to !ake /riends wit& t&e
s&orterHlived raes. So!e elves dont want to %ot&er getting lose to &u!ans w&en t&ose
/riends will die o/ old age so soon. )owever' elves w&o do !ake /riends outside t&eir
rae treat t&eir o!rades as eFuals. 3riendsDand ene!iesDare never /orgotten.
"lves are /asinated %y !agi and devote ti!e and energy to studying arane
/ores. "ven power/ul &u!an !ages respet and ad!ire elves understanding o/ !agi.
+&e standard elven su%raes are: aFuati' dark' gray' &ig&' and wood. Player
&arater elves an %e t&e /ollowing lasses: /ig&ter' !age' leri' or t&ie/. +&ey also an
take t&e /ollowing !ultiHlass o!%inations: /ig&terP!age' /ig&terPt&ie/'
/ig&terP!agePt&ie/' or !agePt&ie/.
Plaers who choose elves for their characters have &' character points to
spend on racial abilities; +&ese points an %e spent to usto!i-e an el/ /ro! t&e general
skill list %elow' or t&ey an %e used to pur&ase a su%raes skill pakage. Only 9 points
an %e retained /or use later in t&e &arater reation proess.
AFuati "lves
Character point cost: &7
AFuati elves' also alled sea elves' live in oeans' lagoons' inlets' %ays' and ot&er %odies
o/ salt water. +&ey patrol t&e s&allows and dept&s and rule /ro! t&eir ourts o/ living
oral. +&oug& not o/ten seen' w&en t&ey are enountered it is o!!on to /ind dolp&ins
a!ong t&e!.
AFuati elves serve to keep t&e evil in&a%itants o/ t&e dept&s in &ek. Sa&uagin
are partiularly &ated /oes' as are s&arks t&at are large enoug& to t&reaten sea /olk.
Skin olors vary /ro! silverHgreen to pale %lue. )air is usually green or
%lueHgreen' !at&ing t&e kelp %eds w&ere !ost sea elves !ake t&eir &o!es. +&eir
oloring &elps oneal t&e elves /ro! t&eir natural predators. AFuati elves &ave gill slits
like /is&' and t&ey proess t&e air t&ey need out o/ t&e water. <nlike !ost /is&' aFuati
elves an live /or so!e ti!e out o/ water.
AFuati elves an !ove a%out on land /or a nu!%er o/ days eFual to t&eir 3itness
sores. )owever' t&e longer t&ey spend out o/ water' t&e weaker t&ey %eo!e. 3or every
two days spent out o/ t&e water' aFuati elves su//er a R7 penalty to all a%ility sores' and
to pro/iieny &eks and attak and da!age rolls. 0/ any a%ility or su%a%ility sore
rea&es -ero' t&e el/ dies. (eakened elves reover wit&in two turns w&en t&ey return to
salt water. "lves w&o enter /res& water do not reover' %ut t&e proess o/ de&ydration
&alts. AFuati elves an stay in /res& water inde/initely. )owever' i/ an aFuati el/ leaves
/res& water' t&e de&ydration proess starts again.
4ost aFuati elves are &aoti good' %ut player &araters an %e any align!ent.
>anguages: AFuati elves %egin play wit& knowledge o/ t&eir own tongue'
kuoHtoa' sa&uagin' dolp&in. !er!an' and undersea o!!on.
A$uatic 2lvesE !pecial Abilities
Con/er (ater Breat&ing Stealt&
$esistane +rident Bonus
Seret doors
A$uatic 2lf #acial Penalties
AFuati elves an %e out o/ water only /or a nu!%er o/ days eFual to t&eir 3itness
sores. +&ey annot gain t&e elven attak %onus /or %ows' as su& weapons are
ine//etive underwater.
Dark "lves
Character point cost: &'
+&e dark elves' also known as drow' live underground. Nearly all o/ t&e! are evil' and
t&ey &ave used t&eir unning to %eo!e !asters o/ !u& o/ t&e <nderdark. 4ost
intelligent reatures s&un t&e!. 0n !any ways' dark elves are t&e twisted' orrupt
versions o/ t&eir a%oveHground relatives.
Drow &ave *et %lak skin' t&e %etter to &ide t&eir !ove!ents underground. And
t&ey tend to %e s&orter t&an ot&er elves. +&e only ot&er p&ysial di//erene drow e1&i%it
is t&eir eyes' w&i& glow a /eral redDevidene' per&aps' o/ t&e &atred t&at %urns in t&eir
&earts and !inds.
Nery /ew dark elves are o/ good align!ent' and t&ese are usually player
>anguages: Dark elves %egin play wit&: drow' el/' gray dwar/' illit&id'
undero!!on' kuoHtoa' %ug%ear' and oris&.
Dar6 2lvesE !pecial Abilities
0n/ravision' 756X Spell a%ilities
$esistane Stealt&
Seret doors
Dar6 2lf #acial Penalties
Dark elves su//er a R7 penalty on all rolls w&en e1posed to %rig&t sunlig&t or
ontinual lig&t spells. ,esser lig&t soures do not %ot&er t&e!. All ot&er elves &ate dark
elves' resulting in an initial reation roll penalty o/ R5.
.ray "lves
Character point cost: &'
.ray elves are onsidered t&e !ost no%le and relusive o/ elvenkind' devoting ti!e to
i!proving t&eir !inds. Also known as t&e /aerie' t&is rae &as wit&drawn /ro! t&e world
around t&e!' stepping /ort& only to o!%at great evils. +o so!eDeven ot&er elvesDt&is
retiring nature !akes gray elves see! aloo/ and unaring. 0ndeed' t&e /aerie an %e
&aug&ty' disdaining ontat wit& t&eir ousins and onsidering t&e!selves to %e t&e
&ig&est' purest' !ost no%le /or! o/ el/.
+all and slender' gray elves &ave a!%er or violet eyes and silver or pale golden
&air. +&ey pre/er to dress in w&ite' silver' or golden yellow wit& loaks o/ dark tones su&
as deep %lue or purple.
4ost gray elves are &aoti good' t&oug& player &araters an %e any align!ent.
,anguages: .ray elves %egin wit& si1 languages o/ t&eir &oie. +&e languages
are su%*et to t&e D4s approval.
?ra 2lvesE !pecial Abilities
Bow %onus Seret doors
0n/ravision' @6X Stealt&
$esistane Sword %onus
$eason %onus
?ra 2lf #acial Penalties
Due to t&eir relusive and o/ten &aug&ty ways' gray el/ &araters su//er a R7
reation roll penalty w&en dealing wit& ot&er elves' and a R5 penalty w&en enountering
ot&er raes.
)ig& "lves
Character point cost: &7
+&e !ost o!!on type o/ el/' t&ese are also t&e !ost open' /riendly' and ooperative.
)ig& elves set t&e p&ysial standards /or elves' %eing a%out 9X tall and weig&ing a%out 776
pounds. )ig& elves are t&e palest o/ all elves' wit& a skin tone rese!%ling t&e olor o/
/ine rea!. )ig& elves usually &ave %lond &air and %lue eyes or darker &air' ranging /ro!
sandy %rown to *et %lak' wit& intensely green eyes. )ig& elves like to wear pastel s&ades.
(&en out on a &unt or adventuring in t&e /orest' &ig& elves typially over t&e!selves in
a loak o/ /orest green in t&e spring and su!!er and one o/ tan or russet in t&e autu!n.
4ost &ig& elves are &aoti good' t&oug& as player &araters t&ey an %e any
>anguages: )ig& elves %egin wit& &ig& el/' o!!on' el/' gno!e' &al/ling'
go%lin' &o%go%lin' or' and gnoll.
8igh 2lvesE !pecial Abilities
Bow %onus Seret doors
0n/ravision' @6X Stealt&
$esistane Sword %onus
8igh 2lf #acial Penalties
Beause &ig& elves are so /riendly and open' t&ey o/ten take t&ingsDinluding
illusionsDat /ae value. )ig& elves atte!pting to dis%elieve so!et&ing w&i& is atually
an illusion su//er a R5 penalty to t&e atte!pt.
Sylvan B(oodC "lves
Character point cost: &7
Sylvan elves' or wood elves as t&ey also are known' desended /ro! t&e sa!e stok as
ot&er elves. )owever' t&ey pre/er to live a !ore pri!itive li/estyle' !ore in tou& wit&
t&eir roots in t&e pri!eval /orests t&ey &ave !ade t&eir &o!es. +&ey are geared toward
si!ple survival' and t&ey onentrate on t&eir environ!ent rat&er t&an on p&ilosop&ial
de%ates and t&e study o/ !agi. Sylvan elves en*oy t&e %eauty o/ a singing %ird' t&e
patterns o/ an intriate spider we%' and t&eir own pratie o/ tattooing. +&ey are t&e !ost
te!pera!ental and e!otional elves.
Sylvan elves are !ore !usular t&an ot&er elves' and t&eir o!ple1ions are
darker. +&ey &ave yellow to opperyHred &air and %rown eyes' t&oug& so!e rare ases o/
&a-el or %lue eyes are known. Any sylvan el/ %orn wit& &a-el or %lue eyes is onsidered a
good o!en /or t&e tri%e' %elieved to %e destined /or personal greatness. Sylvan elves
nor!ally dress in %rowns and greens' t&e %etter to %lend in wit& t&e /orest.
<nlike !ost o/ t&eir %ret&ren' sylvan elves tend toward neutral align!ents'
t&oug& player &araters an %e o/ any align!ent.
>anguages: Sylvan elves %egin wit& t&eir own dialet' in addition to el/' entaur'
pi1ie' dryad' treant' and %rownie. Sylvan elves rarely learn t&e o!!on tongue' as t&ey
wis& to &ave as little to do wit& t&e outside world as possi%le.
!lvan 2lvesE !pecial Abilities
Bow %onus Seret doors
0n/ravision' @6X Stealt&
$esistane Spear %onus
!lvan 2lf #acial Penalties
On rare oasions w&en a sylvan el/ leaves &is /orest B!ost o/ten as a player
&araterC' t&e el/s diso!/ort is visi%le. Anyone enountering a sylvan el/ outside &is
&o!e su//ers a R7 reation roll penalty' as t&e el/ is uneasy around strangers.
"lven A%ilities A &arater wit& le/tover &arater points !ay selet additional raial
a%ilities a/ter taking one o/ t&e standard su%rae pakages. Or' i/ t&e player wis&es to
reate &is own usto!i-ed elven &arater' &e an pik and &oose /ro! t&e list o/ elven
a%ilities listed %elow. A%ilities ost 9 to 79 &arater pointsI re/er to t&e desriptions
Ai% bonus F17G: M7 to t&e Ai! su%a%ility sore. +&is negates t&e reFuire!ent t&at
De1terity su%a%ilities !ust %e wit&in : points o/ ea& ot&er. +&ey an %e wit&in 9.
5alance bonus F17G: M7 to t&e &araters Balane su%a%ility sore. +&is negates t&e
reFuire!ent t&at De1terity su%a%ilities !ust %e wit&in : points o/ ea& ot&er. +&ey
an %e wit&in 9.
5ow bonus F'G: M7 on attaks wit& long or s&ort %ows.
Cold resistance F'G: M7 %onus on saving t&rows vs. oldH and ieH%ased attaks' as t&e
el/s %ody is less susepti%le to e1tre!e te!peratures.
Co%panion F17G: +&e el/ gains t&e o!panions&ip o/ a oos&ee or an elven at. See t&e
Ani!al 4aster kit /or !ore spei/is on o!panion ani!als.
Confer water breathing F17G: One a day' t&e el/ an on/er t&e a%ility to %reat&e water
upon anot&er individual or reature. +&is a%ility lasts one &our /or every level o/ t&e
el/ on/erring t&e a%ility. 3or e1a!ple' a @t& level aFuati el/ t&ie/ ould on/er water
%reat&ing on anot&er /or si1 &ours.
Dagger bonus F'G: M7 attak roll %onus wit& daggers.
8eat resistance F'G: M7 %onus on saving t&rows vs. &eatH and /ireH%ased attaks' as t&e
el/s %ody is less susepti%le to e1tre!e te!peratures.
0nfravision F17G: @6X in/ravision range.
9avelin bonus F'G: M7 attak roll %onus w&en using a *avelin.
>ess sleep F'G: +&e el/ reFuires only /our &ours wort& o/ sleep to %e rested. +&is is
espeially valua%le to spellasters.
-agic identification F17G: A 9S &ane per e1periene level o/ identi/ying t&e general
purpose and /untion o/ any !agial ite!' re/leting t&eir interest in t&e arane. +&is
is as per t&e %ard a%ilityDsee +&e Players )and%ook /or !ore in/or!ation.
#eason bonus F17G: M7 to t&e $eason su%a%ility' due to gray elves devotion to
developing t&eir intellets.
#esistance F17G: >6 perent resistant to sleep and &ar!Hrelated spells.
!ecret doors F'G: %eause o/ t&eir aute senses' elves are Fuik to spot onealed doors
and &idden entraneways. 4erely passing wit&in 76X o/ a onealed door allows an el/
a oneHinHsi1 &ane Ba 7 on 7d@C to notie it. 0/ atively sear&ing' an el/s &anes
i!prove to a twoHinHsi1 &ane B7 or 5 on 7d@C to /ind seret doors' and a t&reeHinHsi1
B7' 5' or 8 on 7d@C to notie a onealed door.
!pea6 with plants F17G: One a day' t&e el/ an use t&e speak with plants a%ility' as a
priest o/ t&e sa!e level.
!pear bonus F'G: M7 attak roll %onus w&en using a spear.
!pell Abilities F1'G: One a day t&e el/ an ast $aerie $ire# dancing lights# and darkness
as a priest or wi-ard o/ t&e sa!e level. (&en t&e &arater rea&es :t& level' &e an
add' le3itate# detect magic# and know alignment%
!tealth F17G: (&en t&e el/ is alone and is not wearing !etal ar!or' &e gains a %onus to
surprise opponents. +&e opponent su//ers a R: penalty' a R5 i/ t&e el/ &as to open a
!word bonus F'G: M7 on attak rolls using a s&ort sword or a long sword.
Trident bonus F'G: M7 on attak rolls w&en using a trident.
.no!es Distantly related to dwarves' gno!es are s!allerDaveraging 8R87W5X tall and
weig&ing a%out ;6 pounds. .no!es &ave deep tan or %rown skin and w&ite &air. +&e
!ost distinguis&ing /eature are t&eir noses' in w&i& t&ey take great pride. 3or so!e
reason' all gno!es &ave very large nosesDo!pared to t&e rest o/ t&eir /aial /eatures.
+&e average li/e span /or a gno!e is 896 years. .no!es tend to live in &illy
!eadows and roky woodlands. +&eir s!all si-e !akes t&e! wary o/ larger raes' t&oug&
gno!es are not &ostile unless t&e larger /olk are evil.
.no!es are !u& less dour t&an t&eir dwarven relatives' wit& sly and lively
senses o/ &u!or. 4any peopleD!ostly gno!esDsay t&at gno!es &ave elevated
pratial *okes to an art /or!. .no!es also love living t&ings and /inely wroug&t ite!s o/
all types. But !ost espeially t&ey love ge!s and *ewelry and are onsidered %y !any to
%e t&e %est ge! utters and *ewelers in e1istene.
.no!es &ave so!e di//iulty using en&anted ite!s. All !agial ite!s used %y a
gno!eDt&at are not speially suited to &is lassD&ave a 56S &ane Bon 7d766 rollC to
!al/untion. A &ek /or !al/untion is !ade every ti!e t&e &arater atte!pts to use t&e
ite!' and a !al/untion a//ets only t&e urrent atte!pt. 0/ t&e &ek is passed' t&e ite!
per/or!s until it is turned o//' put away' or its duration e1pires. 4al/untion &eks apply
to !agial wands' rods' staves' rings' a!ulets' potions' &orns' *ewels' and all ot&er ite!s
e1ept weapons' s&ields' ar!or' gauntlets' illusionist trappings' girdles' andDi/ t&e
gno!e is a t&ie/Dite!s t&at !i!i t&ieving a%ilities. 4al/untion &eks do not apply to
gno!e priests using lerial !agial ite!s.
Also like dwarves' i/ a gno!e possesses a cursed ite! t&at !al/untions' &e will
reogni-e t&e nature o/ t&e ite! and an sa/ely dispose o/ it.
+&e standard gno!is& su%raes are deep' rok' and /orest gno!es. .no!e
&araters an &oose /ro! t&e /ollowing lasses: /ig&ter' t&ie/' leri' or illusionist.
.no!es also an %e !ultiHlassed' !i1ing any twoD%ut not !oreDo/ t&e a%ove lasses.
Plaers who choose gno%es for their characters have &' character points to
spend on racial abilities; +&ese points an %e spent to usto!i-e a gno!e /ro! t&e
general skill list %elow' or t&ey an %e used to pur&ase a su%raes skill pakage. Only 9
points an %e retained /or use later in t&e &arater reation proess.
Deep .no!es
Character point cost: &'
4ost sur/ae dwellers onsider deep gno!es' or svir/ne%lin as t&ey all t&e!selves' to %e
t&e gno!is& eFuivalents o/ gray dwarves and dark elvesDevil ounterparts o/ t&eir
a%oveHground ousins. +&is is untrue. Deep gno!es are no !ore or less evil t&an t&eir
sur/aeHdwelling ousins' and t&eir notorious reputation is a result o/ ignorane and
!istaken assoiation.
Deep gno!es tend to %e s!aller t&an ot&er gno!es' %ut t&eir wiry /ra!es are *ust
as strong. +&ey also pre/er to wear ool tones t&at re/let t&eir stony underground
&a%itats. 4ost !ales are %ald' w&ile /e!ales tend to &ave stringy gray &air.
+&e !a*ority o/ deep gno!es are neutral wit& good tendenies' %ut player
&araters an %e o/ any align!ent.
>anguages: Deep gno!es %egin wit& t&e /ollowing languages: svir/ne%lin'
gno!e' o!!on' undero!!on' dark el/' kuoHtoa' and t&e %i-arre language o/ eart&
Deep ?no%esE !pecial Abilities
Dart %onus 4ining detetion a%ilities
3ree-e Saving t&row %onus
0n/ravision' 756X Stealt&
4elee o!%at %onusT
T Svir/ne%lin only gain de/ensive ad*ust!entsI t&ey &ave no attak roll %onuses versus
partiular ene!ies.
Deep ?no%e #acial Penalties
Due to t&eir un/ortunate reputation' deep gno!es su//er a R5 reation roll penalty
w&en initially enountering individuals o/ ot&er raes.
3orest .no!es
Character point cost: &'
3orest gno!es are less o!!on t&an rok gno!es. +&ey /ill an i!portant ni&e in t&e
eology o/ t&e woodlands' aring /or s!all plants and ani!als t&at ot&er raes so!eti!es
overlook. <nlike ot&er gno!es' /orest gno!es pre/er to !ake t&eir &o!es a%ove ground
in s!all log a%ins or in large' &ollow trees.
+&e s!allest o/ gno!es' t&ey average only 57W5X in &eig&t. +&ey s&are t&e
p&ysiFue o/ rok gno!esDt&oug& t&eir noses are not Fuite as large. 3orest gno!es wear
t&eir &air and %eards long' and t&e olor runs /ro! %rown to %lak in t&eir yout&' /ading
to gray or w&ite wit& age. +&eir skin tends toward a greenis& ast to tan' rat&er like so!e
tree %arks' and t&eir eyes are %lue or %rown.
Alt&oug& !ost /orest gno!es are neutral good' player &araters an lai! any
>anguages: 3orest gno!es speak t&eir own dialet' gno!e' treant' dryad'
%rownie' satyr' and pi1ie.
Forest ?no%esE !pecial Abilities
Ani!al /riends&ip 4elee o!%at %onusesT
3orest !ove!ent Saving t&row %onus
T 3orest gno!es !ay apply t&eir de/ensive ad*ust!ent w&en /ig&ting any !anHsi-ed or
larger reaturesI t&eir raial ene!ies are ors' li-ard !en' troglodytes' or any reature
w&i& t&ey &ave diretly o%served da!aging woodlands.
Forest ?no%e #acial Penalties
3orest gno!es annot &ave in/ravision.
$ok .no!es
Character point cost: &7
$ok gno!es are t&e !ost o!!on gno!es' and t&ey an %e enountered in a variety o/
li!ates and environ!ents. +&e !ost notiea%le /eature o/ t&e rok gno!e is &is nose.
All gno!es &ave large noses' %ut rok gno!es sport t&e %iggest noses o/ all. $ok
gno!es love ge!s' espeially dia!onds %igger t&an t&eir noses.
$ok gno!es stand a%out 87W5X tall and weig& a%out ;6 pounds. "ye olor is
predo!inately %lue' alt&oug& green or %rown are seen oasionally. +&eir &air is usually
w&ite or pale gray.
$ok gno!es are typially neutral good' %ut player &araters an &oose any
>anguages: $ok gno!e player &araters start wit&: o!!on' dwar/' gno!e'
&al/ling' go%lin' ko%old' and t&e si!ple languages o/ %urrowing !a!!alsD!oles'
%adgers' et.
#oc6 ?no%esE !pecial Abilities
0n/ravision' @6X 4ining detetion a%ilities
4elee o!%at %onuses Saving t&row %onus
#oc6 ?no%e #acial Penalties
.no!e A%ilities A &arater wit& le/tover &arater points !ay selet additional raial
a%ilities a/ter taking one o/ t&e standard su%rae pakages. Or' i/ t&e player wis&es to
reate &is own usto!i-ed gno!e &arater' &e an pik and &oose /ro! t&e list o/
gno!e a%ilities listed %elow. A%ilities ost eit&er 9 or 76 &arater pointsI re/er to t&e
desriptions %elow.
Ani%al friendship F17G: One a day a gno!e gains an animal $riendship spell a%ility' as
t&e priest spell' wit& respet to %urrowing ani!als.
-elee Co%bat bonus F17G: M7 %onus on t&eir attak rolls vs. ko%olds and go%linsDt&e
gno!es traditional rivals /or spae and resoures. Also' gnolls' %ug%ears' ogres'
&al/Hogres' ogre !agi' trolls' giants' and titans su//er a R: penalty on t&eir attak rolls
vs. gno!es.
Dagger bonus F'G: M7 to attak rolls wit& daggers.
Dart bonus F'G: M7 to attak rolls wit& darts' t&eir pre/erred !issile weapon.
Defensive bonus F'G: M7 to Ar!or Class w&en in t&eir native underground environ!ent.
2ngineering bonus F'G: 0/ t&e gno!e &as t&e engineering pro/iieny' &e gains a M5
%onus to t&e pro/iieny sore.
Forest %ove%ent F17G: +&e a%ility to pass without trace t&roug& t&eir native woodland
as t&e druidi a%ility.
FreeHe F17G: t&e a%ility to U/ree-eV in plae in t&eir underground environ!ent. +&is gives
t&e! a @6S &ane not to %e notied %y passers%y.
8ide F17G: t&e a%ility to hide in woods wit& a &ane eFual to a t&ie/ o/ t&e sa!e levels
hide in shadows a%ility.
0nfravision F17G: @6X in/ravision range.
-ining Detection Abilities F17G: A &arater wit& t&is skill is /a!iliar wit& !ining'
tunneling and stonework. By onentrating /or one round t&e &arater an:
Deter!ine t&e appro1i!ate dept& underground' 7R: on 7d@.
Deter!ine appro1i!ate diretion underground' 7R8 on 7d@.
Detet any grade or slope in t&e passage t&ey are passing t&roug&' 7R9 on
Detet unsa/e walls' eilings' or /loors' 7R; on 7d76.
!hort sword bonus F'G: M7 to attak rolls wit& s&ort swords.
!aving Throw 5onus F'G: like dwarves' gno!es are resistant to !ost !agi. +&is grants
t&e! a %onus to all saving t&rows vs. !agial wands' staves' rods' and spells. +&is
%onus is deter!ined %y t&e &araters )ealt& su%Ha%ility sore. 3or every 8 7P5
points o/ ConstitutionP)ealt&' t&e gno!e reeives a M7 %onus. +&ese %onuses are
su!!ari-ed on t&e &art %elow.
!core 5onus
:R@ M7
;R76 M5
77R78 M8
7:R7; M:
7JR56 M9
Potion identification F'G: A gno!e wit& t&is a%ility &as a perentage &ane eFual to &is
(isdo! sore o/ identi/ying a potion %y appearane and sent.
#eason bonus F17G: I7 %onus to t&e $eason su%a%ility.
!ling bonus F'G: M7 %onus Uto &itV w&en using a sling.
!tealth F17G: 0/ t&e gno!e is not in !etal ar!or' a R: penalty is applied to opponents
surprise rolls i/ t&e gno!e is at least >6 /eet a&ead o/ a party o/ &araters wit&out
t&is a%ility' or ao!panied only %y &araters wit& eFuivalent stealt& skills. +&e
gno!e is also di//iult to surprise &i!sel/ and reeives a M5 %onus to &is own surprise
)al/ling 4ost &al/lings are a%out 8X tall and weig& @6 to ;6 pounds. +&ey are generally
plu!p' wit& round' %road' and o/ten /lorid /aes. +&ey &ave urly &air atop t&eir &eads
and on t&e tops o/ t&eir typially %are /eet. +&e average li/e e1petany o/ a &al/ling is
796 years.
)al/lings are a sturdy and industrious people' generally Fuiet and peae/ul. +&ey
en*oy all t&e reature o!/orts' and w&ile not overly a!%itious' t&ey are /riendly and
open. +&eir &o!es are wellH/urnis&ed %urrows' and !ost o/ t&eir work is done out in t&e
suns&ine. )al/lings get along wit& t&e ot&ers raes' inluding &u!ans' and t&ey an %e
/ound in pratially any ivili-ation.
+&e standard &al/ling su%raes are: &air/oot' stout' and tall/ellow. )al/ling
&araters an %e o/ t&e /ollowing lasses: leri' /ig&ter' or t&ie/. +&e raes !ultiHlass
options are li!ited to /ig&terPt&ie/.
Plaers who choose halflings for their characters have "' character points to
spend on racial abilities; +&ese points an %e spent to usto!i-e a &al/ling /ro! t&e
general skill list %elow' or t&ey an %e used to pur&ase a su%raes skill pakage. Only 9
points an %e retained /or use later in t&e &arater reation proess.
)air/oot )al/lings
Character point cost: "7
+&e !ost o!!on &al/ling' &air/oots pre/er rural settings. +&ey are a pratial people'
and t&ere are !any %akers' !illers' /ar!ers' and innkeepers in t&eir soiety. Averaging 8X
tall' &air/oots are stokier t&an t&eir ousins. +&eir o!ple1ions run /ro! pale pea& to
ruddy to dark %rown' and t&eir eyes are usually %lak or dark %rown. +&eir &air an %e
%lond' %rown' red' %lak' and s&ades in %etweenDt&oug& wit& /ew e1eptions it is
always urly. )air/oots are distinguis&ed /ro! ot&er &al/lings %y t&eir lak o/ /aial &air.
4ost &air/oots are law/ul good' t&oug& player &araters an %e o/ any align!ent.
>anguages: )air/oots an %egin wit& any /our &al/ling' &u!an' or el/ dialets.
8airfootsE !pecial Abilities
Attak %onus Stealt&
Saving t&row %onuses
8airfoot #acial Penalties
Stout )al/lings
Character point cost: "'
Stouts are not as o!!on as &air/oots' and t&ey tend to %e stokier. As a result' t&ey also
tend to %e stronger. Stouts usually live apart /ro! &u!an soieties' &oosing instead to
live near dwarves. +&ere !ay %e so!e dwarven %lood so!ew&ere in t&e stouts anient
$uddy in o!ple1ion' stouts vividly %lus& w&en pleased or e!%arrassed. +&eir
&air tends to %e lig&t' and t&eir eyes usually are %lue' gray' or green. +&ey /avor pratial'
sturdy lot&es' su& as wellHured leat&er. +&ey are t&e !ost industrious o/ all &al/lings'
and are even o!/orta%le around %odies o/ water and %oats.
4ost stouts are law/ul good' t&oug& players an &oose any align!ent /or t&eir
>anguages: Stouts an %egin wit& any si1 &al/ling' &u!an' or dwarven dialets.
!tout #acial Abilities
Attak %onus Saving t&row %onuses
0n/ravision' @6X Stealt&
4ining detetion a%ilities
!tout #acial Penalties
Stouts su//er a R7 penalty on reation rolls /ro! elves %eause o/ t&e &al/lings
/riends&ip wit& dwarves.
+all/ellow )al/lings
Character point cost: "'
+&ese &al/lings are t&e tallest and sli!!est o/ t&eir kind' averaging a little over :X tall.
+&eir /avorite loale is te!perate woodlands. As su&' t&ey o/ten live nearer to elves t&an
+&ey usually wear t&eir &air long' so!eti!es overed wit& s!all aps. And t&ey
tend to wear lot&es o/ greens and tans to &elp t&e! %lend into t&e woods. +all/ellows are
t&e %est arpenters' and t&ey o/ten live in spaious a%oveHground wooden &ouses. (&en
t&ey need to travel' tall/ellows pre/er riding s!all ponies to walking.
4ost tall/ellows are law/ul good' %ut player &araters an %e o/ any align!ent.
>anguages: +all/ellows %egin wit& t&e /ollowing languages: o!!on' &al/ling'
el/' gno!e' entaur and dryad.
Tallfellow #acial Abilities
Attak %onus Seret Doors
)ide Stealt&
Saving t&row %onuses
Tallfellow #acial Penalties
+all/ellows su//er a R5 reation roll penalty vs. dwarves' due to t&e &al/lings
/riends&ip wit& elves.
A &arater wit& le/tover &arater points !ay selet additional raial a%ilities a/ter
taking one o/ t&e standard su%rae pakages. Or' i/ t&e player wis&es to reate &is own
usto!i-ed &al/ling &arater' &e an pik and &oose /ro! t&e list o/ &al/ling a%ilities
listed %elow. A%ilities ost eit&er 9 or 76 &arater pointsI re/er to t&e desriptions %elow.
Ai% bonus F17G: M7 to t&e &al/lings Ai! su%a%ility sore.
Attac6 bonus F'G: M7 attak %onus wit& &urled weapons and slings.
5alance bonus F17G: M7 to t&e Balane su%a%ility. +&is allows t&e &arater to &ave up to
a di//erene o/ 9 in t&e De1terity su%a%ility sores.
Detect evil F'G: )al/lings are very pereptive. One a day a &al/ling wit& t&is a%ility an
detet evil in reatures or individuals. +&is a%ility does not /untion on ite!s or
Detect secret doors F'G: +&e &al/ling an detet seret and onealed doors' as an el/
8ide F17G: t&e a%ility to hide in woods wit& a &ane eFual to a t&ie/ o/ t&e sa!e levels
hide in shadows a%ility.
8ealth bonus F17G: M7 to t&e &al/lings )ealt& su%a%ility sore.
0nfravision F'G: 0n/ravision wit& a 86X range' w&i& indiates so!e stout %lood in t&e
&araters lineage.
-ining Detection Abilities F'G: A &arater wit& t&is skill is /a!iliar wit& !ining'
tunneling and stonework. By onentrating /or one round t&e &arater an:
Deter!ine appro1i!ate diretion underground' 7R8 on 7d@.
Detet any grade or slope in t&e passage t&ey are passing t&roug&' 7R8 on
#eaction bonus F'G: M7 to reation rolls due to ot&er raes aeptane o/ &al/lings.
!aving Throw 5onuses F17G: )al/lings &ave a &ig& resistane to !agial spells and
poison. +&is natural %lok grants &al/ling &araters a %onus to all saving t&rows vs.
!agial wands' staves' rods' and spells' and applies vs. any poisonous or to1i
su%stanes. +&is %onus is deter!ined %y t&e &araters ConstitutionP)ealt& sore.
3or every 8 7P5 points o/ )ealt&' t&e &arater reeives a M7 %onus. +&ese %onuses are
su!!ari-ed %elow. )al/lingsDunlike dwarves and gno!esDare not &indered w&en
using !agial ite!s.
Sore Bonus
:R@ M7
;R76 M5
77R78 M8
7:R7; M:
7JR56 M9
!tealth F17G: ,ike elves' &al/lings gain a %onus to surprise opponents' %ut only i/ t&e
&al/ling is not wearing !etal ar!or. +&e &al/ling an !ove so Fuietly t&at opponents
su//er a R: penalty to t&eir surprise rolls. 0/ t&e &al/ling !ust open a door or !ove
aside so!e ot&er o%strution' t&is penalty is redued to R5.
Taunt F'G: One a day t&e &al/ling an taunt so!eone' as per t&e 7st level wi-ard spell.
)al/H"lves )al/Helves are t&e o//spring o/ &u!an and el/ parents. +&ey average 9 7P5X
tall and weig& a%out 796 pounds. +&ey possess ele!ents o/ %ot& parents &eritages' and
an %e t&e /ollowing lasses: leri' druid' /ig&ter' ranger' !age' speialist wi-ard' t&ie/'
or %ard. 4ultiHlass o!%inations are: leri Bor druidCP/ig&ter' leri Bor
druidCP/ig&terP!age' leriPranger' leri Bor druidCP!age' /ig&terP!age' /ig&terPt&ie/'
/ig&terP!agePt&ie/' and !agePt&ie/.
)al/Helves an %e any align!ent.
)al/Helves o!prise a single su%rae Bsee %elowC.
Plaers who choose halfCelves for their characters have 2' character points to
spend on racial abilities; +&ese points an %e spent to usto!i-e a &al/Hel/ /ro! t&e
general skill list %elow' or t&ey an %e used to pur&ase t&e su%raes skill pakage. Only
9 points an %e retained /or use later in t&e &arater reation proess.
8alfC2lf !tandard #acial Abilities F27G
0n/ravision' @6X $esistane
,anguagesT Seret Doors
T Co!!on' el/' gno!e' &al/ling' go%lin' &o%go%lin' or' and gnoll
0/ t&e player wis&es to reate &is own usto!i-ed &al/Hel/ &arater' &e an pik and
&oose /ro! t&e list o/ &al/Hel/ a%ilities listed %elow. A%ilities ost eit&er 9 or 76 &arater
pointsI re/er to t&e desriptions %elow.
5ow bonus F'G: M7 to attak rolls wit& any %ows ot&er t&an ross%ows.
Cold resistance F'G: M7 %onus on saving t&rows vs. oldH and ieH%ased attaks' as t&e
el/s %ody is less susepti%le to e1tre!e te!peratures.
Detect secret doors F'G: %eause o/ t&eir aute senses' &al/Helves are Fuik to spot
onealed doors and &idden entraneways. 4erely passing wit&in 76X o/ a onealed
door allows an el/ a oneHinHsi1 &ane Ba 7 on 7d@C to notie it. 0/ atively sear&ing'
an el/s &anes i!prove to a twoHinHsi1 &ane B7 or 5 on 7d@C to /ind seret doors'
and a t&reeHinHsi1 B7' 5' or 8 on 7d@C to notie a onealed door.
8ealth bonus F17G: M7 %onus to t&e &araters )ealt& su%a%ility soreI t&e sore an %e
up to 9 points &ig&er t&an t&e &araters 3itness sore.
8eat resistance F'G: M7 %onus on saving t&rows vs. &eatH and /ireH%ased attaks' as t&e
el/s %ody is less susepti%le to e1tre!e te!peratures.
0nfravision F17G: 0n/ravision wit& a range o/ @6X.
>ess sleep F'G: +&e &al/Hel/ reFuires only /our &ours wort& o/ sleep to %e rested. +&is is
espeially valua%le to spellasters.
#esistance F'G: 86S resistane to sleep and &ar! spells.
!tealth F17G: (&en t&e &al/Hel/ is alone and is not wearing !etal ar!or' &e gains a %onus
to surprise opponents. +&e opponent su//ers a R: penalty' a R5 i/ &e &as to open a
!word bonus F'G: M7 to attaks wit& long swords or s&ort swords.
)al/HOr Anot&er e1a!ple o/ a &y%rid' &al/Hors are produts o/ &u!an and or
parents. O/ a &eig&t si!ilar to &al/Helves' &al/Hors usually rese!%le t&eir &u!an parent
enoug& to pass /or a &u!an in pu%li. +&eir skin ranges /ro! pea& to olive to deep tan'
and t&eir &air an %e %lond' red' %rown' %lak' gray' and s&ades in %etween. )al/Hors an
%e !e!%ers o/ t&e /ollowing lasses: /ig&ter' leri' or t&ie/. +&ey an %e !ultiHlassed in
any two lasses' %ut not t&ree. )al/Hors an %e o/ any align!ent.
Plaers who choose halfCorcs for their characters have 1' character points to
spend on racial abilities; +&ese points an %e spent to usto!i-e a &al/Hor /ro! t&e
general skill list %elow' or t&ey an %e used to pur&ase t&e su%raes skill pakage. Only
9 points an %e retained /or use later in t&e &arater reation proess.
8alfC:rc !tandard
#acial Abilities F17G
0n/ravision' @6X
T Co!!on' or' dwar/' go%lin' &o%go%lin' and ogre.
8alfCorc Penalties
0n &u!an soieties' &al/Hors su//er a R5 reation roll penalty.
0/ t&e player wis&es to reate &is own usto!i-ed &al/Hor &arater' &e an pik and
&oose /ro! t&e list o/ or a%ilities listed %elow. A%ilities ost eit&er 9 or 76 &arater
pointsI re/er to t&e desriptions %elow.
Active sense of s%ell F'G: +&e &araters sense o/ s!ell is sensitive enoug& to give a M7
%onus to surprise rolls.
Acute taste F'G: +&e &araters sense o/ taste is so sensitive &e gains a M5 %onus to
saving t&rows vs. i!%i%ed poisons.
Attac6 bonus F'G: M7 attak %onus wit& one weapon o/ t&e players &oie.
Da%age bonus F'G: M7 da!age %onus wit& one weapon o/ t&e players &oie.
Fitness bonus F17G: M7 %onus to t&e &araters 3itness su%a%ility sore' due to &is &ardy
&eritage. +&e &araters 3itness sore !ay %e up to 9 points &ig&er t&an &is )ealt&
su%a%ility sore.
0nfravision F17G: 0n/ravision wit& a @6X range.
-ining Detection Abilities F'G: A &arater wit& t&is skill is /a!iliar wit& !ining'
tunneling and stonework. By onentrating /or one round t&e &arater an:
Detet any grade or slope in t&e passage t&ey are passing t&roug&' 7 on
Detet new onstrution in stonework.' 7R5 on 7d@.
!ta%ina bonus F17G: M.7 %onus to t&e &araters Sta!ina su%a%ility sore. +&e
&araters Sta!ina sore !ay %e up to 9 points &ig&er t&an &is 4usle su%a%ility
)al/HOgre +&is &y%rid o!es /ro! ogre and &u!an parents. +&ey average ;RJX tall'
&ave ruddy o!ple1ions' dark &air' and dark eyes. +&ey look like &uge &u!ans.
)al/Hogres an %e /ig&ters or leris' and t&ey annot %e !ultiHlassed. )al/Hogres an %e
any align!ent.
Plaers who choose halfCogres for their characters have 1' character points
to spend on racial abilities; +&ese points an %e spent to usto!i-e a &al/Hogre /ro! t&e
general skill list %elow' or t&ey an %e used to pur&ase t&e su%raes skill pakage. Only
9 points an %e retained /or use later in t&e &arater reation proess.
8alfC:gre !tandard #acial Abilities F17G
+oug& )ide
T Co!!on' ogre' or' troll' stone giant' and gnoll.
8alfCogre Penalties
)al/Hogres Fuali/y as ,arge reatures and su//er !ore da!age /ro! !any
weapons. Also' ertain s!aller raes en*oy o!%at %onuses against &al/Hogres.
0/ t&e player wis&es to reate &is own usto!i-ed &al/Hogre &arater' &e an pik and
&oose /ro! t&e list o/ &al/Hogre a%ilities listed %elow. A%ilities ost eit&er 9 or 76
&arater pointsI re/er to t&e desriptions %elow.
Attac6 bonus F'G: M7 attak %onus wit& one !elee weapon.
Da%age bonus F'G: M7 to da!age rolls wit& one !elee weapon
Fitness bonus F17G: M7 %onus to t&e &araters 3itness su%a%ility sore' due to &is &ardy
&eritage. +&e &araters 3itness sore !ay %e up to 9 points &ig&er t&an &is )ealt&
su%a%ility sore.
8it point bonus F17G: One additional &it point w&enever new &it points B/or advaning to
a new levelC are rolled.
0nfravision F'G: 0n/ravision wit& a 86X range.
-uscle bonus F17G: M7 %onus to t&e &araters 4usle su%a%ility sore' due to &is great
si-e. +&e &araters 4usle sore !ay %e up to 9 points &ig&er t&an &is Sta!ina
su%a%ility sore.
Poison resistance F'G: M7 to saving t&rows versus poison.
Tough hide F'G: )al/Hogres &ave a natural Ar!or Class o/ J. 0/ t&e &arater wears ar!or
t&at would i!prove &is AC to %etter t&an J' t&is a%ility &as no e//et. 0/ t&e &arater
wears ar!or t&at gives &i! an AC o/ J or worse' &e !ay add a M7 %onus to &is Ar!or
)u!ans )u!ans an advane wit&out li!it in all &arater lasses. +&is is a standard
&u!an a%ility and osts no &arater points. 8u%ans receive 17 character points; +&ese
an %e spent on various weapon or nonweapon pro/iienies or saved /or use during t&e
ga!e. 0n addition' &u!ans an spend t&e points to &oose /ro! t&e /ollowing a%ilities.
Attac6 bonus F'G: M7 to attak wit& any weapon o/ t&e &u!ans &oie.
5alance bonus F17G: M7 %onus to t&e &araters Balane su%a%ility sore. +&e
&araters Balane sore !ay %e up to 9 points &ig&er t&an &is Ai! su%a%ility sore.
2/perience bonus F17G: M9S e1periene point %onus. +&is is u!ulative i/ t&e &u!an
!eets t&e lass reFuire!ents to gain a 76S e1periene point %onus.
8ealth bonus F17G: M7 %onus to t&e &araters )ealt& su%a%ility sore. +&e &araters
)ealt& sore !ay %e up to 9 points &ig&er t&an &is 3itness su%a%ility sore.
8it point bonus F17G: One additional &it point w&enever new &it points B/or advaning to
a new levelC are rolled.
!ecret doors F17G: A &u!an wit& a trae o/ elven %lood !ay &ave t&e a%ility to spot
onealed doors and &idden entraneways. 4erely passing wit&in 76X o/ a onealed
door allows t&e &arater a oneHinHsi1 &ane Ba 7 on 7d@C to notie it. 0/ atively
sear&ing' t&e &araters &anes i!prove to a twoHinHsi1 &ane B7 or 5 on 7d@C to
/ind seret doors' and a t&reeHinHsi1 B7' 5' or 8 on 7d@C to notie a onealed door.
Tough hide F17G: A /ew rare &u!an &araters &ave a natural Ar!or Class o/ J. 0/ t&e
&arater wears ar!or t&at would i!prove &is AC to %etter t&an J' t&is a%ility &as no
e//et. 0/ t&e &arater wears ar!or t&at gives &i! an AC o/ J or worse' &e !ay add a
M7 %onus to &is Ar!or Class.
Ot&er $aes At t&e D4s option' players !ay &oose al!ost any !anner o/ %eing as a
player &arater. 3or e1a!ple' t&e Dark SunA a!paign allows players to run &al/Hgiant
&araters' dwar/P&u!an ross%reeds' or /eral &al/lingsDall wit& a%ility sores ranging
/ro! 9 to 56 instead o/ 8 to 7J. 0/ a player &as a spei/i &arater rae /ro! an unusual
a!paign world t&at &e wis&es to use' D4s an si!ply skip t&e seletion o/ $aial
A%ilities and take t&e &arater rae wit& all its %ene/its and &indranes e1atly as it
appears. .enerally' players !ay not usto!i-e t&ese unusual raes' and t&ey reeive -ero
&arater points /or seleting a nonHstandard rae.
3or t&e D4s onveniene' a s&ort list o/ o!!on &u!anoid and !onstrous
&arater raes is provided on page :5' wit& standard a%ilities and &indranes. +&ese
reatures appear in The Complete 4ook o$ Humanoids and The *onstrous *anual5# and
!ore detailed desriptions o/ t&eir li/estyles and soieties an %e /ound in t&ose %ooks. A
player an &oose one o/ t&ese raes /or &is &arater i/ t&e D4 agrees' %ut t&e &arater
gains no additional &arater points in t&is step.
+&e raes desri%ed &ere inlude: aarakora' alag&i' %ug%ear' %ullywug' entaur'
/lind' gi//' git&-erai' gnoll' go%lin' &o%go%lin' ko%old' li-ard !an' !inotaur' !ongrel!an'
ogre' or' satyr' swan!ay' t&riHkreen' and we!i.
A%ility Sore $eFuire!ents
#ust like de!i&u!ans' &araters !ust Fuali/y /or t&ese optional raes %y !eeting
ertain a%ility sore riteria. +&e a%ility sore ad*ust!ents noted are applied a/ter a
&arater &as !et t&e reFuired sores. So!e o/ t&ese ad*ust!ents an elevate a &u!anoid
or !onstrous &arater to a%ility sores o/ 7> or 56' or redue a &arateristi to 5.
#ace !tr De/ Con 0nt ,is Cha
Aarakora :P7; ;P7; @P7; 8P7J 8P7; 8P7J
Alag&i 76P7; 8P7; 75P7J 9P7J 8P7@ 8P7@
Bug%ear ;P7; JP7; JP7J :P7; 8P7J :P79
Bullywug @P7J :P7J @P7J :P79 8P7@ :P79
Centaur 77P7J 9P7J 76P7; 8P7@ 8P7; 8P7J
3lind ;P7; @P7J @P7J 8P7@ 8P7@ :P7;
.i// 7:P7J 8P79 76P7J 8P79 8P7@ 8P7;
.it&-erai 8P7J 8P7J 8P7J 8P7J 8P7J 8P7J
.noll 9P7; 9P7J 9P7J :P79 8P7@ :P79
.o%lin 9P7@ :P7; 9P7@ 8P7J 8P7J :P78
)o%go%lin @P7J @P7J 9P7J 8P7J 8P7J :P79
2o%old :P7; :P7J 9P7@ 8P7; 8P7J 8P7:
,i-ard !an JP7J 8P7J @P7J 8P7; 8P7J 8P7@
4inotaur 76P7J 9P7: 76P7J 9P7: 9P7J 9P7J
4ongrel!an @P7; @P7J JP7J :P7J 8P7J 8P>
Ogre 7:P7J 8PJ 75P7J :P76 8P> :P76
Or 9P7; 8P7; JP7J 8P7@ 8P7@ 9P7:
Satyr @P7J JP7J @P7; :P7J 8P7J 8P7;
Swan!ay 78P7J 75P7; 7:P7J >P7J 78P7; >P7J
+&riHkreen JP7J 75P7J 9P7J 9P7J 9P7J 8P79
(e!i 76P7; ;P7J 77P7J 8P7J 8P7J 8P7J
$aial A%ility Sore Ad*ust!ents
A/ter seleting a rae' !odi/y t&e &araters a%ility sores as s&own %elow.
#ace Ad=ust%ents
Aarakora M7 De1terity'H7 Strengt&' R7 Constitution
Alag&i M5 Strengt&' R5 0ntelligene
Bug%ear M7 Strengt&'H7 0ntelligene' R7 C&aris!a
Bullywug M7 De1terity'H7 0ntelligene' R7 C&aris!a
Centaur M7 Constitution' M7 (isdo!' R5 De1terity
3lind M7 Strengt&' R7 C&aris!a
.i// M5 Strengt&' R7 De1terity' R7 0ntelligene
.it&-erai None
.noll M7 Strengt&' R7 0ntelligene' R7 C&aris!a
.o%lin R7 Strengt&' R7 C&aris!a
)o%go%lin R7 C&aris!a
2o%old R7 Strengt&' R7 Constitution
,i-ard !an None
4inotaur M5 Strengt&' M5 Constitution' R5 (isdo!' R5 C&aris!a
4ongrel!an R7 0ntelligene' R7 C&aris!a' M7 one ot&er sore
Ogre M5 Strengt&' M5 Constitution' R5 0ntelligene' R5 C&aris!a
Or M7 Strengt&' R5 C&aris!a
Satyr M7 De1terity' M7 Constitution' R7 0ntelligene' R7 C&aris!a
Swan!ay M7 De1terity' M7 (isdo!
+&riHkreen M7 De1terity' M7 (isdo!' R7 0ntelligene' R7 C&aris!a
(e!i M7 Strengt&' R7 De1terity
8u%anoid and -onstrous Character
>evel >i%its b Class
#ace Fighter #anger Priest ,iHard Thief 5ard
Aarakora 77 R ; R 77 R
Alag&i 75 R Druid 75 R R R
Bug%ear 75 R Cleri J R > R
Bullywug 76 R ; R > R
Centaur 75 76 Druid 7: 75 R 75
3lind 75 R Cleri > R 77 R
.i// 77 R Cleri J R > R
.it&-erai > R R 75 79 R
.noll 77 R Cleri > R 77 R
.o%lin 76 R Cleri > R 75 R
)o%go%lin 77 R Cleri > R 75 R
2o%old J R Cleri > R 75 R
,i-ard !an 75 R ; R > R
4inotaur 75 J ; J 76 R
4ongrel!an 76 R Cleri 76 76 J J
Ogre 75 R 8 R R R
Or 76 R Cleri > R 77 R
Satyr 77 ; R R 77 R
Swan!ay R 7: Druid 75 R R R
+&riHkreen 7@ 75 75 R R R
(e!i 75 R ; R R 76
A%ilities and $estritions
a; Charge Attac6: +&e reature is apa%le o/ !aking a &arge attak' gaining a
M5 %onus to attak and in/liting dou%le da!age wit& an i!paling weapon su& as a
spear' *avelin' or lane. Aarakora per/or! a diving attak' entaurs &arge like knig&ts'
and %ullywugs leap at t&eir ene!ies.
b; -ove !ilentl: +&e reature an !ove silently' as t&e t&ie/ a%ility' wit& a %ase
suess o/ :6S' M9S per level.
c; 8ide in natural settings: +&e reature an &ide in natural settings' *ust as a
t&ie/ an &ide in s&adows. +&e %ase suess &ane is 89S' plus 9S per level. 0/ a /lat
perentage sore appears ne1t to t&is a%ility' use t&is sore insteadI /or e1a!ple' a satyrs
a%ilities inlude B>6SC' w&i& !eans t&at a satyr &as t&is a%ility wit& a >6S suess
d; 0nfravision: +&e &arater possesses in/ravision Bt&e a%ility to see in t&e darkC
to a range o/ @6 /eet.
e; !urprise opponents: (&en alone or wit& a group o/ si!ilarly stealt&y
reatures' t&e &arater gains a %onus on &is &ane to surprise &is ene!ies. Bug%ears
in/lit a R8 penalty on opponents surprise &eks. A %ullywug using its &a!eleon power
in/lits a R5 penalty to opponents surprise &eks' or a R@ i/ t&e %ullywug attaks wit& a
leap /ro! a plae o/ oneal!ent.
f; A%phibious: +&e &arater is at &o!e in eit&er water or air environ!ents.
Co!%at penalties /or /ig&ting in water do not apply to t&e &arater' alt&oug& using +ype
S or B weapons underwater is still very di//iult. Bullywugs are true a!p&i%ians and an
%reat&e waterI li-ard !en are still airH%reat&ers' %ut t&ey an &old t&eir %reat& /or a
nu!%er o/ rounds eFual to 5W8 t&eir Constitution sore %e/ore &eking /or drowning.
g; >eap: +&e &araters power/ul leg !usles ena%le &i! to !ake astounding
leaps' %ounding up to 86 /eet /orward or 76 /eet into t&e air. ,eaping to lose wit& an
ene!y is onsidered a &arge attak' and t&e &arater su//ers dou%le da!age i/ &e lands
on a spear or si!ilar weapon set against a &arge. Bullywugs gain t&e speial a%ility to
in/lit dou%le da!age wit& a leap. Note t&at t&riHkreen an atually leap 96 /eet /orward
or 56 /eet in t&e air' %ut t&ey do not gain t&is a%ility until t&ey rea& 8rd level.
h; Detect new construction: +&e reature &as natural skills /or !ining' and an
spot new or unusual onstrution wit& t&e perentage sore noted. +&is is si!ilar to t&e
dwarven or gno!e a%ilities as desri%ed earlier in t&is &apter.
i; Detect sloping passages: +&e reature an note su%tle grades or slopes in
underground passageways and &a!%ers wit& t&e perentage sore noted.
=; Detect sliding or shifting walls: +&e reature an detet walls t&at !ove or
s&i/t wit& t&e perentage sore noted.
6; Attac6ed last: +&e &arater o!es /ro! a rae notorious /or its owardie and
ine//etiveness in o!%at. ConseFuently' ene!ies are likely to dis!iss t&e &arater as a
negligi%le t&reat and onentrate t&eir attaks on ot&er' !ore i!pressive' !e!%ers o/ t&e
&araters party unless t&e &arater displays so!e unusual prowess' power/ul !agi' or
l; 8ard to surprise: +&e !onstrous &araters keen senses !ake it very di//iult
to surprise &i!. +&e &arater reeives a M5 %onus to all surprise &eks.
%; Trac6ing: +&e &araters sense o/ s!ell is so aute t&at &e an trak' as per
t&e traking pro/iieny' wit& a 96S &ane o/ suess. Nor!al !odi/iers /or old or
on/used trails !ay apply.
n; !pell i%%unit: 4inotaurs &ave t&e uniFue power o/ i!!unity to ma6e spells'
due to t&eir /a!iliarity wit& la%yrint&s and ot&er su& plaes.
o; Fearlessness: 4inotaurs also en*oy a M8 saving t&row %onus versus /ear'
inluding $ear# scare# cause $ear# or emotion spells' dragon /ear' and si!ilar e//ets.
p; !ound %i%icr: 4ongrel!en &ave t&e a%ility to per/etly i!itate any sound
t&ey &ear. +&ey annot reate !agial e//ets su& as a &arpys song' a sp&in1s roar' or a
shout spell %y i!itating t&ese sounds' alt&oug& t&ey an dupliate t&e nonH!agial
aspets o/ t&ese sounds e1atly.
$; Pic6 poc6ets: 4ongrel!en also &ave t&e a%ility to pik pokets as t&e t&ie/
a%ility' wit& a suess &ane o/ ;6S plus 9S per level.
r; Create %agical pipes: Satyrs an reate pan pipes t&at an ast charm# sleep'
or cause $ear e//ets wit&in a @6 /oot radius. +o gain t&is a%ility' t&e satyr !ust invest :
&arater points in t&e !usiPinstru!ent trait w&en /irst reated' and t&en devote 5
&arater points to t&e 4usi pro/iieny at least t&ree ti!es. )e ant spend !ore t&an 5
&arater points per level on t&e pro/iieny' so t&e earliest &e an gain t&is a%ility is at
8rd level. +&e pipes t&e!selves are easily ra/ted and &ave no !agial propertiesI its t&e
satyrs uneart&ly skill t&at reates t&e !agial e//ets.
s; -agic resistance: +&e &arater is !agi resistant. .i// &ave a /lat 76S !agi
resistane' w&ile git&-erai &ave a !agi resistane o/ 9S per levelD/or e1a!ple' a
@t&Hlevel git&-erai &as a !agi resistane o/ 86S.
t; Antennae: A t&riHkreens antennae give it a sensitivity to !otion and serve to
lessen darknessH%ased o!%at penalties %y 7 point w&ile /ig&ting ene!ies wit&in 79 /eet.
u; ParalHing bite: At 9t& level' a t&riHkreen gains t&e a%ility to paraly-e its prey
wit& a %ite. +&e viti! !ust save versus poison or %e paraly-ed 5R7@ rounds B7RJ rounds
i/ larger t&an !anHsi-ed' or only 7 round i/ si-e ) or larger.C
v; Dodge %issiles: At ;t& level' a t&riHkreen gains t&e a%ility to dodge t&rown or
/ired !issiles wit& a roll o/ > or %etter on a d56.
w; #acial weapons: At 9t& level' a t&riHkreen auto!atially gains pro/iieny in
t&e &atk&a' a rystalline t&rowing wedge o!!only used %y t&e !antis warriors. At ;t&
level' t&e &arater gains pro/iieny in t&e gyt&ka' a t&riHkreen polear!. Consider t&ese
weapons to %e eFual to a *avelin and a %illHguisar!e respetively /or da!age' range
!odi/iers' et.D%ut note t&at t&e &atk&a returns to its t&rower i/ it !isses its target.
/; !wan for%: Swan!ays !ay polymorph t&e!selves into a swan /or! at will.
(&ile in swan /or!' t&ey an only %e struk %y M7 or %etter weapons' an /ly at t&e listed
rate' and &ave a !agi resistane o/ 5S per level. A swan!ays eFuip!ent and
%elongings re!ain %e&ind w&en s&e trans/or!s. +&e swan!ay reFuires a !agial token
Ba loak' ring' or si!ilar ite!C to per/or! &er trans/or!ation' and i/ s&e loses it s&e an
no longer trans/or! until s&e gets it %ak.
; Claustrophobia: Aarakora are e1tre!ely laustrop&o%i and are
uno!/orta%le indoors or underground. An aarakora &arater su//ers a R8 penalty to
attak rolls in su& settings.
H; !iHe: A nu!%er o/ !onstrous &araters en*oy t&e !i1ed %lessings o/ %eing a
Si-e ,arge B,C reature. (&ile t&is per!its t&e! to wield large weapons in a single &and'
or even use &uge weapons wit& %ot& &ands' it also !eans t&at t&ey su//er da!age as large
aa; Dehdration: A &arater wit& t&is restrition is vulnera%le to de&ydration i/
&e spends too !u& ti!e out o/ t&e water. +&e &arater !ust wet &is entire %ody Ba water
skin /ull will doC t&ree ti!es per day' or lose 5 points o/ Constitution per !issed %at&. 0/
t&e &araters Constitution /alls to 6' &e dies o/ de&ydration.
bb; >ight: 4any &u!anoids are austo!ed to darkness' and t&ey /ind %rig&t
lig&t to %e disorienting and pain/ul. A &arater wit& t&is weakness su//ers a R7 penalty to
attaks in daylig&t or wit&in t&e radius o/ continual light spells.
cc; #acial en%it: So!e &u!anoids are t&e natural ene!ies o/ o!!on
de!i&u!an raes' w&o &ave evolved speial /ig&ting te&niFues to o!%at t&e!.
Dwarves gain a M7 %onus to attak rolls against ors' go%lins' and &o%go%linsI gno!es
gain a M7 %onus to attak rolls against ko%olds and go%lins. 0n addition' ogres su//er a R:
penalty to &it dwarves' and ogres' %ug%ears' and gnolls su//er a R: penalty to &it gno!es.
dd; 8ideous appearance: 4ongrel!en are so warped in appearane t&at t&ey
&ave an e//etive C&aris!a o/ 7 Ba R; penaltyC /or purposes o/ $eation C&eks.
ee; 2asil distracted: Satyrs are very susepti%le to distration. "nountering a
/e!ale o/ 79 or &ig&er C&aris!a auses t&e satyr to /orget everyt&ing e1ept t&e idea o/
wooing t&e wo!an /or 7R@ /ull turns' or even !ore i/ s&e is at all /riendly. "ven a %itter
ene!y an /asinate t&e satyr i/ s&e !akes any e//ort at all' and in all iru!stanes
satyrs &ave to sueed in a saving t&row versus spells to onsiously &ar! a %eauti/ul
wo!anDor ignore &er. A %ottle o/ strong drink an &ave t&e sa!e e//et.
ff; 0nhu%an for%: So!e !onstrous &araters are restrited /ro! wearing ar!or
or so!e !agial ite!s %y t&eir %ody /or!. 3or e1a!ple' t&riHkreen and alag&i annot
wear ar!orI entaurs' we!is' or %ullywugs ant wear !agial %oots or !agial ar!or
due to t&eir unusual s&apesI and so on. 0n a Fuestiona%le ase' t&e D4 s&ould deide i/ a
&arater an use a piee o/ eFuip!ent or not using &is %est *udg!ent o/ t&e situation.
+&e $aes
Aarakora are a rae o/ intelligent %irdH!en w&o live a!ong t&e &ig&est !ountain
peaks. +&e average aarakora stands a%out /ive /eet tall' wit& a wingspan o/ nearly 56
/eet. An aarakoras /eet are power/ul talons t&at an %e used to grasp and !anipulate
o%*ets' and it also &as s!all wingH&ands a%out &al/way along t&e leading edge o/ ea&
wing. ,ike all true avians' aarakora &ave &ollow %ones' and !ost weig& no !ore t&an J6
or >6 pounds. +&e aarakoras voies are not wellHsuited /or o!!on' and t&ey puntuate
t&eir spee& wit& aws' sree&es' and w&istles.
Aarakora are strong and swi/t /liers' and t&ey an !ake a speial diving attak wit& a
drop o/ 566 /eet or !ore. +&ey reeive no penalties /or aerial !issile /ire. Aarakora
avoid grappling or o!%at on t&e ground' %ut t&eir talons and %eak serve as /or!ida%le
weapons in a pin&. As a rae' aarakora are e1tre!ely laustrop&o%i' and dislike %eing
indoors or underground.
Distant ousins o/ t&e yeti' alag&i are /orestHdwelling &u!anoids wit& %arrel
&ests' s&ort legs' and long' power/ul ar!s. +&eir neks are t&ik and s&ort' and t&eir
&eads tend to %e %road and /lat wit& wide *aws. Alag&i are overed /ro! toe to rown in
long' t&ik &air ranging in &ue /ro! &aroal gray to reddis& %rown. Alag&i stand well
over si1 /eet tall and weig& !ore t&an 866 pounds.
4ost alag&i live as se!iHno!adi &unterHgat&erers. +&ey tend to %e s&y and
peae/ul reatures' wit& a driving sense o/ uriosity. Alag&i love riddles and ga!es o/
strategy' espeially a good ga!e o/ &ess. Alag&i tend to &oot and &iss w&en t&ey speak'
and t&eir /earso!e si-e and power an o/ten /rig&ten people w&o are not used to t&e!.
Bug%ears are t&e largest variety o/ go%linkind' standing a%out seven /eet tall wit&
!usular /ra!es. +&ey &ave lig&t yellow to lig&t %rown &ides' wit& t&ik oarse &air and
%estial eyes. +&eir ears are large and pro!inent' and t&eir !out&s are /ull o/ s&arp /angs.
Bug%ears are true arnivores' wit& keen sig&t and &earing' and t&ey an !ove wit&
a!a-ing stealt& w&en t&ey try.
4ost %ug%ears live %y plundering and a!%us&' taking slaves and eating anyt&ing
t&ey kill. A player &arater %ug%ear is an e1tre!ely unusual representative o/ &is speies
w&o !ust struggle to ontrol a viious te!pera!ent and natural inlination to %ully t&ose
weaker t&an &i!sel/. "ven t&e !ost &onora%le %ug%ears an %e /atally !isled %y
avariiousness and &unger /or power.
Bullywugs are %ipedal /rogHlike a!p&i%ians in&a%iting swa!ps' !ars&es' and
ot&er dank loations. +&ey are overed wit& s!oot&' !ottled green &ide' wit& &uge
/rogHlike /aes and %ulging eyes. Bullywugs are strong swi!!ers and o!/orta%le in
water or out o/ it' %ut t&ey are vulnera%le to de&ydration one t&ey leave t&eir native
A player &arater %ullywug is atually a !e!%er o/ an advaned variety o/ t&is
speies' sine !ost %ullywugs are savages and !arauders o/ t&e worst sort. Co!!on
%ullywugs are sarely a%le to wield a stone spear or lu%' %ut advaned %ullywugs are
a%le to wear ar!or and use !ost &u!an weapons wit& little trou%le.
+&ese power/ul and no%le reatures &ave t&e torso and upper %ody o/ a &u!an
and t&e lower %ody o/ a &orse. +&ey are a strong and proud rae' easily o//ended and
i!pulsive. Centaurs an !ake use o/ any &u!an weapon' %ut t&eyre espeially /ond o/
oaken lu%s' long%ows' and !ediu! lanes' t&e latter o/ w&i& t&ey an wield in t&e
sa!e /as&ion as a &u!an rider on a !ediu! war&orse.
Centaur soiety is generally pastoral and peae/ul' %ut t&ey an %e /iere warriors
w&en t&e need arises. ,ike !any woodland reatures' t&ey &ave a great respet /or
natures %alane' and try not to distur% t&e world t&ey live in. Centaurs are on good ter!s
wit& elves' gno!es' and &al/lings' %ut t&ey are suspiious o/ &u!ans and dwarves.
3linds are warlike &u!anoids wit& !any o/ t&e worst traits o/ &yenas and si!ilar
savengers. +&ey are overed wit& !angy %rown or reddis&H%rown /ur' wit& %estial
!u--les and long' !usular li!%s. 3linds are losely related to gnolls' %ut are stronger'
s!arter' and !ore /iere t&an t&eir ousins. .nolls look upon /linds as leaders' &eroes'
and &a!pions.
<nlike t&e &aoti pakHlike soiety o/ !ost gnolls' /lind soiety tends to %e
organi-ed and less savage. 3linds are Fuik to resort to violene' *ust like gnolls' %ut
unlike t&eir lesser ousins t&eyre !u& !ore likely to onsider t&e onseFuenes and
risks /irst' and t&en are/ully plan t&eir attak.
+&e gi// are a rae o/ &ulking' power/ullyH!usled !erenaries t&at rese!%le
%ipedal &ippopota!i. +&eir legs are ylindrial and stoky' wit& a &eavy torso and lu!sy
%ut strong t&ikH/ingered &ands. +&eir /aes are very &ippopota!usHlike' wit& s!all eyes
and ears' and t&eir skulls are e1eedingly dense and strong. .i// are not known as
towering intelletuals' %ut t&ey are i!!ensely strong and loyal to t&eir e!ployers.
+&e li/e o/ soldiering &as %eo!e t&e only oupation in gi// soiety' and %ands o/
gi// &ire out t&eir servies to all auses. +&ere/ore' a gi// onsiders it &is only purpose in
li/e to keep &i!sel/ /it' strong' and ready /or ation. +&ey are /asinated %y weapons Bt&e
!ore o!pliated' t&e %etterC and t&e trappings o/ !ilitary li/e' su& as regi!ental
&istories' parades' and ot&er /or!s o/ spit and polis&.
Native to t&e &aoti plane o/ ,i!%o' t&e git&-erai are a !onasti rae o/ travelers
and traders w&o an %e /ound in al!ost all t&e in/inite planes. .it&-erai appear &u!an'
%ut t&ey tend to %e t&in and gaunt' wit& drawn /aes and s&arp /eatures. +&ey /avor plain
lot&ing and onservative tones.
.it&-erai soiety is e1tre!ely &aoti' %ut it is not wit&out its own laws and
!ores. An individual git&-erai is usually strongly loyal to &is rae' even i/ &e is
o!pletely out o/ ontat wit& &is /ellows. 0t is not unusual /or a git&-erai to spend years
at a ti!e in a single plane' wandering and adventuring.
.nolls are &yenaHlike &u!anoids wit& !angy yellow or %rown /ur' drooling
!u--les /ull o/ long' s&arp teet&' and gaunt %ut power/ul /ra!es. +&ey give t&e
i!pression o/ starving savengers' wit& t&e disposition to !at&' and t&ey are a!ong t&e
!ost &aoti and /ait&less o/ all &u!anoids. .nolls &ave a &ard ti!e seeing past t&e
!o!ent' and patiene is a virtue un&eard o/ in gnoll soiety.
Player &arater gnolls !ust work &ard to overo!e t&e strong Band generally
wellH*usti/iedC pre*udies t&ey will enounter in t&e world outside t&eir %and. +&eir s&ort
te!pers and %estial &a%its are not !u& &elp in dispelling t&ese %elie/s. Despite t&ese
distaste/ul Fualities' gnolls an %e %rave and /iere /ig&ters and valua%le o!panionsD
provided t&eyre not given too !any tests o/ &onor' &onesty' or loyalty.
.o%lins are s!all &u!anoids standing a%out /our /eet tall' wit& long ar!s' %andy
legs' and &ars& !anneris!s. A go%lins /ae is %road and /lat' wit& a wide /angH/illed
!out&' pointed ears' and an olive or dull yellow oloration. .o%lins are generally
owardly' opportunisti' and untrustwort&y.
.o%lin soiety is /airly savage' and ea& tri%e &as an e1at peking order. 4oving
up t&is ladder %y pulling down t&ose a%ove t&e! is t&e typial drea! o/ !ost go%lins'
and ooperation wit& ot&ers o/ t&eir kind is always &al/&earted. +ypially' a go%lin will
let ot&ers do &is work or /ig&ting /or &i! any ti!e &e an' and t&en strike /ro! a!%us&
only a/ter &es sure &is ene!ies &ave %een weakened to t&e point w&ere t&ey ant
t&reaten &i!. Or' i/ t&e wrong side is winning t&e /ig&t' a go%lin isnt a%ove reevaluating
&is allegianes in t&e !iddle o/ a %attle.
)o%go%lins are stoky &u!anoids wit& &airy &ides o/ dark red to gray' and t&ey
stand a%out si1 and a &al/ /eet tall. +&ey &ave yellow eyes and s&arp yellow teet&' and
/avor dressing in %rig&tly olored out/its. )o%go%lins wage a perpetual war wit& all ot&er
intelligent reatures' espeially t&e ot&er &u!anoid raes. And t&ey are proud o/ t&eir
status as t&e paria&s o/ t&e &u!anoid ultures. +&ey /eel t&at t&ey are only weakened %y
allianes or treaties wit& ot&er reatures.
)o%go%lin soiety is %uilt around war' wit& !ilitary organi-ation' and t&ey seek
out on/lit w&erever t&ey an /ind it. <nlike t&e gi//' w&o %elieve in t&e UrulesV o/
war/are' &o%go%lins seek to terri/y and antagoni-e t&eir ene!ies at all ti!es. A player
&arater &o%go%lin is a rare individual indeed' sine assoiation wit& UweaklingsV and
Uin/eriorsV is taken as a sign o/ weakness and deadene in &o%go%lin soiety.
+&e s!allest and weakest rae o/ go%linkind is t&e rae o/ ko%olds. A ko%old
stands a%out t&ree /eet in &eig&t' wit& a saly &ide o/ dark %rown to rusty %lak' and
glowing red eyes in a vaguely dogHlike /ae. 2o%olds tend to %e owards and w&iners'
%ut are Fuik to turn on t&eir ene!ies w&en t&ey /ind t&e!selves wit& an advantage o/
nu!%ers or position. Due to t&eir lak o/ p&ysial prowess' ko%olds speiali-e in dirty
triks' distrations' and traps' using t&ese to inapaitate or distrat larger /oes.
2o%olds strive to %e taken seriously %y larger raes' and o/ten try to !ake up /or
t&eir s&orto!ings wit& /eroity and tenaity. 2o%old PCs are unusual e1a!ples o/ t&e
rae' %ut even t&e !ost pleasant ko%olds are still !eanHspirited and spite/ul /ro! ti!e to
,i-ard !an
A li-ard !an is a reptilian &u!anoid standing %etween si1 and seven /eet tall.
+&ey weig& %etween 566 and 596 pounds' and t&eir &ides are overed wit& toug& sales
o/ dark green to %rown. ,i-ard !en &ave long' dangerous laws and t&ik' power/ul tails
up to /our /eet in lengt&. +&ey are e1eptional swi!!ers and an &old t&eir %reat& twie
as long as !ost ot&er airH%reat&ing reatures' %ut t&ey are slow and so!ew&at lu!sy on
.enerally' li-ard !en are di! savages w&o &ave not even !astered t&e use o/ t&e
!ost %asi tools and weapons' %ut PC li-ard !en are !e!%ers o/ a !ore advaned
variety t&at is apa%le o/ using weapons and ar!or. Despite t&is' li-ard !en are
%ar%arians %y any de/inition o/ t&e word' and &u!an soiety and %e&avior is %a//ling to
t&e!. <nlike so!e ot&er %ar%arians' li-ard !en are likely to reat to t&is wit& violene
instead o/ uriosity.
+&ese are not t&e !inotaurs o/ t&e DragonlaneA ga!e setting' %ut instead
standard !inotaurs as desri%ed in t&e 4onstrous 4anual. 4ost are ursed &u!ans' or
t&e o//spring o/ !inotaurs and &u!ans. 4inotaurs are power/ully %uilt and tower !ore
t&an seven /eet in &eig&t' wit& t&e &ead o/ a %ull and t&e %ody o/ a &u!an !ale.
4inotaurs revere p&ysial strengt& a%ove all else' and t&ey %elieve t&at t&e strong s&ould
naturally rule t&e weak. 4inotaurs view surrender as an ad!ission o/ weakness' and are
likely to /ig&t to t&e deat& regardless o/ t&e iru!stanes.
4any !inotaurs are %rutal savages' %ut t&ey are not always !indless killers. +&ey
are rut&less' &ars&' and stu%%orn' %ut t&ey an %e surprisingly intelligent and
4ongrel!en o!%ine t&e worst /eatures o/ !any speies' inluding &u!ans' ors'
gnolls' ogres' %ug%ears' and !ore Fuestiona%le &eritages. No two look alike' %ut all
appear to %e poorly onstruted o!%inations o/ various &u!anoid raes' wit& !iss&apen
li!%s o/ di//erent s&apes and proportions. (it&out e1eption' !ongrel!en are &ideously
ugly' and !ost are as&a!ed o/ t&eir appearane and go to great lengt&s to oneal t&eir
%odies /ro! ot&ers.
4ongrel!en are o/ten enslaved %y evil soieties' and ostrai-ed even %y good
ones. (it&out a plae in t&e world' t&ey &ave developed great patiene and a surprising
degree o/ &u!an kindness and o!passion wit&in t&eir !iss&apen /or!s. +&ey tend to
avoid %loods&ed w&en t&ey an' staying in t&e s&adows and living %y petty t&e/t and
Ogres are great %rutes standing !ore t&an nine /eet tall' wit& t&ik torsos' &eavy
li!%s' stringy &air' and warty &ides. +&ey are usually illHte!pered %eings w&o en*oy
violene /or its own sake' indulging in all !anner o/ ruelty to entertain t&e!selves.
Ogres are e1tre!ely strong and &ardy' %ut t&eir lak o/ !ental prowess is t&e stu// o/
Ogres live %y raiding and savenging' taking w&at t&ey want /ro! t&ose too weak
to de/end t&e!selves. A player &arater ogre is rare in t&e e1tre!eDt&e intelligene and
&arater neessary to rise %eyond t&e petty ruelties and appetites o/ t&eir kind *ust isnt
/ound in !any ogres.
Ors rese!%le pri!itive &u!ans' wit& grayHgreen skin and oarse &air. +&ey stoop
slig&tly' &ave low' *utting /ore&eads' snouts' anine teet&' and s&ort pointed ears. +&ey
stand %etween /ive and a &al/ and si1 /eet tall' and o/ten &ave power/ul' stoky %uilds.
Ors are aggressive &unters and raiders w&o onstantly seek to e1pand t&eir territory at
t&e e1pense o/ t&eir neig&%ors.
Ors respet skill in %attle' and /ro! ti!e to ti!e an or &a!pion approa&es
&u!an standards o/ %ravery and &onor in %attle. A player &arater or is one o/ t&ese
&eroes. "ven t&e %est ors are Fuik to take o//ense and are so!ew&at %loodt&irsty.
+&e &al/H&u!an' &al/Hgoat satyrs are a rae o/ pleasureHloving %eings' ,ike t&e
sylvan loations t&ey dwell in' satyrs are personi/iations o/ nature' e!%odi!ents o/ all
t&at is wild and are/ree. Satyrs &ave t&e &ead' torso' and ar!s o/ a &u!an' wit& t&e &ind
legs o/ a goat. +wo s&arp %lak &orns *ut t&roug& t&e oarse' urly &air on top o/ t&e &ead.
+&ey love to spend t&eir days and nig&ts in sport' and t&ey never !iss an opportunity to
&ase a/ter wood ny!p&s or ot&er o!ely reatures.
Satyrs are an ino//ensive raeDt&ey *ust want to &ave /un. And w&en one takes up
t&e li/e o/ an adventurer' &es usually looking /or entertain!ent. +&ey dont understand
seriousness or violene' and w&ile t&ey an /ig&t wit& t&e %est' t&eyre !ore likely to
view a %attle as *ust anot&er kind o/ ontest or ga!e. Satyrs are very i!pulsive' and are
generally unrelia%le o!panions despite t&eir good intentions.
Swan!ays are &u!an /e!ales w&o are gi/ted wit& t&e !agial power to trans/or!
t&e!selves into swans. 0n &u!an /or!' t&ey are indistinguis&a%le /ro! ot&er people'
alt&oug& t&eyre /reFuently wo!en o/ striking looks and grae. 0n swan /or!' t&ey are
great w&ite %irds o/ e1traordinary %eauty. All swan!ays arry a !agial token o/ so!e
kindDa ring' loak' or %elt' /or instaneDt&at allows t&e! to &ange s&ape.
Swan!ays %elong to a speial sister&ood o/ druids and rangers' living in
o!!unal lodges in &idden /orests. +&eir &o!es are always near silent lakes or !ars&es.
+&ey oppose poa&ers' raiders' and ot&ers w&o distur% t&e natural order o/ t&e land' and
t&ey at as /riends and protetors o/ t&e /orest /olk. 4any swan!ays give up routine
adventuring to guard t&eir &o!es against t&e /ores o/ evil' %ut a /ewDplayer &arater
swan!aysDwander t&e land to /ig&t evil w&erever t&ey /ind it.
+&e t&riHkreen are a rae o/ large' intelligent insets o/ten re/erred to as !antis
warriors. +&ey roa! t&e deserts and savannas' e1isting as no!adi &unters. 4ature
t&riHkreen are roug&ly seven /eet tall at t&e s&oulder' wit& si1 li!%s and a toug&'
sandyHolored e1oskeleton. +&ey &ave %lak o!pound eyes' s&ort antennae' and a
o!pliated *aw struture. +&e t&riHkreens upper!ost /our li!%s are eFuipped wit&
opposa%le laws t&at an grasp tools or weapons' or serve as weapons t&e!selves. +&e
t&riHkreen language is !ade up o/ liks and grindings' and t&ey &ave di//iulty learning
t&e o!!on tongue.
+&riHkreen are organi-ed into &unting paks' and t&ey onstantly roa! t&eir
territory. 0ts unusual /or a t&riHkreen to leave its pakH!ates and travel alone' and even
!ore unusual /or one to take up wit& ot&ers not o/ its kind. A PC t&riHkreen &as pro%a%ly
lost its true /a!ily in so!e disaster or anot&er' and aepts its o!panions as a su%stitute
(e!is are part &u!an and part lion' o!%ining t&e two as entaurs o!%ine
&u!an and &orse. +&e we!is leonine %ody &as a &u!an torso w&ere t&e lions nek and
&ead would %e. +&e leonine %ody is overed wit& dusky golden /ur' wit& a w&ite
under%elly' w&ile t&e &u!an &al/ tends toward a tawny skin tone and a slig&t atlike ast
to t&e /ae and eyes. (e!is are a%original no!ads w&o live t&roug& &untingDt&ey use
/ire and ra/t weapons and tools' %ut rarely %uild any kind o/ per!anent dwelling.
(e!is %elieve t&at everyt&ing in t&e world is a living t&ing' /ro! t&e skies to t&e sun or
eart&' and t&ey are very superstitious.
(e!is are play/ul and urious as u%s' and a s!all nu!%er never grow out o/
t&is stage. (e!i adventurers are !ost o/ten &araters o/ t&is sort' alt&oug& ot&er
we!is !ay &oose to trade wit& &u!ans or sell t&eir servies as guides' and o!e into
ontat wit& a player &arater party in t&at /as&ion.
$aial A%ilities and $estritions
Naturally' ea& o/ t&e uniFue raes desri%ed in t&is setion &ave t&eir own speial
powers' %ene/its' and &indranes. (&en a player selets a &arater' &e !ust aept t&e
standard a%ilities and restritions o/ t&at raeDt&ere are no optional variations or
a%ilities' su& as t&ose desri%ed /or dwarves' elves' or t&e ot&er standard de!i&u!an
raes. +&e raial a%ilities are su!!ed up on t&e &art %elow.
#ace AC hp -1 *atural Attac6s Characteristics
Aarakora ; M6 @' 3l 8@BCC 7d8P7d8P7d8 a' y' //
Btalons' %eakC
Alag&i : M> 75 5d@ B/istC %' ' //' -
Bug%ear 76 M8 > D d' e' -
Bullywug @ M6 @' Sw 79 D a' B;9SC' e' /' g' aa
Centaur 9 M: 7J 7d@P7d@ B&oovesC a' -' //
3lind 76 M5 75 D
.i// @ M: @ 5d@ B&ead %uttC s B76SC' -
.it&-erai 76 M6 75 D d' s
.noll 76 M5 75 D
.o%lin 76 M6 @ D d' & B59SC' %%'
)o%go%lin 76 M6 > D d' &B:6SC' iB:6SC'
2o%old 76 M6 @ D d' k' %%'
,i-ard !an 9 M6 @' Sw 75 7d8P7d8P7d@ /' aa
Blaws' tailC
4inotaur @ M@ 75 5d@ B&ead %uttC d' l' !' n' o' -
4ongrel!an 9 M6 > D BJ6SC' p' F' dd
Ogre 9 M: > D -
Or 76 M6 75 D d' &B89SC' iB59SC'
Satyr 9 M6 7J 5d: B&ead %uttC B>6SC' d' l' r' ee
Swan!ay ; M6 79' 3l 7>BDC D 1
+&riHkreen 9 M6 7J 7d: B1:C' 5R9 g' t' u' v' w' //
Blaws' %iteC
(e!i @ M9 75 7d:P7d: BlawsC g B96XC' -' //
AC is t&e reatures natural Ar!or Class. 0/ t&e reature wears ar!or t&at is superior to
its natural de/enses' it !ay use t&e %etter value as its AC. 0/ t&e reature wears ar!or t&at
is in/erior to its natural AC' its AC i!proves %y only 7 plae. 3or e1a!ple' a li-ard !an
BAC 9C in leat&er ar!or BAC JC is atually AC :' sine t&e leat&er ar!or provides a s!all
!easure o/ e1tra protetion. )owever' a li-ard !an in plate !ail BAC 8C is AC 8.
8P is t&e reatures %onus &it points at /irst level. A/ter t&e &arater deter!ines &is &it
points nor!ally /or &is lass and level' &e !ay add t&is nu!%er to &is &it point total.
-1 is t&e reatures nor!al !ove!ent rate w&ile unenu!%ered. Several !onstrous
&arater raes allow /lying or swi!!ing as alternative !eans o/ !ove!ent.
*atural attac6s desri%e any natural attaks t&e &arater an !ake wit&out any
weapons. .enerally' a &arater !ust &oose to eit&er use &is natural attaks or /ig&t wit&
a weapon in a round' %ut t&ere are t&ree e1eptions: entaurs and we!is an attak wit&
a weapon and use t&eir natural attaks at t&e sa!e ti!e' and t&riHkreen an attak wit& a
weapon and use t&eir %ite at t&e sa!e ti!e.
C&apter ::
C&arater Classes
+&e ne1t step in reating a Players Option &ero is &oosing a voation. +&ere are /our
%asi types o/ &araters in t&e AD&D ga!e: warriors' wi-ards' priests' and rogues.
"a& &arater reeives a nu!%er o/ points to spend on lass a%ilities. +&at !eans
priests o/ t&e sa!e /ait& no longer are ar%on opies o/ ea& ot&er. (arriors an &ave
widely varying skills. C&araters are li!ited only %y t&eir players i!aginations.
C&arater points are used to pur&ase skills' and t&e nu!%er o/ points availa%le
vary wit& lasses.
C&arater lasses s&are o!!on ter!inology. +&ree o/ t&e !ostHused ter!s are:
2/perience pointsDt&e !easure o/ a &araters learning. +&ey are awarded %y
t&e D4 a/ter ea& adventure in response to a &araters ations and ao!plis&!ents.
(&en a &arater gains enoug& e1periene points' &e advanes a level and &is a%ilities
>evelDre/ers to t&e stage o/ t&e &araters develop!ent in &is lass. A %eginning
&arater is /irst level. (&en t&e &arater earns enoug& e1periene points' &e advanes
to seond' t&en t&ird' and so on. Di//erent lasses advane at di//erent rates.
Pri%e re$uisiteDis t&e ter! t&at re/ers to t&e a%ility sore !ost i!portant to a
partiular lass. 3or e1a!ple' Strengt& is t&e pri!e reFuisite /or /ig&ters. A &arater
needs to !eet all a%ility sore and pri!e reFuisite reFuire!ents to %eo!e a !e!%er o/ a
ertain lass. So!e lasses &ave !ore t&an one pri!e reFuisite. Any &arater wit& a
pri!e reFuisite sore o/ 7@ or greater reeives an e1tra 76S %onus to e1periene point
(arriors (arriors !ake t&eir way in t&e world %y t&e strengt& o/ t&eir !usles and t&e
swi/tness o/ t&eir swords. (arrior lasses inlude t&e /ig&ter' paladin' and ranger. <sing
t&e Players Option syste!' all !e!%ers o/ t&e warrior group:
)ave t&e a%ility to selet any weapon and wear any type o/ ar!or availa%le in t&e
$oll d76s to deter!ine t&eir &it points /ro! 7st to >t& level. +&erea/ter' t&ey gain t&ree &it
points per level.
Are prevented /ro! using ertain !agial ite!s.
Can %eo!e pro/iient in Us&ield'V w&i& grants t&e! an Ar!or Class %onus. See t&e
pro/iienies setion /or !ore details.
At &ig&er levels !ake additional !elee attaks in a o!%at round. +&e &art %elow
details t&is progression.
Table 1@: ,arrior -elee Attac6s 5 >evel
>evel Attac6s<#ound
7R@ 7Pround
;R75 8P5 rounds
78M 5Pround
<se t&e ta%le %elow to deter!ine t&e rate at w&i& t&ey advane in levels.
Table 1.: ,arrior 2/perience >evels
Paladin< 8it dice
>evel Fighter #anger Fd17G
7 6 6 7
5 5'666 5'596 5
8 :'666 :'966 8
: J'666 >'666 :
9 7@'666 7J'666 9
@ 85'666 8@'666 @
; @:'666 ;9'666 ;
J 759'666 796'666 J
> 596'666 866'666 >
76 966'666 @66'666 >M8
77 ;96'666 >66'666 >M@
75 7'666'666 7'566'666 >M>
78 7'596'666 7'966'666 >M75
7: 7'966'666 7'J66'666 >M79
79 7';96'666 5'766'666 >M7J
7@ 5'666'666 5':66'666 >M57
7; 5'596'666 5';66'666 >M5:
7J 5'966'666 8'666'666 >M5;
7> 5';96'666 8'866'666 >M86
56 8'666'666 8'@66'666 >M88
Abilit #e$uire%ents: Strengt& >
Pri%e #e$uisite: Strengt&
Allowed #aces: All
3ig&ters are e1perts wit& weapons' and t&ey are o/ten !asters o/ tatis and
strategy. Perseus' )erules' )iawat&a' Beowul/' and Sin%ad are /ig&ters o/ legend.
)anni%al' Ale1ander t&e .reat' C&arle!agne' and Spartaus are realHworld warriors.
+&e prinipal attri%ute o/ a /ig&ter is Strengt&' as &e needs to &e/t and use &is
weapons and arry t&e weig&t o/ &is ar!or /or long periods. .ood sores in De1terity and
Constitution also are desira%le. 3ig&ters an %e o/ any align!ent.
Building a 3ig&ter
wit& C&arater Points
3ig&ters &ave 79 &arater points to spend on a%ilities. "a& o/ t&e a%ilities %elow
ost 9 to 76 &arater points. Any unspent points an %e used to aFuire nonweapon
pro/iienies or saved /or use during t&e ga!e. A standard /ig&ter spends &is &arater
points to aFuire t&e a%ilities o/ weapon speiali-ation and gaining /ollowers.
1d12 for hit points F17G: 0nstead o/ rolling a 76Hsided die to deter!ine initial &it
points and &ow !any new &it points t&e /ig&ter reeives at ea& level' a 75Hsided die is
rolled instead.
5uilding F'G: +&e knowledge to onstrut &eavy war !a&ines' siege engines'
and siege towers.
Defense bonus F17G: M5 %onus to Ar!or Class i/ unar!ored and unenu!%ered.
Followers F'<17G: By pur&asing t&is skill' a /ig&ter an gain /ollowers as
desri%ed in t&e Players Handbook i/ &e esta%lis&es a strong&old and is at least >t& level.
0/ t&is is pur&ased as a 76Hpoint a%ility' t&e /ig&ter an attrat /ollowers w&enever &e
esta%lis&es a strong&old' regardless o/ level. $e/er to t&e warrior setion o/ t&e Players
Handbook /or !ore details on /ollowers.
0ncreased %ove%ent F'G: A /ig&ters %ase !ove!ent sore is 79 rat&er t&an 75.
>eadership F'G: +&e a%ility to lead large nu!%ers o/ troops into %attle. +&e
/ig&ter is a%le to take &arge o/ up to 766 soldiers per level. )e knows &ow to use
!essengers and signals' is /a!iliar wit& !ilitary ter!inology' and understands t&e
!e&anis o/ !oving a large nu!%er o/ !en.
-agic resistance F17G: .ain a 5S 4agi $esistane /or ea& level. 3or e1a!ple'
a >t& level /ig&ter would &ave an 7JS 4agi $esistane sore.
-ove silentl F17G: A /ig&ter wit& t&is a%ility &as a &ane to !ove silently like a
t&ie/. +&is &ane is eFual to &is De1terity sore plus &is level. 3or e1a!ple' an Jt& level
/ig&ter wit& a 7; De1terity sore &as a 5:S &ane to !ove silently. +&e /ig&ter annot
wear ar!or a%ove studded leat&er. ,ook to t&e t&ie/ ta%le /or penalties /or additional
-ultiple specialiHation F17G: +&is a%ility an %e taken in plae o/ t&e 9Hpoint
a%ility to speiali-e in a single weapon. A /ig&ter wit& t&is a%ility an speiali-e in as
!any weapons as &e desires. +&e &arater point ost !ust %e !et /or ea& individual
Poison resistance F'G: 3ig&ters wit& poison resistane gain a M7 %onus to all
saving t&rows versus poison.
!pell resistance F'G: 3ig&ters wit& spell resistane gain a M7 %onus to all saving
t&rows versus spells.
!upervisor F'G: +&e aut&ority to supervise t&e onstrution o/ de/ensive works
su& as dit&es' pits' /ields o/ stakes' and &astily %uilt wooden and stone %arriades. (it&
ti!e per!itting' t&e /ig&ter also an supervise t&e %uilding o/ se!iHper!anent
,ar %achines F'G: +&e knowledge to operate &eavy war !a&ines and siege
engines su& as %allistae' atapults' ra!s' %ores' and siege towers.
,eapon specialiHation F'G: +&is /ig&ter &as t&e a%ility to speiali-e in a
partiular weapon. +&e &arater point ost /or aFuiring t&e speiali-ation !ust also %e
!et Bsee page 77JC.
Optional $estritions
A /ig&ter an gain %onus &arater points to spend on t&e a%ove a%ilities %y aepting a
voluntary restrition on &is nor!al a%ilities. +&e restritions wit& t&eir point values
>i%ited ar%or F'<17<1'G: A /ig&ter wit& t&is restrition is li!ited in &is seletion
o/ ar!or. 0/ t&e &arater is restrited to &ain !ail or lig&ter ar!or' t&is restrition gives
&i! 9 CPsI i/ &e is li!ited to studded leat&er or lig&ter ar!or' &e gains 76 CPsI and i/ &e
annot wear any ar!or at all' t&is restrition is wort& 79 CPs. B+&e &arater an always
use a s&ield.C
>i%ited weapon selection F'G: A /ig&ter wit& t&is restrition is li!ited in &is
&oie o/ weapons. )e an &oose to gain pro/iieny only in !elee weapons Bno !issile
weapons allowedCI &e an &oose to learn only leri weapons B%ludgeoning weaponsCI or
&e an &oose to learn only t&ie/ weapons Blu%' dagger' dart' &and ross%ow' kni/e' lasso'
s&ort %ow' sling' %roadsword' long sword' s&ort sword' and sta//C.
>i%ited %agical ite% use F'IG: A /ig&ter wit& t&is restrition distrusts !agi and
re/uses to use ertain ategories o/ !agial ite!s. 3or ea& ategory t&at is %arred to &i!'
&e gains 9 CPs . +&e ategories are: potions' oils' and srollsI rings' rods' staves' and
wands' and !isellaneous !agial ite!sI weaponsI and ar!or.
Abilit #e$uire%ents: Strengt& 75
Constitution >
(isdo! 78
C&aris!a 7;
Pri%e #e$uisite: Strengt&' C&aris!a
Allowed #aces: )u!an
+&e paladin is a no%le and &eroi warriorDo/ten literally t&e knig&t in s&ining
ar!orDa sy!%ol o/ all t&at is rig&t' good' and *ust in t&e world. "1a!ples o/ paladins
inlude Sir ,anelot' Sir .awain' Sir .ala&ad o/ 2ing Art&urs $ound +a%le' and $oland
and t&e 75 Peers o/ C&arle!agne. 3or !ore on t&ese !en' see Charlemagne7s Paladins
)istorial $e/erene %ook /or t&e AD&D ga!e. Su& a warrior &as &ig& ideals to
!aintain at all ti!es.
Only &u!ans an %eo!e paladins. A paladin !ust %e law/ul good in align!ent.
Any paladin w&o &anges align!ent loses all &is speial powers. +&is loss !ig&t %e
te!porary or per!anent' depending on t&e iru!stanes. A paladin w&o onsiously
o!!its a &aoti at !ust /ind a law/ul good leri o/ at least ;t& level' on/ess t&e at'
and seek penane. 0/ a paladin knowingly o!!its an evil at' t&e &araters status as a
paladin is /orever lost. 0/ su& an at is o!!itted %y t&e paladin under duress Ben&anted
or ontrolled %y !agiC' t&e loss o/ status re!ains in e//et until t&e paladin o!pletes a
!a*or Fuest /or t&e ause o/ good. +&e paladin gains no e1periene points /or t&is Fuest'
%ut i/ suess/ully o!pleted' &e regains t&e status and powers o/ &is paladin&ood. All
paladins &ave t&e /ollowing restritions:
Cannot possess !ore t&an 76 !agial ite!s. 3urt&er' t&ese ite!s !ust not e1eed one set
o/ ar!or' one s&ield' /our weapons B!agial arrows and %olts dont ountC' and /our
ot&er o%*ets.
Can never retain wealt&. )e an keep enoug& treasure to support &i!sel/' pay &is
&en&!en' and so on' %ut all e1ess !onies !ust %e donated to wort&y auses. Ot&er
&araters do not Fuali/y as wort&y auses. 0n addition' 76S o/ all treasure garnered
!ust %e given to a law/ul good religious institution o/ t&e paladins &oie.
Cannot attrat a %ody o/ /ollowers. )owever' &e an &ire soldiers and speialistsDso
long as t&ose individuals are law/ul good.
(ill not a%ide t&e o!pany o/ t&ose &e knows to %e evil. +&ose o/ ot&er align!ents will
%e tolerated as long as t&ey %e&ave t&e!selves.
Paladins reeive @6 &arater points wit& w&i& to pur&ase lass a%ilities. "a&
o/ t&e a%ilities %elow ost 9 to 76 &arater points. Any unspent points an %e used to
aFuire nonweapon pro/iienies or saved /or use during t&e ga!e. A standard paladin
spends &is &arater points to aFuire t&e a%ilities o/ irle o/ power 9' urative 76'
detetion 9' /ait&/ul !ount 9' &ealing 9' &ealt& 9' protetion /ro! evil 9' saving t&row
%onus 76' and turn undead 76.
Circle of power F'G: 0/ t&e paladin &as a holy sword' &e an pro*et a irle o/
power 76X in dia!eter. +&is irle dispels &ostile !agi at a level eFual to t&e e1periene
level o/ t&e paladin
Curative F17G: Cure diseases o/ all types one a week /or every /ive e1periene
levels. 3or e1a!ple' a 76t& level paladin an use &is cure disease a%ility two ti!es a
week. B+&is a%ility is ine//etive against lyant&ropy.C
Detection F'G: Detet evil !onsters or reatures up to @6X away %y onentrating.
A paladin an do t&is as o/ten as &e wis&es' %ut ea& use takes one round.
Faithful %ount F'G: +&e paladin an su!!on a speial steed at :t& level. +&is
/ait&/ul steed !ig&t not %e a &orseDit !ay %e any reature t&e D4 dee!s appropriate.
+&is steed is %onded to t&e paladin. )owever' t&is steed does not si!ply appear w&en
alled. +&e paladin likely !ust /ind &is !ount in a !e!ora%le way' su& as on a Fuest.
8ealing F'G: +&e a%ility to &eal &i!sel/ or anot&er %y t&e laying on o$ hands one
a day. +&e paladin an restore two &it points per &is e1periene level.
8ealth F'G: 0!!unity to all /or!s o/ disease. BPaladins are not i!!une to
lyant&ropy and !u!!y rot.C
Poison resistance F17G: +&e &arater gains a M7 %onus to all saving t&rows
versus poison.
Priest spells F17G: +&e Players Handbook states t&at at >t& level a paladin an
ast priest spells /ro! t&e /ollowing sp&eres: o!%at' divination' &ealing' and protetion.
)owever' %y pur&asing t&is a%ility' paladins an ast spells %eginning at :t& level.
Paladins do not gain e1tra spells /or possessing &ig& 0ntuition sores' nor an t&ey ast
spells /ro! leri or druid srolls. +&e spell progression &art /or paladins appears %elow.
Table 27: Paladin !pell Progression
Paladin Casting !pell level
>evel >evel 1 2 " &
: 7 7 D D D
9 7 7 D D D
@ 5 5 D D D
; 5 5 7 D D
J 8 5 7 D D
> 8 5 5 D D
76 : 5 5 7 D
77 : 5 5 5 D
75 9 8 5 5 D
78 9 8 5 5 D
7: @ 8 5 5 7
79 ; 8 8 5 7
7@ J 8 8 8 7
7; >T 8 8 8 7
7J >T 8 8 8 5
7> >T 8 8 8 8
56 >T : 8 8 8
T 4a1i!u! level o/ spell a%ility
Protection fro% evil F'G: +&e paladin &as a natural aura wit& a 76X radius. (it&in
t&is aura' su!!oned or evil reatures su//er a R7 penalty to all attak rolls. Creatures
a//eted %y t&is aura know t&e paladin to %e t&e soure o/ t&eir diso!/ort.
#esist char% F17G: Paladins wit& t&is a%ility gain a M5 %onus to saving t&rows
versus &ar!Hlike spells and a%ilities.
!aving Throw 5onus F17G: Paladins wit& t&is a%ility gain a M5 %onus to all
saving t&rows.
Turn undead F17G: (&en t&e paladin attains 8rd level &e an turn undead. +&is
a%ility /untions as i/ t&e paladin were a leri two levels lower. 3or e1a!ple' a @t& level
paladin would turn undead as a :t& level leri. See t&e Players )and%ook /or
in/or!ation on turning undead.
,eapon specialiHation F17G: +&is paladin an speiali-e in a partiular weapon.
+&e &arater point ost !ust %e !et in addition.
Optional $estritions
A paladin an gain %onus &arater points to spend on t&e a%ove a%ilities %y aepting
voluntary restritions on &is warrior a%ilities. +&e restritions are t&e sa!e as t&ose listed
/or 3ig&ters.
Abilit #e$uire%ents: Strengt& 78
De1terity 78
Constitution 7:
(isdo! 7:
Pri%e #e$uisite: Strengt&' De1terity'
Allowed #aces: )u!an' el/' &al/Hel/
+&e ranger is a &unter and a woods!an w&o lives in t&e wilderness. $o%in )ood'
Orion' and #ak t&e .iant 2iller all are e1a!ples o/ rangers. $angers !ust %e o/ one o/
t&ese align!ents: law/ul good' neutral good' or &aoti good. +&ey !ust a%ide %y t&e
/ollowing restritions:
4ust retain &is good align!ent. 0/ &e intentionally o!!its an evil at' &e loses all &is
ranger a%ilities and %eo!es a /ig&ter o/ t&e sa!e level. )is ranger status never an
%e regained. 0/ a ranger o!!its evil under duress or %eause &e &as no &oie' &e
annot gain e1periene points until &e &as leansed &i!sel/. +&is !ay entail
orreting t&e wrongs done %y &is evil at' avenging &i!sel/ on t&ose w&o /ored &i!
to t&e at' et. +&e D4 s&ould deter!ine t&e appropriate ations.
Can retain only w&at treasure &e and &is !ount an arry. All ot&er treasure !ust %e
donated to a wort&y ause.
$anger &araters reeive @6 &arater points to pur&ase lass a%ilities. "a& o/
t&e a%ilities %elow osts 9 to 76 &arater points. Any unspent points an %e used to
aFuire nonweapon pro/iienies or saved /or use during t&e ga!e. A standard ranger
spends &is &arater points to aFuire t&e a%ilities o/ e!pat&y wit& ani!als' /ollowers'
&ide in s&adows' !ove silently' priest spells' speial ene!y' twoHweapon style' and
traking pro/iieny.
Table 21: #angersE !pellCCasting Abilities
#anger Casting !pell level
>evel >evel 1 2 "
J 7 7 D D
> 5 5 D D
76 8 5 7 D
77 : 5 5 D
75 9 5 5 7
78 @ 8 5 7
7: ; 8 5 5
79 J 8 8 5
7@ >T 8 8 8
T 4a1i!u! spell a%ility
+a%le 55: $anger A%ilities By level
$angers )ide in4ove
,evel S&adowsTT Silently
7 76S 79S
5 79S 57S
8 56S 5;S
: 59S 88S
9 87S :6S
@ 8;S :;S
; :8S 99S
J :>S @5S
> 9@S ;6S
76 @8S ;JS
77 ;6S J@S
75 ;;S >:S
78 J9S >>ST
7: >8S >>ST
79 >>ST >>ST
T 4a1i!u! perentile sore
TT Also used to deter!ine t&e &araters li!%ing sore.
Bow %onus B9C: A ranger wit& t&is a%ility gains a M7 attak %onus w&en using any
type o/ %ow.
Cli!%ing B76C: A ranger an li!% trees' li//s' and ot&er natural /or!ations. +&e
rangers li!%ing sore is eFual to &is De1terityPBalane sore plus t&e &ide in s&adows
perentage Bsee +a%le 55C /or a &arater o/ &is level. Note t&at a ranger does not &ave to
&ave t&e &ide in s&adows a%ility to &ave a li!%ing a%ility' t&e two skill si!ply use
si!ilar nu!%ers.
Detet noise B76C: As t&e t&ie/ a%ility. <se t&e rangers 0ntuition sore plus &is
!ove silently perentage to deter!ine &is &ane /or suess.
"!pat&y wit& ani!als B76C: (&en dealing wit& a do!esti or nonH&ostile ani!al'
t&e ranger an approa& and %e/riend it auto!atially. +&e ranger also an disern t&e
&ealt& and nature o/ su& ani!als. (&en approa&ing wild ani!als or t&ose trained to
attak' t&e ani!al !ust !ake a saving t&row vs. rods to resist t&e rangers /riendly
overtures. +&ere is a R7 penalty to t&e roll /or every t&ree e1periene levels o/ t&e ranger.
3or e1a!ple' i/ t&e approa&ing ranger is ;t& level' t&e ani!als saving t&row penalty is R
5. 0/ t&e ani!al /ails t&e save' t&e ranger an ad*ust t&e ani!als reation %y one ategory.
3ind and re!ove wilderness traps B76C: +&ese traps inlude pits' snares' et. A
rangers &ane /or suess is eFual to &is !ove silently perentage. See t&e ta%le /art&er
3ollowers B76C: At 76t& level' t&e ranger attrats 5d@ /ollowers. <se +a%le 7> in
t&e Players )and%ook to deter!ine w&at kind o/ reatures t&e ranger attrats. +&e ranger
does not need to %uild a strong&old or /ort.
)ide in S&adows B9C: A ranger an &ide in s&adows' as t&e t&ie/ a%ility' in natural
surroundings i/ &e is wearing studded leat&er or lig&ter ar!or. See +a%le 55 /or t&e
rangers &ane o/ suess. +&e ranger also an atte!pt to use t&is a%ility in ot&er
settings' %ut &is &ane o/ suess is &alved
4ove silently B9C: A ranger an !ove silently' as t&e t&ie/ a%ility' in natural
surroundings i/ &e is wearing studded leat&er or lig&ter ar!or. See +a%le 55 /or t&e
rangers &ane o/ suess. +&e ranger also an atte!pt to use t&is a%ility in ot&er
settings' %ut &is &ane o/ suess is &alved.
Pass (it&out +rae B76C: By seleting t&is a%ility at &arater reation' a ranger
gains t&e druid a%ility to pass without trace one a day.
Priest spells B76C: Starting at level eig&t' a ranger an learn priest spells o/ t&e
plant and ani!al sp&eres. )e /ollows t&e nor!al rules /or priest spells' t&oug& &e does
not gain e1tra spells /or a &ig& (isdo!P0ntuition sore. A ranger annot use lerial
srolls. +&e rangers spell progression is presented on +a%le 57.
Sneak attak B76C: 0/ a ranger suess/ully !oves silently and &ides in s&adows'
&e an sneakHattak in natural settings' as t&e t&ie/s %aksta% a%ility. +&e ranger strikes
and does %aksta% da!age as a t&ie/ o/ t&e sa!e level.
Speak wit& ani!als B9C: One a day a ranger an speak with animals' as t&e spell.
Speial ene!y B76C: $angers /ous t&eir e//orts on one e1eedingly %ot&erso!e
type o/ reature. A ranger !ust &oose &is speial ene!y %e/ore rea&ing 5nd level.
Sa!ple ene!ies inlude ors' trolls' %ug%ears' and li-ard !en. +&e D4 !ust approve t&e
players &oie. 3ro! t&at point on' t&e ranger gains a M: %onus to &is attak rolls w&en
enountering t&at type o/ reature. +&e ranger an atte!pt to &ide t&e en!ity &e /eels /or
t&ese reatures' %ut &e su//ers a R: penalty on reation rolls vs. t&at type o/ reature.
3urt&er' t&e ranger s&ould seek out su& reatures over ot&er /oes in o!%at' unless t&ere
is so!e greater danger.
+raking pro/iieny B9C: +&e ranger gains t&e traking pro/iieny' and t&e
&araters traking skill auto!atially i!proves %y M7 /or every t&ree levels. 3or
e1a!ple' a 76t& level ranger i!proves &is traking sore %y M8.
+woHweapon style B9C: A ranger an /ig&t wit& two weapons and su//er no
penalties to &is attaks rolls. No s&ield an %e used w&en a ranger /ig&ts in t&is !anner. 0/
t&e ranger wears ar!or &eavier t&an studded leat&er' t&e standard penalties /ro
twoHweapon /ig&ting apply.
(eapon speiali-ation B76C: +&is ranger an speiali-e in a partiular weapon.
+&e &arater point ost !ust %e !et in addition.
Optional $estritions
A ranger an gain %onus &arater points to spend on t&e a%ove a%ilities %y aepting
voluntary restritions on &is warrior a%ilities. +&e restritions are t&e sa!e as t&ose /or
$ogues $ogues are soundrels' living %y t&eir wits day to dayDo/ten at t&e e1pense o/
ot&ers. Not all rogues are outrig&t ri!inals' %ut !any o/ t&e! possess a s&ady past
t&eyd rat&er not &ave !ade pu%li. $ogues &ave several speial a%ilities' t&e suess o/
w&i& is deter!ined %y using perentile die. $e/er to t&e rogue setion o/ t&e Players
Handbook /or !ore in/or!ation. +&ere are two lasses o/ roguesDt&ieves and %ards.
Bot& use t&e /ollowing ta%le to ditate t&eir level advane!ents. All rogues roll 7d@ /or
t&eir &it points /ro! 7st t&roug& 76t& level. A/ter t&at' rogues add 5 &it points per level.
A%ility $eFuire!ents: De1terity >
Pri!e $eFuisite: De1terity
Allowed $aes: All
+&e pro/ession o/ t&ie/ is not a partiularly &onora%le one. )owever' !any
/a!ous /olk &eroes &ave %een t&ieves' ro%%ing /ro! t&e orrupt and wealt&y and giving
to t&e poor and &ungry. +&e t&ie/ an %e a ro!anti /igure' even a swas&%ukling one.
"1a!ples are Oliver +wist' )anse S&adowspawn' Ali Ba%%a' Aladdin' and Bil%o
+&ieves are li!ited in t&eir seletion o/ weapons to: lu%' dagger' dart' &and
ross%ow' kni/e' lasso' s&ort %ow' sling' %road sword' long sword' s&ort sword' and sta//.
+a%le 58: $ogue "1periene ,evels
,evel $ogue )it die Bd@C
7 6 7
5 7'596 5
8 5'966 8
: 9'666 :
9 76'666 9
@ 56'666 @
; :6'666 ;
J ;6'666 J
> 776'666 >
76 7@6'666 76
77 556'666 76M5
75 ::6'666 76M:
78 @@6'666 76M@
7: JJ6'666 76MJ
79 7'766'666 76M76
7@ 7'856'666 76M75
7; 7'9:6'666 76M7:
7J 7';@6'666 76M7@
7> 7'>J6'666 76M7J
56 5'566'666 76M56
+&ieves reeive J6 &arater points to spend on skills /ro! t&e /ollowing list.
Skills ost 9 to 79 points. Any unspent points an %e used to aFuire nonweapon
pro/iienies or saved /or use during t&e ga!e. 4any o/ t&e skills an %e i!proved as
t&ieves advane levels. +&is is e1plained a/ter t&e skill setion.
Skills !arked wit& an asterisk BTC an %e i!proved as a t&ie/ advanes in level.
$e/er to t&e appropriate ta%le.
Baksta% B76C: +&ieves are pratied in t&e art o/ Fuietly eli!inating guards and
sentries. 0/ a t&ie/ strikes a target /ro! %e&ind wit& surprise' t&e t&ie/ gains a M: %onus on
&is attak roll' and t&e %low does additional da!age. +a%le 5: de/ines t&e e1tra da!age:
+a%le 5:: Baksta% Da!age 4ultiplier
+&ie/s ,evel Da!age 4ultiplier
7R: 15
9RJ 18
>R75 1:
78M 19
Bri%eT B9C: A t&ie/ an %ri%e an o//iial wit& gi/ts o/ !oney or !er&andise. Only
one %ri%e an %e atte!pted per target. 0/ t&e atte!pt /ails' t&e D4 s&ould !ake a reation
roll /or t&e target to deter!ine &ow &e ounters t&e %ri%e.
Cli!% wallsT B9C: +&is skill lets t&ieves li!% s!oot& or vertial sur/aes.
De/ense %onus B76C: M5 %onus to Ar!or Class w&en unar!ored and
Detet illusionT B76C: +&ieves an see detet illusions wit&in t&eir line o/ sig&t' up
to >6 /eet away. +&ey pereive t&e illusion as a transluent i!age' seeing t&roug& it as
t&oug& it were a lig&t !ist.
Detet !agiT B76C: +&ieves an spot !agial radiations wit&in t&eir line o/ sig&t'
up to @6 /eet away. +&ey an deter!ine t&e intensity o/ t&e !agiDdi!' /aint' !oderate'
strong' and overw&el!ing.
Detet noiseT B9C: +&is is t&e a%ility to &ear sounds ot&ers usually ant.
"saping %ondsT B76C: +&ere o!es a ti!e in every t&ie/s areer w&en &is luk
runs out and t&e &e is appre&ended. +&e a%ility to esape %onds su& as ropes' leat&er
t&ongs' !anales' &ains' and even straig&t *akets is a /eat o/ ontortion and
deter!ination. +&e t&ie/ !ust roll to %reak every devie %inding &i!. 0/ &es tied at t&e
wrists and at t&e ankles' t&en &e !ust !ake two suess/ul rolls to /ree &i!sel/. +&is skill
takes /ive rounds to use. A t&ie/ !ig&t &urry &is e//orts' %ut &e su//ers a R9S penalty /or
ea& round &e tries to s&ave. ,oked ite!s also reFuire t&e t&ie/ to suess/ully pik t&e
loks. A /ailure on any atte!pt !eans t&at t&e t&ie/ annot loose t&at %ond or pik t&e
3indPre!ove trapsT B76C: 4any people try to protet t&eir i!portant %elongings
/ro! t&ieves wit& s!all !e&anial traps or alar!s. As a result' t&ieves &ave developed
skills to /ind and disar! t&ese traps.
3ollowers B9P76C: By pur&asing t&is skill' a t&ie/ an gain /ollowers as desri%ed
in t&e Players Handbook i/ &e esta%lis&es a strong&old and is at least 76t& level. 0/ t&is is
pur&ased as a 76Hpoint a%ility' t&e t&ie/ an attrat /ollowers w&enever &e esta%lis&es a
strong&old' regardless o/ level. $e/er to t&e t&ie/ setion o/ t&e Players )and%ook /or
!ore details on /ollowers.
)ide in s&adowsT B9C: A t&ie/ an atte!pt to disappear in s&adows' %us&es' and
rannies. A suess/ul t&ie/ will %e e//etively invisi%le as long as &e re!ains all %ut
!otionless. Slow' deli%erate !ove!ents are allowed.
4ove silentlyT B9C: +&is is t&e a%ility to !ove wit&out !aking noise. +&e
!ove!ent rate o/ a t&ie/ atte!pting t&is is redued to 7P8 &is nor!al rate.
Open loksT B76C: A t&ie/ an try to pik all types o/ loks using skill' tools'
/inesse' and luk. 0/ a t&ie/ /ails to open a lok' &e annot atte!pt to open t&at lok again
until advaning a level.
Pik poketsT B76C: A t&ie/ uses t&is skill to pil/er s!all ite!s /ro! t&e pou&es'
pokets' %elts' sleeves' paks' et. o/ ot&ers. A /ailed atte!pt !eans t&e t&ie/ did not
o!e away wit& an ite!' %ut it does not indiate t&e t&ie/ was aug&t in t&e at. +o
deter!ine i/ a t&ie/s atte!pt was notied' su%trat t&ree ti!es t&e viti!s e1periene
level /ro! 766. 0/ t&e t&ie/s roll was eFual to or &ig&er t&an t&is nu!%er' t&e atte!pt was
notied. 3or e1a!ple' i/ t&e t&ie/ tried to pik t&e poket o/ a 9t& level /ig&ter and /ailed
Dand t&e t&ie/s roll was J9 or &ig&erDt&e t&ie/ is notied. B918 O 79. 766R79 O J9.C
$ead languagesT B9C: A t&ie/ needs every edge &e an get' and t&e a%ility to read
languages an &elp.
Sroll use B9P76C: At 76t& level' a t&ie/ an use !agial spell srolls. By
pur&asing t&is skill as a 76Hpoint a%ility' &e &as a &ane to read srolls at any level. 0/ a
t&ie/ /ails to aurately read t&e sroll' usually so!et&ing detri!ental ours' su& as t&e
spell %ak/iring. Consult +a%le 59 /or t&e t&ie/s &ane to read a sroll:
+a%le 59: +&ie/ Sroll <se
+&ie/ ,evel S C&ane
7R5 76S
8R: 56S
9R@ 86S
; :6S
J 96S
> @6S
76 ;6S
77M J6S
+&ieves ant B9C: +&ieves use slang ter!s w&en re/erring to t&eir illegal
operations. +&is lets t&e! onverse a%out su& dealings in t&e open wit&out ot&ers
knowing w&at t&ey are talking a%out.
+unnelingT B76C: A t&ie/ !ig&t need to dig a tunnel to get to a a&e o/ ri&es. )is
suess at tunneling depends on several /ators. +&e tunneling ta%le %elow s&ows t&e
ti!e reFuired to dig t&roug& 76 /eet o/ eart& wit& adeFuate tools. "very 76 /eet' t&e t&ie/
!ust !ake a skill &ek' /ailure !eaning t&at t&e /ront o/ t&e tunnel ollapses. 0t an %e
reHdug at t&e loose eart& rate.
+a%le 5@: +unneling
+ype o/ eart& 4odi/ier +i!e
SandPloose eart& R76S 9 &ours
Paked eart& D 76 &ours
$ok M76S 86 &ours
+a%le 5;: +&ieving Skill Base Sores
Skill Base C&ane
Pik Pokets 79S
Open ,oks 76S
3indP$e!ove +raps 9S
4ove Silently 76S
)ide in S&adows 9S
Detet Noise 79S
Cli!% (alls @6S
$ead ,anguages 6S
Detet !agi 9S
Detet illusion76S
Bri%e 9S
+unneling 79S
"sape %onds 76S
,eapon specialiHation F1'G: +&is t&ie/ an speiali-e in a partiular weapon. +&e
&arater point ost /or gaining pro/iieny and speiali-ation in t&e weapon !ust %e !et
in addition.
!6ill points: A/ter a t&ie/s skills are seleted' onsult t&e t&ieving ta%les to
deter!ine %ase sores /or ertain a%ilities and &ow to !odi/y t&ose a%ilities %ased on
rae' De1terity' and ar!or or lak t&ereo/.
Ne1t' alloate @6 additional disretionary points a!ong t&e t&ie/s UsoredV skills.
+&ese skills inlude: pik pokets' open loks' /indPre!ove traps' !ove silently' &ide in
s&adows' detet noise' li!% walls' read languages' detet !agi' detet illusion' %ri%e'
tunneling' and esape %onds.
3urt&er' ea& ti!e a t&ie/ advanes a level' &e is awarded 86 disretionary points
to divide a!ong t&ose a%ilities.
Table 2@: Thieving !6ill #acial Ad=ust%ents
!6ill Dwarf 2lf ?no%e 8alfCelf 8alfCorc 8alfling 8u%an
Pik Pokets D M9S D M76S D M9S D
Open ,oks M76S R9S M9S D D M9S D
3indP$e!ove +raps M79S D M76S D M9S M9S D
4ove Silently D M9S M9S D D M76S D
)ide in S&adows D M76S M9S M9S D M79S D
Detet Noise D M9S M76S D M9S M9S D
Cli!% (alls R76S D R79S D D R79S D
$ead ,anguages R9S D D D D R9S D
Detet 4agi M9S M76S M9S M9S D M9S D
Detet 0llusion M9S D M76S M9S R9S D D
Bri%e R9S M79S M9S M9S M76S D D
+unneling M76S R76S M9S R9S D M9S D
"sape Bonds D D D D D M76S D
Table 2.: Thieving !6ill De/terit Ad=ust%ents
Ai%3 5alance3 or De/terit
Skill > 76 77 75 78R79 7@ 7; 7J 7> 56 57
Pik Pokets R79S R76S R9S D D D M9S M76S M79S M56S
M56S M59S
Open ,oks R76S R9S D D D M9S M76S M79S M56S M56S
M59S M59S
3indP$e!ove +raps R76S R76S R9S D D D D M9S M76S
M79S M56S M56S
4ove Silently R56S R79S R76S R9S D D M9S M76S M79S M79S
M56S M56S
)ide in S&adows R76S R9S D D D D M9S M76S M79S
M56S M59S M86S
Cli!% (alls R76S R9S D D D D M9S M76S M79S M56S
M56S M59S
+unneling R76S R9S D D D D D M9S M76S M79S
M56S M86S
"sape Bonds R79S R76S R9S D D D M9S M76S M79S M56S
M59S M86S
+a%le 86: +&ieving Skill Ar!or Ad*ust!ents
Padded or
Skill No Ar!or "lven C&ain ,eat&er
Pik Pokets M9S R56S R86S
Open ,oks D R9S R76S
3indP$e!ove +raps D R9S R76S
4ove Silently M76S R76S R56S
)ide in S&adows M9SR76SR56S
Detet Noise D R9S R76S
Cli!% (alls M76S R56S R86S
+unneling M76S R9S R76S
"sape %onds M9S R9S R9S
Abilit #e$uire%ents: De1terity 75
0ntelligene 78
C&aris!a 79
Pri%e #e$uisite: De1terity' C&aris!a
Allowed #aces: )u!an' &al/Hel/
AD&D ga!e %ards are loosely derived /ro! Celti poets w&o sang t&eir tri%es
&istories. "1a!ples inlude t&e Pied Piper o/ )a!elin' AlanHaHDale' (ill Sarlet' and
)o!er. A %ard s&ould %e gli% o/ tongue' lig&t o/ &eart' and /leet o/ /oot.
A %ard is a *akHo/HallHtrades' %ut a !aster o/ none. )e /ig&ts as rogue' %ut &e an
use any weapon. A %ard an wear any ar!or up to' and inluding' &ain !ail' %ut &e
annot use a s&ield.
All %ards are skilled singers' voalists' and !usiians. A %ard &arater
auto!atially %egins play wit& t&e pro/iienies o/ Singing and 4usial 0nstru!ent' in
t&e instru!ent o/ t&e players &oie. +&e &arater does not &ave to e1pend &arater
points /or t&ese %onus pro/iienies' %ut &e !ay &oose to use CPs to inrease &is level o/
skill %y raising &is pro/iieny sores or aFuiring t&e appropriate traits Bsee C&apter Si1C.
Bards &ave ;6 &arater points to spend on skills /ro! t&e /ollowing list. Skills
osts 9 to 79 points. Any unspent points an %e used to aFuire nonweapon pro/iienies
or saved /or use during t&e ga!e. 4any o/ t&e skills an %e i!proved as %ards advane
levels. +&is is e1plained a/ter t&e skill setion.
Table "1: 5ard !croll Dse
5ard >evel B Chance
7R5 76S
8R: 56S
9R@ 86S
; :6S
J 96S
> @6S
76 ;6S
77M J6S
Table "2: 5ard !pell Progression
5ard !pell level
,evel 7 5 8 : 9 @
7 D D D D D D
5 7 D D D D D
8 5 D D D D D
: 5 7 D D D D
9 8 7 D D D D
@ 8 5 D D D D
; 8 5 7 D D D
J 8 8 7 D D D
> 8 8 5 D D D
76 8 8 5 7 D D
77 8 8 8 7 D D
75 8 8 8 5 D D
78 8 8 8 5 7 D
7: 8 8 8 8 7 D
79 8 8 8 8 5 D
7@ : 8 8 8 5 7
7; : : 8 8 8 7
7J : : : 8 8 5
7> : : : : 8 5
56 : : : : : 8
Skills !arked wit& an asterisk BTC an %e i!proved as a %ard advanes in level.
Alter !oods B9C: (&en per/or!ing %e/ore a nonH&ostile group' t&e %ard an alter
t&e groups !ood. +&is an %e a&ieved via an inspiring poe!' a tragi tale' a olletion
o/ *okes' or a lively tune. "veryone &earing t&e %ards per/or!ane !ust !ake a saving
t&row vs. paraly-ation. 3or every t&ree e1periene levels t&e %ard possesses apply a R7
!odi/ier to ea& roll. 0/ t&e save /ails' t&e groups urrent attitude an %e s&i/ted one level
in t&e diretion &osen %y t&e %ard. See t&e reations setion o/ t&e )ungeon *aster
,uide /or !ore details.
Ani!al /riends&ip B76C: One a day' t&e %ard an ast t&e eFuivalent o/ an animal
$riendship spell %y singing a soot&ing song.
C&ar! resistane B9C: Bards wit& t&is a%ility gain a M7 %onus to all saving t&rows
versus &ar!Hlike spells and e//ets.
Cli!% wallsT B9C: +&is skill lets %ards li!% s!oot& or vertial sur/aes.
Counter e//ets B76C: Bards are a%le to ounter t&e e//ets o/ songs and !usi used
as !agial attaks %y per/or!ing a ounter song. All &araters wit&in 86X o/ t&e %ard are
i!!une to su& attaks. 3or e1a!ple' t&e %ards adventuring party would %e i!!une to
t&e e//ets o/ a &arpys song. +&e %ard an per/or! no ations ot&er t&an a slow walk
w&ile ountering !agi wit& &is !usi. 0/ &e is struk in o!%at or /ails any saving
t&row' t&e e//et o/ &is ounter song ends. 4ore details o/ t&is power an %e /ound in t&e
Players Handbook%
Detet !agiT B76C: Bards an spot !agial radiations wit&in t&eir line o/ sig&t'
up to @6 /eet away. +&ey an deter!ine t&e intensity o/ t&e !agiDdi!' /aint' !oderate'
strong' and overw&el!ing.
Detet noiseT B9C: +&is is t&e a%ility to &ear sounds ot&ers usually ant.
)istory B76C: 0n &is travels' a %ard learns a great !any t&ings. +&e %ard an read
and write &is native language and knows &is areas loal &istory. 0n addition' a %ard &as a
9S &ane per level to identi/y t&e general purpose' /untion' and &istory o/ any !agial
ite! &e o!es aross. +&e %ard need not tou& t&e ite!' %ut &e !ust e1a!ine it losely.
Pik poketsT B76C: A %ard uses t&is skill to pil/er s!all ite!s /ro! t&e pou&es'
pokets' %elts' sleeves' paks' et. o/ ot&ers. A /ailed atte!pt !eans t&e %ard did not o!e
away wit& an ite!' %ut it does not indiate t&e %ard was aug&t in t&e at. +o deter!ine i/
a %ards atte!pt was notied' su%trat t&ree ti!es t&e viti!s e1periene level /ro! 766.
0/ t&e %ards roll was eFual to or &ig&er t&an t&is nu!%er' t&e atte!pt was notied. 3or
e1a!ple' i/ t&e t&ie/ tried to pik t&e poket o/ a ;t& level wi-ard and /ailedDand t&e
t&ie/s roll was ;> or &ig&erDt&e t&ie/ is notied. B;18 O 57. 766R57 O ;>.C
$ally /riends B9C: +&e %ard an inspire &is o!patriots w&o are a%out to enter
%attle. 0/ t&e %ard knows t&e nature o/ t&e t&reat t&ey /ae' t&e %ard an spend t&ree /ull
rounds rallying &is /riends wit& one o/ t&e /ollowing e//ets: a M7 %onus on attak rolls' a
M7 %onus to saving t&rows' or a M5 %onus on 4orale rolls during t&e upo!ing %attle.
+&e range is 76X per level o/ t&e %ard' and t&e duration is one round per level o/ t&e %ard.
$ead languagesT B9C: A %ard needs every edge &e an get' and t&e a%ility to read
languages ould put &i! a&ead o/ &is o!petitors.
Sound resistane B9C: Bards gain a M5 %onus to saving t&rows vs. soundH%ased
!agial attaks su& as: &arpys song' dragonnes roar' sp&in1s roar' t&e s&out spell' yet&
&ound &owl' and sirine song.
Sroll use B9P76C: At 76t& level' any %ard an use !agial spell srolls. By
pur&asing t&is skill as a 76Hpoint a%ility' &e &as a &ane to read srolls at any level. 0/ a
%ard /ails to aurately read t&e sroll' usually so!et&ing detri!ental ours' su& as t&e
spell %ak/iring. Consult +a%le 87 /or t&e %ards &ane to read a sroll.
(eapon speiali-ation B76C: +&is %ard an speiali-e in a partiular weapon. +&e
&arater point ost !ust %e !et in addition.
(i-ard spells B76C: Bards are da%%lers in !agi' studying it in a rat&er
disorgani-ed /as&ion. +&ey annot speiali-e in a s&ool o/ !agi. +&ey an ast spells
one t&ey rea& 5nd level' and t&ey %egin wit& one to /our spells in t&eir spell %ooks. A
%ards spellHasting level is eFual to &is atual e1periene level. +&e %ards spell
progression &art /ollows.
A/ter a %ards skills are seleted' onsult t&e ta%le %elow to deter!ine %ase sores.
0/ t&e %ard &as skills /ro! t&e ta%le' reord t&e appropriate sores. +&ese skills an
i!prove as t&e %ard gains levels.
Skill points: Ne1t' alloate 56 disretionary points a!ong t&e %ards UsoredV
skills. 0/ t&e %ard possesses only one o/ t&ose skills' all 56 points are allotted to it. 0/ t&e
%ard did not selet any o/ t&ose skills' t&e 56 points an %e spent on nonweapon
pro/iienies or saved /or use during t&e ga!e.
"a& ti!e a %ard advanes a level' &e is awarded 79 disretionary points to divide
a!ong t&ose a%ilities.
+a%le 88: Bard Skill Base Sores
Cli!% )ear Pik $ead Detet
walls noise pokets languages !agi
96S 56S 76S 9S 76S
Priests A priest is a /ollower and advoate o/ a partiular /antasy deityD!ost o/ten one
o/ a group' or pant&eon' o/ deities. )e ats in a !anner appropriate to &is deity' and uses
&is powers and skills to &elp ot&ers advane t&e %elie/s o/ &is religion.
All priest &araters an ast spells granted t&e! %y t&eir deity' wear !any types
o/ ar!or' and use !any weapons.
Priest spells are divided into Sp&eres o/ 0n/luene' w&i& !irror t&e interests o/
t&e priests deity. A priest eit&er &as 4a*or or 4inor aess to a sp&ere. 4a*or aess
!eans t&at a priest potentially an ast any spell in t&at sp&ere. 4inor aess indiates
t&at t&e priest an ast only /irstH t&roug& t&irdHlevel spells /ro! t&at sp&ere. +&e spell
progression /or a priest is presented %elow.
A%ility $eFuire!ents: (isdo! >
Pri!e $eFuisite: (isdo!
Allowed $aes: All
Cleris are t&e !ost o!!on type o/ priest &arater' and t&ey generally are
goodHaligned. Cleris are sturdy soldiers in t&e servie o/ t&eir deity. +&ey an wear any
type o/ ar!or and arry a s&ield' %ut t&ey are restrited to using only %lunt' %ludgeoning
weapons. +&ey an use !any !agial ite!s' inluding !agial versions o/ t&eir ar!or
and weapons.
Spells are t&e leris pri!ary tool. Nor!ally' a leri spends &arater points to
gain !a*or aess to t&e sp&eres o/ all' astral' &ar!' o!%at' reation' divination'
guardian' &ealing' nero!anti' protetion' su!!oning' and sun' as wall as !inor aess
to t&e ele!ental sp&ere.
+a%le 8:: Priest Spell Progression
Priest Spell level
,evel 7 5 8 : 9 @T ;TT
7 7 D D D D D D
5 5 D D D D D D
8 5 7 D D D D D
: 8 5 D D D D D
9 8 8 7 D D D D
@ 8 8 5 D D D D
; 8 8 5 7 D D D
J 8 8 8 5 D D D
> : : 8 5 7 D D
76 : : 8 8 5 D D
77 9 : : 8 5 7 D
75 @ 9 9 8 5 5 D
78 @ @ @ : 5 5 D
7: @ @ @ 9 8 5 7
79 @ @ @ @ : 5 7
7@ ; ; ; @ : 8 7
7; ; ; ; ; 9 8 5
7J J J J J @ : 5
7> > > J J @ : 5
56 > > > J ; 9 5
T <sa%le only %y priests wit& 7; or greater (isdo! sores
TT <sa%le only %y priests wit& 7J or greater (isdo! sores
All priests gain 7dJ &it points /or levels 7R>. +&erea/ter' priests earn 5 &it points
per level.
+a%le 89: Priest "1periene ,evels
)it die
,evel Cleri Druid BdJC
7 6 6 7
5 7'966 5'666 5
8 8'666 :'666 8
: @'666 ;'966 :
9 78'666 75'966 9
@ 5;'966 56'666 @
; 99'666 89'666 ;
J 776'666 @6'666 J
> 559'666 >6'666 >
76 :96'666 759'666 >M5
77 @;9'666 566'666 >M:
75 >66'666 866'66 >M@
78 7'759'666 ;96'666 >MJ
7: 7'896'666 7'966'666 >M76
79 7'9;9'666 8'666'666 >M75
7@ 7'J66'666 8'966'666 >M7:
7; 5'659'666 966'666T >M7@
7J 5'596'666 7'666'666 >M7J
7> 5':;9'666 7'966'666 >M56
56 5';66'666 5'666'666 >M55
T See t&e Players )and%ook setion on &ierop&ant druids.
A leri reeives 759 &arater points to spend on skills and a%ilities /ro! t&e
/ollowing list. Skills ost 8 to 79 points. Any unspent points an %e used to aFuire
nonweapon pro/iienies or saved /or use during t&e ga!e.
Aess to sp&eres: Aess to a sp&ere o/ spells osts 8 to 79 &arater points' as
s&own on t&e ta%le %elow:
Sp&ere 4inor 4a*or Sp&ere 4inor 4a*or
All 8 9 )ealing 9 76
Ani!al 9 76 ,aw 9 76
Astral 8 9 Nero!anti 9 76
C&aos 8 9 Nu!%ers 9 76
C&ar! 9 76 Plant 9 76
Co!%at 9 76 Protetion 9 76
Creation 9 76 Su!!oning 9 76
Divination 9 76 Sun 8 9
"le!ental 76 79 +&oug&t 9 76
Air 8 9 +i!e 9 76
"art& 8 9 +ravelers 8 9
3ire 8 9 (ar 8 9
(ater 8 9 (ards 9 76
.uardian 8 9 (eat&er 8 9
Casting reduction F'G: +&e leris spell asting ti!e is redued %y 7. All spells
still retain a !ini!u! asting ti!e o/ 7.
Detect evil F17G: Cleris wit& t&is a%ility an see e!anations o/ evil /ro!
reatures or o%*ets wit&in a pat& 76 /eet wide %y @6 /eet long. 0t takes one round to san
a diretion' and t&e leri annot %e atte!pting ot&er ations.
Detect undead F17G: Cleris an detet all undead wit&in a pat& 76 /eet wide %y
@6 /eet long. 0t takes one round to san a diretion' and t&e leri annot %e atte!pting
ot&er ations. Cleris annot detet undead t&roug& stone or ot&er t&ik !aterials.
2/pert healer F'G: +&is a%ility allows t&e &arater to ast one cure light wounds
spell a day in addition to t&e nu!%er o/ spells t&e priest an nor!ally ast.
Followers F'<17G: By pur&asing t&is skill' a leri an gain /ollowers as
desri%ed in t&e Players Handbook i/ &e esta%lis&es a strong&old and is at least Jt& level.
0/ t&is is pur&ased as a 76Hpoint a%ility' t&e leri an attrat /ollowers w&enever &e
esta%lis&es a strong&old' regardless o/ level. $e/er to t&e priest setion o/ t&e Players
)and%ook /or !ore details on /ollowers.
8it point bonus F17G: Cleris wit& t&is a%ility use 7d76 to deter!ine t&eir &it
points rat&er t&an 7dJ.
(now align%ent F17G: +&is a%ility allows t&e &arater to ast t&e know
alignment spell one a day. +&is is in addition to t&e nu!%er o/ spells t&e priest an
nor!ally ast.
#esist energ drain F'G: Priests wit& t&is a%ility gain a M7 %onus to saving t&rows
vs. t&e energy drain spell and t&e levelHdraining attaks o/ undead. 0/ t&e attak does not
nor!ally allow a saving t&row' t&is a%ility &as no e//et. +&is a%ilitys saving t&row
%onus does apply to &araters proteted %y t&e negative plane protetion spell.
!pell duration increase F17G: +&e duration o/ all nonHinstantaneous spells ast %y
t&e leri inreases %y 7 round /or every two e1periene levels o/ t&e leri. 3or e1a!ple'
a @t& level leri &as &is spells durations inreased %y 8 rounds.
Turn undead F17G: +&e leri is granted power over undead' su& as -o!%ies'
skeletons' va!pires' and li&es. Cleris an drive away t&ese reatures' and as leris
advane in /ait& and e1periene levels' t&ey an destroy so!e /or!s o/ undead. Below is
t&e &art /or turning undead.
,arriorCpriests F17G: Priests w&o selet t&is a%ility use t&e warrior Strengt& and
Constitution %onuses /or e1eptional sores. 3or e1a!ple' a priest ould &ave an 7JP86
Strengt&' and &e ould gain %onus &it points /or &aving a Constitution sore greater t&an
,eapon allowance F'G: A priest wit& t&is a%ility an &oose a /avored edged
weapon o/ &is deity. 3or e1a!ple' a leri o/ t&e elven deity Corellon ,aret&ian ould use
a long sword' or a priest o/ t&e Norse god' Odin !ig&t wield a spear. +&e &arater !ust
still pur&ase pro/iieny in t&e allowed weapon.
,eapon specialiHation F1'G: +&is priest an speiali-e in a partiular weapon.
+&e &arater point ost !ust %e !et in addition.
,iHardl priests F1'G: +&ese priests gain aess to one s&ool o/ wi-ard spells
and an ast t&e! as i/ t&ey were lerial spells. +&e priests !ust ontinue to o%serve t&e
nu!%er o/ various level spells t&ey an ast ea& day.
Table "): Turning Dndead
Tpe or 8it Dice >evel of Priest
of Dndead 1 2 " & ' ) + @ . 17J11
12J1" 1&I
Skeleton or 7 )D76 ; : + + D D DT DT DT
Yo!%ie 78 76 ; : + + D D DT DT DT
.&oul or 5 )D 7@ 78 76 ; : + + D D DT
S&adow or 8R: )D 7> 7@ 78 76 ; : + + D
(ig&t or 9 )D 56 7> 7@ 78 76 ; : + + D
.&ast D 56 7> 7@ 78 76 ; : + + D
(rait& or @ )D D D 56 7> 7@ 78 76 ; : +
+ D
4u!!y or ; )D D D D 56 7> 7@ 78 76 ; :
+ +
Spetre or J )D D D D D 56 7> 7@ 78 76 ;
: +
Na!pire or > )D D D D D D 56 7> 7@ 78 76
; :
.&ost or 76 )D D D D D D D 56 7> 7@ 78
76 ;
,i& or 77M )D D D D D D D D 56 7> 7@
78 76
Speial D D D D D D D D 56 7> 7@
+ O auto!atially turns t&at type o/ undead' DO destroys t&at type o/ undead.
DT Oan additional 5d: reatures are turned
Speialty Priests
Speialty priests are enountered in a!paigns w&ere D4s develop or i!port a
!yt&os or a partiular pant&eon o/ deities. +&e !any possi%le types o/ speialty priests
go %eyond t&e sope o/ t&is %ook. )owever' players and D4s interested in designing
t&ese priests s&ould onsult t&e Players Handbook' t&e Complete Priests Handbook' and
t&e 2egends & 2ore %ook. One e1a!ple o/ a speialty priest' t&e druid' is presented
Abilit #e$uire%ents: (isdo! 75
C&aris!a 79
Pri%e #e$uisite: (isdo!' C&aris!a
Allowed #aces: )u!an' &al/Hel/
+&e druids o/ &istory lived a!ong t&e .er!ani tri%es o/ (estern "urope and
Britain during t&e days o/ t&e $o!an "!pire. +&ey ated as advisors to tri%al &ie/tains.
+&ey %elieved t&e eart& was t&e !ot&er o/ all t&ings' and t&ey revered it' t&e sun' t&e
!oon' and ertain trees as deities.
Druids in t&e AD&D ga!e are nature priests' proteting pristine woodlands /ro!
t&e depredations o/ !onsters and ivili-ation. +&ey are only loosely %ased on t&eir
&istorial na!esakes.
A druid is allowed to wear only leat&er ar!or and use only wooden s&ieldsD
natural !aterials. A druid !ay use only t&e /ollowing weapons: lu%' sikle' dart' spear'
dagger' si!itar' sling' and sta//.
A druids standard seletion o/ spells inludes !a*or aess to t&e sp&eres o/ all'
ani!al' ele!ental' &ealing' plant' and weat&er' and !inor aess to divination. A druid
an use !agial ite!s allowed to priests' e1ept /or %ooks and srolls.
A druid &as 766 &arater points to pur&ase skills. Skills osts 9 to 79 points.
Any unspent points an %e used to aFuire nonweapon pro/iienies or saved /or use
during t&e ga!e.
Access to spheres: +&e standard druid seletion Bsee a%oveC osts @6 &arater
points. Or' t&e druid an pur&ase sp&eres individually *ust as leris do Bsee page 9;C.
5onus spell F'G: One per day t&e druid an ast an animal $riendship spell. +&is
is a %onus spell and does not ount against t&e druids spell total /or t&e day.
Cold resistance F'G: M5 saving t&row %onus vs. oldH or ieH%ased attaks.
Co%%unicate with creatures F17G: A druid an aFuire t&e languages o/
woodland reatures' at t&e rate o/ one language per level. 3or e1a!ple' a /ourt& level
druid ould &ave /our su& languages. So!e woodland reatures inlude: entaurs'
dryads' elves' /auns' satyrs' gno!es' dragons' li-ard !en' !antiores' ni1ies' pi1ies'
sprites' and treants.
2le%ental spell bonus F'G: (&en t&e druid asts spells /ro! t&e ele!ental
sp&ere' all levelH%ased varia%les Brange' duration' et.C are alulated as i/ t&e druid were
one e1periene level &ig&er t&an t&e &araters atual level.
8it point bonus F17G: Druids wit& t&is a%ility use 7d76 to deter!ine t&eir &it
points rat&er t&an 7dJ.
0dentif F'G: At 8rd level' a druid an aurately identi/y plants' ani!als' and
lean water.
0%%unit to char% F'<17G: Aording to t&e Players )and%ook' at ;t& level a
druid %eo!es i!!une to &ar! spells ast %y woodland reatures. )owever' %y
pur&asing t&is a%ility /or 76 points' a Players Option druid gains t&is i!!unity
0%%unit to disease F17G: A druid wit& t&is a%ility is i!!une to natural diseases.
Pass without trace F'G: At 8rd level' a druid wit& t&is a%ility an pass without
trace' as per t&e spell' at &is nor!al !ove!ent rate.
Purif water F'G: +&is a%ility allows t&e &arater to ast one puri$y $ood and
drink spell a day in addition to t&e nu!%er o/ spells &e an nor!ally ast.
Fire<2lectrical #esistance F'G: a M5 %onus to all saving t&rows vs. /ire and
eletrial attaks.
8ide in !hadows F'G: A druid an &ide in s&adows' as t&e ranger a%ility' in
natural surroundings. See +a%le 55 in t&e ranger setion /or t&e &ane o/ suess.
-ove silentl F'G: A druid an !ove silently' as t&e ranger a%ility' in natural
surroundings. See +a%le 55 in t&e ranger setion /or t&e &ane o/ suess.
!ecret language F'G: Druids an speak a seret language only t&ey know' and
t&ey use it to onverse wit& ea& ot&er.
!hapechange F17<1'G: Aording to t&e Players )and%ook' at ;t& level a druid
gains t&e a%ility to s&ape&ange. )owever' %y pur&asing t&is skill /or 79 &arater
points' a Players !ption druid gains t&e /ollowing s&ape&anging a%ilities:
At 9t& level' a druid an &ange into a %ird one a day.
At @t& level' &e an also &ange into a reptile one a day.
By ;t& level a druid an also &ange into a !a!!al.
+&e si-e and s&ape assu!ed %y t&e druid an vary /ro! t&at o/ a %ull/rog or s!all
%ird to t&at o/ a %lak %ear. +&e druid an assu!e t&e /or!s o/ nor!al reatures only.
(&en assu!ing a new /or!' a druid is &ealed o/ 76R@6S o/ any da!age &e &as su//ered
Bround downC. +&e druid also assu!es t&e reatures p&ysial &arateristis Bar!or lass'
!ove!ent !ode and rate' et.C. +&e druids lot&ing and one ite! &eld in ea& &and also
%eo!e part o/ &is new s&apeDt&ese reappear w&en t&e druid resu!es &is %ipedal /or!.
,eapon specialiHation F1'G: +&is druid an speiali-e in a partiular weapon.
+&e &arater point ost !ust %e !et in addition.
(i-ards (i-ards o!!and staggering energies and !ake dangerous opponents. +&e
power to ontrol !agial energies o!es /ro! t&e !ind' and as su&' 0ntelligene is very
(i-ards annot wear ar!or' as it not only inter/eres wit& t&e /ores t&ey ontrol'
%ut also goes against t&eir way o/ t&inking. +&ey are li!ited in t&e nu!%er o/ weapons
t&at t&ey an wield in o!%at. Per!issi%le weapons are: kni/e' dagger' sta//' darts' and
All wi-ards &ave t&e a%ility to ast nu!erous o//ensive' de/ensive' and
in/or!ative spells. +&e spell progression &art /or wi-ards is %elow. #ust as t&ere are
sp&eres o/ lerial spells' t&ere also are s&ools o/ wi-ard !agi. +&ere are eig&t s&ools'
and details on t&e! an %e /ound in t&e Players Handbook.
(i-ards also possess t&e apaity to use !agial ite!s su& as wands' rods'
staves' rings' srolls' and potions. 3inally' wi-ards an reate new !agial spells and
ite!sD/ro! srolls and eli1irs to !ig&ty weapons.
Abilit #e$uire%ents: 0ntelligene >
Pri%e #e$uisite: 0ntelligene
Allowed #aces: )u!an' &al/Hel/' el/
4ages are !ore versatile t&an speialist wi-ards' w&o are li!ited to asting spells
/ro! ertain s&ools. 4ages an ast spells /ro! any s&ool o/ !agi. "1a!ples o/
!ages /ro! legend and literature are: 4erlin' .andal/' 4edea' and Cire.
Table "+: ,iHard !pell Progression
,iHard !pell >evel
>evel 1 2 " & ' ) + @ .
7 7 D D D D D D D D
5 5 D D D D D D D D
8 5 7 D D D D D D D
: 8 5 D D D D D D D
9 : 5 7 D D D D D D
@ : 5 5 D D D D D D
; : 8 5 7 D D D D D
J : 8 8 5 D D D D D
> : 8 8 5 7 D D D D
76 : : 8 5 5 D D D D
77 : : : 8 8 D D D D
75 : : : : : 7 D D D
78 9 9 9 : : 5 D D D
7: 9 9 9 : : 5 7 D D
79 9 9 9 9 9 5 7 D D
7@ 9 9 9 9 9 8 5 7 D
7; 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 5 D
7J 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 5 7
7> 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 7
56 9 9 9 9 9 : 8 8 5
All wi-ards roll d:s to deter!ine t&eir &it points w&en t&ey advane /ro! 7st
t&roug& 76t& levels. +&erea/ter' a wi-ard gains 7 &it point per level.
Table "@: ,iHard 2/perience >evels
>evel ,iHard 8it dice Fd&G
7 6 7
5 5'966 5
8 9'666 8
: 76'666 :
9 56'666 9
@ :6'666 @
; @6'666 ;
J >6'666 J
> 789'666 >
76 596'666 76
77 8;9'666 76M7
75 ;96'666 76M5
78 7'759'666 76M8
7: 7'966'666 76M:
79 7'J;9'666 76M9
7@ 5'596'666 76M@
7; 5'@59'666 76M;
7J 8'666'666 76MJ
7> 8'8;9'666 76M>
56 8';96'666 76M76
(i-ards &ave :6 &arater points to spend on skills /ro! t&e /ollowing list. +&ese
a%ilities range /ro! 9 to 79 &arater points. Any unspent points an %e used to aFuire
nonweapon pro/iienies or saved /or use during t&e ga!e.
Access to schools: 0t osts 9 points per s&ool to w&i& t&e wi-ard &as aess. 3or
e1a!ple' i/ a wi-ard wanted to &ave aess to si1 s&ools' t&e ost would %e 86 &arater
points. Nor!ally' wi-ards spend :6 points to ast spells /ro! t&e eig&t standard s&ools:
a%*uration' alteration' on*urationPsu!!oning' en&ant!entP &ar!' divination'
illusionPp&antas!' invoationPevoation' and nero!any. Note t&at t&e spells t&at !ake
up t&e optional s&ools o/ al&e!y' geo!etry' and ele!ental !agi B/ro! t&e Tome o$
*agicC are generally inluded in t&e standard s&ools o/ !agi.
Ar%ored wiHard F1'G: +&is wi-ard an ast spells w&ile wearing t&e ar!or o/ &is
Auto%atic spells F'G: (&en a wi-ard wit& t&is spell gains aess to a new level
o/ spells' t&e &arater auto!atially gains a spell o/ t&at level /or t&e &araters
Casting reduction F'G: +&e asting ti!e o/ all t&e !ages spells is redued %y 7.
0/ a spells original asting ti!e is 7' it is not redued.
Co%bat bonus F17G: A wi-ard wit& t&is a%ility uses t&e rogue +)AC6 &art.
Detect %agic F17G: C&araters pur&asing t&is a%ility an detect magic one a day
/or every two levels. 3or e1a!ple' a ;t& level !age an detect magic t&ree ti!es a day.
+&is is in addition to any detect magic spells t&e !age !ig&t arry. +&e &arater an
spot !agial radiations wit&in &is line o/ sig&t' up to @6X away. )e an deter!ine t&e
intensity o/ t&e !agiDdi!' /aint' !oderate' strong' and overw&el!ing.
2/tend duration F17G: +&e duration o/ all nonHinstantaneous spells inreases %y 7
round /or every two e1periene levels o/ t&e wi-ard. 3or e1a!ple' i/ a @t& level wi-ard
asts a spetral &and spell' it will last 79 rounds rat&er t&an 75 rounds.
8it point bonus F17G: +&ese wi-ards use 7d@ /or deter!ining &it points rat&er
t&an 7d:.
,arrior hit point bonus F'G: A wi-ard wit& t&is a%ility an en*oy t&e %ene/its o/
a &ig& Constitution sore as i/ &e were a /ig&ter. 3or e1a!ple' i/ t&is wi-ard &ad a
Constitution sore o/ 7J' &e would gain : %onus &it points a level' rat&er t&an 5.
Priestl wiHards F1'G: +&ese wi-ards gain aess to one sp&ere o/ priest spells
and an ast t&e! as i/ t&ey were wi-ard spells. +&ese &araters !ust ontinue to
o%serve t&e nu!%er o/ various level spells t&ey an ast ea& day.
#ead %agic F'G: C&araters pur&asing t&is a%ility an read magic one a day /or
every two levels. 3or e1a!ple' a :t& level !age an read magic twie a day. +&is is in
addition to any read magic spells t&e !age !ig&t arry.
#esistance to sleep and char% F'G: +&is wi-ard gains a M7 %onus to all saving
t&rows versus sleep and &ar! spells' i/ t&e spell or e//et allows a saving t&row.
,eapon specialiHation F1'G: +&is wi-ard an speiali-e in a partiular weapon.
+&e &arater point ost /or gaining pro/iieny and t&en speiali-ation !ust %e !et in
addition to t&is ost.
Optional $estrition
>i%ited %agical ite% use F'IG: A wi-ard wit& t&is restrition disdains en&anted
ite!s as a rut& /or t&e weak and re/uses to use ertain ategories o/ !agial ite!s. 3or
ea& ategory t&at is %arred to &i!' &e gains 9 CPs . +&e ategories are: potions' oils' and
srollsI rings' rods' staves' and wands' and !isellaneous !agial ite!sI and all weapons
and ar!or.
Speialist (i-ards
Speialist wi-ards' su& as illusionists' are t&ose w&o &oose to onentrate t&eir
studies on one partiular !agi s&ool. +&e 75 s&ools o/ !agi are: A%*uration'
Al&e!y' Alteration' Con*urationPSu!!oning' Divination' "n&ant!entPC&ar!'
.eo!etry' 0llusion' 0nvoationP"voation' Nero!any' S&adow and Song. B0n addition'
t&e Tome o$ *agic desri%es ele!ental wi-ards and wild !ages.C 3or ea& s&ool o/
!agi' t&ere is an opposition s&ool or s&ools. Speialist wi-ards an never ast any
spells /ro! as opposing s&ool. +&e &art t&at details all t&e reFuire!ents' opposition
s&ools' raes eligi%le /or ea& speiali-ation' and !ini!u! a%ility sores /ollows.
Table ".: !pecialist ,iHard #e$uire%ents
!chool #aces !core :pposition schools
A%*uration ) 79 (is Alteration & 0llusion
Al&e!y )' 7P5 "' . 79 0nt 0llusion & Nero!any
Alteration )' 7P5 " 79 De1A%*ur. & Nero!any
Con*.PSu!!. )' 7P5 " 79 Con.r. Divin. & 0nvoation
Divination )' 7P5 "' " 7@ (is Con*.PSu!!.
"n&.PC&ar! )' 7P5 "' " 7@ C&a 0nvo. & Nero!any
.eo!etry )' "' 7P5 " 79 0nt "n&ant!entPC&ar! & 0llusion
0llusion )' . 7@ De1Nero.' 0nvo.' & A%*uration
0nvo.P"vo. ) 7@ Con"n&.PC&ar! & Con*.PSu!!.
Nero!any ) 7@ (is 0llusion & "n&.PC&ar!
S&adow ) 79 0nt A%*ur. & 0nvoationP"voation
Song )' "' 7P5 " 7: 0nt Divination' 0nvo.P"vo.' Nero!any
)O )u!ans' 7P5 "O&al/Helves' "Oelves' .Ogno!es
All speialist wi-ards Billusionists' en&anters' and so onC gain 86 &arater points
to %uy skills. +&e skills %elow ost 9 to 79 points ea&. Any re!aining points an %e
spent on nonweapon pro/iienies or saved /or use during t&e ga!e.
Access to schools: A speialist wi-ard auto!atially &as aess to all s&ools o/
!agi t&at are not spei/ially noted as opposition s&ools /or &is speialty. BNote t&at
spells /ro! opposition s&ools t&at &appen to %e inluded in alternate s&ools su& as
song !agi' al&e!y' or ele!ental !agi are still not availa%le to t&e speialist. (ild
!agi is availa%le only to wild !ages.C
Ar%ored wiHard F1'G: +&is wi-ard an ast spells w&ile wearing t&e ar!or o/ &is
Auto%atic spells F'G: "a& ti!e t&e speialist wi-ard is a%le to learn a new level
o/ spells' &e an selet one spell /ro! &is speialty s&ool to learn auto!atially Bwit&out
a &ekC.
5onus spells F17G: Speialist wi-ards gain one additional spell per spell level. +&e
e1tra spell taken !ust %elong to t&e wi-ards s&ool o/ speiali-ation. 3or e1a!ple' a 9t&
level !age an ast /our 7st level spells' two 5nd level spells' and one 8rd level spell. But
a 9t& level speialist wi-ard an ast /ive 7st level spells' t&ree 5nd level spells' and two
8rd level spellsDprovided t&e added spells are /ro! &is &osen s&ool.
Casting reduction F'G: +&e asting ti!e o/ all t&e wi-ards spells /ro! &is &osen
s&ool is redued %y 5. All spells &ave a !ini!u! asting ti!e o/ 7.
Co%bat bonus F17G: A wi-ard wit& t&is a%ility uses t&e rogue +)AC6 &art.
Detect %agic F17G: C&araters pur&asing t&is a%ility an detect magic one a day
/or every t&ree levels. 3or e1a!ple' a ;t& level !age an detect magic twie a day. +&is is
in addition to any detect magic spells t&e !age !ig&t !e!ori-e. +&e &arater an spot
!agial radiations wit&in &is line o/ sig&t' up to @6X away. )e an deter!ine t&e intensity
o/ t&e !agiDdi!' /aint' !oderate' strong' and overw&el!ing.
2/tend duration F17G: +&e duration o/ all nonHinstantaneous spells /ro! t&e
wi-ards &osen s&ool inreases %y 7 round /or every e1periene level o/ t&e aster. 3or
e1a!ple' i/ a @t& level nero!aner asts a spetral &and spell' it will last 7J rounds
rat&er t&an 75 rounds.
0ntense %agic F'G: 0/ a speialist wi-ard asts a spell /ro! &is &osen s&ool' t&e
targets o/ t&at spell su//er a R7 saving t&row penalty.
>earning bonus F'G: A M79S %onus w&en atte!pting to learn new spells
%elonging t&e wi-ards s&ool o/ speiali-ation.
*o co%ponents F17G: +&e a%ility to designate one speialtyHs&ool spell per
&arater level as a spell t&at does not reFuire !aterial o!ponents. 3or e1a!ple' a
8rdHlevel speialist !ay &ave a total o/ t&ree spells in &is spell%ook t&at do not reFuire
!aterial o!ponents.
#ange boost F'G: +&e rea& o/ all ranged spells Bspells wit& a range ot&er t&an 6'
sel/' or tou&C /ro! t&e wi-ards &osen s&ool is inreased %y 59S. 3or e1a!ple' t&e 7st
level wi-ard spell &ar! person &as a range o/ 756 yards. +&at range is inreased to 796
#ead %agic F'G: C&araters pur&asing t&is a%ility an read magic one a day /or
every two levels. 3or e1a!ple' a :t& level !age an read magic twie a day. +&is is in
addition to any read magic spells t&e !age !ig&t !e!ori-e.
#esearch bonus F'G: (&en atte!pting to resear& and reate a new spell o/ &is
speiali-ed s&ool' treat t&e spell as one level lower t&an its atual level.
!aving throw bonus F'G: M7 %onus on saving t&rows vs. spells ast at t&e! /ro!
t&eir s&ool o/ speiali-ation. +&is %onus an %e pur&ased several ti!es wit& a
u!ulative e//et.
Optional $estritions
>earning penalt F'G: A speialist wi-ard wit& t&is restrition su//ers a penalty o/
R79S to all learn spell rolls outside &is own speialty.
>i%ited %agical ite% use F'IG: A wi-ard wit& t&is restrition disdains en&anted
ite!s as a rut& /or t&e weak and re/uses to use ertain ategories o/ !agial ite!s. 3or
ea& ategory t&at is %arred to &i!' &e gains 9 CPs. +&e ategories are: potions' oils' and
srollsI rings' rods' staves' and wands' and !isellaneous !agial ite!sI and all weapons
and ar!or.
-ore opposition schools F'IG: A speialist wi-ard wit& t&is restrition !ay
&oose to take additional opposing s&ools' gaining 9 &arater points /or ea& additional
s&ool in opposition to &is speialty. Only standard s&ools Bi.e.' t&ose desri%ed in t&e
Players HandbookC an %e seleted as additional opposition s&ools.
Psioniist A psioniist reeives 89 &arater points to spend on lass a%ilities. A%ilities
ost 9 to 79 points. Any unspent points an %e saved to %uy pro/iienies or saved /or use
in t&e ga!e.
All psioniists use +a%le ;J: Psioniist Saving +&rows and 4+)AC6s /ro! +a%le ;;:
+)AC6s & 4+)AC6. Psioniists use t&e +)AC6s /ro! +a%le ;; unless t&ey pur&ase
%etter o!%at a%ilities during &arater reation. All psioniists use +a%le ;>: Psioniist
"1periene ,evels. Psioniists use +a%le J6: Psioni Progression unless t&ey pur&ase
%etter psy&i a%ilities during &arater reation. All o/ t&ese ta%les appear in C&apter >
Psionis o/ t&is %ook.
Psioniist roll si1Hsided die to deter!ine &it points unless t&ey pur&ase larger &it die.
<nless stated ot&erwise' a &arater an take ea& a%ility only one and only w&en t&e
&arater is /irst reated.
Ar%or Dse F'<17G: +&e psioniist an e!ploy s!all s&ields and padded' leat&er'
studded leat&er' or &ide ar!or. As a 76Hpoint a%ility t&e psioniist an use s!all or
!ediu! s&ields' any o/ t&e ar!or types listed a%ove' plus %rigandine' &ain !ail' ring
!ail' sale !ail' or !etal la!ellar ar!or. 0/ t&e psioniist does not take t&is a%ility' &e an
wear no ar!or and annot e!ploy s&ields.
Attac6 -ode of Choice F17G: +&e psioniist develops e1tra skill in using one partiular
psioni attak !ode and gains a M7 %onus to !ental attak rolls w&en using t&at attak
!ode. +&is a%ility is useless wit&out t&e ontat a%ility.
Co%bat 5onus F17G: +&e psioniist uses t&e priest +)AC6 &art.
Contact F'<17G: +&e psioniist reeives t&e ontat pro/iieny and gains attak !odes
as s&own on t&e Psioni Progression ta%le in t&e Skills & Powers %ook. As a 76Hpoint
a%ility' t&e psioniist reeives e1tra attak !odes as t&oug& &e was two levels &ig&er t&an
&is atual level. 3or e1a!ple' a 7stHlevel psioniist would reeives two attak !odes. +&e
&arater an never &ave !ore t&an /ive attak !odes. 0/ t&e psioniist does not take t&is
power' &e an pur&ase t&e ontat pro/iieny any ti!e &e &as /ive &arater points
Followers F'<17G: +&e psioniist %eo!es a onte!plative !aster at >t& level. A 7st
level psioniist arrives ea& !ont& to study wit& t&e !aster. Students serve wit&out pay i/
t&ey reeive at least 76 &ours o/ training ea& week Bt&ey leave to seek new !asters i/
t&ey do not reeive su//iient trainingC. +&e !a1i!u! nu!%er o/ students t&e !aster
attrats is eFual to one &al/ t&e !asterXs C&aris!a sore' rounded down. 0/ t&e !aster
%uilds a santuary' &e an attrat a nu!%er o/ students eFual to &is C&aris!a sore. As a
76Hpoint a%ility' t&e psioniist %eo!es a renowned tea&er and an attrat students at any
level' su%*et to t&e li!its noted a%ove. 0/ t&e psioniist does not &oose t&is a%ility' &e
never attrats /ollowers' %ut an &ire servants and &en&!en /or pay *ust as any ot&er
&arater an.
?uarded -ind F'<17G: +&e psioniist an %lok or resist atte!pts to usurp &is will and
gains a M7 %onus to all saving t&rows against spells /ro! t&e en&ant!entP&ar! s&ool.
As a 76Hpoint a%ility' t&e psioniist gains a M5 %onus to all saving t&rows against spells
/ro! t&e en&ant!entP&ar! s&ool.
8it Point 5onus F17G: Psioniists wit& t&is a%ility roll eig&tHsided die /or &it points
rat&er t&an si1Hsided die. +&e psioniist still gains only two e1tra &it points per level at
76t& level and %eyond.
-ental Defense F'<17G: +&e psioniist an lose &is !ind to psy&i ontat and gains
de/ense !odes as s&own on t&e Psioni progression ta%le in t&e Skills & Powers %ook.
+&e psioniist also reeives a M5 %onus to &is !ental ar!or lass. As a 76Hpoint a%ility'
t&e psioniist reeives e1tra de/ense !odes as t&oug& &e was two levels &ig&er t&an &is
atual level. 3or e1a!ple' a 7stHlevel psioniist would reeives two de/ense !odes. +&e
&arater an never &ave !ore t&an /ive de/ense !odes. 0/ t&e psioniist does not take
t&is power' &e &as an open !ind' *ust as i/ &e were a nonHpsioni &arater. 0/ t&e
psioniist does not &oose t&is a%ility at t&e %eginning o/ play' &e an pur&ase t&e /iveH
point version w&enever &e &as /ive &arater points to spend. +&e 76Hpoint version is
availa%le only at t&e %eginning o/ play.
Penetrating -ind F17G: +&e psioniist an penetrate p&ysial %arriers wit& &is !ind
!ore readily t&an ot&er psioniists an. 0t takes two in&es o/ lead or iron' /our in&es o/
o%sidian' or two /eet o/ rok to %lok t&e psioniistXs lairsentient and telepat&i powers.
Note t&at !ost psioni powers reFuire line o/ sig&tI t&is a%ility does not negate a %loked
line o/ sig&t Bsee Skills & Powers# page 796C. +&is a%ility &as no e//et on psioni o!%at
and does not allow t&e psioniist to ignore !agial or psy&i %arriers t&at %lok psioni
P!P bonus F17G: +&e psioniist &as a potent !ind and rolls eig&tHsided die /or psioni
strengt& points instead o/ si1Hsided die. +&e psioniist still gains only t&ree e1tra PSPs
plus &is (isdo! %onus per level at 76t& level and %eyond.
Pschic Adept F17G: +&e psioniist reeives e1tra powers aording to t&e ta%le %elow
instead o/ t&e Psioni Progression ta%le in t&e Skills & Powers %ook. +&e two disiplines
t&e psioniist &ooses at /irst level ount as pri!ary disiplines Bsee Skills & Powers#
page 79:C.
Pschic Adept Power Progression
2/p; Total Total Total
>evel Disciplines !ciences Devotions
7 5 5 :
5 8 5 @
8 8 8 J
: 8 8 76
9 8 : 77
@ : : 75
; : 9 78
J : 9 7:
> : @ 79
76 9 @ 7@
77 9 ; 7;
75 9 ; 7J
78 9 J 7>
7: 9 J 56
79 9 > 57
7@ 9 > 55
7; 9 76 58
7J 9 76 5:
7> 9 77 59
56 9 77 5@
#ange 5oost F'<17G: +&e ranges o/ all powers wit&in t&e psioniistXs pri!ary disipline
inrease %y 59S. 0/ t&e psioniist is a psy&i adept &e &as two pri!ary disiplines. At
%ase ost B9C' t&e ranges o/ only one disiplineXs powers inrease. 3or a ost o/ 76
&arater points' t&e ranges o/ powers /or %ot& disiplines inrease. All powers wit&
ranges o/ 6' sel/' or tou& re!ain una//eted %y t&is a%ility.
,arrior 8it Point 5onus F'G: +&e psioniist gains %onus &it points /ro! a &ig&
Constitution sore as i/ &e were a warrior.
,eapon !pecialiHation F1'G: +&e psioniist an speiali-e in t&e use o/ a partiular
weapon. +&is a%ility is useless unless t&e &arater also &ooses t&e weapon use a%ility
B%elowC' even i/ t&e psioniist &ooses to speiali-e in a !artial art or nonlet&al o!%at.
+&e &araterHpoint ost /or gaining pro/iieny and speiali-ation in t&e weapon !ust %e
!et w&en t&e &arater &ooses weapon pro/iienies.
,eapon Dse F'<17G: +&e psioniist an e!ploy t&e /ollowing s!all weapons: &and
ross%ow' dagger' dart' dirk' kni/e' sourge' sikle' and s&ort sword. As a 76Hpoint a%ility
t&e psioniist an use any o/ t&e weapons a%ove' plus t&e /ollowing slig&tly larger
weapons: s&ort %ow' lu%' lig&t ross%ow' &andPt&rowing a1e' *avelin' Fuartersta//' sling'
spear' and war lu%. 0/ t&e psioniist does not take t&is a%ility' &e an e!ploy no weapons
at all' relying instead on &is !ental powers in o!%at.
Psionics and sub abilities: 0/ t&e rules /or su% a%ilities are in play' ConstitutionP3itness'
0ntelligeneP$eason' and (isdo!P0ntuition deter!ine a psioniistXs PSP total. (ild talent
&eks use t&e sa!e set o/ sores.
(isdo!P(illpower deter!ines a &araterXs %ase 4AC' and 0ntelligeneP$eason
deter!ines a &araterXs 4AC !odi/ier.
,eapon Proficiencies: One t&e psioniist &as pur&ased lass a%ilities &e reeives @
&arater points /or weapon pro/iienies. +&e psioniist an spend t&ese points as
AbilitCharacter PointCost
Pro/iieny in a single weapon /ro! t&e psioniist list. 8
Pro/iieny in a single weapon /ro! t&e warrior list. :
Designating a weapon o/ &oie. 8T
(eapon "1pertise Bone weaponC :T
(eapon Speiali-ation Bone weaponC JTT
,earning a /ig&ting style 7
T in addition to t&e ost /or pro/iieny in t&e weapon.
TT in addition to t&e osts o/ pro/iieny in t&e weapon and t&e a%ility to speiali-e
Psioniists an learn t&ese /ig&ting styles: oneH&anded weapon' weapon and s&ield' two
weapon' !issile' &orse ar&er' t&rown weaponPsling' and speial.
*onweapon Proficiencies: One t&e psioniist &as pur&ased lass a%ilities &e reeives @
&arater points /or nonweapon pro/iienies. +&e psioniist an &oose pro/iienies
/ro! t&e general and psioniist groups. $e/er to t&e Skills & Powers %ook' C&apter @' and
to t&e &art %elow:
General Group
Proficienc CostK 0nitial #elevant
$ating A%ility
ContatTT 9 NPA (isdo!P0ntuition
4ental Ar!orTT 8 NPA (isdo!P(illpower
Psionicist ,roup
.e! Cutting 8 @ De1terityPAi!
)arness @ ; (isdo!P(illpower
4editative 3ousTT 9 J (isdo!P0ntuition
4usial 0nstru!ent 5 ; C&aris!a ,eaders&ip
$eadingP(riting 5 J 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
$e*uvenationTT 8 @ (isdo!P(illpower
T Cost in &arater points
TT Pro/iieny desri%ed in C&apter > o/ t&e Skills & Powers %ook.
5uing ,ild Talents: Any &arater an pur&ase a wild talent as a trait /or > &arater
points. +&e &arater need not !ake a wild talent &ek' %ut !ust roll rando!ly to
deter!ine w&at t&e wild talent is Bsee Skills & Powers# page 79@C. Note t&at a &arater
ould !ake a nor!al wild talent &ek and use a &arater point to reroll i/ t&e &ek
4ultiHClassed and Dual Classed C&araters All t&e rules /ro! t&e Players
Handbook and t&e )ungeon *aster ,uide still apply to !ultiHlassed and dualHlassed
&araters. )owever' &arater points an en&ane t&ese divided &eroes.
4ultiHlassed PCs
4ultiHlassed &araters are de!i&u!ans wit& two or !ore
pro/essionsH/ig&terPt&ie/' leriPwi-ard' t&ie/Pwi-ardP/ig&ter' et. Su& a &arater gets to
spend t&e /ull allot!ent o/ CPs granted %y ea& lass. +&e points /ro! ea& lass !ust %e
spent %uying a%ilities /ro! t&at lassGs list only. +&e &arater reeives' &owever' only
one lassGs allowane o/ CPs /or pur&asing pro/iieniesI &e gets t&e largest nu!%er
allowed %y &is various lasses. )e an &oose pro/iienies /ro! any o/ t&ose allowed to
any o/ &is lasses. (&en &arater points are awarded /or advaning a level' t&ey !ust %e
divided %y t&e nu!%er o/ lasses t&e &arater &as Bretain /rations' donGt round t&e! up
or downC.
DualHlassed PCs
DualHlassed &araters are &u!ans w&o &ange t&eir urrent lasses and adopt
new pro/essions. 3or e1a!ple' a 9t& level /ig&ter !ig&t put away &is sword and %eo!e a
7st level wi-ard. (&en &eDand any ot&er &araterD&anges pro/essions' any unspent
&arater points are lost. +&e 7st level wi-ard spends &is new &arater point allot!ent
nor!ally' as i/ &e were adventuring /ro! srat&. (&en t&e wi-ards new level e1eeds
t&at o/ &is /irst lass' &e an /reely use t&e a%ilities o/ %ot& lassesD/ollowing all t&e
nor!al ga!e rules /or su& a &arater.
NonHAdventurers Players !ption rules gives D4s t&e opportunity to e1pand
nonplayer &araters. No longer will every %laks!it&' *eweler' or &orseHtrainer &ave a
+)AC6 o/ 56 and %e li!ited to 7d@ &it points. A D4s ast o/ regularlyHappearing NPCs
an &ave !ore su%stane.
NPC +iers
0!portant NPCs s&ould %e reated using t&e Players !ption rules. +&is inludes
generating t&e si1 a%ility sores' deter!ining t&e 75 su%a%ility sores' and deiding t&e
rae. C&arater points s&ould %e allotted /or weapon and nonweapon pro/iienies. NPCs
w&o are not adventurers s&ould not %e awarded lassH%ased &arater points. 0nstead' t&e
D4 s&ould deter!ine &ow e1periened t&e NPCs are. +&ree levels o/ e1pertise are
de/ined %elow.
Apprentice: +&ese NPCs likely are young people w&o &ave not yet !astered
t&eir trade. $oll 7d@M5 to deter!ine t&eir &it points Bplus or !inus any Constitution
!odi/iers t&at applyC. .ive t&ese NPCs 76 &arater points to pur&ase pro/iienies'
traits' and disadvantages. Any &arater points unspent /ro! t&e pur&ase o/ raial
a%ilities also !ay spent in t&is way.
!6illed: +&ese NPCs tend to %e young to !iddleHaged adults. $oll 7dJM: to
deter!ine t&eir &it points and add any Constitution %onus. Skilled NPCs also 79 &arater
points to spend' plus any unspent /ro! t&e pur&ase o/ raial a%ilities.
-aster: NPCs su& as t&ese &ave %een at t&eir pro/ession a nu!%er o/ years.
4asters &ave 56 &arater points' plus any unspent /ro! t&e pur&ase o/ raial a%ilities.
4aster NPCs an %e Fuite &ardy. $oll 5d@M@ to deter!ine t&eir &it points. Add any
Constitution %onus.
0/ D4s advane an i!portant NPC /ro! one level to t&e ne1t' si!ply supply t&e
NPC wit& an additional 9 &arater points and add 5 to @ to t&e NPCs &it point total.
D4s an e1pand t&is syste! i/ t&ey wis&' reating even !ore e1periened NPCs.
C&apter 9:
C&arater 2its
4any AD&D ga!e players are /a!iliar wit& t&e &arater kits in t&e Players Handbook
$ules Supple!ent series. Players !ption kits are di//erent. +&ey are pakages o/
desriptions' pro/iienies' %ene/its' and &indranes t&at &elp /les& out &araters. 0n
s&ort' t&e kits give adventurers %akground and dept&.
Players !ption kits are availa%le to !ore &araters t&an previouly pu%lis&ed kits
are. No longer are /ig&ters and t&ieves t&e only ones w&o an %eo!e swas&%uklers.
And rogues arent t&e only &araters w&o an e1el as aro%ats. (it& so!e e1eptions' a
&arater o/ any lass an &oose any kit. 4any Players !ption kits are linked to t&e
soial ranks syste! presented %elow.
Seleting a &arater kit is /reeDit &as no &arater point ost. )owever' it arries
a &arater point %ene/it. A &arater wit& a kit an pur&ase any o/ t&e reo!!ended
weapon and nonweapon pro/iienies listed /or 7 &arater point less t&an t&e ost
detailed in t&e pro/iieny setion.
+&e Soial $anks Syste! $ogues' /ig&ters' wi-ards' and priests an o!e /ro! any
%akgroundD/ro! %eing t&e 76t& son in a peasant /a!ily to t&e /irstH%orn o/ a no%le
&ouse. As su&' t&ey an %e o/ any soial rank.
0/ a a!paign is set in a large kingdo!s apital' a &arater wit& t&e no%le kit
ould %e a !e!%er o/ one o/ t&e nations ri&' power/ul /a!iliesDper&aps even t&e
/avored o//spring o/ t&e rulers. )is relatives' &owever' !ig&t not %e too &appy t&at &e
spends so !u& ti!e kneeHdeep in t&e /ilt&y !uk o/ dungeons' &aking atroious %easts
to %its /or a living. +&at is &ardly a suita%le Uno%leV i!age. Anot&er &arater !ig&t &ave
t&e %ar%arian kit' and t&e player !ust deide &ow &is roug& and rugged /urHlad &arater
a!e to %e in a large ity at t&e ti!e t&e a!paign starts.
A &araters initial soial rank s&ould not li!it &is advane!ent in soiety. A
peasant &ero !ig&t always /eel uno!/orta%le w&en standing %e/ore &is king. But i/ &is
&eroi deeds warrant su& an appearane' &e s&ould %e granted t&e opportunity. +&e only
li!it on &ow &ig& a &arater an rise in soietyDand in soial rankDis set %y &is
Soial rank is tied to !any &arater kits. Players an take t&ree approa&es to
seleting a kit. A player an roll at rando! to deter!ine &is &araters kitI si!ply pik a
kit' t&en roll on t&e soial rank ta%le underneat& t&at kitI or' &e an roll on t&e soial rank
ta%le %elow and see w&at kit possi%ilities open up /or &is &arater.
+o deter!ine soial rank /irst' roll 5d@ on t&e &art %elow. Sa!ples o/ people w&o
!ig&t /it into various lasses /ollow. So!e D4s !ig&t allow players to &oose a rank
t&at /its t&eir &arater onept.
Table &7: !ocial #an6s Table
2d) roll !ocial ran6
5R8 ,ower lass
:R; ,ower !iddle lass
JR76 <pper !iddle lass
77R75 <pper lass
>ower class: 3reed slaves' vaga%onds' indentured servants' ri!inals' !igrant
la%orers' %eggars' &erds!en' peddlers' ators' !enHatHar!s' !anual la%orers' trades!en'
!oneyH&angers' /is&er!en' petty o//iers' /ree!en' peasants' !essengers.
>ower %iddle class: Artisans' %akers' petty !er&ants' *unior o//iers' sri%es'
%rewers' o%%lers' landless knig&ts' !inor landowners' !er&ants' weavers' /ar!ers'
!instrels' gardeners' !iners' dok&ands' sailors' %laks!it&s' s&op owners' %odyguards'
sulptors' &ealers' ga!%lers' tailors' ani!al trainers' arpenters' leat&er workers'
Dpper %iddle class: ,oal o//iials' *ewelers' sages' senior o//iers' !inor no%les
B%annerets' %aronsC guild !asters' &er%alists' &istorians' ar!orers' wealt&y !er&ants'
astrono!ers' !a*or landowners' navigators' weapons!it&s' o!posers' s&olars' !inor
!ilitary o!!anders' no%les BearlsC' s&ip aptains' ar&itets' engineers' s&ipwrig&ts.
Dpper class: .reat landowners' generals' !ars&als' senior o//iials' knig&ts'
vi-iers' no%les Bounts' dukesC' royalty' diplo!ats' /inaniers.
Table &1: Character (it Table
#oll percentile dice to deter%ine an adventurerEs 6it;
67R68 Aro%at :>R97 Outlaw
6:R6@ A!a-on 95R99 Peasant )ero
6;R6> Ani!al 4aster 9@R9J Pirate
76R75 Assassin 9>R@5 Pugilist
78R7@ Bar%arian @8R@9 $ider
7;R7> Beggar @@R@J Savage
56R55 Cavalier @>R;5 S&olar
58R59 Diplo!at ;8R;@ Sout
5@R5> "1plorer ;;R;> S&arps&ooter
86R85 .ladiator J6RJ8 Soldier
88R89 #ester J:RJ@ S!uggler
8@R8> 4ariner J;RJ> Spy
:6R:5 4er&ant >6R>8 Swas&%ukler
:8R:9 4ysti >:R>@ +&ug
:@R:J No%le >;R66 (eapon 4aster
2its +&ere are a /ew rules /or players to /ollow w&en seleting &arater kits.
A player !ay not &oose a kit t&at is %arred to &is &araters lass or rae. 0n t&e
ase o/ !ultiHlassed &araters' i/ t&e kit is %arred to any o/ t&e &araters lasses' &e
!ay not selet t&at kit.
A player an &ave only one kit per &arater' and t&e seletion !ust %e !ade
during &arater reation. +&e only e1eption is i/ t&ese rules are added to an already
e1isting AD&D ga!e a!paign. 0n t&is ase' t&e D4 and players an agree on an
appropriate kit /or ea& &arater.
One a kit is &osen' t&e player annot later &ange it. 3or e1a!ple' i/ a &arater
&as t&e peasant &ero kit' and over t&e ourse o/ a long' suess/ul a!paign &e %eo!es
t&e ruler o/ &is &o!eland' &e does not now assu!e t&e no%le kit. )e re!ains a peasant
&ero. C&araters annot &ange t&eir pasts.
$e!e!%er' a &arater wit& a kit an pur&ase any o/ t&e reo!!ended weapon
and nonweapon pro/iienies B%ut not reo!!ended traitsC listed /or 7 &arater point
less t&an t&e ost detailed in t&e pro/iieny setion.
0n general' any o/ t&e /ollowing kits an %e used wit& any &arater lass. So!e
o!%inations' su& as paladinPt&ug are not allowed. ,et o!!on sense' t&e a!paign
setting' and t&e D4 serve as guides. +&ese kits also an apply to t&e NPCs in&a%iting a
D4s a!paign. 0/ a player wants to rando!ly selet a kit' &e an use +a%le :7. +&e ta%le
also an %e used to generate NPCs.
Aro%at An aro%at is a general ter! /or per/or!ers o/ a!a-ing p&ysial /eats. +&ese
inlude *ugglers' tu!%lers' *esters' and tig&tropeHwalkers. (&atever t&eir speialty' t&ese
&araters !ake a living %y entertaining ot&ers. Aro%ats o/ten travel in groups or wit&
iruses or arnivals. +&ese s&ows wander /ro! town to town and astle to astle. All
levels o/ soiety wis& to %e entertained. As su&' suess/ul aro%ats /ind t&e!selves in
!u& de!and.
A li/e on t&e road is not an easy one' &owever' and !any aro%ats o/ten turn to
ot&er avenues to !ake !oney. +&eir de1terous skills !ake t&e! valua%le adventurers'
espeially i/ so!e lareny or petty t&e/t is involved.
!ocial ran6s: Aro%ats !ost o/ten oupy t&e !iddle tier o/ a soiety. 4ost
lowerHranked !e!%ers o/ a soiety &ave not t&e ti!e to develop skills' like t&ose o/ t&e
aro%at. +&ey !ust onentrate on putting /ood on t&e ta%le. $oll 5d@ to deter!ine an
aro%ats soial rank at t&e a!paigns %eginning.
2d) roll !ocial ran6
5RJ ,ower 4iddle Class
>R75 <pper 4iddle Class
#e$uire%ents: +o take t&is kit' a &arater !ust &ave a !ini!u!
De1terityPBalane o/ 7: and a !ini!u! Strengt&PSta!ina o/ 75. +&e aro%at kit is %arred
to &al/Hogres' as well as any optional PC rae t&at is si-e large Brestrition - /ro! t&e
Ot&er $aes setion o/ C&apter +&reeC.
,eapon proficiencies: S!all' lig&t weapons are pre/erred %y aro%ats' as %ulky
or &eavy ones would &inder t&eir agile !aneuvers. Suggested weapons inlude t&e kni/e'
dagger' s&ort sword' lu%' and &and a1e. +&rown weapons and t&ose wit& long &a/ts or
&andles also are o!!on &oies a!ong aro%ats' as t&e weapons an %e used to *uggle
or poleHvault. +&ese weapons inlude: Fuartersta//' dart' *avelin' and spear.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: Disguise' *uggling' *u!ping' !usial
instru!ent' tig&tropeHwalking' and tu!%ling.
2$uip%ent: Aro%ats pre/er to %e lig&tly ar!ed and ar!ored to allow /or t&e
/ullest range o/ !ove!ent.
#eco%%ended traits: A!%ide1terity' dou%leH*ointed' gli%ness.
5enefits: 0/ unar!ored' aro%ats reeive a M5 %onus to tu!%ling'
tig&tropeHwalking' and *u!ping pro/iieny &eks. 0n addition' t&ey gain a M5 %onus to
Ar!or Class versus &urled !issile weaponsDprovided t&ey &ave roo! to dodge t&e
attak and are not ot&erwise prevented /ro! !oving /reely.
8indrances: Any aro%at w&o wears ar!or &eavier t&an studded leat&er BAC ;C
su//ers a R7 penalty to tu!%ling' tig&tropeHwalking' and *u!ping pro/iieny &eks per
point o/ ar!or lass %etter t&an AC ;. 3or e1a!ple' an aro%at wearing &ain !ailDAC9
Dsu//ers a R5 penalty. Note t&at De1terity or !agial %onuses to Ar!or Class do not
inrease t&is penalty. An aro%at wearing studded leat&er ar!or' a ring o$ protection 8/'
and &aving a 79 De1terity would inur no penalty despite &is AC : rating.
,ealth: Aro%ats reeive t&e nor!al a!ount o/ starting as& appropriate to t&eir
A!a-on 0n A!a-on ultures' t&e wo!en are t&e leaders' rulers' generals' and warriors'
w&ile t&e !en are t&e ooks' leaners' &o!e!akers' and si!ple la%orersDi/ not t&e
outrig&t slaves or property o/ t&e wo!en. Su& !atriar&al soieties !ay %e large or
s!all' savage or /riendly. A!a-on wo!en an %e seen as %rusFue' rude' &aug&ty' or
do!ineering %y t&ose /ro! !aleHdo!inated ultures. +&e A!a-ons o/ legend were /iere
o!%atants and /a!ous riders and %reeders o/ !agni/ient &orses. As su&' !any
A!a-ons pre/er lig&t ar!or' weapons' and eFuip!ent.
!ocial ran6s: A!a-on wo!en an o!e /ro! any eono!i %akground. $oll
5d@ to deter!ine t&e rank o/ an A!a-on /e!ale. 4ales are onsidered lower lass.
2d) roll !ocial ran6
5 ,ower lass
8R9 ,ower !iddle lass
@R76 <pper !iddle lass
77R75 <pper lass
#e$uire%ents: 3e!ale &araters o/ any de!i&u!an or &u!anoid rae an
&oose t&is kit.
,eapon proficiencies: A!a-ons an &oose /ro!: %attle a1e' %ow BanyC' lu%'
dagger' &and or t&rowing a1e' *avelin' kni/e' lane' spear' sta//' sword BanyC. 4en are
allowed only one initial weapon pro/iieny' and it !ust %e /ro! t&e a%ove list.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: $iding BlandH%asedC' rope use'
engineering' navigation' endurane' ani!al training' ani!al &andling' ar!orer'
%owyerP/let&er' &unting' running' set snares' survival' traking.
2$uip%ent: A!a-ons an %egin wit& only t&e /ollowing types o/ ar!or: s&ield'
leat&er' padded' studded leat&er' sale !ail' &ide' %anded !ail' or %ron-e plate !ail.
Better ar!or an %e &ad one a &arater &as ventured to ot&er ities.
#eco%%ended traits: Allure' ani!al e!pat&y' keen senses' o%sure knowledge.
5enefits: A!a-ons are /iere' eager o!petitors. 4any !ale opponents
underesti!ate t&e!. As a result' in any !elee o!%at w&ere an A!a-on is /ig&ting a
!ale opponent' t&e A!a-on gains a M5 %onus to &er /irst attak and da!age roll.
+&erea/ter o!%at is run nor!ally.
8indrances: A!a-ons su//er a R5 reation roll penalty /ro! NPCs o/
!aleHdo!inated soieties. Over ti!e' t&is penalty s&ould %e redued or eli!inated i/ t&e
NPCs %eo!e austo!ed to t&e strongHwilled ways o/ t&e A!a-on.
,ealth: A!a-ons %egin t&e ga!e wit& t&e a!ount o/ !oney appropriate to t&eir
Ani!al 4aster Ani!al !asters &ave an a//inity wit& natures reatures. +&ey an %e
trainers' keepers' or guardians o/ ani!als. .oodHaligned ani!al !asters protet and are
/or ani!als' evil ones use si!ple reatures to t&eir own advantage. 4any ani!al !asters
spend !u& o/ t&eir ti!e outside wit& t&eir /urred' /eat&ered' or saled /riends. Ani!al
!asters ould inlude rangers' &unts!en' /aloners' and druids.
!ocial ran6s: Ani!al !asters tend to %e eart&y /olks /ro! t&e lower e&elons o/ a
o!!unity. $oll 5d@ to deter!ine an ani!al !asters rank.
2d) roll !ocial ran6
5R9 ,ower Class
@R77 ,ower 4iddle Class
75 <pper 4iddle Class
#e$uire%ents: +o take t&is kit' a &arater !ust &ave a !ini!u!
ConstitutionP3itness o/ 76 and a !ini!u! (isdo!P0ntuition o/ 75. +&is kit is open to all
player &arater raes.
,eapon proficiencies: Ani!al !asters an use any weapon appropriate to t&eir
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: Ani!al lore' survival' agriulture'
ani!al training' ani!al &andling' /ireH%uilding' /is&ing' &er%alis!' &unting'
!ountaineering' riding BanyC' swi!!ing' set snares' traking.
2$uip%ent: Standard /or t&e &araters lass.
#eco%%ended traits: Ani!al e!pat&y' e!pat&y' li!ate sense.
5enefits: (&en t&is kit is &osen' t&e player and D4 !ust deter!ine a suita%le
ani!al o!panion /or t&e &arater. +&ere are several /ators to onsider: 7C t&e li!ate
and terrain o/ t&e ani!al !asters &o!eland' w&ere &e aFuired t&e o!panionI 5C t&e
&araters align!ent' as o!panions are attrated only to ani!al !asters o/ like
de!eanorI 8C t&e &araters rae Bdwarves and gno!es !ig&t attrat %urrowing or
underground reatures' w&ile elves would attrat /orest reaturesC andI :C t&e availa%ility
o/ o!pati%le reatures. All ani!al o!panions s&ould %e si-e S Bs!allC. An ani!al
o!panion is si!ilar to a wi-ards /a!iliar in t&at it &as a %ond wit& t&e ani!al !aster.
+&e !aster an issue it si!ple ver%al o!!ands' and t&e ani!al an onvey its needs and
A/ter !aking a list o/ availa%le and o!pati%le reatures' t&e player s&ould
&oose one reature as a o!panion. D4s !ig&t pre/er t&e ani!al to %e seleted
rando!ly. 0/ t&is is t&e ase' roll 7d56 and onsult t&e &art %elow.
Table &2: Ani%al Co%panions
#oll Co%panion #oll Co%panion
7 Badger 77 $aoon
5 Dog 75 Opossu!
8 (ol/ 78 3o1
: Snake 7: Skunk
9 Brus& rat 79 Cat
@ Owl 7@ 3alon
; 3erret 7; 4onkey
J $aven 7J SFuirrel
> Otter 7> )awk
76 Pig 56 (ood&uk
8indrances: +&e ani!al !aster !ust protet &is o!panion' not send it into
dangerous areas to spring &idden traps. S&ould an ani!al !aster lose &is o!panion
t&roug& arelessness or %y apriiously plaing t&e ani!al in danger' &e loses 76S o/ &is
urrent e1periene point total' and &e loses &is a//inity to t&at speies. No ot&er reature
o/ t&at type will serve as a o!panion /or t&at ani!al !aster. No penalties are assessed i/
t&e ani!al dies t&roug& natural auses' aidentally' or w&ile /ollowing orders o/ a
reasona%le nature. B)owever' its reasona%le /or ani!als wit& o!%at skills to de/end
t&eir !asters.C
,ealth: Standard as per t&e &araters lass.
Assassin +&is kit is intended /or evil aligned &araters' as t&e at o/ killing /or pay
annot %e *usti/ied as a good at. 0n any soiety t&ere e1ists an ele!ent t&at wis&es to
dispose o/ rivals' %usiness o!petitors' and any ot&ers dee!ed to %e in t&e way. 0t is to
t&is ele!ent t&at t&e assassin' a &ired killer' aters. <nlike si!ple warriors or soldiers' t&e
assassin relies on anony!ity and surprise to earn &is living. A suess/ul assassin !ay not
even %e seen %y &is target. Slipping out o/ t&e darkness or a rowd o/ /riends' t&e assassin
does &is dark deed and disappears.
!ocial ran6s: Assassins tend to %e wellHo//' as t&eir servies are e1pensive.
3urt&er' t&ey o/ten are eduated' w&i& &elps t&e! /it into di//erent seg!ents o/ soiety
to stalk t&eir prey. $oll 5d@ to deter!ine an assassins rank.
2d) roll #an6
5R8 ,ower Class
:R@ ,ower 4iddle Class
;R77 <pper 4iddle Class
75 <pper Class
#e$uire%ents: +o take t&is kit' a &arater !ust &ave a !ini!u!
0ntelligeneP$eason o/ 76 and a !ini!u! (isdo!P(illpower o/ 75. +&e assassin kit is
%arred to paladins' rangers' and druids. +&is kit is open to all player &arater raes. +&e
&arater !ust &ave evil align!ent.
,eapon proficiencies: An assassin an use any weapon allowed to &is lass.
)owever' !any assassins &ave one weapon wit& w&i& t&ey pre/er to per/or! t&eir ats
o/ !urder. As &e grows !ore notorious' evidene o/ a partiular weapon %eo!es t&e
assassins alling ard.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: "tiFuette' riding BanyC' &ealing'
disguise' /orgery' !odern languages' traking' reading lips. 0/ t&e D4 allows poison' t&e
assassin !ust &ave t&e &er%alis! pro/iieny to use various to1ins. )er%alis! gives t&e
&arater t&e knowledge to use natural plants and &er%s to produe a variety o/ poulties'
salves' and to1i o!pounds. Poison strengt&s and rules are listed in t&e )ungeon *aster
2$uip%ent: An assassin !ust %e a%le to !ove Fuikly and Fuietly' and travel as
lig&tly as possi%le. ,ig&t ar!or and s!all' easily onealed weapons are o!!on
#eco%%ended traits: Alertness' a!%ide1terity' gli%ness' preise !e!ory.
5enefits: +&e assassins knowledge o/ poisons allows &i! a 9S &ane per level
to identi/y to1i su%stanes. 0/ t&e assassin &as t&e &er%alis! pro/iieny' a M76S %onus
is added to t&e /inal nu!%er. +&e !eans o/ identi/ying poisons inlude sig&t' s!ell' taste'
or %y a viti!s sy!pto!s. An assassin wit& t&e &ealing pro/iieny an treat poison
viti!s wit& a M7 %onus to &is pro/iieny &ek.
8indrances: Assassins su//er a R: reation roll penalty w&enever t&ey enounter
so!eone w&o knows t&eir pro/ession.
,ealth: Assassins reeive 796S o/ t&e a!ount listed /or t&eir &osen lass.
Bar%arian +&e %ar%arian is per&aps t&e !ost o!!on /antasyH/ition ar&etype.
Power/ully %uilt' i!!ensely strong' and lad in /urs and skins' t&e %ar%arian o/ten is seen
as a !usleH%ound %ully. )owever' %ar%arians are !ore t&an t&at. +&ey arrive in t&e
a!paigns setting /ro! so!e distant' pri!itive land w&ere people !ust still /ig&t t&e
environ!ent at every turn *ust to survive. Playing a %ar%arian is all a%out working t&e
!ystiFue o/ a pri!itive ulture into a !ore Uivili-edV world.
!ocial ran6s: Bar%arians !ig&t %e wealt&y in t&eir own villages' %ut t&ey wont
%e &ig& on t&e soial or eono!ial ladder o/ t&e ivili-ed o!!unity t&ey are now a part
o/. $oll 5d@ to deter!ine t&e %ar%arians rank.
2d) roll #an6
5RJ ,ower Class
>R75 ,ower 4iddle Class
#e$uire%ents: Bar%arians !ust &ave !ini!u! Strengt&PSta!ina and
ConstitutionP)ealt& sores o/ 78. +&e %ar%arian kit is %arred to paladins' leris' and
%ards. +&is kit is open to all player &arater raes.
,eapon proficiencies: Bar%arians pre/er si!ple' large' and dependa%le weapons.
Suggested weapons inlude: a1e BallC' sword BallC' lu%' dagger' kni/e' war &a!!er'
!ae' sling' spear' *avelin' long %ow' and Fuartersta//. +&e /ollowing weapons are likely
inappropriate /or %ar%ariansDat least until t&ey are i!!ersed in a new ultureD
ross%ow BallC' polear!s BallC' /lail BallC' lanes BallC.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: "ndurane' ani!al &andling' ani!al
training' %owyerP/let&er' /ireH%uilding' /is&ing' riding BlandH%asedC' &unting'
!ountaineering' running' survival' traking.
2$uip%ent: A %ar%arian annot initially pur&ase ar!or &eavier t&an splint !ail'
%anded !ail' or %ron-e plate !ail. O/ ourse' one e1posed to superior /or!s o/ ar!or in
t&e a!paign' t&e %ar%arian !ay &oose to pur&ase ot&er ar!or types.
#eco%%ended traits: Alertness' diretion sense' i!!unities' keen senses' lig&t
sleeper' weat&er sense.
5enefits<8indrances: Bar%arians are intense' and NPCs tend to &ave very strong
reations to t&e!. People eit&er are drawn %y t&e %ar%arians ani!al !agnetis! or
repulsed %y &is pri!itive Fualities. +&is e//et o!es into play w&en NPCs !eet
%ar%arians /or t&e /irst ti!e. 0/ t&e NPCs reation roll result is J or less' an additional R5
%onus is applied to t&e result. 3or e1a!ple' i/ t&e &arater is ating indi//erently toward
a s&opkeeper and t&e s&opkeepers reation result is a ;' t&e s&opkeeper is indi$$erent.
)owever' sine t&e &arater is a %ar%arian' t&e R5 %onus applies' lowering t&e
s&opkeepers result to a 9Da $riendly response. +&e s&opkeeper &as %een won over %y
t&e %ar%arians presene. )owever' i/ t&e s&opkeepers reation roll was a 7: or &ig&er'
t&e !odi/ier %eo!es a M5 penalty' resulting in a 7@DthreateningDsore. 3or !ore
in/or!ation on reation results' see t&e )ungeon *aster ,uide%
,ealth: A %ar%arian %egins wit& t&e standard a!ount o/ !oney /or &is lass' %ut
all o/ it !ust %e spent %e/ore play %egins. +&e D4 !ig&t allow t&e Bar%arian to retain a
/ew silver piees or a &and/ul o/ oppers' %ut not !u& !ore.
Beggars Beggars earn a living o// t&e generosity o/ ot&ers. +&ey are a raggedy lot w&o
!ake ot&ers pity t&e! or w&o deeive ot&ers into giving t&e! !oney. A %eggar !ig&t
dress in rags and &uddle on a street orner' alling out to strangers /or oppers so &e an
%uy /ood. Per&aps &e pretends to %e !ai!ed' old' or senile' and %egs oins /ro! t&ose
!ore /ortunate. So!e %eggars !ig&t atually %e down on t&eir luk and in need o/ a
generous &andout. But !ost o/ t&e! are apa%le o/ working. A /ew &ave %egging
per/eted to a /ine art. +&ese are swindlers w&o reate ela%orate s&e!es to separate t&e
wealt&y /ro! t&eir !oney. Swindlers !ig&t oere %usiness!en to invest in a none1istent
o!pany' on lords and ladies into %etting on i!aginary &orse raes' and ro!ane people
into !arriages t&at leaves t&e !arks opperless and a%andoned. Beggars adventure to get
out o/ town i/ ity guards are giving t&e! too !u& trou%le or i/ t&ey want to sore
!ocial ran6s: Beggars usually oupy t&e lower tier o/ soiety. $oll 5d@ to
deter!ine &is soial rank at t&e %eginning o/ t&e a!paign.
2d) roll !ocial ran6
5R; ,ower Class
JR75 ,ower 4iddle Class
#e$uire%ents: Beggars !ust %e &aoti in align!ent and &ave a
C&aris!aP,eaders&ip sore o/ at least 76. +&is kit is %arred to all optional raes e1ept
ko%olds' go%lins' and !ongrel!en' as well as paladins' rangers' druids' and wi-ards o/ all
,eapon proficiencies: Beggars pre/er s!all weapons t&at an %e onealed. +&at
way t&ey look de/enseless. +&ese weapons inlude daggers' knives' saps' and slings.
)owever' w&en adventuring t&ey use any weapons allowed t&eir &arater lass.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: Disguise' /orgery' ga!ing'
ventriloFuis!' sea!stressPtailor.
2$uip%ent: (&ile %egging' t&ese &araters dress in rags or w&atever ot&er
lot&ing is appropriate to t&eir sa!. )owever' w&en adventuring t&ey don t&e %est ar!or
and weapons t&ey own.
#eco%%ended traits: .li%ness' i!personation' in&erent i!!unity to old'
in&erent i!!unity to &eat.
5enefits: Beggars reeive one /ree nonweapon pro/iieny at t&e ti!e o/
&arater reationDi/ t&e pro/iieny o!es /ro! t&e a%ove reo!!ended list.
8indrances: +&ese &araters are not aepted into upper !iddle lass and upper
lass soial irlesDat least in t&e o!!unity in w&i& t&e %eggar is plying &is trade.
+&is eFuates to a R: reation roll penalty i/ t&e %eggar is trying to soiali-e wit& t&e upper
,ealth: Beggars %egin wit& t&e nor!al starting gold /or t&eir &arater lass.
Cavalier +&is kit is appropriate only /or goodHaligned &araters' as avaliers are o/
%rave &eart and &onora%le %earing. +&ey are t&e devoted &eroes o/ t&e real!. (arriors'
wi-ards' and leris w&o love t&eir ountry' t&eir sovereign' and t&eir people an %e
avaliers. Cavaliers are t&e no%lest o/ no%les' %ut t&ey do not use t&eir positions in
soiety si!ply to /urt&er t&eir own ends. +&ey strive to aid t&e less /ortunate' protet t&eir
ruler' and save t&eir ountryDw&enever t&e need arises. Cavaliers an %e independent' or
t&ey !ig&t %e e!ployed as agents o/ t&e state' per&aps taking orders /ro! t&e king or
Soial ranks: +&oug& anyone wit& t&e rig&t intentions and deter!ination an %e a
avalier' it is !ore likely t&ese individuals o!e /ro! t&e &ig&er e&elons o/ a
o!!unity. $oll 5d@ to deter!ine a avaliers rank.
2d) roll #an6
5 ,ower Class
8 ,ower 4iddle Class
:R; <pper 4iddle Class
JR75 <pper Class
#e$uire%ents: Cavaliers !ust &ave a !ini!u! sore o/ 78 in t&eir lasss pri!e
reFuisite. Also' all avaliers !ust a !ini!u! C&aris!aP,eaders&ip o/ 7:. Cavaliers an
%e &u!ans' elves' &al/Helves' or dwarvesI t&is kit is %arred to rangers' t&ieves' druids' and
,eapon proficiencies: Cavaliers an &oose any weapons allowa%le %y t&eir
lass. Swords and lanes are espeially appropriate /or warrior avaliers' as t&ey are
suita%ly no%le weapons /or avaliers to arry.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: "tiFuette' riding BanyC' &eraldry'
&istory Bloal or anientC' languages B!odern or anientC' ani!al &andling' daning'
readingPwriting' artisti a%ility' and ga!ing.
2$uip%ent: Cavaliers an eFuip t&e!selves &ow t&ey &oose. )owever' a
avalier !ust pur&ase a !ount as soon as &e an a//ord one. Not only does a &andso!e
!ount inrease t&e avaliers no%le %earing' one will likely o!e in very &andy on &is
!any travels.
#eco%%ended traits: Allure' artisti a%ility' gli%ness' luky' !usiPsinging' or
5enefits: So goodH&earted and strongHwilled is t&e avalier t&at &e gains a M5
saving t&row %onus against all !indHa//eting !agis. Su& !agis inlude' %ut are not
neessarily li!ited to: charm person# $riends# hypnotism# sleep# irritation# ray o$
en$eeblement# $ear# con$usion# geas# command# enthrall# cloak o$ bra3ery# and symbol%
8indrances: 4ost avaliers &ave a strong sense o/ &onor' !eaning t&ey will only
/ig&t /airly and &ivalrously. 3or e1a!ple' during a o!%at on a &ig& li//Htop' t&e
avaliers /oe !ig&t slip over t&e edge and !anage to at& onto a &and&old. +&e avalier
ould not leave t&e !isreant to t&at /ate' nor would &e loosen &is /oes grip on t&e li//.
$at&er' t&e avalier would &elp t&e /oe up' and t&en ontinue t&e o!%at. Neit&er would a
avalier kill any ene!y no longer apa%le o/ sel/ de/ense or one w&o &ad surrendered in
good /ait&. Beause o/ t&is ode' a avalier an %e di//iult to play properly.
,ealth: <nless t&e avalier o!es /ro! t&e lower lass' &e %egins wit& 796S o/
t&e starting as& /or &is pro/ession. 0/ &e o!es /ro! t&e lower lass' &e %egins wit& t&e
nor!al starting as&.
Diplo!at 0n any a!paign t&at involves govern!ent and politis' diplo!ats and ot&er
ourtiers are %ound to appear. Diplo!ats an %ring i!portant !essages to neig&%oring
ountries. +&ey !ig&tDas adventurersDe1plore un&arted regions and at as e!issaries.
Or t&ey ould %e atta&ed to a /oreign ourt as t&eir lords representative' advising t&e
/oreign ruler o/ t&e attitudes and poliies o/ t&e diplo!ats &o!eland. Diplo!ats also at
as t&eir rulers eyes and ears in a distant ourt.
!ocial ran6s: Diplo!ats are groo!ed /ro! t&e &ig&er stations in soiety. $oll
5d@ to deter!ine t&eir rank.
2d) roll #an6
5R@ <pper 4iddle Class
;R75 <pper Class
#e$uire%ents: A diplo!at !ust &ave a !ini!u! 0ntelligeneP2nowledge sore
o/ 76 and !ini!u! (isdo!P0ntuition and C&aris!aPAppearane sores o/ 75. +&e
diplo!at kit is %arred to &al/Hors' &al/Hogres' and any o/ t&e optional raes e1ept
entaurs' git&-erai' satyrs' and swan!ays.
,eapon proficiencies: A diplo!at an wield any weapons t&at /it &is &arater
lass. )owever' sine a diplo!at is usually a peae/ul individual' i/ &e wears &eavy ar!or
and arries lots o/ weapons &e !ig&t %e viewed suspiiously. Diplo!ats are at t&eir %est
appearing ino//ensive.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: Daning' etiFuette' &eraldry' &istory
BanyC' languages Bany' nu!erous pre/erredC' reading lips' and riding BanyC.
2$uip%ent: A diplo!at an eFuip &i!sel/ &owever &e desires. )owever' &is
possessions s&ould %e o/ superior Fuality and appearane.
#eco%%ended traits: Allure' alertness' artisti a%ility' gli%ness' !usi BanyC'
o%sure knowledge' and preise !e!ory.
5enefits: Sine t&e diplo!ats nature is to put ot&ers at ease' &e reeives a M5
%onus to all reation rolls.
8indrances: Diplo!ats are o/ten /ar /ro! &o!e' essentially at t&e !ery o/ a
/oreign ruler. 0/ t&e diplo!at delivers a !essage t&at t&e ruler doesnt appreiate' t&e ruler
!ay take out &is anger on t&e !essenger. During warti!e' diplo!ats live espeially
dangerous lives' as t&ey /reFuently !ust travel aross ene!y lines and %attle/ields to
per/or! t&eir duties.
,ealth: Diplo!ats %egin wit& dou%le t&e a!ount o/ gold allotted to t&eir lass.
"1plorers "1plorers live to see w&ats over t&e ne1t !ountain or to sail %eyond t&e
ountries at t&e edge o/ a !ap. +&ey yearn to disover new plaes' people' and wonders.
And t&eir wanderlust drives t&e! ever on. +&ey !ake per/et adventurers' never staying
in one town /or !ore t&an a /ew days or weeks. And t&ey are always eager to e1plore
ruins' a%andoned te!ples' and ave o!ple1es. 4any e1plorers are de!i&u!ans w&o'
not /itting into &u!anHdo!inated towns' turned to traveling. Ot&ers are &al/H%reeds' su&
as &al/Helves' &al/Hors' and &al/Hogres' w&o /ound !ore aeptane in t&e wilderness
t&an in eit&er o/ t&eir parents o!!unities. O/ ourse' t&ere are &u!an e1plorers' too'
t&ese leaving t&eir &o!es si!ply %eause t&ey &ad to know w&ats out t&ere.
!ocial ran6s: "1plorers o!e /ro! all walks o/ li/e. $oll 5d@ to deter!ine soial
rank at t&e %eginning o/ t&e a!paign.
2d) roll !ocial ran6
5R8 ,ower Class
:R@ ,ower 4iddle Class
;R76 <pper 4iddle Class
77R75 <pper Class
#e$uire%ents: "1plorers !ust &ave a !ini!u! o/ 75 /or (isdo!P (illpower
and 0ntelligeneP2nowledge sores. +&is kit is open to all player &arater raes and
,eapon proficiencies: +&ese &araters an selet any weapon pro/iienies
allowed t&eir adventuring lasses.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: Diretion sense' /ireH%uilding' /is&ing'
survival' weat&er sense' sea!ans&ip' loal &istory' anient &istory' readingPwriting.
2$uip%ent: "1plorers are pratial and try to arry all o/ t&eir ar!s' ar!or' and
%elongings wit& t&e!. +&ey pri-e e1traHdi!ensional spaes and !agial arts and %o1es
su& as bags o$ holding# Hewards handy ha3ersacks# 'ui3ers o$ 9hlonna# portable
holes# mouse carts# $latbo:es' and !ore.
#eco%%ended traits: 0nternal o!pass' in&erent i!!unity to old' in&erent
i!!unity to &eat' keen eyesig&t' keen &earing' preise !e!ory.
5enefits: "1plorers gain t&e survival nonweapon pro/iieny at no ost' and t&ey
an &oose any two terrain types to apply it to. Possi%le terrains are: arti' woodland'
desert' steppe' !ountain' and tropial.
8indrances: +&ese &araters annot stay in one plae too long' alling no plae
&o!e unless U&o!eV is a s&ip or a overed wagon. +&ere/ore' e1plorers annot spend
!ore t&an a /ew weeks at %est in any given ity or keep.
,ealth: "1plorers %egin wit& t&e !a1i!u! a!ount o/ gold allowed t&eir
&arater lass.
.ladiator .ladiators are trained to /ig&t people and reatures /or ot&ers entertain!ent.
4ost are /las&y' outlandis& s&ow!en w&ose %attle tatis o/ten ater to t&e rowd /irst'
t&eir survival seond. .ladiators an %e slaves w&o are /ored to /ig&t' or t&ey an %e /ree
!en w&o &oose to !ake a living t&is way. 0/ t&is kit is used in a a!paign' t&ere !ust
eit&er %e a ulture t&at pu%lily allows t&is ativity' or else t&e /ig&ts !ig&t %e illegalD
&eld in seret plaes and %aked %y soietys s&ady ele!ent. ,egal or not' t&e gladiator
de/initely !akes &is living in an ur%an setting. 0/ t&e a!paign doesnt revolve around' or
at least ontain' a si-a%le ity' t&is kit ould %e inappropriate.
!ocial ran6s: .ladiators an o!e /ro! al!ost any eono!i %akground'
t&oug& it is !ore likely t&ey o!e /ro! t&e lower rungs o/ t&e o!!unity. $oll 5d@ to
deter!ine t&e rank o/ a gladiator.
2d) roll #an6
5R@ ,ower Class
;R76 ,ower 4iddle Class
77R75 <pper 4iddle Class
#e$uire%ents: A gladiator !ust &ave Strengt&P4usle and ConstitutionP3itness
sores o/ 78 or greater. +&is kit is %arred to satyrs and swan!ays. 0n addition' paladins'
rangers' wi-ards' t&ieves' and %ards !ay not &oose t&is kit.
,eapon proficiencies: Only !elee and &urled !issile weaponsDno %ows'
slings' et.Dan %e used %y su& a &arater' as gladiatorial o!%ats are not a%out /iring
arrows at one anot&er. A gladiator w&o kills an opponent wit&out endangering &is own
li/e in !ortal o!%at is not !u& o/ a s&ow!an. Possi%le gladiator weapons inlude:
daggers' swords Ball' %ut s&ort swords are !ost o!!onC' si!itars' spears' tridents'
polear!s BallC' war &a!!ers' !aes BallC' sourges' nets' and w&ips.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: BlindH/ig&ting' endurane' ga!ing'
*u!ping' tu!%ling' ar!orer' weapons!it&ing' &ealing' and rope use.
2$uip%ent: .ladiators an &ave w&atever weapons /it t&eir lasses. )owever'
t&ey are initially li!ited in ar!or types. .ladiators annot %egin wit& anyt&ing greater
t&an studded leat&er.
#eco%%ended traits: 3ast &ealer' i!!unities' keen senses' lig&t sleeper' luky.
5enefits: .ladiators en*oy a M7 %onus on attak rolls wit& one partiular !elee
weapon. 3or e1a!ple' a gladiator ould &oose a M7 attak %onus wit& t&e s&ort sword.
8indrances: As gladiators are trained to !ake o!%ats last a long w&ile and to
play to any rowd' t&ey su//er a M7 penalty to t&eir initiative rolls. +&ey take t&is ti!e to
s&ow o//' display t&eir weapon prowess' or %ait t&eir opponent.
,ealth: Standard as per t&e &araters lass.
#ester Co!edians' lowns' *okesters' and trikstersDt&ese !ake up t&e *ester kit' and
t&ose individuals w&o /it t&is kit live to !ake ot&ers laug&. #esters strive to per/et t&eir
&u!orDw&et&er it %e slapstik' dark o!edy' or si!ple ri%ald *okes. So!e dress in
gaudy ostu!es and adorn t&e!selves wit& %ells and s&iny %uttons. Ot&ers dress like t&e
o!!on !an and %lend in wit& t&e rowd. +&ey spend t&eir nig&ts in kings ourts' at
no%les parties' or in rowded taverns' and t&ey tailor t&eir &u!or to t&eir audiene. +&ey
adventure to gain wealt& and /riendsDand to aFuire !aterial /or t&eir ne1t
per/or!anes. +&e !ost noted *esters are gno!es %eause o/ t&eir e1aggerated visages.
!ocial ran6s: #esters are /ound at every level in soiety' t&oug& t&e !a*ority o/
t&e! o!e /ro! t&e !iddle lass. $oll 5d@ to deter!ine soial rank at t&e %eginning o/
t&e a!paign.
2d) roll !ocial ran6
5 ,ower Class
8R; ,ower 4iddle Class
JR77 <pper 4iddle Class
75 <pper Class
#e$uire%ents: #esters !ust &ave a !ini!u! 0ntelligeneP$eason o/ 75 and a
!ini!u! C&aris!aP,eaders&ip o/ 78. Dwarves' elves' and any o/ t&e optional PC raes
e1ept /or ko%olds or go%lins !ay not &oose t&is kit. Only %ards and t&ieves !ay &oose
t&is kit.
,eapon proficiencies: +&ese &araters an selet any weapon pro/iienies
allowed t&eir adventuring lasses.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: Singing' etiFuette' !odern languages'
readingPwriting' ventriloFuis!' *uggling' disguise' *u!ping.
2$uip%ent: (&ile adventuring' *esters out/it t&e!selves wit& weapons and
ar!or allowed t&eir &arater lass. )owever' t&ey are ever on t&e lookout /or unusual
lot&es' props' noiseH!akers' and aouter!ents t&at an %e used in t&eir at.
#eco%%ended traits: Preise !e!ory' o%sure knowledge' luky' keen &earing'
5enefits: #esters en*oy a M7 %onus to C&aris!a w&en t&ey are working an
8indrances: #esters are o/ten not taken seriously. (&en trying to ondut
%usiness deals or w&en soiali-ing' NPCs &ave a R7 reation roll penalty toward t&e!.
,ealth: #esters %egin wit& t&e nor!al a!ount o/ gold allowed t&eir &arater
4ariner 4ariners are devoted to t&e sea. +&ey !ay %e young' old' poor or wealt&y
enoug& to own t&e s&ip t&ey sail. +&ey travel t&e worlds oeans %eause t&ey love it.
+&ey live /or trading' e1ploring' and disovering new lands.
!ocial ran6s: 4ariners tend to %e eduated individuals /ro! /a!ilies wit& a
reasona%le a!ount o/ gold. $oll 5d@ to deter!ine t&e rank o/ a !ariner.
2d) roll #an6
5R@ ,ower 4iddle Class
;R76 <pper 4iddle Class
77R75 <pper Class
#e$uire%ents: A !ariner !ust &ave a !ini!u! 0ntelligeneP2nowledge sore
o/ >. +&e !ariner kit is pro&i%ited /or dwarves' aarakora' alag&i' %ullywugs' entaurs'
!ongrel!en' ogres' ors' satyrs' swan!ays' t&riHkreen' and we!is.
,eapon proficiencies: 4ariners an %e versed in any weapons applia%le to t&eir
lasses. )owever' weapons su& as spears' poleHar!s' and nets are pratial.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: (eat&er sense' navigation' /is&ing'
sea!ans&ip' swi!!ing' rope use.
2$uip%ent: 4ariners an arry w&atever eFuip!ent t&ey desire' &owever !u&
o/ it s&ould %e use/ul in t&eir trade. 3urt&er' t&ese individuals tend to wear little or no
ar!or' as &eavy ar!or is not pratial on a s&ip. +&ey pri-e rings o$ protection and
bracers o$ de$ense%
#eco%%ended traits: 2een senses' lig&t sleeper' luky.
5enefits: 4ariners en*oy a M5 %onus on reation rolls /ro! sailors' s&ip aptains'
and aFuati raes. And t&ey gain a M7 to &it %onus wit& nets.
8indrances: Beause !ariners are so at &o!e on t&e sea' t&ey are o/ten
uno!/orta%le on land. (&en t&ere is no water in sig&t' t&ey are out o/ t&eir ele!ent' and
t&ey su//er a R5 reation roll penalty.
,ealth: Standard /or t&e &araters lass.
4er&ants 4er&ants are vital to any ivili-ation' /or t&ey %uy' sell' or %arter t&e goods
and servies t&at a soiety de!ands. 4er&ants inlude loal /is&H!ongers' street
vendors' s&op keepers' aravan owners' and !ore. So!e &ave per!anent stores
esta%lis&ed in a t&riving %usiness distrit. Ot&ers travel to distant lands to %ring %ak rare
treasures. Adventurers are natural !er&ants' as t&ey o/ten visit !any strange and e1oti
plaes and aFuire unusual and valua%le goods. 4er&ant adventurers &ave an outlet to
sell !any o/ t&e !aterial treasures su& as tapestries' statuary' ge!s' and *ewelry t&ey
o/ten au!ulate.
!ocial ran6s: 4er&ants o!e /ro! !any walks o/ li/e. $oll 5d@ to deter!ine
t&e rank o/ a !er&ant. Optionally' grant t&at !er&ant t&e appropriate %usiness and
2d) roll #an6 5usiness
5R8 ,ower Class (orks /or so!eone else
:R; ,ower 4iddle Class Owns a stall or rents a store/ront
JR76 <pper 4iddle Class Owns a store/ront
77R75 <pper Class Owns a large store/ront
#e$uire%ents: A !er&ant !ust &ave !ini!u! 0ntelligeneP2nowledge and
C&aris!aPAppearane sores o/ >. +&is kit is losed to paladins' rangers' druids and all
&arters o/ t&e /ollowing raes: alag&i' !inotaur' !ongrel!an' ogre' satyr' swan!ay'
t&riHkreen' and we!i.
,eapon proficiencies: 4er&ants an wield any weapons appropriate to t&eir
lasses. )owever' a !er&ant w&o wears &eavy ar!or and arries several large weapons
!ig&t !ake t&eir usto!ers nervousDunless t&e !er&ant is in t&e %usiness o/ selling
ar!s and ar!or.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: Appraising' arpentry' o%%ling'
etiFuette' readingPwriting' !odern languages' loal &istory' /orgery' tailoring' weaving.
2$uip%ent: 4er&ants an arry w&atever eFuip!ent t&ey desire' &owever !u&
o/ it s&ould %e use/ul in t&eir trade. 4any !er&ants !ake sure t&ey &ave plenty o/
leat&er saks and ot&er ontainers to store goods t&ey !ig&t aFuire. +&ey pri-e bags o$
holding and $latbo:es.
#eco%%ended traits: .li%ness' keen senses' preise !e!ory' alertness' o%sure
5enefits: Beause t&ey are o/ten welo!ed into o!!unities' !er&ants reeive
a M7 reation roll %onus in ity settings. 0n addition' !er&ants wit& t&e appraising
pro/iieny gain a per!anent M5 %onus to t&at skill.
8indrances: (&ile t&ey are initially welo!ed /or t&e goods and servies t&ey
%ring' not all !er&ants are /ort&rig&t in t&eir %usiness dealings. Any !er&ant w&o is
pu%lily aused o/ &eating &is usto!ers Bw&et&er t&e ausation is trueC' loses t&e
reation %onus a%ove. 3urt&er' &e su//ers a R5 penalty to all reation rolls until &is
innoene is proven.
,ealth: A !er&ant %egins wit& t&e !a1i!u! a!ount o/ gold allotted to &is
4ysti +&oug&t/ul and introspetive' t&e !ysti seeks to /ind t&e answers to t&e
!ysteries o/ t&e universe %y traveling aross t&e glo%e. Nonviolent %y nature' t&e
inFuisitive !ysti seeks only trut&' and &e avoids on/rontations w&en possi%le.
)owever' i/ t&e !ysti !ust %attle &is way to enlig&ten!ent' &e will do so. 4ystis are
usually /ound a!ong ultures t&at plae a &ig& value on art' p&ilosop&y' and s&olars&ip.
As seekers o/ knowledge' !ystis o/ten %eo!e adventurers w&ile t&ey sear& /or t&e
answers t&ey seek.
!ocial ran6s: 4ystis tend to %e wellHeduated' o!ing /ro! t&e !ore a//luent
seg!ents o/ soiety. $oll 5d@ to deter!ine t&e rank o/ a !ysti.
2d) roll #an6
5R; <pper 4iddle Class
JR75 <pper Class
#e$uire%ents: A !ysti !ust &ave a !ini!u! (isdo!P0ntuition sore o/ 78.
+&is kit is losed to t&ieves and %ards. Only &araters o/ t&e /ollowing raes an &oose
t&is kit: &u!an' el/' &al/Hel/' gno!e' &al/ling' aarakora' alag&i' entaur' git&-erai'
swan!ay' and we!i.
,eapon proficiencies: 4ystis an wield any weapons appropriate to t&eir
lasses. )owever' !ost pre/er lig&ter weapons w&i& do not weig& t&e! down.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: Astrology' astrono!y' religion'
etiFuette' languages B!odern or anientC' &istory' Bloal or anientC' readingPwriting'
&eraldry' riding BanyC' &er%alis!' &ealing' ge! utting' !usial instru!ent' navigation.
2$uip%ent: 4ystis an selet w&atever eFuip!ent t&ey desire and an a//ord.
)owever' t&ese &araters are known to travel unenu!%ered' so are s&ould %e taken in
w&at t&ey pur&ase and aFuire.
#eco%%ended traits: Artisti a%ility' e!pat&y' o%sure knowledge' anient
&istory' preise !e!ory.
5enefits: A !ysti an te!porarily %oost one o/ &is 75 su%a%ility sores %y M5. 0/
t&e !ysti is a ranger wit& a 7@ Balane sore' %y !editating t&e sore an %e te!porarily
inreased to an 7J. 0/ t&e !ysti is a warrior trying to %oost a 4usle sore o/ 7JP86' t&e
%onus ounts as 56S rat&er t&an 5 pointsDea& point eFuates to 76S. +&e !ysti
warriors 4usle is te!porarily inreased to 7JP96. +o gain t&is su%a%ility %onus' t&e
!ysti !ust !editate' %uilding up &is %ody and !ind /or t&is /eat. +&e su%a%ility sore
re!ains %oosted /or oneHt&ird o/ t&e !ystis !editation ti!e. 0/ t&e 4ysti !ediated /or
t&ree uninterrupted &ours' &e ould %oost a su%a%ility sore /or one &our.
8indrances: +&e proess o/ !editation reFuires e//ort. (&ile a !ysti ould
!editate in t&e a%in o/ a s&ip' &e ould not do so i/ t&at s&ip were in t&e !idst o/ a
terri%le stor!. Attaks or very loud noises also disrupt !editation. +&e ti!e spent in
!editation does not alleviate t&e !ystis need /or /ood and sleep. So it is unlikely t&at a
!ysti ould spend t&ree days in !editation in preparation /or an adventure. 3urt&er' a
!ysti annot gain !ultiple !editation %onuses at one ti!e.
,ealth: A !ysti is interested in knowledge' not !aterial ite!s. As su&' &e
annot own !ore t&an &e an arry. A !ount is an e1eption' as su& a %east is use/ul in
taking t&e !ysti to new plaes.
No%les No%les are t&ose %orn to t&e &ig&est ranks o/ soiety. +&ey are ri&' dress well'
and t&ey usually spend !oney /rivolously. +&ey are t&e privileged /ew t&e o!!on
people idoli-e. And t&ey are t&e sy!%ols o/ w&at ot&ers o/ten onsider t&e %est in t&e
+&is leads !any no%les to %elieve t&ey are %etter t&an everyone around t&e!Dnot
*ust in wealt& or soial standing' %ut in !anner and a%ilities. +&is sense o/ superiority an
!ani/est itsel/ as overw&el!ing pride' arrogane' and ondesending sno%%ery. +&ese
no%les use t&eir wealt&' standing' and power to take w&at t&ey want /ro! t&ose weaker
t&an t&e!selves. +&ey an %e as %rutal' savage' and unt&inking as t&e &orri/i !onsters
t&ey slay.
Not all no%les are like t&is' &owever. So!e /eel a ertain sense o/ stewards&ip /or
t&e unwas&ed &ordes. +&ese no%les onsider it t&eir duty to do all in t&eir power to %etter
t&e worldDas long as t&eir li/estyles are not *eopardi-ed. +&ey an %e &ivalrous toward
!e!%ers o/ t&e opposite se1' and t&ey !ig&t oasionally stop to &at wit& peasants.
+&ese no%les !ean well' %ut t&ey !ay %e out o/ tou& wit& w&at is i!portant in t&e lives
o/ t&e o!!on people.
No%les need not %e played as %rutal tyrants or outHo/Htou& /ops and dandies' %ut
t&ere are plenty o/ wealt&y individuals w&o /it t&ose two ar&etypes.
!ocial ran6s: No%les are only /ound in t&e upper e&elons o/ soiety. $oll 5d@ to
deter!ine t&e rank o/ a no%le.
2d) roll #an6
5R: <pper 4iddle Class
9R75 <pper Class
#e$uire%ents: No%les need only !eet t&e reFuire!ents o/ t&eir adventuring
lass. +&is kit is open to all lasses and raes e1ept !ongrel!en.
,eapon proficiencies: Any allowed %y t&eir adventuring lass.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: "tiFuette' &eraldry' riding BanyC'
daning' languages Banient or !odernC' &istory' Bloal or anientC' readingPwriting'
religion' ga!%ling' !usial instru!ent' ani!al &andling' &unting' and ga!ing.
2$uip%ent: $egardless o/ &is lass' &e !ust pur&ase a !ount and tak' as no
sel/Hrespeting no%le would allow &i!sel/ to %e seen on /oot w&en out and a%out. 3urt&er'
all ar!or' weapons' lot&es and aouter!ents !ust %e o/ t&e /inest Fuality.
#eco%%ended traits: Allure' artisti a%ility' gli%ness' luky' !usi BanyC.
5enefits: Beause o/ &is superior !anner o/ dress' spee&' and deoru!' NPC
no%les will reogni-e t&e player &araters status and aord &i! t&e proper respet.
Player &arater no%les reeive a M5 reation roll %onus w&en interating wit& individuals
/ro! t&e upper lass and upper !iddle lass.
8indrances: Beause t&e no%le de!ands t&e /inest t&ings in li/e' &e pays !ore
!oney /or !eals' %oard' eFuip!ent' et. 0n addition' !any vendors reogni-e t&e no%le
as %eing wealt&y and raise t&eir pries aordingly. A no%le !ust add 59S to t&e prie o/
any ite! or servie &e wis&es to pur&ase.
,ealth: No%les %egin wit& twie t&e nor!al starting gold o/ t&eir lass to re/let
t&eir &ig&er level o/ resoures.
Outlaw +&ese &araters spit in t&e /ae o/ aut&ority and so// at t&e !ention o/ Ut&e
law.V +&ey are !en and wo!en wanted %y t&e a!paigns govern!ent o//iials and
lawHen/ore!ent aut&orities.
So!e outlaws are t&e &eroi $o%in )ood type. +&ey %eo!e outlaws %eause
t&ey oppose an evil' orrupt' or tyrannial regi!e. +&ese outlaws are !ore onerned
wit& *ustie t&an t&e strit letter o/ t&e law. And w&ile t&ey willingly %reak laws' t&ey do
it /or t&e o!!on goodDro%%ing /ro! t&e ri& to give to t&e poor' s!iting t&e !inions
o/ t&e vile ad!inistration' and generally !aking li/e as uno!/orta%le as possi%le /or
t&ose w&ove turned t&e law to t&eir own wiked ends.
Ot&er outlaws are %andits and &ig&way!en w&o in&a%it t&e /ringes o/ !any
ivili-ations &oping to ro% innoent passers%y o/ t&eir &ardHearned valua%les. +&ese
despia%le louts truly give t&e ter! UoutlawV a %ad na!e.
!ocial ran6s: Outlaws typially o!e /ro! t&e poorer seg!ents o/ soiety. $oll
5d@ to deter!ine an outlaws soial rank.
2d) roll #an6
5R; ,ower Class
JR75 ,ower 4iddle Class
#e$uire%ents: As !any Outlaws !ust leave t&e o!/orts o/ ivili-ation %e&ind
to avoid apture' t&ey !ust %e &ardy souls. All outlaws !ust &ave !ini!u!
Strengt&PSta!ina and ConstitutionP)ealt& sores o/ 75. +&is kit is open to all raes and
lasses' %ut paladin outlaws reFuire speial approval /ro! t&e D4.
,eapon proficiencies: Outlaws an wield w&atever weapons are allowed %y
t&eir lass. )owever' t&ey tend to /avor !issile weapons %eause t&ey like to strike at t&e
/ores o/ t&e law /ro! a sa/e distane.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: $ope use' set snares' survival
traking' /ireH%uilding' riding BanyC' ani!al lore' %owyerP/let&er' &unting' running' loal
&istory' disguise' tu!%ling.
2$uip%ent: C&araters w&o are on t&e run' su& as outlaws' are apt to %e lig&tly
eFuipped to allow /or Fuik' Fuiet !ove!ents.
#eco%%ended traits: Alertness' internal o!pass' gli%ness' i!personation' keen
senses' lig&t sleeper' luky.
5enefits: Outlaws &ave a designated &ideaway' a plae w&ere t&ey an /eel sa/e.
Possi%le loations inlude a grove in t&e loal /orest' a &idden valley' t&e itys sewer
syste!' or a near%y dungeon. +&e D4 and player s&ould work out t&e spei/is.
8indrances: Outlaws always &ave so!eone out to get t&e!Dusually t&e
olletive /ore o/ t&e a!paigns law en/orers. +&ey !ig&t &ave so!e player &araters
a/ter t&e!' too' i/ t&e %ounty on t&eir &ead %eo!es te!pting enoug&.
,ealth: Standard /or t&e &araters lass.
Peasant )ero A Peasant &ero is t&e Uloal kid done good.V (&atever &is lass'
w&atever &is a!%itions' t&is &arater always re!e!%ers t&at &is roots are in t&e soil o/
&is &o!eD%e it a %ustling village' a Fuiet &a!let' or a lone /ar! !iles /ro! t&e nearest
neig&%ors. )e !ig&t leave &is &o!e and %eo!e a great general' a !ig&ty wi-ard' a
no%le priest' or a !aster t&ie/D%ut &is &o!e will always %e /ore!ost in &is &eart. A
peasant &ero !ig&t /ig&t against tyrannial no%les w&o are oppressing t&e o!!on
people' or &e ould si!ply yearn /or t&e wealt& o/ t&e no%lesDso &e an return to &is
village and %uild &o!es' te!ples' s&ools' and !ore.
!ocial ran6s: Peasant &eroes o!e /ro! t&e poorest o/ /a!ilies. $oll 5d@ to
deter!ine t&e &eros soial rank.
2d) roll #an6
5R> ,ower Class
76R75 ,ower 4iddle Class
#e$uire%ents: +&is kit is open to all lasses and raes. +&ere are no a%ilty sore
,eapon proficiencies: Alt&oug& a peasant &ero an wield any weapon allowed
%y &is adventuring lass' /avored weapons inlude: dagger' s&ort sword' Fuartersta//'
spear' s&ort %ow' lu%' &and a1e' kni/e' sikle' sling' and sta// sling.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: Agriulture' /is&ing' ani!al &andling'
ani!al lore' %laks!it&ing' arpentry' ooking' o%%ling' /ireH%uilding' pottery'
stone!asonry' weaving.
2$uip%ent: See U(ealt&V %elow.
Traits: Ani!al e!pat&y' e!pat&y' i!!unities' li!ate sense.
5enefits: +&e disadvantaged o/ten !ake it t&roug& t&e roug& ti!es %y &elping
ea& ot&er. +&ere/ore' in &is &o!eland' a peasant &ero always will %e given s&elter and
any ot&er &elp &is /ellows an give. +&ey will &ide &i! and &is /riends /ro! an evil
rulers troops' &eal &is wounds' and /eed and lot&e &i!. O/ ourse' t&is is onditionalD
i/ t&e peasant &ero &as given up &is downHtoHeart& ways or !istreats &is /or!er /riends'
&ell /ind all doors in t&e village losed to &i!.
8indrances: As &e is viewed as so!et&ing o/ a &ero' a peasant &ero will /ind t&e
people o/ &is &o!eland o!ing to &i! /or assistane. 0/ livestok are disappearing /ro!
t&e pens' or t&e village elder &as %een *ailed /or speaking against t&e no%les' or i/ anot&er
peasant is aused o/ ri!e &e didnt o!!it' t&e peasant &ero will %e alled upon to
,ealth: Peasant &eroes %egin wit& &al/ t&e starting !a1i!u! gold allowed /or
t&eir adventuring lass.
Pirate ,ike !ariners' pirates love t&e oean. )owever' pirates also love wealt&. "vil
pirates are t&e su! o/ t&e seas. +&eyll attak a s&ip and kill t&e rew to a !anDunless
t&ere is a no%le!an or wealt&y &eiress on %oard t&ey an &old /or ranso!. +&ese
%uaneers &ave no lo/ty goals and /ig&t /or no ause ot&er t&an to net t&e ne1t s&ip /ull
o/ %ooty.
Privateers are neutralH or goodHaligned pirates w&o are usually o!!issioned %y a
govern!ent to prey on t&e s&ipping o/ t&at govern!ents ene!y. Privateers are o/ten
granted ,etters o/ 4arFue t&at state t&ey are in t&e e!ploy o/ t&eir king or Fueen. As
representatives o/ a nation' privateers are e1peted to %e&ave wit& a ode o/ &onor. +&ey
aept surrenders' treat prisoners well' and are always de/erential to any no%le aptivesD
espeially t&ose o/ t&e opposite se1.
!ocial ran6s: Pirates usually o!e /ro! t&e !iddle rungs o/ t&e soial ladder.
$oll 5d@ to deter!ine t&e rank o/ a pirate.
2d) roll #an6
5R; ,ower 4iddle Class
JR75 <pper 4iddle Class
#e$uire%ents: A li/e on t&e sea is rigorous and de!anding. Pirates !ust &ave
!ini!u! ConstitutionP)ealt& and De1terityPBalane sores o/ 75. +&e pirate kit is
pro&i%ited /or dwarves' aarakora' alag&i' %ullywugs' entaurs' ogres' ors' satyrs'
swan!ays' t&riHkreen' and we!is. +&is kit is open to all lasses.
,eapon proficiencies: Pirates an %e versed in any weapons applia%le to t&eir
lasses. )owever' rapiers and utlasses are suggested /or swas&%ukling &araters.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: Navigation' /is&ing' sea!ans&ip' rope
use' ga!%ling' tig&trope walking' diretion sense' swi!!ing' weat&er sense.
2$uip%ent: Pirates tend to avoid large weapons and &eavy ar!or. C&araters
w&o are weig&ted down &ave a &ard ti!e li!%ing around in t&e s&ips rigging and are
likely to drown i/ t&ey are pit&ed over%oard during a stor! or a /iere %attle.
#eco%%ended traits: Alertness' gli%ness' lig&t sleeper.
5enefits: Pirates are austo!ed to t&e pit& and roll o/ a s&ip and &ave an
advantage w&en engaged in !elee on dek. +&ey gain a M7 %onus to t&eir attak rolls
w&ile /ig&ting at sea. Pirates also &ave a designated &ideaway. Su& loations inlude
deserted isles' &idden an&orages' a seaHave o!ple1 %eneat& t&e port ity' et.
8indrances: Pirates su//er a R5 penalty on reation rolls w&en t&ey enter a port.
0/ a pirate %e&aves in a !anner appropriate to t&e setting' t&is penalty !ay %e redued and
t&en eli!inated upon su%seFuent visits. Pirates o/ten !ake a lot o/ ene!ies. )ene'
pirates are so!eti!es &unted %y t&ose t&ey plundered. Pirate &araters s&ould never get
too o!plaentDt&eres always so!e%ody not too /ar away w&o wants t&e &araters
loot or &ead to s&ow t&at t&is sea wol/ will prowl t&e oeans no !ore.
,ealth: Standard /or t&e &araters lass.
Pugilist Pugilists are &araters w&o pre/er to /ig&t wit& t&eir %are &ands. +&ey !ig&t
!ake a living %y /ig&ting in a ring. Or per&aps t&ey speiali-e in !artial arts. +&ey are
strong' toug&' and /it into any soiety t&at allows pro/essional or street /ig&ts. Pugilists
!ake e1ellent adventurers' as t&ey &ave Fuik re/le1es and are good in a %rawl wit&
!onsters. Adventuring gives t&e! an additional outlet /or t&eir p&ysial side' and it
a//ords t&e! opportunities to travel to new o!!unities and /ind new /ig&ts. Players
!ig&t want to onsult t&e Co!%at and +atis %ook /or in/or!ation on unar!ed o!%at
and !artial arts.
!ocial ran6s: 4ost pugilists o!e /ro! poorer /a!ilies in %ad parts o/ town
w&ere people learned to /ig&t to get w&at or si!ply to de/end t&e!selves. $oll 5d@ to
deter!ine a pugilists soial rank at t&e %eginning o/ t&e a!paign.
2d) roll !ocial ran6
5R76 ,ower Class
77R75 ,ower 4iddle Class
#e$uire%ents: Pugilists !ust &ave !ini!u! Strengt&P4usle and
De1terityPBalane sores o/ 7:. +&is kit is %arred to t&e /ollowing raes: aarakora'
alag&i' %ullywug' entaur' li-ard !an' !inotaur' swanway' t&riHkreen' and we!i. +&e kit
is open to all lasses e1ept wi-ards.
,eapon proficiencies: +&ese &araters an selet any weapon pro/iienies
allowed t&eir adventuring lasses. )owever' t&ey pre/er to /ig&t wit& t&eir &ands.
Pro/iieny and speiali-ation in any /or! o/ unar!ed o!%at Bpun&ing' wrestling' or
!artial artsC is reo!!ended /or t&e pugilist.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: BlindH/ig&ting' endurane' running.
"Fuip!ent: Pugilists pre/er to /ig&t in looseH/itting street lot&es and
unenu!%ered. +&ey seek !agial %raers and rings to !ake t&e!selves !ore di//iult to
%e struk. +&ey will wear ar!or w&ile adventuringDi/ t&eir &arater lass allows it.
#eco%%ended traits: 2een eyesig&t' keen &earing' keen sense o/ tou&' lig&t
sleeper' a!%ide1terity.
5enefits: Nor!ally' w&en a &arater !akes an unar!ed attak against an ar!ed
opponent or a !onster wit& natural attaks' &is /oe gains an i!!ediate attak o/
opportunity wit& a M: %onus to &is attak roll. +&is !akes it very dangerous /or unar!ed
&eroes to attak !ost ene!ies. )owever' pugilists are skilled at /ig&ting ar!ed opponents
and !onsters wit& t&eir %are &andsI t&ey are treated as i/ t&ey were ar!ed w&en !aking
unar!ed attaks.
8indrances: Pugilists are ad!ired w&en t&ey are in a ring and t&e rowd is
&eering t&e! on. )owever' people /ro! t&e !iddle and upper lass pre/er not to
assoiate wit& t&e ru//ians. A pugilists C&aris!a is e//etively lowered %y 7 w&en
dealing wit& t&ose /ro! t&e !iddle lass and %y 5 w&en speaking to people /ro! t&e
upper lass.
,ealth: Pugilists %egin wit& t&e nor!al a!ount o/ gold allowed t&eir &arater
$ider A rider is a &arater w&o &as developed a %ond wit& &is !ount. (&en t&e
&arater was younger' &e %ea!e /riends wit& t&is ani!al' and t&e rider and &is !ount
grew up toget&er and grew lose. +&ey are now all %ut insepara%le. 0n /at' t&ey s&are
su& a %ond t&ey an sense ea& ot&ers loation and general &ealt&. Per&aps t&e rider is
an el/ w&o was %orn in t&e deep wilderness and w&o rides into t&e a!paigns ity on a
giant %oar. 4ay%e t&e rider is a &al/ling lass w&oDwit& &er giant li-ard !ountDleaves
&er village %e&ind in pursuit o/ adventure.
!ocial #an6s: $iders an o!e /ro! !ost walks o/ li/e. $oll 5d@ to deter!ine
t&e riders soial rank.
2d) roll #an6
5R: ,ower Class
9R76 ,ower 4iddle Class
77R75 <pper 4iddle Class
#e$uire%ents: $iders !ust &ave a !ini!u! C&aris!aP,eaders&ip o/ 78. +&is
kit is open to t&e standard player &arater raes' and to /linds' git&-erai' go%lins'
ko%olds' ors' and swan!ays. +&e kit is open to all lasses.
,eapon proficiencies: $iders an selet any weapons t&at /it wit& t&eir
adventuring pro/essions. (eapons designed to %e used w&ile !ounted are ideal. +&ese
inlude: lanes' %ow BanyC' &orse!ans /lail' &orse!ans !ae' &orse!ans pik' spear'
%astard sword' long sword' si!itar' !orning star.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: Ani!al lore' ani!al training' ani!al
&andling' riding BanyC' rope use' &arioteering' &eraldry' %owyerP/let&er.
2$uip%ent: $iders an selet any weapons' ar!or' and ot&er eFuip!ent t&at /its
t&eir adventuring lass.
#eco%%ended traits: Ani!al e!pat&y' e!pat&y' alertness' keen &earing.
5enefits: (&en t&is kit is &osen' t&e player and D4 !ust deter!ine a suita%le
!ount /or t&e &arater. +&ere are several /ators to onsider: 7C t&e li!ate and terrain o/
t&e &araters &o!eland' w&ere &e aFuired t&e !ountI 5C t&e &araters rae B&al/lings
would &ave a di//iult ti!e riding elep&ants' w&ile &al/Hogres would %e too %ig /or a
ponyC andI 8C t&e availa%ility o/ t&e !ount. A riders !ount is si!ilar to a wi-ards
/a!iliar in t&at t&e pair &ave a %ond. "a& will know t&e general state o/ &ealt& o/ t&e
ot&er' t&e diretion t&e ot&er is in' and t&e distane %y w&i& t&ey are separated.
Depending on its degree o/ intelligene' t&e !ount !ig&t %e a%le to understand i/ its
/riend is in danger. 4any a rider &as esaped ertain deat& on t&e %ak o/ a !ount t&at
risked its own li/e to save &i!.
A/ter !aking a list o/ possi%le !ounts' t&e player s&ould selet one. D4s !ig&t
pre/er t&e !ount to %e seleted rando!ly. 0/ t&is is t&e ase' use t&e /ollowing !et&od.
$oll 7d@. A result o/ 7R8 indiates t&e player s&ould roll on t&e natural reatures
ta%leI :' /lying reaturesI 9' giant land reatures' andI @' underwater reatures. +&en roll
7dJ on t&e appropriate !ount ta%le.
Table &": -ounts
*atural Creatures Fling Creatures
7 )orsePpony 7 .ri//on
5 Bull 5 )uge raven
8 Ca!el 8 )ippogri//
: Bu//alo : )uge %at
9 4ule 9 .iant owl
@ Cave %ear @ Pegasus
; Stag ; .iant wasp
J "lep&ant J .iant eagle
?iant >and Creatures Dnderwater Creatures
7 .iant %eetle 7 )ippoa!pus
5 .iant li-ard 5 .iant ra%
8 .iant %oar 8 Sea &orse
: .iant weasel : Dolp&in
9 .iant /rog 9 2iller w&ale
@ .iant %adger @ Sea lion
; .iant goat ; .iant otter
J .iant skunk J .iant ray
8indrances: 0/ a rider neglets or !istreats &is !ount' t&e D4 !ig&t delare t&at
t&e !ount /leesD%olts during t&e nig&t' kiks its way out o/ a sta%le' /lies away' et. 0/
t&is ours' t&e rider an never again e1periene an e!pat&i rapport wit& a ani!al.
3urt&er' w&en t&e riders !ount dies' t&e rider i!!ediately su//ers 5d@ points o/ da!age'
due to t&e e!otional loss resulting /ro! t&e deat& o/ a lose /riend. +&is da!age an %e
&ealed. )owever' i/ t&e !ounts deat& ourred as a result o/ t&e riders negligene' aside
/ro! su//ering t&e p&ysial da!age' t&e rider !ust atte!pt a saving t&row vs. spells.
3ailure !eans t&e rider operates as i/ &e were under a /ee%le!ind spell /or t&e ne1t 5d@
,ealth: A rider %egins wit& t&e a!ount o/ !oney allowed &is adventuring lass.
)e !ust pur&ase tak and ani!al /eed wit& t&is %e/ore using w&at is le/t to pur&ase
weapons' ar!or' and eFuip!ent.
Savage Savages are &araters /ro! pri!itive soieties' individuals w&o lived on t&eir
own or in e1tended /a!ilies. +&ey di//er /ro! %ar%arians in t&at t&ey &ave no esta%lis&ed
villages or o!!unities. +&ey live o// t&e land %y &unting and /oraging. +&ey do not &erd
ani!als or esta%lis& /ar!s. Savages /ind t&eir way into adventuring groups si!ply %y
rossing pat&s wit& player &arater &eroes. +&ey are Fuik to %eo!e a part o/ an
adventuring /a!ily' and t&ey are o!/orta%le traveling and e1ploring. )owever' savages
are uno!/orta%le in towns' and t&ey are suspiious o/ ivili-ed trappings.
!ocial ran6s: Sine savages do not o!e /ro! a soiety' t&eir starting soial rank
is essentially lower lass.
2d) roll !ocial ran6
5R77 ,ower Class
75 ,ower 4iddle Class
#e$uire%ents: Savages !ust &ave a !ini!u! ConstitutionP3itness sore o/ 78.
+&is kit is open to all raes e1ept git&-erai and swan!ays' and to all lasses e1ept
,eapon proficiencies: At t&e ti!e o/ &arater reation' a savage !ust &oose
/ro! t&e /ollowing wooden weapons: Fuartersta//' spear' %ow' and lu%. As t&e &arater
gains in levels and adventures wit& ot&ers' &e an pik up !ore ivili-ed weapons' su&
as !aes' swords' and daggers.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: Ani!al lore' &unting' running' set
snares' survival' traking' /is&ing' swi!!ing.
2$uip%ent: Savages %egin wit&out any !etal eFuip!ent. +&eir weapons are
li!ited to t&ose listed a%ove' and t&ey an wear not&ing greater t&an &ide ar!or. All o/
t&eir possessions !ust o!e /ro! nature' su&: as deerskin saks' %u//alo &ide %lankets'
vine rope' woven %askets' lay *ugs' stone arrow&eads' et.
#eco%%ended traits: 2een eyesig&t' keen &earing' keen sense o/ tou&' keen
sense o/ taste' lig&t sleeper' a!%ide1terity.
5enefits: Savages gain M7 to any t&ree nonweapon pro/iienies sores' provided
t&ey are seleted /ro! t&e reo!!ended list a%ove.
8indrances: Player &araters wit& t&is kit are uneasy in ities. +&ey su//er a R5
initiative penalty w&en traveling wit&in t&e on/ines o/ a town or keep.
,ealth: Savages are allowed to spend up to t&e nor!al wealt& allowed t&eir
&arater lass on t&e weapons' &ide ar!or' and eFuip!ent !entioned in t&is kit.
)owever' w&atever is not spent vanis&es. Savages %egin play wit& no !oney.
S&olar A s&olar is driven %y &is inessant drive /or knowledge a%out a partiular topi
or /a!ily o/ topis. Adventuring s&olars !ig&t want to study underground ruins'
a%andoned te!ples' !yt&ial %easts' giant insets' &aunted woods' or !onsters. (&en not
traveling Band taking opious notes at every opportunityC' &es likely to %e /ound poring
over %ooks' !aps' srolls' and lay ta%lets. S&olars &oose to adventure %eause t&ey
know t&ey an learn !ore %y studying so!et&ing up lose t&an %y reading a%out it in
!usty li%raries.
!ocial ran6s: S&olars are wellHeduated and o!e /ro! rat&er a//luent /a!ilies.
$oll 5d@ to deter!ine a s&olars soial rank.
2d) roll #an6
5R@ <pper 4iddle Class
;R75 <pper Class
#e$uire%ents: A s&olar !ust &ave a !ini!u! 0ntelligeneP2nowledge o/ 78.
+&is kit is open to all standard player &ater raes and to: entaurs' git&-erai' and
swan!ays. 3ig&ters !ay not %e s&olars.
,eapon proficiencies: +&ose t&at /it wit& t&e s&olars adventuring lass.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: $eadingPwriting' &istory BanyC'
languages BanyC' &eraldry' astrology' astrono!y' &er%alis!' engineering' ge! utting'
religion' spellra/t' %rewing' etiFuette' !usial instru!ent.
2$uip%ent: S&olars always !ust %e prepared to reord so!e interesting new %it
o/ knowledge. +&ere/ore' all s&olars !ust arry Fuills' ink' srolls' and a *ournal or diary
wit& w&i& to write down any intriguing new /ats or t&eories.
#eco%%ended traits: Artisti a%ility' keen eyesig&t' keen &earing' preise
!e!ory' o%sure knowledge.
5enefits: S&olars gain a M7 %onus eit&er to 0ntelligene or (isdo! &eks
Bplayers &oieCDinluding pro/iieny &eks %ased on 0ntelligene or (isdo!.
8indrances: Sine s&olars spend so !u& ti!e reading' t&eori-ing' and
studying' t&ey su//er w&en it o!es to p&ysial o!%at. All s&olars su//er a R7 penalty
on t&eir initiative rolls w&en /ig&ting.
,ealth: Standard /or t&e &araters lass.
Sout Souts are t&ose &araters w&o are !ost at &o!e in t&e wilderness. +&ey an %e
&unters' loggers' trappers or /urriers. Or t&ey !ig&t %e e!ployed %y t&e a!paigns
!ilitary /ores to patrol t&e ountrys %orders and keep a /urtive eye on t&e nations
ene!ies. As a rule' t&ey are %raveDeven daring. 3ew ot&ers would voluntarily ross into
ene!y territory to asertain troop !ove!ents or t&e loations o/ t&e !onsters
strong&old. (ilderness is not li!ited to /orests. Any geograp&i region t&at is untou&ed
%y ivili-ation Fuali/ies. Su& areas an inlude t&e desert' arti tundra' tropial rain
/orests' !ountain valleys' or even natural ave o!ple1esDper&aps leading to t&e
!ocial ran6s: Souts o!e /ro! t&e lower tiers o/ soiety. $oll 5d@ to deter!ine
a souts soial rank.
2d) roll #an6
5R9 ,ower Class
@R75 ,ower 4iddle Class
#e$uire%ents: Souts !ust %e a%le to disern a dangerous situation /ro! a let&al
one. All souts need a !ini!u! (isdo!P0ntuition sore o/ 75. +&is kit is open to all
raes and lasses.
,eapon proficiencies: Souts an %e pro/iient in any weapons t&at /it wit& t&eir
adventuring lass. Sine t&ey are /reFuently outnu!%ered %y /oes' !ost souts selet
!issile weapons to &elp t&e! even t&e odds.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: +raking' survival' /ireH%uilding'
&unting' !ountaineering' rope use' set snares' swi!!ing' arpentry' diretion sense'
weat&er sense.
2$uip%ent: Souts do not enter t&e wilderness unprepared. Souts !ust pur&ase
adeFuate lot&ing /or t&e season' rations and water' /lint and steel' rope' %edroll' a s!all
&a!!er' and pitons. +&ey an pur&ase any weapons' ar!or' and ot&er eFuip!ent wit&
any gold t&ey &ave re!aining.
#eco%%ended traits: Alertness' /ast &ealer' i!personation' keen eyesig&t' keen
&earing' keen sense o/ tou&' lig&t sleeper.
5enefits: Souts gain a M7 %onus to all nonweapon pro/iieny &eks w&ile in
t&e wilderness or natural ave settings.
8indrances: Souts are ill at ease in ur%an or dungeon settings. +&ey su//er a R7
penalty on all nonweapon pro/iieny &eks w&en in su& loales.
,ealth: Standard /or t&e &araters lass.
S&arps&ooter S&arps&ooters devote t&eir ti!e and e//ort to %eo!ing e1tre!ely
pro/iient wit& !issile weapons. +&ey !ig&t %e e1perts wit& t&rown weapons su& as t&e
dagger or &and a1e. So!e !ake t&eir living as trikHs&ot artists in arnivals and iruses.
S&arps&ooters !ay %e !ilitary speialists assigned to attak and dispose o/ ene!y
o//iers' wi-ards' air%orne /oes' or even ene!y s&arps&ooters. Ot&ers !ig&t %e lassi
ar&ers' a%le to split an opponents arrow in a target or knok a /oes weapon /ro! &is
!ocial #an6s: S&arps&ooters usually o!e /ro! !iddleHlassed /a!ilies w&o
&ave !oney to spend on weapons and lessons. $oll 5d@ to deter!ine t&e soial rank.
2d) roll #an6
5R@ ,ower 4iddle Class
;R75 <pper 4iddle Class
#e$uire%ents: A s&arps&ooter !ust &ave a !ini!u! De1terityPAi! o/ 78.
Bug%ears' li-ard !en' !inotaurs' ogres' and we!is annot %eo!e s&arps&ooters. +&is
kit is %arred to wi-ards and priests Balt&oug& t&e D4 !ay allow so!e speialty priests'
su& as druids' to %eo!e s&arps&ootersC.
,eapon proficiencies: 4ore t&an &al/ o/ a s&arps&ooters initial weapon
pro/iienies Bor at least si1 &arater pointsC !ust %e alloated on !issile weapons.
"1penditures /or !issile weapon speiali-ation or style speiali-ations involving !issile
weapons ount toward t&e reFuire!ents.
*onweapon proficiencies: BowyerP/let&er' &unting' &eraldry' riding'
2$uip%ent: A s&arps&ooters /irst onern is !aking sure &e &as enoug& arrows
or ot&er !issile weapons. A/ter t&at' &e an pur&ase w&atever ar!or and eFuip!ent is
appropriate to &is adventuring lass.
Traits: A!%ide1terity' keen eyesig&t' keen &earing' luky.
5enefits: S&arps&ooters gain a M7 %onus to attak and da!age rolls wit& one
partiular !issile weapon. +&e weapon !ust %e &osen at t&e ti!e o/ t&e &araters
reation. +&is %onus does not apply to a &urled !issile weapon w&en it is used in !elee
o!%at. 3or e1a!ple' i/ a s&arps&ooter t&rew a spear at an ono!ing &o%go%lin' &e ould
apply t&e %onus. 0/ &e waited until t&e &o%go%lin losed to !elee range' t&e %onus is no
longer applia%le.
8indrances: Beause a s&arps&ooter onentrates on !issile weapons' &e su//ers
a R7 penalty on initiative rolls /or !elee o!%at.
,ealth: Standard /or t&e &araters lass.
S!uggler C&araters w&o earn a living %y /ening Fuestiona%le goods and !oving
!aterial a%out %e&ind t&e %aks o/ govern!ent o//iials are onsidered s!ugglers. +&ey
are opportunists w&o &ave t&e rig&t onnetions to guide stolen or suspiious property
a%out /ro! plae to plaeDat a onsidera%le pro/it to t&e!selves. S!ugglers rarely steal
t&ings t&e!selves. +&ey onsider t&at !u& !ore risky t&an transporting t&e goods and
/eigning ignorane a%out t&e goods origins. And t&ey rarely keep !aterials t&ey %elieve
stolenD%etter to !ove t&e o%*ets on to anot&er ity. A /ew s!ugglers work as /enes on
t&e side. S!ugglers love t&e adventuring li/e %eause it gives t&e! t&e opportunity to
travel and t&e &ane to !ove goods. A s!uggler !ig&t *u!p at t&e opportunity to delve
into a dungeon w&en t&e aut&orities are on t&e lookout /or a !at&ed set o/ e!eralds &e
&as in &is %elt pou&.
!ocial ran6s: 4ost s!ugglers o!e /ro! t&e !iddle lass. $oll 5d@ to deter!ine
t&eir rank.
2d) roll !ocial ran6
5RJ ,ower 4iddle Class
>R75 <pper 4iddle Class
#e$uire%ents: S!ugglers !ust &ave a !ini!u! (isdo!P(illpower sore o/
75' as t&ey !ust &ave enoug& o!!on sense to &elp t&e! stay a&ead o/ t&e law. +&is kit
is open to all raes and lasses' %ut paladin s!ugglers reFuire speial approval /ro! t&e
,eapon proficiencies: +&ese &araters an selet any weapon pro/iienies
allowed t&eir adventuring lasses.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: Appraising' /orgery' ge! utting'
anient &istory' artisti a%ility' etiFuette' pottery' anient languages' readingPwriting.
2$uip%ent: S!ugglers seek !agial %raers and rings to !ake t&e!selves !ore
di//iult to %e struk or seen. +&ey will wear ar!or w&ile adventuringDi/ t&eir &arater
lass allows it. )owever' t&ey pre/er to travel in looseH/itting street lot&es and
#eco%%ended traits: 2een sense o/ tou&' gli%ness' i!personation' luky'
o%sure knowledge' preise !e!ory.
5enefits: 0/ a s!uggler &ooses t&e appraising nonweapon pro/iieny' &e gains a
M5 %onus to t&at pro/iieny sore.
8indrances: S!ugglers on oasion run a/oul o/ t&e lawDor o/ individuals w&o
try to pass goods via t&e &arater. (&en t&is &appens' a s!uggler !ig&t &ave to rely on
&is /ellow adventurers /or protetion.
,ealth: S!ugglers %egin wit& t&e !a1i!u! a!ount o/ gold allotted to t&eir
&arater lass to re/let t&e !oney t&ey earn /ro! t&eir s&ady dealings.
Soldier A Soldier is a pro/essional warrior. )e !ig&t %e a /ield o//ier' a areer
sergeant' or a sellsword. Any &arater lass an %e a soldier. (arriors and leris an
lead troops into %attleI wi-ards an dei!ate ene!y ar!ies wit& t&eir power/ul' o//ensive
spellsI and rogues an in/iltrate ene!yHoupied positions and gain valua%le intelligene.
0/ a player is interested in t&is kit' &e s&ould disuss wit& t&e D4 w&et&er t&e soldier is a
!e!%er o/ a standing !ilitary organi-ation or is a !erenary. 0/ t&e &arater is a
!e!%er o/ a !ilitary /ore' &is !ilitary rank also !ust %e deided.
!ocial ran6s: Soldiers o!e /ro! all walks o/ li/e. )owever' t&ose /ro! !ore
in/luential /a!ilies tend to rise &ig&er in t&e !ilitary areer ladder. 0/ t&e soldier is part o/
an organi-ed unit' roll 5d@ to deter!ine &is soial and !ilitary rank.
2d) roll #an6 -ilitar Title
5R9 ,ower Class 4anHatHar!sP/oot soldier
@R> ,ower 4iddle Class SergeantP&orse soldier
76R77 <pper 4iddle Class ,ieutenant
75 <pper Class CaptainPo!!ander
#e$uire%ents: Soldiers !ust &ave a !ini!u! ConstitutionP3itness sore o/ 75'
as !ilitary li/e is not easy. +&is kit is open to any player &arater rae e1eptI
aarakokra' alag&i. git&-erai' !inotaur' !ongrel!an' satyr' swan!ay' t&riHkreen' and
we!i. +&e kit is open to all lasses.
,eapon proficiencies: Soldiers an %e pro/iient in weapons t&at /it t&eir
adventuring lass.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: )istory Banient or loal' e!p&asis on
!ilitary eventsC' /ireH%uilding' diretion sense' ani!al &andling' ooking' &eraldry' riding
BlandH%asedC' sea!ans&ip' swi!!ing' disguise' ar!orer' %lindH/ig&ting' %owyerP/let&er'
&arioteering' endurane' navigation' survival' weapons!it&ing' readingPwriting.
2$uip%ent: Soldiers !ust spend !ore t&an &al/ o/ t&eir starting wealt& on
weapons and ar!or. +&ey an wear any ar!or and use any weapons allowed t&eir
adventuring pro/ession.
#eco%%ended traits: 2een eyesig&t' keen &earing' lig&t sleeper.
5enefits: At t&e ti!e o/ &arater reation' t&e soldier gains one /ree nonweapon
pro/iieny' provided it is seleted /ro! t&e reo!!ended list a%ove. 0n addition' a
soldier aFuires one weapon at no ostDa gi/t o/ t&e !ilitary.
8indrances: A soldier an pur&ase only t&ose weapons' ar!or' and ot&er piees
o/ eFuip!ent t&at an %e arried on &is %ak or on &is !ount.
,ealth: Standard /or t&e &araters lass.
Spy 0n any a!paign t&ere is %ound to %e intrigue' onspiraies' and insidious plots.
<novering t&ese serets is t&e *o% o/ t&e spy. As t&e sout rosses ene!y lines and
in/iltrates dangerous wilderness areas to learn vital in/or!ation' so does t&e spy wend &is
way t&roug& all levels o/ soiety. )e attends parties or sits in s!oky taverns' drinking'
daning' or ga!%lingDall t&e w&ile noting w&o is speaking to w&o!' w&at is %eing
disussed' Band w&at isnt %eing disussedC' w&os present and w&os a%sent' and w&at are
t&e latest ru!ors and gossip. Spies o/ten &oose to %eo!e adventurers' as t&at pro/ession
is t&e per/et over. 3ew t&ink twie w&en a new group o/ &eroes o!es into town. 0n
!ost a!paigns' adventurers are *ust aeptedDi/ not granted a /ew /avors in ase t&eir
uniFue talents are ever needed. +&is allows spies to go al!ost anyw&ere wit&out arising
0/ t&is kit is &osen' t&e player s&ould disuss wit& t&e D4 e1atly w&o t&e spy is
supposed to %e spying on' and w&o t&e spys e!ployer is. 0t is possi%le t&at t&e spy is
%etween !issions' or is seeking additional ino!e as an adventurer. Spies tend to %e
eduated and versatile. $oll 5d@ to deter!ine t&e soial rank o/ a spy &arater.
2d) roll #an6
5R: ,ower 4iddle Class
9R75 <pper 4iddle Class
#e$uire%ents: Spies !ust %e a%le to t&ink on t&eir /eet and s!oot&ly talk t&eir
way out o/ situations in w&i& t&eir over !ay %e %lown. +&ere/ore' all spies !ust &ave
!ini!u! 0ntelligeneP$eason and C&aris!aPAppearane sores o/ 78. +&e spy kit is
%arred to &al/Hogres' as well as any optional PC rae t&at is si-e large Brestrition - /ro!
t&e Ot&er $aes setion o/ C&apter +&reeC' and t&riHkreen. +&e kit is open to all lasses.
,eapon proficiencies: Spies are only li!ited in weapon &oie %y t&eir
adventuring lass. )owever' depending on t&eir over identity' spies !ay %e li!ited in
t&e weapons t&ey arry. 3or e1a!ple' a spy i!personating a wi-ard annot %ring &is
/avorite %astard sword along as part o/ t&e disguise. 4any spies pre/er s!all' easily
onealed' or easily disguised weapons Ba walking ane an dou%le as a lu% or &ide a
t&in %ladeC. +&is lets spies de/end t&e!selves i/ t&ey are disovered. Su& weapons
inlude: lu%' dagger' kni/e' and darts. 0/ t&e a!paign involves !u& ourtly intrigue'
Uere!onialV weapons su& as various swords also Fuali/y.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: Disguise' /orgery' daning' etiFuette'
&eraldry' riding' loal &istory' !odern languages' &er%alis!' readingPwriting' appraising'
ga!ing' !usial instru!ent' reading lips' spellra/t.
2$uip%ent: +&e spys over identity !ay ditate w&at eFuip!ent &e an arry
wit&out appearing inongruous.
#eco%%ended traits: Alertness' e!pat&y' gli%ness' i!personation' lig&t sleeper'
luky' !usi BanyC' preise !e!ory.
5enefits: Beause o/ t&e spys suave &ar!' &e reeives a M5 %onus /or all NPCs
reation rolls.
8indrances: +&e /ore!ost pro%le! wit& %eing a spy is t&at i/ &is over identity is
%lown and &e is aptured' t&e penalty is o/ten deat&. 0t is also possi%le t&at old /oes !ay
later deter!ine t&e spys true identity and seek revenge against &i!.
,ealth: Standard /or t&e &araters lass.
Swas&%ukler A swas&%ukler is t&e lig&tly ar!ed and ar!ored &ero wit& a /las&ing
%lade and rapier wit. 4ost at &o!e in a ityH%ased a!paign Bdungeons tend to ruin t&eir
e1pensive' /oppis& attireC' t&e swas&%ukler see!s to &ave stepped rig&t out o/ Du!as
The Three *usketeers% Swas&%uklers !ay %e dull %ureaurats' w&ee-ing aristorats' or
!eek sri%es during t&e dayD%ut at nig&t t&ey don t&eir /aniest lot&es' gird on t&eir
%lades' and venture out into t&e darkening ity /or an evening o/ rauous revelry' /lippant
onversation' and a &elping o/ derringHdo. Despite a generally /lippant Bso!e !ig&t say
arrogantly sarastiC attitude' !ost swas&%uklers &ave a strong sense o/ &onor. Anyone
w&o dares insult t&e swas&%ukler' &is o!rades' or a !e!%er o/ t&e opposite se1 !ay
well /ind a %lade at &is t&roat.
!ocial ran6s: Swas&%uklers are !ore a//luent t&an o!!on /ig&ters. $oll 5d@ to
deter!ine a soial rank.
2d) roll #an6
5R; <pper 4iddle Class
JR75 <pper Class
#e$uire%ents: Swas&%uklers s&ould %e witty' and t&ey s&ould %e lig&t on t&eir
/eet /or t&ose oasions w&en t&eir wit goes unappreiated. As su&' all swas&%uklers
need !ini!u! De1terityPBalane and 0ntelligeneP$eason sores o/ 75. +&is kit is losed
to t&e optional player &arater raes' and to rangers and druids.
#eco%%ended weapon proficiencies: Swords are t&e traditional weapons o/
!ost swas&%uklers' espeially rapiers and sa%res. )owever' t&ey an use any weapons
t&at /it t&eir adventuring pro/essions.
#eco%%ended *onweapon proficiencies: +u!%ling' etiFuette' daning' riding'
%lindH/ig&ting' !usial instru!ent' appraising' ga!ing' tig&trope walking' *u!ping.
2$uip%ent: A swas&%ukler an wear any ar!or and weapons allowed to &is
lass' t&oug& t&ey s&ould %e /las&y and o/ good Fuality.
#eco%%ended traits: A!%ide1terity' artisti a%ility' gli%ness' !usi' luky.
5enefits: (&en unar!ored or wearing ar!or no &eavier t&an studded leat&er'
swas&%uklers gain a M5 ar!or lass %onus. +&is %onus is in addition to any ot&er AC
!odi/iers su& as a &ig& De1terity and !agial de/ensive ite!s. B+&is is eFual to t&e
optional de/ensive %onus lass a%ility' and t&e two annot %e o!%ined.C Also' due to
t&eir roguis& &ar!' swas&%uklers gain a M5 reation roll %onus /ro! NPC !e!%ers o/
t&e opposite se1.
8indrances: As t&e swas&%ukler seeks out adventure' so too does adventure /ind
&i!. ,i/e' and t&e D4' s&ould onspire to !ake reality interesting /or t&e &arater. 3or
e1a!ple' i/ a swas&%ukler is /leeing t&e outraged si%ling o/ one o/ &is para!ours' &is
/lig&t !ig&t arry &i! aross t&e pat& o/ a de/enseless peasant w&o is %eing &arassed %y a
gang o/ ru//ians. Or' i/ a swas&%ukler leaps over%oard to esape t&e %uaneers w&o
s&ang&aied &i!' &e disovers t&at t&e waters are in/ested wit& sa&uagin riding s&arks.
,ealth: Standard /or t&e &araters lass' plus 56S to re/let &is a//luent
+&ug +&is kit is reo!!ended only /or non goodHaligned &araters. As t&e outlaw
!akes &is &o!e and living on t&e /ringes o/ ivili-ation' t&e t&ug !akes &is way in ities.
A t&ug knows t&e streets and alleys' and &e knows t&e s&adowy plaes %est. 0n t&e darkest
parts o/ town &e lies in wait /or unsuspeting preyDsu& as travelers new to t&e ity'
t&ose w&o %eo!e lost in t&e !a-e o/ streets and alleys' and t&ose on t&eir way &o!e
a/ter &aving a %it too !u& to drink. +&ugs !ig&t %e street ru//ians' !e!%ers o/ press
gangs' gang en/orers' or %arroo! rowdies. 0n any ase' t&ey tend to %e loud' o%no1ious'
and prone to violene.
!ocial ran6s: 4ost t&ugs o!e /ro! lowHino!e /a!ilies' and it is t&is
%akground t&at leads t&e! to t&eir Fuestiona%le li/estyle. $oll 5d@ to deter!ine a t&ugs
soial rank.
2d) roll #an6
5RJ ,ower Class
>R75 ,ower 4iddle Class
#eco%%endations: +&ugs !ust &ave !ini!u! Strengt&P4usle and
C&aris!aPAppearane sores o/ 76. +&is is %arred to aarakora' ko%olds' satyrs' and
swan!ays. Only /ig&ters and t&ieves !ay selet t&is kit.
,eapon proficiencies: S!all or easily onealed weapons are t&e t&ugs
/avorites' as t&ey an %e arried !ost anyw&ere. +&ese inlude: daggers' dirks' &and a1es'
knives' %lowguns' and slings. )owever' t&ugs an arry any weapon t&at is allowed %y
t&eir adventuring lass.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: BlindH/ig&ting' endurane' ga!ing'
*u!ping' rope use' running.
2$uip%ent: 4ost t&ugs like to wear as little ar!or and arry as /ew piees o/
eFuip!ent as possi%leDas t&ey like to !ove a%out unenu!%ered. )owever' so!e t&ugs
pre/er wearing %ulky ar!or and arrying %ig weapons to inti!idate ot&ers.
#eco%%ended traits: 3ast &ealer' keen eyesig&t' keen &earing' keen sense o/
tou&' lig&t sleeper.
5enefits: Due to t&eir roug&HandHtu!%le li/estyle and pen&ant /or street %rawls'
t&ugs gain a M7 %onus to all da!age rolls.
8indrances: +&ugs are o/ten wanted %y t&e loal law en/orers. 0n a relatively
on/ined area su& as a ity' a t&ug an never rela1. Around t&e ne1t orner !ig&t %e a
!e!%er o/ t&e onsta%ularyDor t&e t&ugs ne1t viti!.
,ealth: Standard /or t&e &araters lass.
(eapon 4aster A weapon !aster is a &arater w&o' regardless o/ lass' &as &osen to
devote !ost o/ &is o!%at training to a single weapon. A weapon !asters goal is to
%lend weapon and sel/ into one w&irling' deadly unionDone let&al entity. (eapon
!asters !ig&t display t&eir prowess as part o/ a irus or arnival s&owDknoking lit
igars out o/ unsuspeting peoples !out&sDor *uggling t&ree s&ort swords w&ile
%lindH/olded. Or' weapon !asters !ig&t &ave in&erited t&e /a!ily &eirloo! weapon' and
!astering it is a /a!ily tradition t&at t&e &arater /eels &e !ust live up to.
!ocial ran6s: (eapon !asters o!e /ro! /a!ilies t&at an a//ord weapon
instrutors. $oll 5d@ to deter!ine a weapon !asters soial rank.
2d) roll #an6
5R: ,ower 4iddle Class
9R> <pper 4iddle Class
76R75 <pper Class
#e$uire%ents: Only /ig&ters' priests' and t&ieves an %eo!e weapon !asters.
3urt&er' t&ey !ust &ave !ini!u! Strengt&PSta!ina and De1terityPAi! sores o/ 78. +&e
kit is open to all raes.
,eapon proficiencies: (eapon !asters always &oose a !elee weapon to study
and e1el in. +&e &arater !ust %egin play wit& e1pertise or speiali-ation in at least one
!elee weapon.
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: BlindH/ig&ting' *uggling'
weapons!it&ing' %owyerP/let&er' endurane.
2$uip%ent: A weapon !aster annot wear any ar!or &eavier t&an &ain !ail.
+&e weapon !aster %egins play wit& one weapon ot t&e type &e &as !astered at no ost.
#eco%%ended traits: A!%ide1terity' dou%leH*ointed' keen eyesig&t' keen
&earing' luky.
5enefits: A weapon !aster is so skilled wit& one !elee weapon t&at &e an' as &e
enters o!%at' display &is a!a-ing level o/ skill. +&is auses all opponents w&o see t&e
display to su//er a R5 initiative penalty /or t&e /irst two rounds o/ o!%at.
8indrances: So total is t&e weapon !asters devotion to &is weapon t&at &e
annot %eo!e pro/iient wit& weapons o/ anot&er type. 3or e1a!ple' i/ t&e &araters
&oie weapon is a !ae' &e an only gain pro/iienies in %ludgeoning weapons. 0/ t&e
&osen weapon is a sword' &e an only wield slas&ing weapons wit&out su//ering
penalties to &it.
,ealth: Standard /or t&e &araters lass.
Creating New 2its +o design additional kits' D4s s&ould answer t&ese Fuestions.
(&at role does t&is kit to serve in t&e a!paignE
(&at !akes t&is uniFue /ro! all ot&er kitsE
0n w&at ways is it si!ilar to any ot&er kitsE
(&at levels o/ soiety would generate &araters t&at would &oose t&is kitE
#e$uire%ents: (&at does a &arater need to take t&is kitE (&at !ini!u! o/
a%ility does t&is kit reFuireE
,eapon proficiencies: Does t&is kit give aess to weapons not nor!ally
allowed ertain lassesE 0/ so' w&yE Are ertain weapons assoiated wit& t&is kitE
#eco%%ended nonweapon proficiencies: (&at skills would PCs wit& t&is kit
likely needE
2$uip%ent: Does t&is kit grant aess to eFuip!ent not nor!ally availa%le to
so!e lasses. 0/ so' w&yE
#eco%%ended traits: (&at &arateristis /it an individual wit& t&is kitE
5enefits: (&at e1tra a%ility or !odi/ier does t&is kit grant &aratersE 0s t&is
%ene/it too power/ul /or a kitE 0s it too weakE Co!pare t&is kits %ene/its wit& t&e ot&er
kit %ene/its in t&is &apter.
8indrances: (&at penalty or !odi/ier o!pensates /or t&e a%ove %ene/it wit&out
weakening t&e &arater too !u& or leaving &i! too power/ulE
,ealth: 0s t&e starting as& o/ t&e &arater a//et %y t&is kitE 0/ so' &ow !u&E
One t&ese Fuestions &ave %een answered' a D4 s&ould &ave a pretty good idea
o/ t&e o!pati%ility o/ a new kit. +&e !ost i!portant deision to !ake is deter!ining i/
t&is kit un%alanes t&e ga!e. Contrast and o!pare it wit& ot&er kits. 0ts !u& easier to
/i1 t&e kit now t&an try to repair a a!paign a/ter an un%alaned kit &as da!aged it.
+&e ne1t step is to e1peri!ent wit& t&e kits in play. Outside t&e nor!al a!paign'
put t&is kit t&roug& its paes. $un di//erent &arater lasses t&roug& an enounter or two
to see i/ it works t&e way it was intended. 0/ it does' introdue it to a!paign and &ave
/un. 0/ it doesnt' &ead %ak to t&e drawing %oard.
C&apter @:
Nonweapon Pro/iienies
Nonweapon pro/iienies are an i!portant part o/ roleHplaying a &arater. +&e Skills and
Powers %ook o//ers several new pro/iienies and ways in w&i& t&ey an %e e!ployed
during a ga!e. +&e new rules are tailored to t&e &arater point syste!.
+&e use o/ pro/iienies &as %een !odi/ied slig&tly /ro! straig&t a%ility &eks'
providing !ore /le1i%ility and a little !ore advantage to &araters wit& less t&an' say' a
79 or 7@ sore in a ertain a%ility. Now pro/iienies an develop during t&e ourse o/ a
ga!e. +&oug& &araters will o/ten start out wit& less likeli&ood o/ suess w&en using
pro/iienies' t&ey will &ave !any opportunities to develop t&ose skills %eyond t&e li!its
in&erent in t&e old a%ility sore syste!.
0n addition' players an selet or reate traits /or t&eir &araters' w&i& are innate
advantages su& as talents and keen pereptions. A list o/ traits is presented in t&is
&apter. Countering t&e strengt&s o/ t&e traits is a seletion o/ disadvantages' w&i& also
provide opportunities /or !ore ela%orate roleHplayingDas well as reating ountless
situations /or a little o!i relie/.
Pro/iienies and t&e Point Syste! +&e point syste! lets players give t&eir
&araters a wider variety o/ skills and a%ilities t&an are availa%le wit& t&e standard rules.
)owever' skills t&at are not related to a &araters lass are still !ore di//iult and
e1pensive to o%tain t&an t&ose tied diretly to t&e adventurers area o/ e1pertise.
C&arater points &elp deter!ine an adventurers initial pro/iienies. Players an
also assign &arater points earned during play to i!prove t&eir &eroes &anes o/
suess wit& pro/iienies' as well as to add new pro/iienies.
<nlike t&e original pro/iieny rules' t&e Skills and Powers syste! gives ea&
pro/iieny a ratingDa possi%ility /or suess. +&is is in/luened %y a &araters a%ility
sore Bsee +a%le ::: A%ility 4odi/iers to Pro/iieny SoresC. 0t is a !ore realisti
approa&' sine pro/iienies an %e gradually i!proved. 0n t&ese rules t&ere is a
signi/iant di//erene in per/or!ane %etween so!eone wit& a %eginning level o/
pro/iieny and so!eone w&o is an e1pert.
0n t&is step o/ t&e &arater reation proess' all player &araters reeive an
additional allot!ent o/ &arater points' %ased on t&eir lasses' to pur&ase t&eir initial
nonHweapon pro/iienies. 0n addition' any le/tover points /ro! rae or lass a%ility
seletion in t&e previous &apters an %e used &ere. 3inally' &araters !ay add t&eir CP
%onuses /or t&eir 0ntelligene sores to t&eir total o/ &arater points at t&is ti!e. +&e
nu!%er o/ CPs awarded to ea& type o/ &arater in t&is step appears in t&e ta%le %elow.
C&araters !ay also &oose disadvantages at t&is point' w&i& an give t&e!
%onus CPs to spend in aFuiring e1tra skills or traits.
(arriors: @
(i-ards: J
$ogues: @
Seleting Pro/iienies
(&en a &arater is reated or onverted /ro! t&e standard AD&D ga!e rules to
t&e Skills and Powers syste!' &arater points !ust %e e1pended /or ea& pro/iieny
seleted. +&e !ore points spent' t&e %etter t&e &arater will %e at using t&at partiular
+a%le :9: Nonweapon Pro/iieny .roups lists t&e pro/iienies availa%le. 0t is
%roken into /ive ategoriesDgeneral pro/iienies' and t&ose relating to t&e priest' rogue'
wi-ard' and warrior lasses. Players an &oose pro/iienies /ro! any o/ t&e lists' t&oug&
t&e osts /or so!e will %e inreased %eause t&ey dont relate to a &araters lass.
Additionally' so!e &araters' %eause o/ &ig& 0ntelligene sores' an add %onus
pro/iienies at t&e ti!e o/ &arater reation.
C&arater Point Costs
A &arater point ost is indiated /or ea& spei/i entryDt&at is t&e e1penditure
in points reFuired /or players to add t&at skill to t&eir &araters repertoires. +&e ost is
nor!al i/ t&e pro/iieny is seleted /ro! t&e general list or t&e list relating to a
&araters lass. 0/ it is seleted /ro! a di//erent &arater lass list' t&e initial ost /or
t&e pro/iieny is inreased %y 5.
3or e1a!ple' (ingo t&e t&ie/ deides to spend &arater points on an assort!ent
o/ pro/iienies' inluding /is&ing B/or a ost o/ 8C /ro! t&e general group' disguise B/or a
ost o/ :C /ro! t&e rogue group' and ryptograp&y Blisted ost 8C /ro! t&e wi-ards group.
)is ost in points is as stated /or t&e general and rogue pro/iienies' %ut &e !ust pay 9
&arater points' not 8' to aFuire t&e skill /ro! t&e wi-ard group.
$elevant A%ilities
"a& pro/iieny on +a%le :9 is listed wit& one or two o/ t&e &arater a%ilities
andPor su%a%ilities t&at are !ost essential /or t&e use o/ t&is skill. +o aFuire t&e
pro/iieny at t&e nor!al ost' t&e &arater !ust &ave a sore o/ at least > in ea& o/ t&e
relevant a%ilities.
A &arater wit& lower a%ility sores is still allowed to pur&ase t&e skill.
)owever' t&e ost in &arater points is inreased. Add 7 to t&e ost /or ea& point needed
to %ring t&e relevant a%ilities up to a >.
3or e1a!ple' (ingo wants to %eo!e pro/iient at riding &orses. )is 79 De1terity
sore is no pro%le!' %ut &is ; (isdo! sore gives &i! so!e di//iulties. Sine t&e
nor!al ost /or t&e riding pro/iieny is 5 &arater points' and (ingo would need to add
5 !ore points to raise &is (isdo! to >' &e !ust pay : points /or t&e riding pro/iieny.
+&e additional ost does not atually i!prove (ingos (isdo! sore' it !erely allows
&i! to gain t&e riding pro/iieny.
Ca!paign ConsiderationsP+raining
+&e D4 is enouraged to provide a rationale /or aFuiring pro/iienies. Certain
skills !ig&t not %e availa%le %eause t&ey relate to voations not e!ployed %y t&e
ultures o/ t&e a!paign environ!ent. $iding and %laks!it&ing' /or e1a!ple' would %e
unavaila%le in a setting %ased on t&e preHColu!%ian A-tes' w&ile sea!ans&ip !ig&t %e
unknown to a !ountainHdwelling people or a &arater %orn into a tri%e o/ desert no!ads.
O/ ourse' t&e D4 need only introdue a traveler /ro! a di//erent ulture to tea& or
ot&erwise introdue a new skill to t&e setting.
0n ot&er ases' t&e D4 ould disallow ertain pro/iienies at t&e ti!e &araters
are generated. Adding pro/iienies later is si!ply a !atter o/ t&e players /inding ways
/or t&eir &araters to learn t&e new skillsDt&e !ountain &erder w&o signs on as a
dek&and /or an oeanHrossing vessel will &ave plenty o/ opportunities to learn
An NPC w&o possesses a pro/iieny generally will &ave enoug& knowledge to
i!part a %asi level o/ skill to an nonpro/iient &arater. +&e a!ount o/ ti!e t&is
reFuires varies' %ut it s&ould %e a !atter o/ at least several weeks o/ intensive training' or
a !u& longer ti!e o/ general e1posure and e1periene.
0n general' a tea&er annot raise a students skill to a &ig&er level t&an &is own'
%ut &ere' too' are e1eptions. C&araters w&o reeive pro/iieny %onuses /or &ig& a%ility
sores do not &ave to onsider t&ese %onuses w&en o!paring t&eir levels to t&eir
Bonus Pro/iienies
C&araters wit& average to &ig& 0ntelligene sores an gain %onus nonweapon
pro/iienies. +&e UZ o/ languagesV rating /or a &arater' /ound in t&e AD&D ga!e
rules' is treated as %onus &arater points. Bonus &arater points /ro! 0ntelligene
annot %e spent earlier in t&e &arater reation proess.
+&ese points an %e used only to aFuire languages or aFuire or i!prove
nonweapon pro/iienies w&i& use t&e 0ntelligene sore as one o/ t&e pro/iienys
relevant a%ilities. )owever' t&ere is one e1eptionDwarriors an use t&ese %onus
&arater points as desri%ed &ere' or t&ey an use t&e! to pur&ase or i!prove weapon
3or e1a!ple' (ingo t&e t&ie/ &as an 0ntelligene sore o/ 79' w&ile Bluto t&e
warrior &as an 0ntelligene sore o/ 75. +a%le : Bin t&e P)BC s&ows t&at (ingo is allowed
to learn /our languages' w&ile Bluto is li!ited to t&ree. (ingo t&us gains : &arater
points t&at !ust %e used /or 0ntelligeneH%ased nonweapon pro/iienies. )e ould
pur&ase ventriloFuis! B/ro! t&e rogue groupC or ooking B/ro! t&e general groupC'
sine ea& o/ t&ese uses 0ntelligene as a relevant a%ility.
Bluto' on t&e ot&er &and' ould use &is 8 %onus &arater points to pur&ase
ooking' or add t&e! to &is nor!al &arater points to pur&ase t&e ar!orer pro/iieny
B/ro! t&e warrior groupC. Alternately' Bluto ould use &is %onus &arater points to
pur&ase or i!prove an additional weapon pro/iieny.
0!proving Pro/iienies One an adventurer possesses a pro/iieny' spending
&arater points an i!prove t&e adventurers per/or!ane w&en t&at pro/iieny is used.
+&e setion on using pro/iienies desri%es &ow to deter!ine an initial ratingDw&i&
varies /or t&e di//erent pro/iienies and an %e !odi/ied %y &arater a%ility sores.
+&is initial rating an %e i!proved %y spending additional &arater points during
t&e ourse o/ an adventurers areer. 3or t&e !ost part' new &araters will &ave a
%eginning level o/ pro/iieny' t&oug& t&e D4 and player !ay agree on a rationale to
e1plain a novie &araters &ig& degree o/ pro/iieny. A young wo!an w&o e!%arks on
a li/e o/ adventure' /or e1a!ple' a/ter %eing raised %eside &er /at&ers potters w&eel'
!ig&t &ave a signi/iant level o/ ao!plis&!ent at t&e pottery skill.
Spending &arater points an i!prove an adventurers pro/iieny per/or!ane.
+&is is a one /or one e1&angeD7 &arater point inreases t&e &araters &ane o/
suess %y one. A nonweapon pro/iieny only an %e inreased t&roug& &arater points
one ea& level.
As a general rule' adventurers an add 7 &arater point to a given pro/iieny
ea& ti!e t&ey advane a level o/ e1periene. +&ey dont &ave to use t&e point at t&e ti!e
t&ey rea& t&e new level.
3or e1a!ple' Bellerana t&e wi-ard advanes /ro! 5nd to 8rd level. S&e spends 7
&arater point to i!prove &er rope use pro/iieny. And s&e spends anot&er to i!prove
0t is possi%le to reate e1eptions to t&is li!itation. A &arater w&o eases
adventuring /or a w&ile' and devotes !u& o/ t&at ti!e to /ar!ing or la%oring in a
%laks!it& s&op' !ig&t ontinually i!prove &is agriulture or %laks!it& pro/iieny
even w&ile &e does not advane in levels in &is &arater lass.
4a1i!u! $atings and Auto!ati 3ailure
C&araters annot i!prove t&eir un!odi/ied ratings in nonweapon pro/iienies
a%ove 7@. +&is an %e !odi/ied upward %y t&e &araters relevant a%ility sores' or %y a
trait t&at i!proves t&eir sore in t&at spei/i pro/iieny.
$egardless o/ &ow &ig& a &araters !odi/ied pro/iieny rating %eo!es' a roll
o/ 56 on a pro/iieny &ek is always a /ailure.
AFuiring C&arater +raits
Not everyt&ing an individual does is a !atter o/ training' pratie' and eduation.
Certain t&ings' su& as artisti talent or naturally keen senses' are in&erent. +&ese
in&erited &arateristis !ig&t %e o!%ined wit& skills to provide a &ig& level o/ !astery'
%ut t&e talents t&e!selves annot %e learnedD&araters &ave t&e! or t&ey dont. +&e
greatest !asters in any /ield o/ endeavor' o/ ourse' o!%ine a &ig& level o/ natural talent
wit& e1tensive training. A o!%ination o/ a trait wit& a &ig& level o/ nonweapon
pro/iieny an allow a &arater to si!ulate t&is level o/ ao!plis&!ent. +&e greatest
!instrels o/ t&e real!' /or e1a!ple' possess t&e trait o/ !usial a%ility' pro%a%ly %ot&
voal and instru!ental. Additionally' t&ey &ave gained t&roug& pratie and learning' a
&ig& pro/iieny in playing !usial instru!ents.
0n t&e Skills and Powers rules' talents and ot&er in&erent a%ilities are represented
as traits. +&ese traits an on/er signi/iant ga!e advantages on a &arater' and an o/ten
a!pli/y t&e e//ets o/ related nonweapon pro/iienies. Sine t&ey are signi/iant
en&ane!ents' t&ey are also relatively di//iult to aFuire.
C&arater points !ust %e spent at t&e ti!e o/ &arater reation i/ players want to
selet traits. One a trait is assigned to a &arater' it is regarded as per!anent. <nlike
pro/iienies' traits annot %e i!proved as a &arater develops. 3or t&e !ost part
additional traits annot %e gained %y a &arater w&o already &as %een involved in
adventuring Bt&oug& i/ t&e *udge dee!s it appropriate' a rationale an %e devised to
e1plain w&y a &arater suddenly disovering a &it&erto unknown traitC.
Seleting C&arater Disadvantages (&en a &arater is reated' t&e a%ility sores
o/ t&at PC inlude in&erent advantages and disadvantages. A &arater will %e strong or
weak' /ast or slow' %rilliant or stupid' &andso!e or ugly. +&ese ategories are general'
and players &ave a great deal o/ /reedo! in interpreting t&e nu!%ers /or t&eir &araters.
So!e disadvantages are !ore spei/i t&an t&ese &arater a%ilities' and t&ey
provide %akground /or players w&o like to roleHplay. A player w&ose &arater
passionately /ears spiders' or %eo!es tongueHtied in soial situations' &as spei/i
suggestions a%out roleHplaying.
At t&e ti!e o/ &arater reation' a player an selet one or two disadvantages.
+&e &oie is purely optionalDno &arater must &ave a disadvantage. <nlike traits and
pro/iienies' disadvantages do not ost &arater pointsDinstead' ea& disadvantage
awards a ertain nu!%er o/ points t&at t&e player an use to provide a &arater wit&
ot&er traits' pro/iienies' and raial or lass a%ilities' or an save /or later use.
So!e disadvantages an %e &osen at one o/ two levelsDt&e disadvantage o/
allergies' /or e1a!ple' an %e taken at a !oderate or a severe rating. C&araters w&o
&oose t&e severe disadvantage will &ave lower &anes o/ resisting t&e e//ets o/ t&e
disadvantage during play.
A &arater an never gain !ore t&an 79 &arater points %y aFuiring
Certain disadvantages will ontradit traits' and t&ese annot %e seletedDa
&arater wit& keen eyesig&t annot &oose t&e olor%lind disadvantage' /or e1a!ple.
+&ese on/lits s&ould %e *udged wit& o!!on sense.
<sing Pro/iienies in Play +&e nor!al proedure is used /or !aking pro/iieny
&eksDi.e.' a player rolls a d56 against &is &araters &ane o/ suess. )owever' t&e
proedure /or deter!ining a &araters rating /or suess &as %een !odi/ied.
(&en &araters initially aFuire pro/iienies' t&eir &ane /or suess w&en
t&ey atte!pt pro/iieny &eks is so!ew&at li!ited. +a%le :9 lists' /or ea& nonweapon
pro/iieny' t&e starting rating /or suess w&en a &arater uses it in play. Note t&at t&ere
are still !any opportunities /or auto!ati suess' so t&e &ek is only reFuired on t&e
!ost &allenging tasks.
+&is %ase &ane o/ suess an %e !odi/ied %y a &ig& or low sore in a relevant
a%ility. "a& pro/iieny on +a%le :9 lists one or two a%ilities Binluding su%a%ilitiesC t&at
are %ene/iial in t&e use o/ t&at skill. 0n ases w&ere two a%ilities are listed' t&e player an
&oose w&i& a%ility !odi/ies t&e pro/iieny. +&e !odi/iers are listed on +a%le ::.
3or e1a!ple' Blutor t&e /ig&ter %uys an ani!al &andling pro/iieny' w&i& &as as
its initial &ane o/ suess a 9. Blutor &as a (isdo!P(illpower o/ 7@' &owever' so t&is
M8 inreases &is initial ani!al &andling &ane to a roll o/ J or less on a d56.
As usual' a &arater !ust &ave t&e proper tools and ot&er !aterials' and a
suita%le a!ount o/ ti!e to get t&e *o% done. No suess/ul pro/iieny &ek is going to
allow a weaver to render a %eauti/ul %lanket out o/ raw wool in a single a/ternoon. +&e
pro/iieny desriptions give details on t&e use o/ ea& skill' as guidelines /or t&e D4.
Table &&:
Abilit -odifiers to Proficienc !cores
Abilit< Proficienc
!ubabilit -odifier
8 R9
: R:
9 R8
@ R5
; R7
JR78 6
7: M7
79 M5
7@ M8
7; M:
7JM M9
+a%le :9: Nonweapon Pro/iieny .roups
Proficienc CostK 0nitial #ating Abilit
Agriulture 8 ; 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
Ani!al )andling 8 ; (isdo!P(illpower
Ani!al +raining : 9 (isdo!P(illpower'
Blaks!it&ing : @ Strengt&P4usle' 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
Boat Piloting 5 @ Strengt&P4usle' 0ntelligeneP$eason
Brewing 8 J 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
Carpentry 8 ; Strengt&PSta!ina' 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
Co%%ling 8 ; De1terityPAi!' 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
Cooking 8 ; 0ntelligeneP$eason
Daning 5 @ De1terityPBalane' C&aris!aPAppearane
Deep Diving 5 9 De1terityPBalane' ConstitutionP)ealt&
"ngineering : 9 0ntelligeneP$eason' (isdo!P0ntuition
"tiFuette 5 J C&aris!aPAppearane' (isdo!P0ntuition
3ireH%uilding 5 J (isdo!P0ntuition' 0ntelligeneP$eason
3is&ing 8 @ (isdo!P0ntuition' 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
.a!ing 5 9 (isdo!P0ntuition' 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
)eraldry 5 J 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
,eat&er working 8 ; 0ntelligeneP2nowledge' De1terityPAi!
4ining9 9 (isdo!P0ntuition' Strengt&PSta!ina
4odern languages 5 > 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
4usial 0nstru!ent 5 ; C&aris!aP,eaders&ip
Navigation 8 @ 0ntelligeneP2nowledge' (isdo!P0ntuition
Orienteering 8 ; 0ntelligeneP2nowledge' (isdo!P0ntuition
Painting 5 ; De1terityPAi!' (isdo!P0ntuition
Pottery8 ; De1terityPAi!
$iding' Air%orne : 9 (isdo!P(illpower' De1terityPBalane
$iding' ,and 5 J (isdo!P(illpower' De1terityPBalane
$ope <se 5 J De1terityPAi!' (isdo!P0ntuition
Sulpting 5 9 De1terityPAi!' (isdo!P0ntuition
Singing 5 9 C&aris!aP,eaders&ip
Sea!ans&ip 8 J (isdo!P0ntuition' De1terityPBalane
Stone!asonry : 9 Strengt&PSta!ina' (isdo!P0ntuition
Swi!!ing 5 > Strengt&PSta!ina
+ailoring 8 ; De1terityPAi!' 0ntelligeneP$eason
2nowledge 5 ; (isdo!P0ntuition
(eaving 8 @ 0ntelligeneP$eason' De1terityPAi!
Proficienc CostK 0nitial #ating Abilit
Anient )istory 8 @ (isdo!P0ntuition'
Anient ,anguages : 9 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
Astrology 8 9 (isdo!P0ntuition' 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
)ealing : 9 (isdo!P0ntuition' C&aris!aP,eaders&ip
)er%alis! 8 @ 0ntelligeneP2nowledge' (isdo!P0ntuition
,oal )istory 5 J 0ntelligeneP2nowledge'
$eadingP(riting 5 J 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
$eligion 5 @ (isdo!P0ntuition
Spellra/t 8 ; 0ntelligeneP$eason
+a%le :9: Nonweapon Pro/iieny .roups
Proficienc CostK 0nitial #ating Abilit
Anient )istory 8 @ (isdo!P0ntuition'
Appraising 5 J 0ntelligeneP$eason' (isdo!P0ntuition
BlindH/ig&ting : NAP@ (isdo!P0ntuition' De1terityPBalane
Cryptograp&y 8 @ 0ntelligeneP$eason' (isdo!P0ntuition
Disguise : 9 (isdo!P0ntuition' C&aris!aP,eaders&ip
3orgery 8 9 De1terityPAi!' (isdo!P(illpower
.e! Cutting 8 @ De1terityPAi!
#uggling 8 ; De1terityPAi!
#u!ping 5 J Strengt&P4usle' De1terityPBalane
,oal )istory 5 J 0ntelligeneP2nowledge'
$eading ,ips 8 ; 0ntelligeneP2nowledge' (isdo!P0ntuition
Set Snares 8 @ De1terityPAi!' (isdo! P0ntuition
+ig&trope (alking 8 9 De1terityPBalane
+&rowing 5 J De1terityPAi!' Strengt&P4usle
+u!%ling 8 ; De1terityPBalane' Strengt&P4usle
NentriloFuis! : 9 0ntelligeneP2nowledge'
Proficienc CostK 0nitial #ating Abilit
Ani!al ,ore8 ; 0ntelligeneP2nowledge' (isdo!P0ntuition
Ar!orer 9 9 0ntelligeneP2nowledge' Strengt&P4usle
BlindH/ig&ting : NAP@ (isdo!P0ntuition' De1terityPBalane
BowyerP3let&er 9 @ 0ntelligeneP2nowledge' De1terityPAi!
C&arioteering : 9 De1terityPBalane' (isdo!P(illpower
"ndurane 5 8 ConstitutionP3itness
)unting 5 ; (isdo!P0ntuition
4ountaineering : ; Strengt&PSta!ina' (isdo!P(illpower
$unning 5 9 Strengt&PSta!ina' ConstitutionP3itness
Set Snares : J De1terityPAi!' (isdo!P0ntuition
Survival 8 @ 0ntelligeneP2nowledge'
+raking : ; (isdo!P0ntuition
(eapons!it&ing 9 9 0ntelligeneP2nowledge' De1terityPAi!
Proficienc CostK 0nitial #ating Abilit
Anient )istory 8 @ (isdo!P0ntuition'
Anient ,anguages : 9 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
Astrology 8 9 (isdo!P0ntuition'
Astrono!y 5 ; 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
Cryptograp&y 8 @ 0ntelligeneP$eason'
.e! Cutting 8 @ De1terityPAi!
)er%alis! 8 @ 0ntelligeneP2nowledge'
$eadingP(riting 5 J 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
$eligion 5 @ (isdo!P0ntuition
Spellra/t 8 ; 0ntelligeneP$eason
TCost in &arater points
"//ets o/ +raits
+raits o/ten %ene/it &araters use o/ pro/iienies' i!proving t&eir &anes /or
suess. +&ese i!prove!ents are e1plained in t&e trait desriptions' toget&er wit& w&i&
pro/iienies t&ey !odi/y.
+&e role t&at traits play on pro/iienies s&ould %e /atored into t&e nu!%er
needed /or suess and s&ould %e listed on t&e &arater s&eet.
Table &): Traits
Trait Cost FCPsG
Allure :
Alertness @
A!%ide1terity :
Ani!al "!pat&y :
Artisti A%ility :
Cli!ate Sense :
Dou%leH*ointed :
"!pat&y :
3ast )ealer @
.li%ness :
0!personation 9
0n&erent 0!!unityPPoison @
0n&erent 0!!unityPDisease 9
0n&erent 0!!unityPCold :
0n&erent 0!!unityP)eat 9
0nternal Co!pass 9
2een eyesig&t 9
2een )earing 9
2een S!ell @
2een +aste :
2een +ou& :
,ig&t Sleeper 9
,uky @
4usiPSinging 9
4usiP0nstru!ent :
O%sure 2nowledge :
Preise 4e!ory :
Auto!ati Suess
Nearly all pro/iienies inlude skills t&at will not reFuire rolls /or suess. 4any
o/ t&ese are /untions o/ ra/ts and trades' and !ay &ave little use in t&e ga!e %eyond
t&eir eono!i /untions. .iven a s&op' raw !aterials' and plenty o/ ti!e' a potter an
!ake a pot' a leat&er worker an !ake a tent' and a o%%ler an !ake a pair o/ s&oes or
%oots wit&out rolling to see i/ t&e atte!pt is suess/ul.
4odi/ying Pro/iieny $olls As %e/ore' D4s are /ree to !odi/y pro/iieny rolls /or
/ators t&at will in/luene suessD/or good or /or ill. 0/ a task is unusually di//iult'
apply a penalty to t&e pro/iieny rating. Standard negative !odi/iers are R5 /or a
so!ew&at di//iult task' R: /or a !oderately di//iult task' and RJ /or so!et&ing w&ere
suess is a real long s&ot.
As a general rule' a pro/iieny s&ould not %e !odi/ied to greater t&an 7>' or less
t&an 5I a roll o/ 56 is always a /ailure on a pro/iieny &ek. Conversely' a roll o/ 7
always s&ould %e suess/ul. $e!e!%er' i/ auto!ati suess is assured' no roll is
4odi/iers s&ould %e onsidered /or so!e o/ t&e /ollowing /ators:
Ti%e: 0/ t&e task !ust %e per/or!ed in a &urry' t&e di//iulty is naturally
inreased. So!e pro/iieny &eks t&at !ig&t %e auto!ati suesses under !ost
iru!stanes ould reFuire &eks si!ply %eause t&ey !ust %e per/or!ed under a
deadline. A o%%ler always an !ake a pair o/ s&oes' %ut i/ t&ey need to %e done in two
&ours' a pro/iieny &ek !ig&t %e alled /or.
-aterials: +asks per/or!ed in t&e /ield !ig&t reFuire *uryHrigging o/ eFuip!ent
or !aterials' and t&ese an in/luene suessDor reFuire a &ek w&ere t&e task !ig&t
ot&erwise %y auto!ati. Our o%%ler will need to !ake a &ek i/ &es going to repair a
!angled %oot in t&e dept&s o/ a wilderness /orestI t&e sa!e repair in &is s&op would %e
an auto!ati suess.
Danger: Doing a task under a s&ower o/ arrows' or under t&e t&reat o/ i!!inent
attak' adds a strong ele!ent o/ tension to t&e pro/iient &arater. A task !ig&t again %e
rendered !ore di//iult t&an usual' or reFuire a &ek instead o/ auto!ati suess' w&en
t&ere is a serious &a-ard near%y.
Dni$ueness: 0/ an unskilled &arater tries to per/or! a new task' a &ek !ig&t
%e reFuired. 0/ our o%%ler is reFuired to !ake a pair o/ silken slippers studded wit&
ru%ies' /or e1a!ple' &e !ig&t &ave to e1peri!ent a %it %e/ore &e gets it rig&t. A uniFue
pro%le! an also !odi/y a task t&at would already reFuire a &ek. An ani!al &andler
used to %reaking and training &orses !ig&t su//er a R: penalty i/ asked to do t&e sa!e
wit& a pegasus.
0ntricac: A task t&at is !ore involved t&an any t&e &arater &as atte!pted
%e/ore !ay reFuire a &ek' per&aps wit& a penalty assigned. A &arater wit& t&e
agriulture pro/iieny is nor!ally a%le to plant and &arvest ropsDno pro/iieny &ek
is neessary. )owever' i/ t&e &arater is plaed in &arge o/ a /ar!ing pro*et w&ere land
!ust %e leared' irrigation arranged' pests ontrolled' and preise ti!ing used on t&e
&arvest' an agriulture pro/iieny &ek pro%a%ly will %e reFuired.
Pro/iienies and ,evel Advane!ent
"a& ti!e a &arater advanes a level' &e gains &arater points Bt&e D4 deides
&ow !any' see C&apter OneC to use on weapon and nonweapon pro/iienies or to &old
/or use during t&e ga!e. A &arater an add only one new weapon or nonweapon
pro/iieny per level advane!ent unless t&at &arater &as a speial lass a%ility t&at
allows ot&erwise. 3or e1a!ple' Blutor &as *ust rea& ;t& level and urrently &as 9
&arater points. )e an spend t&ese point on one weapon pro/iieny or one nonweapon
pro/iieny' %ut not %ot&. 0/ &e &as points le/t a/ter %uying a pro/iieny' &e an spend
t&e! to i!prove &is ot&er pro/iienies or sa!e t&e! to use during t&e ga!e.
<se o/ Pro/iienies %y Nonpro/iient C&araters 0n general' &araters will not
%e a%le to per/or! a task unless t&ey &ave so!e level o/ pro/iieny in it. )owever' t&e
D4 an allow nonpro/iient adventurers to atte!pt pro/iieny tasks' under a /ew
iru!stanes. 0n general' t&e tasks per/or!ed !ust %e very si!ple' and t&e &arater
will not %e a%le to per/or! t&e! very well. +asks t&at nonpro/iient &araters atte!pt
would generally /all into t&e auto!ati suess ategory i/ t&ey were atte!pted %y a
pro/iient &arater. A nonpro/iient &arater !ust roll a suess/ul &ek using t&e
pro/iienys initial suess rating' !odi/ied %y t&e &araters relevant a%ility. 0/ a trait is
relevant to t&e use o/ t&e pro/iieny Bsee pro/iieny desriptionsC' a nonpro/iient
&arater wit& t&at trait an lai! t&is !odi/ier w&en atte!pting a &ek.
Several onsiderations !ig&t allow t&ese types o/ &eks:
>ife or Death: A non swi!!er w&o /alls in t&e water !ig&t %e allowed to !ake a
swi!!ing pro/iieny &ek. Suess !eans t&e &arater is a%le to stay a/loat' per&aps
!oving slowly toward s&ore. Note t&at t&is would %e an auto!ati suess /or any
&arater wit& t&e swi!!ing pro/iieny. 0/ !odi/iers e1ist t&at would reFuire a
pro/iient &arater to &ek Bt&e PC is enu!%ered' or t&e water is very roug&C t&en t&e
nonpro/iient &arater will ertainly /ail.
All the Ti%e in the ,orld: A &arater w&o does not &ave t&e agriulture
pro/iieny' %ut is willing to spend two weeks planting a s!all plot o/ land' s&ould %e
allowed to !ake a pro/iieny &ek. Suess !eans so!e kind o/ use/ul rop.
2/cellent 0nstruction: 0/ t&e %laks!it&s ar! is %roken' %ut &e an sit ne1t to
t&e /orge and desri%e to t&e novie every step o/ t&e proedure' t&e nonpro/iient
&arater s&ould %e allowed a pro/iieny &ek to reate a si!ple o%*et su& as a
&orses&oe or a nail. Anyt&ing t&at would reFuire t&e %laks!it& to !ake a pro/iieny
&ek' &owever' would %e %eyond t&e skills o/ t&e nonpro/iient &arater.
<sing Disadvantages Disadvantages work well to en&ane t&e roleHplaying o/ a
&arater' and as su& t&ey s&ould %e t&e players responsi%ility to re!e!%er and e!ploy.
A &arater wit& an irritating personality' /or e1a!ple' an %e roleHplayed in su& a way
t&at t&e D4 never &as to do anyt&ing to en/ore t&e disadvantage. .ood roleHplayers will
reate t&eir own trou%le' so to speak.
)owever' so!e aspets o/ disadvantages reFuire D4 input. So!ew&ere a!id
opious volu!es o/ notes' t&e D4 s&ould keep a list o/ ea& &araters disadvantages'
!aking sure t&an none o/ t&e! are overlooked. 3or e1a!ple' i/ a &arater &as a p&o%ia
o/ spiders' t&e D4 an insure t&ere will %e a &ane every one in aw&ile to enounter
so!e %ig' &airyHlegged ara&nids.
0/ a disadvantage /alls to t&e players responsi%ility' and t&at player tends to
ignore it' t&e D4 s&ould reate a /ew situations w&ere t&e disadvantage is i!possi%le to
overlook. 3or e1a!ple' i/ t&e player does not roleHplay t&e &araters irritating
personality disadvantage' NPCs !ig&t suddenly %eo!e enraged at t&e &arater /or
i!agined slig&tsDinsults t&at t&e NPCs lai! result /ro! t&e PCs irritating personality.
4oderatePSevere Disadvantages
A &arater wit& a !oderate disadvantage &eks against a%ility or su%Ha%ility
sores' w&ile a &arater wit& a severe disadvantage rolls at &al/ o/ t&e a%ility sores'
rounded up.
3or e1a!ple' a &arater wit& a (isdo!P(illpower sore o/ 7; would need to roll
a > or less to resist t&e e//ets o/ a severe disadvantage' w&ereas a roll o/ 7; or lower
would resist t&e e//ets o/ a !oderate disadvantage.
Table &+: Disadvantages
Character Point 5onus
Disadvantage -oderate !evere
Allergies 8 J
Bad +e!pered @ D
Bruise "asily J D
Clu!sy : J
Color%lind 8 D
Co!pulsive )onesty J D
Cowardie ; 79
Deep Sleeper ; D
3anatiis! J D
.reed ; D
0rritating Personality @ D
,a-y ; D
Power/ul "ne!y 76 D
P&o%ia: Crowds : 76
P&o%ia: Darkness 9 77
P&o%ia: "nlosed Spaes 9 77
P&o%ia: )eig&ts 9 76
P&o%ia: 4agi J 7:
P&o%ia: 4onster Bspei/iC : >
P&o%ia: Snakes 9 76
P&o%ia: Spiders 9 76
P&o%ia: <ndead J 7:
P&o%ia: (ater @ 75
+ongueHtied @ D
<nluky J D
$e!oving Disadvantages
0/ t&e D4 is agreea%le' a player an re!ove a &araters disadvantage %y
spending &arater points. Disadvantages rated as !oderate an %e eli!inated' w&ile
severe disadvantages an %e redued to !oderate at one level advane!ent /or a
&arater' and t&en re!oved at a su%seFuent advane!ent.
+&e ost to re!ove a disadvantage is 7 &arater point !ore t&an t&e points
gained w&en t&e disadvantage is /irst aFuired. 3or e1a!ple' t&e olor%lind disadvantage
gains 8 &arater points. $e!oving t&is disadvantage osts : points.
A severe disadvantage is redued to a !oderate disadvantage /or 7 !ore &arater
point t&an t&e di//erene %etween t&e severe and !oderate osts. 3or e1a!ple' severe
allergies award J &arater points' !oderate allergies 8Da di//erene o/ 9 points. +&us'
t&e ost to redue severe allergies to !oderate is @ &arater points.
Pro/iieny Desriptions +&e pro/iienies are arranged alp&a%etially. "a&
desription suggests tasks o/ varying di//iulty t&at &araters an ao!plis& wit& t&at
skill' as well as an overview o/ !aterials and ti!e reFuired.
+asks t&at are auto!atially suess/ul are suggested' %ut t&ese are not o!plete
lists. +&ey are intended to give players and D4s an aurate idea a%out a skills area o/
+&e AD&D Players Handbook inludes desriptions o/ !any o/ t&ese
pro/iienies. +&e Skills and Powers entries are designed to o!ple!ent t&e Players
Handbook' adding details and rules t&at &ave %een !odi/ied %y t&e &arater point
Agriculture: +&is skill inludes auto!ati suess at planting' &arvesting' storing
rops' using an e1isting irrigation syste!' tending ani!als' and %ut&ering. +asks t&at
reFuire pro/iieny &eks inlude designing or !aking an irrigation syste!' and weed
and pest ontrol. +&e ani!al e!pat&y and li!ate sense traits ea& provide M5 %onuses to
relevant agriulture pro/iieny &eks.
Ancient 8istor: C&araters wit& t&is pro/iieny are /a!iliar wit& t&e legends'
rulers' and writings o/ a spei/i &istorial period in t&e a!paign world. +&ey will
reogni-e' wit&out a pro/iieny &ek' ite!s' srolls' artwork' et. o/ t&at period. +&ey
will know t&e !ain &istorial /igures' su& as kings and power/ul villains' and t&e !a*or
iru!stanes o/ t&ose individuals lives and deat&s. (it& a suess/ul pro/iieny &ek
t&ey will reall lesser /igures' su& as lords' knig&ts' and &eroes' and reall legendary
tales' i!portant sigils' and per&aps %e a%le to deip&er a s!all %it o/ te1t' sy!%ols' or
&ieroglyp&is. +&e o%sure knowledge trait provides a M8 to t&is &araters pro/iieny
Ancient >anguages: Adventurers wit& t&is pro/iieny are /a!iliar wit& at least
one anient languageDi.e. t&ey &ave t&e readingPwriting pro/iieny wit& t&e &osen
languages. 0/ on/ronted wit& an e1a!ple o/ a &istoriallyHrelated language' t&ey an
deip&er a%out a paragrap& o/ t&at tongue wit& a suess/ul pro/iieny &ek. 3or ea&
&arater point spent on t&is pro/iieny Ba/ter initially aFuiring itC add one additional
anient language to t&e list o/ languages a &arater knows /luently. +&e preise !e!ory
trait provides a M5 to t&is pro/iieny rating.
Ani%al 8andling: +&is pro/iieny allows &araters to auto!atially steer arts'
plow &orses' et. (it& a suess/ul pro/iieny &ek' t&ey an soot&e do!estiated
ani!als and %easts o/ %urden w&i& %eo!e agitated or /rig&tened. +&e &araters reeive
a M7 %onus to pro/iieny &eks !ade wit& any o/ t&e ani!alHriding pro/iienies' and
t&ey reeive a M5 %onus to t&eir pro/iieny rating i/ t&ey &ave t&e ani!al e!pat&y trait.
Ani%al >ore: Adventurers wit& ani!al lore &ave a store o/ knowledge a%out
ani!al %e&avior' and wit&out any pro/iieny &ek will know t&e %asi /eeding and
soial &a%its Bi.e. &erding' nesting' et.C o/ ani!als wit& w&i& t&ey &ave past e1periene.
(it& a pro/iieny &ek' a &arater an deter!ine w&et&er an o%served ani!al
is intending to attak or to /lee' or predit t&at ani!als will o!e along a trail at a ertain
ti!e o/ day. +&is &arater gets a M5 %onus to &eks !ade using t&e set snares
+&e &arater an i!itate t&e alls o/ wild ani!als Be1ept /or very large
reaturesC. A suess/ul &ek !eans t&at t&e i!itation is virtually per/et' and even /ools
ani!als o/ t&e sa!e type. A /ailed &ek !ig&t /ool ot&er &araters' %ut will not deeive
t&e ani!als.
Ani%al Training: (&en players &oose t&is pro/iieny' t&ey !ust delare w&at
type o/ reature t&eir &araters will learn to train. Suggestions inlude dogs' /alons'
parrots' &orses' pigeons' elep&ants' and /errets. 4ore e1oti ani!als an %e &osen at t&e
D4s option. 4onsters wit& ani!al intelligene are anot&er possi%ility' t&oug& t&ey an
%e di//iult to ontrolDin e//et' reFuiring !ore /reFuent pro/iieny &eks.
+raining o/ an ani!al reFuires a rat&er lengt&y period o/ ti!eDa !atter o/ weeks'
at least' /or even t&e !ost %asi tasks. A &arater w&o spends t&is a!ount o/ ti!e will
sueed at t&e training Bno &ek neessaryC. Su& tasks inlude dogs %eing trained to
stay' o!e w&en su!!oned' and guard a spei/i loationI pigeons returning to t&e roostI
/alons &unting and killing ga!eI and &orses %earing saddles and o%eying si!ple riding
4ore ela%orate tasks also take ti!e to tea&' and t&ese reFuire pro/iieny &eks:
dogs patrolling a iruit' or retrieving spei/i o%*etsI and &orses per/or!ing t&e
!aneuvers o/ a knig&tly &arger are e1a!ples.
A &arater wit& t&e ani!al e!pat&y trait gains a M7 %onus to t&is pro/iieny
Appraising: +&is skill allows t&e &arater to !ake generally aurate BM or R
76SC assess!ents o/ o!!on o%*ets' inluding ite!s !ade o/ preious !etals and
ge!stones. +&e &arater an also assess' to M or R59S' t&e value o/ o%*ets o/ art'
tapestries' /urniture' weapons' et.Dprovided a variety o/ t&ese ite!s are present in t&e
ga!e world. +&ese assess!ents reFuire no pro/iieny &eks' and t&e D4 an roll Bd56
or d766C to deter!ine t&e auray o/ t&e appraisal.
A &arater w&o passes a pro/iieny &ek will %e a%le to identi/y a /orgery o/ a
valua%le o%*et' to !ake a very aurate assess!ent o/ t&e value o/ a o!!on ite!
Bwit&in 9SC' or to !ake a general assess!ent o/ t&e wort& o/ an uno!!on ite!'
inluding arti/ats. +&e D4 !ay wis& to roll t&is &ek' and on a roll o/ 56 t&e &arater
!akes a wildly inaurate assess!ent.
Ar%orer: A &arater wit& t&is pro/iieny an !ake t&e types o/ ar!or typially
availa%le in t&e a!paign world. +&e ar!orer reFuires t&e proper raw !aterials Bplate
!etal' toug& leat&er' et.C and enoug& ti!e to do t&e *o% properly. +i!e ranges /ro!
a%out two weeks /or a s&ield to 56 weeks /or a suit o/ plate !ail ar!or. No pro/iieny
&ek is reFuired generally' t&oug& i/ t&e ar!orer tries to rus& t&e *o% or work wit& less
t&an adeFuate !aterials a pro/iieny &ek s&ould %e rolled to deter!ine i/ t&e &arater
is suess/ul.
+&e ar!orer an also !ake /ield repairs to ar!or t&at &as %een da!aged t&roug&
use. +&ese repairs always reFuire pro/iieny &eks' and i/ t&e &ek /ails t&e ar!or or
s&ield is lost.
Astrolog: +&is &arater &as a general understanding o/ t&e !ove!ent o/
elestial %odies' and t&e in/luene o/ t&at !ove!ent upon t&e %eings o/ t&e a!paign
world. +&e astrologer an identi/y nu!erous onstellations' and knows !any o/ t&e
legends %e&ind t&eir na!ing. +&e &arater an !ake li!ited preditions /or t&e /uture'
always in vague ter!sDw&et&er t&ese are aurate is up to t&e D4. A &arater wit& t&is
pro/iieny gains M5 on all &eks !ade using t&e navigation pro/iieny' providing t&e
stars an %e seen. A &arater wit& t&e trait o/ e!pat&y gains a M7 %onus to t&e astrology
pro/iieny rating.
Astrono%: A &arater pro/iient in t&is skill &as a detailed knowledge o/ t&e
relative !ove!ent o/ stars' !oons' and planets. +&e &arater an predit wit& o!plete
auray t&e arrival o/ elipses' o!ets' and ot&er os!i p&eno!ena Bevening and
!orning stars' /ull !oons' et.C +&e astrono!er an identi/y nu!erous stars and
onstellations' and gains a M8 %onus to all &eks !ade using t&e navigation pro/iieny'
providing t&at t&e stars an %e seen.
5lac6s%ithing: A &arater wit& t&e %laks!it&ing pro/iieny an &andle a
/orge' %ellows' &a!!er and tongs' to reate tools and ot&er o%*ets out o/ iron. +&e
&arater annot !ake weapons or ar!or' %ut an !akeDwit&out a pro/iieny &ekD
si!ple ite!s su& as &orses&oes' nails' %rakets and %ukles. By !aking a suess/ul
pro/iieny &ek' t&e &arater an reate intriate o%*ets su& as wire ages and loks.
A %laks!it& an !ake an iron &oop /or a w&eel t&at &as %een !ade %y a arpenterI t&is
o!%ination o/ pro/iienies is reFuired /or a strong w&eel.
5lindCfighting: +&is allows &araters to ignore !any o/ t&e pro%le!s in&erent in
/ig&ting wit&out %eing a%le to see. 0n total darkness' t&e &arater su//ers R5 Bnot R:C to
attak rolls' and su//ers no penalties to AC versus !elee attaks. 0n starlig&t or !oonlig&t'
t&e &arater su//ers only a R7 penalty to attak rolls.
(&en !oving in darkness' t&e &arater is allowed to !ake a pro/iieny &ek at
t&e %eginning o/ a roundI suess !eans no !ove!ent penalties are assessed %eause o/
t&e darkness' w&ile /ailure !eans t&e nor!al penalty applies.
(&en in o!%at wit& an invisi%le reature' t&e &arater wit& %lindH/ig&ting
pro/iieny su//ers only a R5 to attak rolls' %ut gains no %ene/it toward disovering t&e
5oat Piloting: +&is pro/iieny is use/ul /or negotiating &allenging waters wit&
a row%oat' anoe' or s!all dory. (&en s&ooting a rapids' trying to stay a/loat in a stor!'
or trying to row upstrea! against a strong urrent' t&e &arater will sueed wit&out a
pro/iieny &ekDunless t&e water onditions are very e1tre!e. 0n t&is ase' t&e D4
will reFuire an appropriately !odi/ied rollI a suess/ul roll !eans t&at t&e &arater
negotiates t&e &allenge and no /urt&er &eks are neessary Buntil t&e ne1t stret& o/
rapids' et.C. 3ailure does not neessarily !ean t&at t&e %oat sinks' %ut it gets swept away
%y t&e urrent' or turned a%out' or !oderately swa!pedDwit& everyt&ing and everyone
inside getting wet. 0/ t&e roug& water ontinues' t&e &arater !ust !ake additional
pro/iieny &eks Bevery 7R@ roundsC. +&e &araters pro/iieny rating su//ers a R7
!odi/ier /or ea& /ailed &ek' indiating t&e di//iulty o/ steering a %oat t&at is slowly
/illing wit& water.
+&e &arater also knows t&e %asis o/ sailing' and an e//etively !aneuver a
singleH!asted sail%oat. As a%ove' &allenges will reFuire pro/iieny &eks' wit& /ailed
&eks leading to inreasingly dire straits.
5ower<Fletcher: +&is &arater an !ake %ows and arrows B%ut not
arrow&eadsC o/ t&e types availa%le in t&e a!paign world. .iven appropriate !aterials'
t&e &arater an suess/ully !ake a %ow or 5R75 arrows in a day. BNote t&at /inding t&e
rig&t %ran& /or t&e %ow' or t&e proper s&a/ts and /eat&ers /or t&e arrows !ig&t take
several days o/ sear&ingLC
(eapons!it&s are reFuired to !ake good steel arrow&eads. 0/ none are availa%le'
t&e &arater an /ire &arden t&e wooden tips o/ &is arrows' %ut t&ese weapons su//er a R7
penalty on all da!age rolls' and any arrow t&at !isses its target is 96S likely to %e
5rewing: +&is ategory inludes t&e %rewing o/ !alt %everages' t&e !aking o/
wine' and t&e distilling o/ stronger drink. A &arater an per/or! all t&e %asi /untions
o/ t&e %rewers art wit&out reFuiring a pro/iieny &ek. 0/ t&e %rewer &ooses to !ake
t&e &ek' /ailure !eans t&at a %at& &as %een wasted' %ut suess !eans t&at a
partiularly /ine vintage &as %een reated.
Carpentr: +&is &arater knows t&e %asis o/ working wit& wood and an reate
Dwit& no &ek reFuiredDs!all strutures' /enes' plat/or!s' a%inets' arts and
wagons. +&e arpenter an !ake wooden w&eels' %ut a %laks!it& !ust /or! t&e iron
ri! or t&e w&eel will &ave a very s&ort li/e e1petany.
A arpenter !ig&t %uild a s&ort /oot%ridge' a wooden lok' or a du!%waiter
syste!Dt&ese tasks will reFuire a pro/iieny &ek. ,arger pro*ets su& as !a*or
%ridges' %oats' or atapults' reFuire t&e aid o/ a &arater wit& t&e engineering
Charioteering: A &arater wit& t&is skill an !ove a &ariot at its nor!al speed'
and e//etively drive it over a s!oot&' wide road. +&e pro/iient &arater reFuires no
&ek to drive or steer t&e &ariot' inluding traveling aross relatively /lat' open
ountryside' &arging into %attle' and per/or!ing t&e turns' stops' and starts t&at !ig&t %e
reFuired on t&e %attle/ield.
By !aking a pro/iieny &ek' t&e &arater an guide t&e &ariot t&roug&
o%stales su& as deep /ords' steeplyHli!%ing terrain' dit&es' and roug& or roky
ground. Also' wit& a suess/ul &ek' t&e &arater an add 7P8 to a &ariots !ove!ent
rate /or t&e duration o/ a &arge or a !ar&. )owever' /ailure o/ t&is &ek !eans t&at t&e
&ariot !oves at its nor!al rate' %ut t&at t&e &orses /atigue in &al/ t&e nor!al ti!e.
C&araters wit& t&e ani!al e!pat&y trait gain a M7 %onus to t&eir ratings wit& t&is
Note t&at ertain o%stales are si!ply i!passa%le to &ariots' inluding walls'
water too deep Bor too !uddy on t&e %otto!C to /ord' t&ik /orests' and !ountainous
Cobbling: A &arater wit& t&is skill an !akes s&oes' %oots' and sandals. No
&eks are nor!ally reFuired' %ut i/ t&e &arater atte!pts a /ield repair o/ da!aged
/ootwear' or tries to /as&ion s&oes /ro! wood or leat&er t&at &as %een srounged up' a
suess/ul &ek is needed.
Coo6ing: +&is &arater knows t&e %asis o/ /ood preparation' and &e an
generally ook' %ake' /ry' and so /ort& wit&out a pro/iieny &ek. C&eks are reFuired i/
t&e &arater atte!pts to prepare truly gour!et !eals' or tries to !ake a palata%le dinner
out o/ unpalata%le ingredientsDgru%s' roots' and %ark' /or e1a!ple.
Crptograph: +&e &arater wit& t&is pro/iieny &as so!e training and skill in
deip&ering &idden !essages and odes. 0n its %asi /or!' t&e &arater is allowed to
!ake a pro/iieny &ek w&en on/ronted wit& a oded !essage. 0/ suess/ul' t&e D4
an reveal a general overview o/ t&e seret !issive.
+&is pro/iieny is !ore /un w&en used as an aid to roleHplaying. 0deally' t&e use
o/ t&e ryptograp&y pro/iieny reFuires a great deal o/ involve!ent /ro! t&e playerD
and a ertain a!ount o/ pu--le design %y t&e D4Dinstead o/ si!ply passing a &ek and
de!anding t&at a oded !essage %e e1plained %y t&e D4.
$at&er' a &arater wit& t&e ryptograp&y pro/iieny s&ould &ave t&e &ane o/
reogni-ing a ode onealed wit&in a written or spoken !essage' or per&aps &idden %y
so!e ot&er !ediu!Dan intriately woven tapestry or sulpted piee o/ &eraldry' /or
e1a!ple. +&e D4 will usually roll t&is &ek seretly' announing t&at t&e &arater
o%serves so!et&ing unusual.
0/ t&e &arater noties t&e enoded sigil' t&e D4 s&ould desri%e it in
onsidera%le detailDword /or word' i/ it is a written !essage. +&e &arater an !ake an
additional pro/iieny &ek during t&e ourse o/ t&e deodingI i/ suess/ul' t&e D4 an
provide a signi/iant lueDa na!e' plae' or date t&at is !entioned' /or e1a!ple. +&e
%ulk o/ t&e deoding s&ould still %e per/or!ed %y t&e player.
Dancing: +&e &arater knows and an per/or! t&e !oves o/ !any types o/
danes' inluding so!e t&at involve preise and detailed steps. All danes o!!on to t&e
&araters soiety will %e /a!iliar. $are' ar&ai' or unusual danes will %e known wit& a
pro/iieny &ek. Also' &araters w&o &ave &ad a &ane to o%serve an unknown dane
an per/or! it BR5 !odi/ier' M7 /or ea& ti!e a/ter t&e /irst t&at it is seen per/or!edC.
+ruly spetaular danesDt&e kind t&at win &araters a!paignHwide alai!
Do!%ine ele!ents o/ dane pro/iieny wit& skills o/ tu!%ling' tig&trope walking' and
Deep Diving: A &arater wit& t&is pro/iieny an add 76 /eet per round to &is
speed o/ desent w&en diving into t&e water' or /ro! t&e sur/ae. +&us' a &arater wit&
t&e deep diving pro/iieny an desend 86 /eet per round' plus !odi/iers /or
enu!%rane' running start' and &eig&t. ,ikewise' a &arater wit& t&e deep diving
pro/iieny an sur/ae at a rate o/ 86 /eet Bnot 56 /eetC per round.
+&is pro/iieny provides &araters wit& t&e a%ility to &old t&eir %reat& /or 5P8
t&eir Constitution sores in rounds' not t&e 7P8 allowed to !ost &araters. "//ets o/
e1eeding t&e allotted ti!e are t&e sa!e' regardless o/ pro/iieny ratings.
Disguise: C&araters trained in t&is pro/iieny an oneal t&eir appearane
t&roug& !akeup and ostu!ing. 0/ t&ey seek si!ply to alter t&eir appearane wit&out
onealing si-e' se1' or raeD/or e1a!ple' to go out in a ity wit&out anyone disovering
w&at t&ey look likeDt&ey an sueed wit&out a pro/iieny &ek.
0/ t&e task is !ore di//iultDt&e &arater in disguise !eets and talks wit& an
aFuaintane' /or e1a!pleDa suess/ul pro/iieny &ek is reFuired. C&araters w&o
try to alter t&e appearane o/ t&eir se1' rae' or si-e' !ust !ake suess/ul pro/iieny
&eks wit& a R5 penalty /or ea& ategory.
C&araters w&o atte!pt to disguise t&e!selves as spei/i persons !ust !ake
pro/iieny &eks w&en t&ey enounter and speak wit& so!eone w&o knows t&e ot&er
individuals. All o/ t&ese &eks su//er an in&erent R5 penalty.
Note t&at t&e talent o/ i!personation Bsee traitsC an i!prove a &araters suess
wit& t&e disguise pro/iieny.
2ndurance: A &arater wit& t&is pro/iieny an per/or! ontinual strenuous
p&ysial ativity /or twie as long as a nor!al &arater %e/ore %eo!ing e1&austed. 0/
t&e &arater is ever reFuired to !ake a Strengt&PSta!ina &ek or a ConstitutionP3itness
&ek' t&e &arater an add &is endurane sore to &is suess nu!%er. 0/ t&e /atigue
rules /ro! t&e Players !ption Combat & Tactics %ook are in play' t&e endurane
pro/iieny is treated di//erently Bsee Combat & Tactics' C&apter OneC.
2ngineering: +&is pro/iieny is reFuired /or t&e design and onstrution o/
o%*ets and installations o/ all si-es. Note t&at arpentry' stone!asonry' %laks!it&ing' or
ot&er pro/iienies also !ig&t %e neessary /or t&e atual %uilding. C&araters an design
and supervise t&e %uilding o/ &ouses' %oats' s!all %ridges' palisades' and towersDo/ up
to a%out 86 /eet &ig& wit&out pro/iieny &eks.
C&araters wit& t&is skill an try to design large %ridges' /ortresses' s&ips' war
!a&ines' loks and da!s' and ot&er !ore o!pliated pro*ets. Plans /or t&ese types o/
o%*ets generally reFuire at least a weekD!ore i/ an e1eptionally large pro*et is %eing
atte!pted. Co!pliated tasks reFuire suess/ul pro/iieny &eks %e/ore a worka%le
design an %e !ade. 0/ a &ek /ails on a roll o/ less t&an 56' &owever' t&e engineer will
%e aware o/ t&e /ailure and an seek to reate a new designDgo %ak to t&e drawing
%oard' so to speak. On a roll o/ 56' t&e design is /lawed %ut t&e danger will not %e
disovered until a/ter t&e o%*et is %uilt.
2ti$uette: C&araters wit& t&is skill are /a!iliar wit& t&e typial !anners o/
/or!al interationDat least as t&ey relate to t&e ulture in t&e a!paign world. +&ey
know w&at /an/ares are reFuired to greet royal visitors' &ow to seat t&e lords and ladies at
a ta%le' &ow to organi-e t&e reeption line' and &ow everyone is to %e addressed. None o/
t&ese tasks reFuire a pro/iieny &ek.
(&en dealing wit& a /oreign or o!pletely unknown ulture' t&e &araters !ust
pass pro/iieny &eks to orretly gauge t&e reFuired etiFuette. +&e &ek s&ould %e
!odi/iedDM5 i/ t&e /oreigners are t&e sa!e rae as t&e &arater' M7 or !ore i/ t&e
&arater &as &ad so!e ti!e to o%serve t&e /oreigners.
C&araters wit& t&e e!pat&y trait gain a M5 %onus to t&eir rating wit& t&is
FireCbuilding: A &arater wit& t&is pro/iieny an %uild a /ire in 7d56 !inutes'
as long as t&ere is dry wood and so!e s!all %its o/ tinder. Add anot&er d56 !inutes /or
ea& o/ t&ese /ators: t&e wood Bor tinderC is wet' its raining or /oggy' or t&e winds are
strong. A pro/iieny &ek is reFuired i/ onditions are %ad and t&e &arater is /ored to
work wit&out s&elter.
Fishing: A &arater wit& t&is pro/iieny knows &ow to at& /is& wit& &ook and
line' net' and spear. 0/ /is& are present in a %ody o/ water' a suess/ul pro/iieny &ek
!eans t&e &arater &as aug&t so!et&ing. +ypially' wit& a suess/ul &ek' t&e
/is&er!an &e will at& 7d@ /is& in an &our. +&is nu!%er an %e dou%led i/ !any /is& are
present. 0t is redued to one /is& per &our i/ t&e &arater is seeking large FuarryDsu& as
sturgeon' !uskellunge' giant arp' or saltHwater /is&.
Forger: +&is pro/iieny indiates a skill at reating /alse dou!ents'
!i!iking t&e &andwriting o/ ot&ers' and deteting /orgeries. No &ek is reFuired i/ t&e
&arater is si!ply trying to dupliate a style o/ writingDt&e issuing o/ an anony!ous
!ilitary deree' /or e1a!ple. C&araters trying to dupliate t&e signatures o/ spei/i
individuals !ust see t&ose signaturesI t&e D4 rolls t&e pro/iieny &eks seretly to see
i/ t&e /orgeries are suess/ul. 0/ a &arater writes a longer !essage in a spei/i &and'
t&e D4 rolls t&e &ek wit& a R5 !odi/ier. +&e D4 s&ould also roll t&e &ek i/ a
&arater seeks to deter!ine i/ anot&er dou!ent is a /orgery. On a 56' t&e &arater
!akes t&e wrong assu!ption' w&ereas a /ailure wit& less t&an 56 !eans t&at t&e &arater
is not sure o/ t&e trut& or /alse&ood o/ t&e sa!ple.
?a%ing: A &arater wit& t&is pro/iieny is /a!iliar wit& all !anner o/
ga!%ling ga!es. A suess/ul pro/iieny &ek !eans t&e &arater will win a given
ga!e %eing played wit& NPCsDalt&oug& u!ulative negative !odi/iers s&ould %e
assigned /or ea& NPC wit& t&e ga!ing pro/iieny. Su%trat 7 /or ea& pro/iient NPC'
wit& R5 /or t&ose wit& &ig&er t&an %asi ga!ing e1pertise.
+&e &arater !ig&t try to &eat' w&i& on/ers a M8 to t&e ga!ing pro/iieny
sore and reFuires a &ek. 0/ t&e pro/iieny &ek rolled is a 56' t&e &arater gets
aug&t &eating' even i/ no NPCs &ave t&e ga!ing pro/iieny. Add one to t&is spread /or
ea& NPC wit& ga!ing pro/iienyDi.e.' i/ two ot&ers &ave t&is skill' t&e &eater will %e
aug&t on a roll o/ 7JR56.
?e%Ccutting: A &arater wit& t&is pro/iieny ea& day an work 7d76 unut
stones into /inis&ed ge!s. +&e worker needs good lig&t and an assort!ent o/ &isels'
&a!!ers' and &ard utting %lades.
+&e ge! utter an do deent work wit&out a pro/iieny &ekI t&e stones ut
will %e valued in t&e typial range /or t&at type o/ ge!. )owever' i/ t&e utter seeks to do
a uniFue and very &ig&HFuality *o%' a pro/iieny &ek is alled /or. 3ailure !eans t&e
stone is destroyed' %ut suess results in a ge! o/ dou%le t&e usual value.
8ealing: C&araters wit& t&is pro/iieny an per/or! /irst aid on /res& wounds
and an supervise t&e reovery o/ t&e!selves and ot&ers. 0/ t&e &araters tend a wound
on t&e round i!!ediately a/ter it is in/lited' a suess/ul pro/iieny &ek !eans t&at
7d8 points o/ da!age &ave %een restored Bto a !a1i!u! o/ t&e da!age in/lited t&e
previous roundC. 0/ t&ey tend a wound wit&in one &our o/ its in/lition' t&ey an &eal 7
point wit& a suess/ul &ek. No &arater an %ene/it /ro! t&is pro/iieny !ore t&an
one a day.
+&is pro/iieny an also &elp wit& longHter! &ealing and resisting poison and
diseaseI t&ese proedures are detailed in t&e Players Handbook.
8eraldr: +&ese &araters are /a!iliar wit& t&e &eraldi sy!%ols o/ t&eir own
lands' and t&ose o/ neig&%oring lands. +&e &araters an !ake pro/iieny &eks w&en
on/ronted wit& unusual or rare sy!%olsI suess !eans t&at t&ey an identi/y t&e
sy!%ols. A &arater wit& t&e o%sure knowledge trait gains a M5 %onus to t&e use o/ t&is
8erbalis%: +&is skill indiates t&at a &arater is /a!iliar wit& t&e uses o/ natural
plant produts /or good and ill. 0/ a &arater spends a day sear&ing t&e woods' and
!akes a suess/ul pro/iieny &ek' enoug& &er%s' /ungi' roots' leaves' pollen' and pulp
&as %een gleaned /or 5d@ doses.
+&e !ost o!!on use o/ t&ese &er%s is as an aid to &ealingI one dose o/ &er%s an
%e used in on*untion wit& t&e &ealing pro/iieny B%y t&e &er%alist or anot&er &ealerC.
+&is dose adds M7 point to t&e wounds ured %y a suess/ul &ealing pro/iieny &ek.
"ven i/ t&e &ealing &ek /ails' t&e &er%s still restore t&e 7 &it point. (it& no &ealing
pro/iieny' t&e &er%s an still %e used' %ut t&e &er%alist needs to roll a suess/ul &ek
to restore t&e 7 &it point.
+&e &er%s also an %e used to reate a poison' eit&er ingested or in*eted. A single
use o/ poison reFuires two doses o/ &er%s. +&e let&ality or ot&er e//ets o/ t&e poison
Bparalysis' unonsiousness' delusions' et.C !ust %e worked out wit& t&e D4.
8unting: +&e &unting pro/iieny allows a &arater to /ind ga!e and get
reasona%ly lose to it. +&e atual kill is &andled using rolls to &it and /or da!age.
)unting is a pro/iieny t&at always reFuires a suess/ul pro/iieny &ek w&en it is
0/ t&e &ek is suess/ul' t&e &unter will rea& a position wit&in 7d766 M 766
yards o/ t&e Fuarry. .enerally it will take a%out 5R75 daylig&t &ours to rea& t&is
position' t&oug& an a%undane or sarity o/ ga!e an derease or inrease t&is ti!e at
t&e D4s option. Nig&t &unting !ig&t %e possi%le /or &araters wit& in/ravision.
+&e &unter also possesses a %asi skill at re!oving skin /ro! an ani!al' and
%ut&ering t&e arass into usa%le !eat. +&ese tasks reFuire no &eks.
9uggling: A &arater wit& t&is pro/iieny an *uggle up to t&ree s!all o%*ets
wit&out a pro/iieny &ek. Additional o%*ets an %e added' %ut a &ek is reFuiredI use
a R7 !odi/ier /or ea& ite! %eyond t&e /ourt&. C&eks are also reFuired /or spetaular
/eats' su& as *uggling lig&ted tor&es or w&irling si!itars' wit& /ailure !eaning t&at 7d:
ite!s are dropped. +&e potential /or da!age or disaster is le/t to t&e D4.
+&is skill is pri!arily use/ul /or entertain!ent or diversions' t&oug& &araters
wit& t&e *uggling pro/iieny &ave a &ane to at& s!all o%*etsDsu& as darts or
daggersDt&at are t&rown at t&e!. +&ey !ust %e /aing t&e soure o/ t&e attak to !ake
su& an atte!pt' and t&ey !ust !ake a pro/iieny &ek wit& a R5 !odi/ier. 3ailure
!eans t&ey are auto!atially &it %y t&e t&rown o%*ets.
9u%ping: +&is skill !eans t&at a &arater &as unusual a%ilities to *u!p aross
distanes' leap inredi%le &eig&ts' and vault wit& a pole.
A &u!an or elven &arater wit& t&e *u!ping pro/iieny an per/or! a running
%road *u!p o/ 56 /eet wit&out a pro/iieny &ekI a *u!p o/ !ore t&an 56 /eet reFuires a
&ek' wit& a R7 !odi/ier /or ea& /oot a%ove 56. +&e *u!per an do a standing %road
*u!p o/ J /eet wit&out a &ekI longer *u!ps reFuire pro/iieny &eks wit& t&e sa!e
+&e &arater an &ig& *u!p : /eet wit&out a &ek' &ig&er o%stales reFuire a
&ek' wit& a R7 !odi/ier /or every @[ o/ additional &eig&t. 0/ *u!ping /ro! a standing
start' t&e %eginning &eig&t is 8 /eet' not : /eet.
Dwarves' gno!es' and &al/lings are !ore li!ited in t&eir *u!ping a%ility. 3or
t&ese &araters' t&e %asi distanes in ea& ategory are redued to ;9S o/ t&e listed
a!ountDe.g. 79 /eet instead o/ 56 /or t&e %road *u!p.
A vaulting pole !ust %e at least as tall as t&e &arater using it' %ut no !ore t&an
twie as tall. +&e &arater an vault over o%stales up to t&e &eig&t o/ t&e pole. 0/ t&e
o%stales are wit&in 5 /eet o/ t&e poles lengt&' &owever' t&e &arater !ust !ake a
pro/iieny &ek. +&e vaulter an also *u!p aross a spae no !ore t&an 77W5 t&e widt&
o/ t&e poles lengt&. 0/ t&e gap is greater t&an t&e lengt& o/ t&e pole' a pro/iieny &ek is
,eat&er working: +&e &arater wit& t&is skill an skin ani!als' tan leat&er' and
work t&at leat&er into lot&ing' ar!or' %akpaks and saddle%ags' &arnesses' et. +&ese
tasks are auto!ati suesses' %ut t&e leat&er worker will &ave to !ake a pro/iieny
&ek w&en atte!pting unusual *o%sD!aking a leat&er pat& /or a %oat &ull' /or
e1a!ple' or !aking a usa%le tent o/ sraps o/ &ide.
>ocal 8istor: +&e &arater knows all a%out t&e %akground o/ a spei/i area in
t&e a!paign world and an use t&is knowledge to entertain and enlig&ten ot&ers' gaining
a M5 %onus to t&e reation rolls o/ NPCs /ro! t&at area. 0/ a spei/i Fuestion o!es upD
t&e identity o/ a knig&ts %anner seen in t&e distane' /or e1a!pleDt&e &arater an
!ake a pro/iieny &ek' wit& suess indiating t&e orret tid%it o/ in/or!ation. A
&arater wit& t&e o%sure knowledge trait gains a M8 %onus to t&e pro/iieny rating.
-ining: A &arater wit& t&e !ining pro/iieny an selet t&e site o/ a !ine and
supervise its e1avation and operation. 4ining pro/iieny &eks are %est !ade /or a
player %y t&e D4' sine t&e &arater will not learn /or so!e ti!e w&et&er &is
suppositions a%out a potential !ine were aurate.
+&e Players Handbook ontains a !ore detailed desription o/ &ow to roleHplay a
!iners pro/iieny use.
-odern >anguages: +&e &arater &as learned one or !ore languages' ot&er t&an
&is native tongue' t&at are onte!porary to t&e a!paign world. 3or ea& additional
&arater point spent on !odern ,anguages' t&e &arater an speak one additional
-ountaineering: A &arater wit& t&is pro/iieny is skilled in t&e use o/
&a!!er and pitons BspikesC to seure a route up a !ountainside. )e also knows &ow to
use t&e rope and %rakets t&at an link a party o/ li!%ers. A pro/iient &arater an
!ake a route aross a steep setion o/ roks' and %y t&e use o/ ropes allow ot&er'
nonHpro/iient &araters to /ollow.
No pro/iieny &ek is reFuired unless t&e D4 delares t&at a route is very
perilousDsteeply pit&ed' wit& /ew &andH and /ootH&olds' and t&ose t&at e1ist are tiny or
loose. 0/ a &arater onneted to t&e !ountaineer %y rope /alls' t&e !ountaineering
&arater an !ake a pro/iieny &ekI suess !eans t&at t&e ot&ers /all &as %een
arrested. 3ailure !eans t&at t&e ot&er &arater ontinues to /all' and /ailure %y a roll o/
56 !eans t&at t&e !ountaineer is pulled down' too.
C&araters wit& t&e !ountaineering pro/iieny an add t&eir pro/iieny rating to
t&eir perentage &ane o/ li!%ing any sur/aeI t&is inludes t&ieves using t&e li!%
walls speial a%ility.
-usical 0nstru%ent: +&e &arater an play a spei/i type o/ !usial
instru!ent' adding an e1tra instru!ent /or every &arater point e1pended on t&is
pro/iieny a/ter its initial pur&ase. +&e skill ena%les t&e &arater to play t&e instru!ent
very well' t&oug& a pro/iieny &ek !ig&t %e reFuired w&en atte!pting a very di//iult
A &arater wit& t&e !usiPinstru!ental trait knows &ow to play two instru!ents
i!!ediately Bw&en t&is pro/iieny is seletedC. 3or ea& &arater point spent' two Bnot
oneC additional instru!ents an %e learned.
*avigation: C&araters wit& t&e navigation pro/iieny know &ow to /i1 t&eir
loations on t&e seas and oeans o/ t&e a!paign world %y o%serving elestial lues.
C&araters wit& a se1tant Bnot neessarily availa%le in all a!paignsC and a o!pass' and
w&o an see t&e stars or o%serve a sunrise or sunset' will know w&ere t&ey areDno
pro/iieny &ek is neessary. Su& a skilled &arater an navigate aross entire oeans
wit&out %eo!ing lost' t&oug& %ad weat&er an o%sure t&e elestial lues and %low a
vessel /ar o// ourse.
0/ a &arater does not &ave t&e proper tools' or is /ored to work wit& only a
general idea o/ diretion B/og o%sures t&e sunset' /or e1a!pleC' t&e D4 s&ould seretly
!ake t&e pro/iieny &ek. Suess !eans t&e &arater is reasona%ly aurate in
plotting t&e days ourse. 3ailure !eans an o//Hourse error t&at varies %y t&e e1tent o/
t&e /ailureDa roll o/ 56 &as t&e &arater going pratially t&e e1at opposite diretionL
:rienteering: +&is is t&e a%ility to keep ones %earings on roadless' trakless
land. Pro/iient &araters will not get lost as long as t&ey an eit&er see t&e sky or &ave
t&e use o/ a o!pass. +&is !eans t&at t&ey an !aintain trak o/ a given diretion'
keeping t&e!selves and t&eir o!panions traveling in a straig&t line.
C&araters w&o possess a !ap and an trak t&eir diretion o/ travel an arrive at
spei/i pointsDtowns' /erry rossings' %ridges' !onu!ents' wells' springs' et.D
wit&out pro/iieny &eks.
0/ t&e !ap is slig&tly erroneous' or laking in ruial details' t&e &araters will
&ave to !ake suess/ul pro/iieny &eks to aurately arrive at a spei/i point. +&is
&ek an %e !odi/ied /or inreased di//iulty %ased on poor weat&er or !a*or pro%le!s
wit& t&e !ap.
Painting: A &arater wit& t&is pro/iieny is skilled at rendering i!ages wit& oil'
%rus&' and anvas. +&e artist an reate reasona%le portrayals o/ people' landsapes' and
!onsters' and &e possesses a knowledge o/ perspetive' s&ading' and o!position. 0/ t&is
pro/iieny is oupled wit& t&e artisti talent trait' t&e &arater reeives M5 to &is %ase
painting sore and an reate stunningly realisti works' apa%le o/ stirring pro/ound
reations in o%serversDand per&aps wort& gold to wealt&y NPCs.
Potter: +&e &arater an reate era!i vesselsD*ars' %ottles' plates' %owls'
et.Do/ w&atever type are in use in t&e a!paign world. A serviea%le piee o/ rokery
an %e !ade wit&out a pro/iieny &ek. 0/ t&e &arater atte!pts to !ake a /ineHFuality
piee' it will take a%out t&ree days /or an averageHsi-ed o%*etDand a suess/ul
pro/iieny &ek. 3ailure !eans t&e o%*et is uselessI suess indiates t&e degree o/
e1ellene' wit& a roll o/ 7 indiating t&at t&e &arater &as reated a work o/ uniFue
A &arater wit& t&e artisti talent trait gains a M5 to t&e pottery pro/iieny rating.
4asterpiees o/ pottery are sulpted %y t&ese talented &araters.
#eading<,riting: +&e &arater is literate in a language t&at is onte!porary to
t&e a!paign world' provided t&at t&e &arater an speak it Bsee t&e !odern languages
pro/iienyC' 3or ea& additional &arater point spent on readingPwriting' t&e &arater is
literate in one additional language.
#eading >ips: C&araters possessing t&is pro/iieny &ave a &ane to
understand t&e spee& o/ t&ose t&ey an see %ut not &ear. +&e speaker !ust %e learly
visi%le' less t&an 86 /eet away' and wellHillu!inatedD&araters annot lipHread wit&
in/ravision. 0/ t&e speaker is addressing t&e lip reader and intends to %e understood' no
pro/iieny &ek is neessary. 0/ lip readers atte!pt to Uover&earV spee& not direted to
t&e!' pro/iieny &eks are reFuired. Suess !eans t&e gist o/ t&e words o!e t&roug&.
+&e trait o/ e!pat&y adds M5 to &eks using t&is skill.
#eligion: A &arater wit& t&is pro/iieny is /a!iliar wit& t&e %asi tenets o/ t&e
!a*or and !inor /ait&s pratied in t&e a!paign world. O%serving an at o/ religious
signi/ianeDa %lessing o/ warriors %e/ore %attle' /or e1a!pleD!eans t&e &arater
understands t&e i!portane o/ t&e ritual wit&out a pro/iieny &ek. C&eks are reFuired
to understand t&e ativities o/ uniFue or /oreign religions. Additional &arater points
spent on t&is pro/iieny an e1pand a &araters knowledge to inlude ot&er religions'
or an inrease t&e level o/ detailed knowledge a%out t&e /ait&s already studied.
#iding3 Airborne and #iding3 >and: +&e riding pro/iienies are wellHdetailed
in t&e Players Handbook. C&araters using t&e Skills and Powers rules an add M5 to
t&eir pro/iieny sore in eit&er ategory o/ riding i/ t&ey possess t&e trait o/ ani!al
e!pat&y' and M7 i/ t&ey &ave t&e additional pro/iieny in ani!al training. +&ese
!odi/iers are u!ulative.
#ope Dse: A &arater wit& t&is pro/iieny an tie knots o/ all kinds wit&out a
pro/iieny &ek. +&e &arater adds M5 to all !ountaineering pro/iieny &eks t&at
involve rope and also gains M76S to li!%ing &anesDi/ t&e li!% involves a rope.
0/ t&e &arater is tied up wit& ropes' or seeks to untie a per!anent knot' a
pro/iieny &ek is reFuired. Suess !eans t&at t&e %onds or knots o!e undone in 5d@
#unning: C&araters an add 7W8 t&eir nor!al top speed to t&eir !ove!ent rates
/or up to 7 turn. A/ter t&is' t&ey !ust spend a turn resting' or @ turns engaged in nor!al
ativity %e/ore t&ey an sprint again.
Also' &araters an *og steadily' !oving at twie t&eir nor!al !ove!ent rates
over t&e ourse o/ a day. "ig&t &ours o/ rest is !andatory a/ter su& a stint. 3ollowing
rest' t&e &araters an !ake pro/iieny &eks. Suess !eans t&ey an run nor!ally
during t&e upo!ing dayI /ailure indiates t&ey annot use t&e running a%ility t&at day.
!culpting: +&e &arater wit& t&is pro/iieny an render realisti o%*ets out o/
stone and lay. A &ig& level o/ sulpting pro/iieny' oupled wit& t&e artisti talent trait'
!eans t&e &arater an reate statues' statuettes' %usts' and ot&er o%*ets o/ rare and
valua%le %eauty.
!ea%anship: +&ese &araters are trained to &elp operate galleys and sailing
s&ips. +&ey an row' &ang rigging' steer a &el!' pat& anvas' and repair &ulls Bwit& tar or
pit&C. +&is pro/iieny does not allow &araters to navigate.
+&e aptain o/ a vessel' w&o presu!a%ly possesses t&is skill at a &ig& level' !ust
!ake pro/iieny &eks to avoid ertain &a-ards o/ t&e sea. Su& a sea!an !ig&t take
t&e s&ip into a ree/Hlined %ay wit& no di//iulty i/ a loal pilot is t&ere to at as a guide.
But i/ t&e aptain &as to pik a pat& t&roug& oastal %reakers' a /ailed &ek !ig&t !ean a
%u!p on t&e %otto! o/ t&e &ull' or t&at t&e s&ip &as run aground. Bad weat&er and
trea&erous urrents an penali-e t&ese pro/iieny &eks' w&ile /air %ree-es and super%
visi%ility s&ould onvey positive !odi/iers.
!et !nares: A &arater wit& t&is skill an plae s!all traps and snares along a
ga!e trailDa use/ul aid to gaining /ood in a nonHivili-ed setting. .iven proper !aterials
Dsupple %ran&es' %owstring or &eavy t&readDt&e &arater an !ake two snares in an
&our wit&out a pro/iieny &ek. +&e &arater an &ek t&e snares a/ter eig&t &ours'
rolling a pro/iieny &ek /or ea&. +&ese &eks an %e !odi/ied %y M5 i/ t&e &arater
&as t&e ani!al lore pro/iieny' and an additional M5 /or t&e ani!al e!pat&y trait.
Suess !eans t&at a s!all ani!al' su& as a ra%%it or partridge' &as %een snared. +&e
&eks an %e !odi/ied up or down %y t&e D4' to re/let t&e population o/ ani!als in t&e
+&e &arater an reate a larger snare' su& as a pit trap' %y !aking a pro/iieny
&ek. An JX deep' @X sFuare pit reFuires at least eig&t &ours to !ake i/ t&e ground is so/t
and a deent s&ovel is availa%le. $oky ground' larger pits' and !akes&i/t eFuip!ent an
inrease t&is ti!e dra!atially. (&et&er anyt&ing /alls into t&e large pit is a !atter o/ t&e
D4s interpretation and generosity.
!inging: +&e &arater knows and an per/or! t&e !any types o/ songs'
inluding so!e t&at involve o!ple1 or di//iult notes. All songs o!!on to t&e
&araters soiety will %e /a!iliar. $are' ar&ai' or unusual songs will %e known wit& a
pro/iieny &ek. Also' &araters w&o &ave &ad a &ane to &ear an unknown song an
per/or! it BR5 !odi/ier' M7 /or ea& ti!e a/ter t&e /irst t&at it is &eardC.
+&e &arater an o!pose &is own songs' inluding &oral works' wit& a
suess/ul pro/iieny &ek. 0/ t&e &arater also &as t&e 4usiPSinging +alent' t&e
&arater an add M5 to &is %ase sore.
!pellcraft: A &arater wit& t&is pro/iieny gains no atual spell use a%ilities' %ut
does possess signi/iant knowledge a%out spellasting. O%serving or over&earing a spell
%eing ast' or a getting a good look at t&e spell o!ponents' lets t&e &arater !ake a
pro/iieny &ek. Suess !eans t&e en&ant!ent is reogni-ed. 4odi/y t&e &ek %y
M5 i/ t&e &arater an %ot& see and &ear' and add anot&er M5 i/ t&e spell o!ponents are
(i-ards using t&is pro/iieny gain M5 to &eks !ade i/ t&e spell %eing studied is
one /ro! t&eir own speialty or s&ool. C&araters wit& t&is pro/iieny an also !ake
&eks to deter!ine i/ an ite! is en&anted.
!tone%asonr: A &arater wit& t&is skill knows &ow to e1avate stone /ro!
Fuarries' ut t&at stone into %loks' !ake %riks' !i1 !ortar' lay stone or %rik' and arve
si!ple designs and sy!%ols into stone. +&e !ason an lay o%%lestones or %riks /or
roads and ourtyards' and t&e work an inlude s!all ar&es and antilevered plat/or!s.
None o/ t&ese tasks reFuire pro/iieny &eks. +&e &araters tools inlude &a!!ers'
&isels' trowels' %lok and takle' plu!% lines' s&ovels' and wedges. 0/ /ully eFuipped' a
typial !ason an %uild a wall' 76X long' 9X &ig& and 7X t&ik' in one dayDi/ t&e stone is
already ut. +&e &arater an eret walls' %uildings' pillars' stone a%ut!ents /or %ridges'
+&e &arater an step up t&e work %y !aking a pro/iieny &ek. Also' i/ t&e
stone!ason doesnt &ave t&e %ene/it o/ t&e engineering pro/iieny' &eks !ust %e !ade
/or wall setions &ig&er t&an 76X' and /or strutures involving ar&es or ela%orate orners.
A dwarven &arater reeives a M5 %onus w&en taking t&is pro/iieny.
!urvival: A &arater wit& t&is pro/iieny &as a %asi knowledge o/ t&e dangers
and &allenges in ertain wilderness terrain: arti' woodland' desert' plains' or tropial.
4ountains are not usually a separate terrain typeDa !ountain range !ay %e tropial'
wooded' snowHovered' et.
Survival skill !eans t&e &arater &as a good &ane o/ /inding /ood or water in
t&at environ!entDi/ t&ere is any to %e /ound. +&e &arater an roll a pro/iieny &ek
one a day /or ea& ategory. Suess !eans /ood' water' or s&elter is /ound. +ypially it
will take 7d@ &ours to /ind water' and 5d@ turns to /orage enoug& /ood /or one person.
A &arater wit& t&is skill also understands t&e perils in&erent in sudden stor!s
and dangerous topial /eaturesDavalan&es' Fuiksand' sandstor!s' and landslides' /or
e1a!ple. +&e D4 !ig&t allow a player to roll a pro/iieny &ek w&en one o/ t&ese
dangers appears on t&e &ori-onDsuess !eans t&e &arater &as notied t&e !enae.
!wi%%ing: +&is use/ul pro/iieny allows &araters to swi! aording to t&e
AD&D ga!e rules /or water !ove!ent Bsee t&e Players Handbook /or !ore
in/or!ationC. C&araters wit&out t&is pro/iieny are onsidered untrained swi!!ers'
and t&ey an do little !ore t&an &old t&eir %reat& and /loat. Pro/iient &araters an
per/or! !ost swi!!ing tasks wit&out any &eks.
3or ea& &arater point added to t&is pro/iieny a/ter its initial pur&ase'
swi!!ers an add 7 to t&eir !ove!ent rates in water.
Tailoring: A &arater wit& t&is pro/iieny an sew gar!ents out o/ all types o/
lot&Dwool' otton' silk' and wellHtanned leat&er %eing t&e !ost o!!on in t&e typial
a!paign world. +&e &arater an use needle and t&read. +&e a!ount o/ ti!e reFuired
/or a *o% naturally varies %y its o!ple1ity' %ut pro/iieny &eks are only reFuired i/ t&e
tailor is atte!pting to !ake so!et&ing truly uniFue and spetaularDa oronation gown
/or t&e Fueen' per&aps.
+&e tailor an also !ake /ield repairs on lot&ing t&at &as %een da!aged %y t&e
vagaries o/ adventuring. +&ese repairs typially reFuire pro/iieny &eks' wit& /ailure
indiating t&at t&e pat& will &old /or only a very s&ort ti!e. A &al/ling &arater gains a
M7 to t&is pro/iieny rating.
Throwing: C&araters wit& t&is pro/iieny add 76X to ea& range ategory o/
t&rown weapons' and inreases t&e da!age or t&e attak roll %y M7 ea& ti!e t&ey t&row
a weapon. +&e player an elet to i!prove eit&er t&e da!age or attak roll' %ut t&e &oie
!ust %e announed %e/ore t&e attak is !ade.
3or ea& &arater point spent on t&is pro/iieny Ba/ter its initial pur&aseC a
&arater adds anot&er 9X to t&rown weapon ranges. 3or every : additional &arater
points spent' anot&er M7 on t&e da!age or attak rolls is gainedDt&is an %e used as a M5
on one or t&e ot&er' or split as a M7 to attak and M7 to da!age.
Tightrope ,al6ing: +&e &arater wit& t&is pro/iieny an %alane on ropes'
wires' slender %ea!s' and ot&er narrow' perilous sur/aes. A typial !ove!ent rate is @6
/eet a round' t&oug& an upward angle will slow t&is. Asents and desents o/ :9 degrees
or !ore are not possi%le.
+&e &arater does not reFuire a pro/iieny &ek i/ t&e sur/ae is at least :[
wide. Narrower sur/aes reFuire &eks' wit& /ailure indiating a /all. 0/ walking on a /lat
sur/ae !ore t&an an in& wide' t&e &arater reeives a M8 !odi/ier to t&e &ek. A
%alane pole adds anot&er M5 !odi/ier' t&oug& &ig& winds or a !oving sur/ae an
ontri%ute signi/iant negatives.
0/ t&e &arater !akes an attak or su//ers da!age w&ile %alaned on a rope' a
pro/iieny &ek is reFuired. 3ailure signals a /all. Su%trat t&e nu!%er o/ points o/
da!age t&e &arater su//ered /ro! t&e pro/iieny rating w&en t&is &ek is !ade.
Attaks !ade w&ile on t&e rope su//er R9 penalties on attak rolls. Also' a &arater
walking on a tig&trope &as li!ited !aneuvera%ility and t&ere/ore does not gain an AC
%onus /or De1terity.
Trac6ing: +&e detailed traking proedure desri%ed in t&e Players Handbook is
!odi/ied as /ollows /or t&e Skills and Powers rules:
No &araters su//er t&e integral R@ penalty to t&eir a%ility soresI t&is di//erene
is re/leted in t&e pro/iieny rating itsel/.
$angers gain a M9 %onus to t&eir traking rating.
C&araters wit& t&e ani!al e!pat&y trait gain M5 to t&eir pro/iieny sore w&en
traking nonHdo!estiated ani!als.
C&araters wit& t&e ani!al lore pro/iieny gain M5 to t&eir pro/iieny rating
w&en traking ani!alsDeit&er wild or do!estiated.
Tu%bling: C&araters wit& t&is pro/iieny an roll' so!ersault' stand on t&eir
&ands' /lip /orward and %akward' and ot&erwise per/or! /eats o/ aro%atis. +&ey an
only per/or! tu!%ling /eats i/ unenu!%ered or lig&tly enu!%ered.
+u!%ling &araters an i!prove t&eir AC %y : on a given round i/: t&ey avoiding
attaks direted against t&e!' win initiative' and elet not to attak t&at round. A tu!%ling
&arater an !ove up to 56 /eet' or re!ain in one plae' during t&e ourse o/ t&is
evasion. 0n unar!ed o!%at a &arater wit& tu!%ling a%ility i!proves attak rolls %y
+&e &arater an atte!pt to dodge t&roug& o%stales or esape t&roug& narrow
apertures' %ut suess/ul pro/iieny &eks are reFuired. 0/ t&e &arater topples /ro! a
&eig&t o/ @6 /eet or less' a suess/ul pro/iieny &ek results in su//ering only &al/
da!age /ro! t&e /all.
1entrilo$uis%: C&araters using t&is skill an !ake ot&ers %elieve t&at sounds
and voies are o!ing /ro! so!ew&ere else. Su& a &arater !ust pass a pro/iieny
&ek to deeive an audiene. +&is roll !ig&t %e !odi/ied %y so!e o/ t&ese /ators: t&e
intelligene o/ t&e listeners BMPR8CI t&e distane /ro! t&e ventriloFuist to t&e apparent
soure o/ t&e sound Bnot !ore t&an 56 /eetCI t&e %elieva%ility o/ t&e ventriloFuists words
and soundsI w&et&er t&e audiene an o%serve t&e pro/iient &araterI and t&e lengt& o/
t&e ventriloFuis! display.
,eapons%ithing: +&is pro/iieny allows a &arater to reate !etal weapons.
+&e Players )and%ook gives t&e ti!e and !aterial ost reFuire!ents /or various types o/
A &arater w&o seeks to reate a truly e1eptional weapon' an !ake a
pro/iieny &ek a/ter t&e ite! is o!pleted. 0/ t&e &ek /ails' t&e weapon is useless'
!elted down /or its %are !etalI i/ t&e &ek sueeds' t&e &arater &as reated a weapon
t&at is wort& 96S !ore t&an t&e typial e1a!ple. +&ese are t&e kinds o/ weapons seleted
%y wi-ards /or en&ant!ent.
Dwarves get a M7 %onus to t&eir rating wit& t&is pro/iieny.
,eather (nowledge: A &arater wit& t&is pro/iieny &as a knowledge o/
winds' &u!idity' louds' and seasons and an aurately predit t&e i!!ediate weat&er
si!ply %y looking at t&e sky. (it& a pro/iieny &ek t&e &arater an predit w&at will
&appen during t&e ne1t 75 &ours. 4odi/y t&e &ek up to MPR@' wit& a 6 !odi/ier to
preditions /or t&e weat&er si1 &ours a&ead.
,eaving: A &arater wit& t&is skill an weave yarn into lot&' and &e an reate
tapestries' loaks' and ot&er large swat&s /ro! t&read. +&e &arater an spin wool into
yarn wit& a spinning w&eel' and &e needs a loo! to art/ully weave t&at yarn. A &arater
wit& t&e artisti talent trait an use t&is skill to reate e1eptionally %eauti/ul lot&.
)al/lings get a M7 %onus to t&eir rating wit& t&is pro/iieny.
+rait Desriptions Allure: +&is trait allows a &arater to attrat ro!anti attention
/ro! NPCs' at t&e players option. +&e &arater an oneal t&e trait any ti!e' %ut w&en
it is in e//et it an !odi/y t&e reation rolls o/ NPCs w&o !ig&t %e a//etedDper&aps %y
as !u& as M8. +&e trait is only e//etive i/ t&ere is a reasona%le &ane o/ t&e PC
drawing ro!anti attention /ro! t&e NPCDat t&e very least t&e NPC !ust %e o/ t&e
opposite se1 and o/ at least young adult age.
A &arater wit& t&e allure trait an reeive one &en&!an a%ove t&e nor!al
!a1i!u!Di/ at least one o/ t&e &en&!en &as a ro!anti interest' &owever unreFuited
and &opeless' wit& t&e player &arater. "lves an pur&ase t&is trait /or 7 less &arater
point t&an t&e listed a!ount.
Alertness: +&ese &araters are %lessed wit& a o!%ination o/ perip&eral vision'
good &earing' and !ental sta!ina t&at !akes t&e! very resistant to surprise. Su&
&araters reeive a M7 %onus w&en t&e D4 deter!ines i/ t&e alert &araters and t&eir
party !ust roll /or surprise.
A%bide/terit: +&is &arater is eFually skilled wit& t&e use o/ eit&er &and. +&is
trait arries over into training' so t&at t&e PC an use weapons' %ear a s&ield' and per/or!
ats o/ strengt& eFually well wit& t&e rig&t or le/t &and. +&e &arater is good at t&e two
weapon /ig&ting style' su//ering no penalty /or t&e /irst &and' and only a R5 penalty /or
o//H&and use.
Ani%al 2%path: +&e &arater possesses an in&erent a%ility to relate to
ani!als. +&e &arater will generally reeive a positive reation /ro! do!estiated
ani!als' and an soot&e t&e /ears o/ aptive wild ani!als wit& re!arka%le onsisteny.
3or e1a!ple' wit& a suess/ul (isdo!P(illpower &ek' t&e &arater an enourage a
do!estiated ani!al to approa&' or silene a %arking wat&dog. +&e &arater' as a rule'
annot persuade wild ani!als to lose t&eir /ear o/ &u!ans. Also' t&e trait is useless i/ t&e
&arater atte!pts to deeive an ani!al into approa&ing /or t&e ause o/ &ar!ing itDi.e.
t&e ow wont %e persuaded to walk over to t&e /ene so t&at t&e &arater an %ut&er it.
Artistic Abilit: +&e &arater &as talent wit& t&e use o/ %rus&es and paint'
&aroal sket&ing' and t&e sulptors kni/e. "ven wit&out any related pro/iieny t&e
&arater an render realisti !aps and !old si!ple o%*ets /ro! lay. (&en t&is trait is
oupled wit& training' t&e &arater an reate works o/ real artisti !erit. (&et&er t&ese
&ave wort& in !onetary ter!s or as relating to t&e &araters status in t&e a!paign
world are iru!stanes t&at !ust %e ad*udiated %y t&e D4. As a general rule' t&e
&araters work as a potter' tailor' weaver' painter' %laks!it&' leat&er worker' or
sulptor will /et& 7R96S !ore t&an t&e typial ost /or su& produts.
Cli%ate !ense: +&is trait provides a &arater wit& an innate sense o/ i!pending
Bwit&in one &ourC &anges in t&e weat&er. +&e D4 !ig&t reFuire a (isdo!P0ntuition
&ek %e/ore t&e &arater an !ake t&e deter!ination. Ot&er iru!stanes !ay %e
o%vious enoug& t&at t&e &arater will know wit& ertainty t&at t&e te!perature will /all
drastially' or t&at a tre!endous rainstor! is a%out to %egin.
DoubleC=ointed: +&e &arater &as a uniFue a%ility to wriggle out o/ ropes'
!anales' %rakets' &ains' and ot&er %onds. +&e %ound &arater an !ake a
De1terityPAgility &ek w&en atte!pting to twist /ree o/ t&e %onds. Su& an esape
reFuires 7d@ rounds /or ea& li!% t&at is %ound. 0/ t&e &arater is seured %y !etal
%rakets or &ains' t&e &ek is !ade at 7W5 Brounded upC o/ t&e Agility sore. )al/lings
add a M7 %onus to t&eir !odi/ied Agility sore w&en using t&is pro/iieny.
2%path: +&e &arater wit& t&is trait &as an innate a%ility to sense t&e
!otivations' e!otions' and possi%ly t&e intentions' o/ ot&ers. 0/ t&e &arater an o%serve
a group o/ NPCs /or 7d@ rounds' t&e D4 an allow a (isdo!P0ntuition C&ek. Suess
!eans t&at t&e &arater &as understood so!et&ing signi/iant a%out t&e disussion or
plans o/ t&ose NPCs. +&e e!pat&eti &arater does not &ave to speak t&e language o/ t&e
NPCs Bt&oug& t&e D4 an allow a M5 !odi/ier i/ t&e tongue is knownC.
0/ t&e NPCs are o/ a very di//erent rae Bsu& as !onstersC' t&e &ek an %e
!odi/ied to 7W5 t&e &araters (isdo!P0ntuition sore. )owever' t&e D4 an also add
positive or negative !odi/iers i/ t&e &arater &as an e1tra long or s&ort ti!e to o%serve'
or wat&es /ro! an espeially advantageous or disadvantageous position.
Fast 8ealer: +&is &ig&ly use/ul trait allows a &arater to reover 7 &it point o/
da!age wit&in 5R75 turns o/ reeiving a wound. Also' t&e &arater naturally &eals at a
rate o/ 5 &it points' not 7' per day.
?libness: +&e &arater &as t&e knak o/ dissuading t&e suspiions o/ NPCs. +&e
PC !ust speak t&e sa!e language as t&ose &e is trying to i!press' and players are
enouraged to roleHplay t&e gli%ness atte!pt.
Situations w&ere t&is !ig&t arise inlude &araters trying to talk t&eir way past
t&e guards at a ity gate' turning aside t&e &ostility o/ a %ullying t&ug' or disar!ing t&e
suspiions o/ a !er&ant w&o suspets t&e PCs o/ t&ievery. C&araters an !ake
(isdo!P0ntuition &eks to see i/ t&eir gli%ness is suess/ul.
O/ ourse' i/ t&e guards are looking /or a s!uggler t&at /its one o/ t&e &araters
desriptions' or t&e %ully really wants to %eat up' say' a %lond elven rogue' or t&e
!er&ant saw t&e /ellow steal a %raelet' no gli%ness atte!pt is possi%le.
)al/lings an pur&ase t&is trait /or 7 less &arater point t&an t&e listed a!ount.
0%personation: +&is trait represents t&e ating talent in t&e !odern worldDt&e
&arater &as a natural a%ility to /all into a role' and to pro*et t&at role %elieva%ly to
ot&ers. A &arater wit& t&e i!personation trait gains a M5 %onus to all rolls !ade using
t&e disguise pro/iieny.
Additionally' t&e &arater an assu!e a disguise i!!ediatelyDi.e.' wit&out
%ene/it o/ ostu!e or !akeup. Su& an i!pro!ptu disguise annot alter t&e &arater to
assu!e a spei/i identity' nor an it alter t&e appearane o/ &is rae or' e1ept under
unusual iru!stanes' se1.
0nherent 0%%unit<Poison: +&is trait en&anes t&e &araters natural resistane
to poisonsDin&aled' ingested' and in*eted. +&e &arater reeives a M7 %onus to all
saving t&rows versus any kind o/ to1in. Additionally' t&e da!age done %y virulent
poisons is redued %y R7 point per die Bto a !ini!u! o/ 7C' and t&e duration o/ paralyti
and ot&er te!porary poisons is redued %y 7 round Bor turnC per die rolled.
Dwarves an pur&ase t&is trait /or 7 less &arater point t&an t&e listed a!ount.
0nherent 0%%unit<Disease: +&e &arater wit& t&is trait &as a strong resistane
to diseases o/ all types. (&en a saving t&row is allowed against a possi%le in/etion' t&e
&arater gains a M8 %onus. 0/ t&ere is an in/etion' t&e duration o/ t&e disease is redued
D%y one day' week' et.'D/or ea& die rolled to deter!ine t&is ti!e period. +&is
i!!unity does not apply to !agial en&ant!ents and urses' su& as lyant&ropy.
0nherent 0%%unit<Cold: +&is &arater is a%le to re!ain o!/orta%le in
te!peratures t&at !ost /ind &illing' and &e an so!eti!es avoid t&e worst e//ets o/
oldH%ased attaks su& as w&ite dragon %reat&. 0n ga!e ter!s' t&e &arater gains a M5
%onus to saving t&rows against old attaks B%ut only p&ysial oldI not' /or e1a!ple'
against t&e &illing tou& o/ a wig&tC.
Additionally' t&e &arater an redue &is level o/ enu!%rane aused %y winter
gar!ents. 0n t&ose ases w&ere t&e D4 !ig&t reFuire so!e penalty /or a party t&at !ust
%undle up in /urs' parkas' !ittens' and %oots' t&e &arater wit& t&is trait an dress one
level o/ enu!%rane lig&ter and still avoid t&e e//ets o/ t&e weat&er.
0nherent 0%%unit<8eat: ,ike t&e i!!unity to old' t&is trait on/ers an
advantage on t&e &arater in ertain types o/ li!ates' and i!proves saving t&row
&anes against /ireH and &eatH%ased attak /or!s. +&e saving t&row %onus is a M7' and
applies to saving t&rows against su& !agial in/ernos as red dragon %reat& and against
t&e e//ets o/ lava or nor!al /ire.
+&e D4 an deter!ine t&e %ene/its on/erred %y t&is trait against environ!ental
&eat' su& as deserts and tropial weat&er. 0n general' under t&ese types o/ onditions' a
&arater wit& t&is type o/ i!!unity an travel twie as /ar as &is o!panions wit&out
su//ering /atigue.
0nternal Co%pass: C&araters wit& t&is trait &ave a general idea o/ w&ere t&ey
are' and in w&i& diretion t&ey are /aing w&en out o/ doors. 0n t&e wilderness' t&is
!eans t&at t&eir &ane o/ %eo!ing lost is redued %y 9S. (&en using t&e navigation
pro/iieny' &araters wit& t&is trait reeive a M7 %onus to t&eir pro/iieny sore.
(een 2esight: +&ese &araters &ave Ueagle eyes.V +&at is' t&ey an pereive
details at a%out twie t&e range o/ &araters wit& nor!al vision. 2een eyesig&t does not
i!prove a &araters a%ility to see in t&e dark' nor does it onvey uniFue perip&eral
vision. )owever' i/ a group o/ o!panions !ake out a party in t&e distane' t&e
keenHeyed &arater !ig&t %e a%le to tell t&e w&et&er t&e party onsists o/ &u!ans or
go%lins. (&en t&e ot&ers an disern t&e rae o/ t&e distant party' t&is &arater an tell
&ow t&eyre ar!ed and &ow t&eyre dressed.
A &arater wit& t&e keen eyesig&t trait reeives a M7 %onus on all rolls to &it wit&
a !issile weapon at long range.
"lves an pur&ase t&is trait /or 7 less &arater point t&an t&e listed a!ount.
(een 8earing: This trait !eans t&at t&e &arater possesses e1ellent aural
auityDa%le to &ear t&e prover%ial pin drop. 0n ases w&ere &earing an %e a /ator in
avoiding surprise' t&is &arater reeives a M7 %onus. +&is applies w&enever t&e PC
approa&es an a!%us&' unless %akground noise Ba water/all' %ustling !arketplae'
windstor!' et.C ould %e e1peted to drown out t&e inadvertent sounds o/ t&e a!%us&ers.
0/ t&e &arater is a t&ie/' t&is trait adds M76S to every atte!pt to detect noise.
)al/lings an pur&ase t&is trait /or 7 less &arater point t&an t&e listed a!ount.
(een :lfactor !ense: +&is valua%le trait elevates t&e &araters sense o/ s!ell
to an unanny level. 0n any ase w&ere t&e &arater !ig&t detet an approa&ing
enounter %y s!elling t&e ot&er party' t&is &arater gets a M7 %onus on &anes o/ %eing
surprised. 0n addition' t&is trait gives t&e &arater a M5 %onus w&en using t&e &unting
pro/iieny. At t&e D4s disretion' t&e &arater an !ake a (isdo!P0ntuition &ek to
deter!ine w&et&er /ood or drink &as %een poisoned or ot&erwise tainted.
(een Taste !ense: +&is trait allows &araters to detet /oreign su%stanes and
unnatural alterations in anyt&ing t&ey taste. C&araters an !ake (isdo!P0ntuition
&eks wit& a M8 !odi/ier. Suess !eans t&ey reali-e so!e sort o/ alteration &as %een
done to t&e /ood or drink. )al/lings an pur&ase t&is trait /or 7 less &arater point t&an
t&e listed a!ount.
(een Touch !ense: A &arater wit& t&is trait &as unusually sensitive tatile
senses' a%le to /eel t&e di//erene %etween a silver and gold piee' /or e1a!ple. 0/ t&e
&arater wit& t&is trait is a t&ie/' t&is in&erent advantage gives a M9S %onus to pik
pokets and open loks atte!pts. .no!es an pur&ase t&is trait /or 7 less &arater point
t&an t&e listed a!ount.
>ight !leeper: +&is &arater will awaken at t&e slig&test distur%aneDa
signi/iant advantage to a s!all party on t&e trail w&ere o!panions would Fuikly
/atigue /ro! alternating wat& duty t&roug& t&e nig&t. +&e &arater will awaken i/ &e
&ears any unusual noise' su& as t&e un!u//led /ootsteps o/ so!eone approa&ing t&e
a!p. +&is inludes t&e approa& o/ anyone wearing !etal ar!or' or reatures arrying
weapons or onversing.
0/ t&e sleeping &arater is approa&ed %y so!eone w&o is working very &ard at
%eing stealt&y' t&e D4 an allow t&e lig&t sleepers to !ake (isdo!P0ntuition &eksI
suess !eans t&ey %eo!e aware o/ t&e intruder' w&ile /ailure !eans t&ey ontinue to
sleep. +&is latter ategory inludes NPCs in leat&er ar!or' and !onsters wit& natural
stealt& and w&i& are not enu!%ered %y weapons and ar!or.
0/ a lig&t sleeper is approa&ed %y a t&ie/ w&o is suess/ul at a mo3e silently
atte!pt' t&en t&e sleeping &arater is not allowed t&e 0ntuition &ek' sine t&ere is no
sound to alert t&e sleeper.
>uc6: +&e luk t&at see!s to %less t&is &arater is not a !atter o/ i!proving
t&e odds o/ various die rolls' nor o/ gaining inreased %ene/its to ot&er ga!e situations.
$at&er' it is t&at t&is &arater see!s to &ave a knak /or %eing in t&e rig&t plae at t&e
rig&t ti!e. +&e D4 !ay reFuire a (isdo!P0ntuition &ek to deter!ine i/ t&e &arater
will %e luky.
0/ t&e party is sear&ing /or a way to ross a deep' plaid riverDand t&e luky
&arater an !ake an 0ntuition &ek' t&e party will stu!%le upon a %oat &idden in t&e
reeds %y t&e s&ore.
-usic<!inging: +&is trait provides t&e &arater wit& a /inelyHpit&ed'
wellH!odulated voieDt&e kind o/ singing voie t&at everyone likes to &ear. 0/ t&is talent
is o!%ined wit& t&e singing pro/iieny' t&e &arater an i!press no%les and
o!!oners alike wit& !usial per/or!anes' per&aps %eo!ing a %ard or !instrel o/
so!e repute. +&is talent also adds M5 %onus to t&e &araters singing pro/iieny sore.
-usic<0nstru%ent: The &arater wit& t&is trait &as t&e !anual de1terity and
!usial sensi%ility to skill/ully operate an instru!ent su& as a &arp' /lute' lyre' dru!'
et. (&ile t&e trait does not onvey t&e knowledge o/ &ow to play any instru!entDt&at
!ust o!e /ro! a pro/iienyDt&is in&erent talent assures t&at t&e &arater !ay Fuite
possi%ly rise to a signi/iant level o/ /a!e /or &is !usial per/or!anes. +&e &arater
an !ore readily learn to play !usial instru!ents as note in t&e !usial instru!ent
pro/iieny desription.
:bscure (nowledge: +&e &arater wit& t&is trait is t&e /antasy version o/ t&e
trivia %u//. +&e &arater &as a !ind t&at grasps' per!anently' little %its o/ in/or!ation
/ro! &ere and t&ereDite!s t&at' at /irst %lus&' !ig&t not &ave any use/ul appliation. +&e
typial proedure /or t&e &arater using t&is trait would reFuire an 0ntelligeneP,earning
&ek. 0/ t&e &ek is suess/ul' t&e &arater &as stored away so!e trivial %it o/
in/or!ation a%out a topi at &and.
+&e use o/ t&is trait is up to t&e D4' t&oug& t&e player an !ake reFuests w&en an
opportunity arises. 3or e1a!ple' as t&e &arater approa&es Castle Dunleven' t&e player
!ig&t ask t&e D4 i/ &is &arater re!e!%ers anyt&ing a%out t&e astle or its oupants.
0/ t&e 0ntelligeneP,earning &ek is suess/ul' t&e D4 an in/or! t&e &arater t&at
,ord Dunleven is an elderly widower' w&o &as a %eauti/ul daug&ter w&o! &e *ealously
guards against any potential suitors. Or' *ust as likely' t&e &arater !ig&t re!e!%er t&at
Dunleven is known /or its /ine wines or &eeses' and t&at t&e vintage o/ /ive years %ak is
partiularly pri-ed. .no!es an pur&ase t&is +rait /or 7 &arater point less t&an t&e
listed a!ount.
Precise -e%or: +&is trait indiates a &arater w&o &as a Up&otograp&i
!e!ory.V 3or e1a!ple' one seeing a piee o/ &eraldry' t&e &arater will re!e!%er
w&at &ouse or no%le t&at sy!%ol represents. 0/ t&is &arater looks at a !ap' and &as t&e
ti!e to study it in detail' &e an %e e1peted to re!e!%er t&at !ap wit& a great deal o/
auray. 0n !ost iru!stanes t&is !e!ory is /airly auto!ati. But in ases o/ intriate
detail' or i/ a long ti!e lapses sine t&e &arater /irst o%served so!et&ing' t&e D4 an
reFuire an 0ntelligeneP,earning &ek %e/ore providing t&e player wit& t&e in/or!ation.
+&is trait re/ers pri!arily to t&e reolletion o/ t&ings t&at t&e &arater &as seen
written down or rendered in artwork. 0/ t&e &arater &as t&e readingPwriting pro/iieny'
it applies also to t&ings t&at &e &as read.
Disadvantage Desriptions Allergies: +&is disadvantage is typially a &ay /ever
pro%le!' w&ere t&e &arater is su%*et to snee-ing outdoors. +&e atual a!paign
environ!ent !akes a great deal o/ di//ereneDin winter settings' t&is isnt !u& o/ a
pro%le!' /or e1a!ple. +&e D4 s&ould %e are/ul to reate so!e settings w&ere t&e
&araters allergies are in /at a disadvantage.
+&e ga!e e//ets o/ allergies an o!e up in several ways. A (isdo!P(illpower
&ek an %e alled upon to sti/le a snee-e w&en t&e &araters party is setting up an
a!%us& along a /orest trail. 0/ t&e &arater su//ers /ro! severe allergies' &is
Strengt&PSta!ina sore and ConstitutionP)ealt& sores !ust %e redued %y 7R@ points
w&en t&e pollen ount is &ig&.
Ot&er allergies an %e reated. A &arater w&o is allergi to !old' /or e1a!ple'
!ig&t su//er t&ese sa!e e//ets w&en in a da!p' underground loation. As well' &e !ig&t
su//er dou%le da!age /ro! !oldH%ased attaks. An allergy to %ee stings or to ertain
types o/ /ood or ani!als are less likely to a//et t&e ga!e' %ut t&e D4 ould o//er to
negotiate a lower &arater point %onus /or t&e &arater w&o &as a lesser allergy as a
5ad Te%pered: +&is &arater &as di//iulties wit& t&e nieties o/ soial
interation' and is Fuik to take insult at any nu!%er o/ slig&tsDreal or i!agined. +&e
D4 s&ould reFuire t&e player to !ake (isdo!P(illpower &eks w&en t&e &arater is
given so!e ause to %e insulted. 0/ t&e &ek /ails' t&e &arater is likely to s&oot o// &is
!out& in a rude /as&ion. B<sually' t&e %ad te!per will not ause t&e &arater to attak
ot&ers' and ertainly not wit& weaponsC. )owever' it is not inoneiva%le t&at t&e
&araters re!arks will insult t&e NPC to t&e point w&ere o!%at results. 4ore o/ten'
&owever' t&e &araters %ad te!per will ause a nonHviolent situationDnegotiations wit&
a !er&ant are %roken o//' a no%le!an w&o was t&inking o/ &iring t&e PCs &anges &is
!ind' or a guards!an denies t&e party entrane to a ity or astle. Dwarves reeive 7
e1tra &arater point w&en t&ey &oose t&is disadvantage.
5ruise 2asil: +&is disadvantage an %e a real draw%ak /or a &arater w&o
spends a lot o/ ti!e in &ar!s way. "very ti!e t&e &arater su//ers da!age /ro! a %lunt
weapon' or a !is&ap su& as a /all' &e su//ers 7 e1tra point o/ da!age /or ea& die o/
da!age rolled. +&is da!age is not as longHlasting as nor!al da!age' reovering at a rate
o/ 7 &it point per turn a/ter t&e /ig&t. )owever' i/ a &araters &it points are redued to
-ero' and so!e o/ t&e points o/ da!age are %ruise da!age' &e is rendered unonsious
%ut not deadD!u& like t&e da!age in/lited %y pun&ing.
Clu%s: +&e &arater wit& t&is disadvantage &as t&e un/ortunate &a%it o/
dropping t&ings' tripping' or knoking t&ings over at inopportune ti!es. +&e D4 will
oasionally reFuire t&e &arater to !ake a De1terity &ek. 3ailure !eans t&e &arater
loses &is grip' stu!%les' or trips. +&e &ek an %e reFuired as o/ten as t&e D4 desires'
t&oug& as a general rule two or t&ree ti!es a ga!ing session pro%a%ly will %e adeFuate.
Colorblind: +&is relatively innouous disadvantage !eans t&at t&e &arater
annot distinguis& olors. 3or ga!e purposes' &e sees t&ings in %lak' w&ite' and s&ades
o/ gray.
Co%pulsive 8onest: +&e &arater wit& t&is disadvantage annot tell a lie and
annot %e&ave in a deeit/ul /as&ion. )e tends to %e %lunt rat&er t&an tat/ul' even i/ t&is
!eans insulting so!eone w&o &e and &is o!panions are trying to i!press.
+&e &arater ould partiipate in a deeptionD%ut only i/ it is a !atter o/ li/e
and deat&. "ven t&en' t&e &arater !ust !ake a (isdo!P(illpower &ek every ti!e &e
is alled upon to speak a /alse&ood or to at out a role in /ront o/ witnesses. 3ailure o/ t&e
role !eans t&at t&e &arater s&rugs and o!es leanD;<oure right# my lord% =m not
here in the marketplace to shop $or rugs# but to steal the plans $or the castles de$enses%;
Cowardice: +&is is a &e/ty disadvantage /or an adventuring &arater. +&e
&arater !ig&t want to %e %rave and to /ig&t &eroially' %ut an inner voie o/ aution
onstantly suggests t&e !erits o/ /lig&t or oneal!ent. )al/lings reeive 7 e1tra
&arater point w&en t&ey &oose t&is disadvantage.
(&en a violent enounter %egins' t&e &arater !ust pass a (isdo!P(illpower
&ek to overo!e &is owardie. +&e roll is 7P5 t&e &araters (isdo!P(illpower i/
t&is is a severe disadvantage. 0/ t&e &ek is suess/ul' t&e &arater an %e&ave in any
/as&ion /or t&e duration o/ t&e enounter. 0/ t&e &ek /ails' &owever' t&e &arater will
seek to leave' to &ide %e&ind /riends' or to ot&erwise ravenly atte!pt to avoid t&e /ig&t.
+&e &arater is allowed to !ake anot&er (isdo!P(illpower &ek ea&
su%seFuent round during t&e enounter. )e /lees or &ides as long as &e /ails' %ut as soon
as &e passes t&e &ek &e an per/or! nor!allyDand is e1e!pt /ro! any /urt&er &eks.
BO/ ourse' i/ &e tried to &ide %e&ind &is /riends' a seond violent enounter !ig&t our
i!!ediately a/ter t&e /irst is resolvedLC
Deep !leeper: +&e &arater wit& t&is disadvantage will only awaken w&en
distur%ed %y a very loud noise' or %y p&ysial prodding' s&aking' et. (&en t&e &arater
does wake up' it will take 7R@ rounds %e/ore &e is apa%le o/ any ation ot&er t&an
groggily sitting up and trying to /igure out w&ats going on.
Fanaticis%: +&is an %e a su%stantial disadvantage /or a &arater' t&oug& it
reFuires a signi/iant roleHplaying o!!it!ent on t&e part o/ t&e player. +&e /anatiis!
an %e dediation to a partiular ult' religion' or god' or it an %e !ore worldlyH%ased' in
t&e sense o/ overw&el!ing loyalty to a state' to a !ilitary presene' or to a partiular
(&atever t&eir soures' t&e di//erent types o/ /anatiis! &ave several t&ings in
o!!on. 0/ a ertain ode o/ %e&avior is alled /or %y t&e %elie/' t&en t&e &arater !ust
on/or! to t&at %e&aviorDeven i/ it on/lits wit& t&e i!!ediate goals o/ t&e PC and &is
o!panions. (&ile /anatiis! is not neessarily evil' it !ay ertainly %eo!e tireso!e to
t&ose w&o do not s&are t&e /anatis %elie/s.
?reed: A &arater wit& t&is disadvantage is o!pelled to seek ri&es %y
w&atever !eans possi%le. )is greed will inter/ere wit& t&e s&aring o/ e1pedition spoils'
and !ay ause t&e &arater to alienate power/ul NPCs w&o would ot&erwise %e inlined
to &elp.
Alternately' a &arater wit& t&is disadvantage an %e desri%ed as greedy /or
power. 0n t&is ase' &e will seek to ontrol ot&ers %y persuasion' t&reats' and even /ore.
)e will seek to a!ass as !any &en&!en as possi%le' and &e will not &esitate to e!ploy
t&ese agents to add to &is %ase o/ power. Dwarves reeive 7 e1tra &arater point w&en
t&ey &oose t&is disadvantage.
0rritating Personalit: +&is disadvantage an !ake it di//iult /or t&e &arater
to o%tain ooperation and aid /ro! ot&ers. During enounters wit& NPCs' t&e D4 s&ould
reFuire t&e &arater to !ake a (isdo!P(illpower &ek to resist t&e e//ets o/ t&e
disadvantage. A /ailed &ek !eans t&e irritating aspets o/ t&e PCs personality rise to
t&e sur/ae.
0t is %est to roleHplay t&e spei/is o/ t&e &araters %e&aviorDis a /ig&ter
e1eptionally ritial' does a wi-ard laug& at inappropriate ti!es' or does a t&ie/ %e&ave
in a very unout& /as&ionE +&e player is /ree to devise t&e irritating ele!ents o/ t&e
&araters persona' and i/ enounters are roleHplayed t&e disadvantage will take are o/
>aH: A la-y &arater will never do any !ore work t&an is a%solutely neessary.
)e will rely on &is o!panions to do t&ings su& as %uild a!p/ires' ook' and keep
wat& t&roug& t&e nig&t. +&e &arater will generally neglet details o/ preparedness in
/avor o/ at&ing a /ew !inutes !ore sleep. )owever' i/ &e really wants to do so!et&ing
t&at does not &ave a lear and urgent need Bdigging a tren& around a a!p in ase an
attak is !ade against t&e!' /or e1a!pleC t&e &arater an roll a (isdo!P(illpower
&ek. A R: !odi/ier applies to t&e &araters (illpower sore' &owever' and /ailure o/
t&e &ek !eans t&at t&e &arater deides t&e ti!e ould %e %etter used %y at&ing a
little s&utHeyeDor at least %y lying in t&e s&ade so!ew&ere.
Phobias: A &arater w&o is onsistently a/raid o/ one partiular t&ing Bor ategory o/
t&ingsC an &ave a real pro%le! w&ile adventuring. +&e p&o%ia disadvantages are wort&
varying degrees o/ &arater points' %ased on t&e /reFueny o/ enountering t&at w&i&
t&e &arater /ears' and w&et&er t&e player &ooses a disadvantage t&at is !oderate or
+&e e//ets are generally t&e sa!e. 0/ t&e &arater is t&reatened %y a violent
enounter wit& t&e o%*et o/ t&e p&o%ia' &e !ust roll a (isdo!P(illpower &ek B7P5
(isdo!P(illpower' i/ t&e p&o%ia is severeC. 0/ suess/ul' t&e &arater an /untion
nor!ally' %ut i/ t&e &ek /ails &e !ust /lee or ot&erwise seek to avoid t&e enounter /or
7R@ rounds. A/ter t&is ti!e' &ek again' and ontinue to do so ea& 7R@ rounds until a
&ek sueeds.
+&e D4 an !odi/y t&e (illpower &eks /or p&o%i &araters. So!eone w&o
&ates enlosed plaes %ut is %eing pursued %y a dragon' /or e1a!ple' !ig&t overo!e t&e
p&o%ia in /avor o/ saving &is li/eDper&aps gaining a M9 !odi/ier to t&e p&o%ia &ek.
PhobiaMCrowds: +&e &arater %eo!es paniked w&en surrounded %y people'
de!i&u!ans' &u!anoids' et. S&opping in !arketplaes' dining at !assive /easts' and
ele%rating at /estivals are all pro%le!s. +&e &arater !ust !ake a suess/ul
(isdo!P(illpower &ek to enter su& a setting. 0/ a rowd gat&ers' t&e &arater !ust
&ek as soon as t&e D4 *udges t&at t&e PC is in t&e !idst o/ a t&rong. 0/ t&e &arater
/ails t&e (illpower &ek' &e will seek a private nook or ranny to get out o/ sig&t' or try
to leave t&e pre!ises altoget&er. "ven i/ &e passes' t&e suess only lasts 5R75 turnsD
t&en t&e &arater !ust !ake anot&er &ek.
PhobiaMDar6ness: A real draw%ak /or a dungeon rawler' t&is disadvantage
o!pels a &arater /ind or reate' so!e soure o/ lig&t w&en surrounded %y utter
darkness. +&e &arater will %e relutant to enter darkened settings' only doing so a/ter a
suess/ul (isdo!P(illpower &ek. )e an repeat t&e &ek every 7R@ turns' i/
neessary' per&aps !odi/ied %y persuasion or a*olery %y o!rades. +&e &ek is not
neessary i/ so!e lig&t is present' t&oug& t&e &arater still will %e nervous and
uno!/orta%le in a roleHplaying sense.
0/ t&e &arater passes t&e &ek' &e an /ore &i!sel/ to enter t&e darkness. )e
also !ust &ek i/ suddenly i!!ersed in darknessD/or e1a!ple' i/ t&e partys tor&es
are suddenly doused wit&in t&e dungeon. 3ailure o/ t&is &ek an result in t&e &arater
/leeing &eadlong down a orridor or /ree-ing' terri/ied' in plae Blinging to a
su%terranean li//' per&apsC. 0/ iru!stanes do not ditate one or t&e ot&er' /lip a oin to
deter!ine w&i& reation t&e &arater su//ers.
PhobiaM2nclosed !paces: +&is &as e//ets si!ilar to t&e darkness p&o%ia'
t&oug& o/ ourse t&e presene o/ lig&t is i!!aterialDt&is p&o%ia an strike in a lig&ted
roo! or in a narrow' winding tunnel. 0n general' w&en t&e eiling is no !ore t&an two
/eet over&ead' and t&e walls are wit&in two /eet o/ t&e &araters outstret&ed &ands'
&ell &ave trou%le. As wit& t&e /ear o/ darkness' t&e &arater !ust &ek
(isdo!P(illpower %e/ore entering an enlosed area.
PhobiaM8eights: +&is &arater &as di//iulty li!%ing ladders and ropes'
per&ing on walls' and negotiating steep' li//Hside trails. )e will %e eager to look /or
anot&er way around i/ su& a li!% is alled /or' %ut i/ &e !akes a suess/ul
(isdo!P(illpower &ek &e an overo!e &is /ear. 0/ t&e &ek /ails' &owever' t&e
&arater will do everyt&ing possi%le to avoid t&e li!%. Anot&er &ek is allowed 5R75
turns later.
PhobiaM-agic: +&e &arater wit& t&is /ear is nervous a%out all t&ings !agial
Dspells' reatures' and ite!s. Alt&oug& &e !ay wear and use !agial ite!s t&at do not
&ave visi%le e//ets Binluding !agial weapons and ar!or' rings o/ protetion' and t&e
likeC' &e will not ingest potions' wear a ring o/ invisi%ility' or learn or ast spells.
0/ attaked %y a !agiHwielder using a spell wit& visi%le e//ets' t&e &arater
!ust !ake a (isdo!P(illpower &ek or /lee as desri%ed in t&e introdution to t&e
p&o%ia setion. +&e appearane o/ a !agial reature' su& as a genie' lyant&rope' or
undead' will also /ore t&is &ek.
PhobiaM-onster: +&e player and D4 !ust agree upon a spei/i !onster t&e
&arater /ears. 0t !ust %e a notHin/reFuently enountered reature in t&e a!paign world
Dper&aps go%lins' ors' ogres' trolls' giants' et. (&en t&e &arater enounters t&e
/eared !onster' a &ek as desri%ed a%ove is reFuired.
PhobiaM!na6es: +&is is si!ilar to t&e !onster p&o%ia' e1ept t&at it relates to
all sorts o/ snakes and wor!s. 0t inludes reatures' su& as !edusae' w&i& &ave
snakelike parts.
PhobiaM!piders: ,ike t&e !onster p&o%ia' t&is &arater &as a pro%le! wit&
ara&nids o/ all s&apes and si-es' naturally inluding t&e !onstrous varieties.
Additionally' t&is &arater !ust !ake a (isdo!P(illpower &ek wit& a R: !odi/ier i/
ensnared in a we% spell. 3ailure !eans t&e &arater panis to su& an e1tent t&at &e
enwraps &i!sel/ in t&e we% /or t&e !a1i!u! duration o/ t&e spells e//et.
PhobiaMDndead: As wit& t&e ot&er spei/i reature p&o%ias' t&is /ear reFuires a
(isdo!P(illpower &ek at t&e %eginning o/ an enounter. 3urt&er' t&e &arater !ust
pass a &ek %e/ore &e an enter a loation w&ere &e reasona%ly e1pets undead to %e.
+&is latter &ek an %e repeated at 5R75 turn intervals' i/ neessary.
PhobiaM,ater: +&is &arater annot &ave a swi!!ing pro/iieny. )e /ears
%oats and narrow /oot%ridges' and &e will not %e o!pelled to enter water t&at is !u&
deeper t&an &is waist.
Powerful 2ne%: A power/ul ene!y is a disadvantage t&at !ust %e inorporated
into t&e %akground and story o/ a a!paignDo%viously' wit& a lot o/ input /ro! t&e
D4. A &arater wit& a power/ul ene!y aFuired t&at %itter /oe %e/ore t&e start o/ t&e
a!paign. +&e ene!y an %e a !onster' or per&aps a &ig& level wi-ard or leri' or it an
%e a no%le!an' de!i&u!an ruler' or per&aps a %andit &ie/tain. +&e reason /or t&is
vendetta s&ould %e de/ined %y t&e D4' and an go %ak even to %e/ore t&e &araters
%irt&Da /a!ily /eud' /or e1a!ple' or a need to re!ove t&e last &eir to a line.
(&atever t&e ene!ys nature' it !ust %e power/ul and pervasive enoug& to a//et
t&e &arater w&erever &e goes in t&e a!paign. (&ile t&is does not !ean t&at t&e PCs
li/e is one long &ase sene' &e will need to keep a wary eye over &is s&oulder. +&e
ene!y will routinely send agents a/ter t&e &arater. Also' t&e ene!y s&ould &ave good
onduits o/ in/or!ation' %eing a%le to keep general ta%s on t&e PC in ity' town' and
per&aps even wilderness environ!ents.
TongueCTied: +&is disadvantage rops up w&en t&e &arater tries to disuss
i!portant topis wit& o!panions and NPCs. +&e &arater &as t&e tendeny to
inorretly state /ats' /orget na!es' and *ust generally say t&e wrong t&ing. +&e !ain
e//et o/ t&e disadvantage is to en&ane roleHplaying' t&oug& t&e D4 s&ould !odi/y NPC
reation rolls' typially %y R5.
Dnluc6: +&e &arater wit& t&is disadvantage does not su//er penalties on &is die
rolls. )owever' &e &as t&e knak /or %eing in t&e wrong plae at t&e rig&t ti!e. )e an %e
in a ity o/ 76'666 peopleDand i/ t&eres one person &e doesnt want to see' &anes are
good t&at individual is approa&ing around t&e ne1t orner. 0/ t&is &arater !akes a pass
at a young wo!an' s&e turns out to %e t&e Captain o/ t&e .uards daug&ter. And i/ only
one !e!%er o/ t&e party loses &is %edroll in a downpour' t&e unluky PC is naturally t&e
one to sleep on t&e old' !uddy ground.
C&apter ;:
(eapon Pro/iieny & 4astery
+&e weapon pro/iieny rules o/ t&e AD&D ga!e &ave %een e1panded wit& t&e Skills
and Powers a!paign. Now t&ere is !ore /le1i%ility in seleting weapon pro/iienies'
and t&ere are opportunities to develop t&ose pro/iienies to &ig& degrees o/ e1pertise.
3ig&ters an still speiali-e in spei/i types o/ weapons' gaining %onuses /or
speiali-ation. C&arater points an %e used to advane t&e weapon speiali-ation to
!astery' w&i& gives a /ig&ter signi/iant advantages in t&e use o/ a weapon.
C&araters o/ ot&er lasses' t&roug& t&e use o/ &arater points' an gain lesser
levels o/ ao!plis&!ent in /avorite weaponsDt&is is alled weapon e1pertise.
(eapon Pro/iienies and
t&e C&arater Point Syste!
C&arater points tailor various levels o/ advane!ent' !aking i!proved o!%at
a%ilities availa%le to all &araters. (&ile it is relatively easy /or /ig&ters to %eo!e
ao!plis&ed in weapons use' it is !ore di//iult /orDand reFuires !ore dediation /ro!
D&araters o/ di//erent lasses w&o wis& to %eo!e truly ao!plis&ed wit& a weapon.
0n t&is step o/ t&e &arater reation proess' all player &araters reeive a /inal
allot!ent o/ &arater points to pur&ase t&eir initial weapon pro/iienies. Any le/tover
points /ro! t&e previous &apters an %e used &ere' or saved /or use during play or to
aFuire a%ilities later in t&e &araters areer. +&e nu!%er o/ CPs awarded to ea& type
o/ &arater in t&is step appears %elow.
(arriors: J
(i-ards: 8
Priests: J
$ogues: @
Seleting (eapon Pro/iienies
(eapon pro/iienies an %e aFuired w&en a &arater is /irst reated' and
additionally during t&e ourse o/ t&at &araters adventuring areer.
A warrior Binluding !ultiHlassed warriorsC !ust pay 5 &arater points /or ea&
weapon pro/iieny slot. A &arater w&o is not a warrior !ust spend 8 &arater points
/or ea& weapon pro/iieny slot.
Table &@: ,eapon Proficienc CP Costs
Class Cost
(arrior 5
$ogue 8
Priest 8
C&arater Class $estritions NonHwarrior &araters are nor!ally restrited %y t&e
rules ditating t&e types o/ weapons t&ey an aFuire pro/iienies /or. )owever' %y
spending e1tra &arater points /or a weapon pro/iieny slot' a &arater an pur&ase a
pro/iieny t&at &e would ot&erwise not %e a%le to possess.
A rogue or a priest an aFuire a pro/iieny /or a weapon t&at is nor!ally
restrited to a warriors use. One additional &arater point !ust %e spent w&en t&e slot is
pur&asedDt&e slot will ost : points' instead o/ t&e 8 rogues and priests usually pay.
A wi-ard an spend 5 additional &arater points to %eo!e pro/iient in a
weapon nor!ally allowed to a priest or a rogue. 0/ t&e wi-ard wis&es to %eo!e pro/iient
wit& a weapon t&at is nor!ally li!ited to /ig&ters' &owever' &e !ust spend 8 e1tra
&arater points.
3or e1a!ple' i/ a wi-ard wis&es to pur&ase a pro/iieny in t&e s&ort %ow' &e !ust
pay 9 &arater points Bsine t&e s&ort %ow an %e used %y a rogue' &e adds 5 points to &is
%ase ost o/ 8 &arater points per slotC. 0/ &e wants to learn to use t&e long%ow' &owever'
&ell &ave to pay 8 e1tra &arater points B/or a total o/ @C' sine t&is weapon is nor!ally
li!ited to warriors.
<sing (eapon Pro/iieny Slots
A &arater an learn to use a weapon t&roug& several di//erent !eans. (eapon
pro/iieny slots also an %e used to aFuire a%ilities in unar!ed o!%at' skill wit&
s&ields' and advaned levels o/ pro/iieny su& as weapon !astery or weapon e1pertise.
+&ere are varying levels o/ a%ility in weapons use desri%ed in t&e Skills and
Powers rules. +&e lowest is nonpro/iieny' t&en weapon /a!iliarity' weapon pro/iieny'
and weapon e1pertise. C&araters an advane additionally t&roug& t&e levels o/ weapon
speiali-ation' weapon !astery' and' ulti!ately' weapon grand !astery. Pri!arily t&is
progression is used %y /ig&ters' %ut &araters o/ ot&er lasses an advane to &ig& levels
o/ ao!plis&!ent %y t&e e1penditure o/ additional &arater points.
(eapon .roups 4any weapons are ategori-ed into groups' eit&er tig&t groups' or
%road groups. O/ten a weapon will %e part o/ a tig&t group' and t&at tig&t group will in
turn %e part o/ a %road group. A &araters pro/iieny wit& a weapon or group will o/ten
onvey weapon /a!iliarity wit& ot&er related weapons.
+a%le :> illustrates weapons in t&eir various tig&t and %road groups. Note t&at
t&ere is signi/iant overlap in !any ategoriesDa %roadsword is listed in t&e anient'
$o!an' and !ediu! tig&t groups %eause it an %e used in a variety o/ ultures and
0/ a &arater knows several di//erent /ig&ting styles Be1plained later in t&is
&apterC &e an use a weapon in any o/ t&e styles &e knows. 0/ &e &as only learned one
style' &owever' &is pro/iieny only applies w&en &e uses t&at weapon wit& t&e
appropriate style.
+a%le :>: (eapon .roups
As noted in previous &apters' weapons an %e lassi/ied into tight and broad
groups. All weapons in a tig&t group are onsidered to %e related to one anot&erI a
&arater pro/iient in one auto!atially &as /a!iliarity wit& t&e rest. Note t&at a weapon
pro/iieny inludes stone or %one versions o/ t&e sa!e weapon.
0n t&e listing %elow' %road groups are noted in %old type' and tig&t groups are in
A/es3 Pic6s3 and 8a%%ers
>:es %attle a1e' &andPt&rowing a1e' &at&et' twoH&anded a1e' swordHa1e' !aeHa1e
Picks &orse!ans pik' /oot!ans pik' pik
Hammers war &a!!er' !aul' sledge
?nrelated ad-e
S&ort %ow' o!posite s&ort %ow' long %ow' o!posite long %ow
Clubs3 -aces3 and Flails
*aces /oot!ans !ae' &orse!ans !ae' !aeHa1e
Clubs lu%' great lu%' war lu%' ankus' !orning star
Flails &orse!ans /lail' /oot!ans /lail
)and ross%ow' lig&t ross%ow' &eavy ross%ow' pellet %ow' &oHkuHno
Daggers & Knives
Dagger' stiletto' *a!%iya' !ainHgau&e' parrying dagger' kni/e' katar
,ig&t' !ediu!' &eavy' *ousting
Spear@ like polearms awl pike' partisan' ranseur' spetu!
Polea:es %ardi&e' &al%erd' voulge
4ills %ill' %illHguisar!e' glaiveHguisar!e' guisar!eHvoulge' &ook /au&ard
,lai3es glaive' /au&ard' naginata' nagi!aki' /au&ardH/ork
4eaked %e de or%in' luern &a!!er
?nrelated !ilitary /ork' tetsu%o' la*atang
!pears & 9avelins
Spears spear' long spear' awl pike
Aa3elins *avelin' pilu!' dart
?nrelated &arpoon' trident' %randistok
>ncient %roadsword' sapara' k&opes&' swordHa1e' s&ort sword
.oman %roadsword' drusus' gladius' spat&a
*iddle 9astern s&ort sword' si!itar' great si!itar' tulwar
!riental utlass' katana' waki-as&i' noHda&i' nin*aHto
Short s&ort sword' gladius' drusus' sapara' dagger' tulwar
*edium %roadsword' long sword' utlass' sa%re' /al&ion' esto
2arge %astard sword' lay!ore' twoH&anded sword' great si!itar' noHda&i
Fencing weapons rapier' sa%re' !ainHgau&e' parrying dagger
Chain & Rope Weapons
C&ain' kau sin ke' kusariHga!a' kawanaga' &i*ikiri
Martial Arts Weapons
Sai' *itte' nun&aku' sang kauw' t&reeHpiee rod' %o stik
Hand match weapons arFue%us' &and gunne
*atchlocks arFue%us' aliver' !usket
Wheellocks arFue%us' %elt pistol' &orse pistol
Snaplocks and Flintlocks !usket' %elt pistol' &orse pistol
0/ a weapon does not appear in t&e preeding listings' it %elongs to no weapon
group. 3or e1a!ple' weapons su& as t&e %olas' t&e %oo!erang' or t&e !anat&er are so
uniFue in t&eir e!ploy!ent t&at not&ing even o!es lose to %eing si!ilar.
Pro/iieny and (eapon 3a!iliarity 0/ A &arater w&o is not pro/iient in a type
o/ weapon su//ers penalties on attak rolls w&en using t&at weapon. +&e penalties vary %y
&arater lassD/or e1a!ple' /ig&ters are !u& !ore likely to understand an un/a!iliar
weapon t&an wi-ards. +&e penalties are s&own on +a%le 96: Nonpro/iieny Attak
)owever' in so!e ases a &arater an %e /a!iliar enoug& wit& a weapon t&at &e
does not su//er all nonpro/iieny penalties. +&is is alled weapon /a!iliarity. And w&ile
t&e &arater annot /ig&t as e//etively as so!eone wit& a weapon pro/iieny' neit&er is
&e as inept as a nonpro/iient &arater.
A &arater is assu!ed to %e /a!iliar wit& weapons t&at are related to ones wit&
w&i& &e is pro/iient. (eapons in t&e sa!e tig&t group as a &araters weapon o/
pro/iieny are /a!iliar to t&at &arater. 0/ a &arater &as pro/iieny in an entire tig&t
group o/ weapons' &e is /a!iliar wit& all weapons in a related %road group.
Table '7: *onproficienc Attac6 Penalties
Class *onproficienc Fa%iliarit
(arrior R5 R7
(i-ardR9 R8
Priest R8 R5
$ogue R8 R5
Psioniist R: R5
Nonlassed NPC R: R5
A &arater using a weapon wit& w&i& &e is not pro/iient annot per/or! any
speial o!%at !aneuvers' su& as disar!s or parries' wit& t&at weapon. )e is li!ited to
%asi attaks' wit& t&e die roll penalties s&own a%ove. 0/ &e &its' &owever' &e !akes a
nor!al roll /or da!age.
(eapon Pro/iienies
A single weapon pro/iieny slot an %e used to aFuire pro/iieny in a spei/i
type o/ weapon. Su& pro/iieny !eans t&at t&e &arater an wield t&at weapon
nor!ally' wit&out penalties on &is rolls to &it or da!age.
(eapon .roup Pro/iienies By spending 5 pro/iieny slots B: &arater pointsC' a
warrior an gain a pro/iieny in all t&e weapons in a spei/i tig&t group. 0/ t&at tig&t
group is part o/ a %road group' t&en t&e &arater also possesses weapon /a!iliarity wit&
all weapons in t&e %road group.
By spending 8 slots B@ &arater pointsC' a warrior an learn a %road group
weapon pro/iieny. )e is assu!ed to %e /ully pro/iient in every weapon in t&at %road
+&is group pro/iieny option is only availa%le to warriors. All ot&er &araters
!ust spend a single pro/iieny slot to %eo!e pro/iient wit& a spei/i type o/ weapon.
Speial (eapon Pro/iienies
(eapon pro/iieny slots an %e spent to gain several types o/ %onuses t&at are
not' te&nially' Uweapon pro/iienies.V +&ese are all relevant to o!%at situations'
&owever' and i!prove t&e &araters &anes to de/end or to attak e//etivelyD%ot&
wit& and wit&out a weapon.
S&ield Pro/iieny A weapon pro/iieny slot an %e spent to gain a s&ield
pro/iieny. (arriors an gain t&is pro/iieny %y spending 7 slotI ot&er &araters !ust
spend 5 weapon pro/iieny slots to %eo!e pro/iient in s&ield use. O%viously' a
&arater !ust %e a%le to use a s&ield to aFuire t&is pro/iieny.
S&ield pro/iieny i!proves a &araters AC against one or !ore attaks per
round /ro! in /ront or /ro! t&e side /aed %y t&e s&ield. +&is pro/iieny does not &elp
against rear attaks or attaks o!ing /ro! t&e /lank opposite t&e s&ield.
,ike ot&er weapon pro/iienies' t&e s&ield pro/iieny !ust %e taken /or a
spei/i type o/ eFuip!entDlisted on +a%le 97: S&ield Pro/iieny "//ets. +&e %onuses
on/erred vary %y t&e type o/ s&ield t&e &arater &ooses' and are added to t&e nor!al
AC %ene/its o/ arrying a s&ield. +&e Nu!%er o/ Attakers ategory indiates &ow !any
attaks' per round' t&e s&ield pro/iieny an &elp against. 0/ a &arater wit& a %ukler'
/or e1a!ple' is attaked %y t&ree ene!ies at one' &is s&ield pro/iieny will only %ene/it
&is AC against one o/ t&ose attaks. +&e player s&ould designate w&i& ene!y &e will
guard against %e/ore attak rolls are !ade.
Table '1: !hield Proficienc 2ffects
!hield Tpe AC 5onus AAttac6ers
Bukler M7 One
S!all M5 +wo
4ediu! M8 +&ree
Body M8PM: vs. !issiles 3our
Ar!or Pro/iieny A &arater an spend a weapon pro/iieny slot to %uy t&e ar!or
pro/iieny' w&i& indiates t&at &e &as %eo!e used to wearing a protetive s&ell.
<nlike t&e s&ield pro/iieny' t&e ar!or pro/iieny does not i!prove ar!or lass.
0nstead' it redues t&e enu!%rane penalties /or t&e wearing o/ a partiular kind o/
ar!or. +&us' a &arater w&o is /ully pro/iient wit& t&e use o/ &is plate !ail' /or
e1a!ple' an !ove around a lot !ore easily and Fuikly t&an an a &arater w&o does
not &ave t&is pro/iieny.
A &arater wit& t&e ar!or pro/iieny su//ers only &al/ t&e nor!al enu!%rane load
o/ &is ar!or. 3or e1a!ple' /ull plate ar!or weig&s ;6 pounds. )owever' i/ a &arater is
pro/iient wit& t&at type o/ ar!or' t&e ar!or &as t&e enu!%rane e//et o/ only 89
pounds. Naturally' t&e ar!or retains its /ull weig&t /or all ot&er purposesDsu& as
3ig&ting Style Speiali-ation 3ig&ting styles represent %road ategories o/ %attle
tatis t&at an %e e!ployed %y &araters. +&ey are desri%ed in detail in t&e Co!%at
and +atis %ook. "ven wit&out t&at volu!e' &owever' players o/ t&e Skills and Powers
rules an spend weapon pro/iienies on /ig&ting styles' gaining so!e %onuses in %attle.
+&ere is a di//erene %etween knowing a style and speiali-ing in t&at style. "very
&arater wit& a weapon pro/iieny knows at least one /ig&ting styleDt&e style used
wit& t&at weapon. +&ere is no ost to aFuire t&e /ig&ting styleI it o!es wit& t&e
pro/iieny. 0ndeed' i/ a weapon an %e used wit& two or !ore di//erent styles' t&e
&arater is assu!ed to know all o/ t&ose styles. A long sword' /or e1a!ple' an %e used
wit& t&e oneH&anded weapon /ig&ting style' t&e weapon and s&ield /ig&ting style' or t&e
twoH&anded weapon /ig&ting style. +&us' a &arater wit& pro/iieny in t&e long sword
knows all t&ree o/ t&ese /ig&ting styles.
C&arater lasses put so!e li!itations on learning /ig&ting styles. +a%le 95 s&ows
t&e lasses t&at an nor!ally learn a spei/i style. (&ile a rogue' /or e1a!ple' an use a
long sword' &e does not auto!atially learn t&e twoH&anded weapon style wit& t&is %lade.
A &arater an spend an additional &arater point w&en &e pur&ases a weapon
pro/iieny to learn a style t&at is not nor!ally provided to &is &arater lass. +&e rogue'
/or e1a!ple' spends 8 &arater points /or &is long sword pro/iieny slot' %ut only learns
it as a oneH&anded weapon. 0/ &e spends a :t& &arater point' &e an learn t&e
twoH&anded style or t&e weapon and s&ield style as wellI or &e an spend a total o/ 9
&arater points and learn t&e long sword and all t&ree o/ its styles.
Table '2: Fighting !tles b Character Class
Fighting !tle2ligible Classes
OneH&anded (eapon All
(eapon and S&ield (arriors' Priests
+woH&anded (eapon (arriors' Priests' 4ages
+wo (eapon (arriors' $ogues
4issile(arriors' $ogues
)orse Ar&er (arriors' $ogues
+&rown (eaponPSling All
SpeialT Naries
T+&is ategory inludes styles spei/i to ertain weapons andPor ultural %akgrounds.
"1a!ples inlude t&e net and trident style used %y so!e $o!an gladiators' or t&e twin
sais o/ a skilled nin*a.
A &arater an spend a weapon pro/iieny slot to speiali-e in t&e use o/ one o/
t&ese /ig&ting styles' as long as &e already knows t&at style. (arriors an speiali-e in as
!any styles as t&ey wis& to pur&ase. Priests and rogues an only speiali-e in one style.
(i-ards an speiali-e in a single /ig&ting style' %ut only %y paying an e1tra &arater
point to aFuire t&e weapon pro/iieny slot.
"a& o/ t&e styles &as spei/i %ene/its w&en aFuired as a speiali-ation. +&ese
are desri%ed %elow:
OneH&anded (eapon
+&e &arater an use &is e!pty &and as a seondary weapon' using it to pun&'
gra%' t&row' et. w&ile &e is wielding &is oneH&anded weapon. Nor!al penalties /or using
two weapons apply.
A &arater w&o speiali-es in t&e oneH&anded weapon style o/ %attle gains an AC
%onus o/ M7 w&en &e /ig&ts wit& a weapon in one &and' and no s&ield or weapon in &is
ot&er &and. By spending 5 additional &arater points' t&e &arater an i!prove t&is AC
%onus to a !a1i!u! o/ M5.
0/ t&e &arater is also /a!iliar wit& t&e twoH&anded weapon style' and is wielding
a weapon t&at an %e used eit&er way' &e an swit& %ak and /ort& at t&e start o/ every
round o/ o!%at.
(eapon and S&ield
A &arater w&o speiali-es in t&is style an gain a M7 %ene/it to &is AC Bin
addition to &is regular s&ield e//etsC or a M7 on &is attak roll during any !elee round
w&en &e &olds a s&ield and wields a weapon. Alternately' t&is %ene/it an %e superseded
%y t&e !ore detailed s&ield rules in t&e Combat and Tactics %ook.
+woH&anded (eapon
A &arater w&o speiali-es in t&e twoH&anded weapon style i!proves BlowersC
t&e speed /ator o/ a weapon %y 8Di/ t&at weapon is wielded wit& two &ands. 0n addition'
i/ t&e &arater is using a oneH&anded weapon wit& two &ands' t&e weapon gains a M7
%onus to all da!age rolls.
+wo (eapon
+&e pro/iieny slot spent to speiali-e in t&is di//iult style reFuires 7 additional
&arater point w&en it is /irst aFuiredDe1ept /or rangers' w&o an %uy it /or t&e sa!e
ost as any ot&er /ig&ting style speiali-ation.
A &arater w&o speiali-es in t&e two weapon style ounters so!e o/ t&e
penalties in&erent in using two weapons. Nor!ally' a &arater su//ers a R5 to attaks
wit& t&e pri!ary &and' and R: to attaks wit& t&e seondary &andI t&is speiali-ation
redues t&e penalty to 6 /or t&e pri!ary &and' and R5 /or t&e seondary &and.
Additionally' i/ a &arater &as t&e trait o/ a!%ide1terity oupled wit& t&is speiali-ation'
&e su//ers no penalty /or eit&er &and.
+&e seondary weapon !ust %e one si-e s!aller t&an t&e pri!ary weaponDunless t&e
pri!ary weapon is si-e S. 0/ a &arater spends 5 additional &arater points on t&is
speiali-ation' &owever' &e an learn to use two weapons o/ eFual si-e' so long as ea& o/
t&e weapons an %e wielded in one &and.
A &arater w&o speiali-es in t&e !issile /ig&ting style gains a signi/iant %onus.
)e an !ove up to &al/ &is nor!al !ove!ent rate and still !ake all o/ &is allowed
!issile attaks during a turn. Or &e an !ove &is /ull !ove!ent rate and !ake &al/ as
!any attaks.
Additionally' a &arater w&o &as speiali-ed in t&is /ig&ting style gains a M7
%onus to &is AC w&en attaked %y !issile /ire' %ut only i/ t&e speialist &arater is also
using a !issile weapon and attaking on t&at round.
)orse Ar&ery
A &arater w&o speiali-es in t&e &orse ar&ery /ig&ting style an s&oot wit&
auray even w&ile !ounted. +&e nor!al penalties /or s&ooting /ro! t&e saddle are
redued %y 5. +&us' ar&ers su//er no penalty i/ t&e &orse is !oving at up to &al/ its
nor!al speed' and t&ey su//er only a R5 penalty i/ t&e &orse is !oving /aster.
+&rown (eapon
A &arater w&o speiali-es in t&is /ig&ting style gains t&e sa!e %onuses as a
&arater w&o speiali-es in t&e !issile /ig&ting style.
+&ere are nu!erous types o/ /ig&ting styles t&at originated and were per/eted in
di//erent &istorial and geograp&ial areas. A &arater an spend a pro/iieny slot to
speiali-e in one o/ t&ese types' t&oug& t&e D4 is t&e /inal ar%iter o/ w&at types o/
/ig&ting styles !ig&t %e allowed. Players are enouraged to do a little resear& %e/ore
t&ey try to %uild a ase /or a spei/i /ig&ting style.
So!e suggested %ene/its /or t&e use o/ one o/ t&ese styles inlude:
R7 %onus to Ar!or Class.
M7 %onus to &it or da!age rolls.
+&e &arater an ignore penalties /or /ig&ting wit& two weapons.
+&e &arater gets a /ree kik or pun& as well as &is weapon attak.
(eapon Speiali-ation and 4astery .aining a weapon pro/iieny indiates t&at a
&arater is trained in t&e use o/ t&at partiular weapon' %ut &e is not at t&e pinnale o/
ao!plis&!ent. 3ig&ters' and possi%ly ot&er &araters' an devote a great deal o/ e//ort
and energy Bre/leted in &arater pointsC to i!prove t&eir skills wit& a weapon %eyond
t&e standard o/ %asi pro/iieny.
0n t&e Skills and Powers rules' &araters o/ all lasses an i!prove t&eir skills
wit& weapons. +&e ost in &arater points is &ig&er /or nonH/ig&ter lasses' %ut i/ a
player wants &is wi-ard &arater to e!ulate t&e wi-ard .andal/ and wield a !ig&ty
%lade su& as Orrist' it is possi%le.
$anks o/ (eapon 4astery
+&e rules o/ t&is setion %egin wit& t&e assu!ption t&at a &arater &as already
aFuired a weapon pro/iieny.
+wo additional levels o/ !astery B&ig& !astery and grand !asteryC !ig&t %e
availa%le to singleHlassed /ig&ters. +&ese are desri%ed in t&e Co!%at and +atis %ook.
(eapon o/ C&oie
A &arater an designate a spei/i weapon as &is /avorite. )e !ust %e pro/iient
wit& t&at weapon already' and even i/ t&e pro/iieny &e possesses applies to an entire
tig&t or %road group' t&e weapon o/ &oie !ust %e designated.
C&araters o/ all lasses an designate a weapon o/ &oie. (arriors an do so /or
a ost o/ 5 &arater points' rogues and priests /or 8 points' and wi-ards !ust spend :
A player an delare a weapon o/ &oie w&en &e /irst reates a &arater' or at
any point t&erea/terDas long as &e &as t&e &arater points. +&ey s&ould reeive so!e
training or e1tensive pratie /ro! a warrior w&o is pro/iient in t&e sa!e weapon and
&as a &ig&er e1periene level t&an t&e trainee. Alternately' any &arater an train
so!eone i/ &e possesses a &ig&er level o/ weapon !astery Bweapon e1pertise or %etterC
wit& t&at weapon.
A &arater reeives a M7 %onus on all attak rolls w&en using &is weapon o/
(eapon "1pertise
(eapon e1pertise is a !ore li!ited version o/ weapon speiali-ation. <nlike
speiali-ation' &owever' it is availa%le to nonHwarriors. Be/ore gaining weapon e1pertise'
t&e &arater !ust %e pro/iient in t&e use o/ t&e seleted weapon. 0t !ay or !ay not
already %e t&e &araters weapon o/ &oie Bsee a%oveC.
(eapon e1pertise osts a ranger' paladin' or !ultiHlassed warrior 5 &arater
points Bor 7 i/ t&e weapon is already t&e &araters weapon o/ &oieC. $ogues and
priests !ust spend : &arater points Bor 8' i/ t&e weapon is already t&e weapon o/
&oieC. (i-ards an pur&ase weapon e1pertise /or a ost o/ 9 &arater points' t&oug& i/
t&e weapon is already t&e &araters weapon o/ &oie t&e ost is only : additional
As wit& weapon o/ &oie' a player an delare a weapon o/ e1pertise w&en &e
/irst reates a &arater' or at any point t&erea/terDas long as &e &as t&e &arater points.
0/ t&e seletion is !ade %y an ative &arater' &e s&ould reeive e1tensive training /ro! a
warrior w&o is pro/iient in t&e sa!e weapon and &as a &ig&er e1periene level t&an t&e
(eapon e1pertise allows a &arater to gain e1tra attaks as i/ a weapon
speialist. At /irst level' an e1pert wit& a long sword an attak t&ree ti!es every two
rounds. (eapon e1pertise does not on/er e1tra attak or da!age %onuses' t&oug& t&e
&arater !ay reeive an attak %ene/it i/ &e &as weapon e1pertise in t&e use o/ &is
weapon o/ &oie' as e1plained a%ove.
(eapon Speiali-ation
A &arater reeives e1tra %onuses /or using a spei/i weapon %y spending
&arater points on speiali-ation. SingleHlassed /ig&ters an %eo!e weapon speialists
at any point in t&eir areers si!ply %y spending a seond weapon pro/iieny slot on a
weapon wit& w&i& t&ey are already pro/iient.
C&araters o/ a /ig&ter su%lass' or !ultiHlassed /ig&ters' an speiali-e in
weapon use' t&oug& at an inreased ost in &arater points. 0n addition' ot&er &araters
!ust a&ieve ertain !ini!u! levels o/ e1periene %e/ore t&ey an attain a weapon
speiali-ation. +&ese osts' and t&e !ini!u! e1periene level' are s&own on +a%le 98:
.aining (eapon Speiali-ation.
Table '": ?aining ,eapon !pecialiHation
C&arater 4ini!u!
C&arater Class Point Cost ,evel
3ig&ter 5 7
4ultiHlass 3ig&ter : 5
$angerPPaladin : 8
Priest @ 9
$ogues J @
(i-ards 76 ;
A &arater w&o reeives a weapon speiali-ation during a a!paign !ust %e
trained %y a &arater wit& a speiali-ation Bor &ig&erC level o/ skill in t&at sa!e weapon.
+&e training reFuires a nu!%er o/ !ont&s eFual to t&e &arater point ost to pur&ase t&e
speiali-ation' and t&is training is a /ullHti!e oupation.
+&e e//ets o/ weapon speiali-ation vary %y t&e type o/ weapon' as /ollows. 0/ a
speialist weapon Bsu& as a spearC an %e used as a !elee or a !issile weapon' t&e
&arater gets t&e appropriate %ene/its /or ea& type o/ use.
-elee ,eapons: +&e &arater gets a M7 %onus to attak rolls and M5 to da!age
rolls w&en using t&e weapon. Also' t&e &arater gets one e1tra attak every two rounds.
At /irst level' /or e1a!ple' a speialist wit& t&e long sword would %e a%le to !ake t&ree
attaks every two rounds.
-issile ,eapons: +&is ategory inludes slings and t&rown weapons. +&e
&arater gains a M7 attak %onus at all range ategories. 0n addition' speialists en*oy an
inreased nu!%er o/ !issile attaks. +&is is detailed in t&e Players Handbook. At t&e
D4s option' players an elet to use t&e !ore detailed speialist attak rules in t&e
Co!%at and +atis %ook.
Also' a &arater w&o speiali-es in any type o/ %ow or ross%ow gains a %ene/it
/or a new range ategory: point %lank. Point %lank s&ots in/lit M5 points o/ da!age.
Point %lank ranges are 86X /or %ows' and @6X /or ross%ows. 0n addition' i/ t&e &arater
&as a !issile loaded and ai!ed' &e an s&oot at t&e %eginning o/ a !elee roundDeven
%e/ore initiative is deter!ined.
<nar!ed Co!%at Speiali-ation
A &arater an &oose to speiali-e in a type o/ unar!ed o!%atDeit&er
pun&ing Bpu!!eling in t&e Combat and Tactics %ookC' wrestling' or !artial arts.
3ig&ters' !ultiHlassed /ig&ters' and /ig&ter su%lasses an elet to speiali-e in unar!ed
o!%at. ,ike any ot&er speiali-ation' t&e type o/ unar!ed o!%at &osen is t&e
&araters only area o/ speiali-ationD&e annot also speiali-e in a weapon.
Speialists in unar!ed o!%at reeive a M7 %onus on attak rolls and a M5 on
da!age rolls. 0n addition' t&ey reeive t&e sa!e nu!%er o/ e1tra attaks any ot&er
speialist reeivesDtypially one e1tra attak every two rounds.
<nar!ed o!%at proedures' levels o/ skill' and speiali-ation are overed to a
!u& greater e1tent in Co!%at and +atis . +&at %ook also introdues a /ast' detailed
syste! /or !artial arts o!%at.
(eapon 4astery
(eapon !astery designates t&ose &araters w&o strive toward t&e ulti!ate level
o/ skill wit& t&eir weapon o/ speiali-ation. (eapon !asters are generally individuals o/
onsidera%le reputation and note in t&eir a!paign worlds' o/ten soug&t %y younger
&araters /or t&eir knowledge. 4any o/ t&ese !asters take apprenties' ating as !entors
/or t&e training and develop!ent o/ aspiring !asters. Ot&er weapon !asters live solitary'
even &er!itHlike lives' o%sessing on so!e i!portant task t&at will allow no inter/erene
/ro! t&e rest o/ t&e world.
+&e !ost o!!on weapons e!ployed %y !asters are swords' t&oug& %ows' a1es'
and spears are also allowed. 0/ a player wis&es &is &arater to !aster in a di//erent
weapon' &e !ust reate Bwit& D4 inputC a rationale /or a strong ultural or a!paign
&istorial %akground. An ar&etype su& as (illia! +ell' /or e1a!ple' an %e used to
*usti/y a !astery in t&e ross%ow in a !edievalHtype a!paign. 0/ t&e D4 will not allow
a weapon to %e !astered' t&e player s&ould %e in/or!ed %e/ore t&e &arater speiali-es
in t&at weapon.
A /ig&ter &arater !ust &ave rea&ed a !ini!u! o/ 9t& level %e/ore &e an
%eo!e a weapon !asterI ot&er &araters !ust progress even /art&er. +&e !ini!u!
level /or weapon !astery in every &arater lass is : &ig&er t&an t&e !ini!u! /or
speiali-ation' s&own on +a%le 9:. A &arater !ust possess weapon speiali-ation in t&e
weapon &e will atte!pt to !aster. (&en t&ese riteria are !et' &arater points !ust %e
spent %ased on t&e &araters lass Bsee +a%le 9: %elowC to gain a !astery.
0n addition' t&e &arater !ust /ind an e1isting !aster and %e trained in weapon
!astery. +&e !aster will o/ten de!and a signi/iant pay!ent /or t&is training' or else
reFuire t&at t&e apprentie per/or! a Fuest or so!e ot&er task %e/ore &e will %e aepted
as a student. +raining /or weapon !astery reFuires twie as !any !ont&s as training /or
weapon speiali-ation Bi.e. twice t&e &arater point osts to gain t&e !astery' s&own on
+a%le 9:C.
2ffects of -aster: A !asters attak and da!age %onuses wit& a !elee weapon
are %ot& M8. (it& a !issile weapon' t&e attak %onus %eo!es a M5 at all ranges %eyond
point %lank. At point %lank range t&e attak and da!age %onuses are ea& M8.
Table '&: ?aining ,eapon -aster
Character -ini%u%
C&arater Class Point Cost ,evel
3ig&ter 5 9
4ultiHlass 3ig&ter J @
$angerPPaladin J ;
4onsters and (eapon 4astery No player would %e so un/air as to /eel t&at &is
&arater s&ould %ene/it /ro! weapon !astery rules' w&ile t&e !onsters retain t&eir
previous level o/ !ediore skill. B(ell' okayDno D4 would want to allow t&isLC 0n a
a!paign w&ere &araters an a&ieve levels o/ speiali-ation and !astery' so' too' an
t&e !onsters. As wit& PCs' t&e develop!ent o/ speiali-ation and !astery skills /or
!onsters s&ould re/let an unusual level o/ dediation and training.
Deter!ining 4onster (eapon 4astery
Naturally' not all !onsters &ave even t&e %asi reFuire!ents /or one o/ t&eir
nu!%er to %eo!e a weapon !aster.
(&ile t&e /inal ad*udiation o/ !onster weapon !astery is up to t&e D4' so!e
%asi ele!ents s&ould %e taken into aount:
+&e !onster in Fuestion !ust use an atual weaponD!astery annot %e o%tained
in t&e use o/ /angs' laws' %reat& weapons' et. Neit&er an si!ple weapons su& as lu%s
or t&rown %oulders %e e//etively !astered.
Additionally' t&e weapon !ust %e /airly o!!on in t&at !onsters ulture. Su&
weapons are usually listed in t&e !onster desription as part o/ t&e !onster types o!%at
repertoire. So!e e1a!ples: a go%lin !ig&t %eo!e a !aster in t&e spear or s&ort swordI a
we!i' t&e *avelin or s&ort swordI troglodytes &ave %een known to speiali-e in t&eir
uniFue *avelinI tritons' t&e tridentI kuoHtoa' t&e piner sta// or &arpoonI and gnolls' t&e
pole ar! or %attle a1e.
As a general rule' a !onster !ust &ave a !ini!u! 0ntelligene sore o/ J to
!aster a weapon. +&e &ig&er t&e intelligene' t&e greater t&e likeli&ood o/ enountering a
weapon !aster a!ong a group o/ t&e reatures.
0/ t&e reatures are known to %e very intelligent' one o/ t&e! !ig&t rea& t&e level
o/ !astery. Only !onsters o/ &ig& intelligene or greater an aspire to grand !astery.
Additionally' intelligene s&ould %e t&e pri!ary indiator o/ &ow !any speialists
and !asters !ig&t %e enountered in t&e !onsters population. +&e relatively stupid
go%lins will &ave very /ew individuals even o/ speialist level' w&ile t&e e1eptionally
intelligent git&yanki will likely inlude a nu!%er o/ !asters and pro%a%ly a grand !aster
in ea& si-a%le tri%e.
As wit& &araters' t&e greater t&e nu!%er o/ !onsters in a a!paign world' t&e
greater t&e odds t&at one or !ore o/ t&e! will rea& t&e &ig&est levels o/ weapon !astery
availa%le. +&oug& t&is does not rule out t&e ase o/ t&e solitary /ir%olg giant %eing a grand
!aster in t&e use o/ t&e &al%erd' it is !ore likely t&at su& a skilled individual will %e t&e
&ie/tain o/ a tri%eDor at least t&e i!portant %odyguard standing alertly at t&e &ig&
&ie/s side.
3or t&ose !onsters ranked wit& i!proved &it die /or t&eir su%&ie/s' %attle
leaders' aptains' et' t&e speialists and !asters will invaria%ly /all a!ong t&e i!proved
)D !e!%ers o/ t&e %and. 0/ t&ere is !ore t&an one type o/ elite !onster' t&e lowest o/
t&ese will %e no !ore t&an speialists' wit& t&e !asters and grand !asters /ound a!ong
t&e seond and t&ird tiers.
<ndead annot %eo!e weapon !asters. ,ikewise lyant&ropes' &ig&ly &aoti
reatures' and t&ose o/ good align!ent and a generally pai/isti nature will %e very
unlikely to generate weapon !asters /ro! a!ong t&eir nu!%ers. 4onsters o/ low
intelligene Bor lessC will %e inapa%le o/ any level o/ weapon !astery.
"//ets o/ 4onster (eapon 4astery
4onster weapon !asters s&ould %e !ore t&an *ust %easts wit& inreased attak
and da!age &anesDt&oug&' naturally' t&ey s&ould reeive all t&e %ene/its
o!!ensurate wit& t&eir level o/ weapon skill. Additionally' t&e D4 !ig&t reate so!e
speial o!%at %ene/its /or a !onster weapon !aster' re/leting t&e general tatis o/ t&at
!onster in play. A troglodyte w&o !asters t&e use o/ &is *avelin' /or e1a!ple' !ig&t
!odi/y it %y %ar%ing t&e &ead and atta&ing so!e kind o/ lig&t rope. 0/ t&e weapon &its a
target' t&e !onster an reel in t&e viti!Dunless t&at viti! an work /ree wit& a
suess/ul Strengt& &ek. )owever' t&e viti! still su//ers e1tra da!age /ro! t&e
Beyond t&ese %attle onsiderations' &owever' !onster weapon !asters s&ould add
i!portant story and roleHplaying ele!ents to t&e a!paign. Beause o/ t&eir inreased
power and /earso!e reputations' t&ese reatures will %e generally /eared and o%eyed %y
t&e lesser !onsters o/ t&eir lan. +&ey will o!!and t&ese lakeys' sending t&e! on
raids or posting t&e! to guard t&e lair.
+&roug& enounters wit& t&ese lakeys' t&e player &araters s&ould learn details
a%out t&e weapon !aster. Beyond &is !ere e1istene' t&e !onster s&ould %eo!e a
/earso!e /igure to t&e PCs. Per&aps its e1ter!ination an %e used as t&e i!petus %e&ind
an ongoing a!paign adventure.
"Fuip!ent "very adventurer wants to out/it &i!sel/ wit& t&e %est eFuip!entDand
plenty o/ it. +&e deliate %alane o/ eFuip!ent versus enu!%rane is a routine pro%le!
/or any &arater. So' too' is t&e !atter o/ /inding t&ose ite!s t&e &arater desires' and
o!ing up wit& t&e !oney Bor ot&er %arterC needed to aFuire t&e!.
+&is &apter presents new ways t&at &araters an earn !oney' and so!e si!ple'
aurate options /or reording t&e a!ount o/ eFuip!ent arriedD%ot& as %ulk and
weig&t. "Fuip!ent is disussed in ter!s o/ a!paign environ!ents' wit& di//erent ta%les
ranging /ro! t&e pri!itive to periods o/ t&e late $enaissane.
4oney' "Fuip!ent' and C&arater Points C&arater points an &ave a nu!%er o/
e//ets on t&e ways t&at &araters earn' !aintain' and spend t&eir treasure.
A player an e1&ange &is &araters !oney /or &arater points w&en t&at
&arater is /irst reated Ba/ter initial /unds are deter!ined' o/ ourseC' and t&en a
!a1i!u! o/ one per level' inluding /irst level' t&roug&out t&at &araters areer. +&is
opportunity is not u!ulativeDi/ a player !akes no !oneyPpoint e1&ange %e/ore &is
&arater rea&es seond level' &e an still only !ake one su& e1&ange %e/ore t&e
&arater %eo!es t&ird level. (it&in t&e %ounds o/ t&is restrition' &owever' a player an
!ake su& an e1&ange w&enever &e wantsD&e doesnt need to wait until t&e !o!ent o/
level advane!ent.
+&e proedure /or !aking t&is e1&ange is always t&e sa!e: +&e player
deter!ines &ow !u& total wealt& t&e &arater &as' as de/ined in C&arater (ealt&'
+reasure' and 4oney' %elow. )e an only !ake t&e e1&ange i/ t&e total is at least 86 gp'
e1ept t&at a &arater an always !ake t&e e1&ange wit& &is initial /unds.
+&is total wealt& is divided %y t&ree. One &arater point osts one t&ird o/ t&e
&araters wealt&' and &e an %uy a !a1i!u! o/ t&ree points %y spending all o/ t&e
&araters !oney. +&e dedutions our i!!ediately' t&oug& t&e &arater does not get
to spend or give away &is lost wealt&. +&e D4 will deide t&e e1at a!paign situation.
Coins and ge!s are stolen' /or e1a!ple' w&ile livestok /alls to disease' trade goods rot'
s&ips sink' et.
C&arater points' as a general rule' annot %e e1pended /or !oney or ite!s o/
eFuip!ent. )owever' t&e D4 an !ake an e1eption during &arater reation. 0/ a
player wis&es to start out wit& an unusual a!ount o/ wealt&' &e an as& in a single
&arater point /or an e1tra roll on t&e 0nitial C&arater 3unds +a%le in t&e Players
C&arater (ealt&' +reasure' and 4oney
A &araters /inanial wort& an %e ounted in !any waysDonly two o/ w&i&
are relevant in !aking a trade /or &arater points as desri%ed a%ove.
+&e !ost o%vious' o/ ourse' re!ains t&e !etal oins' preious %au%les' and
orna!ented *ewelry t&at &ave %een standards o/ wealt& /or !illennia. 0n ga!e ter!s' t&is
treasure is represented %y a value !easured in gold piees.
Seondly' wealt& an %e !easured in personal possessions Binluding weapons'
ar!or' and !agial ite!sC' all !anner o/ trade goods' livestok and %easts o/ %urden'
wagons' tak and &arness' %oats and s&ips.
+&e total o/ t&ese two ategories eFuals t&e &araters wealt& /or purposes o/ t&e
!oneyH/orHpoints trade e1plained a%ove. (&en !aking t&is total' &owever' t&e &arater
is allowed to &old one weapon and one ot&er possession Bar!or' !agial ite!' &orse' et.C
out o/ t&e eFuation.
+&e D4 s&ould insure t&at players are straig&t/orward a%out t&eir wealt& w&en
!aking su& an e1&ange. +&ere are several /or!s o/ wealt& disussed %elow w&i& are
not relevant /or purposes o/ t&e !oneyP&arater point trade. )owever' a player w&o
onverts !ost o/ &is assets into anot&er /or! Bpur&asing an estate /or 76'666 gp' /or
e1a!ple' in t&e proess spending everyt&ing %ut &is last @6 gpC s&ould not %e allowed to
i!!ediately trade 56 gp inre!ents /or &arater points. 0n t&is ase' t&e land and
&oldings s&ould ount toward t&e total' and i!!ediately su//er a 7P8 devaluation o/ t&eir
wort&. 3looding' eart&Fuakes' tornadoes' or lousts are a /ew suggested D4 tools /or
ao!plis&ing t&is prie derease.
Di//erent 3or!s o/ (ealt& +&ere are several ot&er kinds o/ &arater wealt& not
totaled into t&e assets w&en trading /or &arater points. But t&ey an still represent
i!portant aspets o/ a &araters /inanial status.
,and and )oldings
0n !any !edieval soieties' land is t&e learest !easure o/ a &araters wealt&.
,arge &oldings will o/ten inlude o%ligations /or ta1es /ro! t&ose w&o live on t&e land.
At t&e sa!e ti!e' a &arater su& as a knig&t w&o owns an estate o/ &is own will likely
owe so!e type o/ /ealty to a &ig&er lord' w&o will in turn owe loyalty to a king.
Alt&oug& t&e ta1es levied Band owedC %y su& a &arater will pro%a%ly %e
!easured in gold piees' t&e land and %uildings t&e!selves e1ist as t&ey are. Any atte!pt
to render t&eir wort& into oinage will %e only vaguely aurate' at %est.
0n addition' any kind o/ estate or &olding will reFuire !aintenane o/ its %uildings
and lands' as well as t&e &iring and /eeding o/ a potentially very large sta// o/ servants to
per/or! a variety o/ tasks.
+&e spei/is o/ t&ese osts are %eyond t&e sope o/ t&is %ook BSee The Castle
,uide /or !ore in/or!ationC. Players s&ould %e aware t&at owning lands is not si!ply a
!atter o/ gaining a piee o/ property /or t&eir &araters and t&en sitting %ak and
wat&ing t&e !oney roll in.
+itles o/ no%ility an signi/y wealt& in several di//erent ways. Oasionally' a title
will inlude a straig&t/orward annual salary in gold piees. 4ore o/ten it will entitle t&e
owner to a ertain a!ount o/ ta1 revenue' %ased on t&ose w&o la%or under t&e titled
&araters protetion. 0t is even possi%le t&at t&e gaining o/ a title !ay ost a &arater
!oney' depending on t&e deeds and needs o/ t&e titled &arater and &is liege.
So!eti!es a title will inlude t&e rig&t to own an estate Bsee ,and and )oldings
a%oveC. "ven i/ an estate is not inluded' a newly titled &arater !ay %e /ored to
pur&ase an appropriate piee o/ property to do *ustie to &is e1alted rank.
A &arater w&o owns a s&op or ot&er %usinessDor w&o &as ontri%uted !oney to
t&e owner o/ su& an esta%lis&!entD&as a /or! o/ wealt& represented %y t&e %usiness.
+&is inludes t&e %uilding w&ere t&e s&op is loated' as well as t&e !aterial goods wit&in.
So!e e1a!ples inlude t&e lay' potters w&eel' and /inis&ed rokery in a potters s&op'
and %arrels o/ ale and /oodstu//s /or an inn.
+&e %usiness itsel/ is o/ten an intangi%le' %ut nevert&eless very real' aspet o/ a
&araters wealt&. 0/ UBlutars PlaeV esta%lis&es a reputation in a ity as a /riendly inn
/or !erenaries' even i/ t&e %uilding %urns down and is re%uilt in a new loation' &anes
are good t&at t&e !erenaries will /ind it and keep o!ing %ak. BO/ ourse' i/ t&eyre t&e
ones w&o %urned it down in t&e /irst plae' t&e owners !ig&t want to try and upgrade
t&eir lienteleLC
+&is type o/ asset is !ost likely to our in a 4iddle Ages or later a!paign
De%ts an %e owed in e1&ange /or value or servies provided %y one &arater to
anot&er. 0ndeed' /or a transient adventurer' %eing owed !oney andPor servies %y ot&ers is
not a %ad way to !aintain wealt&.
3or e1a!ple' Blutar t&e /ig&ter drives a pak o/ %ullies out o/ a o!/orta%le inn.
+&e innkeeper' in gratitude' awards Blutar t&e %est roo! in t&e plaeDand /ree /ood and
drinkDw&enever &e is in town. Beause o/ t&is de%t' Blutar' even w&en &es %roke' an
live pretty &ig& on t&e &og.
O/ ourse' &araters need to take so!e are a%out t&eir de%tors. So!eone w&o
gets a lot o/ as& as a loan !ig&t suddenly deide to reloate' and t&en t&e de%t is no
good. Or' our a/ore!entioned tavern owner !ig&t get sik o/ Blutars apparently
insatia%le appetite and /ind an even %etter /ig&ter to drive Blutar out o/ t&e innDso !u&
/or t&e de%t.
Still' i/ a &arater goes t&roug& t&e a!paign world /reFuently &elping ot&ers
wit& servie and treasure' &e stands a !u& greater &ane o/ /inding ot&ers willing to
&elp &i! in ti!es o/ need.
(ays to Spend and Save 4oney +&e eono!ies o/ a!paign worlds vary widely.
At t&e !ost pri!itive level' !oney is an unknown oneptDVeono!isV is a !atter o/
/inding so!eone wit& t&e pro/iieny to do a ertain task' and t&en %artering' persuading'
or a*oling &i! to do it.
0n a !ore typial ga!e environ!ent' &owever' &araters will &ave !eans o/
ounting t&eir !oney' and an interest in aFuiring as !u& o/ it as t&ey an get t&eir
&ands on.
But w&at to do w&en t&at treasure sak gets too &eavy to arry aroundE O/ ourse'
a &arater an always onvert silver to gold' and t&en gold to ge!s' as a !eans o/
keeping &is !oney porta%le. 3or t&ose players w&o want to take a little !ore pratial
approa& to t&e pro%le!' &ere are so!e suggestions:
As e1plained under De%ts' a%ove' a &araters wealt& inludes t&ose /unds owed
&i! %y ot&er &araters. (&et&er &e wants to &arge interest' a &arater an keep a large
su! o/ !oney in &is own na!e %y allowing so!eone else to use it /or aw&ile.
+&ere are' o/ ourse' risks. "ven t&e !ost trusting &arater will want to get
so!et&ing in writing Bw&i& !ay entail /inding a sri%e or so!e /or!al witnessC. +&en
t&ere is t&e !atter o/ t&e de%tors &onesty' not to !ention t&e !is/ortunes t&at !ig&t
%e/all t&e /ortune. Still' %y lending &is !oney and taking an 0.O.< in e1&ange' a
&arater relieves &i!sel/ o/ t&e need to art all t&at treasure around.
+&e entrepreneurial spirit e1ists in virtually every environ!ent w&ere !oney is a
Fuanti/ia%le entity. 0n a a!paign' t&e entrepreneur is any%ody w&o spends &is !oney on
a risky venture t&at stands a &ane o/ !aking &i! a greater return t&an &is initial
+&ere are several !eans o/ doing t&isDa player needs to deide i/ &e wants &is
&arater involved in t&e daily work o/ t&e venture' or i/ &e wis&es to give &is !oney to a
trusted NPC and see w&at &appens.
A &arater an o//er to sponsor a talented NPC Bor PC' /or t&at !atterC. 0/ an
apprentie displays a great deal o/ pottery skill' t&e sponsor !ig&t %uy &i! a w&eel' lay'
dyes' and a s!all s&op in w&i& to work. 0n return' t&e potter would pay a portion o/ &is
earnings to &is sponsorDeit&er on an ongoing %asis' or until t&e de%t and interest &ave
%een paid o//.
Ot&er su%*ets o/ sponsors&ip an inlude entertainersD*ugglers' !instrels' ating
o!panies' and t&e likeD!er&ants Bsee +rading' %elowC' and any &arater w&o would
like to open a s!all s&op or tavern o/ &is own.
Business opportunities also an %e /ound in !any a!paign worlds. (&et&er a
player wants to open &is own %usiness' or pay /or anot&er &arater to take &is &anes'
!oney an %e spent to set up s&ops' inns' /erry and ot&er transport servies' and so on.
Nirtually any kind o/ servie or goods in t&e a!paign world will reFuire so!e initial
invest!ent %e/ore a PC or NPC an get started.
C&arity is not an invest!ent in any alulated /inanial sense' %ut it an pay %ig
dividends to a generous player &arater. Anyone w&o !akes a pratie o/ s&aring &is
wealt& wit& t&ose less /ortunate will earn a deep and lasting sense o/ gratitude /ro! t&ose
&e &elps. +&e ar&etype o/ t&is role' o/ ourse' is t&e legendary /igure o/ $o%in )ood.
+&is gratitude an %e !ani/est in !any ways. 0/ /ortunes reverse' a
/or!erlyHwealt&y &arater an /ind t&at t&ose &e one aided are now willing to aid &i!
in return. +oo' t&ose w&o %ene/it /ro! a PCs &arity will tend to regard t&eir %ene/ator
Fuite protetively. +&ey will pass along in/or!ation a%out t&e plans and intentions o/ t&e
PCs ene!ies' and even seek to t&wart t&ose plans %y diversion' pretended ignorane' and
so /ort&.
+&is !edieval /or! o/ de%tors&ip represents a pay!ent !ade %y a knig&t or ot&er
&arater w&o owes /ealty to a &ig&er lord. 0n lieu o/ *oining t&e rulers urrent !ilitary
a!paign' t&e &arater an pay a sutage /ee. O/ten t&e king will welo!e a pay!ent o/
gold or ge!stones even !ore t&an &e would t&e servies o/ one !ore %lade. Alternately'
i/ t&e PC is t&e ranking &arater' &e an /ind &is o//ers swelled %y t&e ranks o/ &is
/ollowers w&o &ave !ore i!portant t&ings to do t&an &elp &i! slay t&e pesky dragon' or
drive o// t&e !arauding ors.
+&e e1at ter!s o/ sutage !ust %e negotiated. $elevant /ators will inlude t&e
dangers o/ t&e onte!plated a!paign' t&e wealt& o/ t&e underling' and t&e need o/ t&e
ruler to &ave &elp. Also' sutage !ay %e de!anded a/ter t&e /atDi/ t&e knig&t didnt
s&ow up w&en &e was e1peted' t&e king will pro%a%ly o!e to see &i! a/ter t&e
a!paign. 0n t&is ase t&e sutage /ee will %e signi/iantly &ig&er t&an t&e previously
negotiated settle!ent.
One o/ t&e !ost ti!eH&onored !eans o/ !aking !oney involves taking so!et&ing
a &arater &as in plenty' and arrying it w&ere t&at plenti/ul ite! is in great de!and.
0deally' t&e &arater t&en gat&ers so!e argo t&at will draw &ig& pries w&en &e returns
&o!e. +rading !issions an our over land or water.
A &arater !ay ontri%ute !oney to a sea aptain w&os planning to arry a load
o/ loal wool' wine' and dye aross a s!all sea. On t&e /ar s&ore' t&e sea!an will %arter
/or spies' silk' and steel. (&en &e returns and sells t&ose goods loally' all t&e investors
will ideally reeive t&eir s&are o/ t&e pro/its.
+&e trials and tri%ulations /aed %y su& traveling !er&ants are too nu!erous to
ount. S&ips sink' sandstor!s satter desert aravans' and %andits prey on
weaklyHde/ended parties.
+rading e1peditions an !ake splendid adventures' i/ t&e players are interested in
sending t&eir &araters on su& a trek. Alternately' a wealt&y PC an put &is /unds at t&e
disposal o/ a reputa%le sea aptain or !er&ant and see w&at kind o/ pro/its or losses
result. +&e D4 will need to ad*udiate t&ese atte!pts' /atoring in distane traveled' risks
o/ weat&er' terrain and %anditry' and t&e relative wort& o/ t&e goods in t&eir points o/
departure and arrival.
3or e1a!ple' a &arater gat&ers t&e /unds to pur&ase 766 !ules' 766 pak
saddles' and :66 %olts o/ /ine wool. )is *ourney will take &i! over a !ountain range and
t&roug& a /orest known to ontain go%lins. 0/ t&e PCs ao!pany t&e aravan' t&e D4
ould present attaks %y gri//ons in t&e &eig&ts' several &arassing attaks %y go%lins' one
!a*or a!%us&' and a &allenging river rossing. "a& o/ t&ese !ig&t ost t&e aravan one
or !ore !ules' and several loads !ig&t %e lost in t&e river even i/ t&e !ules !ake it
aross. (&en t&e aravan rea&es its destination' t&e &araters an also roleHplay t&e
%artering o/ t&e wool /or ot&er goods or treasure. 0n t&e end' t&e pro/it or loss o/ t&e
!ission will %e a !atter o/ ga!ing adventure.
Alternately' t&e &arater !ig&t /und a group o/ NPCs to per/or! t&is !ission.
+&e D4 will t&en *udge t&e risks and losses o/ t&e !ission' as well as t&e &onesty o/ t&e
NPCs. A/ter a suita%le period o/ ga!e ti!e &as passed' t&ose NPCs will B&ope/ullyC s&ow
up at t&e PCs &o!e %ase to give &i! &is pro/its.
Disposition o/ (ealt&D"1a!ple
.ronyard' a !ig&ty warrior' returns /ro! an e1tended adventure during w&i& &e
resues t&e daug&ter o/ t&e king /ro! an evil dragon' slays t&e dragon' and aFuires so!e
75'666 gold piees wort& o/ treasureDge!s' oins' and a preious arti/at' a o!% o/
gold' studded wit& dia!onds.
<pon &is return to ivili-ation' .ronyard is !ade a %aron %y t&e king' w&o is
tre!endously grate/ul t&at &is daug&ter was spared. +&e title inludes a large &ouse t&at is
in need o/ so!e repair' %ut does not inlude owners&ip o/ any signi/iant lands.
<p to t&is point' .ronyard an as& in so!e o/ &is treasure /or &arater pointsD
:'666 gp /or ea& point. )owever' &e deides not to do t&is. 0nstead' &e invests 5'666 to
/i1 up t&e &ouse' and anot&er 9'666 to %uy a large swat& o/ pri!e /ar!land. )e deides to
keep t&e golden o!% Bwort& a%out 8'666C as &is porta%le treasure' w&i& leaves &i!
anot&er 5'666 gp as spenda%le assets.
(it& t&at !oney &e invests in a aravan o/ goods w&i& an travel t&roug& t&e
newly opened !ountain pass Bnow t&at .ronyard &as slain t&e dragon t&at used to %lok
t&e way.C
0/ .ronyard now deides to %uy a &arater point' t&e ost will still %e :'666 gp
%eause &e ant divest &i!sel/ o/ liFuid assets *ust %e/ore !aking t&is trade.
.ronyard also &as so!e intangi%le wealt&' in t&at t&e king is still going to %e
grate/ul /or &is daug&ters li/e. 0/ .ronyard needs a &and' &anes are t&at t&e king will
re!e!%er t&is de%t. On t&e ot&er &and' t&e king will also re!e!%er .ronyard as a
!ig&ty warriorDi/ t&e !onar& needs a stalwart %attle aptain' &e !ay de!and
.ronyards servies. 0/ our &ero is unwilling Bor per&aps una%le' /or e1a!ple i/ &e
ao!panied &is goods aravanC' t&an &e !ig&t &ave to pay a signi/iant sutage /eeD
per&aps even &anding over &is treasure golden o!%L
As t&e year passes' .ronyards wealt& will &ange. )is &ouse and lands will
reFuire upkeep' and servants will &ave to %e paid. Still' &is tenants !ig&t provide &i!
wit& ta1 ino!e' or &is trading aravan !ig&t return wit& goods wort& two or t&ree ti!es
&is initial invest!entL
"nu!%rane and 4ove!ent The >)&) *asters !ptions: Skills and Powers rules
retain t&e enu!%rane ategories BNone' ,ig&t' 4oderate' )eavy' SevereC /a!iliar to
players. As always' t&e level o/ detail /or enu!%rane rules is a !atter /or D4s and
players alike to &oose.
+&e rules o/ t&is setion are intended to o//er strea!lining optionsDways t&at
players an retain t&e neessary details o/ enu!%rane wit&out Fuite so !u&
!at&e!atial preision. And' as always' t&eyre designed to add a /ew new ele!ents o/
"ven t&e /astest sprinter wont !ove so Fuikly w&en &es arrying 7:6 pounds o/
ar!or' weapons' and adventuring gear. A &araters enu!%rane /alls into /ive
ategories: None' ,ig&t' 4oderate' )eavy' and Severe. "nu!%rane is desri%ed in t&e
Players Handbook in C&apter Si1: 4oney and "Fuip!ent.
+o deter!ine t&e &araters enu!%rane ategory' /ind &is Strengt& and read
aross t&e ta%le. +&e nu!%ers on t&e ta%le are t&e %reakpoints /or ea& ategory. A
&arater wit& a Strengt& o/ 7: is not enu!%ered until &e &as 9@ pounds o/ gear' ,ig&tly
enu!%ered until &e &as J@ pounds o/ gear' 4oderately enu!%ered until &e arries 77@
pounds o/ gear' and )eavily enu!%ered up to a load o/ 7:@ pounds.
+o alulate a !onsters strengt& /or t&is purpose' add 87W5 points per si-e
ategory Brounded downC to t&e !onsters %ase )it Die Bignoring plussesC.
Si!pli/ied "nu!%rane
0/ t&e standard enu!%rane rules arent wort& t&e trou%le' &eres an easier way to
do it. 4ost o/ t&e weig&t a &arater arries is in ar!or and weapons. +o strea!line
t&ings' only use t&e &araters ar!or' s&ield' and largest weapon w&en /iguring t&e total
weig&t arried. +&is slig&tly /avors PCs' %ut its !u& /aster t&an traking every addition
o/ weig&t.
"1panded Base 4ove!ent
C&araters w&o &ave a &ig& sore in eit&er De1terityPBalane or
Strengt&PSta!ina' or %ot&' an inrease t&eir %ase !ove!ent allowane a%ove t&e @ or 75
/or &araters o/ t&eir rae.
3or &araters wit& &ig& Strengt&PSta!ina sores' add t&e &araters Attak
ad*ust!ent B%onus added on rolls to &itC to t&e &araters %ase !ove!ent allowane.
0/ a &arater &as a &ig& De1terityPBalane sore' add t&e &araters
$eationPAttak ad*ust!ent to t&e %ase !ove!ent allowane.
A &arater wit& !ultiple &ig& sores an add t&e %onuses /ro! %ot& o/ t&ese
+a%le 9:: Strengt& and "nu!%rane
C&arater "nu!%rane Category
Strengt& ,ig&t 4oderate )eavy Severe
8 @ ; J 76
:R9 77 7: 7; 56
@R; 57 56 8> :;
JR> 8@ 97 @@ J7
76R77 :7 9> ;; >;
75R78 :@ ;6 >: 77J
7:R79 9@ J@ 77@ 7:@
7@ ;7 767 787 7@7
7; J@ 755 79J 7>:
7J 777 796 7J> 55J
7JP67 78@ 7;9 57: 598
7JP97 7@7 566 58> 5;J
7JP;@ 7J@ 559 5@: 868
7JP>7 58@ 5;9 87: 898
7JP66 88@ 8;9 :7: :98
A reatures /inal !ove!ent is /igured %y o!paring urrent enu!%rane wit&
natural %ase !ove!ent.
+a%le 99: 4ove!ent and "nu!%rane
Base "nu!%rane Category
4ove None ,ig&t 4oderate )eavy Severe
7 7 7 7 7 7
5 5 5 7 7 7
8 8 5 5 7 7
: : 8 5 7 7
9 9 : 8 7 7
@ @ : 8 5 7
; ; 9 : 5 7
J J @ : 5 7
> > ; 9 5 7
76 76 ; 9 8 7
77 77 J @ 8 7
75 75 > @ 8 7
78 78 76 ; 8 7
7: 7: 77 ; : 7
79 79 75 J : 7
7@ 7@ 75 J : 7
7; 7; 78 > : 7
7J 7J 7: > 9 7
0n addition to a//eting &ow /ar a &arater an !ove in a o!%at round'
enu!%rane also a//ets &ow well a &arater an /ig&t. 4oderately enu!%ered
&araters su//er a R7 penalty to attak rolls. )eavily enu!%ered &araters su//er a R5
attak penalty' and t&eir Ar!or Class su//ers a M7 penalty. 0/ t&e &arater is severely
enu!%ered' &e su//ers a R: penalty to all attaks and a M8 penalty to &is Ar!or Class.
$eording Bulk BOptional $uleC
0n addition to weig&t' t&e ite!s o/ eFuip!ent are given a %ulk ratingDan
e1pansion o/ t&e earlier ategories S' 4' and ,. +&e %ulk ratings are separate /ro!
weig&t' and represent &ow !u& spae ea& o%*et takes up.
S!all Si-e BSC O6' 7' 5 %ulk points
4ediu! Si-e B4C O8' :' 9 %ulk points
,arge Si-e B,C O@T or !ore %ulk points
TSo!e large o%*ets' partiularly weapons' will atually &ave lower %ulk points t&an @.
Sine t&e weapon si-e is pri!arily a /ator o/ lengt&' t&ese ite!s an %e transported wit&
relative ease.
Players w&o want t&e added realis! an keep trak o/ &ow !any points o/ %ulk
t&ey are arrying. +&e rule is espeially use/ul /or planning a trading aravan and
alulating &ow !any goods an individual porter or %east o/ %urden an arry. Nessels
su& as paks and pou&es are li!ited in &ow !u& %ulk t&ey an arry:
5ac6pac6s an vary in si-e' and t&ey &old an a!ount o/ %ulk eFual to a
&araters Strengt& sore.
5elt pouches an &old up to 8 %ulk points. A single &arater an wear no !ore
t&an two %elt pou&es.
!addlebags B&orse or !uleC an &old up to : %ulk points' and ea& ani!al arries
two saddle%ags. +&e apaities o/ so!e ot&er ani!als inlude Bper saddle%agC: dogO7I
donkeyP%urroO8I a!elO76I elep&antO56.
"//ets o/ Bulk
A &u!an &arater an arry an a!ount o/ %ulk eFual to &is Strengt&PSta!ina
sore wit&out su//ering any ill e//ets. 0/ &e tries to arry !ore %ulk t&an &is sore allows'
&e su//ers one penalty in enu!%rane lass. 3or e1a!ple' i/ Blutar' wit& a
Strengt&PSta!ina o/ 7;' is loaded down wit& 56 %ulk points o/ lig&t !aterial' &is
enu!%rane !ig&t only %e ,ig&t' %ut /or ga!e purposes it is treated as 4oderate.
S!aller &araters an arry less t&an t&eir Strengt&PSta!ina sore in %ulk %e/ore
t&ey su//er t&e enu!%rane penalty' as /ollows:
8alflings and gno%es an arry 7P5 t&eir StrPSta!ina sore in %ulk.
2lves an arry t&eir Strengt&PSta!ina R8 in %ulk points.
Dwarves an arry t&eir Strengt&PSta!ina R7.
A &araters weapon does not ount toward &is %ulk rating' t&oug& a s&ield does.
Ar!or is not ounted as %ulk' %ut it &as t&e e//et o/ lowering t&e total %ulk t&e &arater
ould ot&erwise %ear. See t&e eFuip!ent ta%les to deter!ine t&e apaity penalties /or
ea& type o/ ar!or.
No &arater an arry !ore t&an twie &is Strengt&PSta!ina sore in %ulk.
$eording "nu!%rane BSi!pli/iedC
C&araters an si!pli/y t&e reording o/ enu!%rane /or purposes o/ t&e Skills
and Powers rules. 3or !ost enounters' deter!ine t&e &araters enu!%rane %y
onsidering only &is ar!or' s&ield and largest weapon. +&ese are generally t&e !ost
signi/iant parts o/ &is load' and t&us will provide a reasona%ly aurate rating.
0/ t&e &arater is arrying a!ping or e1ploring eFuip!ent' or trade goods' e1tra
supplies' et.' t&e additional enu!%rane also an %e si!pli/ied. 0/ t&e &arater is
arrying a %akpak' /igure 76 pounds i/ &e &as !isellaneous e1ploring eFuip!ent
Brope' lantern' oil' spikes' et.C' 56 pounds /or a!ping eFuip!ent B%edroll' loak or spare
lot&es' tinder%o1 and /oodC. Add only /iveHpound inre!ents /or e1tra ite!sDtrade
goods' treasure' e1tra oil /lasks' et.
+&e eFuip!ent ta%les at t&e end o/ t&is &apter ontain a weig&t /or every listed
ite!. Players and D4s an use t&ese weig&ts to alulate e1at &arater loads.
"Fuip!ent +a%les
Table '): !tone Age<!avage !ettings
B0talii-ed entries are only present in !etalHusing ultures.C
Ad-eI A1e' stoneI 4attle a:eI BlowgunD%ar%ed dart' needleI BolaI Boo!erangI Bow'
s&ortDarrow' stone' arrow# $lightI lu%I )agger' Bone dagger' Stone daggerI )artB Hand
a:eB HarpoonB Bone &arpoonI Aa3elinI Stone *avelinI Cni$eI Bone kni/eI Stone kni/eI
,assoI *acheteI Quartersta//I $okI SlingDSling stoneI SpearB Throwing Cni$eI (ar
Cord ar!orI )ide ar!orI ,eat&erI PaddedI Studded leat&erI (oodPBone
Ani%als: CattleI Dog' warI DonkeyI .oatI )orseDdra/tI S&eep
,heeled: ChariotB Cart
,atercraft: CanoeB CurraghI $a/t
Table '+: 5ronHe Age<Ancient !ettings
B0talii-ed weapons &ave a li!ited availa%ility %ased on t&e D4s disretion' as t&ey were
not as o!!on as t&e ot&er weapons.C
Ad-eI Battle a1eI Bow Blong %ow' s&ort %ow' o!posite s&ort %owCDArrow' /lig&tI
CestusI DaggerI DartI )andP+&rowing a1eI #avelinI ,ane' lig&tI 4ae' /oot!anI 4ae'
&orse!ansI *ace@a:eI PikeI Quartersta//I SpearI Spear' longI Sta// slingDstinkpot'
stoneI Sword B4road sword' 2&opes&' Sapara' S&ort' SwordHa1eI +ridentI Two@ handed
a:eI (ar&a!!erI (ar lu%
Bron-e plateI Cord ar!orI )ide ar!orI ,eat&erI ,ig&t saleI PaddedI $ing !ailI SaleI
Studded leat&erI (oodPBone
Ani%als: CattleI DogDwar' &untingI DonkeyI .oatI )orsesDdra/t' riding' lig&t warI
,heeled: C&ariotI Cart
,atercraft: CanoeI Currag&I Dro!ondI $a/t
Table '@: Cultures of the #o%an Age
B0talii-ed weapons are assoiated wit& %ar%arians or e!pireH/rontier areas.C
Battle a1eI Bow Blong %ow' s&ort %ow' o!posite s&ort %owCDArrow' /lig&tI CestusI
DaggerI DartI Hand(Throwing a:eI #avelinI ,ane Blig&t' !ediu!CI 4ae' /oot!anI
4ae' &orse!ansI NetI Pilu!I Quartersta//I SpearI Spear' longI Sta$$ slingDstinkpot'
stoneI Sword B4road sword' Drusus' .ladius' Spat&aC +ridentI (ar&a!!er
Banded 4ailI Bron-e plateI ,eat&erI ,ig&t saleI PaddedI $ing !ailI SaleI Studded
Ani%als: CattleI DogDwar' &unting' guardI DonkeyI "lep&antI .oatI )orsesDdra/t'
riding' lig&t war' !ediu! warI )unting atI S&eep
,heeled: C&ariotI Cart B5 w&eeledC
,atercraft: CanoeI CoasterI Currag&I Dro!ondI .alleyI $a/t
Table '.: Dar6 Ages
B0talii-ed weapons are !ade in !ore ivili-ed real!s or are late develop!ents o/ t&e
period' and !ay not %e availa%le at t&e D4s disretion.C
Battle a1eI Bow Blong %ow' s&ort %ow' composite short bowC' Arrow B/lig&t' s&ea/CI
CaltropI Cross%ow B2ight crossbow' Pellet %owC' B2ight 'uarrel' PelletCI DaggerI DartI
)andP+&rowing a1eI #avelinI ,ane Blig&t' !ediu!CI 4ae' /oot!ansI 4ae'
&orse!ansI Quartersta//I SpearI Spear' longI Sta// slingDstinkpot' stoneI Sword BBroad
sword' 2ong sword# Sabre' S&ort swordCI +woH&anded a1eI (ar&a!!er
Bron-e plateI C&ain !ailI ,eat&erI ,ig&t saleI 4etal la!ellarI PaddedI $ing !ailI SaleI
Studded leat&er
Ani%als: CattleI DogDwar' &unting' guardI DonkeyI .oatI )orsesDdra/t' riding' lig&t
war' !ediu! war' &eavy warI S&eep
,heeled: C&ariotI Cart B5 w&eeledC
,atercraft: CanoeI CoasterI Currag&I Dro!ondI .alleyI $a/t
Table )7: The Crusades
Battle a1eI Bow B,ong %ow' S&ort %ow' Co!posite long %ow' Co!posite s&ort %owC'
Arrow B3lig&t' S&ea/' PileCI CaltropI Cross%ow B,ig&t ross%ow' )eavy ross%ow' Pellet
%owC' B,ig&t Fuarrel' )eavy Fuarrel' PelletCI Dagger' StilettoI 3lail' /oot!ansI 3lail'
&orse!ansI )andP+&rowing a1eI #avelinI ,ane B,ig&t' 4ediu!' )eavy' #oustingCI
4ae' /oot!ansI 4ae' &orse!ansI 4aulI 4orningstarI Pik' /oot!ansI Pik'
&orse!ansI Polear! BAwl pike' Bardi&e' Be de or%in' Bill' Bill .uisar!e' 3a&aurd'
.laive' .laiveHguisar!e' .uisar!e' )al%erd' ,uern &a!!er' 4ilitary /orkCI
Quartersta//I SpearI Sta// slingDstinkpot' stoneI Sword BBastard sword' Broad sword'
3al&ion' ,ong sword' Sa%re' S&ort sword' +woH&anded swordCI (ar&a!!er
C&ain !ailI 0!proved !ailI ,eat&erI 4etal la!ellarI PaddedI Plate !ailI SaleI Studded
Ani%als: CattleI DogDwar' &unting' guardI DonkeyI .oatI )orsesDdra/t' riding' lig&t
war' !ediu! war' &eavy warI S&eep
,heeled: C&ariotI Cart B5 w&eeledCI wagon
,atercraft: CanoeI CoasterI CogI Currag&I Dro!ondI .alleyI 2narrI ,ongs&ipI
Table )1: >ate -iddle Ages<#enaissance
Battle a1eI BrandistokI Bow B,ong %ow' S&ort %ow' Co!posite long %ow' Co!posite
s&ort %owC' Arrow B3lig&t' S&ea/' PileCI CaltropI Cross%ow B,ig&t ross%ow' )eavy
ross%ow' Pellet %owC' B,ig&t Fuarrel' )eavy Fuarrel' PelletCI Dagger' 4ainHgau&e'
Parrying dagger' StilettoI 3lail' /oot!ansI 3lail' &orse!ansI )andP+&rowing a1eI ,ane
B,ig&t' 4ediu!' )eavy' #oustingCI 4ae' /oot!ansI 4ae' &orse!ansI 4anat&erI
4aulI 4orningstarI Pik' /oot!ansI Pik' &orse!ansI Polear! BAwl pike' Bill'
BillHguisar!e' .laiveHguisar!e' )al%erd' 4ilitary /ork' Partisan' $anseur' Spetu!'
NoulgeCI Quartersta//I SpearI Sta// slingDstinkpot' stoneI Sword BBastard sword' Broad
sword' Clay!ore' Cutlass' 3al&ion' ,ong sword' $apier' Sa%re' S&ort sword'
+woH&anded swordCI (ar &a!!er
BrigandineI C&ain !ailI 3ield plateI 3ull plateI ,eat&erI 4etal la!ellarI PaddedI Plate
!ailI Splint !ailI Studded leat&er
Ani%als: CattleI DogDwar' &unting' guardI DonkeyI .oatI )orsesDdra/t' riding' lig&t
war' !ediu! war' &eavy warI S&eep
,heeled: C&ariotI Cart B5 w&eeledCI wagon
,atercraft: CanoeI CaravelI CoasterI CogI Currag&I DrakkarI Dro!ondI .alleyI .reat
galleyI 2narrI ,ongs&ipI $a/tPkeel%oat
Table )2: -iddle 2astern Cultures
AnkusI Bag& nak&I Battle a1eI BlowgunI Bow BCo!posite long %ow' Co!posite s&ort
%owC' Arrow' /lig&tI C&ainI C&akra!I Cross%ow B)and ross%ow' ,ig&t ross%ow' Pellet
%owC' B)and Fuarrel' ,ig&t Fuarrel' PelletCI Dagger' #a!%iya' 2atarI DartI 3lail'
/oot!ansI 3lail' &orse!ansI )andP+&rowing a1eI #avelinI ,ane B,ig&t' 4ediu!CI
4ae' /oot!ansI 4ae' &orse!ansI 4anat&erI Polear! BAwl pike' .laive' )al%erd'
4ilitary /orkC Quartersta//I SpearI Spear' longI Sword BCutlass' .reat si!itar' ,ong
sword' Sa%re' Si!itar' S&ort sword' +ulwarCI +rident
BrigandineI C&ain !ailI CordI )ideI 0!proved !ailI ,eat&erI ,ig&t saleI 4etal
la!ellarI PaddedI SaleI Studded leat&er
Ani%als: DogDwar' &unting' guardI Ca!el DonkeyI .oatI )orsesDdra/t' riding' lig&t
war' !ediu! warI S&eep
,heeled: C&ariotI Cart B5 w&eeledCI wagon
,atercraft: CanoeI CoasterI CogI Dro!ondI .alleyI .reat galleyI $a/tPkeel%oat
Table )": :riental Cultures
AnkusI Battle a1eI BlowgunI Bo stikI Bow BCo!posite long %ow' Co!posite s&ort %ow'
S&ort %owC' Arrow B3lig&t' S&ea/CI C&ainI C&akra!I C&i*ikiriI Cross%ow BC&oHkuHnoI
,ig&t ross%ow' Pellet %owC' B)and Fuarrel' ,ig&t Fuarrel' PelletCI DaggerI DartI .unsenI
)and a1eI #avelinI #itteI 2a!aI 2au sin keI 2awanagaI 2usariHga!aI ,ane B,ig&t'
4ediu!CI 4ae' /oot!ansI 4ae' &orse!ansI 4anat&erI Nun&akuI Polear! BAwl
pike' ,a*atang' Nagi!aki' +etsu%oCI SaiI Sang kauwI S&urikenI SpearI Spear' longI
Sword BCutlass' 2atana' Nin*aHto' NoHda&i' Sa%re' S&ort sword' +ulwar' (aki-as&iCI
BrigandineI C&ain !ailI CordI )ideI ,eat&erI ,ig&t saleI PaddedI $ing !ailI Splint
!ailI Studded leat&er
Ani%als: DogDwar' &unting' guardI DonkeyI "lep&antI .oatI )orsesDdra/t' riding'
lig&t war' !ediu! warI S&eep
,heeled: C&ariotI Cart B5 w&eeledCI wagon
,atercraft: CanoeI CoasterI CogI Dro!ondI .alleyI $a/tPkeel%oat
4aster "Fuip!ent +a%les
Table )&: ,eapons
,eight !peed Da%age
,eapon Cost FlbsG!iHe Tpe Factor !%M-ed >arge
Ad-e 8 sp : SB5C SPP : 7d:M7 7d:
Ankus 8 gp : 4B:C PPB @ 7d: 7d:
A1e' stone: 9 sp @ 4B8C BPS @ 7d@ 7d:
Bag& nak& : sp 7 SB5C S 5 E E
Battle a1e 9 gp ; 4B9C S ; 7dJ 7d76
Blowgun: 7 gp 7 ,B:C D 9 D D
Bar%ed dart 7 sp 5 SB6C P D 7d8 7d5
Needle 5 p 5 SB6C P D 7 D
Bo stik 9 p : ,B9C B 8 7d@ 7d:
Bolas 9 sp 5 4B8C B J 7d8 7d5
Boo!erang7 9 sp 5 SB7C B : 7d: 7d:
Arrow' /lig&t 8 spP755 SB7C P D 7d@ 7d@
Arrow' s&ea/ 8 spP@ 5 SB7C P D 7dJ 7dJ
Arrow' pile 8 spP@ 5 SB7C P D 7d@ 7d@
Arrow' stone7 8 pP755 SB7C P D 7d: 7d:
s&ort %ow: ;9 gp 5 4B8C D @ D D
long %ow 766 gp 8 ,B@C D ;
,ong %ow: ;9 gp 8 ,B@C D ; D D
S&ort %ow: 86 gp 5 4B8C D ; D D
Brandistok 79 gp 9 4B9C P ; 7d@ 7d@
Caltrop 5 gpP75 5 SB7C P D 7 7d5
Cestus 7 gp 5 SB5C B 5 7d: 7d8
C&ain:9 sp 8 ,B8C B 9 7d:M7 7d:
C&akra! J sp 7 SB5C S : 7d: 7d8
C&i*ikiri: @ gp @ 4B8C PPB ; 7d@ 7dJ
Clu% D 8 4B8C B : 7d@ 7d8
C&oHkuHno 96 gp 75 4B9C D @ D D
)and ross%ow 796 gp 8 SB5C D 9 D D
)and Fuarrel 7 gp 5 SB6C P D 7d8 7d5
)eavy ross%ow 96 gp 7: 4B9C D 76 D D
)eavy Fuarrel 5 sp 5 SB7C P D 7dJM7 7d76M7
,ig&t ross%ow 89 gp ; 4B8C D ; D D
,ig&t Fuarrel 7 sp 5 SB7C P D 7d@M7 7dJM7
Pellet %ow 59 gp 9 4B:C D ; D D
Pellet 9 p 5 SB6C B D 7d: 7d:
Dagger5 gp 7 SB5C P 5 7d: 7d8
Bone dagger7 7 sp 7 SB7C P 5 7d5 7d5
#a!%iya : gp 7 SB7C PPS 8 7d: 7d:
2atar 8 gp 7 SB7C P 5 7d8M7 7d8
4ainDgau&e 8 gp 5 SB5C PPS 5 7d: 7d8
Parrying dagger 9 gp 7 SB5C P 5 7d8 7d8
Stiletto J sp 7W5 SB7C P 5 7d8 7d5
Stone dagger7 5 sp 7 SB7C P 5 7d8 7d5
Dart 9 sp 7W5 SB7C P 5 7d8 7d5
3lail' /oot!ans 79 gp 79 ,B@C B ; 7d@M7 5d:
3lail' &orse!anss J gp 9 4B9C B @ 7d:M7 7d:M7
.unsen : gp 7 SB5C BPP 5 7d8 7d5
)andPt&rowing a1e7 gp 9 4B8C S : 7d@ 7d:
Table )&: ,eapons Fcont;G
,eight !peed Da%age
(eapon Cost Bl%sC Si-e +ype 3ator S!D4ed ,arge
)arpoon: 56 gp @ ,B;C P ; 5d: 5d@
Bone &arpoon:7 7 gp 9 ,B;C P ; 7d@ 7d76
#avelin 9 sp 5 4B:C P : 7d@ 7d@
Stone *avelin7 9 p 5 4B:C P : 7d: 7d:
#itte 9 sp 5 SB5C P 5 7d: 7d5
2a!a 5 gp 5 SB5C PPS : 7d@ 7d:
2au sin ke 8 gp : 4B:C B @ 7dJ 7d@
2awanaga: 7 gp 7 SB5C PPB ; 7d8 7d5
2ni/e 9 p 7W5 SB7C PPS 5 7d8 7d5
Bone kni/e7 8 sp 7W5 SB7C PPS 5 7d5 7d5
Stone kni/e7 9 p 7W5 SB7C PPS 5 7d5 7d5
+&rowing kni/e 9 gp : 4B8C SPP J 5d: 7d@M7
2usariDga!a: : gp 8 4B:C SPPPB @ 7d@ 7d:
,ig&t9 @ gp 9 ,B;C P @ 7d@ 7dJ
4ediu!9 76 gp 76 ,BJC P ; 7d@M7 5d@
)eavy9 79 gp 79 ,B>C P 76 7dJM7 8d@
#ousting9 56 gp 56 ,B>C B 76 7d8R7 7d5R7
,asso 9 sp 8 4B8C D 76 D D
4ae' /oot!ans Jgp 76 4B:C B ; 7d@M7 7d@
4ae' &orse!ans 9gp @ 4B8C B @ 7d@ 7d:
4aeDa1e 75 gp > 4B:C BPS J 5d: 7d@M7
4a&ete J gp 9 4B8C S @ 7dJ 7dJ
4anat&er@ 86 gp J ,B;C D ; D D
4aul : gp 76 ,B9C B J 5d: 7d76
4orningstar 76 gp 75 4B9C BPP ; 5d: 7d@M7
Net 9 gp 76 4B9C D 76 D D
Nun&aku 9 sp 8 4B8C B 8 7d@ 7d@
Pilu! 7 gp 8 4B:C P 9 7d@ 7d@
Pik' /oot!ans J gp @ 4B9C P ; 7d@M7 5d:
Pik' &orse!ans ; gp : 4B9C P 9 7d:M7 7d:
Pike8: 9 gp 75 ,B;C P 78 7d@ 7d75
Awl Pike8 9 gp 75 ,BJC P 78 7d@ 7d75
Bardi&e ; gp 75 ,BJC S > 5d: 5d@
Be de Cor%in: J gp 76 ,BJC PPB > 7dJ 7d@
Bill: ; gp 79 ,B;C PPS 76 5d: 7d76
BillD.uisar!e: ; gp 79 ,BJC PPS 76 5d: 7d76
3au&ard 9 gp ; ,BJC S J 7d@ 7dJ
.laive @ gp J ,BJC S J 7d@ 7d76
.laiveHH.uisar!e: 76 gp 76 ,B>C PPS > 5d: 5d@
.uisar!e: 9 gp J ,B;C S J 5d: 7dJ
)al%erd: 76 gp 79 ,B;C PPS > 7d76 5d@
,a*atang ; gp @ ,B;C S @ 7d76 7d76
Nagi!aki9 @ gp @ 4B9C S @ 7d@ 7dJ
Naginata9 J gp 76 ,B;C S ; 7dJ 7d76
,uern &a!!er:8 ; gp 79 ,BJC PPB > 5d: 7d@
4ilitary /ork 9 gp ; ,B;C P ; 7dJ 5d:
Partisan8 76 gp J ,B;C P > 7d@ 7d@M7
$anseur8 @ gp ; ,B;C P J 5d: 5d:
Spetu!8 9 gp ; ,B;C P J 7d@M7 5d@
+etsu%o : gp J ,B;C B ; 7dJ 7dJ
Noulge 9 gp 75 ,BJC S 76 5d: 5d:
Quartersta// D : ,B@C B : 7d@ 7d@
$ok D 7 SB7C B 5 7d8 7d5
Table )&: ,eapons Fcont;G
,eight !peed Da%age
,eapon Cost FlbsG!iHe Tpe Factor !%M-ed >arge
Sai 7 gp 5 SB7C B 5 7d: 7d5
Sang 2auw: 9 gp 76 ,B@C PPS ; 7dJ 7d@
S&uriken 8 sp 5 SB6C P 5 7d: 7d:
Sling 9 p 7 SB7C D @ D D
Bullet D 5 SB6C B D 7d:M7 7d@M7
Stone D 5 SB6C B D 7d: 7d:
Spear8 J sp 9 4B9C P @ D D
OneD&anded D D D D D 7d@ 7dJ
+woD&anded D D D D D 7d@M7 5d@
Spear' long8: 9 gp J ,B;C P J 5d@ 8d@
Spear' stone78 5 sp 9 4B:C P @
OneD&anded D D D D D 7d: 7d@
+woD&anded D D D D D 7d@ 5d:
Sta// sling 5 sp 5 4B9C D 77 D D
Stinkpot 7 sp 5 SB7C B D 7d8 7d8
Stone D 5 SB6C B D 7d:M7 7d@M7
Bastard sword 59 gp 76 4B@C S @ D D
OneD&anded D D D D D 7dJ 7d75
+woD&anded D D D D D 5d: 5dJ
Broad sword 86 gp : 4B9C S 9 5d: 7d@M7
Clay!ore: 59 gp J 4B9C S ; 5d: 5dJ
Cutlass 75 gp : 4B9C S 9 7d@M7 7dJM7
Drusus 96 gp 8 4B9C S 8 7d@M7 7dJM7
3al&ion 7; gp J 4B9C S 9 7d@M7 7d:
.ladius 76 gp 8 SB5C P 8 7d@ 7dJ
.reat si!itar @6 gp 7@ ,B@C S > 5d@ :d:
2atana 766 gp @ 4B9C SPP : D D
OneD&anded D D D D D 7d76 7d75
+woD&anded D D D D D 5d@ 5d@
2&opes& 79 gp ; 4B9C S > 5d: 7d@
,ong sword 79 gp : 4B9C S 9 7dJ 7d75
Nin*aDto 56 gp 9 4B:C SPP 8 7dJ 7d@
NoDda&i :9 gp 76 ,B@C SPP J 7d76 7d56
$apier 79 gp : 4B:C P : 7d@ 7dJ
Sa%re 7; gp 9 4B:C S 9 7d@M7 7dJM7
Sapara 76 gp : SB5C S 9 7d@M7 7d:
Si!itar 79 gp : 4B9C S 9 7dJ 7dJ
S&ort sword 79 gp 8 SB5C P 8 7d@ 7dJ
Spat&a 59 gp : 4B9C S 9 7dJ 7d75
SwordHa1e 56 gp 75 ,B@C S 76 7dJM7 7d75M7
+woH&anded sword 96 gp 79 ,B9C S 76 7d76 8d@
+ulwar 7; gp J 4B9C S 9 7d@M7 5d:
(aki-as&i 96 gp 8 4B9C SPP 8 7dJ 7dJ
+&reeDpiee rod 5 gp 8 4B9C B ; 7d@ 7d:
+rident 79 gp 9 ,B@C P ; D D
OneD&anded D D D D D 7d@M7 5d:
+woD&anded D D D D D 7dJM7 8d:
+woD&anded a1e: 79 gp 76 ,B;C S > 7d76 5dJ
(ar&a!!er 5 gp @ 4B9C B : 7d:M7 7d:
(ar lu% 5 gp @ 4B:C BPS ; 7d@M7 7d:M7
7 Bone or stone weapons &ave a 7 in @ &ane o/ %reaking any ti!e !a1i!u! da!age is
5 +&ese weapons weig& little individuallyI 76 eFual 7 pound.
8 +&ese weapons in/lit dou%le da!age w&en set to reeive a &arge.
: +&ese weapons reFuire two &ands to use' regardless o/ t&e wielders si-e.
9 +&ese weapons do dou%le da!age w&en used in a !ounted &arge.
@ +&is weapon dis!ounts a rider on a suess/ul &it.
Table )': -issile #anges and #ates of Fire
#angeF/' dsG
-issile Tpe #:F!hort -ed; >ong
Blowgun 5P7 5 : @
Bolas 7 @ 75 7J
Boo!erang 7 : J 75
Co!posite long %ow
D/lig&t arrow 5P7 J 7@ 8:
Ds&ea/ arrow 5P7 J 7@ 8:
Co!posite s&ort %ow 5P7 76 56 8@
,ong %ow
D/lig&t arrow 5P7 7: 5J :5
Ds&ea/ arrow 5P7 76 56 8:
S&ort %ow
D/lig&t arrow 5P7 76 56 86
Dstone arrow 5P7 J 7@ 5:
C&akra! 5P7 : J 75
Clu%P&a!!er 7 5 : @
C&oHkuHno 5P7 76 56 86
)and ross%ow 7 : J 75
)eavy ross%ow 7P5 7@ 85 :J
,ig&t ross%ow 7 75 5: 8@
$angeB19 ydsC
4issile +ype $O3 S&ort 4ed. ,ong
Pellet ross%ow 7 J 7@ 5:
DaggerP2ni/ePStiletto 5P7 5 : @
Dagger B%onePstoneC 5P7 5 8 :
Dart 8P7 5 : J
)andP+&rowing a1e 7 5 : @
)arpoon 7 5 : @
)arpoon' %one 7 5 8 :
#avelin 7 : J 75
#avelin' stone7 8 @ >
,ane' lig&t 7 5 8 :
,asso 7 5 : @
4ae' &orse!ans 7 5 8 :
$ok 5P7 5 : @
S&uriken 5P7 8 @ >
Sling %ullet 7 76 56 :6
Sling stone 7 J 7@ 5:
Spear 7 5 : @
Sta// sling stone'
stinkpot 7 @ 75 7J
+rident 7 5 8 :
Table )): Ar%or
Ar%or Tpe Cost F-ini%u%G ,eight Flbs;G AC Far%or onlG 5ul6 pointsK
Banded !ail566 gp 89 : 8
Brigandine 756 gp 89 @ 8
Bron-e plate !ail :66 gp :9 : :
C&ain !ail ;9 gp :6 9 5
Cord ar!or 76 gp 79 J 5
3ield plate 5'666 gp @6 5 9
3ull plate :'666R76'666 gp ;6 7 @
)ide ar!or 89 gp 86 @ 5
0!proved !ail 7J6 gp 96 : :
,eat&er 9 gp 79 J 7
4etal la!ellar 596 gp 89 @ 8
Padded: gp 76 J 5
Plate !ail @66 gp 96 8 :
$ing !ail :6 gp 86 ; 8
Sale !ail @6 gp :6 @ :
Splint !ail J6 gp :6 : :
Studded leat&er 56 gp 59 ; 5
(oodP%one ar!or 96 gp 56 @ 8
!hields Cost ,eight A Foes 5ul6 PointsK
Body B,argeC 76 gp 79 : 5
Bukler 7 gp 8 7 7
4ediu! ; gp ; 8 7
S!all 8 gp 9 5 7
T3or ar!or' t&is represents a redution in t&e %ulk point apaity t&at t&e &arater an
ot&erwise arry.
Table )+: -iscellaneous 2$uip%ent
0te% Cost ,eight 5ul6 Points1 0nitial Avail;
Bakpak 5 gp 5 7B5C any
Ds!all 5 gp 86 @ $o!an
Dlarge9 gp J6 7@ $o!an
Dlarge8 sp 7 9B9C any
Ds!all 9 p 8 5B5C any
Bell 7 gp 7 7 Bron-e age
Belt pou&
Dlarge7 gp 7 8B8C any
Ds!all ; sp \ 7B7C any
Blok and +akle 9 gp 9 5 $o!an
Bolt ase 7 gp 7 7 Crusades
Buket 9 sp 8 8B5C Crusades
C&ain Bper /t.C
D&eavy : gp 8 7 Crusades
Dlig&t 8 gp 7 7P5 Crusades
C&estDlarge 5 gp 59 76B>C Dark ages
Ds!all ; sp 76 9B:C Dark ages
Clot& B76 sF. yardsC
Do!!on ; gp 76 5 Bron-e age
D/ine 96 gp 76 5 $o!an
Dri& 766 gp 76 5 Crusades
Candle 7 p 8 6 Bron-e age
Canvas BsF. yardC : sp 7 6 $o!an
C&alk 7 p 8 6 any
Cra!pons : gp 5 7 Crusades
3is&&ook 7 sp 6 6 $o!an
3is&ing net B76 sF /t.C : gp 9 7 Bron-e age
3lint and steel 9 sp 8 6 $o!an
.lass %ottle 76 gp 8 7B7C Crusades
.rappling &ook J sp : 5 Crusades
)ourglass 59 gp 7 7 Crusades
0ron pot 9 sp 7 7B7C $o!an
,adder' 76 /t. 9 p 56 9 any
,anternD%eaon 796 gp 96 9 Crusades
D%ullseye 75 gp 8 7 Crusades
D&ooded ; gp 5 7 $o!an
Dgood 766 gp 7 6 Crusades
Dpoor 56 gp 7 6 $o!an
4agni/ying glass 766 gp \ 6 Bron-e age
4apPsroll ase J sp \ 6 Bron-e age
4er&ants sale 5 gp 7 7 Bron-e age
4irror' s!all !etal 76 gp \ 6 Crusades
4usial 0nstru!ent 9HH766 gp \HH@ 6D@ any
Oil Bper /laskC
D.reek /ire 76 gp 5 5 Bron-e age
Dla!p @ p 7 7 $o!an
Paper Bper s&eetC 5 gp 8 6 Crusades
Papyrus Bper s&eetC J sp 8 6 Bron-e age
Par&!ent Bs&eetC 7 gp : : $o!an
Per/u!e Bper vialC 9D766 gp 8 6 Bron-e age
Piton 8 p 7P5 6 $o!an
Quiver J sp 7 6B7C any
$ope Bper 96XC
D&e!p 7 gp 76 7 Bron-e age
Dsilk 76 gp 9 7 Crusades
0te! Cost (eig&t Bulk Points 0nitial Avail.
Dlarge5 sp \ 6B@C Bron-e age
Ds!all 9 p 8 6B8C Bron-e age
Sewing needle 9 sp 6 6 $o!an
Se1tant 56 gp 7 7 ,ate 4id. Ages
Signal w&istle J sp 8 6 Bron-e age
Signet ringPseal 9 gp 8 6 $o!an
SoapBper l%C 9 sp 7 \ $o!an
SpyglassPtelesope 7'666 gp 7 7 ,ate 4id. Ages
+ent' large 59 gp 56 5B/oldedC $o!an
Dpavilion 766 gp 96 :B/oldedC Crusades
Ds!all 9 gp 76 7B/oldedC Bron-e age
+&ieves piks 86 gp 7 6 $o!an
+or& 7 p \ 6 any
(ater lok 7'666 gp 566 75 Crusades
(a1 Bper l%C 7 gp 7 \ Bron-e age
(&etstone 5 p 7 7 any
(ineskin J sp 7 6B7C Bron-e age
(inter %lanket9 sp 8 7 Bron-e age
(riting ink BvialC J gp 8 6 $o!an
7 Bulk points in parent&eses represent t&e arrying apaity o/ t&e ite!I t&e nu!%er
%e/ore t&e parent&eses is t&e %ulk points w&en t&e ite! is e!pty.
5 A %akpak an arry %ulk points eFual to t&e &araters strengt&.
8 +&ese ite!s weig& little individuallyI 76 weig& 7 pound and eFual 7 %ulk point.
Table )@: 8ousehold Provisions<Trade ?oods
0te% Cost ,eight 5ul6 Points1 0nitial Avail;
Ale Blg. %arrelC 76 gp 96 7@ Dark ages
Ba!%oo B766 76X lengt&sC 7 gp 59 75 any
Bread Bloa/C 9 p 7P5 7P5 any
Butter Bper l%C 5 sp 7 7P: Bron-e age
C&eese Bper l%C : sp 7 7P: Dark ages
Coarse sugar Bper l%C 7 gp 7 7P: Crusades
Dry rations B7 weekC 76 gp : 7 any
"ggs Bper 766C J sp 76 : any
3igs Bper l%C 8 sp 7 7P: any
3irewood' 7 day supply 7 p 9 9 any
.rain Blg %arrelC 9 gp :6 7@ any
)er%s Bper l%C 9 p 7 7P5 any
0vory Bper tuskC 59 gp 59 : any
4eat '/res& per l%. 7 gp 7 7P: any
Nuts Bper l%C 7 gp 7 7P: any
Pikled /is&' s!all %arrel 8 gp 56 @ $o!an
$aisins Bper l%C 5 sp 7 7P: any
$ie Bper l%C 9 p 7 7P: any
Salt Bper l%C 7 sp 7 7P: any
Salt pork Bper l%C : sp 7 7P: Bron-e age
Salted &erring B766C 7 gp 76 : Bron-e age
Spie Bper l%C
De1oti 79 gp 7 7P5 Bron-e age
Drare 5 gp 7 7P5 any
Duno!!on 7 gp 7 7P5 any
Cider Blg %arrelC 5 gp 96 7@ Bron-e age
(ine Blg %arrelC
De1ellent 59 gp 96 7@ $o!an
D/air 75 gp 96 7@ Bron-e age
D&eap 9 gp 96 7@ any
Speial De!i&u!an "Fuip!ent
Table ).: Dwarven 2$uip%entK
0te% Cost ,eight 5ul6 Points
Close Co!%at (eapons
HHC&ain 3lail 7 gp 9 5
HH"l%ow Spike 7 gp 5 7 Nail 5 gp 5 7
HH)ead Spike 76 gp 76 8
HH2nee Spike 8 gp 5 7
Porta%le Ar& 596 gp J6 >
$okstriker Pik 766 gp 56 @
HHS!all 7666 gp 76666 7666
HH4ediu! 5666 gp 85666 8966
HH,arge9666 gp ;9666 >666
T 3or /urt&er in/or!ation see The Complete 4ook o$ )war3es
Table +7: 2lven 2$uip%entK
0te! Cost (eig&t Bulk Points
HH3lare 76 gp ] 6
HH4essage 5 sp ] 6
"lven Bow 796 gp J :
"lven C&ain 4ail 7666 gp 76 7
"lven )arp 966H5966 76H766 8H>
"lven Plate Ar!or 7666 gp 59 7
3eywine Bs!all askC 766 gp 86 @
)oney ,eat&er BsF. ydC 96 gp ] 6
Sas&ling 76 gp 7 7
+&istledown BsF. ydC 766 gp ] 6
T 3or /urt&er in/or!ation see The Complete 4ook o$ 9l3es
+a%le ;7: )al/ling "Fuip!ent
0te! Cost (eig&t Bulk Points
C&eese!aker Bonverts %arrel o/ !ilk to 76Z o/ &eeseC
HHS&arp 75 gp 8 7
HH4ild @ gp 5 7
DoorHknoker 96 gp 9 7
Pipe' sel/Hlig&ting 59 gp 7 7
<tensils Bsel/Hlig&tingC
HHCarving 2ni/e 76 gp ] 6
HHCooking 2ettle 56 gp @ 5
HH,adling Spoon J gp ] 6
HHPouring Pit&er 56 gp : 7
HH$oll/roster 76 gp 7 7
HH+eapot 96 gp 7 7
+a%le ;5: .no!is& "Fuip!ent
0te! Cost (ieg&t Bulk Points
Coin!aker 76666 gp 7666 796
#ewel spotter ge! Bauses 7666 gp ] 6
lig&t to sparkle in
aut&enti ge!s wit&in
76 radiusC
#ewelers &a!!erP&isel 766 gp 5 7
Polis&er rag Bs&ines 56 gp ] 6
all !etalsC
Steel et&er 766 gp 8 7
] +&ese wieg& little individuallyI 76 eFual 7 pound
Table +": Co%%on -agic 0te%s
Ca%paign :ccurrence
0te% >ow -ediu% 8igh Cost ,eight 5ul6 Points
)ealing salve 69S 59S @6S 76M gp 7 7P:
Bper doseI &eals 7D8 &pC
,ok 76S 86S ;9S 59M gp 5 7P:
Bopen and lose on o!!andC
Peep&ole ge!I allows user to see t&roug& 65S 56S 96S 96M gp ]
up to @[ t&ikness wood or stone
Per!anentlyDatta&ed &orses&oes 76S 86S ;9S 9M gp 7 7P5
Per!anently lig&ted gold piee 69S 56S 96S 96 gp ] 6
Poison antidote Bper doseCI 79S 96S >6S 76M gp 7 7P5
allows seond saving t&row vs. poison
TCa!paign ourrene indiates t&e likeli&ood o/ a &arater /inding t&is ite! in a well
Dstoked %a-aar or !arketplae. +&e ategories represent a!paign settings o/ low'
!ediu!' and &ig& inidene o/ !agial ite!s' spells' and eFuip!ent. +&e ost listed is
generally t&e prie in a &ig& !agi settingI w&ere t&e ite!s are !ore rare' t&e ost will
tend to %e &ig&er.
C&apter J:
New S&ools
o/ 4agi
+&is &apter introdues /our new types o/ speialist wi-ards: t&e al&e!ist' geo!eter'
s&adow !age' and song wi-ard. +&e s&ools o/ !agi t&at t&ese wi-ards speiali-e in are
unusual %eause t&ey are arti/iial: t&ey ontain only spells drawn /ro! ot&er' e1isting
s&ools. All o/ t&e usual rules regarding speialist wi-ards apply to t&ese /our' unless t&e
desription states ot&erwise. <sing t&ese as a guide' players and D4s an e1peri!ent
wit& reating t&eir own' uniFue speialist wi-ards.
4agi +&e Skills and Powers rules add /lavor and %readt& to t&e spellasting &arater
lasses. <se o/ t&ese rules is optional' t&oug& reo!!ended /or &araters reated wit&
t&e Skills and Powers syste!s.
(i-ards and C&arater Points
(&en a wi-ard &arater is reated' and ea& ti!e &e advanes in level' t&e player
an elet to spend 5 or !ore &arater points to aFuire an additional spell /or &is
&araters spell%ook. +&is is si!ilar to t&e speialist wi-ards a%ility to auto!atially
add one spell o/ &is speialty to &is repertoire ea& ti!e &e gains a level. +&e player is
allowed to pik any spell &is &arater ould nor!ally ast Bi.e.' &e ant pik spells /ro!
opposing s&oolsC' and no roll /or learning t&e spell need %e !ade.
+&e spell pur&ased wit& &arater points !ust %e o/ eFual or lower spell level
t&an t&e &ig&estHlevel spell urrently entered into t&e &araters %ook. +&e ost is 5
&arater points /or a 7stHlevel spell' M7 &arater point /or ea& level o/ t&e spell %eyond
/irst. 3or e1a!ple' a 8rdHlevel spell would ost : &arater pointsI a ;t&Hlevel spell would
ost J points.
No !ore t&an one additional spell an %e aFuired wit& &arater points w&en t&e
&arater is /irst reated' and a &arater an add no !ore t&an one su& spell ea& ti!e
&e advanes a level o/ e1periene. )owever' t&is a%ility is u!ulative wit& a speialist
wi-ards %onus spellDw&en a speialist wi-ard gains a level' &e learns one spell /ro! &is
speialty s&ool /ree' and an spend additional &arater points to auto!atially learn a
seond spell /ro! any s&ool &e knows.
(i-ard Speialists:
New S&ools o/ 4agi
As !agi users in t&e !ultitude o/ a!paign worlds &ave progressed in t&eir arts'
an everHgreater diversity o/ styles and types o/ wi-ardry &ave %een developed. .rowing
/ro! t&e rigid s&ools o/ opposing !agial powers outlined in t&e Players Handbook'
!ore and !ore disiplines &ave %ran&ed out as young wi-ards &ave taken a !ore li%eral
interpretation o/ t&eir !asters tea&ings. +&ese develop!ents &ave resulted in new types
o/ spellasting' ea& o/ w&i& /ouses on t&e way in w&i& !agi is drawn /ro! t&e
environ!ent and %ent to t&e wi-ards will.
(&en a wi-ard &arater is reated Bor an e1isting AD&D &arater is onverted
to Players Option rulesC' t&e player an elet /or &is &arater to speiali-e in one o/ t&e
/ollowing new s&ools o/ !agi. +&ese s&ools are si!ilar to t&e ele!ental wi-ard or
wild !age introdued in t&e Tome o$ *agic' %ut t&e new speialist wi-ards de/ined &ere
Dt&e al&e!ist' t&e s&adow !age' and t&e song wi-ardD&ave developed alternate styles
o/ spellasting and spell organi-ation.
+&e !ain purpose /or speiali-ing in a !agi type is as an aid toward e//etive
roleHplaying' t&oug& t&e speialties an %ene/it and &inder &araters in various ga!e
situations. +&e use o/ t&ese new !agi types' like any ot&er su%syste! in t&e AD&D
ga!e' is su%*et to t&e D4s approval. Several o/ t&ese new s&ools reFuire a ertain
a!ount o/ a!paign or enounter %akground. +&e powers o/ t&e s&adow !age' /or
e1a!ple' vary wit& t&e prevalent lig&ting onditions' and t&e D4 !ust %e prepared to
answer a players Fuestions a%out t&ese onditions any ti!e t&e player &arater wis&es
to ast a spell.
C&oosing a 4agi S&ool Speialty
+o selet a speialty' a wi-ard &arater generally &as to !eet !ore de!anding
a%ility sore riteria t&an a standard !age' and &e !ay &ave ertain %akgrounds or
origins Bin ot&er words' &arater kitsC %arred to &i!. A player is /ree to &oose any
speialty t&e reFuire!ents o/ w&i& &is &arater !eets. Naturally' a player !ay wis& to
selet &is &araters speialty %ased on &is own interestsDsong wi-ards provide good
roleHplaying /or players inlined toward !usi' w&ile sienti/iallyH!inded players !ig&t
en*oy an al&e!ist w&o an onstantly /uss wit& odd ingredients and o!pliated
Creating New S&ools: +&e !agi types listed in t&is &apter are t&e !ost
o!!on e1a!ples o/ alternate spellasting te&niFues. )owever' ot&er approa&es are
ertainly possi%le. 0/ a player o!es up wit& a great onept /or de/ining a new s&ool or
disipline o/ !agi' &e an do so wit& t&e D4s approval. 0n turn' t&e D4 s&ould
are/ully review t&e players design /or onept' playa%ility' and ga!e %alane %e/ore
allowing t&e new speialist in ga!e play.
.enerally' a speialist !age s&ould &ave spells t&at &e an ast wit& superior skill'
%alaned %y a loss o/ spells /ro! outside &is speialty. All speialists s&ould gain t&e
standard e1tra spell !e!ori-ation slot at ea& level' as well as advantages in learning
spells /ro! t&eir speialty and penalties /or learning generi spells. ,ast %ut not least' a
speialist !ay &ave nonHspellasting %ene/its or &indranes' su& as t&e al&e!ists
a%ility to reate potions' or !odi/iers to t&eir saving t&rows.
"//ets o/ 4agi S&ool Speiali-ation
C&oosing a speialty provides a wi-ard &arater wit& a nu!%er o/ %ene/its. 3or all t&e
s&ools introdued in t&is &apter' t&e /ollowing advantages apply:
A speialist gains one additional spell per spell level' provided t&e spell is taken in t&e
speialists s&ool. +&us' a 7stHlevel al&e!ist an !e!ori-e two spells instead o/
only one' as long as at least one o/ t&e! is /ro! t&e s&ool o/ al&e!y.
Speialists reeive a %onus o/ M79S w&en learning spells /ro! t&eir s&ool' and a penalty
o/ R79S w&en learning spells /ro! any ot&er s&ool. +&e %onus or penalty is applied
to t&e perentile roll t&e player !ust !ake w&en t&e &arater is atte!pting to learn a
new spell.
(&enever a speialist rea&es a new spell level' &e auto!atially gains one spell o/ &is
s&ool to add to &is spell %ooks. +&is an %e seleted %y t&e D4 or &e an allow t&e
player to pik. No learn spells roll need %e !ade.
(&en a speialist wi-ard atte!pts to reate a new spell using t&e rules given in t&e )*,'
t&e D4 s&ould ount t&e new spell as one level lower i/ t&e spell /alls wit&in t&e
s&ool o/ t&e speialist. An al&e!ist atte!pting to reate a new 5ndHlevel al&e!y
spell onduts &is resear& as i/ it were a 7stHlevel spell' sine t&e &arater &as a
superior understanding o/ &is s&ool.
Note t&at t&e saving t&row !odi/iers granted to speialists in t&e Players
Handbook and Tome o$ *agic arent a%ilities o/ t&e speialist wi-ards desri%ed in t&is
%ook. +&ey &ave ot&er a%ilities t&at are !ore spei/i to t&eir partiular !et&ods o/
spellasting' desri%ed later in t&is &apter.
Speialist wi-ards also &ave several signi/iant disadvantages to %alane t&eir
%onuses. 3irst and /ore!ost' ea& o/ t&e new s&ools desri%ed &ere &ave opposition
s&ools' *ust like speialists in t&e Players Handbook. A speialist annot learn or ast
spells /ro! an opposing s&ool' or use !agial ite!s t&at dupliate t&e e//ets o/ spells
/ro! t&at s&ool. Seondly' t&e &arater &as a redued &ane to learn spells o/ ot&er
nonHopposing s&ools' as noted a%ove.
+&e Al&e!ist
4ini!u! A%ility $eFuire!ents:
0ntelligeneP2nowledge 79I De1terityPAi! 7:
$aes Allowed: )u!an' &al/Hel/' gno!e
Pro&i%ited 2its: A!a-on' %ar%arian' peasant &ero' savage
+&e puttering' sienti/iallyH!inded wi-ard w&o en*oys working wit& various
!aterial o!ponents is likely to /ind t&e S&ool o/ Al&e!y to %e a welo!e soure o/
inspiration and !agial !ig&t. Al&e!ists are inventors and e1peri!enters' always
striving /or a way to reate new and greater e//ets t&roug& t&e use o/ !agial powders'
reagents' and potions.
+&e e1at nature o/ t&e al&e!ists !aterials is not very i!portant /or ga!e play'
alt&oug& it is good roleHplaying /or a player to note w&i& su%stanes and !inerals are
vital to &is &araters spells. <nlike !ost wi-ards' w&o de/ine t&e world %y t&e /our
lassi ele!ents o/ eart&' air' /ire' and water' t&e al&e!ist %elieves t&at ea& su%tle
o!%ination o/ t&ese ele!ents is a new ele!ent o/ its own. .old !ay %e not&ing !ore
t&an a rare type o/ eart& wit& a s!all gli!!er o/ /ire in it' %ut t&e al&e!ist onsiders t&e
properties o/ gold as a uniFue su%stane wit& no ot&er o!ponents. 0n ot&er words'
al&e!ists desri%e t&eir world in t&e !odern ter!s o/ a Periodi +a%le o/ "le!ents' even
t&oug& notions su& as ato!s' eletrons' or ato!i weig&t &ave no !eaning in t&eir
As sienti/i &araters' al&e!ists will always !aintain a large and
wellHeFuipped la%oratory to pursue t&eir e1peri!ents. +&e la%oratory !ust %e
wellHstoked wit& all kinds o/ !aterials' inluding sa!ples o/ every !etal or alloy
i!agina%le' eFuip!ent su& as %urners' %eakers and %ottles' and natural uriosities like
!agnets' inendiaries' and ot&er su& t&ings. An al&e!ist is assu!ed to %egin play wit&
an appropriate la%oratory in &is &o!e town or %ase o/ operations' %ut %uilding and
out/itting a new la%oratory osts at least 7'666 gp per &arater level' and e1isting
la%oratories reFuire at least 96 gp o/ !aterials a level per !ont& to %e /untional. An
al&e!ist wit&out aess to &is la%oratory loses t&e %onus al&e!y spell &e ould
nor!ally !e!ori-e at ea& spell level' and ant ondut resear&' !ake potions' or add
new spells to &is spell%ook.
Al&e!ists &ave no !odi/iers to t&eir saving t&rows or t&eir viti!s saving
t&rows' %ut instead t&ey &ave t&e speial a%ility to reate potions' starting at @t& level.
+&e al&e!ist !ust /irst resear& t&e potions /or!ula' as i/ onduting nor!al spell
resear&I onsider t&e potions level to %e eFual to its ?P value divided %y 766' so a
potion o$ clairaudience B?P value 596C is onsidered a 8rdHlevel spell' and a potion o$
longe3ity B?P value 966C is a 9t&Hlevel spell. +&e resear& ti!e is two weeks per e//etive
level' and t&e ost is 966 gp per e//etive level. +&e al&e!ist !ust pass a learn spells
&ek to suess/ully resear& t&e /or!ula. #ust like spells' t&e nu!%er o/ potion
/or!ulae t&e al&e!ist an ever understand is li!ited %y &is 0ntelligene sore 4a1i!u!
Nu!%er o/ Spells per ,evel' e1ept t&at all potions are ounted toget&er /or t&is purpose.
A &arater wit& an 0ntelligene o/ 75 an never know &ow to !ake !ore t&an seven
types o/ potions.
One an al&e!ist knows t&e potions /or!ula' &e an produe one dose %y
investing in 866R7J66 gp wort& o/ !aterials and spending one uninterrupted week in &is
la%oratory. Again' a learn spells roll applies to see i/ &e /ollowed t&e diretions are/ully'
or i/ &e ruined t&e %at& instead. 0/ t&e D4 /inds t&at a player is a%using t&is a%ility' &e
an insist on spei/i adventures to aFuire rare and unusual !aterials su& as a gri//ons
&eart' a %e&olders eye' and ot&er su& &ardHtoHget ite!s.
+&e S&ool o/ Al&e!y: +&e s&ool o/ al&e!y is opposed %y t&e S&ools o/
0llusionPP&antas! Bt&ings t&at arent real are o/ no interest to al&e!istsC and
Nero!any Bsi!ilarly' li/e /ores and spirits are too intangi%le /or al&e!y.C All t&e
spells in t&e s&ool o/ al&e!y are onsidered to &ave no ver%al o!ponent w&en
e!ployed %y an al&e!ist' w&i& !eans t&at an al&e!ist &as little to /ear /ro! a silene
spell or any ot&er !agi t&at prevents speaking. +&e S&ool o/ Al&e!y onsists o/ t&e
/ollowing spellsI italii-ed spells appear in t&e Tome o$ *agic.
A//et nor!al /ires B7stC
Fire burst B7stC
.rease B7stC
*etamorphose li'uids B7stC
Protetion /ro! evil B7stC
3ools gold B5ndC
.litterdust B5ndC
4el/s aid arrow B5ndC
Pyrote&nis B5ndC
Sense shi$ting B5ndC
Stinking loud B5ndC
>lamirs $undamental breakdown B8rdC
3la!e arrow B8rdC
4el/s !inute !eteors B8rdC
Protetion /ro! evil' 76X radius B8rdC
"n&anted weapon B:t&C
3ire &ar! B:t&C
3ire trap B:t&C
Cloudkill B9t&C
3a%riate B9t&C
+rans!ute rok to !ud B9t&C
Deat& /og B@t&C
.lassee B@t&C
Stone to /les& B@t&C
+rans!ute water to dust B@t&C
Aid stor! B;t&C
Hatch the Stone $rom the 9gg B;t&C
Statue B;t&C
.lassteel BJt&C
0nendiary loud BJt&C
Crystal%rittle B>t&C
,lorious transmutation B>t&C
+&e .eo!eter
-ini%u% Abilit #e$uire%ents:
0ntelligeneP$eason 79I (isdo!P0ntuition 7:
#aces Allowed: )u!an' el/' &al/Hel/
Prohibited (its: Bar%arian' savage
Potent !agial /ores an %e loked in designs' sy!%ols' and diagra!s o/
!ystial signi/iane. .eo!eters are wi-ards w&o study t&e su!!oning and ontrol o/
!agi t&roug& t&e reation o/ intriate geo!etrial patterns' ranging /ro! runes drawn on
paper or arved in stone to /reeH/loating onstruts o!posed o/ %rilliant lines o/ energy.
3or a geo!eter' t&e so!ati o!ponent o/ a spellDt&e gestures reFuired to unlok t&e
spells energyDrepresent t&e reation o/ an e1traHdi!ensional doorway t&roug& w&i&
!agi is drawn and s&aped into t&e /or! t&e wi-ard desires.
.eo!eters' Fuite naturally' e1el in t&e asting o/ any spell t&at involves t&e use
o/ a !ark' rune' or diagra! drawn upon t&e target o/ t&e spell. 0n /at' a nu!%er o/ spells
t&at are not nor!ally ast in t&is /as&ion &ave %een adapted to t&e geo!eters p&ilosop&y.
3or e1a!ple' geo!eters ast a hold portal spell %y plaing a !inor rune o/ power upon
t&e door to %e %arred' and animate dead %y drawing o!pliated designs upon t&e /ae
and &ands o/ t&e reature to %e reani!ated. .eo!eters an also reate e//ets wit& less
su%stantial !aterials %y sket&ing a design in t&e air' as i/ t&ey were drawing i!aginary
irles and anglesI depending on t&e power o/ t&e spell' t&is design !ay %e visi%le as a
glowing we% o/ %lue or green energy reated %y t&e !otion o/ t&e geo!eters &ands.
.eo!eters en*oy t&e nor!al %ene/its and penalties o/ speialist wi-ards' %ut t&ey
&ave no !odi/ier to t&eir saving t&rows and do not in/lit any penalties to t&eir targets
saving t&rows. +&ey do &ave t&e speial a%ility to reate srolls' !u& like al&e!ists an
prepare potions. At :t& level' t&e geo!eter an o!!it a spell t&at &e knows and an ast
to a sroll. )e !ay read t&e sroll at any ti!e a/ter transri%ing t&e spell' *ust like asting
a nor!al spell /ro! a sroll. )owever' t&e &arater !ay not &ave !ore t&an one sroll
per &arater level prepared at any given ti!eDt&e ino!plete !agial diagra!s %eo!e
too on/using and o!ple1 /or t&e geo!eter to keep trak o/ i/ &e tries to keep too !any
srolls ready /or asting.
+ransri%ing a spell to a sroll reFuires one /ull day per spell level' so preparing a
9t&Hlevel spell /or use in t&is /as&ion would take t&e wi-ard /ive days o/ uninterrupted
work. +&e !aterials Brare inks' /ine par&!ent' et.C ost 766 gold piees per spell level'
and t&e wi-ard reFuires a suita%le la%oratory or li%rary to work in. +&e geo!eter an
transri%e any spell o/ t&e S&ool o/ .eo!etry t&at &e knows' or &e an engage in nor!al
spell resear& to /ind a diagra! to onvey a spell t&at &e knows outside t&e S&ool o/
.eo!etry. BOne &e suess/ully resear&es a new spell diagra!' it is onsidered to %e
part o/ t&e S&ool o/ .eo!etry /or t&at wi-ard.C 0n any event' t&e geo!eter !ust sueed
in a learn spells &ek to see i/ &e suess/ully transri%ed t&e spell.
.eo!eters !ay also atte!pt to reate protetion srolls' %eginning at ;t& level.
+&e geo!eter !ust /irst resear& t&e srolls diagra! t&roug& nor!al spell resear&I
srolls wit& an ?P value o/ 7'666 are onsidered to %e eFual to :t&Hlevel spellsI srolls
wit& an ?P value o/ 7'966 are eFual to 9t&Hlevel spellsI srolls wit& an ?P value o/ 5'666
are eFual to @t&Hlevel spellsI and srolls wit& an ?P value o/ 5'966 are eFual to ;t&Hlevel
spells. +&e resear& ti!e is two weeks per e//etive level' and t&e ost is 7666 gp per
e//etive level. +&e geo!eter !ust pass a learn spells &ek to suess/ully resear& t&e
/or!ula. One t&e geo!eter knows t&e diagra!' &e an produe one sroll %y investing in
866R7J66 gp wort& o/ !aterials and spending one uninterrupted week in &is la%oratory.
Again' a learn spells roll applies to see i/ &e /ollowed t&e diretions orretly.
The !chool of ?eo%etr: As noted a%ove' t&e S&ool o/ .eo!etry onsists o/
%ot& diagra!s t&at an %e drawn on t&e target' as well as geo!etrial designs t&at an %e
reated t&roug& gestures. O/ten' spells o/ t&is s&ool reFuire unusual writing i!ple!ents
Dt&e !aterial o!ponents /or t&e spellD%ut generally' no ver%al o!ponents are
neessary. +&e S&ool o/ .eo!etry is opposed %y t&e S&ools o/ "n&ant!entPC&ar!
and 0llusion.
+&e /ollowing spells are part o/ t&e S&ool o/ .eo!etryI spells /ro! t&e Tome o$
*agic are in italis' and spells /ro! The Complete Wi6ards Handbook are in %old/ae.
Alar! B7stC
Cop B7stC
"rase B7stC
)old portal B7stC
S&ield B7stC
(i-ard !ark B7stC
2nok B5ndC
(i-ard lok B5ndC
5one club B8rdC
"1plosive runes B8rdC
Seret page B8rdC
Sepia snake sigil B8rdC
3ire trap B:t&C
4inor glo%e o/ invulnera%ility B:t&C
$ain%ow pattern B:t&C
Thunder sta$$ B:t&C
Ani!ate dead B9t&C
Avoidane B9t&C
Con*ure ele!ental B9t&C
0nvulnerabilit to nor%al
weapons B9t&C
Cha6ids procurement B9t&C
-orden6ainenEs private sanctu% B9t&C
Don ,asiks re$usal B9t&C
"nsnare!ent B@t&C
.lo%e o/ invulnera%ility B@t&C
.uards and wards B@t&C
0nvulnerabilit to %agical
weapons B@t&C
Fear ward B;t&C
P&ase door B;t&C
SeFuester B;t&C
Nanis& B;t&C
Binding BJt&C
4a-e BJt&C
Sy!%ol BJt&C
+rap t&e soul BJt&C
.ate B>t&C
S&ape &ange B>t&C
+&e S&adow 4age
-ini%u% Abilit #e$uire%ents:
0ntelligeneP$eason 79I (isdo!P(ill 7:
#aces Allowed: )u!an
Prohibited (its: .ladiator' pugilist
+&e plaes w&ere lig&t and darkness !eet &ave long sy!%oli-ed opposition and
%alane' t&e las& o/ good and evil' even o/ &aos and law. +&e S&ool o/ S&adow tea&es
!ages to use t&ese ontrasts to rea& t&e seret soure and union o/ all s&adow and
&arness its power. S&adow !ages tend to %e gri! sentinels w&o &ave e1&anged t&e
%rig&t spark o/ a nor!al e1istene /or t&e power o/ twilig&t and darkness. Nery /ew
s&adow !ages are o/ good align!entI a great nu!%er are neutral' and so!e &ave
e!%raed t&e darkness o!pletely and turned to ways o/ evil.
S&adow !ages are losely tied to t&e De!iplane o/ S&adow. +&ey &ave
disovered t&at every s&adow in t&e real world &as a !ysti onnetion or soure in
S&adowland. A wi-ard wit& skill and a strong &eart an use t&e !ost !undane s&adows as
a doorway to t&is real! o/ dusk' alling /ort& its powers /or t&eir own purposes. A
nu!%er o/ s&adow !ages eventually %eo!e s&ades' or reatures w&ose p&ysial /or!s
&ave %een o!pletely replaed %y s&adowHstu//' alt&oug& t&is doesnt &appen to player
&arater s&adow !ages e1ept in e1traordinary iru!stanes.
0n addition to t&e nor!al advantages and penalties assoiated wit& speiali-ing in
a s&ool o/ !agi' a s&adow !ages e//etiveness is tied to t&e lig&ting ondition at t&e
ti!e &e asts a spell /ro! t&is s&ool. Naturally' s&adow !ages are weakest in %road
daylig&t and progressively stronger in weak daylig&t or dusk' partial darkness' and /inally
o!plete darkness. 0ts not t&e strengt& o/ a s&adow' %ut instead t&e overall a%sene o/
lig&t t&at strengt&ens t&e onnetion to t&e plane o/ gloo!.
-odifier to
Condition Opponents Saves
Brig&t daylig&t or ontinual lig&t M5
(eak daylig&t' dusk' or lig&t none
,ate twilig&t' strong !oonlig&t' lantern lig&t R7
(eak !oonlig&t' tor& lig&t R5
Candlelig&t' starlig&t R8
+otal darkness R:
Due to t&eir inti!ate onnetion wit& s&adow' s&adow !ages gain an a%ility to
see nor!ally in darkness. As a s&adow !age advanes in level' &e %eo!es !ore attuned
to darkness and ignores &anges in visi%ility t&at would partially or o!pletely %lind
ot&er &araters.
Condition Attak Da!age Saving AC
Penalty Bonus +&rows Penalty
4oonlig&t R7 Nor!al R7 6
Starlig&t R8 Nor!al R8 R5
+otal darkness R: None R: R:
At :t& level' t&e s&adow !age sees as well in !oonlig&t Bor eFuivalent lig&tC as a
nor!al &u!an would see in %road daylig&t' and &e an lessen penalties /or !ore
o!plete darkness %y 7 point. 0n ot&er words' &e would only su//er a R5 penalty /or
attaking in starlig&t' or a R8 penalty /or total darkness. At ;t& level' &e sees %y starlig&t
as well as a nor!al &u!an sees %y day' and &e lessens o!%at penalties /or total darkness
%y 5 points. At 76t& level &e an see per/etly in total darkness' negating all penalties.
)owever' !agial %lindness or /og an still &inder a s&adow !ages sig&t.
+&e S&ool o/ S&adow: 4any wi-ard spells derive t&eir energy /ro! e1traplanar
onnetions' %ut spells o/ t&e S&ool o/ S&adow are e1lusively tied to t&e De!iplane o/
S&adow. +&e S&ool o/ S&adow is opposed %y t&e S&ools o/ 0nvoationP"voation and
A%*uration' %ot& o/ w&i& rely on !ore positive energies t&an t&e su%tle' pervasive power
o/ s&adow. +&e spells o/ t&e S&ool o/ S&adow are listed %elowI italii-ed spells an %e
/ound in t&e Tome o$ *agic' and %old spells an %e /ound in The Complete Wi6ards
C&ill tou& B7stC
Sleep B7stC
Spook B7stC
Blur B5ndC
Continual darkness B5ndC
Darkness 79X radius B5ndC
$ay o/ en/ee%le!ent B5ndC
Sare B5ndC
Spetral &and B5ndC
2orlo3eims creeping shadow B8rdC
P&anto! steed B8rdC
Spirit ar!or B8rdC
(rait&/or! B8rdC
Di!ension door B:t&C
"nervation B:t&C
"vards %lak tentales B:t&C
3ear B:t&C
4inor reation B:t&C
S&adow !onsters B:t&C
De!iHs&adow !onsters B9t&C
4a*or reation B9t&C
4ordenkainens /ait&/ul &ound B9t&C
Passwall B9t&C
S&adow door B9t&C
S&adow !agi B9t&C
Blak!antle B@t&C
4loodstones spectral steed B@t&C
De!iHs&adow !agi B@t&C
2orlo3eims shadowy trans$ormation B@t&C
S&ades B@t&C
DuoHdi!ension B;t&C
P&ase door B;t&C
Shadowcat B;t&C
S&adow (alk B;t&C
4a-e BJt&C
S&adow/or! BJt&C
Astral spell B>t&C
"nergy drain B>t&C
+&e Song (i-ard
4ini!u! A%ility $eFuire!ents:
0ntelligeneP2nowledge 7:I C&aris!aPAppearane 79
$aes Allowed: )u!an' el/' &al/Hel/
Pro&i%ited 2its: .ladiator' rider
+&e power o/ !usi and words &as long %een aknowledged as an i!portant
soure o/ inspiration and a!use!ent. +&e S&ool o/ Song onentrates on spoken spells'
using t&e wi-ards skill at weaving !elody' lyris' and r&yt&! to reate en&ant!ents o/
great power. "lves and great %ards &ave tapped into t&is soure o/ !agi /or ountless
years' %ut now !ore wi-ards are investigating t&e intriguing possi%ilities o/ t&is s&ool o/
!agi. 4usial pro/iieny or knowledge is not a strit reFuire!ent /or t&is s&ool' %ut
!ost song wi-ards are also virtuoso voalistsDt&e su%tleties o/ pit& and e1pression an
&ave tre!endous e//et in t&e asting o/ t&e spell.
Song wi-ards gain t&e nor!al %ene/its and &indranes o/ a speialist wi-ard'
inluding t&e M7 %onus to saves versus spells o/ t&eir own s&ool' and a R7 penalty /or
t&eir targets saving t&row w&en asting song spells. Note t&at !agial song or voal
attaks' inluding a &arpys song' a %ans&ees wail' or a sp&in1s roar are all onsidered to
%e !agial sound or song attaks /or purposes o/ t&e !ages saving t&row.
+&e S&ool o/ Song: +&e S&ool o/ Song is opposed %y t&e S&ools o/
Nero!any' .reater Divination' and 0nvoationP"voationI !agial songs are !u&
%etter suited to tasks o/ in/luene' &ange' or su!!oning. All spells appearing in t&is list
are onsidered to &ave neit&er so!ati nor !aterial o!ponents /or speialist song !ages
Dsong wi-ards an ast t&ese spells wit& not&ing !ore t&an a ver%al o!ponent. (&ile
t&is renders song wi-ards partiularly vulnera%le to silening' it also !eans t&at t&ey an
ast spells w&ile %ound' restrained' or stripped o/ all t&eir possessions. +&e spells o/ t&e
S&ool o/ Song are listed %elowI spells /ro! t&e Tome o$ *agic are in italis.
Audi%le gla!er B7stC
C&ar! person B7stC
3ind /a!iliar B7stC
3riends B7stC
Sleep B7stC
+aunt B7stC
3orget B5ndC
Su!!on swar! B5ndC
+as&as unontrolla%le &ideous laug&ter B5ndC
(&ispering wind B5ndC
Fire$low B8rdC
)old person B8rdC
4onster su!!oning 0 B8rdC
Suggestion B8rdC
C&ar! !onster B:t&C
Con/usion B:t&C
"!otion B:t&C
4onster Su!!oning 00 B:t&C
Su!!on lyant&rope B:t&C
C&aos B9t&C
Dis!issal B9t&C
)old !onster B9t&C
,eo!unds la!enta%le %ela%or!ent B9t&C
4onster su!!oning 000 B9t&C
Control weat&er B@t&C
4ass suggestion B@t&C
4onster su!!oning 0N B@t&C
Banis&!ent B;t&C
C&ar! plants B;t&C
4onster su!!oning N B;t&C
Power word' stun B;t&C
Spell shape B;t&C
Binding BJt&C
4ass &ar! BJt&C
4onster su!!oning N0 BJt&C
Ottos irresisti%le dane BJt&C
Power word' %lind BJt&C
4onster su!!oning N00 B>t&C
Power word' kill B>t&C
Wail o$ the banshee B>t&C
C&apter >:
Psionis (it& psionis' a &arater an read t&e !inds o/ ot&ers' !ove o%*ets wit&out
p&ysially tou&ing t&e!' or travel aross vast distanes in an instant. +&is &apter
e1plains t&e ga!e !e&anis used to run psioni &araters and provides enoug& powers
to get wild talent and psioniist &eroes started. Consider t&e de/initions o/ t&e /ollowing
Psionis: +&e pratie o/ e1traordinary psy&i powers. A &arater w&o &as
psioni a%ilities &arnesses t&e power o/ &is or &er !ind to produe a partiular e//et.
C&araters w&o &ave psioni powers are eit&er psioniists or wild talents.
Psioniist: A &arater w&o uses t&e /ore o/ &is or &er !ind to a//et t&e
environ!ent and in&a%itants around t&e!.
(ild +alent: A &arater /ro! any lass w&o &as a natural psioni a%ility and at
least one psioni power.
+&e psioni syste! presented in t&is &apter provides desriptions o/ t&e ore
powers. +&is &apter presents t&e sa!e psionis rules t&at appear in t&e revised Dark Sun
%o1ed set.
(&ats Di//erentE
0/ players are new to psionis' skip t&is setion %eause t&e &anges to t&e original
rules /ro! The Complete Psionics Handbook disussed %elow !ay %e on/using. 0/
players are /a!iliar wit& t&e previous psionis rules' t&en a %rie/ disussion o/ t&e
&anges to look /or s&ould %e noted.
4any o/ t&e ter!s and powers used in The Complete Psionics Handbook &ave
%een retained /or t&is new syste!. )owever' t&e de/initions and desriptions !ay &ave
&anged' so read t&is setion are/ully. +&e !ost i!portant &anges to wat& /or are t&e
>ttack and de$ense !odes are no longer powers' %ut %onus pro/iienies. +&e new ter!s
are psioni attaks and psioni de/enses. Psioniists gain psioni attaks and de/enses
auto!atially %y level advane!ent. "1isting &araters wit& attak !odes !ust
selet ot&er telepat&i devotions to replae t&e!.
+&e contact power is now t&e ontat %onus pro/iieny. +&e pro/iieny allows
&araters to partiipate in psioni o!%at. 0n addition' psioni o!%at &as %een
si!pli/ied to work like ot&er AD&D o!%at /or!s Bt&at is' using attak and da!age
rollsC. C&araters w&o &ad t&e ontat power !ust selet anot&er telepat&i devotion
to replae it.
Tangents &ave %een eli!inated.
*aintenance costs /or powers &ave %een eli!inated. All powers now &ave a standard PSP
ost per round o/ use and an %e !aintained ea& round %y paying t&at ost.
Power scores and t&e optional e//ets o/ rolls o/ power sores and 56s &ave %een
eli!inated. All &araters now &ave mental armor classes B4ACC and mental attack
numbers B4+)AC6C. 4+)AC6 stands /or U!ental +)AC6V or U!ental attak roll.V
+&e arony! re/ers to t&e nu!%er Bor &ig&erC a partiular &arater needs to roll on
7d56 to &it an opponent wit& a !ental ar!or lass o/ 6. +&is !e&ani &as two
distint uses t&at work in %asially t&e sa!e !anner.
+&e power check &as %een eli!inated. +o deter!ine t&e suess/ul use o/ a psioni
power' a &arater !akes an *TH>C0 roll. 0n psioni o!%at' a &arater !akes
4+)AC6 rolls to %reak t&roug& a targets !ental de/enses and open t&e !ind. +o use
a psioni power on an open !ind' an 4+)AC6 roll is !ade against t&e powers
4AC instead o/ t&e targets 4AC. BAll psioni powers &ave %ase 4AC sores.C
So!e !inds are onsidered open auto!atially Blike t&e psioniists own !ind /or t&e
purposes o/ using a power on &i!sel/C. 0n t&ese ases' no psioni o!%at is needed'
/or t&e !ind is already open.
+&e metapsionics discipline &as %een eli!inatedI its powers &ave %een redistri%uted
a!ong t&e re!aining /ive disiplines.
<sing Psionis Psioni energy an %e s&aped and used %y psioniists and wild talents
to produe desired e//ets' alled psioni powers. All psioni powers are grouped into
one o/ /ive ategories' or disiplines' %ased on &ow t&e energy is used. +&e !a*or powers
o/ a given disipline are alled sienes.
+wo key onepts need to %e presented %e/ore t&e rules /or using psionis in t&e
AD&D ga!e are detailed. +&ese are psionic strength points -PSPs1 and mental attack
rolls -*TH>C0s1% +&ese are desri%ed %elow.
Psioni Strengt& Points BPSPsC: "very psioni &arater &as an internal store o/
psioni energy' represented as psioni strengt& points. +&ese are used to ativate sienes
and devotions' to /ous psioni attaks' and to deter!ine &ow !u& psioni da!age a
&eros psioni de/enses an stand.
4ental Attak $olls: +&e suess o/ psioni attaks against losed !inds is
deter!ined %y t&e nu!%er a &arater needs to roll on 7d56 to &it a spei/i !ental ar!or
lass B4ACC. +&e !ental attak nu!%er B4+)AC6C is t&e nu!%er t&e &arater needs to
&it a 4AC o/ 6. (&en used on open !inds' t&e roll is !ade against a powers 4AC.
"a& power &as a %ase 4AC nu!%er used to deter!ine t&e di//iulty o/ ativating a
psioni power against an open !ind.
All psionic powers %elong to one o/ /ive disciplines: lairsentiene'
psy&okinesis' psy&o!eta%olis!' psy&oportation' and telepat&y. (it&in ea&
disipline' t&e powers are divided into two ategories: !a*or powers' or sciencesI and
!inor powers' or de3otions. +&e /ive disiplines are de/ined as /ollows:
Clairsentient powers allow &araters to pereive t&ings %eyond t&e natural range
o/ &u!an and de!i&u!an senses.
Psychokinetic powers !ove o%*ets aross spae using only t&e energy o/ t&e
Psychometabolic powers a//et t&e users %ody %y altering it in so!e !anner.
Psychoporti3e powers allow psioni travel' !oving &araters /ro! one loation
to anot&er wit&out rossing spae.
Telepathic powers involve t&e diret ontat o/ two or !ore !inds.
Closed and Open 4inds
+&e !inds o/ all &araters and reatures e1ist in one o/ two states: eit&er closed
or open. A losed !ind &as eit&er natural or en&aned de/enses t&at protet it /ro!
unwanted intrusion. Only t&ose t&ings t&at enter t&roug& t&e nor!al senses Bsu& as sig&t'
sound' taste' tou&' or s!ellC an i!pat on a losed !ind. The minds o$ all characters
and creatures are naturally closed% A &arater an voluntarily open &is or &er !ind to
psioni ontat' or a losed !ind an %e opened %y psioni attak.
An open !ind is not a natural state. 3or a !ind to %e open' psioni de/enses !ust
%e voluntarily lowered Bin t&e ase o/ a willing su%*etC or %rea&ed %y psioni attak Bin
an unwilling opponentC. A psioniists own !ind is onsidered open w&en using a psioni
power wit& an area o/ e//et o/ UpersonalV Bsu& as t&e &eig&tened senses devotionC.
4ental Ar!or Class B4ACC
All &araters and reatures &ave !ental ar!or lasses B4ACsC. (&ile p&ysial
Ar!or Classes protet a %ody /ro! p&ysial attaks' 4ACs provide protetion /ro!
psioni attaks. +&e 4AC rating ranges /ro! !ini!al de/ense B4AC 76C to !a1i!u!
de/ense B4AC R76CI t&ere are no 4ACs worse t&an 76 or %etter t&an R76.
As wit& standard Ar!or Class' t&e &ig&er t&e 4AC nu!%er' t&e !ore vulnera%le
t&e &arater is to psioni attak. ,ikewise' wit& all attaks' a roll o/ 56 always &its and a
roll o/ 7 always !isses' regardless o/ t&e targets 4AC nu!%er.
3or t&ose w&o &ave opies o/ The Complete Psionics Handbook and w&o want to
ontinue using t&e Uoptional resultsV rules Bpage 5JC' !ake t&e /ollowing &ange. A roll
o/ a powers 4AC sore gives t&e good result Bw&at used to %e signi/ied %y a roll o/ t&e
power soreC' w&ile a roll o/ 7 gives t&e %ad result Bw&at used to &appen on a roll o/ 56C.
+o deter!ine a %ase 4AC nu!%er' /ind t&e &araters (isdo! sore on +a%le ;:
%elow. +&en /ind t&e &araters 0ntelligene sore and add t&e indiated 4AC !odi/ier.
4ACs an %e i!proved t&roug& pro/iienies and ot&er !eans' as detailed later.
+a%le ;:: Base 4AC and PSP Bonuses
A%ility Base 4AC PSP
Sore 4AC 4odi/ier Bonus
79 or less 76 6 6
7@ > R7 M7
7; J R7 M5
7J ; R5 M8
7> @ R5 M:
56 9 R8 M9
57 : R8 M@
55 8 R8 M;
58 5 R: MJ
5: 7 R: M>
59 6 R: M76
"1a!ple: Tylk o$ the Westwoods has a Wisdom score o$ EF# which yields a base
*>C o$ G% He has an =ntelligence score o$ EH# which gi3es a modi$ier o$ IE% Without other
enhancements# Tylk has a *>C o$ H -GIE J H1%
Psioni Strengt& Points BPSPsC
"very psioniist and wild talent &arater &as psioni strengt& points' or PSPs. 0n
!any ways' PSPs are like !ental &it points' t&oug& wit& a di//erent /untion. Not only do
t&ey deter!ine a &araters urrent psioni strengt&' t&ey also power psioni a%ilities.
+&is !ental strengt& is used to reate psioni attaks' ativate psioni powers' and keep
psioni de/enses in plae. As long as any PSPs re!ain' psioni de/enses keep t&e !ind
losed to psioni intrusion o/ any sort. (&en a psioni &araters PSP total /alls to -ero'
&is de/enses ru!%le and &is !ind is le/t open to psioni ontat.
"a& ti!e a &arater uses Bor atte!pts to useC a psioni siene' devotion' or
attak' &e !ust pay t&e listed ost /ro! &is urrent PSP total. Da!age aused %y psioni
attaks is also su%trated /ro! PSP totals.
+&e PSP total /or a psioniist depends on /our /ators: t&e psioniists (isdo!'
0ntelligene' and Constitution sores' and &is e1periene level. +oget&er' t&ese /ators
deter!ine t&e psioniists PSP pool. A 7stHlevel psioniist auto!atially gets 79 PSPs.
+&is nu!%er is !odi/ied %y %onuses granted %y &ig& a%ility sores. ,astly' t&e psioniist
rolls 7d@' w&i& is added to generate a PSP total.
+&e PSP total /or a wild talent is deter!ined wit& slig&t !odi/iations. A wild
talent auto!atially reeives enoug& PSPs to use &is power Bor powersC one. 0n addition'
&e gets 76 PSPs Binstead o/ 79C and any %onuses granted /or &ig& (isdo!' 0ntelligene'
and Constitution sores. )e also rolls 7d:' instead o/ 7d@.
"1a!ple: Tylk o$ the Westwoods has a Wisdom score o$ EF# an =ntelligence score
o$ EH# and a Constitution score o$ EG% >t Est le3el# he gets /E PSPs -EK 8 L 8 E 8 / J /E1
plus a EdH die roll% ,aron# a wild talent with the same ability scores# gets EH PSPs -E0 8
L 8 E 8 / J EH1# a EdM die roll# and enough PSPs to use his psionic power once%
.aining PSPs
+&e PSP total o/ psioniists and wild talents inreases wit& every level
advane!ent. Psioniists reeive 7d@ PSPs wit& ea& level inrease up to >t& level' plus
any %onuses /or &ig& (isdo!' 0ntelligene' and Constitution sores. Starting at >t& level'
psioniists gain *ust 8 PSPs' and t&ey reeive %onuses only /or &ig& (isdo! sores.
$egardless o/ t&eir 0ntelligene or Constitution sores' t&ey no longer reeive %onuses /or
t&ese a%ilities. (ild talents' on t&e ot&er &and' reeive only : PSPs at ea& level inrease'
regardless o/ t&eir level. 3urt&er' no die rolls or additional !odi/iers are applied.
"1a!ple: The psionicist Tylk o$ the Westwoods has a Wisdom score o$ EF# an
=ntelligence score o$ EH# and a Constitution score o$ EG% When he ad3ances $rom Est to
/nd le3el# he recei3es EdH8H PSPs the automatic EdH die roll and a 8H bonus $or his
high ability scores%
$eovering PSPs
C&araters reover e1pended PSPs %y resting /or spei/i lengt&s o/ ti!e
B!ini!u! o/ one /ull &ourC. +&e only states o/ rest t&at allow /or PSP reovery are sleep
or !editation. Any ot&er p&ysial ativity or t&e use o/ psioni powers Bw&i& e1pend
PSPsC negates t&e reovery proess /or t&at &our. A &arater an never reover !ore
PSPs t&an &is !a1i!u! total.
During ea& &our o/ rest' &araters reover oneHeig&t& o/ t&eir total PSPs
B%earing in !ind t&at t&ey never reover !ore t&an t&eir !a1i!u! totalC. +o do t&is'
divide a &araters PSP total %y eig&t and round up. +&is is t&e nu!%er o/ PSPs t&e
&arater reovers a/ter one /ull &our o/ rest. So' i/ a psioniist is redued to 6 PSPs' it
takes eig&t /ull &ours o/ rest to reover t&e e1pended PSPsDregardless o/ w&et&er &e &as
56 or 766 PSPs.
"1a!ple: Neecha Nightmoon has a total o$ MF PSPs# and she has lost /M o$ them
during a recent psionic battle% >$ter an hour o$ sleep or meditation# Neecha can reco3er H
o$ the e:pended PSPs -MF N F J H1% She is now at L0 PSPs%
Psioni Co!%at
Psioniists auto!atially reeive t&e ontat %onus pro/iieny w&en t&ey are
reated. Contat gives t&e! aess to psioni attaks and allows t&e! to partiipate in
psioni o!%at. +&e psioni attaks o!e naturally and dont take up any pro/iieny
(ild talents' &owever' !ust selet t&e ontat pro/iieny and plae it in an open
nonweapon pro/iieny slot. BNote t&at t&is s&ould our at t&e point w&en a &arater
%eo!es a wild talent' w&et&er w&en &e is /irst reated or later in &is areer w&en &is
psioni a%ility %eo!es known.C Along wit& t&e pro/iieny' wild talents reeive only one
psioni attak /or!. )owever' as a wild talent rises in level and gains nonweapon
pro/iieny slots' &e !ay selet additional attak /or!s. +&ese /ill open slots' and t&e
wild talent !ay &oose !ore /or!s B/or a total o/ t&reeC as &e gains slots. (ild talents
!ay never &ave !ore t&an t&ree o/ t&e /ive psioni attaks.
Psioni o!%at is used to assault losed !inds so t&at t&ey an %e opened to
/urt&er psioni ontat. +&is is ao!plis&ed like ot&er attaks in t&e AD&D ga!e
syste!: +&e attaking psioniist selets an attak /or! and !akes an 4+)AC6 roll eFual
to or e1eeding t&e de/enders 4AC. $egardless o/ t&at 4AC' a roll o/ 7 always /ails and
a roll o/ 56 always sueeds.
Psioni attaks an %e used against psioni and nonpsioni !inds. A nonpsioni
!ind is de/ined as any &arater wit&out a PSP pool. +&e proedures are t&e sa!e' %ut t&e
results are slig&tly di//erent.
(&en attaking a psioni !ind' psioni o!%at ontinues until one opponent is
redued to 6 PSPs or until t&e %attle is %roken o//. A !ind wit& 6 PSPs is open and an %e
su%*eted to ot&er psioni powers. (&en attaking a nonpsioni !ind' &owever' only one
suess/ul attak is reFuired to open t&e !ind.
Psioni powers only an %e used on open !inds' w&et&er willingly opened or
attaked until t&at state ours. A psioni power an %e used in t&e sa!e round t&at a
!ind is opened %y psioni attak.
Psioni de/enses' like ar!or and s&ields in p&ysial o!%at' re!ain in plae until
t&e de/enders PSP total is redued to 6 Bin t&e ase o/ a psioni &araterC or one
suess/ul psioni attak %rea&es t&e de/enses Bo/ a nonpsioni &araterC.
Psioni attaks reFuire onentration. A psioniist w&o uses one during a o!%at
round an !ove at only &al/ &is walking rate. A &arater using a psioni attak also an
%e disrupted t&e sa!e way as an a wi-ard asting a spell. 0n t&e round w&en a &arater
using a psioni attak is disrupted' t&e attak ant %e used. A disrupted psioni attak
osts 7 PSP /or t&e atte!pt.
Psioniists an !ake a nu!%er o/ psioni attaks in a round aording to t&eir
level: 7R@' 7P7 roundI ;R75' 8P5 roundsI 78M' 5P7 round. (ild talents an never !ake
!ore t&an one psioni attak in a round.
Psioniists and wild talents reeive 4+)AC6 %onuses depending on t&eir
0ntelligene sores' !aking it easier to ao!plis& psioni attaks.
Psioni Co!%at SeFuene
+&e D4 seretly deides w&at ations t&e !onsters or NPCs will takeDinluding
&oosing psioni attaks and de/enses Bi/ t&ey &ave aess to anyC. +&e D4 doesnt
announe t&at deision to t&e players.
+&e players indiate w&at t&eir &araters will do' inluding &oosing psioni attaks and
de/enses /ro! t&e ones t&ey &ave aess to.
0nitiative is deter!ined. Note t&at psioni attaks and powers dont &ave initiative
Attaks are !ade in order o/ initiative.
+a%le ;9: 4+)AC6 4odi/iers
0ntelligene 4+)AC6
Sore 4odi/ier
79 or less 6
7@R7; R7
7JR7> R5
56R55 R8
58M R:
All psioni attaks reFuire line o/ sig&t' as do t&e use o/ all psioni powersDwit& a /ew
e1eptions' su& as t&ose in t&e lairsentiene disipline.
+&e 3ive Psioni Attaks +&e /ive psioni attak /or!s are ego whip# id insinuation#
mind thrust# psionic blast# and psychic crush. Psioniists &ave aess to all /ive /or!s
Bdepending on t&eir levelsC' w&ereas wild talents an never &ave !ore t&an t&ree o/ t&e
/ive. +&e psioni attaks are desri%ed %elow.
"go (&ip B"(C
+&is attak assaults a targets sel/Hestee! and individuality. 0t strikes like a
glowing w&ip' its rak sliing open t&e wells o/ in/eriority and wort&lessness %uried
deep %e&ind t&e targets de/enses. 3or every : PSPs put into t&e attak Bdelared a/ter a
suess/ul attak roll is !adeC' t&e attaker rolls 7d@ to deter!ine psioni da!age against
&is /oe. 0/ &it' t&e de/ender loses t&at !any PSPs or &as &is !ind opened to /urt&er
psioni ontat i/ no PSPs re!ain. A /ailed attak osts 5 PSPs.
"go w&ip &as t&ree ranges: s&ort B:6 yardsC' !ediu! BJ6 yardsC' and long B756
yardsC. At !ediu! range' t&e de/ender reeives a M5 %onus to &is 4ACI at long range'
t&e %onus is M9.
0/ used against an open !ind' ego w&ip leaves t&e target da-ed /or 7d: rounds'
osting t&e attaker : PSPs. +&oug& no psioni de/enses re!ain' t&e attaker !ust roll t&e
de/enders 4AC to suess/ully &it Bt&is attak reeives a M5 %onusC. (&ile da-ed' all o/
a &araters die rolls Battaks rolls' saving t&rows' et.C reeive a R9 penalty' and t&e
&arater ant ast spells a%ove 8rd level.
0d 0nsinuation B00C
+&is attak assaults a targets su%onsious' like a !ental %attering ra! tearing
t&roug& t&e walls t&at separate pri!itive needs /ro! soial onstraints. 3or every @ PSPs
put into t&e attak Bdelared a/ter a suess/ul attak roll is !adeC' t&e attaker rolls 7dJ
to deter!ine psioni da!age against &is /oe. 0/ &it' t&e de/ender loses t&at !any PSPs or
&as &is !ind opened to /urt&er psioni ontat i/ no PSPs re!ain. A /ailed attak osts 8
0d insinuation &as t&ree ranges: s&ort B@6 yardsC' !ediu! B756 yardsC' and long
B7J6 yardsC. At !ediu! range' t&e de/ender reeives a M5 %onus to &is 4ACI at long
range' t&e %onus is M9.
0/ used against an open !ind' id insinuation leaves its viti! on/used and
powerless to at /or 7d: rounds. (&ile no psioni de/enses re!ain' t&e attaker !ust roll
t&e de/enders 4AC to suess/ully &it Bt&e attak roll reeives a M5 %onusC. +&is use o/
t&e attak osts @ PSPs.
4ind +&rust B4+C
+&is attak sta%s t&e !ind o/ t&e de/ender' piering t&oug&ts and !e!ories. 3or
every 5 PSPs put into t&e attak Bdelared a/ter a suess/ul attak roll is !adeC' t&e
attaker rolls 7d: to deter!ine psioni da!age against &is /oe. 0/ &it' t&e de/ender loses
t&at !any PSPs or &as &is !ind opened to /urt&er psioni ontat i/ no PSPs re!ain. A
/ailed attak osts 7 PSP.
4ind t&rust &as t&ree ranges: s&ort B86 yardsC' !ediu! B@6 yardsC' and long B>6
yardsC. At !ediu! range' t&e de/ender reeives a M5 %onus to &is 4ACI at long range'
t&e %onus is M9.
0/ used against an open !ind' !ind t&rust auses t&e target to lose t&e use o/ one
psioni power B&osen rando!lyC /or 7d@ days. (&ile no psioni de/enses re!ain' t&e
attaker !ust still roll t&e de/enders 4AC to suess/ully &it Bwit& a M5 %onus to t&e
attak rollC. +&is use o/ t&e attak osts 5 PSPs. Beyond opening a losed !ind' !ind
t&rust &as no e//et on nonpsioni !inds.
Psioni Blast BPBC
+&is attak takes t&e /or! o/ a wave o/ !ental /ore t&at *olts a de/enders !ind.
3or every 76 PSPs put into t&e attak Bdelared a/ter a suess/ul attak roll is !adeC' t&e
attaker rolls 7d75 to deter!ine psioni da!age against &is /oe. 0/ &it' t&e de/ender loses
t&at !any PSPs or &as &is !ind opened to /urt&er psioni ontat i/ no PSPs re!ain. A
/ailed attak osts 9 PSPs.
Psioni %last &as t&ree ranges: s&ort B56 yardsC' !ediu! B:6 yardsC' and long B@6
yardsC. At !ediu! range' t&e de/ender reeives a M5 %onus to &is 4ACI at long range'
t&e %onus is M9.
0/ used against an open !ind' psioni %last auses 7dJ points o/ p&ysial da!age
B&it point lossC /or every 76 PSPs put into t&e attak. (&ile no psioni de/enses re!ain'
t&e attaker !ust still roll t&e de/enders 4AC to suess/ully &it Bwit& a M5 %onus to t&e
attak rollC.
Psy&i Crus& BPsCC
,ike a terri%le !ental weig&t' t&is attak seeks to rus& a de/enders !ind. 3or
every J PSPs put into t&e attak Bdelared a/ter a suess/ul attak roll is !adeC' t&e
attaker rolls 7d76 to deter!ine psioni da!age against &is /oe. 0/ &it' t&e de/ender loses
t&at !any PSPs or &as &is !ind opened to /urt&er psioni ontat i/ no PSPs re!ain. A
/ailed attak osts : PSPs. Psy&i rus& &as a range o/ 96 yards.
0/ used against an open !ind' psy&i rus& auses 7d@ points o/ p&ysial da!age
B&it point lossC /or every J PSPs put into t&e attak. Alt&oug& no psioni de/enses re!ain'
t&e attaker !ust roll t&e de/enders 4AC to suess/ully &it Bwit& a M5 %onus to t&e
attak rollC.
+&e 3ive Psioni De/esnses Bot& psioniists and wild talents develop psioni
de/enses naturally w&en t&ey progress in e1periene' as detailed on t&e Psioni
Progression &art. Psioni de/enses are gained wit&out using up any pro/iieny slots. As
wit& psioni attaks' wild talents !ay never &ave !ore t&an t&ree o/ t&e /ive psioni
A &arater ativates a psioni de/ense at t&e %eginning o/ a o!%at round. +&is
de/ense protets against all psioni attaks laun&ed at t&e &arater in t&at round. +&e
PSP ost is only paid one per round' no !atter &ow !any attaks it de/ends against in
t&at round.
So!e psioni attaks are !ore e//etive against ertain psioni de/enses. +&e
reverse is also true. +&is is represented %y !odi/iers t&at apply to t&e attakers
4+)AC6. See t&e Psioni Attaks vs. Psioni De/enses' %elow' /or a rossHre/erened
list o/ penalties and %onuses.
(&en a psioni attak las&es wit& a psioni de/ense' rossHinde1 t&e attak wit&
t&e de/ense on +a%le ;@. +&e resulting !odi/ier is applied to t&e attakers 4+)AC6.
+&us' positive !odi/iers are %onuses and negative !odi/iers are penalties.
Co!%at ards t&at list psioni attaks and de/enses are strongly reo!!ended.
<se 8^9 ardsI one /or ea& attak or de/ense t&at a &arater &as. During a round o/
psioni o!%at' ea& player puts an attak and a de/ense in /ront o/ &i!' /ae down' to
lok in &is ation. A/ter all delarations &ave %een !ade' ards are turned over and
o!%at o!!enes.
+&ere are /ive psioni de/enses. +&ey are intellect $ortress# mental barrier# mind
blank# thought shield' and tower o$ iron will. +&ese are desri%ed %elow.
0ntellet 3ortress B03C
+&is de/ense enases t&e !ind in a power/ul keep o/ !ental energy to protet it
/ro! psioni attak. 0ntellet /ortress provides t&e %est protetion against ego w&ip' %ut
its e1tre!ely vulnera%le to psioni %last. +&e ost is : PSPs per round to use t&is
4ental Barrier B4BC
+&is de/ense t&rows up a wall o/ t&oug&t to protet against psioni attak. A
!ental %arrier is e1tre!ely e//etive against a psioni %last' %ut vulnera%le to a psy&i
rus& attak. 0t osts 9 PSPs to use t&is de/ense in a round.
4ind Blank B4BkC
+&is de/ense &ides t&e !ind /ro! psioni attak' /or!ing a vast' /eatureless area
t&at !akes it &arder to target t&e losed !ind. 4ind %lank protets %est against id
insinuation' w&ile !ind t&rust easily slies t&roug& t&e de/ensive /og. 0t osts 8 PSPs per
round to use t&is de/ense.
+&oug&t S&ield B+SC
+&is de/ense /or!s a glowing s&ield to turn away a psioni attak. +&oug&t s&ield
de/ends !ost e//etively against psy&i rus& %ut is vulnera%le to ego w&ip. +&e ost is
5 PSPs per round to use t&is de/ense.
+ower o/ 0ron (ill B+(C
+&is de/ense %uilds an unassaila%le &aven /or t&e !ind. 4ind t&rust &as a di//iult
ti!e penetrating t&is de/ense' w&ile id insinuation an %rea& its protetion. +&e de/ense
osts @ PSPs per round.
+a%le ;@: Psioni Attaks vs. Psioni De/enses
4ind +&oug&t 4ental 0ntellet +ower o/
%lank s&ield %arrier /ortress iron will
4ind t&rust R9 R8 M5 M8 M9
"go w&ip R8 R: R5 M: M8
0d insinuation M9 M8 M7 R5 R9
Psy&i rus& R7 M: R: M7 M5
Psioni %lastM8 R5 M9 R: R8
Adding Su%stane to Psioni Co!%at
All psioni o!%at takes plae in t&e !inds o/ t&e o!%atants. +&is !indsape
&as its own rules and reality. "a& o!%atant rea&es into &is or &er own ne1us o/ power'
t&e plae w&ere t&e energy o/ !ind' %ody' and spirit o!e toget&er. +&e trained psioniist
an readily draw upon t&is ne1us o/ power' as an t&e wild talent. Nonpsioniists ant
aess t&is energy' %ut it springs /ort& to protet t&e! in t&e /or! o/ natural 4ental
Ar!or Class B4ACC.
+&e attaker and t&e de/ender appear as glowing /or!s' !ental pitures o/
t&e!selves in t&e !indsape. Psioniists an s&ape t&ese psioni /or!s as ela%orately as
t&ey see /it. (ild talents' &owever' appear as rude' /eatureless s&apes o/ &u!anoid lig&t.
Nonpsioniists are si!ply glowing %alls surrounded %y !ental ar!or' usually in t&e
s&ape o/ a lu!inesent wall.
(&ile t&e only t&ing t&at deter!ines t&e suess o/ psioni o!%at is t&e
4+)AC6 rolls and t&e &oies o/ psioni attaks and de/enses' players and D4s are
enouraged to add /lavor %y desri%ing &ow t&eir &araters psioni /or!s look and &ow
t&e powers t&ey use !ani/est t&e!selves. Being reative and &aving /un wit& t&e
!indsape as a psioni %attle progresses en&anes t&e roleplaying e1periene /or all.
2/a%ple: Tylk o$ the Westwoods# a psionicist# decides to use the mind thrust
attack against Neecha Nightmoon -also a psionicist1% > glowing sword o$ energy takes
shape in his psionic $orms hand% The sword slashes out# but Neecha calls $orth a thought
shield# and a luminescent shield $orms suddenly to block Tylks attack% Then Neecha
shapes her own attack# unleashing a psionic blast% 9nergy swells up $rom her ne:us#
$orming the image o$ a glowing tiger% The claws o$ the great beast slash through the ma6e
o$ ruins Tylk has $ormed $rom his mind blank de$ense# then scrape across Tylks psionic
de$enses# reducing his PSP total as the psionic blast $inds its target%
<sing Psioni Powers
All psioni powers &ave a 4AC sore. +o deter!ine i/ a psioni power works
against an open !ind' a player !ust !ake an 4+)AC6 roll against t&e powers 4AC
sore on 7d56. Any roll eFual to or greater t&an t&e nu!%er !eans t&e power &as %een
ativated and its e//ets are applied /or t&at round o/ play.
All powers &ave a ost per round o/ use. +&e ost listed to t&e le/t o/ t&e slas& is
t&e nu!%er o/ PSPs needed to use t&e power /or a single round. +&e ost listed to t&e
rig&t o/ t&e slas& is t&e nu!%er o/ PSPs e1pended i/ t&e 4+)AC6 roll /ails Bin w&i&
ase t&e powers e//ets arent appliedC.
Powers t&at &ave %een suess/ully ativated an %e !aintained /ro! round to
round wit&out !aking additional 4+)AC6 rolls. +&e psioniist si!ply e1pends PSPs to
pay /or t&e powers ost. +&e /irst round t&at t&e &arater /ails to pay t&e ost Beit&er
voluntarily or %eause &is PSPs &ave %een depletedC' t&e powers e//ets ease to
/untion. 0/ t&e psioniist wis&es to reativate t&e power in a later round' even against t&e
sa!e target' &e !ust !ake a new 4+)AC6 roll. 0/ an 4+)AC6 roll to ativate a psioni
power /ails' and t&e &arater &as enoug& PSPs re!aining' &e an try to ativate t&e
power again in t&e ne1t round %y !aking anot&er 4+)AC6 roll.
A roll o/ 7 is always a /ailure and a roll o/ 56 is always a suess' no !atter w&at
t&e powers 4AC or t&e psioniists 4+)AC6 sores are.
Table ++: T8AC7s & -T8AC7s
MMMMM PsionicistEs >evel MMMMM
1 2 " & ' ) + @ . 17 11
12 1" 1& 1' 1) 1+ 1@ 1. 27 21 22
2" 2& 2' 2) 2+ 2@ 2. "7
+)AC6 56 56 7> 7> 7J 7J 7; 7; 7@ 7@ 79
79 7: 7: 78 78 75 75 77 77 76 76
> > J J ; ; @ @
MMMMM PsionicistEs >evel MMMMM
1 2 " & ' ) + @ . 17 11
12 1" 1& 1' 1) 1+ 1@ 1. 27 21 22
2" 2& 2' 2) 2+ 2@ 2. "7
-T8AC7 56 7> 7J 7; 7@ 79 7: 78 75 77 76
> J ; @ 9 : 8 5 7 6 R7
R5 R8 R: R9 R@ R; RJ R>
MMMMM ,ild TalentEs >evel MMMMM
1 2 " & ' ) + @ . 17 11
12 1" 1& 1' 1) 1+ 1@ 1. 27 21 22
2" 2& 2' 2) 2+ 2@ 2. "7
-T8AC7 56 56 7> 7> 7J 7J 7; 7; 7@ 7@ 79
79 7: 7: 78 78 75 75 77 77 76 76
> > J J ; ; @ @
Table +@: Psionicist !aving Throws
ParalHation3 Poison3 #od3 !taff3 Petrification 5reath
>evel or Death -agic or ,and or Pol%orphK ,eaponN !pellO
7R: 78 79 75 7@ 79
9RJ 75 78 76 79 7:
>R75 77 77 J 78 75
78R7@ 76 > ; 75 77
7;R56 > ; @ 77 >
57M J 9 9 > ;
T "1luding poly!orp& wand attaks.
] "1luding t&ose t&at ause petri/iation or poly!orp&.
_ "1luding t&ose /or w&i& anot&er saving t&row type is spei/ied.
Closing an Open 4ind
A nonpsioni !ind is one t&at &as never &ad any PSPs. 0ts natural state is losed
unless willingly opened or opened %y psioni !eans. 0/ su& a targets !ind &as %een
opened' %ut t&e su%seFuent psioni attak or power used against it wasnt suess/ul' t&e
target an atte!pt to reHlose its !ind in t&e ne1t round. +&is reFuires a saving t&row vs.
paraly-ation at no penalty. 0/ a psioni power was used suess/ully against t&e newly
opened nonpsioni !ind' t&e target an still atte!pt to lose its !ind' %ut its saving t&row
is at a R: penalty. +&e target !ay atte!pt to lose its !ind every round t&erea/ter.
3or a newly opened psioni !ind Bone w&ose PSPs &ave %een redued to 6C' t&e
target ant atte!pt to reHlose its !ind until 7d:M7 rounds &ave passed. A/ter t&e
reFuired rounds &ave passed' t&e target an !ake a (isdo! &ek at a R8 penalty every
round t&erea/ter to atte!pt to lose its !ind.
(&en eit&er a nonpsioni or psioni &arater sueeds at reHlosing &is !ind' t&e
/ollowing ours: any psioni power urrently in use against t&e &arater eases to
/untion' and ontat %etween t&e two !inds is %roken. 0/ t&e powers e//et already took
plae in t&e round in w&i& t&e !ind reHlosed' t&e psioniist e1pends t&e /ull PSP ost. 0/
t&e powers e//et didnt take plae yet in t&e round' t&en t&e lower PSP ost is su%trated
/ro! t&e psioniists PSP total Bas i/ t&e ativation atte!pt /ailedC. 0/ t&e psioniist wants
to reesta%lis& ontat' &ell &ave to one again open t&e targets !ind.
Psionis in a $ound
A psioniist an do several ations during a single round. )e an:
4ake as !any psioni attaks as &is e1periene level indiates.
<se one psioni de/ense.
Ativate one psioni power against an open !ind.
4aintain as !any previously suess/ully ativated powers as &e wis&es' provided &e an
a//ord to ontinue paying t&e PSP osts. 3urt&er' i/ a psioni attak sueeds and
opens a losed !ind' a psioni power an %e used against t&e !ind t&at sa!e round.
,i!itations to Psioni Powers
Psioni powers &ave de/inite li!itations. So!e o/ t&ese already &ave %een
disussed' %ut are repeated &ere to e!p&asi-e t&e!. Ot&er li!itations are new.
P!Ps: Psioniists and wild talents &ave a /inite a!ount o/ psioni strengt& availa%le to
t&e! at any given ti!e. +&is strengt&' e1pressed as PSPs' !ust %e e1pended to use
psioni attaks' de/enses' and powers. +&e total also indiates &ow !u& da!age a
&eros psioni de/enses an wit&stand %e/ore &is !ind opens. As su&' t&e psioni
&arater !ust always %alane t&e use o/ powers' attaks' and de/enses wit& &ow
strong &e wants &is own internal walls to re!ain.
>ine of !ight: All psioni attaks and !ost powers reFuire line o/ sig&t to use. 0/ line o/
sig&t is %loked' !ost psionis wont work.
Touch: So!e psioni powers &ave a range o/ Utou&.V +&ese an %e used in !elee
o!%at' %ut t&ey reFuire a p&ysial attak roll and an 4+)AC6 roll to work. ,ike all
psioni powers' t&ey only an %e used against open !inds.
:bstructions: Anyt&ing t&at &inders a &araters nor!al vision %loks line o/ sig&t.
<nless t&e desription states ot&erwise' psioniists reFuire a line o/ sig&t to use a
power. O%vious e1eptions to t&is rule are t&e lairsentient powers and !any o/ t&e
telepat&i powers. )owever' ertain !aterials an o%strut t&ese psioni powers i/
t&ey o!pletely %lok t&e target. +&ese are lead and iron Bat least 7 in& t&ikC'
o%sidian Bat least 5 in&es t&ikC' stone Bat least 7 /oot t&ikC' and t&e antimagic shell
Psy&i Contests
So!eti!es two or !ore psioniists try to use a psioni power on t&e sa!e target.
3or e1a!ple' two psioniists !ig&t try to use telekinesis to !ove a stone in two di//erent
diretions' or t&ey !ig&t atte!pt to teleport t&e sa!e &arater to di//erent loations' or
t&ey !ig&t use any psioni powers in su& a way as to %e in diret on/lit wit& ea&
ot&er. (&i& power use prevailsE +&e struggle results in a psy&i ontest.
+o resolve a psy&i ontest' o!pare t&e o!peting &araters 4+)AC6 rolls
!ade to ativate t&e powers. +&e &arater w&o &as t&e lowest suess/ul 4+)AC6 roll
wins t&e ontest. 0/ none o/ t&e o!peting &araters roll suess/ully' none o/ t&e power
uses sueed. 0/ one &arater sueeds and t&e ot&ers /ail t&e rolls' t&en t&at &arater
wins t&e ontest. 0/ o!peting &araters &ave t&e sa!e 4+)AC6 sore and t&ey roll t&e
sa!e nu!%ers on t&e die' t&en a psy&i lok ours.
0n a psy&i lok' neit&er o!peting &arater wins t&e psy&i ontest t&at
round. Bot& are applying eFual psioni pressure' t&us reating a stale!ate. +o resolve t&e
ontest' %ot& &araters !ust pay t&e powers PSP ost and engage in anot&er round o/
psy&i ontest. 0/ eit&er &arater /ails to pay t&e ostDe//etively giving upDt&at
&arater su//ers a psy&i %aklas& and loses :d: PSPs i!!ediately.
Psionis and 4agi
Psionis and !agi use o!pletely di//erent /ores. Psionis uses internal energy'
w&ile !agi taps into e1traplanar power. Bot& arts an produe si!ilar e//ets' %ut t&ey
do so in very di//erent ways. 3or t&is reason' psionis and !agi dont ordinarily !i1.
4agial spells' /or instane' ant %e used to detet or dispel psioni ativity' unless
ot&erwise stated. ,ikewise' psioni powers ant detet !agi t&at si!ulates psioni
a%ilities. ,astly' i/ a psioniist uses a psy&okineti' psy&o!eta%oli' psy&oportive' or
telepat&i power against a !agial illusion' &e auto!atially gets a saving t&row vs. spell
to dis%elieve it. Spei/i spells' as listed %elow' inter!i1 wit& psionis in t&e /ollowing
Antimagic shell: +&is spell %loks t&e e//ets o/ psioni powers.
Detect charm: +&is spell detets telepat&i ontrol' su& as do!ination.
Detect invisibilit: +&is spell allows t&e aster to see learly psioni invisi%ility'
astral travelers' s&adow/or!' and et&ereal reatures. 0t doesnt work against &araters in
ot&er di!ensions.
Detect magic: +&is spell &as no e//et on psionis.
Detect scring: +&is spell will detet psioni srying' t&oug& psioniists get a
save vs. spell to avoid detetion.
!"#: 0/ t&is spell is used against psioniists' t&ey get a save vs. spell wit& a M5
%onus to negate t&e e//ets.
$alse vision: +&is spell works against psionis' t&oug& psioniists get a save vs.
spell to negate e//ets.
$orbi%%ance: +&is spell e//etively %loks all teleportation and !eta%oli powers.
$ree action: +&is spell overo!es all psy&okineti e//ets against t&e su%*ets
%ody' as well as do!ination.
Globe o& invulnerabilit'minor globe o& invulnerabilit: +&ese spells &ave no
e//et on psionis.
Magic (ar: Psioniists use t&eir o!%ined (isdo! and Constitution sores w&en
deter!ining t&e di//erential !odi/ier.
Min% blan): Psioniists get a save vs. spell to overo!e t&is en&ant!ent.
Mis%irection: +&is spell &as no e//et on psionis.
Mislea%: A psioni attak reveals t&is spell' %ut t&e /irst attak auto!atially /ails.
*on%etection: +&is spell works nor!ally against psionis.
+tilu)e,s resilient sphere: Psionis ant penetrate t&is spells protetion.
Protetion /ro! evilPprotetion /ro! evil' 76H/oot radius: +&ese spells provide M5
%onuses to 4ACs.
"pell immunit: +&is spell &as no e//et on psionis.
-rap the soul: Psioniists trapped %y t&is spell ant use any psioni powers.
Psioniists and
(ild +alents
Psioni powers an %e used %y any &arater lass' t&oug& one lass speiali-es in
t&e use o/ psionis: t&e psioniist. (ild talents are a su%lassi/iation wit&in ot&er
&arater lasses. +&ese &araters possess one or two psioni powers. +&eir !ain
voation is t&at o/ t&eir lass. 3or instane' a priest ould &ave a psioni a%ility or two'
%ut &e relies pri!arily on t&e skills o/ &is lass. A psioniist' on t&e ot&er &and' relies
al!ost entirely on &is psioni gi/ts. +&e di//erenes %etween t&e two types o/ psioni
&araters are e1plained in t&e setion t&at /ollows.
Psioniist +&e psioniist &arater works to !old !ind' %ody' and spirit into a uni/ied'
power/ul w&ole. +&e &eros internal energy' or psioni strengt&' o!es /ro! deep wit&in
&i!sel/D/ro! a plae psioniists all t&e ne1us. +&is energy is given /or! and purpose
%y t&e individuals strengt& o/ will. +&roug& e1traordinary disipline' long
onte!plation' and deepening awareness o/ sel/' t&e psioniist taps t&e vast potential o/
&is !ind.
Psioniists !ust !eet or e1eed t&e /ollowing prereFuisites.
Abilit re$uire%ents: Constitution 77' 0ntelligene 75' (isdo! 79
Pri%e re$uisites: (isdo!' Constitution
#aces allowed: Any
Beause t&e pursuit o/ psionis reFuire strit !ental and p&ysial disipline' a
psioniist &as two pri!e reFuisites: (isdo! and Constitution. )is pri!ary !ental a%ility
sore is (isdo!. As t&e !easure o/ &is willpower and enlig&ten!ent' (isdo! pro!otes
t&e understanding and !astery o/ t&e inner sel/Dt&e essene o/ psioni a%ility. ,ikewise'
t&e tre!endous stress o/ using psionis reFuires a &ealt&y %ody to &ouse a /it !ind. +&is
is w&ere Constitution o!es into play. ,astly' 0ntelligene is i!portant to psioniists
%eause o/ t&e reasoning and !e!ori-ation neessary to t&e lass.
All raes eligi%le /or use as player &araters an %eo!e psioniists. )u!an
psioniists &ave no li!it on t&e levels o/ e1periene t&ey an attain in t&eir &osen lass.
)al/Helves' &al/Hors' and &al/Hogres Bdue to t&eir partial &u!an &eritageC an rea& 75t&
level. )al/lings and gno!es an attain 76t& level. Dwarves and elves an rea& only Jt&
level as psioniists. All reatures not listed &ere an rea& 76t& level.
DualHClassed and
4ultilassed Psioniists
A &u!an &arater w&o &as sores o/ 79 or !ore in t&e pri!e reFuisites o/ &is /irst lass
and sores o/ 7; or !ore in t&e pri!e reFuisites o/ t&e lass &e swit&es to an %e a
dualHlassed psioniist. See t&e Players Handbook' /or !ore details on dualHlass
%ene/its and restritions.
De!i&u!an &araters an %e !ultilassed psioniists i/ t&ey !eet t&e
reFuire!ents in t&e Players Handbook.
Psioniists an %e o/ any align!ent' save &aoti. +&e disipline integral to
psionis ant %e !aintained %y &aoti &araters. 0/ a psioniists align!ent s&i/ts to
&aoti /or any reason' &e Fuikly %egins to lose psioni powers. "very day &is align!ent
re!ains &aoti' t&e &arater !ust !ake an a%ility &ek against oneH&al/ &is (isdo!
sore' rounded down. "a& ti!e t&e &arater /ails t&is &ek' &e loses aess to one
psioni disipline and all t&e powers related to it. +&e disipline is seleted rando!ly %y
t&e D4.
Psioniists w&o &ange to &aoti align!ent ant reover PSPs. 0/ a psioniists
align!ent turns /ro! &aoti %ak to non&aoti' &e %egins to reover lost disiplines at a
rate o/ one per day. +&is is ao!plis&ed %y !aking t&e sa!e &alved (isdo! &ek
desri%ed a%oveDsuess indiates t&e return o/ a rando! disipline /ro! t&ose t&at
were lost.
(eapon and Ar!or $estritions
Psioniists disdain using weapons o/ any sort. 3urt&er' t&ey dont &ave t&e ti!e to
properly train in t&eir use. 0/ a psioniist &arater wants to use a weapon' &e !ust selet
it /ro! t&e /ollowing s!allHsi-ed ite!s: &and ross%ow' dagger' dart' dirk' kni/e' sourge'
sikle' and s&ort sword.
Psioniists an only use t&e /ollowing types o/ ar!or: padded' leat&er' studded
leat&er' and &ide. +&ey !ay also arry s!all s&ields.
Psioniist Bene/its
Psioniists &ave t&eir own +)AC6s' w&i& are listed on t&e +)AC6s and
4+)AC6s' a%ove' along wit& t&eir respetive 4+)AC6s. 4+)AC6s /or wild talents
are listed on t&e sa!e ta%le' t&oug& t&ese &araters !ust re/er to t&eir lasss own
+)AC6 ta%les /or alulated attak rolls.
Psioniists gain a M5 %onus on all saving t&rows vs. en&ant!entP&ar! spells.
+&is is in addition to any !agial de/ense ad*ust!ents /or &ig& (isdo! sores. t&e
Psioniist Saving +&row ta%le lists saving t&rows /or t&is &arater lass.
At >t& level' a psioniist %eo!es a onte!plative !aster. Su& a !aster an
%uild a santuary to use as &is &eadFuarters and an attrat /ollowers. A 7stHlevel
psioniist arrives !ont&ly to study wit& t&e !aster' regardless o/ w&et&er &e %uilds a
santuary. +&e !a1i!u! nu!%er o/ /ollowers is eFual to t&e !asters C&aris!a sore i/
&e %uilds a santuary' or &al/ t&at nu!%er rounded down i/ &e doesnt.
A !asters /ollowers want to learn. +&ey serve in any apaity t&e !aster &ooses
as long as t&e !aster spends at least 76 &ours per week instruting t&e!. 0/ t&e !aster
doesnt live up to t&is s&edule' t&e /ollowers leave to /ind so!eone else.
Psioniist Advane!ent
A psioniist earns e1periene points and advanes in level like !e!%ers o/ ot&er
lasses' as outlined on +a%le ;> %elow.
Psioniists and PSPs
A psioniist deter!ines &is initial PSP total %y adding %onuses awarded /or &ig&
(isdo!' Constitution' and 0ntelligene sores to a %ase o/ 79' t&en adding t&e result o/ a
7d@ die roll:
,is bonus I Con bonus I 0nt bonus I 1' I 1d) P 1stClevel P!P total;
(it& every level inrease' up to t&e >t& level' a psioniist gains additional PSPs
%y adding t&e %onuses to a 7d@ die roll:
,is bonus I Con bonus I 0nt bonus I 1d) P P!Ps gained per level F2 through
Starting at >t& level' a psioniist gains *ust 8 PSPs per level' plus &is (isdo!
,is bonus I " P P!Ps gained per level level and higherG;
Table +.: Psionicist 2/perience >evels
Psionicist 2/perience 8it Dice
>evel Points #oll Fd)G
7 6 7
5 5'566 5
8 :':66 8
: J'J66 :
9 7@'966 9
@ 86'666 @
; 99'666 ;
J 766'666 J
> 566'666 >
76 :66'666 >M5
77 @66'666 >M:
75 J66'666 >M@
78 7'666'666 >MJ
7: 7'566'666 >M76
79 7'966'666 >M75
7@ 7'J66'666 >M7:
7; 5'766'666 >M7@
7J 5':66'666 >M7J
7> 5';66'666 >M56
56 8'666'666 >M55
.aining Disiplines and Powers
"very psioni power %elongs to one o/ t&e /ive psioni disiplines: clairsentience#
psychokinesis# psychometabolism# psychoportation# and telepathy. Powers are eit&er
!a*or Band are alled sciencesC or !inor Balled de3otionsC. Be/ore a psioniist an learn
a psioni power' &e !ust &ave aess to t&e appropriate disipline.
At 7st level' a psioniist selets one disipline. +&is is &is primary discipline. As a
psioniist advanes in level' &e gains aess to additional disiplines Bas s&own on t&e
Psioni Progression ta%le. A psioniist starts out at 7st level wit& /our powers wit&in &is
pri!ary disipline: one siene and t&ree devotions. (it& ea& advane in level' t&e
psioniist gains additional disiplines and powers' as outlined. So!e additional points to
onsider inlude t&e /ollowing:
A player an selet new powers /or &is &arater as soon as t&e &arater rea&es a new
e1periene level. +&ese new powers an %e seleted /ro! any disipline t&e &arater
&as aess to' inluding a disipline t&at was *ust gained.
(it&in a single disipline' a &arater !ust &ave twie as !any devotions as sienes.
3or e1a!ple' a player ant selet a t&ird telepat&i siene until &is &arater &as at
least si1 telepat&i devotions.
A &arater an never learn as !any sienes and devotions in anot&er disipline as &e
knows in &is pri!ary disipline. +&is provides a /ous /or a &ero t&at &e an ad&ere to
t&roug&out &is areer.
Table @7: Psionic Progression
2/p; Total Total Total Psionic
>evel Disciplines !ciences Devotions Att<Def
7 7 7 8 7P7
5 5 7 9 7P7
8 5 5 ; 5P5
: 5 5 > 5P5
9 5 8 76 8P8
@ 8 8 77 8P8
; 8 : 75 :P:
J 8 : 78 :P:
> 8 9 7: 9P9
76 : 9 79 9P9
77 : @ 7@ 9P9
75 : @ 7; 9P9
78 : ; 7J 9P9
7: 9 ; 7> 9P9
79 9 J 56 9P9
7@ 9 J 57 9P9
7; 9 > 55 9P9
7J 9 > 58 9P9
7> 9 76 5: 9P9
56 9 76 59 9P9
,ike all &arater lasses' psioniists &ave various pro/iienies availa%le to t&e!.
+&e Psioniist Pro/iieny Slots ta%le %elow' lists t&e initial nu!%er o/ weapon and
nonweapon pro/iienies availa%le to t&is lass' as well as t&e rates at w&i& t&ese
&araters earn new slots. C&araters start wit& t&e initial two weapon and t&ree
nonweapon pro/iienies availa%le to psioniists. Psioniists an learn a weapon
pro/iieny /or any weapon t&ey an use.
Table @1: Psionicist Proficienc !lots
,eapon Proficiencies *onweapon Proficiencies
0nitial A >evels Penalt 0nitial A >evels
5 9 R: 8 8
0nitial $e/ers to t&e nu!%er o/ pro/iieny slots availa%le to 7stHlevel psioniists.
A >evels 0ndiates &ow !any levels a psioniist !ust advane %e/ore reeiving a
new slot. )e reeives one new weapon slot at levels 9' 76' 79' and 56. )e
reeives one new nonweapon slot at levels 8' @' >' 75' 79' and 7J.
Penalt A !odi/ier to a psioniists attak roll w&en &e uses a weapon &e isnt
pro/iient wit&.
Bonus Pro/iienies
A psioniist reeives %onus pro/iienies upon reation. +&ey dont take up any o/
a psioniists availa%le slots. +&ese %onus pro/iienies are ontat and !ental ar!or'
w&i& allow t&e psioniist to partiipate in psioni o!%at.
+&e Psioniist .roup
+&e ta%le %elow Balong wit& t&e U.eneralV group ta%le in t&e PH4C lists t&e
nonweapon pro/iienies availa%le to psioniists at t&e regular slot ost. Add one to t&e
ost /or pro/iienies taken /ro! ot&er groups.
Table @2: *onweapon Proficiencies
MMM?eneral ?roupMMM
Proficienc !lots Abilit -odifier
Contact 7 (isdo! 6
*ental >rmor 7 (isdo! R5
DDDPsioniist .roupDDD
Pro/iieny Slots A%ility 4odi/ier
.e! Cutting 5 De1terity R5
Harness Subconscious 5 (isdo! R7
*editati3e Focus 7 (isdo! M7
4usial 0nstru!ent 7 De1terity R7
$eadingP(riting 7 0ntelligene M7
.e&u3enation 7 (isdo! R7
$eligion 7 (isdo! 6
Note: 0talii-ed pro/iienies are desri%ed in t&is %ook. All ot&ers are in t&e Players
Contact: +&is pro/iieny gives &araters aess to t&e psioni attak /or!s
neessary to open a losed !ind. Contat allows &araters to gain psioni attaks as t&ey
%eo!e availa%le wit& level advane!ent.
Psioniists auto!atially reeive t&is pro/iieny. 0t doesnt take up any o/ t&eir
availa%le slots. As a psioniist inreases in level' &e auto!atially reeives psioni attak
/or!s as outlined on t&e Psioni Progression ta%le. Psioni attak /or!s dont /ill up a
psioniists pro/iieny slots.
(ild talents' on t&e ot&er &and' !ust selet ontat and plae it in an availa%le
nonweapon pro/iieny slot i/ t&ey want to gain its %ene/its. One ontat is slotted' a
wild talent selets one psioni attak. )e !ay selet an additional attak %y plaing it in
an availa%le nonweapon slot a/ter &e &as advaned t&e appropriate nu!%er o/ levels'
aording to &is groups progression rate. (ild talents !ay never &ave !ore t&an t&ree o/
t&e /ive psioni attak /or!s.
8arness !ubconscious: +&roug& t&e use o/ t&is pro/iieny' a psioniist
te!porarily %oosts &is PSP total. +o proure t&ese e1tra PSPs' t&e psioniists PSP total
!ust %e at its !a1i!u!. +wo /ull days B:J onseutive &oursC !ust %e spent gat&ering
energy /ro! su%onsious reserves. At t&e end o/ t&is ti!e' t&e psioniist !akes a
pro/iieny &ek. Suess inreases &is PSP total %y 56S' rounded up.
+&e e1tra PSPs re!ain availa%le /or ;5 &ours or until t&ey are used up' w&i&ever
o!es /irst. At t&e end o/ ;5 &ours' t&e psioniist loses as !any PSPs as &e gained /ro!
&is urrent total Bt&oug& t&e total wont drop %elow 6C.
During t&e ;5 &ours o/ %oosted energy' t&e psioniist ant reover PSPs i/ &is
urrent total eFuals or e1eeds &is usual !a1i!u!. One all o/ t&e %onus PSPs &ave %een
used' PSPs an %e reovered nor!ally up to t&e usual !a1i!u!.
-editative Focus: +&is pro/iieny allows a psioniist to /ous &is !ental energy
into one disipline' ausing all powers wit&in t&at disipline to reeive 4+)AC6 roll
%onusesI powers related to ot&er disiplines reeive 4+)AC6 roll penalties.
+&e psioniist !ust !editate /or 75 onseutive &ours. )e reovers PSPs
nor!ally during t&is !editative state. (&en t&e period ends' t&e &arater !akes a
pro/iieny &ek. Suess !eans &e &as /oused &is energy into t&e &osen disipline.
All 4+)AC6 rolls /or powers wit&in t&at disipline reeive a M5 %onus /or t&e ne1t 5:
&ours or until &is PSP total is redued to 6' w&i&ever o!es /irst. All ot&er disiplines
get a R7 penalty /or t&e sa!e period.
-ental Ar%or: +&is pro/iieny allows a &arater to i!prove &is !ental ar!or
lass B4ACC. "a& ti!e t&is pro/iieny is plaed in an availa%le nonweapon slot' t&e
&araters 4AC i!proves. Nonpsioniists i!prove %y M7 /or ea& slotI psioniists
i!prove %y M5. +&e pro/iieny !ay only %e slotted one per level advane!ent.
#e=uvenation: +&is pro/iieny allows a psioniist to reover PSPs !ore Fuikly
t&an is usual %y entering a re*uvenating trane. +&is state o/ deep onentration reFuires a
suess/ul pro/iieny &ek. 3or every &our a &ero !aintains t&is trane Band !akes t&e
&ekC' &e regains PSPs at twie t&e usual rate BoneHFuarter o/ &is total instead o/
oneHeig&t&C. )e ant e1pend PSPs w&ile in t&is trane' and &is state is !u& like deep
(ild +alents A wild talent is a &ero /ro! any &arater lass ot&er t&an t&e psioniist
lass w&o &as natural psioni potential. +&is potential an %e present in any &arater'
regardless o/ lass' align!ent' or rae. +&e align!ent restritions o/ t&e psioniist lass
dont apply to wild talents.
(ild talents &ave one or two psioni powers' up to t&ree psioni de/enses' and up
to t&ree psioni attaks at t&eir disposal one t&eyve rea&ed /ull power. +&e psioni
de/enses o!e naturally' one at a ti!e' aording to t&e Psioni Progression ta%le.
Psioni attaks are only gained a/ter t&e PC plaes t&e ontat pro/iieny in an
availa%le nonweapon pro/iieny slot. A wild talent &ooses one o/ t&e /ive attak /or!s
at t&at ti!e. )e !ay selet a seond and a t&ird attak /or! w&en slots %eo!e availa%le
aording to &is group pro/iieny progression Bas outlined in t&e Players HandbookC.
+esting /or (ild +alents
+esting /or wild talents involves risk. +&e test !ust %e per/or!ed w&en a
&arater is reated' w&en a &araters (isdo! sore inreases' w&en psionis are
introdued into a a!paign' or t&e /irst ti!e a &arater reeives psy&i surgery.
"very &arater and !onster &as a %ase &ane o/ 7S to %e a wild talent. +&is is
!odi/ied as /ollows:
"a& (is' Con' or 0nt sore o/ 7JM M8S
"a& (is' Con' or 0nt sore o/ 7; M5S
"a& (is' Con' or 0nt sore o/ 7@ M7S
C&arater is 9t& to Jt& level M7S
C&arater is >t& level or &ig&er M5S
(i-ard' priest' or non &u!anT \
T $ound /rations up. Apply t&is penalty only one' even i/ &eking a non &u!an
wi-ard or t&e like.
One a &araters &ane to %e a wild talent is deter!ined' roll perentile die.
$esults are as /ollows:
=$ the result is more than the modi$ied chance and less than OG# t&e &arater is not a wild
=$ the result is less than or e'ual to the modi$ied chance' t&e &arater is a wild talent. +&e
player rolls perentile die and onsults t&e (0ld +alents ta%le. )is &araters PSPs
are deter!ined as under t&e Psioni Strengt& Points setion.
=$ the result is ./# t&e &arater !ust save vs. deat& or &is (isdo! is per!anently
redued %y 7d@ points.
=$ the result is .0# t&e &arater !ust save vs. deat& or &is 0ntelligene is per!anently
redued %y 7d@ points.
=$ the result is ..# t&e &arater !ust save vs. deat& or &is Constitution is per!anently
redued %y 7d@ points.
=$ the result is 122# t&e &arater !ust save vs. deat& at R9 or &is (isdo!' 0ntelligene'
and Constitution sores are all per!anently redued to 8 points.
Table @": ,ild Talents
#oll #oll #oll #oll
1d177 ,ild Devotion 1d177 ,ild Devotion 1d177 ,ild Devotion 1d177 ,ild
D Clairsentient Devotions D D Psy&o!eta%oli Devotions D D Psy&oportive Devotions D D Clairsentient
Sienes D
67R65 AllHround vision 5JR5> A%sor% disease ;7R;5 Astral pro*etion 67R6@ Aura sig&t
68 Co!%at !ind 86R87 Adrenaline ontrol ;8R;: Di!ensional door 6;R7:
6:R69 Danger sense 85 Aging ;9R;; Di!ension walk 79R55 Clairvoyane
6@R6; 3eel lig&t 88R8: Bio/eed%ak ;JR;> Drea! travel 58R5; O%*et reading
6J 3eel sound89 Body ontrol J6RJ7 P&ase 5JR85 Preognition
6> )ear lig&t 8@ Body eFuili%riu! 88R8@ Sensitivity to psy&i
76 2now diretion 8;R8J Body weaponry D +elepat&i Devotions D
77R75 2now loation 8>R:6 Cat/all J5RJ: Coneal t&oug&ts
78 Poison sense :7 Cause deay J9RJ; "!pat&y D Psy&okineti Siene D
7:R79 $adial navigation :5R:8 Cell ad*ust!ent JJRJ> "SP 8;R:: +elekinesis
7@R7; See sound ::R:9 C&a!eleon power >6R>7 ,i/e detetion
7J Spirit sense :@ C&e!ial si!ulation >5R>8 Psy&i !essenger D Psy&o!eta%oli
Sienes D
:; Displae!ent >:R>@ Send t&oug&ts :9R:> Ani!al a//inity
D Psy&okineti Devotions D :JR:> Dou%le pain >;R>J $oll two devotions 96R98 Co!plete &ealing
7>R56 Ani!ate s&adow 96 "toplas!i /or! >> $oll one siene 9:R99 Deat& /ield
57R55 Control lig&t 97R95 "n&aned strengt& 766 $oll one devotion and9@R@7 "nergy
58R5: Control sound 98 "1pansion one siene @5R@8 ,i/e draining
59 4oleular agitation 9:R99 3les& ar!or @:R;5 4eta!orp&osis
5@R5; So/ten 9@ .ra/t weapon ;5RJ6 S&adow/or!
9;R9J )eig&tened senses
9> 0!!ova%ility D Psy&oportive Sienes D
@6R@7 ,end &ealt& J7RJ8 Pro%a%ility travel
@5R@8 4ind over %ody J:RJ@ +eleport
@:R@9 $edution
@@R@; S&are strengt& D +elepat&i Sienes D
@JR;6 Suspend ani!ation J;R>5 4indlink
>8R>9 No siene gained
>@R766 $oll two sienes
Psioni Powers +&ere are /ive para!eters integral to ea& psioni power. +&ey are:
-AC: +&e nu!%er t&at t&e user !ust roll against wit& an 4+)AC6 roll to
ativate t&e power against an open !ind. Bonuses to a powers 4AC sore !ake it
lower' t&us &arder to &it. (&ile penalties !ake it &ig&er' and t&us easier to roll against.
See U<sing Psioni PowersV /or !ore details.
P!P Cost: +&e nu!%er o/ PSPs t&at !ust %e spent per round to use a psioni
power. +&e seondary nu!%er is t&e PSP ost i/ t&e 4+)AC6 roll /ails.
#ange: +&e !a1i!u! distane /ro! t&e user at w&i& t&e power &as an e//et.
U+ou&V reFuires t&e user to !ake p&ysial ontat wit& t&e targetDt&at is' a +)AC6
Area of 2ffect: +&e p&ysial area or nu!%er o/ %eings a power a//ets.
UPersonalV only a//ets t&e user.
Prere$uisite: Ot&er sienes or devotions a &arater !ust know %e/ore %eing
a%le to use a partiular power. So!e prereFuisites will list a level. +&is is t&e lowest level
a psioniist using t&is psioni power an %e.
One a psioniist &as !astered t&e powers o/ &is !ind' t&e results an %e as
spetaular as t&e e1plosive /ore o/ t&e psy&okineti siene alled detonate or as
su%tle as t&e lairsentient devotion alled see sound. Originally /ro! The Complete 4ook
o$ Psionics# )ragon Cings# and The Will and the Way# t&e psioni powers desri%ed in
t&is &apter &ave %een revised to re/let t&e new psionis syste!.
O%viously' not every psioni power ould %e ontained &ere. 3or t&e !ost part'
&owever' &anges &ave %een kept to a !ini!u! and are listed on t&e Psioni Powers
Su!!ary. +&e su!!ary provides t&e statistis needed to onvert e1isting powers to t&e
new syste!. +&e revised statistis' t&e 4AC sore' and t&e reon/igured PSP ost replae
t&e power sore' initial ost' and !aintenane ost /ro! t&e old psionis syste!.
+&e powers are divided alp&a%etially into t&e /ive disiplines Blairsentiene'
psy&okinesis' psy&o!eta%olis!' psy&oportation' and telepat&yC. +&e !a*or powers
BsienesC are presented /irst in ea& setion' /ollowed %y t&e !inor powers BdevotionsC.
"a& entry inludes ertain para!eters' as desri%ed in t&e ao!panying side%ar.
0/ youre new to psionis' skip t&e /ollowing paragrap&. +&e e1planation o/ t&e
&anges /ro! t&e old psionis syste! to t&e new !ay %e on/using. 0/ youve used
psionis o/ten in your past a!paigns' &owever' t&e /ollowing paragrap& !ay &elp you
understand t&e why %e&ind so!e o/ t&e syste! &anges.
Power sores &ave %een replaed %y 4AC sores' as t&e %ase !e&ani /or
psionis &as %een &anged /ro! a pro/iieny syste! to a o!%at syste!. 0nitial osts
and !aintenane osts &ave %een o!%ined into a single PSP ost. Preparation ti!e &as
%een eli!inated. Optional results also &ave %een eli!inated' t&oug& t&ey an still %e used
i/ D4s and players desire.
Clairsentient Powers Clairsentient powers allow &araters to pereive t&ings %eyond
t&e natural range o/ &u!an and de!i&u!an senses. $evised sienes and devotions are
presented %elow.
Aura Sig&t
Fclairsentient scienceG
4AC: ; B%aseC
PSP Cost: >P8
$ange: 96 yards
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
(it& t&is power' t&e user an detet auras Bt&e nor!ally invisi%le envelope o/
olored lig&t t&at surrounds all living t&ingsC. "a& use o/ t&e power gives t&e user one
piee o/ in/or!ationDeit&er t&e targets align!ent Bone portion o/ itC or relative level o/
power' %ut not %ot& si!ultaneously.
+&is power an %e used twie per round B/or two PSP osts and wit& two
4+)AC6 rollsC to e1a!ine two di//erent auras or t&e sa!e aura twie. +&e user an %e
disreet' %ut &e needs to ga-e at t&e target. <sing t&e power /ro! a distane is less
notiea%le t&an using it up lose.
+&e level Bor )it DieC o/ t&e target &arater a//ets t&e 4+)AC6 roll. +&e
&ig&er t&e level o/ t&e target' t&e toug&er it is to interpret t&e aura. +&e powers 4AC
s&ould %e i!proved %y 7 /or every t&ree levels Bor )DC t&e target &as' rounded down. 3or
e1a!ple' an Jt&Hlevel target i!proves t&e powers 4AC %y 5' !aking it 4AC 9 Band
t&ere/ore &arder to roll againstC.
+&e D4 s&ould relate ga!eHrelated in/or!ation in a story sense' rat&er t&an in
!e&anial ter!s. 0n t&e ase o/ align!ent' t&e user sees olored lig&t t&at represents an
ele!ent: 7C %lue Blaw/ulCI 5C gray BneutralCI 8C red B&aotiCI :C w&ite BgoodCI or 9C %lak
BevilC. $elative level o/ power an %e desri%ed as /ollows: 7C di! aura Ba lowHlevel
target' 7st to 9t& levelCI 5C %rig&t aura Ba !id level target' @t& to 78t& levelCI 8C da--ling
aura Ba &ig&Hlevel target' 7:t& to 56t& levelCI and :C %linding aura Ba target a%ove 56t&
Fclairsentient scienceG
4AC: J B%aseC
PSP Cost: 9P5
$ange: <nli!ited
Area o/ "//et:Speial
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power allows t&e user to &ear sounds /ro! a distant area. +&e user piks a
loation &e knows' !akes an 4+)AC6 roll' t&en listens to everyt&ing &e would %e a%le
to &ear nor!ally i/ &e were standing in t&at spot. 0/ t&e user &as en&aned &earing' t&at
a%ility also applies to t&e use o/ lairaudiene. +&e power doesnt sreen out noise around
t&e users p&ysial %ody' w&i& !ay !ake it di//iult to &ear sounds elsew&ere. +&e
power doesnt provide any a%ilities to understand languages or interpret sounds. +&e
distane o/ t&e listening spot !odi/ies t&e powers 4AC' as s&own %elow.
#ange PowerEs -AC
766 yards J
7'666 yards @
76 !iles :
766 !iles 5
7'666 !iles 6
76'666 !iles R5
0nterplanetaryT R:
T Clairaudiene only works wit&in a given plane or rystal sp&ere.
3or e1a!ple' a user trying to &ear so!et&ing 76'666 !iles away would reFuire a
roll against a lower 4AC. 0nstead o/ J' /or t&e losest range' t&e !ental ar!or lass
would now %e R5. 0/ t&e users 4+)AC6 is 79' &e needs to roll a 7; to suess/ully
e!ploy t&is power.
Fclairsentient scienceG
4AC: ; B%aseC
PSP Cost: 9P5
$ange: <nli!ited
Area o/ "//et:Speial
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power allows t&e user to see i!ages /ro! a distant loation. +&e user piks a
spot &e knows' !akes an 4+)AC6 roll' t&en looks at everyt&ing &e would %e a%le to see
i/ &e were standing in t&at spot. +&e users /ield o/ vision is t&e sa!e as nor!al' and
turning &is &ead allows &i! to san t&e area.
Clairvoyane doesnt replae nor!al vision. +&e user still sees w&ats around &is
p&ysial loation' wit& t&e distant sene superi!posed. Closing ones eyes %loks t&e
dou%le vision and leaves only t&e distant sene. +&is power doesnt en&ane vision' so
&idden or invisi%le o%*ets re!ain undeteted. +&e distant sene is visual onlyI t&ere is no
+&e distane o/ t&e viewing spot !odi/ies t&e powers 4AC' as s&own %elow.
#ange PowerEs -AC
766 yards ;
7'666 yards 9
76 !iles 8
766 !iles 7
7'666 !iles R7
76'666 !iles R8
0nterplanetaryT R9
T Clairvoyane only works wit&in a given plane or rystal sp&ere.
O%*et $eading
Fclairsentient scienceG
4AC: ;
PSP Cost: 75P@
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:+ou&
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power allows t&e user to detet psioni i!pressions le/t on an o%*et %y a
previous owner. +&ese i!pressions inlude t&e owners rae' se1' age' and align!ent.
+&e power an also reveal &ow t&e owner a!e to possess t&e ite! and &ow &e lost it. An
o%*et an %e read suess/ully only one per e1periene level. Additional readings at t&e
sa!e level reveal no new in/or!ation.
+&e a!ount o/ in/or!ation gained depends on t&e 4+)AC6 roll. Suess rolls
start wit& t&e nu!%er t&e user needs to get 4AC ; and t&en i!prove /ro! t&ere' as noted
%elow. +&e user learns t&e in/or!ation listed' plus all results a%ove it.
!uccess #oll 0nfor%ation ?ained
6 to M5 ,ast owners rae
M8 to M: ,ast owners se1
M9 to M@ ,ast owners age
M; ,ast owners align!ent
MJ and up )ow last owner gained and lost o%*et
AllH$ound Nision
Fclairsentient devotionG
4AC: J
PSP Cost: 9P5
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power lets t&e user see in all diretions si!ultaneously. +&is &as o%vious
%ene/its' inluding a M5 surprise roll %onus to t&e user /or enounters w&ere %eing a%le to
see is an advantage. +&ere is a penalty' &owever. (&ile t&is power is in e//et' ga-e
attaks against t&e user reeive a M: %onus.
Co!%at 4ind
Fclairsentient devotionG
4AC: @
PSP Cost: :P5
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power gives t&e user an unusually keen understanding o/ &is ene!ies and
t&eir /ig&ting tatis. As a result' t&e users side gains a R7 %onus to all initiative rolls
during o!%at /or every round t&e power is in e//et. +&is %onus is in addition to any
ot&er !odi/iers t&at !ay apply.
Danger Sense
Fclairsentient devotionG
4AC: J
PSP Cost: 8P7
$ange: 96 yards
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power produes a slig&t tingling sensation at t&e %ak o/ t&e users nek
w&enever a &a-ard or t&reat is near. (&en a &arater wants to ativate t&is power' t&e
D4 !akes t&e 4+)AC6 roll /or t&e &arater in seret. +&e D4 in/or!s t&e user
w&et&er t&e power &as %een suess/ully ativated' %ut not &ow &ig& t&e roll was. 3or
every round t&at t&e user keeps t&e power in e//et' &e reeives advane warning a%out
t&e general diretion o/ a t&reat.
No details a%out t&e type o/ danger are learned' or &ow or w&en t&e danger will
strike. )ow !u& warning depends on t&e 4+)AC6 roll. 0/ t&e roll sueeds %y M7 to
M@' t&e user reeives warning *ust !o!ents %e/ore danger strikes. +&is gives &i! t&e
opportunity to at %e/ore t&e danger strikes in t&e round' %ut no ti!e to warn ot&ers. 0/ t&e
roll sueeds %y M; or %etter' t&e user knows w&et&er danger is lurking wit&in t&e area o/
e//et a /ull round %e/ore it s&ows itsel/.
0n addition to t&e a%ove %ene/its' t&e power gives t&e user a M5 %onus to surprise
3eel Sound
Fclairsentient devotionG
4AC: J
PSP Cost: :P5
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power !akes t&e users %ody sensitive to sound. 0t allows t&e user to
ontinue to &ear even i/ &is ears are disa%led. )e ant detet sound w&ere t&ere is none'
and t&e power doesnt work wit&in areas o/ !agial silene. +&e user gains a M5 %onus
against all soni attaks or e//ets' inluding a sirens song.
2now ,oation
Fclairsentient devotionG
4AC: J
PSP Cost: JP8
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power aids &araters w&o travel via teleportation' gates' or ot&er planes o/
e1istene. (&en used suess/ully' it reveals general in/or!ation a%out t&e users
loation. +&e in/or!ation is no !ore detailed t&an t&e responses o/ a si!ple /ar!er to t&e
Fuestion U(&ere a! 0EV So!e typial responses are UA /ew !iles sout&west o/ (ingot
4ountainVI U0n t&e &ouse o/ 3let& t&e BlindVI and UOn a tropial island in t&e +uro!il
+&e &ig&er a suess/ul 4+)AC6 roll' t&e !ore preise t&e loation. A roll o/ M7
to M: &ig&er t&an t&e 4AC spei/ies a loation wit&in 76 !iles. A roll o/ M; or MJ &ig&er
t&an t&e 4AC targets an area wit&in a !ile. A roll o/ M> or &ig&er t&an t&e 4AC gives
t&e loation in a planar onte1t BUt&e Astral PlaneVC.
4artial +rane
Fclairsentient devotionG
4AC: ;
PSP Cost: ;P8
$ange: 96 yards
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: 8rd level
+&is power &elps t&e user in psioni o!%at. By entering a trane %e/ore o!%at
%egins' t&e user /ouses &is o!plete attention on t&e psioni ativity' tuning out ot&er
distrations. (&ile in t&e trane' t&e user gains a M7 %onus to all !ental attak rolls' in
addition to any ot&er !odi/iers t&at !ay apply.
+&e trane ends w&en t&e user &ooses to end it' %y any !oderate p&ysial ontat
Ba %low' s&ake' or slapC' or w&en &is PSPs are redued to 6. As &is attention is o!pletely
/oused on t&e psioni %attle/ield' any !elee attaks against &i! &it auto!atially and
ause !a1i!u! da!age.
Poison Sense
Fclairsentient devotionG
4AC: 76
PSP Cost: 7P7
$ange: 7Ryard radius
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power ena%les a user to detet t&e presene o/ poison and identi/y its loation
wit&in 7 yard o/ &is %ody Bor presene' i/ &e uses lairvoyane or astral pro*etionC. +&e
type o/ poison and &ow it an %e negated arent revealed' only its presene.
Psioni Sense
Fclairsentient devotionG
4AC: J
PSP Cost: 5P7
$ange: 566Ryard radius
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: 4indlink
+&is power allows t&e user to detet psioni ativity anyw&ere wit&in 566 yards
o/ &is loation. Any e1penditure o/ PSPs onstitutes psioni ativity. +&e /irst suess/ul
use o/ t&is power reveals w&et&er so!eone or so!et&ing is psionially ative wit&in
range. A seond suess/ul use o/ t&e power in t&e /ollowing round reveals &ow power/ul
t&e ativity is and w&ere t&e psioni ativity is taking plae Bdiretion and distaneC. 0/
psioni ativity is ourring in !ore t&an one loation wit&in t&e range' t&e user detets
all o/ it.
Power levels are as /ollows: 7C low psioni ativity B7 to 9 PSPs per roundCI 5C
!oderate psioni ativity B@ to 75 PSPs per roundCI and 8C &ig& psioni ativity B78M
PSPs per roundC.
See Sound
Fclairsentient devotionG
4AC: J
PSP Cost: :P5
$ange: Speial
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power ena%les a user to pereive sound waves visually %y onverting t&ose
waves into lig&t i!pulses. Only a &arater w&o an see wit& nor!al vision an use t&is
power. )e an see sound even in darkness' as sound waves dont reFuire lig&t. +&e user
an %e U%lindedV %y silene' &owever.
Psy&okineti Powers Psy&okineti powers !ove o%*ets aross spae using only
t&e energy o/ a &araters !ind. $evised sienes and devotions are presented %elow.
Create O%*et
Fpscho6inetic scienceG
4AC: @
PSP Cost: ;P8
$ange: 56 yards
Area o/ "//et:Speial
PrereFuisite: +elekinesis
+&is power allows a user to asse!%le !atter /ro! air and t&e surrounding area to
reate a solid o%*et. Only !aterials wit&in 56 yards o/ t&e user an %e used in t&e
onstrution. +&e o%*et re!ains in e1istene /or every round t&at t&e user ontinues to
pay t&e PSP ost. During t&e round t&at t&e PSP ost isnt paid' t&e o%*et %reaks apart.
An o%*et reated wit& t&is power an &ave any s&ape' olor' and te1ture t&e user desires'
provided it /ul/ills at least one o/ t&ese onditions:
3its wit&in a sp&ere no !ore t&an : /eet in dia!eter.
3its wit&in a ylinder no !ore t&an 56 /eet &ig& and 7 /oot in dia!eter.
3its wit&in a ylinder no !ore t&an 5 /eet &ig& and @ /eet in dia!eter.
(eig&s no !ore t&an 76 pounds.
Fpscho6inetic scienceG
4AC: 9
PSP Cost: 79P9
$ange: @6 yards
Area o/ "//et:7 ite!' J u%i /eet
PrereFuisite: +elekinesis' !oleular agitation
(it& t&is power' t&e user &arnesses' /ouses' and e1plosively releases t&e latent
psioni energy inside non sentient B6 0ntelligeneC plants and inani!ate o%*ets. +&e
power also works against ani!ated undead Bskeletons and -o!%iesC' %ut doesnt a//et
inorporeal undead. 0t ant %e used against ani!als' intelligent reatures' or /reeHwilled
+&e e1plosion auses destrutive da!age to t&e target' %ased on t&e 4+)AC6
roll. 0/ t&e roll is eFual to t&e powers 4AC' 76S o/ t&e target area is destroyed. 3or
every nu!%er rolled a%ove t&e 4AC' an additional 76S is destroyed' up to a total o/ J
u%i /eet o/ !aterial B%y a single power useC.
4onsters su& as skeletons and gole!s targeted %y t&e detonate power take
da!age %ased on t&e perentage o/ t&eir !ass t&at was destroyed' losing an eFual
perentage o/ &it points. 4agially ani!ated !aterial' like gole!s' an !ake a saving
t&row vs. spell to resist detonation.
(eapons and ar!or t&at &ave %een detonated reeive penalties o/ R7 to attak
rolls and AC values /or ea& 76S destroyed. 4agial ite!s !ake a saving t&row vs.
disintegration to resist detonation. Nulnera%le o%*ets or living t&ings wit&in 76 /eet o/
t&e target su//er 7d76 points o/ da!age /ro! t&e resulting e1plosion. A save vs. %reat&
weapon redues da!age to &al/.
Pro*et 3ore
Fpscho6inetic scienceG
4AC: @
PSP Cost: 76P:
$ange: 566 yards
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: +elekinesis
+&is power allows t&e user to /ous a psy&okineti Upun&V against a target up to
566 yards away. 0/ used o//ensively' t&is pun& auses da!age eFual to 7d@ points plus
t&e targets Ar!or Class Bnegative ar!or lasses are su%trated /ro! t&e die rollC. Only
AC provided %y atual ar!or is added to or su%trated /ro! t&e rollDnot De1terity or
!agial %onuses. A suess/ul save vs. %reat& weapon redues t&e da!age to &al/.
Pro*et /ore an also %e used to trigger traps' t&row levers' open doors Bnot
loked or lat&edC' %reak windows' et. No attak roll is needed' *ust t&e 4+)AC6 roll to
ativate it.
Fpscho6inetic scienceG
4AC: J
PSP Cost: 8MP7
$ange: 86 yards
Area o/ "//et:7 ite!
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power allows t&e user to !ove o%*ets wit&out tou&ing t&e!. +elekinesis
tends to %e p&ysially ta1ing' as it takes a lot o/ internal energy to !ove o%*ets. S!all
o%*ets are easy. But larger' !ore !assive o%*ets are signi/iantly !ore di//iult.
+&e ost listed a%ove assu!es t&e o%*et %eing !oved weig&s t&ree pounds or
less. 3or &eavier o%*ets' use t&e /ollowing:
PSP ost eFuals t&e ite!s weig&t in pounds.
+&e powers 4AC i!proves %y a %onus eFual to oneHt&ird o/ t&e ite!s weig&t' rounded
down. 3or e1a!ple' !oving a 76Rpound rok reFuires rolling against a 4AC o/ 9.
+elekinesis !oves t&e targeted ite! up to @6 /eet per round. 0te!s !oving at su&
a slow rate o/ speed dont !ake e//etive weapons' %ut ite!s weig&ing !ore t&an t&ree
pounds an %e used to disrupt spellasting or psioni use. +&e user rolls &is %ase +)AC6
sore to &it' wit& a penalty eFual to oneHt&ird o/ t&e ite!s weig&t' rounded down. 3or
e1a!ple' i/ a &ero w&ose +)AC6 is 79 wants to attak a priestess w&ose AC is 6' &e
needs an 7J or %etter to &it &er wit& a 76Rpound rok.
+elekinesis an %e used to per/or! very /ine work' su& as writing or sewing. +&e
user !ust %e apa%le o/ per/or!ing t&e work &i!sel/' and a seond 4+)AC6 roll Band
seond round o/ power useC is needed to o!plete /ine work. 0/ t&e &ero wants to use t&e
power to pull an ite! away /ro! an opponent' use t&e rules /or psy&i ontests' e1ept
t&at t&e de/ender uses &is Strengt& sore to deide t&e ontest.
Ani!ate O%*et
Fpscho6inetic devotionG
4AC: ; B%aseC
PSP Cost: 9P5
$ange: 96 yards
Area o/ "//et:7 ite!' 766 pounds
PrereFuisite: +elekinesis
+&is power allows t&e user to ontrol t&e !ove!ent o/ an ot&erwise inani!ate
o%*et' giving it t&e appearane o/ li/e. 3or e1a!ple' ani!ate o%*et an !ake &airs walk
or stones dane' t&oug& o%*ets %eing ani!ated !ust weig& 766 pounds or less. +&e
!aterial t&e ite! is !ade o/ a//ets t&e di//iulty o/ t&e task' as indiated %elow.
-aterial PowerEs -AC
Clot&' paper ;
,ive wood' dead ani!al @
Dead wood' %one 9
(ater :
+&in !etal 8
+&ik !etal 5
Stone 7
One ani!ated' all !aterials %eo!e /le1i%le to so!e e1tent' t&oug& /luid !otion
is uno!!on. Ani!ated ite!s !ove like puppets' wit& *erky' lu!sy !otions. 0/ t&e ite!
was rigid initially' it !akes loud reaking' groaning' or grating sounds as it !oves. An
ani!ated ite! !oves up to @6 /eet a round B!ove!ent rate @C. 0t an %e used to attak'
ating like a lu% wit& a +)AC6 o/ 56 and a da!age sore o/ 7d@ points.
Control ,ig&t
Fpscho6inetic devotionG
4AC: J
PSP Cost: @P5
$ange: 59 yards
Area o/ "//et::66 sFuare /eet
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power allows t&e user to !anipulate a!%ient lig&t. )e ant reate lig&t /ro!
darkness' %ut &e an reate darkness /ro! lig&t. <se o/ ontrol lig&t an ao!plis& t&e
Deepen e1isting s&adows. A t&ie/ &idden in su& s&adows reeives a M56S %onus to &is
&ideHinHs&adows rolls.
Brig&ten e1isting s&adows. +&is redues a t&ie/s &iding a%ility %y 56S.
Brig&ten a lig&t soure until it %eo!es %linding. +&ose e1posed to t&e lig&t reeive a R5
penalty to attak rolls.
Di! a lig&t soure. +&is &as no e//et on attak rolls.
"1tend s&adows into areas t&at are well lit. Only e1isting s&adows an %e lengt&ened'
inreasing in si-e %y 566S.
"1tend lig&t into areas t&at are in s&adow. S&adows an %e redued %y 96S.
Control Sound
Fpscho6inetic devotionG
4AC: 9
PSP Cost: 8P7
$ange: 766 yards
Area o/ "//et:7 spei/i sound
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power allows t&e user to s&ape and alter e1isting sounds. A !ans words
ould e!erge as a lions roar' or t&e noise o/ !ar&ing soldiers an %e !ade to sound like
t&e wind o/ a sandstor!. Sounds also an %e layered' so t&at one singer an %e !ade to
sound like a &oir. Control sound an also da!pen a noise. +&e player !ust spei/y w&at
sound &is &arater intends to eli!inate. 3or e1a!ple' t&e user !ig&t Fuiet t&e strike o/ a
&a!!er or erase t&e reak o/ a door. )e ouldnt eli!inate %ot& at one' &owever.
Control (ind
Fpscho6inetic devotionG
4AC: 9
PSP Cost: 75P9
$ange: 966 yards
Area o/ "//et:7'666 yards
PrereFuisite: +elekinesis
(it& t&is power' a user an gain li!ited ontrol over wind speed and diretion.
+&e speed o/ any e1isting wind an %e inreased or dereased %y 76 !iles per &our or
59SDw&i&ever is greater. +&e diretion o/ t&e wind an %e &anged %y up to >6
degrees. +&ese &anges are te!porary' lasting only as long as t&e PSP ost is paid. +&e
&anges our in t&e round t&at t&e power is suess/ully ativated. +&e wind returns to
its original ourse and speed t&e round t&at t&e PSP ost is not paid.
(ind a%ove 7> !iles per &our prevents anyt&ing s!aller t&an a &u!an /ro!
/lying and i!poses a R: !odi/ier on !issile /ire. On t&e water' su& wind !akes sailing
di//iult. (ind gusting at !ore t&an 85 !iles per &our auses !inor da!age to s&ips and
%uildings. +&is wind also kiks up louds o/ dust and prevents all %ut t&e largest reatures
/ro! /lying. (ind !ore t&an 99 !iles per &our prevents all /lig&t' knoks down trees and
wooden %uildings' and !ay swa!p s&ips. (ind !ore t&an ;8 !iles per &our is a
&urriane gale.
0nertial Barrier
Fpscho6inetic devotionG
4AC: @
PSP Cost: @P5
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:8Ryard dia!eter
PrereFuisite: +elekinesis
+&is power is used as a de/ense' reating a %arrier o/ psioni energy around t&e
user and anyone wit&in t&ree yards o/ &i!. +&is %arrier so/tens !issile %lows' s&ielding
t&e user /ro! da!age %y slowing and a%sor%ing so!e or all o/ t&e potential da!age
aused %y ino!ing attaks. )owever' t&e %arrier also slows outgoing !issile attaksDa
draw%ak t&e user s&ould onsider.
+&e power protets against da!age /ro! t&ese /or!s o/ attak: any non!agial
!issile weaponI any p&ysial !issile reated %y !agiI any !issile wit& !agial
%onusesI /la!esI so!e %reat& weapon attaks Bdepending on t&e nature o/ t&e %reat&CI
aidI gasI all /or!s o/ disintegrationI and /alling Bda!age is &alvedC. 0nertial %arrier
annot stop !issiles on*ured /ro! pure !agi or protet against raw &eat or old' pure
energy or lig&t' or ga-e weapons. An inertial %arrier annot keep ene!ies out' %ut it does
slow t&e!. Anyone trying to ross a %arrier !ust stop !oving w&en ontat is !ade. 0n
t&e ne1t round' t&e %arrier an %e rossed Beit&er entering or e1itingC.
4issile weapons' w&et&er passing into or out o/ t&e %arrier' in/lit da!age in a
!odi/ied /as&ion %eause t&e power saps energy /ro! t&e !issile. 0/ a !issile strikes its
target a/ter passing t&roug& t&e %arrier Bin eit&er diretionC' t&e attaker rolls /or da!age
as nor!al. )owever' t&e de/ender t&en rolls t&e sa!e die to see &ow !u& da!age t&e
%arrier a%sor%ed. BNote: +&e de/ender doesnt inlude any !agial %onuses t&e weapon
!ay &ave.C +&e de/ender su%trats &is die roll /ro! t&e attakers da!age total. 0/
anyt&ing re!ains' t&e de/ender loses t&at !any &it points. 0/ t&e de/enders roll eFuals or
e1eeds t&e total da!age' t&e weapon /alls &ar!lessly to t&e ground. 0/ t&e !issile is
e1plosive' t&e %arrier prevents weapon da!age %ut not e1plosive da!age.
Fpscho6inetic devotionG
4AC: J B%aseC
PSP Cost: 9P5
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: +elekinesis
+&is power allows t&e user to /loat %y using telekinesis on &i!sel/. +&e user an
li/t &i!sel/ at t&e rate o/ 7 /oot a seond' or @6 /eet a round. )e an desend as Fuikly as
&e wants %y si!ply letting &i!sel/ /all' t&en slowing down as &e nears t&e ground. +&e
user an always levitate &is own weig&t. Additional weig&t' su& as eFuip!ent or
passengers' is a &indrane. "very 59 pounds o/ added weig&t i!proves t&e powers 4AC
%y 7.
,evitation isnt /lying. +&e power provides no &ori-ontal !ove!ent. +&e user an
&over !otionlessly and dri/t wit& t&e wind' or &e an pus& o// a wall or ot&er /i1ed o%*et
and dri/t up to @6 /eet a round in a straig&t line. )e ant stop' &owever' until &e !eets
anot&er solid o%*et' lowers &i!sel/ to t&e ground' or stops paying t&e PSP ost. +wo
powersDontrol wind and pro*et /oreDan &elp t&e levitating user propel &i!sel/
/orward and &ange diretion. +&e use o/ t&ese additional powers reFuires t&e e1tra
e1penditure o/ PSPs and 4+)AC6 rolls.
4oleular Agitation
Fpscho6inetic devotionG
4AC: 76
PSP Cost: ;P8
$ange: :6 yards
Area o/ "//et:7 ite!' 56 pounds
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power ena%les t&e user to e1ite t&e !oleules o/ a su%stane' ausing paper
to ignite' wood to s!older' or skin to %lister' /or e1a!ple. +&e degree o/ destrution is as
/ollows' depending on t&e nu!%er o/ rounds t&e ite! is agitated:
!ne round% $eadily /la!!a%le !aterials' su& as paper and dry grass' igniteI skin
%eo!es red and tender B7 point o/ da!ageCI wood %eo!es dark.
Two rounds% (ood s!olders and s!okesI !etal %eo!es &ot to t&e tou&I skin %listers
B7d: points o/ da!ageCI &air !eltsI paint s&rivels.
Three rounds% (ood ignitesI !etal sor&es B7d: points o/ da!ageCI skin %urns away
B7d@ points o/ da!ageCI water %oils' lead !elts. +&e da!age in/lited doesnt
inrease %eyond t&is round' %ut targets ontinue to su//er t&e 7d: or 7d@ points /or
ea& su%seFuent round t&e power ontinues.
Four rounds% Steel grows so/t.
Fi3e rounds% Steel !elts.
4agial ite!s reeive saving t&rows against !agial /ire' %ut a M76 penalty is
applied to t&e nu!%er needed. +&e &eat produed %y t&is power is &ig&ly destrutive as it
o!es /ro! inside t&e ite! instead o/ outside.
4oleular 4anipulation
Fpscho6inetic devotionG
4AC: ;
PSP Cost: @P5
$ange: 79 yards
Area o/ "//et:5 sFuare in&es
PrereFuisite: +elekinesis
+&is power allows t&e user to weaken an o%*ets !oleular %onds. (&en stress is
applied to t&e o%*et or a %low is struk' it snaps. +&e user an reate one Uweak pointV o/
appro1i!ately 5 sFuare in&es ea& round. Deterioration ours aross a plane Bin two
di!ensions' not t&reeC. One rounds appliation is enoug& to /atally weaken !ost s!all
o%*ets Bknives' ropes' saddle straps' %ows' et.C. ,arger o%*ets reFuire !ore ti!e and are
su%*et to t&e D4s disretion.
+&e D4 !ust deide &ow vulnera%le !oleular !anipulation !akes larger' oddly
s&aped ite!s Bsu& as doors and s&ieldsC. An o%*et need not %e in two piees to %e
useless. A s!all %oat' /or e1a!ple' is unsa/e i/ it &as a rak in its &ull.
Psy&o!eta%oli Powers Psy&o!eta%oli powers a//et t&e users %ody %y altering
it in so!e way. $evised sienes and devotions are presented in t&is setion.
Ani!al A//inity
Fpscho%etabolic scienceG
4AC: 9
PSP Cost: ;P8
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
(it& t&is power' t&e user develops an a//inity /or a partiular ani!al type. $oll on
t&e list %elow to deter!ine t&e ani!al type Bsee t&e 4onstrous 4anual /or desriptionsC.
+&e user undergoes a p&ysial &ange w&en t&is power is used' depending on t&e ani!al
and a%ility. 3or e1a!ple' &e !ay gain wings or laws.
(&en t&e user ativates t&is power' &e te!porarily gains one o/ t&e ani!als
attri%utes. )e an gain t&e ani!als Ar!or ClassI !ove!ent rate and !odeI p&ysial
attaks' da!age' and +)AC6I &it pointsI or any ot&er speial a%ilityDt&oug& only one o/
t&ese an %e gained at a ti!e. +&e attri%ute lasts /or every round t&at t&e ost is paid.
Swit&ing to a di//erent attri%ute reFuires a new 4+)AC6 roll.
1d27 #esult
7 Ape
5 Barrauda
8 Boar
: Bull
9 Croodile
@ "agle' giant
; "lep&ant
J 3alon
> .ri//on
76 .ri--ly %ear
77 ,ion
75 Pant&er B%lak leopardC
78 Dra/t &orse
7: Peregrine /alon B&awkC
79 $attlesnake
7@ Sorpion' giant
7; S&ark
7J Stag
7> +iger
56 (ol/
T Constritor or poison' players &oie.
Co!plete )ealing
Fpscho%etabolic scienceG
4AC: ;
PSP Cost: 59P9
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power allows t&e user to &eal &i!sel/ o!pletely o/ all ail!ents' wounds'
and nor!al diseases. )e !ust plae &i!sel/ in a trane /or 5: &ours to ao!plis& t&e
&ealing. +&e trane is deepI it ant %e %roken unless t&e user loses 9 or !ore &it points.
During t&e &ealing trane' t&e users %ody repairs itsel/ at an inredi%le rate. At t&e end o/
t&e 5: &ours' &e awakens' restored to o!plete &ealt& in every regard e1ept /or t&e PSPs
e1pended to use t&e power. 0/ t&e user /ails &is 4+)AC6 roll' t&e power ant %e
ativatedI t&e trane %reaks a/ter 7 &our' osting 9 PSPs.
Fpscho%etabolic scienceG
4AC: :
PSP Cost: @P8
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power rese!%les !agial polymorphing' %ut it &as a wider appliation. +&e
user an &ange &i!sel/ into anyt&ing wit& appro1i!ately t&e sa!e !ass as &is %ody: a
wol/' a &air' or even a tree. (&ile in t&is /or!' t&e user retains &is own &it points and
+)AC6' %ut &e gains t&e AC o/ t&e new /or!. )e also gains all p&ysial attaks t&e /or!
allows' %ut no !agial or speial a%ilities. A new attak a%ility depends on t&e /or!
&osenI a tree' /or e1a!ple' ant attak' so it &as no +)AC6. Non!agial !ove!ent is
also gained. 0/ t&e user !eta!orp&s into anot&er &arater rae' use t&e *onstrous
*anual %ooks desriptions /or t&at rae.
So!e /or!s &ave intrinsi advantages. C&anging into a /is& or rok renders t&e
user i!!une to drowning' t&oug& &e doesnt retain any senses not nor!ally assoiated
wit& &is new /or!. )e !ay opt to keep so!e o/ &is own senses w&en &e trans/or!s' %ut
t&ese are likely to give &i! away.
,ike any !assive &ange o/ s&ape' !eta!orp&osis auses great p&ysial stress.
+&e user !ust !ake a syste! s&ok roll. 0/ t&e roll /ails' &e e1pends @ PSPs' &anges
/or! only /or 7 round' and i!!ediately passes out /or 5d@ turns.
Fpscho%etabolic scienceG
4AC: 9
PSP Cost: 9P5
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power trans/or!s t&e user into living s&adow. +&e user' &is lot&ing' ar!or'
and up to 56 pounds o/ eFuip!ent all trans/or!. )e an %lend per/etly into any ot&er
s&adow. )is !ove!ent rate' &owever' is @ Bregardless o/ w&at it was %e/oreC' and &e an
only travel t&roug& darkness and s&adow. Areas o/ open lig&t are i!passa%le.
(&ile in s&adow/or!' t&e user only an %e notied %y li/e detetion' ot&er types
o/ psioni detetion' or %y a true seeing spell. )e ant &ar! anyone p&ysially or
!anipulate any orporeal o%*ets' %ut &e an use psioni powers.
Adrenaline Control
Fpscho%etabolic devotionG
4AC: @
PSP Cost: 9P5
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power te!porarily %oosts t&e a!ount o/ adrenaline in t&e users syste!'
giving &i! p&ysial advantages. )e gains 7d@ points to divide a!ong &is Strengt&'
De1terity' and Constitution sores as &e &ooses' t&us inreasing t&e! w&ile t&e power is
in e//et. )e reeives all o/ t&e nor!al %onuses /or &ig& a%ility sores during t&is period.
B0/ used to inrease Constitution' t&e user !ig&t te!porarily gain %onus &it points.
Da!age su//ered is su%trated /ro! t&e e1tra &it points /irst.C
"1eeding raial !a1i!u!s is dangerous. (&en an attri%ute is inreased %eyond
t&e raial !a1i!u! and t&e user stops paying t&e PSP ost' &e !ust !ake a syste! s&ok
&ekI &e su//ers 7d@ points o/ p&ysial da!age i/ t&e roll /ails.
Body Control
Fpscho%etabolic devotionG
4AC: 9
PSP Cost: @P5
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power allows t&e user to adapt &is %ody to a &ostile environ!ent. +&e &ange
!ust %e keyed to a spei/i surrounding: water' aid' e1tre!e &eat' e1tre!e old' an
ele!ental plane' et. 0/ t&e power works' t&e user not only survives' &e %e&aves like a
native organis!. )e an %reat&e and !ove nor!ally' su//ering no da!age /ro! t&e
environ!ent. )owever' a &arater w&o an survive e1tre!e old is still vulnera%le to a
one o/ old spell.
Body "Fuili%riu!
Fpscho%etabolic devotionG
4AC: @
PSP Cost: 5P7
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power allows t&e user to ad*ust &is %ody weig&t to orrespond to t&e sur/ae
&es standing on. +&us' &e an walk on water' Fuiksand' silt' or even a spiders we%
wit&out sinking or %reaking t&roug&. 0/ t&e user is /alling w&en &e ativates t&is power' &e
/alls slowly enoug& to esape in*ury. Beause o/ &ow lig&t weig&t t&e user %eo!es w&en
t&is power is in e//et' &e !ust %e wary o/ wind gusts' w&i& an easily %low &i! a%out.
Body (eaponry
Fpscho%etabolic devotionG
4AC: @
PSP Cost: @P8
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power allows t&e user to onvert one o/ &is ar!s into a weapon. Nirtually
any sort o/ weapon an %e i!itated' e1ept ranged weapons Bsu& as %owsC or any
weapon t&e user isnt pro/iient wit&. +&e ar! atually %eo!es rok' %one' wood' or
!etal and assu!es t&e weapons /or!. 0t %e&aves in every respet like a nor!al weapon
o/ t&e &osen type' wit& t&e %onus t&at it ant %e dropped or stolen.
Fpscho%etabolic devotionG
4AC: ;
PSP Cost: 6
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: 9t& level
+&is power allows t&e user to anni%ali-e &is own %ody /or e1tra PSPs. (&en
ativated suess/ully' t&e user an take Constitution points and onvert t&e! diretly to
PSPs at a ratio o/ 7:J B7 Constitution point eFuals J PSPsC. +&e user an aess t&ese
PSPs any ti!e' as i/ t&ey were part o/ &is total.
+&e Constitution redution isnt per!anent' %ut it is de%ilitating and longHlasting.
+&e user i!!ediately loses %onus &it points t&at ao!pany &ig& Constitution sores.
)is syste! s&ok and resurretion survival &anes are redued. All psy&o!eta%oli
powers reeive 4AC %onuses B!aking t&e! &arder to useC eFual to t&e nu!%er o/
Constitution points t&at were anni%ali-ed. +&e user reovers one anni%ali-ed point o/
Constitution per week o/ rest. $est !eans staying Fuietly in a sa/e plaeI adventuring is
not allowed.
Cell Ad*ust!ent
Fpscho%etabolic devotionG
PSP Cost: 9M
$ange: +ou&
Area o/ "//et:0ndividual
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power allows t&e user to &eal wounds and ure non!agial diseasesD
e1luding su& unnatural diseases as !u!!y rot and lyant&ropy. )e an ure a disease
in 7 round %y spending 9 PSPs and !aking a suess/ul 4+)AC6 roll. 0/ t&e roll /ails'
t&e disease is too widespread in t&e viti!s syste!. +&e user !ust ontinue spending 9
PSPs ea& round until &e sueeds in ativating t&e power. Note t&at a ure per/or!ed
t&roug& t&is power doesnt auto!atially restore lost &it points. )owever' t&e user an
&eal up to : points o/ da!age in ea& su%seFuent round %y spending 9 PSPs per &it point
reovered B: &it points /or 56 PSPs per round !a1i!u!C. +&e user ant ure a disease
and restore &it points during t&e sa!e round.
C&a!eleon Power
Fpscho%etabolic devotionG
4AC: ; B%aseC
PSP Cost: :P7
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power &anges t&e oloration o/ t&e users skin' lot&ing' and eFuip!ent to
!at& t&e nearest %akground. +&e !at& is auto!atiI t&e user doesnt &oose t&e
appearane. +&e &ange takes several seonds to our. As t&e user !oves' t&e oloration
s&i/ts to re/let any &anges in t&e surroundings.
+&is power !akes t&e user e1tre!ely di//iult to spot. 3or every round t&e power
is in e//et and t&e user re!ains still' &e an avoid detetion si!ply %y suess/ully
rolling against t&e powers 4AC. 0/ t&e user !oves' t&e 4AC sore inreases Bto 4AC
9C. C&a!eleon power is !ost e//etive in natural surroundings' w&ere t&e users
oloration an %est oneal &i!. 0n an ur%an setting' or in an area wit&out natural over
during %road daylig&t' t&e powers 4AC sore is i!proved to 4AC 8.
)eig&tened Senses
Fpscho%etabolic devotionG
4AC: ;
PSP Cost: 8P7
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power allows t&e user to s&arpen all &is nor!al senses: sig&t' &earing' taste'
s!ell' and tou&. BD4s !ig&t allow ot&er appliations as t&ey see /it.C (it& &eig&tened
senses' t&e user &as a good &ane to notie t&ieves &iding in s&adows or !oving silently.
+&is is represented %y a t&ie/s skill &ane %eing ut in &al/ i/ so!eone wit& &eig&tened
senses is o%serving &i!. "ven i/ t&e t&ie/ is already &idden' &e !ust roll again w&en t&e
user o/ t&is power enters t&e area.
So!eone wit& &eig&tened senses an also trak %y sense o/ s!ell. )e !ust !ake
an 0ntelligene &ek every turn to stay on t&e trail or to reover it i/ &e loses it. (&ile
traking' t&e users !ove!ent rate is redued %y 96S. +&e trail an %e no !ore t&an 5:
&ours old. $anges /or t&e users &earing and seeing are tripled w&ile t&is power is in
e//et. 3urt&er' &e an ingest s!all Fuantities o/ possi%ly poisoned or i!pure /oods'
identi/ying t&e su%stane wit&out ausing &i!sel/ &ar!. +&e user an identi/y al!ost
anyt&ing %y tou&. )e an identi/y any ite! &e &as previously &andled and an also tell i/
an ite! was &andled in t&e last /ive !inutes.
Psy&oportive Powers +&ese powers allow psioni travel' !oving a &arater
wit&out p&ysial ation. $evised sienes and devotions are %elow.
Fpschoportive scienceG
4AC: J
PSP Cost: 79P@
$ange: 9 yards
Area o/ "//et:0ndividual
PrereFuisite: +eleport
(it& t&is power' t&e user an teleport a reature against its will to a poket
di!ension and &old it t&ere /or as long as &e &ooses to ontinue spending 79 PSPs per
round. +&e reature %eing %anis&ed !ust %e wit&in 9 yards o/ t&e user. +&e poket
di!ension is /eatureless' wit& a %enign environ!entD&ot or old' lig&t or dark' %ut not
so !u& as to ause in*ury.
+&e %anis&ed reature returns to its original loation as soon as t&e user stops
paying t&e PSP ost. +&is %oo!erang /eature wont &ar! t&e reature. 0/ t&e reature &as
aess to t&e Astral or "t&ereal Planes' or i/ it an teleport %etween planes' it an try to
return prior to t&e e1piration o/ t&e power %y rolling an 0ntelligene &ek at R8.
Su!!on Planar Creature
Fpschoportive scienceG
4AC: @
PSP Cost: :6P56 or J6P:6
$ange: 566 yards
Area o/ "//et:7 reature
PrereFuisite: +eleport
(it& t&is power' t&e user an rea& into anot&er plane' gra% w&atever reature &e
&appens to /ind t&ere' and teleport it to &is own plane. +&e reature is disoriented /or 7
round a/ter arriving' su//ering a R5 penalty on all die rolls /or initiative' attaks' and
saving t&rows. +&e user an !ake t&e su!!oned reature appear anyw&ere wit&in 566
yards o/ &is position. 0/ t&e user rolls t&e 4AC nu!%er e1atly' t&e reature appears
wit&in 76 yards. +&e PSP ost is :6 /or a reature /ro! t&e Astral or "t&ereal Planes' J6
/or one /ro! t&e 0nner or Outer Planes. 3ailure osts &al/ t&e indiated PSPs.
+&e user &ooses t&e plane /ro! w&i& t&e reature will o!e. )e doesnt &oose
t&e reature' &oweverI t&ats deter!ined at rando!. A reature /ro! t&e "le!ental Planes
is usually an ele!ental o/ t&e appropriate type. A reature /ro! t&e Outer Planes ould %e
a native or a visitor. D4s are enouraged to see t&e Planesape line /or ideas.
+&is power o//ers no ontrol over t&e su!!oned reature and doesnt return it to
its &o!e plane a/ter a set a!ount o/ ti!eDit !erely teleports so!et&ing /ro! t&ere to
&ere. +o %e rid o/ t&e reature' t&e user !ust %anis& it' teleport it again' kill it' or
so!e&ow ontrol it.
Fpschoportive scienceG
4AC: > B%aseC
PSP Cost: 76MP9M
$ange: <nli!ited
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power allows t&e user to travel to a /a!iliar spot. +eleport is instantaneous
and always takes a &arater to a /i1ed loation. +&ere is a slig&t audi%le pop at %ot&
ends' signaling use o/ t&e power. +&e destination !ust %e a plae t&e user knows or an
piture !entally. "ven i/ t&e user never &as %een t&ere' &e !ay still know a loation via
use o/ "SP or anot&er power. )e an also teleport to a plae even i/ it &as &anged /ro!
t&e way &e pitures itI rearrange!ent wont &a!per t&e teleport power.
$estraints dont a//et t&is power. +&e user an %ring &is lot&es' s!all ite!s' and
eFuip!ent Bup to oneH/i/t& o/ &is %ody !assC. Dou%ling t&e a!ount o/ PSPs spent to
ativate t&e power lets t&e user arry up to t&ree ti!es &is %ody !ass' or to take along up
to two ot&ers &e &as a /ir! grasp on. +&e ost to use t&is power varies wit& t&e distane
traveled' as indiated %elow.
Distance P!P Cost PowerEs -AC
76 yards 76P9 >
766 yards 56P76 J
7'666 yards 86P79 ;
76 !iles :6P56 @
766 !iles 96P59 9
7'666 !iles @6P86 :
76'666 !iles ;6P89 8
0nterplanetaryT 766P96 5
T +eleport only works wit&in a given plane or rystal sp&ere.
+eleport Ot&er
Fpschoportive scienceG
4AC: J B%aseC
PSP Cost: 76MP9M
$ange: <nli!ited
Area o/ "//et:7R8 individuals
PrereFuisite: +eleport
+&is power is idential to teleport' e1ept t&at it is used to teleport &araters
ot&er t&an t&e user. +&e user stays w&ere &e is w&ile so!eone else is teleported. +&e
&arater !ust %e willing to %e teleported or ot&erwise &ave an open !ind. 0/ t&e user
pays twie t&e usual PSP ost' &e an teleport up to t&ree &aratersDprovided t&ey are
/ir!ly grasping one anot&er.
Distance P!P Cost PowerEs -AC
76 yards 76P9 J
766 yards 56P76 ;
7'666 yards 86P79 @
76 !iles :6P56 9
766 !iles 96P59 :
7'666 !iles @6P86 8
76'666 !iles ;6P89 5
0nterplanetaryT 766P96 7
T +eleport ot&er only works wit&in a given plane or rystal sp&ere.
Astral Pro*etion
Fpschoportive devotionG
4AC: J
PSP Cost: 8P7
$ange: Not applia%le
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power allows t&e user to travel wit&out &is p&ysial %ody %y reating an
astral /or! t&at i!!ediately leaps into t&e Astral Plane. Only reatures or &araters w&o
are also on t&e Astral Plane an see it. A silvery ord onnets t&e astral %ody to t&e
p&ysial one. +&is transluent string stret&es 76 /eet /ro! t&e astral %ody %e/ore
%eo!ing invisi%le. 0/ t&e ord is severed' %ot& t&e astral and p&ysial %odies dieDkilling
t&e user. +&e ord is nearly indestruti%le' &owever. 0t only an %e severed %y a power/ul
psioni wind or t&e sil3er sword o/ a git&yanki.
+&e Astral Plane is used to get to ot&er destinationsDa distant point on t&e Pri!e
4aterial or a loation on anot&er plane' /or e1a!ple. (&en t&e user rea&es &is
destination' a te!porary p&ysial %ody is /or!ed t&ere. 0t rese!%les t&e users real %ody'
and t&e two re!ain onneted %y t&e silvery ord. )owever' a te!porary p&ysial %ody
isnt /or!ed i/ t&e user travels to anot&er loation on t&e sa!e plane as &is real %ody. )e
an view t&at distant loation in astral /or!' %ut &e ant a//et t&e area in any p&ysial'
!agial' or psioni way.
Fpschoportive devotionG
4AC: >
PSP Cost: :P5
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: +eleport
+&is power allows t&e user to !ake a series o/ rando!' s&ortHrange teleportations
t&at !ake &i! very &ard to &it in o!%at. "a& round' t&e user auto!atially %links one
at a rando!ly deter!ined ti!e in t&e initiative order. $oll 7d76 and note t&e initiative
nu!%er o/ t&e %link. +o strike at t&e user' &is opponents !ust &ave a %etter initiative t&an
&is %link ti!e. +&e user !ay atte!pt to strike %e/ore &e %links' %ut &e !ust %eat t&e %link
initiative wit& &is own roll or &old &is ation until t&e end o/ t&e round. "a& %link arries
t&e user 8d76 /eet in a rando! diretion. B$oll 7dJ: 7 O straig&t a&eadI 5 O a&ead and to
t&e rig&tI 8 O to t&e rig&tI and so on.C )owever' t&e users %link wont arry &i! into a
solid o%*et or any kind o/ danger' su& as into a /ire or over a li//.
Di!ensional Door
Fpschoportive devotionG
4AC: ; B%aseC
PSP Cost: 8P7
$ange: 96M yards
Area o/ "//et:Not applia%le
PrereFuisite: None
(it& t&is power' t&e user opens a &u!anHsi-ed portal t&at leads to t&e edge o/
anot&er di!ension. +&e edge ats as a lig&tningHFuik transit syste!' arrying travelers to
a destination &osen %y t&e user. A glea!ing portal appears in /ront o/ &i!. At t&e sa!e
ti!e' an idential portal appears w&erever t&e user wants it Bwit&in t&e powers rangeC.
+&e door an &ave any orientation desired. Stepping into eit&er portal allows a &arater
to i!!ediately step out o/ t&e ot&er. Bot& doors re!ain in plae as long as t&e PSP ost is
A door &as only one side and no t&iknessI it doesnt e1ist /ro! t&e U%akV and
ant %e used to sreen !issile attaks. <p to /ive &araters ea& round an use a door. 0/
a group lines up' 76 an step t&roug& a round.
Co!!uting via t&is power is disorienting. 0ndeed' a traveler e!erges da-ed and
ant attak or !ove /or a round. "ven *ust poking a &ead t&roug& a door reFuires a
syste! s&ok roll. 3ailure !eans t&e &ero loses 96S o/ &is urrent &it points and passes
out /or 7d@ rounds. Attaks !ade t&roug& a door su//er a R: penalty. Distanes %etween
doors i!prove t&e powers 4AC' as %elow.
Distance 5etween Doors -AC 5onus
96 yards ;
;9 yards 9
766 yards 5
796 yards 6
566 yards R8
Di!ension (alk
Fpschoportive devotionG
4AC: J
PSP Cost: 9P5
$ange: Not applia%le
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
(it& t&is power' t&e user opens a vaguely s&i!!ering portal' w&i& lets &i!
travel /ro! plae to plae in &is own di!ension %y piering ot&er di!ensions at rig&t
angles. +&is &as two advantages over a di!ensional door. +&e /irst %eing t&at a di!ension
walk isnt p&ysially trau!ati-ing' and t&e seond %eing t&at t&e range o/ travel is greater.
+&e user an atually travel t&roug& t&is di!ension at t&e speed o/ 57 !iles per turn.
)owever' t&is power allows only t&e user to travel' and t&e portal loses %e&ind &i!
+&e user /inds &i!sel/ engul/ed in a /eatureless' inky grayness. )e ant see
w&ere &e is or w&ere &es going. )e &as only &is instint to guide &i!' and &e !ust !ake
a (isdo! &ek every turn. 0/ t&ese &eks sueed' &ell /ind &i!sel/ at &is &osen
destination w&en &e steps out o/ t&e di!ensional real!. 0/ any &ek /ails' &e strays o//
ourse %y several !iles. +&e D4 an plae t&e &arater in any loation wit&in t&e
!a1i!u! distane &e traveled /ro! &is starting point. 0ts up to t&e user to /igure out &is
loation' as t&e power does not&ing to &elp &i! gain &is %earings.
+&e user an take wit& &i! w&atever &e an arry' t&oug& bags o$ holding and
ot&er di!ensional devies spill t&eir ontents i/ taken into t&e gray real!. 0/ anyt&ing
lives in t&e gray' it never %ot&ers Bor ant interatC wit& di!ension walkers.
Fpschoportive devotionG
4AC: 76
PSP Cost: @P5
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power allows t&e user to s&i/t &is %ody into a di//erent /reFueny o/ !otion'
!aking &i! transparent to t&e unp&ased world around &i!. (&ile t&is power is in e//et'
t&e user an walk t&roug& solid !atter. No p&ysial /ore or energy an &ar! &i!' t&oug&
ot&er p&ased o%*ets or reatures an do so.
A p&ased &arater an !ove vertially at 76 /eet ea& roundI over solid ground at
&is nor!al !ove!ent rateI over water or silt at &al/ nor!alI and t&roug& solid !atter at
oneH/ourt& t&e nor!al rate. 0/ a &arater /ails to pay t&e ost w&ile !oving t&roug& solid
!atter' &e su//ers 8d76 points o/ da!age' /alls into a o!a /or 7d@ &ours' and p&ases
i!!ediately into t&e "t&ereal Plane. Note t&at a p&ased &arater isnt a//eted %y
gravity. 0/ a &ero is /alling o// a li// and ativates t&is power' &e retains any !o!entu!
&e &ad and p&ases into t&e ground 57W5 /eet /or every 76 /eet &e /alls. )e !ust t&en &ave
enoug& PSPs to reverse &is /all and p&ase out o/ t&e ground or su//er t&e onseFuenes
noted a%ove.
A p&ased &arater reeives a M5 %onus to &is 4AC during psioni o!%at and
gets a M5 %onus to all saving t&rows vs. !indHa//eting !agi or e//ets. Conversely' &is
4+)AC6 reeives a R5 penalty.
+eleport +rigger
Fpschoportive devotionG
4AC: J
PSP Cost: 5 per &ourP7
$ange: <nli!ited
Area o/ "//et:Personal
PrereFuisite: +eleport
+&is power allows t&e user to esta%lis& a spei/i event t&at will instantly ativate
&is teleport power. 0t is a re/le1ive event' ourring as soon as t&e onditions are !et
wit&out any onsious e//ort on t&e part o/ t&e user. A/ter suess/ully rolling t&e powers
4AC nu!%er' t&e user !ust spei/y w&ere &e wants to teleport and de/ine very
spei/ially w&at onditions will trigger t&at teleport. +&ese onditions an %e anyt&ing
&e &ooses' %ut t&ey !ust &appen in &is i!!ediate viinity to ativate t&e trigger.
(&en t&e teleport is triggered' t&e user !ust &ave enoug& PSPs re!aining to pay
t&e teleport ost. B0/ &e doesnt' t&e power /ails to ativate.C )e !ust also !ake a teleport
4+)AC6 roll. 0/ t&e roll /ails' t&e power doesnt work. +&e trigger re!ains ative as
long as t&e user pays t&e PSP ost.
+elepat&i Powers +elepat&i powers involve t&e diret ontat o/ two or !ore !inds.
$evised sienes and devotions are presented %elow in t&is setion.
Ftelepathic scienceG
4AC: J
PSP Cost: @MP8M
$ange: 86 yards
Area o/ "//et:0ndividual
PrereFuisite: 4indlink
+&is power only an %e used on an open !ind. (it& it' t&e user pro*ets !ental
o!!ands into t&e !ind o/ one ot&er %eing. +&e do!inated target knows w&ats
&appening' %ut &e ant resist t&e users will' so &e is /ored to do nearly anyt&ing t&e
user wis&es. +&e targets a%ilities re!ain una//eted %y t&is power' and &e an %e !ade to
use any power &e possessesDassu!ing t&e user knows a%out it. Do!ination doesnt
reveal /ats or serets a%out t&e target.
(&en do!ination is atte!pted' t&e target !akes a saving t&row vs. spell. 0/
suess/ul' t&e target isnt do!inated. 0/ t&e save /ails' t&e target /alls under t&e users
ontrol /or as long as t&e user pays t&e PSP ost. +&e PSP ost is dependent on t&e
targets level' as s&own %elow. ,ater' i/ t&e target is /ored to do so!et&ing against &is
align!ent' &e an atte!pt anot&er saving t&row to regain &is /ree will.
TargetEs >evel P!P Cost
7R9 levels or )D @P8
@R76 levels or )D 75P@
77R79 levels or )D 55P77
7@R56 levels or )D 85P7@
57M levels or )D 96P59
Ftelepathic scienceG
4AC: J
PSP Cost: ;MP8M
$ange: <nli!ited
Area o/ "//et:0ndividual
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power only an %e used on an open !ind' allowing t&e user to o!!uniate
wordlessly wit& any intelligent reature. +&is is twoHway o!!uniation. 0t isnt t&e
sa!e as !ind reading' %eause t&e user reeives only t&ose t&oug&ts t&e target wants to
send. ,anguage isnt a %arrier to !indlink. +&e PSP ost is deter!ined %y t&e targets
level' as s&own %elow.
TargetEs >evel P!P Cost
7R9 levels or )D ;P8
@R76 levels or )D JP:
77R79 levels or )D >P9
7@R56 levels or )D 77P@
57M levels or )D 75P@
Ftelepathic scienceG
4AC: J
$ange: 5 yards
Area o/ "//et:0ndividual
PrereFuisite: "SP
+&is power only an %e used against an open !ind. (it& it' t&e user an dig
deeply into a targets su%onsious. 0/ t&e target /ails a saving t&row vs. spell' t&en all o/
&is !e!ories and knowledge are aessi%le to t&e userD/ro! !e!ories deep %elow t&e
sur/ae to t&ose still /res& in t&e targets !ind. +&e in/or!ation is true Bor at least t&e
target %elieves it to %e trueC.
A pro%e an %e tried during !elee i/ t&e user is lose enoug& and t&e targets !ind
is opened. +&e user knows w&en a pro%ed spellaster is asting a spell and w&at t&e
general e//ets o/ t&at spell are. +&e user an learn t&e answer to one Fuestion per round'
t&oug& D4s an alter t&is rate. Co!ple1 Fuestions and answers !ay take longer t&an a
round to resolve. +&e PSP ost is per t&e targets level' as s&own %elow.
TargetEs >evel P!P Cost
7R9 levels or )D JP:
@R76 levels or )D >P9
77R79 levels or )D 76P9
7@R56 levels or )D 77P@
57M levels or )D 78P;
Psy&i Surgery
Btelepat&i sieneC
4AC: J
PSP Cost: >MP9M
$ange: +ou&
Area o/ "//et:0ndividual
PrereFuisite: 4indlink' ;t& level
+&is power allows t&e user to repair psioni da!age. )e an operate on &i!sel/ i/
need %e' %ut t&e powers 4AC i!proves to 9. P&o%ias' aversions' idioy' o!as' sei-ures
Dall t&ese !ental ail!ents and !ore an %e treated and ured. )owever' urses or
!agial onditions su& as &ar!s ant %e ured %y t&is power. Nor an t&e surgery ure
possession' t&oug& it an identi/y su& a ondition and /ore psioni o!%at. 4ost su&
ail!ents an %e ured in 7 turn. 0/ t&e 4+)AC6 roll /ails' t&e pro%le! is too great /or t&e
userI &e an try again w&en &e gains a new e1periene level.
+&is power &as two speial uses. 3irst' it an &elp &araters unleas& t&eir wild
talents. 0/ t&e user per/or!s t&is kind o/ operation suess/ully' t&e patient gains a M5S
%onus to &is wild talent roll.
Seond' t&e user an !ake t&e e//et o/ any telepat&i power per!anent wit&out
any PSP osts. +&e power isnt %estowed upon t&e reipient' only t&e e//et. +&is &as t&e
/ollowing restritions: 7C +&e power !ust &ave a range greater t&an 6I 5C t&e surgeon
!ust know t&e power and suess/ully use it on t&e patientI 8C t&e user ant do t&is type
o/ operation to &i!sel/ or anot&er psioniistI :C only one power an %e !ade per!anent
per turn' and 9C i/ t&e 4+)AC6 roll eFuals t&e 4AC nu!%er' t&e proedure takes 5
turns. ,ikewise' t&is power an also re!ove a per!anently i!planted power. +&e PSP
ost is deter!ined %y t&e targets level' as %elow.
+argets ,evel PSP Cost
7R9 levels or )D >P9
@R76 levels or )D 76P9
77R79 levels or )D 77P@
7@R56 levels or )D 75P@
57M levels or )D 7:P;
Btelepat&i devotionC
4AC: @
PSP Cost: :MP5M
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:56 yards
PrereFuisite: 4indlink
+&is power only works on an open !ind. (it& it' t&e user an ause anot&er
&arater to &old &i! in awe. C&araters a//eted %y t&is power are !entally owedD
t&ey sense t&e users Uaweso!e !ig&t.V +&ey &ave no desire to serve or %e/riend t&e user'
%ut t&ey wont attak &i! unless /ored to do so. 0/ possi%le' t&eyll avoid t&e user
o!pletely and take t&e /irst opportunity to esape &is presene. +&e PSP ost /or t&is
power is %ased on t&e targets level' as s&own %elow.
+argets ,evel PSP Cost
7R9 levels or )D :P5
@R76 levels or )D 9P5
77R79 levels or )D @P8
7@R56 levels or )D JP:
57M levels or )D >P9
Coneal +&oug&ts
Btelepat&i devotionC
4AC: 76
PSP Cost: :P5
$ange: 6
Area o/ "//et:8 yards
PrereFuisite: None
+&is de/ensive power protets t&e user against psioni or !agial "SP' pro%es'
!indlinks' and ot&er powers and spells t&at read or detet t&oug&ts. 0t gives t&e user a M5
4AC %onus and a M5 to saving t&rows w&en de/ending against su& e//ets.
Ftelepathic devotionG
4AC: @
PSP Cost: @MP8M
$ange: <nli!ited
Area o/ "//et:0ndividual
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power only works on an open !ind. "1trasensory pereption B"SPC allows
t&e user to read so!eone elses !ind. +&e user an pereive sur/ae or ative t&oug&ts.
)e ant use "SP to e1plore a targets !e!ories or to delve into &is su%onsious. 4ost
intelligent reatures tend to t&ink in words' so language an %e a %arrier to understanding.
<nintelligent reatures t&ink in pitures. 4agial t&oug&t' su& as w&en a wi-ard asts a
spell' is unintelligi%le to t&is power. )owever' t&e user an reogni-e su& t&oug&ts as
part o/ t&e spellasting proess. +&e PSP ost is s&own %elow.
TargetEs >evel P!P Cost
7R9 levels or )D @P8
@R76 levels or )D ;P:
77R79 levels or )D JP:
7@R56 levels or )D >P9
57M levels or )D 77P@
0n/lit Pain
Ftelepathic devotionG
4AC: 9
PSP Cost: 8MP5M
$ange: +ou&
Area o/ "//et:0ndividual
PrereFuisite: 4indlink
`+&is power only an %e used on an open !ind. 0t is a partiularly nasty /or! o/
torture' alt&oug& no atual &ar! is in/lited on t&e target' and t&e power leaves no
p&ysial sars or !arks. Only evil &araters an learn t&is power /reelyI ot&ers /ind t&eir
align!ents twisting toward evil i/ t&ey learn and use in/lit pain.
0/ t&e target is an NPC w&o is %eing Fuestioned' &e is allowed a saving t&row vs.
paraly-ation to wit&stand t&e agony. 0/ &e /ails' &e %egs /or !ery and answers Fuestions
as t&e D4 sees /it. 0/ t&e user /inds a way to e!ploy t&is power in o!%at' t&e target is
still entitled to a saving t&row. Suess !eans &e grits &is teet& and keeps on /ig&ting.
3ailure !eans t&e pain i!poses a R: penalty to &is attak rolls t&at round or disrupts and
ruins spellasting. PSP osts depend on t&e targets level.
TargetEs >evel P!P Cost
7R9 levels or )D 8P5
@R76 levels or )D :P5
77R79 levels or )D 9P8
7@R56 levels or )D @P8
57M levels or )D JP:
Ftelepathic devotionG
4AC: @
PSP Cost: 8MP5M
$ange: 766 yards
Area o/ "//et:0ndividual
PrereFuisite: 4indlink
+&is power only an %e used on open !inds. 0t di//ers signi/iantly /ro! t&e spell
invisi%ility. +&is is a delusion t&at a//ets spei/i !inds' not an illusion t&at a//ets
everyoneI t&e only real &ange ours in t&ose w&ose !inds were opened. +&us' t&e user
!ust open ea& !ind &e wants to deeive' /or only to t&ese !inds will &e appear
invisi%le. )e an see &i!sel/' and so an anyone w&ose !ind wasnt opened. Only %eings
wit&in 766 yards an %e a//eted %y t&is power.
+&e user !ust !ake a separate 4+)AC6 roll /or ea& delusion and pay a separate PSP
ost /or ea&. A delusion is de/ined as one invisi%le &arater as pereived %y one ot&er
%eing. +&e user an !ake anyone w&o is &u!an si-e or s!aller invisi%le wit& t&is power'
not *ust &i!sel/. Note t&at t&is power a//ets vision onlyI o%servers !ay still %e a%le to
&ear or s!ell Uinvisi%leV &araters. PSP osts are as /ollows.
TargetEs >evel P!P Cost
7R9 levels or )D 8P5
@R76 levels or )D :P5
77R79 levels or )D 9P8
7@R56 levels or )D @P8
57M levels or )D JP:
,i/e Detetion
Ftelepathic devotionG
4AC: ;
PSP Cost: 8P7
$ange: 766 yards
Area o/ "//et:Naries
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power allows t&e user to san /or t&e presene o/ living' t&inking reatures
wit&in a li!ited area. 0/ &e is sanning at s&ort range' &e an over a large angle. At long
range' t&e angle is signi/iantly redued. )e an san 7J6 degrees to a range o/ :6 yards'
>6 degrees to @6 yards' or 86 degrees to 766 yards. One round o/ sanning detets
&u!ans' de!i&u!ans' &u!anoids' !a!!als' and !onsters wit& J or !ore )it Die. A
seond round detets all reatures wit& less t&an J )it Die. 0n eit&er ase' t&e user
reeives an aurate ount.
+&e D4 s&ould !ake t&e 4+)AC6 roll and keep it seret /ro! t&e player. 0/ t&e
user doesnt detet anyt&ing' &e wont know w&et&er not&ings t&ere or t&e power /ailed.
Send +&oug&ts
Ftelepathic devotionG
4AC: J
PSP Cost: 8MP5M
$ange: <nli!ited
Area o/ "//et:0ndividual
PrereFuisite: None
+&is power only works on an open !ind' allowing t&e user to send &is t&oug&ts to
anot&er !ind via oneHway o!!uniation. )e an send in/or!ation or si!ply use t&e
power to distrat t&e target. 0/ t&e target is a wi-ard asting a spell' &e gets a save vs.
spell. 0/ t&e wi-ard /ails &is save' &is onentration is %roken and t&e spell /ails. 0/ t&e
target is distrated w&ile in !elee o!%at' &e reeives a R5 penalty to all attak rolls.
TargetEs >evel P!P Cost
7R9 levels or )D 8P5
@R76 levels or )D :P5
77R79 levels or )D 9P8
7@R56 levels or )D @P8
57M levels or )D JP:
Sig&t ,ink
Ftelepathic devotionG
4AC: @
PSP Cost: 9M per turnP8M
$ange: <nli!ited
Area o/ "//et:0ndividual
PrereFuisite: 4indlink
Only usa%le against open !inds' t&is power lets t&e user tap into anot&ers visual
senses' allowing &i! to see w&atever t&at %eing sees. +&e users own vision is una//eted.
0/ t&e linked &arater is su%*eted to a ga-e attak' t&e user !ust !ake an appropriate
saving t&row or also %e a//eted %y t&e ga-e.
TargetEs >evel P!P Cost
7R9 levels or )D 9P8
@R76 levels or )D @P8
77R79 levels or )D ;P:
7@R56 levels or )D JP:
57M levels or )D 76P9
Psioni Powers Su!!ary Below is a listing o/ all psioni powers urrently in t&e
AD&D ga!e. "a& &as two new statistis' a 4AC sore and a PSP ost' replaing t&e old
power sore' initial ost' and !aintenane ost /ro! t&e original soure. +&e nu!%er to
t&e rig&t o/ t&e slas& is t&e ost i/ t&e 4+)AC6 roll /ails. All ot&er details o/ t&e powers
re!ain t&e sa!e' unless new desriptions &ave %een provided in t&is %ook. Powers are
/ro! +&e Co!plete Psionis )and%ook unless noted ot&erwise.
Table @&: Psionic Powers
333 Clairsentient "ciences 333
Power -AC P!P Cost
Appraise @ 7:P@
Aura sig&t7 ; >P8
Clairaudiene7 J 9P5
Clairvoyane7 ; 9P5
Cos!i awareness5'8 ; 75P@
Detetion8 > JP8
O%*et reading7 ; 75P@
Preognition J 7JP76
Psy&i lone5 @ 7@P@
Sensitivity to
psy&i i!pressions J 9P8
Spirit lore5'8 ; 78P9
Su%*etive reality5'8 J 7:P;
+rue sig&t5'8 J 76P:
333 Clairsentient Devotions 333
Power -AC P!P Cost
AllHround vision7 J 9P5
Bone reading5'8 76 79P9
Co!%at !ind7@ :P5
Danger sense7J 8P7
"nviron!ent: ; 9P8
3eel lig&t J 9P8
3eel !oisture:> 8P7
3eel sound7 J :P5
)ear lig&t J :P5
2now ourse8 ; :P&ourP5
2now diretion J 7P7
2now loation7 J JP8
4artial trane7'5 ; ;P8
Poison sense7 76 7P7
Predestination5': > >PyearP:
!anipulation5'8 @ 76P9
Psioni sense7'5 J 5P7
$adial navigation ; @P&ourP8
$etrospetion5 J 756P:6
Sa/e pat&5'8 J @P8
See et&ereal8 ; 8P7
See !agi8 > @P5
See sound7 J :P5
Sensitivity to
o%servation8 76 9P5
Spirit sense J JP:
+rail o/ destrution5':> 9P5
(at&ers ward8 ; 8P&ourP7
(eat&er predition5':; 76P:
333 #scho)inetic "ciences 333
Power -AC P!P Cost
Create o%*et7'5 @ ;P8
Detonate7'5 9 79P9
Disintegrate5 ; 86P76
2ineti ontrol8 ; JP8
4egakinesis5'8 J 56MP76M
rearrange!ent5 @ 75P&ourP@
Pro*et /ore7'5 @ 76P:
Suppress !agi5'8 9 JMP:M
+elekinesis7 J 8MP7M
+elekineti %arrier5'8 @ 75P9
+elekineti /lig&t5'8 J ;P8
333 #scho)inetic Devotions 333
Power -AC P!P Cost
Ani!ate o%*et7'5 ; 9P5
Ani!ate s&adow J :P5
Ballisti attak5 @ 9P8
Co!pat: > :P7
Conentrate water5': @ 76P8
Control %ody5 @ JP:
Control /la!es5 J :P5
Control lig&t J @P5
Control sound7 9 8P7
Control wind7'5 9 75P9
Create sound5 ; 9P5
Cyrokinesis8 76 ;P8
De/let5'8 J :P5
.&ost writing5': > 9P5
0nertial %arrier7'5 @ @P5
,evitation7'5 J 9P5
4agneti-e8 J 5MP7M
4ass !anipulation5'8; >P8
4oleular agitation7 76 ;P8
4oleular %onding5'8J :P5
!anipulation7'5 ; @P5
4o!entu! t&e/t5'8 ; 9MP8M
Opposite reation5': ; 9P5
$eturn /lig&t: ; 8P7
So/ten J 8P7
Stasis /ield5 @ 56P76
Stati dis&arge5'8 ; 9P5
333 #schometabolic "ciences 333
Power -AC P!P Cost
Ani!al a//inity7 9 ;P8
Co!plete &ealing7 ; 59P9
Deat& /ield 8 89P79
o!position5'8 9 JP8
"nergy ontain!ent @ >P8
,i/e draining @ @P8
4eta!orp&osis7 : @P8
!anipulation5'8 @ 7:P9
Poison si!ulation5'8 @ 7@P@
$egenerate5'8 9 JPturnP:
S&adow/or!7 9 9P5
Split personality5 J 79P@
333 #schometabolic Devotions 333
Power -AC P!P Cost
A%sor% disease @ 76P:
Aelerate8 @ 76P9
Adrenaline ontrol7 @ 9P5
Alter /eatures5'8 ; :PturnP5
Aging 9 >P9
Bio/eed%ak @ :P5
Body ontrol7 9 @P5
Body eFuili%riu!7 @ 5P7
Body weaponry7 @ @P8
Canni%ali-e7'5 ; 6
Carapae: J 5P7
Cat/all ; :P5
Cause deay @ :P5
Cause sleep8 > :P5
Cell ad*ust!ent7 @ 9MP8M
C&a!eleon power7 ; :P7
C&e!ial si!ulation 9 ;P8
Cognitive trane8 J :P5
Displae!ent @ :P5
Dou%le pain @ ;P5
"toplas!i /or! 9 >P8
"n&aned strengt& J varies
"n&ane!ent5> 7:P@
"1pansion @ 8P7
3ig&ting trane8 > 5P7
3les& ar!or @ 9P5
3ored sy!!etry: ; 75P9
.ird5 ; 5 W ost
.ra/t weapon 9 9P5
)eig&tened senses7 ; 8P7
0!!ova%ility 9 ;P5
0ntensi/y5 @ @MP8M
0ron will8 76 :P5
,end &ealt& ; :P7
4agni/y5 J varies
4ind over %ody J 76PdayP:
dis&arge: J 5P7
P&otosynt&esis8 ; 8PturnP7
Prolong5 9 8P7
$edution @ varies
$igidity5': @ 9P8
S&are strengt& 9 8P7
Spider tou&8 J 8P7
Splie5 varies varies
Strengt& o/
t&e land5': @ :P5
Suspend ani!ation @ 75P9
333 #schoportive "ciences 333
Power -AC P!P Cost
Banis&!ent7'5 J 79P@
Planar transposition5'8 @ varies
Pro%a%ility travel J 77P&ourP9
Su!!on planar reature7'5 @ :6P56 or J6P:6
Su!!on planar energy5'8 J 86P76
+eleport7 > 76MP9M
+eleport ot&er7'5 J 76MP9M
+i!e travel5'8 varies 86MP&ourP79M
(or!&ole5'8 ; 75MP@M
333 #schoportive Devotions 333
Power -AC P!P Cost
Astral pro*etion7 J 8P7
Blink7'5'8 > :P5
Di!ensional door7 ; 8P7
sreen5'8 @ ;P8
Di!ension %lade5'8 ; 9P5
Di!ension walk7 J 9P5
Drea! travel ; 7P59!ilesP7
Duodi!ension8 @ @P8
"t&ereal traveler: J 9P5
P&ase7'8 76 @P5
P&ase o%*et5'8 > @MP8M
Poket di!ension8 76 @PturnP8
S&adow walk8; >MP:M
Spatial distortion8 @ 9MP8M
Su!!on o%*et5'8 @ 86MP75M
+eleport lok5'8 J :P5
+eleport o%*et5': ; 59MP76M
+eleport trigger7'5 J 5P&ourP7
+i!e dilation5'8 J varies
+i!e dupliate5'8 J 55P77
+i!e s&i/t5 J 7@P@
+i!ePspae an&or J 8P7
(ren& J 76P9
333 -elepathic "ciences 333
Power -AC P!P Cost
Aura alteration5 J 76P9
Do!ination7'5 J @MP8M
"!power5 : varies
3ate link5 9 @PturnP8
)alluination5'8 ; varies
4ass do!ination5 @ varies
4ind/la!e5'8 ; 86P79
4indlink7 J ;MP8M
4indwipe5 9 JP8
Pro%e7'5 J JMP:M
Psy&i surgery7'5 J >MP9M
Superior invisi%ility5 @ @PrdPtarget
Swit& personality5 9 :6P79
<ltra%last5 9 ;9P59
333 -elepathic Devotions 333
Power -AC P!P Cost
Aeptane: J :PturnP5
sta%ili-ation:> 77PdayP:
A!nesia5'8 > varies
Attration5 ; JP8
Aversion5 ; JP8
Awe7'5 @ :MP5M
Beast !astery5': J @MPdayP8M
Coneal t&oug&ts7 76 :P5
Convergene5 76 JP8
Daydrea!5 76 :P5
"!pat&y 76 8P7
"SP7 @ @MP8M
3alse sensory input5 @ 9P5
3ous /orgiveness: J :P&ourP5
)ive!ind: > 5P7
0dentity penetration J @P8
0!possi%le task: > @PdayP8
0narnation awareness; 75P9
0n/lit pain7'5 9 8MP5M
0nset !ind: ; 8P7
0nvini%le /oes5 J @P5
0nvisi%ility7'5 @ 8MP5M
,i/e detetion7 ; 8P7
4ind %ar ; 9P5
4ysterious traveler: > 5P7
P&o%ia a!pli/iation5> 9P5
Plant !ind8 @ :P5
suggestion5 ; 8P)DP8
Psioni in/lation5 J ;P8
Psioni residue: J 79P9
Psioni va!piris!5'8 J varies
Psy&i %lade5'8 @ 9MP5M
Psy&i drain5; 7:P@
i!personation5 76 9P&ourP5
Psy&i !essenger 9 :P5
$eeptale5 J 6
$eptile !ind: ; 5P7
$epugnane5 J JP8
Send t&oug&ts7 J 8MP5M
suppression5'8 ; varies
Sig&t link7'5 @ 9MPturnP8M
Sound link5 @ 9MPturnP5M
Suppress /ear876 9P5
Synapti stati5 @ 77P9
+aste link5 @ 9MPturnP5M
pro*etion5 > 9P5
+rue wors&ip: 76 9P5
+rut&ear5 76 8P7
7 $evised power desri%ed in t&is %ook.
5 Power reFuires a prereFuisite to use.
8 Power desri%ed in The Will and the Way B+S$ 5:87C.
: Power desri%ed in )ragon Cings B+S$ 5:6JC.
Appendi1: Co!plied +a%les
Table 2: !ta%ina
!ta%ina !core ,eight Allowance
8 9
:R9 76
@R; 56
JR> 89
76R77 :6
75R78 :9
7:R79 99
7@ ;6
7; J9
7J 776
7JP67R96 789
7JP97R;9 7@6
7JP;@R>6 7J9
7JP>7R>> 589
7JP66 889
7> :J9
56 989
57 @89
55 ;J9
58 >89
5: 7'589
59 7'989
Table ": -uscle
-uscle Att; Da%; -a/; :pen 5end 5ars
!core Ad=; Ad=; Press Doors >ift ?ates
8 R8 R7 76 5 6S
:R9 R5 R7 59 8 6S
@R; R7 6 99 : 6S
JR> 6 6 >6 9 7S
76R77 6 6 779 @ 5S
75R78 6 6 7:6 ; :S
7:R79 6 6 7;6 J ;S
7@ 6 M7 7>9 > 76S
7; M7 M7 556 76 78S
7J M7 M8 599 77 7@S
7JP67R96 M7 M8 5J6 75 56S
7JP97R;9 M5 M8 869 78 59S
7JP;@R>6 M5 M: 886 7: 86S
7JP>7R>> M5 M9 8J6 79B8C 89S
7JP66 M8 M@ :J6 7@B@C :6S
7> M8 M; @:6 7@BJC 96S
56 M8 MJ ;66 7;B76C @6S
57 M: M> J76 7;B75C ;6S
55 M: M76 >;6 7JB7:C J6S
58 M9 M77 7'786 7JB7@C >6S
5: M@ M75 7'::6 7>B7;C >9S
59 M; M7: 7'989 7>B7JC >>S
Table &: Ai%
Ai% -issile Pic6 :pen
!core Ad=; Poc6ets >oc6s
8 R8 R86S R86S
: R5 R59S R59S
9 R7 R59S R56S
@ 6 R56S R56S
; 6 R56S R79S
J 6 R79S R79S
> 6 R79S R76S
76 6 R76S R9S
77 6 R9S 6S
75R79 6 6S 6S
7@ M7 6S M9S
7; M5 M9S M76S
7J M5 M76S M79S
7> M8 M79S M56S
56 M8 M56S M56S
57 M: M56S M59S
55 M: M59S M59S
58 M: M59S M86S
5: M9 M86S M86S
59 M9 M86S M89S
Table ' 5alance
5alance #eac; Def; -ove Cli%b
!core Ad=; Ad=; !ilentl ,alls
8 R8 M: R86S R86S
: R5 M8 R86S R59S
9 R7 M5 R86S R56S
@ 6 M7 R59S R56S
; 6 6 R59S R79S
J 6 6 R56S R79S
> 6 6 R56S R76S
76 6 6 R79S R9S
77 6 6 R76S 6S
75 6 6 R9S 6S
78R7: 6 6 6S 6S
79 6 R7 6S 6S
7@ M7 R5 6S 6S
7; M5 R8 M9S M9S
7J M5 R: M76S M76S
7> M8 R: M79S M79S
56 M8 R: M79S M56S
57 M: R9 M56S M56S
55 M: R9 M56S M59S
58 M9 R@ M59S M59S
5: M9 R@ M59S M86S
59 M9 R@ M86S M86S
Table ): 8ealth
8ealth!ste% Poison
!core !hoc6 !ave
8 89S 6
: :6S 6
9 :9S 6
@ 96S 6
; 99S 6
J @6S 6
> @9S 6
76 ;6S 6
77 ;9S 6
75 J6S 6
78 J9S 6
7: JJS 6
79 >6S 6
7@ >9S 6
7; >;S 6
7J >>S 6
7> >>S M7
56 >>S M7
57 >>S M5
55 >>S M5
58 >>S M8
5: >>S M8
59 766S M:
Table +: Fitness
Fitness 8it Point #esurrection
!core Ad=ust%ent Chance
8 R5 :6S
: R7 :9S
9 R7 96S
@ R7 99S
; 6 @6S
J 6 @9S
> 6 ;6S
76 6 ;9S
77 6 J6S
75 6 J9S
78 6 >6S
7: 6 >5S
79 M7 >:S
7@ M5 >@S
7; M5BM8C >JS
7J M5BM:C 766S
7> M5BM9C 766S
56 M5BM9CT 766S
57 M5BM@CTT 766S
55 M5BM@CTT 766S
58 M5BM@CTTT 766S
5: M5BM;CTTT 766S
59 M5BM;CTTT 766S
Table @: #eason
#eason !pell -a/; A!pell
!core >evel !pells 0%%unit
> :t& @ D
76R77 9t& ; D
75 @t& ; D
78 @t& > D
7: ;t& > D
79 ;t& 77 D
7@ Jt& 77 D
7; Jt& 7: D
7J >t& 7J D
7> >t& All 7
56 >t& All 5
57 >t& All 8
55 >t& All :
58 >t& All 9
5: >t& All @
59 >t& All ;
Table .: (nowledge
(nowledge 5onus A B >earn
!core Profs; !pell
8RJ 7 D
> 5 89S
76 5 :6S
77 5 :9S
75 8 96S
78 8 99S
7: : @6S
79 : @9S
7@ 9 ;6S
7; @ ;9S
7J ; J9S
7> J >9S
56 > >@S
57 76 >;S
55 77 >JS
58 75 >>S
5: 79 766S
59 56 766S
Table 17: 0ntuition
0ntuition 5onus B !pell
!core !pells Failure
8 6 96S
: 6 :9S
9 6 :6S
@ 6 89S
; 6 86S
J 6 59S
> 6 56S
76 6 79S
77 6 76S
75 6 9S
78 7st 6S
7: 7st 6S
79 5nd 6S
7@ 5nd 6S
7; 8rd 6S
7J :t& 6S
7> 7st' 8rd 6S
56 5nd' :t& 6S
57 8rd' 9t& 6S
55 :t&' 9t& 6S
58 7st' @t&6S
5: 9t&' @t& 6S
59 @t&' ;t& 6S
Table 11: ,illpower
,illpower -agic Def; !pell
!core Ad=; 0%%unit
8 R8 D
: R5 D
9 R7 D
@ R7 D
; R7 D
JR7: D D
79 M7 D
7@ M5 D
7; M8 D
7J M: D
7> M: 7T
56 M: 5T
57 M: 8T
55 M: :T
58 M: 9T
5: M: @T
59 M: ;T
Table 12: >eadership
>eadership >oalt A of
!core 5ase 8ench%en
8 R@ 7
: R9 7
9 R: 5
@ R8 5
; R5 8
J R7 8
>R77 6 :
75R78 6 9
7: M7 @
79 M8 ;
7@ M: J
7; M@ 76
7J MJ 79
7> M76 56
56 M75 59
57 M7: 86
55 M7@ 89
58 M7J :6
5: M56 :9
59 M56 96
Table 1": Appearance
Appearance #eaction
!core Ad=ust%ent
8 R9
: R:
9 R8
@ R5
; R7
JR75 6
78 M7
7: M5
79 M8
7@ M9
7; M@
7J M;
7> MJ
56 M>
57 M76
55 M77
58 M75
5: M78
59 M7:
Point Allot%ents for !tarting Characters b #ace
#ace Character Points
Dwarves :9
"lves :9
.no!es :9
)al/lings 89
)al/Helves 59
)al/Hors 79
)al/Hogres 79
)u!ans 76
#acial Abilities
$aial a%ilities ost 9 to 79 &arater points ea&' or t&ey an %e pur&ased /or varying
a!ounts as &arater pakages.
Point Allot%ents for !tarting Characters b Class
Class Character Points
3ig&ter 79
Paladin @6
$anger @6
+&ieves J6
Bards ;6
Cleris 759
Druid 766
Speialist (i-ard 86
All lass a%ilities ost 9 to 79 &arater points.
*onplaer Character Point Allot%ent
Class Character Points
Apprentie 76
Skilled 79
4aster 56
5onus Points
Bonus pro/iieny points /or a &ig& 0ntelligene an %e spent on 0ntelligeneH%ased
nonweapon pro/iienies. 3ig&ters an spend t&e points on weapon pro/iienies or on
0ntelligeneH%ased nonweapon pro/iienies.
Table 1: 5ac6ground 2vents
1d27 2vent
7 Aused o/ a ri!e
5 Apprenties&ip
8 "nslaved
: "1iled
9 3ailed %usiness venture
@ 3ell in love
; 3led a disaster
J 3ound or stole a valua%le ite!
> )o!eless
76 0deologial di//erenes
77 #oined t&e irus
75 2idnapped
78 2illed so!eone
7: 4ade a power/ul ene!y
79 Orp&aned
7@ $an away /ro! &o!e
7; $e/or!ed
7J +ou&ed %y !agi
7> (ent to sea
56 (itnessed a ri!e
Table 2+: Thieving !6ill 5ase !cores
!6ill 5ase Chance
Pik Pokets 79S
Open ,oks 76S
3indP$e!ove +raps 9S
4ove Silently 76S
)ide in S&adows 9S
Detet Noise 79S
Cli!% (alls @6S
$ead ,anguages 6S
Detet !agi 9S
Detet illusion76S
Bri%e 9S
+unneling 79S
"sape %onds 76S
Table 1&: #acial #e$uire%ents
AbilitDwarf 2lf ?no%e 8alfCelf 8alfCorc 8alfCogre
8alfling 8u%an
Str JP7J 8P7J @P7J 8P7J @P7J 7:P7J ;P7JT 8P7J
De1 8P7; @P7J 8P7J @P7J 8P7; 8P75 ;P7J 8P7J
Con 77P7J ;P7J JP7J @P7J JP7J 7:P7J 76P7J 8P7J
0nt 8P7J JP7J @P7J :P7J 8P7; 8P75 @P7J 8P7J
(is 8P7J 8P7J 8P7J 8P7J 8P7: 8P75 8P7; 8P7J
C&a 8P7; JP7J 8P7J 8P7J 8P75 8PJ 8P7J 8P7J
T)al/ling /ig&ters annot possess e1eptional Strengt& sores.
Table 1': #acial Ad=ust%ents
#ace Ad=ust%ents
Dwar/ M7 Con' R7 C&a
"l/ M7 De1' R7 Con
.no!eM7 0nt' R7 (is
)al/Hel/ None
)al/Hor M7 Str' M7 Con' R5 C&a
)al/Hogre M7 Str' M7 Con' R7 0nt' R7 C&a
)al/ling M7 De1' R7 Str
Table 1): #acial >evel >i%its
Class Dwarf 2lf ?no%e 8alfCelf 8alfCorc8alfCogre 8alfling8u%an
Bard D D D < D D D <
Cleri 76 75 > 7: : : J <
Druid D D D > D D D <
3ig&ter 79 75 77 7: 76 75 > <
0llusionist D D 79 D D D D <
(i-ard D 79 D 75 D D D <
Paladin D D D D D D D <
$anger D 79 D 7@ D D D <
+&ie/ 75 75 78 75 J D 79 <
D +&is sy!%ol represents unli!ited lass advane!ent /or &araters o/ t&ose raes t&is.
D A !e!%er o/ t&is rae annot &oose t&is lass.
Table &1: Character (it Table
#oll percentile dice to deter%ine an adventurerEs 6it;
67R68 Aro%at 88R89 #ester @@R@J Savage
6:R6@ A!a-on 8@R8> 4ariner @>R;5 S&olar
6;R6> Ani!al 4aster :6R:5 4er&ant ;8R;@ Sout
76R75 Assassin :8R:9 4ysti ;;R;> S&arps&ooter
78R7@ Bar%arian :@R:J No%le J6RJ8 Soldier
7;R7> Beggar :>R97 OutlawJ:RJ@ S!uggler
56R55 Cavalier 95R99 Peasant )ero J;RJ> Spy
58R59 Diplo!at 9@R9J Pirate >6R>8 Swas&%ukler
5@R5> "1plorer 9>R@5 Pugilist >:R>@ +&ug
86R85 .ladiator @8R@9 $ider >;R66 (eapon 4aster
Table 2@: Thieving !6ill #acial Ad=ust%ents
!6ill Dwarf 2lf ?no%e 8alfCelf 8alfCorc8alfCogre 8alfling8u%an
Pik Pokets D M9S D M76S D R9S M9S D
Open ,oks M76S R9S M9S D D M9S M9S D
3indP$e!ove +raps M79S D M76S D M9S D M9S D
4ove Silently D M9S M9S D D R9S M76S D
)ide in S&adows D M76S M9S M9S D R9S M79S D
Detet Noise D M9S M76S D M9S M76S M9S D
Cli!% (alls R76S D R79S D D M76S R79S D
$ead ,anguages R9S D D D D R76S R9S D
Detet !agi M9S M76S M9S M9S D R9S M9S D
Detet illusion M9S D M76S M9S R9S R76S D D
Bri%e R9S M79S M9S M9S M76S M9S D D
+unneling M76S R76S M9S R9S D R9S M9S D
"sape %onds D D D D D M9S M76S D
Table 2.: Thieving !6ill De/terit Ad=ust%ents
Ai%3 5alance3 or De/terit
!6ill . 17 11 12 1"J1' 1) 1+ 1@ 1. 27 21
Pick Pockets R79S R76S R9S D D D M9S M76S M79S M56S
M56S M59S
!pen 2ocks R76S R9S D D D M9S M76S M79S M56S M56S
M59S M59S
Find(.emo3e Traps R76S R76S R9S D D D D M9S M76S
M79S M56S M56S
4ove Silently R56S R79S R76S R9S D D M9S M76S M79S M79S
M56S M56S
)ide in S&adows R76S R9S D D D D M9S M76S M79S M56S
M59S M86S
Cli!% (alls R76S R9S D D D D M9S M76S M79S M56S
M56S M59S
+unneling R76S R9S D D D D D M9S M76S M79S
M56S M86S
"sape Bonds R79S R76S R9S D D D M9S M76S M79S M56S
M59S M86S
Table "7: Thieving !6ill Ar%or Ad=ust%ents
!6ill *o Ar%or 2lven Chain Padded or !tudded >eather
Pik Pokets M9S R56S R86S
Open ,oks D R9S R76S
3indP$e!ove +raps D R9S R76S
4ove Silently M76S R76S R56S
)ide in S&adows M9S R76S R56S
Detet Noise D R9S R76S
Cli!% (alls M76S R56S R86S
+unneling M76S R9S R76S
"sape %onds M9S R9S R9S
Table "1: 5ard !croll Dse
5ard >evel B Chance
7R5 76S
8H: 56S
9H@ 86S
; :6S
J 96S
> @6S
76 ;6S
77M J6S
Table &': *onweapon Proficienc ?roups
Proficienc CostK 0nitial #ating Abilit
Agriulture 8 ; 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
Ani!al )andling 8 ; (isdo!P(illpower
Ani!al +raining : 9 (isdo!P(illpower' C&aris!aP,eaders&ip
Blaks!it&ing : @ Strengt&P4usle' 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
Boat Piloting 5 @ Strengt&P4usle' 0ntelligeneP$eason
Brewing 8 J 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
Carpentry 8 ; Strengt&PSta!ina' 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
Co%%ling 8 ; De1terityPAi!' 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
Cooking 8 ; 0ntelligeneP$eason
Daning 5 @ De1terityPBalane' C&aris!aPAppearane
Deep Diving 5 9 De1terityPBalane' ConstitutionP)ealt&
"ngineering : 9 0ntelligeneP$eason' (isdo!P0ntuition
"tiFuette 5 J C&aris!aPAppearane' (isdo!P0ntuition
3ireH%uilding 5 J (isdo!P0ntuition' 0ntelligeneP$eason
3is&ing 8 @ (isdo!P0ntuition' 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
.a!ing 5 9 (isdo!P0ntuition' 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
)eraldry 5 J 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
,eat&er working 8 ; 0ntelligeneP2nowledge' De1terityPAi!
4ining9 9 (isdo!P0ntuition' Strengt&PSta!ina
4odern languages 5 > 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
4usial 0nstru!ent 5 ; C&aris!aP,eaders&ip
Navigation 8 @ 0ntelligeneP2nowledge' (isdo!P0ntuition
Orienteering 8 ; 0ntelligeneP2nowledge' (isdo!P0ntuition
Painting 5 ; De1terityPAi!' (isdo!P0ntuition
Pottery8 ; De1terityPAi!
$iding' Air%orne : 9 (isdo!P(illpower' De1terityPBalane
$iding' ,and 5 J (isdo!P(illpower' De1terityPBalane
$ope <se 5 J De1terityPAi!' (isdo!P0ntuition
Sulpting 5 9 De1terityPAi!' (isdo!P0ntuition
Singing 5 9 C&aris!aP,eaders&ip
Sea!ans&ip 8 J (isdo!P0ntuition' De1terityPBalane
Stone!asonry : 9 Strengt&PSta!ina' (isdo!P0ntuition
Swi!!ing 5 > Strengt&PSta!ina
+ailoring 8 ; De1terityPAi!' 0ntelligeneP$eason
(eat&er 2nowledge 5 ; (isdo!P0ntuition
(eaving 8 @ 0ntelligeneP$eason' De1terityPAi!
Proficienc CostK 0nitial #ating Abilit
Anient )istory 8 @ (isdo!P0ntuition' 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
Anient ,anguages : 9 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
Astrology 8 9 (isdo!P0ntuition' 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
)ealing : 9 (isdo!P0ntuition' C&aris!aP,eaders&ip
)er%alis! 8 @ 0ntelligeneP2nowledge' (isdo!P0ntuition
,oal )istory 5 J 0ntelligeneP2nowledge'
$eadingP(riting 5 J 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
$eligion 5 @ (isdo!P0ntuition
Spellra/t 8 ; 0ntelligeneP$eason
Table &': *onweapon Proficienc ?roups FcontinuedG
Proficienc CostK 0nitial #ating Abilit
Anient )istory 8 @ (isdo!P0ntuition' 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
Appraising 5 J 0ntelligeneP$eason' (isdo!P0ntuition
BlindH/ig&ting : NAP@ (isdo!P0ntuition' De1terityPBalane
Cryptograp&y 8 @ 0ntelligeneP$eason' (isdo!P0ntuition
Disguise : 9 (isdo!P0ntuition' C&aris!aP,eaders&ip
3orgery 8 9 De1terityPAi!' (isdo!P(illpower
.e! Cutting 8 @ De1terityPAi!
#uggling 8 ; De1terityPAi!
#u!ping 5 J Strengt&P4usle' De1terityPBalane
,oal )istory 5 J 0ntelligeneP2nowledge'
$eading ,ips 8 ; 0ntelligeneP2nowledge' (isdo!P0ntuition
Set Snares 8 @ De1terityPAi!' (isdo! P0ntuition
+ig&trope (alking 8 9 De1terityPBalane
+&rowing 5 J De1terityPAi!' Strengt&P4usle
+u!%ling 8 ; De1terityPBalane' Strengt&P4usle
NentriloFuis! : 9 0ntelligeneP2nowledge'
Proficienc CostK 0nitial #ating Abilit
Ani!al ,ore 8 ; 0ntelligeneP2nowledge' (isdo!P0ntuition
Ar!orer 9 9 0ntelligeneP2nowledge' Strengt&P4usle
BlindH/ig&ting : NAP@ (isdo!P0ntuition' De1terityPBalane
BowyerP3let&er 9 @ 0ntelligeneP2nowledge' De1terityPAi!
C&arioteering : 9 De1terityPBalane' (isdo!P(illpower
"ndurane 5 8 ConstitutionP3itness
)unting 5 ; (isdo!P0ntuition
4ountaineering : ; Strengt&PSta!ina' (isdo!P(illpower
$unning 5 9 Strengt&PSta!ina' ConstitutionP3itness
Set Snares : J De1terityPAi!' (isdo!P0ntuition
Survival 8 @ 0ntelligeneP2nowledge'
+raking : ; (isdo!P0ntuition
(eapons!it&ing 9 9 0ntelligeneP2nowledge' De1terityPAi!
Proficienc CostK 0nitial #ating Abilit
Anient )istory 8 @ (isdo!P0ntuition' 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
Anient ,anguages : 9 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
Astrology 8 9 (isdo!P0ntuition' 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
Astrono!y 5 ; 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
Cryptograp&y 8 @ 0ntelligeneP$eason' (isdo!P0ntuition
.e! Cutting 8 @ De1terityPAi!
)er%alis! 8 @ 0ntelligeneP2nowledge' (isdo!P0ntuition
$eadingP(riting 5 J 0ntelligeneP2nowledge
$eligion 5 @ (isdo!P0ntuition
Spellra/t 8 ; 0ntelligeneP$eason
TCost in &arater points
Table &): Traits
Trait Character Point Cost
Allure :
Alertness @
A!%ide1terity :
Ani!al "!pat&y :
Artisti A%ility :
Cli!ate Sense :
Dou%leH*ointed :
"!pat&y :
3ast )ealer @
.li%ness :
0!personation 9
0n&erent 0!!unityPPoison @
0n&erent 0!!unityPDisease 9
0n&erent 0!!unityPCold :
0n&erent 0!!unityP)eat 9
0nternal Co!pass 9
2een eyesig&t 9
2een )earing 9
2een S!ell @
2een +aste :
2een +ou& :
,ig&t Sleeper 9
,uky @
4usiPSinging 9
4usiP0nstru!ent :
O%sure 2nowledge :
Preise 4e!ory :
Table &&: Abilit -odifiers to Proficienc !cores
Abilit< Proficienc
!ubabilit -odifier
8 R9
: R:
9 R8
@ R5
; R7
JR78 6
7: M7
79 M5
7@ M8
7; M:
7JM M9
,eapon Proficienc !lots
Class Character Point Cost per !lot
(arrior 5
$ogue 8
Priest 8
(i-ard 8
Table &+: Disadvantages
Character Point 5onus
Disadvantage 4oderate Severe
Allergies 8 J
Bad +e!pered @ D
Bruise "asily J D
Clu!sy : J
Color%lind 8 D
Co!pulsive )onesty J D
Cowardie ; 79
Deep Sleeper ; D
3anatiis! J D
.reed ; D
0rritating Personality @ D
,a-y ; D
Power/ul "ne!y 76 D
P&o%ia: Crowds : 76
P&o%ia: Darkness 9 77
P&o%ia: "nlosed Spaes 9 77
P&o%ia: )eig&ts 9 76
P&o%ia: 4agi J 7:
P&o%ia: 4onster
Bspei/iC : >
P&o%ia: Snakes 9 76
P&o%ia: Spiders 9 76
P&o%ia: <ndead J 7:
P&o%ia: (ater @ 75
+ongueHtied @ D
<nluky J D
+a%le :J: (eapon Pro/iieny CP Costs
Class Cost
(arrior 5
$ogue 8
Priest 8
(i-ard 8
Purchasing ,eapon Proficiencies :ut of Class
Character Class ,eapon Character Point
Class is Fro% Cost
$ogue (arrior :
Priest (arrior :
(i-ard$ogue 9
(i-ard(arrior @
(arriors an pur&ase a pro/iieny in any single weapon at a ost o/ 5 &arater points.
Table '7: *onproficienc Attac6 Penalties
Class *onproficienc Fa%iliarit
(arrior R5 R7
(i-ard R9 R8
Priest R8 R5
$ogue R8 R5
Psioniist R: R5
Nonlassed NPC R: R5
Table '1: !hield Proficienc 2ffects
!hield Tpe AC 5onus AAttac6ers
Bukler M7 One
S!all M5 +wo
4ediu! M8 +&ree
Body M8PM: vs. !issiles 3our
Table '2: Fighting !tles b Character Class
Fighting !tle2ligible Classes
OneH&anded (eapon All
(eapon and S&ield (arriors' Priests
+woH&anded (eapon (arriors' Priests' 4ages
+wo (eapon (arriors' $ogues
4issile(arriors' $ogues
)orse Ar&er (arriors' $ogues
+&rown (eapon All
SpeialT Naries
T +&is ategory inludes styles spei/i to ertain weapons andPor ultural %akgrounds.
"1a!ples inlude t&e net and trident style used %y so!e $o!an gladiators' or t&e twin
sais o/ a skilled nin*a.
Two ,eapon !tle
+&e pro/iieny slot spent to speiali-e in t&is di//iult style reFuires 7 additional
&arater point w&en it is /irst aFuiredDe1ept /or rangers' w&o an %uy it /or t&e sa!e
ost as any ot&er /ig&ting style speiali-ation.
Designating a ,eapon of Choice
Character Class Character Point Cost
(arrior 5
$ogues 8
Priests 8
(i-ards :
?aining Proficiencies in ,eapon ?roups3
,arriors :nl
Character Point Cost ?roup
: tig&t
@ %road
Table '": ?aining ,eapon !pecialiHation
Character -ini%u%
C&arater Class Point Cost ,evel
3ig&ter 5 7
4ultiHlass 3ig&ter : 5
$angerPPaladin : 8
Priest @ 9
$ogues J @
(i-ards 76 ;
.aining (eapon "1pertise
C&arater Class C&arater Point CostT
(arrior 5
$ogues :
Priests :
(i-ards 9
T +&e &arater point ost is redued %y 7 i/ t&e &arater elets to gain an e1pertise wit&
&is weapon o/ &oie.
Table '&: ?aining ,eapon -aster
Character -ini%u%
Character Class Point Cost >evel
3ig&ter 5 9
4ultiHlass 3ig&ter J @
$angerPPaladin J ;
5uing Character Points
C&araters an %uy &arater points wit& wealt&. "1&anging oneHt&ird o/ a &araters
!oney nets 7 point. At t&e D4s disretion' up to 8 point an %e gained t&is way.
?aining Character Points
"a& ti!e a &arater gains an e1periene level' &e also gains 8 to 9 &arater pointsDat
t&e D4s disretionDt&at an %e used on weapon and nonweapon pro/iienies or saved
/or use during t&e ga!e.
7d75 /or &it points :;
A%ilities' dwarven
&al/ ogre
relevant to pro/iienies
A%ilities and restritions
A%ilities vs. t&ie/ skills
A%ility ad*ust!ents' raial
A%ility &eks
A%ility !odi/iers
to pro/iieny sores
A%ility point generation
A%ility sore ad*ust!ents' raial
A%ility sore reFuire!ents
A%ility sore syste!s
A%ility sores
Aess to s&ools
Aess to sp&eres
Aused o/ a ri!e
AFuiring &arater traits
Ative sense o/ s!ell
Aute taste
Adrenaline ontrol
Ai! %onus
Align!ent' psioniists
AllHround vision
Alter !oods
Alternate su%a%ility !et&od
Anient &istory
Anient languages
Anient settings eFuip!ent
Ani!al a//inity
Ani!al e!pat&y
Ani!al /riends&ip
Ani!al &andling
Ani!al lore
Ani!al !aster
Ani!al training
Ani!ate o%*et
AFuati elves
Ar!or ad*ust!ents' t&ieving skills
Ar!or pro/iieny
Ar!or restritions' psioniists
Ar!or ta%le
Ar!ored wi-ard
Artisti a%ility
Astral pro*etion
Attak ad*ust!ent
Attak %onus
Attak !odes
Attak penalties' nonpro/iieny
Attaked last
Attaks %y level' warriors
Aura sig&t
Auto!ati pro/iieny /ailure
Auto!ati spells
Auto!ati suess
A1e %onus
Bakground events
Bad te!pered
Base !ove!ent
Base sores' %ard skills
t&ie/ skills
Belt pou&es
Bend %arsPli/t gates
Better %alane
Body ontrol
Body eFuili%riu!
Body weaponry
Bonus pro/iienies
Bonus spells
Bow %onus
Broad groups' weapons
Bron-e age eFuip!ent
Bruise easily
Building a /ig&ter
Buying &arater points
Ca!paign onsiderations
Casting redution
Cell ad*ust!ent
C&a!eleon power
C&araters' lasses
disadvantages' seleting
C&arater points
and pro/iienies
pro/iieny osts
weapon pro/iienies
aFuisition o/
C&arge attak
C&ar! resistane
C&oosing pro/iienies
Cirle o/ power
Clairsentient powers
Class level li!its' &u!anoid
or !onstrous &araters
Cli!ate sense
Cli!% walls
Close to t&e eart&
Closed !inds
Cold resistane
Co!%at' psioni
Co!%at %onus
Co!%at !ind
Co!%at seFuene' psioni
Co!!on !agial ite!s
Co!!uniate wit& reatures
Co!plete &ealing
Co!pulsive &onesty
Coneal t&oug&ts
Con/er water %reat&ing
ConstitutionP&ealt& %onus
Control lig&t
Control sound
Control wind
Counter e//ets o/ song
Create !agial pipes
Create o%*et
Creating new kits
Cross%ow %onus
Crusader eFuip!ent
Dagger %onus
Da!age ad*ust!ent
Da!age %onus
Danger sense
Dark Ages eFuip!ent
Dark elves
Darkness' s&adow !age
Dart %onus
Deep diving
Deep dwarves
Deep gno!es
Deep sleeper
De/ense %onus
De/ense !odes' psioni
De/ensive ad*ust!ent
De/ensive %onus
De!iplane o/ s&adow
Dense skin
Detet evil
Detet illusion
Detet !agi
Detet new onstrution
Detet noise
Detet poison
Detet seret doors
Detet sliding or s&i/ting walls
Detet sloping passages
Detet undead
Deter!ine age
Deter!ine sta%ility
De1terity' ai!
Di!ension walk
Di!ensional door
Disadvantage desriptions
Disiplines' psioni
Dodge !issiles
DualHlass psioniists
DualHlass PCs
Dwarven a%ilities
Dwarven eFuip!ent
"asily distrated
"//ets o/ traits
"go w&ip
"le!ental spell %onus
"lven a%ilities
"lven eFuip!ent
sylvan BwoodC
"!pat&y wit& ani!als
"nu!%rane' and !ove!ent
"ngineering %onus
"saping %onds
"valuate ge!s
"1eeding level li!its
"1periene %onus
"1periene levels' priests
"1periene points
"1pert &aggler
"1pert &ealer
"1pertise' weapon
"1tend duration
3ailed %usiness venture
3ait&/ul !ount
3a!iliarity' weapon
3ast &ealer
3eel sound
3ell in love
3ig&ting style speiali-ation
3ind and re!ove wilderness traps
3indPre!ove traps
3irePeletrial resistane
3itness %onus
3led a disaster
3orest gno!es
3orest !ove!ent
3ound or stole a valua%le ite!
.eneral pro/iienies
.no!e a%ilities
.no!is& eFuip!ent
.rand !astery
.ray dwarves
.ray elves
.roups' weapons
)air/oot &al/lings
)al/ling a%ilities
)al/ling eFuip!ent
)ard to surprise
)arness su%onsious
)ealt& %onus
)eat resistane
)eig&tened di//iulties
)eig&tened senses
)en&!en' !a1i!u! nu!%er
)ide in natural settings
)ide in s&adows
)ideous appearane
)ig& elves
)ig& !astery
)ill dwarves
)it point ad*ust!ent
)it point %onus
)orse ar&er style
)ouse&old provisions
)u!anoid &arater level li!its
0d insinuation
0deologial di//erenes
0llusion resistant
0!!unity' in&erent
0!!unity to &ar!
0!!unity to disease
0!proved sta!ina
0!proving pro/iienies
0nreased !ove!ent
0nertial %arrier
0n/lit pain
0n&erent i!!unity
0n&u!an /or!
0ntellet /ortress
0ntense !agi
0nternal o!pass
0rritating personality
#avelin %onus
#oined t&e irus
2een eyesig&t
2een &earing
2een ol/atory sense
2een taste sense
2een tou& sense
2illed so!eone
2now loation
,a%oratory' al&e!ists
,anguages' raial
,earn spell perent &ane
,earning %onus
,earning penalty
,eat&er working
,ess sleep
advane!ent and pro/iienies
,evel li!its' e1eeding
&u!anoid or !onstrous &araters
,i/e detetion
,ig&t sleeper
,i!ited ar!or
,i!ited !agial ite! use
,i!ited weapon seletion :J
,ine o/ sig&t' psioni powers
,i-ard !an
,oal &istory
,ower lass
,ower !iddle lass
,oyalty %ase
4ae %onus
4ade an ene!y
4agi' de/ense ad*ust!ent
and psionis
4agial ite!s' o!!on
4aintaining psioni powers
4artial trane
4astery' weapon
4a1i!u! a%ility sores
4a1i!u! nu!%er o/ &en&!en
4a1i!u! nu!%er o/ spells
4a1i!u! press
4a1i!u! pro/iieny ratings
4editative /ous
4eld into stone
4elee attaks %y level' warriors
4elee o!%at
4ental ar!or
4ental Ar!or Class
4ental attak roll
4ental %arrier
4iddle "astern eFuip!ent
4iddle Ages eFuip!ent
4ind %lank
4ind t&rust
4inds' open and losed
4ini!u! a%ility sores
4ining detetion a%ilities
4ining detetion %onus
4isellaneous eFuip!ent
4issile ad*ust!ent
4issile style
4issile ta%le
4oderatePsevere disadvantages
4odern languages
4odi/ying pro/iieny rolls
4oleular agitation
4oleular !anipulation
&arater points
4onster intelligene'
weapon !astery
4onster population
4onsters' weapon !astery
4onstrous &arater level li!its
4ore !usles
4ore opposition s&ools
4ountain dwarves
4ove silently
4ove!ent' and enu!%rane
e1panded %ase
4ultiHlass psioniists
4ultiHlass PCs
4ultiple speiali-ation
4usle %onus
4usi spells
4usial instru!ent
NPC tiers
New a%ility sore syste!s
No o!ponents
Nonpro/iieny attak penalties
Nonpsioni !inds
Nonweapon pro/iienies
Nonweapon pro/iieny groups
O%*et reading
O%sure knowledge
OneH&anded weapon style
Open doors
Open loks
Open !inds
Optional restritions
Oriental eFuip!ent
Ot&er raes
power osts
starting total
spell progression
Paraly-ing %ite
Pass wit&out trae
Peasant &ero
Perent &ane o/ spell /ailure
Pik %onus
Pik pokets
Point %lank range
Poison resistane
Poison save
Poison sense
Population' !onster
Potion identi/iation
Potions' al&e!ist
Power/ul ene!y
Preise !e!ory
Priest' weapon pro/iienies
e1periene levels
spell progression
Priestly wi-ards
Pri!ary disipline
Pri!e reFuisite
Pro/iienies' and &arater points
auto!ati /ailure
auto!ati suess
&arater point osts
level advane!ent
!a1i!u! ratings
use %y nonpro/iient &araters
use in play
Pro/iieny' ar!or
Pro/iieny desriptions
Pro/iieny rolls' !odi/ying
Pro/iieny sores'
a%ility !odi/iers to
Pro*et /ore
Protetion /ro! evil
Protetion srolls
Psioni attak !odes
Psioni %last
Psioni o!%at
psy&i ontests
Psioni de/ense !odes
Psioni disiplines' gaining
Psioni powers' "SP
adrenaline ontrol
allHround vision
ani!al a//inity
ani!ate o%*et
astral pro*etion
aura sig&t
%ody ontrol
%ody eFuili%riu!
%ody weaponry
ell ad*ust!ent
&a!eleon power
Clairsentient powers
o!%at !ind
o!plete &ealing
oneal t&oug&ts
ontrol lig&t
ontrol sound
ontrol wind
reate o%*et
danger sense
di!ension walk
di!ensional door
/eel sound
&ealing' o!plete
&eig&tened senses
inertial %arrier
in/lit pain
know loation
li/e detetion
line o/ sig&t
!artial trane
!oleular agitation
!oleular !anipulation
o%*et reading
poison sense
pri!ary disipline
pro*et /ore
psioni sense
psy&i surgery
Psy&okineti powers
Psy&o!eta%oli powers
Psy&oportive powers
see sound
send t&oug&ts
sig&t link
su!!on planar reature
+elepat&i powers
teleport ot&er
teleport trigger
tou& range
Psioni sense
Psioni strengt& points
Psioniist &arater lass
Psioniist pro/iienies
and !agi
wild talents
Psy&i ontests
Psy&i rus&
Psy&i surgery
Psy&okineti powers
Psy&o!eta%oli powers
Psy&oportive powers
Puri/y water
$aial a%ilities and restritions
$aial a%ility sore ad*ust!ents
$aial ad*ust!ents' t&ieving skills
$aial en!ity
$aial languages
$aial level li!its
$aial reFuire!ents
$aial variants
$aial weapons
$ally /riends
$an away /ro! &o!e
$ange %oost
$angers spellHasting a%ilities
$eation ad*ust!ent
$eation %onus
$ead languages
$ead !agi
$eading lips
$eovering PSPs
$elevant a%ilities
$e!oving disadvantages
$enaissane eFuip!ent
$esear& %onus
$esist &ar!
$esist energy drain
to sleep and &ar!
$estritions' optional
to a%ilities
$esurretion &ane
$iding' air%orne
$ok gno!es
$ogue' weapon pro/iienies 778
$o!an eFuip!ent
$ope use
$ound' psioni ations
Savage settings eFuip!ent
Saving t&row %onuses
S&ool o/ al&e!y
S&ools o/ !agi
Sroll use
Seret doors
Seret language
See sound
Seleting disadvantages
Seleting pro/iienies
Send t&oug&ts
Set snares
Severe disadvantages
S&adow !age
S&ield pro/iieny
S&ort sword %onus
Sig&t link
Si!pli/ied enu!%rane
Skill points
Sling %onus
Sneak attak
Soial ranks
Song wi-ard
Sound !i!iry
Sound resistane
Speak wit& ani!als
Speak wit& plants
Spear %onus
Speial ene!y
Speialist wi-ards
Speiali-ation' /ig&ting style
unar!ed o!%at
Speialty priests
Speed /ator' twoH&anded weapon
Spell a%ilities
duration inrease
/ailure perent &ane
progression' paladin
progression' priests
progression' wi-ards
Spell resistane
SpellHasting a%ilities' rangers
Spending !oney
Stone age eFuip!ent
Stone tell
Stout &al/lings
Su%a%ility &eks
Su!!on planar reature
Surprise opponents
Swan /or!
Sword %onus
Sylvan elves
Syste! s&ok
+all/ellow &al/lings
+angents' psy&i
+elepat&i powers
+eleport ot&er
+eleport trigger
+&ie/ skills vs. a%ilities
+&ieves ant
+&ieving skills' ar!or ad*ust!ents
%ase sores
raial ad*ust!ents
+&oug&t s&ield
+&rown weapon style
+ig&t group' pro/iieny
+ig&trope walking
+ou&ed %y !agi
+oug& &ide
+ower o/ iron will
+rade goods
e//ets o/
+rident %onus
+urning undead
+woH&anded weapon style
+woHweapon style
<nar!ed o!%at speiali-ation
<ndead turning
<pper lass
<pper !iddle lass
<sing psionis
(ar !a&ines
(ar&a!!er %onus
&it point %onus
!elee attaks %y level
(eapon allowane
(eapon and s&ield style
(eapon e1pertise
(eapon /a!iliarity
(eapon groups
(eapon !aster
(eapon !astery
(eapon o/ &oie
(eapon pro/iienies
&arater points
lass restritions
(eapon restritions' psioniists
(eapon speiali-ation
(eapons ta%le
(eat&er knowledge
(ent to sea
(ild talents
!ental Ar!or Class
(itnessed a ri!e
weapon pro/iienies
e1periene levels
(i-ard spell progression
(i-ard spells
(i-ardly priests
(ood elves

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