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Leader ship assessment

By Francis Scheffer student no 374212036

hn Howard
John Howard was born on the 26th of July 1939. Howard is Australians
second longest serving Prie !inister and leader of the "iberal Party in
Australia !nd did a "ot of positi#e thin$s for !ustra"ia whi"es he was
in term% one of the &i$$est thin$s was the hea"th insurance re&ate
John had $ood peop"e s'i""s( which he"ped him $ain the trust of the
peop"e He was a $ood spea'er and an e#en &etter "eader He
imp"emented some of the most crusa" "e$is"ations( which ma'e
!ustra"ia so renounced today
)reat foundin$ "eaders create $reat resu"ts for their or$ani*ations
+hey ha#e a #ision +hey ma'e a p"an to achie#e the #ision +hey
ad,ust their #ision as new "e#e"s are reached +hey moti#ate
emp"oyees to hi$h "e#e"s of performance +hey inf"uence others to
-&uy in. to their #ision for the company !nd they create an
en#ironment of mutua" respect and trust so that the &usiness wi""
prosper when they are $one
Le$is"ations ,ohn Howard introduced/
In 1998, the government introduced a 'work for the dole'
scheme that linked unemployment relief to recipients'
willingness to work at assigned tasks.
Legislation to replace industry-wide industrial agreements on
wages and work conditions with workplace agreements
between individual workers and employers.
Reform of the taxation system through introduction of a tax
on consumption - the goods and services tax or (GST).
Abolition of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Commission (ATSIC)
The Negotiation of a free trade agreement with the United
Further changes to industrial relations brought through the
introduction of WorkChoices.
The Natural Heritage Trust of Australia Act 1997
John Howard showed hi$h standards of "eadership throu$h out hi
2 terms( &ut imp"ementin$ new "e$is"ations for the comment men(
whi"e e#ery one was 0uite up set a&out the $st ta1 it has &ecome a
hu$e &enefit to our society today 2hen as'ed a&out the
introduction of a )oods and Ser#ices +a1 or )S+ in !ustra"ia( he
was 0uoted as sayin$ 3There's no way that GST will ever be part
of our policy, Never ever. It's dead3 His actions contradicted his
words thou$h% as Howard went on to introduce )S+ in !ustra"ia
John Howard.s "eadership sty"e was directi#e and peop"e focused
+his is shown trou$h out his pu&"ic spea'in$ and in the "aws he
try.s to pass His persona"ity traits were enthusiasm( se"f4
confidences( and a $ood sense of humour John Howard had many
#a"ues one of his &i$$est most popu"ar was his peop"e focused
tactics 56 Howard wou"d us reco$nition moti#ation strate$ies to
he"p the peop"e in his party( $ain confidence

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