LT Cap Toc Anh 2010 So 29

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Mn Thi: ANH VN Khi D
THI THAM KHO Thi gian: 90 pht, khng k thi gian giao
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from other words.
. A. won !. "one C. none #. son
$. A. %ear !. hear C. tearin" #. pear
&. A. comforta%le !. come C. some #. com%
'. A. arri(ed !. lin)ed C. li(ed #. opened
*. A. spread !. %read C. %leach #. %reath
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from other words.
+. A. attempt !. presentation C. residential #. confidential
,. A. physical !. appro(al C. recorder #. suspicion
-. A. ele"ant !. arro"ant C. departure #. fortunate
.. A. dictionary !. recei(e C. producti(e #. necessity
/. A. carria"e !. fri"htened C. sincere #. corridor
III. Choose the %est option to fill in the %lan).
. Her %rother ne(er "i(es up0 he1s so22222
A. powerful !. persuadin" C. perse(erin" #. tirin"
$. Today1s foot%all match has %een22222%ecause of %ad weather. They will play ne3t 4aturday instead.
A. cancelled !. postponed C. put away #. decided
&. The other dri(er failed to si"nal turn ri"ht so I had to %ra)e suddenly.
A. purpose !. idea C. intention #. desi"n
'. The hen has e"".
A. lain !. laid C. lied #. lay
*. I don1t ha(e as many2222.."oals as I did when I was youn"er.
A. untrue !. unreal C. incorrect #. unrealistic
+. The director retired early222222..ill6health.
A. on %ehalf of !. ahead of C. on account #. in front of
,. I1m not222222with that particular e3pression.
A. aware !. common C. a"ree #. familiar
-. 7hat comes out of a car e3haust is called2222.
A. clouds !. fumes C. scents #. petrol
.. 4ince he mo(ed house8 he hasn1t had much22222.with his friends.
A. connection !. contact C. %usiness #. meetin"
$/. 4he wondered22222.her father loo)ed li)e now8 after so many years away.
A. how !. whose C. that #. what
$. If you are 222..8 you )now a%out somethin" %ecause you1(e done it %efore.
A. enthusiastic !. hard6wor)in" C. e3ceptional #. e3perienced
$$. If you "o on ahead8 I1ll later.
A. catch up on !. catch up with
C. fit in with #. wal) out on
$&. The children had %een22222of the dan"er8 %ut had ta)en no notice.
A. warned !. e3plained C. pre(ented #. shown
$'. 7al)in" down the street8 she noticed a lon"22222.of houses8 all e3actly ali)e.
A. 9ueue !. row C. ran) #. tail
$*. The22222at the foot%all match cheered their team on.
A. audience !. onloo)ers C. %ystanders #. spectators
$+. 4he as)ed another country in the re"ion.
A. weather I had %een !. if I had %een
C. I had %een #. had I %een
$,. I wish with me now.
A. would %e !. will %e C. were #. had %een
$-. 2222I lo(e you8 I can1t let you do whate(er you li)e.
A. Much as !. 7hate(er C. 7hether #. #espite
$.. I2222..on the %each this time tomorrow.
A. will lie !. will %e lyin" C. am "oin" to lie #. will ha(e lied
&/. Our parents don1t allow22222out after midni"ht.
A. to "o !. us "o C. us "oin" #. "oin"
&. :ot only22222..more %rittle than hard maples8 %ut they are also less a%le to withstand hi"h winds.
A. soft maples are !. are soft maples
C. they are soft maples #. soft maples
&$. 4ome people are2222..interested in animals than in other people.
A. further !. far more C. much #. most
&&. ;I left a coo)ie on the ta%le8 %ut now it1s "one. 7hat happened to it<= ;I don1t )now. One of the
A. may ha(e eaten !. could eat
C. had to eat #. should ha(e eaten
&'. I was en5oyin" my %oo)8 %ut I stopped22222222.a pro"ram on T>.
A. readin" to watch !. to read to watch
C. to read for watchin" #. readin" for to watch
&*. The smo)e from %urnin" fuels causes pollution if22222.into the atmosphere.
A. it releases !. it is released C. it will %e released #. it released
&+. should do first is ma)e a list of all the thin"s you ha(e to do.
A. That !. what C. As #. If
&,. Can you remem%er the first time you2222in lo(e<
A. fell !. felt C. went #. found
&-. #on1t try to phone me. !y the time you read this letter8 2222..
A. I1ll ha(e left !. I1(e left C. I1ll lea(e #. I1m lea(in"
&.. ?erry isn1t fat. 222222..8 he1s 9uite s)inny.
A. In any case !. !y ri"hts C. In practice #. On the contrary
'/. ;7hen are you "oin" to as) your %oss for a raise<=
; her twice already@ I don1t thin) she wants to "i(e me one.=
A. I1(e tal)ed !. I1(e %een tal)in" C. I was tal)in" #. I1d tal)ed
'. ;7hat a nice day it is@= ;22222..=
A. I lo(e %eautiful weather !. It1s 4unday today.
C. It1s on 4unday. #. Aes8 why don1t we "o on for a picnic<
'$. ;How are you doin"<= ;222222=
A. ?reat. Than)s !. Aes8 I am C. I1m readin" a no(el #. I1m afraid not
'&. ;Aou1(e really chan"ed.= ;22222.=
A. Aes8 I am !. I1ll ne(er chan"e my mind
C. Ha(e I< #. Oh8 sorry8 I can1t
''. ;222222222= ;:o8 than) you. That will %e all.=
A. 7hat would you li)e !. It1s (ery "ood of you to help me
C. 7hat )ind of %eef do you li)e #. 7ould you li)e anythin" else
'*. ;#o you want me to help you with those pac)a"es<=
A. :o8 those aren1t mine. !. :o8 I can handle them myself.
C. :o8 I can1t help you ri"ht now #. Of course8 not for me.
I>. Brom the four underlined words or phrases identify the one that is not correct.
'+. The salad tasted so well that my %rother returned to the salad %ar for another helpin".
',. 7e thou"ht our cameras were the same8 %ut his is different than the one that I %ou"ht.
'-. Couise is the more capa%le of the three "irls who ha(e tried out for the part in the play.
'.. They played so "ood "ame of tennis last ni"ht that they surprised their audience.
*/. I would rather that they do not tra(el durin" the %ad weather8 %ut they insist that they must return home
'+. A ',. C '-. A '.. ! */. !
>. Read te !a""a#e a$d %&&"e te 'e"t a$"(e)*
Dmma Ilarte8 in !ar%ara Taylor !radfordEs no(el8 was a poor lonely "irl who %ecame the F*G ............. owner of an
international chain of stores. Ci)e the woman she writes a%out8 Ms !radford is %eautiful and F*$G ............. 4he left school
at si3teen and %ecame a F*&G ............. After twenty6three years of this wor)8 she made the F*'G ............ to start writin"
no(els. 4he is now one of the most F**G...........6paid no(elists in the world.
7as Dmma IlarteEs story %ased on Ms !radfordEs own F*+G ............ successful life< HIEm afraid not8H she said with
F*,G ............. HMy life has %een 9uite different from Dmma HarteEs. 4he was F*-G .......... to %e %orn into a poor family. I
came from a middle6class home and IEm F*.G............. married to a rich American film producer. The only thin" I share
with my heroine is her F+/G wor) hard.H
*. A wealth ! unhealthy C richness # wealthy
*$. A am%ition ! am%itious C "reed # "reedy
*&. A 5ournal ! report C 5ournalist # newspaperman
*'. A decide ! decided C decisi(e # decision
**. A hi"h ! %adly C hi"hly # hei"ht
*+. A incredi%le ! incredi%ly C credi%le # credi%ly
*,. A amusement ! amuse C amused # amusin"
*-. A luc) ! luc)y C unloc) # unluc)y
*.. A happy ! happiness C happily # unhappily
+/. A a%ility ! una%le C a%le # possi%ility
>I. Iead the passa"e then choose the %est answer to each 9uestion.
Hatred is a fundamental emotion that has deep roots in society and culture. Jsycholo"ists %elie(e that "roup
identity and cohesion depend on a lar"e e3tent on ha(in" a common enemy. It seems that the e3istence of ;%ad "uys= is
an important element in definin" who are within a lar"er realm. It could %e said that human %ein"s lo(e to hate.
The first si"ns appear early in life when a child8 faced with %lame for some mista)e8 immediately accuses
another child or an inanimate o%5ect such as a teddy %ear. Cater8 on the schoolyard play"round8 children in ri(al "roups
+,e for attention and influence. These %asic responses translate into more powerful emotion later in life.
One area where deep6rooted hatred is e3hi%ited is in the ethnic clashes that constantly occur around the "lo%e.
These conflicts are not only o(er territory %ut also in(ol(e emotional issues of "roup identity and unity of purpose. Bor
many8 there is no ;us= without a ;them= to hate. In a world where conflict %etween superpowers is on the decline8 it may
%e that humanity will ha(e difficulty adaptin" to a state of mutual respect and cooperation.
+. 7hich of the followin" is the %est title for the passa"e<
A. Ioots of 4ociety !. ?roup Knity
C. A !asic Dmotion #. 4ocial and Cultural Jro%lem
+$. Accordin" to the passa"e8 what is %elie(ed to %e an important aspect of definin" "roup identity<
A. Bacin" a common enemy !. !ein" reluctant to hate
C. Acceptin" %lame for past actions #. I"norin" a lar"er realm
+&. In para"raph $8 the word +,e could %est %e replaced %y which of the followin"<
A. cooperate !. compete C. manipulate #. defend
+'. Accordin" to the passa"e8 early childhood responses to %lame222222.
A. are not related to stron"er feelin" in adulthood. !. are comple3 e3pression of emotions
C. demonstrate how human %ein"s lo(e to hate #. are not well understood %y psycholo"ists
+*. The author su""ests that when children ma)e mista)es8 they22222
A. 5oin ri(al "an"s on schoolyard play"rounds !. rarely accept responsi%ility for their actions
C. need emotional support from personal o%5ects li)e teddy %ears #. readily admit to their errors.
VII* C&&"e te %&))e%t "e$te$%e (,% a" te "a-e -ea$,$# a" te #,+e$ &$e*
++. It would ha(e %een %etter if he had told us his new address.
A. He mi"ht ha(e told us his new address. !. He should ha(e told us his new address.
C. He must ha(e told us his new address. #. It doesn1t matter that he didn1t tell us his new address.
+,. ;Can you e3plain it in another way<= she said.
A. 4he as)ed him if he can e3plain it in another way.
!. 4he as)ed him to e3plain it in a different way.
C. 4he as)ed him whether he could e3plain another way to it.
#. 4he as)ed him could he e3plain it a"ain.
+-. Tom re"rets to say that he has left the tic)ets at home.
A. Tom re"rets lea(in" the tic)ets at home. !. Tom is sorry that he has left the tic)ets at home.
C. Tom wishes he hadn1t left the tic)ets at home. #. Tom re"rets to lea(e the tic)ets at home.
+.. The way he %eha(es annoys me sometimes.
A. I was annoyed with his way of %eha(in". !. I1m sometimes annoyed %y the way he %eha(es.
C. His %eha(iour is annoyin" to me. #. I find his %eha(iour (ery annoyin".
,/. ;Aou %ro)e my pair of "lasses8= the woman said.
A. The woman %lames me of %rea)in" her pair of "lasses.
!. The woman %lamed me of %rea)in" her pair of "lasses.
C. The woman %lames me for ha(in" %ro)en her pair of "lasses.
#. The woman %lamed me for ha(in" %ro)en her pair of "lasses.
,. The %ad weather pre(ented the train from runnin".
A. The %ad weather stopped the runnin" train.
!. The train was precluded from runnin" %y the nasty weather.
C. The runnin" of the train pre(ented %y the %ad weather.
#. The train pre(ented the %ad weather from runnin".
,$. !o% had %etter "o %efore it "ets dar).
A. It1s dar) now8 and !o% ou"ht to ha(e "one %efore.
!. !o% had left %efore it "ot dar).
C. It1s %etter for !o% to lea(e in the dar)ness.
#. !o% should "o while it1s still dayli"ht.
,&. Aou can enrich your )nowled"e %y listenin" to the radio.
A. Aou can %e rich if you listen to the radio.
!. Cistenin" to the radio ma)es you )now less.
C. Cistenin" to the radio can ma)e you )now more.
#. Cistenin" to the radio ena%les you to %e rich.
,'. 2222222.that she %urst into tears.
A. 4uch was an"ry "irl !. 4o an"ry she was
C. 4he was an"ry so #. Her an"er was such
,*. :ot only22222222.(isit Lapan %ut they plan to stop off in the K4A as well.
A. they plan to !. they must C. will they #. are they payin"
,+. On222222.he had won8 he 5umped for 5oy.
A. tellin" !. he was told C. %ein" told #. ha(in" told
,,. ;I1m sorry I ha(e to lea(e so early8= she said.
A. 4he apolo"iMed for ha(in" to lea(e so earlier.
!. 4he apolo"iMed for ha(in" to lea(e early.
C. 4he re"retted to ha(e left so early.
#. 4he left early8 and she feels sorry now.
,-. He offered to help her with the hea(y suitcase8 which was )ind.
A. The suitcase which he offered to help her with was )ind.
!. It was )ind of him to offer to help her with the suitcase.
C. He offered to help her %ut the suitcase was too hea(y.
#. It was )ind of her to ha(e him help with the suitcase.
,.. If you are disappointed with an ine3pensi(e %icycle8 then sa(e your money for a more e3pensi(e model.
A Aou should sa(e up to %uy a more e3pensi(e %icycle if your ine3pensi(e one disappoints you.
! An ine3pensi(e %icycle is disappointin"8 so %uy an e3pensi(e one.
C A more e3pensi(e %icycle sa(es you much money8 so donEt %uy an ine3pensi(e model.
# AouEd %etter %uy an ine3pensi(e %icycle to sa(e more money.
-/. Aou should ta)e re"ular e3ercises instead of sittin" in front of the tele(ision all day.
A 4ittin" in front of the tele(ision all day and ta)in" e3ercises is ad(isa%le.
! #onEt ta)e re"ular e3ercises8 5ust sit in front of the tele(ision all day instead.
C 4ittin" in front of the tele(ision all day helps you ta)e re"ular e3ercises.
# Ta)in" re"ular e3ercises is %etter than sittin" in front of the tele(ision all day.

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