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I knew she was excited when she got the news thought Daren.

At first,
my friend, Sarah and I always stdy together bfore exam.It was only one
month to go bfore the release of the results. I may have taken the
examination a month ago but the feelings of insecurity and anxiety had
not decreased with time. After the examination, I had initially felt relief
that it was all over and even told myself that it did not really matter how I
did since I had done my best. It was not a lasting conviction.
That false conviction soon disappeared as I began to reflect on my
performance in the examination. Time stretched interminably before me
and I began to berate myself for not having started the revision earlier as
I thought about all the mistakes that I had made in the examination. In my
mind, I kept replaying the examination in my mind & repeatedly see the
mistakes . All this time, I was tormented by despair and regret.
At other times, when I was more positive and felt that I had actually
Performed creditably. My mind would picture all the right answers that I
had given, especially those that were trickier than others. I am really
thankful to Sarah because she gave me advice on how to reduce mynervous.
At such times, I would applaud my cleverness and presence of mind.But of
course, this did not last long as my darker moods would move in to eclipse
these happier moments and I would plunge once more into hopelessness.
These fluctuations certainly kept me occupied.
On the day, whenthe results were to be released, I made my way to the
school with trepidation. I measured each step careful, hoping to prolong the
inevitable. Then, I played a ridiculous game with my self. I would tell my self
that if the next car to pass me on my left were a red one, I would have done
well. If I were not ,it would be failure that I was looking at.After that, I called
Sarah and asked her whether she want to go to school and she told me that
She would go a little late because her parent were not at home.
Finally, I made it to school without any mishap. My friends were all in the
hall, waiting anxiously for their turns to receive their result slips. All around
me, students were either trying to conceal their fears by putting up a brave
front or openly displaying their uncertainly. I stood in the queue and saw many
friends either screaming with joy and happy when they saw their results, or
slinking away sadly in shock and shame when it was I could feel my heart
beating faster as the queue shortened to bring me closer to the front.
Just before me was Syakirin.When he saw his result slip, a whoop of joy
Escaped him and he started jumping around before me. He grabbed everyone
In sight and hugged them, so delirious with joy he was. I began to feel my heart
sinking. Surely after such excellent results, mine would show a failure,right?
I trembled with fear as the teacher Miss Marlia and accompanied by Mrs Salina
handed me my result slip. They looked each other and smiled meaningfully.
When I saw the teachers looked at each other, I felt that I got good results. I took
the slips.After a few minutes, I call Sarah and told her about the good news for her.
The wait was finally over,

As I was finishing my homework, i continue to learn by reading books.
During I reading a book in room,suddenly I heard a noise coming from
the back door in my house.I was alone that day. My parents were not
at home attending a business meeting In Penang, and may not be back
until the next day. I suspected that those making the noise were
burglars. I went to the door. I stood and listened to what was happening
outside from my room because I so scared. I heard the noise again, and
it sounded like someone was cutting the iron grill of the kitchen window.
This time I really sure that burglars were breaking into my house.
Quickly, I switched off the lights. When my eyes grown accustomed to
the darkness. I hid under the bed.
My bedroom was very close to the kitchen and probably would become
the first room to be searched by the robbers. They wear black clothes with
black masks that covered their faces so that no one could rocognize them.
One of them had used a master key to unlock the door. After that, they
switched on the lights and then they started searching for money and
valuables. I was very afraid at that time. It was my life at stake. I was
only able to pray in my heart that I would safe. After that, I heard footsteps
coming towards me and stopped just beside my bed. I heard a robber said
that he had found the phone. It wasmy hphone. I placed the phone on the
side table and forgot to take it with myself. Then, the robber went out
from my room.
After a few minutes,I was sure that the robbers were nowhere nearby.
Slowly, I came out from under the bed and went to the door.I peeped out
to see where the robbers were.Suddenly, I heard their voices upstairs.This
was the chance for me to get the phone in the living room and call the police.
Carefully I walked toward the living room.Then i slowly picked up thephone
and dialed 999. I hoped that help would arrive quickly.
While waiting for the police to come, I had to hide sometime. I remembered
a small room under the stairs of her house. When I walked into the room,
suddenly I hit a flower vase. I tried to catch it but I failed. The flower vase
broke on the floor and the sound was heard by the robbers. I panicked, I
ran into the small room and hid inside. After a few seconds, I heard
footsteps coming down the stairs. I prayed to God that they did not know
I was there.
One of the robbers said that someone had broke the vase but suddenly,
my cat,Tompok,appeared from nowhere. It purred and walked pass by
the robbers. The robbers were relieved and continued to search valuables
in the house. After a few minutes, they heard the police siren. They felt
frightened and without thinking they exited via the kitchen window and
left the valuables they had taken earlier. When they were out of the
window, the police were already waiting.They were arrested immediately.
After that, I ran out from the small room. I walked towards the police.
I very thankful to God. When thepolice asked me to came with them to
the police station to make a report, I had no objection. Then, I called my
parents and told them what had happened. I hoped this accident would
not happen again.

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