In and Out of Cells Webquest

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In & Out of the Cell: Web Quest Name:

Part 1 Construction of a Cell Membrane
Go through the (construction of a cell membrane wisc.exe)
Click through to page 5:
1. Identify the following proteins that make up the cell membrane.
__________________________ ____________________________ _______________________
2. Mot of the cell membrane i made up of ______________________________________
!he "tail# are _____________________________ and therefore face inward and away from water.
!he "head# are _______________________________ and face toward the watery urface.
$. %hat i the purpoe of fibrou protein&
'. Globular protein pore (called a)uaporin* allow _______________________ to pa through+
while other integral protein electi,ely tranport _____________________.
-. %hat are glycoprotein&
%hy are they aid to be peripheral&
.. %hat i thi molecule& ________________________ In what type of cell i it found&
%hat i the function of thi molecule&

/. 0ontruct a 0ell Membrane by anwering )uetion one through ten in the computer baed acti,ity.
Part Membranes & !ransport
Go through the (membrane_transport wiley.exe).
1. 1ead the "2,er,iew# of a cell membrane. 0lick on "0ontinue# to ober,e the animation. "ra# a
cell membrane and label all the parts a you tep through the animation.
"ra# one:
%hat are the two general characteritic of a molecule that will pre,ent it from paing through the
2. 0lick "0ontinue# again to ober,e "Osmosis an$ "iffusion#.
!he net mo,ement of molecule occur from region of _______________ to _____________ concentration.
%hat i the "aim# of omoi&
34plain why the balloon on the left would get larger&
$. 0lick on "Passi%e !ransport#.
NOTE: Osmosis and diffusion are forms of passive transport. This animation describes another special case of passive
transport called facilitated diffusion.
&acilitate$ $iffusion re)uire ________________________ _______________________ called
tranporter to facilitate the paage of molecule acro membrane.
%hat are the two general type of tranporter& 5ow are they different&
%hat type of molecule do you think glucoe permease i&
6ketch how glucoe molecule can pa through a cell membrane.
'. 0ontinue on "'cti%e !ransport#:
a. In contrat to pai,e tranporter+ acti,e tranporter can mo,e molecule from
______________ to ____________________ concentration.
b. %hat form of chemical energy i conumed for acti,e tranport to take place& _____________
c. %hat ion i mo,ed into the cell& _____________________
d. %hat ion i mo,ed out of the cell& ____________________
e. 5ow many odium ion are mo,e out of the cell during each cycle& ______________
f. 5ow many potaium ion are mo,ed into the cell during each cycle& ____________
g. 7oe the cell become more poiti,ely charged or doe the urrounding olution become more
poiti,ely charged& 34plain8
h. %here in animal i thi "odium9potaium pump# commonly found& ______________
1( ( )(
Part ) * +olutions
1. %hat i a olution&
2. 34plain the difference between the olute and ol,ent.
Part , * "iffusion an$ Osmosis
1. 1ead the o,er,iew and define all the term (click on a word to get to the gloary*:
: 7iffuion 9
2moi 9
: Pai,e !ranport 9
: !hermal (;rownian* Motion 9
: 0oncentration <

0oncentration Gradient 9
2. 6croll to e4ample =1 and read it. ;riefly decribe how and why perfume pread through a claroom.
$. 6croll to e4ample =2 and read it.
%hat i the olute&
%hat i the ol,ent&
%hat happen to the Na0l molecule&
%hat i the end reult&
'. 6croll to e4ample =$ and read it.
%hich way will the olute mo,e&
%hich way will water mo,e&
%hy do the molecule mo,e in oppoite direction&
-. 6croll to e4ample =' and read it.
7efine the term hypotonic <
hypertonic <
!he direction of solute diffuion i from _______________________ to _______________________
!he direction of water diffuion i from _______________________ to _______________________
Part 5 Passi%e !ransport
1. Molecule mo,e randomly uing ________________________.
2. Net diffuion mo,e molecule _______________ the concentration gradient from area of _________
________________________________ to _________ _______________________________until
________________________________ i reached.
$. 7ecribe the different reult of raiing or lowering the temperature. (0lick on both at the ame time.*

Part - * Membrane !ransport
**The animations on this page do not have a pause button. However, you can manually pause the animation by
right clicking on it and selectingdeselecting !play".
1. 0lick on pai,e tranport from the main menu.
2. %hat are the three type of pai,e tranport&
$. %atch the tour of the cell membrane a a re,iew. !hen click ne4t to continue on to imple diffuion.
1e,iew the proce of diffuion. %hat are the determinant of diffuion&
'. 0lick ne4t to continue on to facilitated diffuion. ?fter watching the animation+ compare and contrat
imple $iffusion with facilitate$ $iffusion.
5ow are they the same&
5ow are they different&
-. 0lick ne4t to continue on to omoi. Osmosis refer to the diffuion of what molecule& _____________
.. 7efine the following term ued to compare two olution and label them on the diagram:
hypertonic <
hypotonic <
In which olution i water more concentrated&
. hypertonic O/ hypotonic 0
!herefore+ if omoi were to occur which way would water mo,e . into the cell O/ out of the cell 0
!he proce continue until ___________________________ i reached. ?t thi point the olution are aid
to be iotonic.
Part 1 Osmosis & "iffusion
2ber,e the animation for a few minute.
1. %hat do the blue molecule repreent&
2. %hat are the green and red molecule&
$. %hich ide i hypotonic& . left O/ right 0
'. In which direction will water mo,e& . left O/ right 0
-. !oward which ide are the red molecule mo,ing&
. left O/ right 0 #hy$
.. ?re the green molecule croing the membrane&
#hy %& #hy not&
Part 2 'cti%e !ransport
1eturn to the animation at:
1. !hi time click on acti%e transport > define the proce:
acti,e tranport 9
2. %hy i acti,e tranport neceary&
$. 0ell mut e4pend ?!P (energy* to tranport material ____________________ their concentration
gradient (i.e. from _________________ to _________________ concentration*.
'. 0lick to ,iew ion pump and ,iew the animation a few time. @e the image below to diagram the
proce. 6how the concentration gradient and the mo,ement of the ion+ a well a the energy
-. Ne4t+ click on en$oc3tosis > define the proce.
endocytoi <
.. Ait the $ type of endocytoi.
a. ______________________________ ( *
b. ______________________________ ( *
c. _________________9_______________________

/. %atch the animation of phagocytoi and then pinocytoi.
Phagocytoi and Pinocytoi
'escribe what i happening.
5ow are they different&
'escribe what i happening.
Part 4 * Phagoc3tosis
!hi ite ha ome additional information about the proce of phagocytoi a well a ome ,ideo of the
actual proce in occurring with a cell.
%hat organelle do you think diget the incoming particle& __________________________
Part 15 O%er%ie#
0lick on each type of molecule and ober,e how it mo,e through a membrane. (dentify the type of
tranport taking place for each of the following molecule and describe how you can tell.
Molecule !3pe of transport 6o# can 3ou tell7
o4ygen > carbon dio4ide
%hat i the difference between endocytoi and e4ocytoi&

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