2013 Mangapapa School Appraisal Reflections

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Mangapapa School Appraisal Refections Mangapapa School Appraisal Refections

Our Learning Vision Our Learning Vision

Preparing for tomorrow by developing actively involved, communicating, thinking, self-motivated
learners who successfully relate to others.
Appraisal is about:
o Teachers having a disposition towards examining and improving practice.
o Teachers as active learners who take responsiilit! "or improving their practice and eing ale to demonstrate that
improvement# as well as eing ale to demonstrate their commitment to improvement.
o Teachers having a responsiilit! to collect the appropriate evidence to demonstrate competenc!.
Appraisal is an engine for on-going personal and school improvement.
Formal appraisal self-review occurs in two areas:
o Appraisal
Sel"$review is is "ormative and "ocuses on refection and the collection o" arti"acts %taonga& which asists and
con'rms refection.
o Attestation
o Sel"$review is evaluative and re(uires teachers to evaluate against# and e evaluated against# the )ro"essional
Teacher Standards.
valuation is about well-reasoned answers to important !uestions"# valuation is about well-reasoned answers to important !uestions"#
Michael Scriven %*laremont +raduate ,ni&# -ane .avidson %Real /valuation Ltd&# S!d 0ing %123A&
4 4Refection is nothing less than an internal dialogue with onesel". 5t is the process o" ringing past experiences to a Refection is nothing less than an internal dialogue with onesel". 5t is the process o" ringing past experiences to a
conscious level# anal!sing them# and determing etter wa!s to think and ehave in the "uture6 conscious level# anal!sing them# and determing etter wa!s to think and ehave in the "uture6
7arth# R.S. %899:& 7arth# R.S. %899:&
$esearch has shown how deliberate and critical re%ection on teaching practices contributes to
e&cellence in teaching, and improved educational outcomes for all children. 'ritically re%ective
teaching practices encourage teachers to:
Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action. Peter F Drucker
o regularl! evaluate their approaches to teaching and learning
o understand more aout the positive impacts o" high$(ualit! e;ective pedagogies on children<s learning
o ecome more aware o" the importance o" high$(ualit! interactions# including strategic intervention and sustantive
conversations to maximise children<s learning
o use Teaching as 5n(uir! ased approaches = e.g. drawing on alternative teaching strategies to help children to learn when
"amiliar methods "ail
o co$construct learning with children and stakeholders so it is responsive to the child<s "amil! and communit!.
Ten Attriutes o" a Refective Teacher> A Refective Teacher?
o Refects on and learns "rom experience
o /ngages in ongoing in(uir!
o Solicits "eedack
o Remains open to alternative perspectives
o Assumes responsiilit! "or own learning
o Takes action to align with new knowledge and understandings
o Oserves sel" in the process o" thinking
o 5s committed to continuous improvement in practice
o Strives to align ehaviours with values and elie"s
o Seeks to discover what is true
(o foster higher levels of re%ection, we as teachers need to ask ourselves !uestions about our
classroom pedagogy and practice. )se the following !uestions to promote your re%ection:
o @hat workedA Bow do 5 knowA
o @hat would 5 do the same or di;erentl! i" 5 couldA @h!A
o @hat root cause might e prompting or perpetuating this student ehaviourA
o @hat do 5 elieve aout how students learnA Bow does this elie" infuence m! practice and deliver!A
o @hat data do 5 need to make an in"ormed decisionA
o 5s this the most eCcient wa! to accomplish m! goalDtargetA
o @hat did 5 need to know at the startA
o @hat has een m! ke! learning so "arA
o @hat are m! strengthsA
o @hat enhanced# or new practices# have 5 usedA
Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action. Peter F Drucker
o Bow has this enhanced m! practiceA
o @hat di;erences do 5 see it making to m! studentsA
o @hat taonga have 5 used to ring out what gives li"e to what 5 do each da!# makes me excited aout teachingA
o @hat ke! things do 5 still need to knowDlearnA
o @hat are m! challengesA
o Bow do 5 "eel aout this "ocusA
o @hat other (uestions do 5 haveA
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56 Professional $elationships
@hat do 5 do to estalish working relationships with m! Ekonga# their whEnau and m! colleagues and others to support the learning o" those 5 teachA
76 Promotion of well-being
Bow do 5 show in m! practice that 5 activel! promote the well$eing o" all Ekonga "or whom 5 am responsileA
86 'ommitment to bicultural partnership
Bow do 5 refect in m! pro"essional work respect "or the cultural heritages o" oth Treat! partners in Aotearoa 1ew 2ealandA
96 /n-going professional learning
Bow do 5 continue to advance m! pro"essional learning as a teacherA
:6 .how leadership
Bow do 5 help support m! colleagues to strengthen teaching and learning in m! settingA
;6 *earning programmes
@hat do 5 take into account when planning programmes o" work "or groups and individualsA
<6 *earning environment
Bow does m! teaching practice promote an environment where learners "eel sa"e to explore ideas and respond respect"ull! to others in the groupA
=6 >nowledge of how akonga learn
Bow does m! teaching refect that 5 understand the main infuences on how m! Ekonga learnA
?6 $esponsivity
Bow does m! knowledge o" the varied strengths# interests and needs o" individuals and groups o" Ekonga infuence how 5 teach themA
5@6 Aicultural conte&t
5n m! teaching# how do 5 take into account the icultural context o" teaching and learning in Aotearoa 1ew 2ealandA
556 Assessment and learning
Bow do 5 gather and use assessment in"ormation in wa!s that advance the learning o" m! EkongaA
576 +n!uiry
Bow do 5 advance the learning o" m! Ekonga through critical in(uir! within m! pro"essional learningA
Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action. Peter F Drucker

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