2014-07-13 What Part of The Missile Attacks On Tel Aviv Is An Israeli Hoax?

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Human Rights Alert (NGO) (NGO)

Joseph Zernik, PhD "

PO Box 33407, Tel Aviv, srael "n 33407 x"n, 6133301
2014-07-13 What part of the missile attacks on Tel Aviv is an Israeli
The facts simply don't add up. And fraud by the sraeli and US
governments in matters related to anti-missile systems is nothing
new either...
July 12, 2014 ruins in Gaza, following DF bombardment
Tel Aviv beaches - people continue their summertime leisure uninterrupted.
June 2013 photo op of Omaba and Netanyahu in front of the ron Dome anti-
missile system.
sraeli media continue their panicky round-the-clock reports "srael under
Fire", with emphasis on missile attacks on the greater Tel Aviv area.
OccupyTLV, July 13 - through the recent reported missile attacks from Gaza on Tel
Aviv, have continued to go to the beach every morning at dawn, take my intensive
hour-long swim. Twice during the past week, missile attack alarms were heard while
was far out at sea. did not care. was not alone either. Even sraeli media noted that
the people of Tel Aviv continue their summer leisure at the beach uninterrupted,
perhaps with a good reason....
The claimed missile attacks from Gaza on Tel Aviv would represent doubling or
tripling of the range of the Gazan makeshift rockets. That, after srael kidnapped in
2011 the Gazan engineer, who was the mastermind of the development and
production of these rockets. [1]
n unofficial nternet sites in Hebrew, people report on the minute the sounding of
missile attack alarms in various cities of the greater Tel Aviv area (Gush Dan).
Dozens of alarms were sounded since the current violence started. n the center of
Tel Aviv, where live, such alarms are heard several time a day.
With it, sraeli media routinely report that the incoming missiles were successfully
intercepted by the sraeli-developed ron Dome anti-ballistic missile system.
n the past, DF claimed the ridiculously accurate success rate of 84% for the ron
Dome system. n contract, world-renowned, MT expert, Prof Ted Postol published
reports, based on actual data from the previous round of violence - Pillar of Defence
-, that the actual success rate is more likely 5-10%. Postol used similar criteria to
those used by DF for calculating success - intercepts only of rockets that would hit
inhabited areas. [2]
Over the past week, DF upped its claimed success rate of the ron Dome system to
However, even with such fabulous success rate, if all or most missile attack alarms
were real, one would have expected some hits in the greater Tel Aviv area. But there
were none.
Moreover, even if the intercepts were real, one would have expected some official or
unofficial reports of debris that fell in the greater Tel Aviv area. Such reports are hard
to find, if any exist.
n constrast, sraeli papers report that in the areas closer to Gaza, 400 claims for
property damages have been filed since the beginning of the current cycle of
violence. And pictures, which document the hits are easy to find. Such data seems to
contradict the 90% intercept success rate of the ron Dome system. [4]
Likewise, one is hard pressed to find any video clips of the successful ron Dome
intercepts over the greater Tel Aviv area, or elsewhere in srael. One should recall
that such video clips of claimed intercepts were the raw data, which was used by Prof
Postol to refute the claims of astounding success of the US-made Patriot anti-missile
defense system during the First Gulf War. [3]
n the meanwhile, sraeli media continue its round-the-clock panicky broadcasts by
sraeli military analysts under the title "srael under Fire". And in parallel, srael uses
the claims of missile attacks on srael's population center as the justification for the
DF heavy bombardment of civilians in Gaza.
n Gaza, the dead, the wounded, and the ruins are fully documented..
n short: The claimed missile attacks on the greater Tel Aviv area, successfully
intercepted by the ron Dome system, are likely to be largely or entirely an Orwellian
beating of the drums of war. Likewise, the DF data of 90% intercept success rate of
the ron Dome system are lilely to be vastly exaggerated. The false claims of ongoing
missile attacks on Tel Aviv serve to justify war crimes against the people of Gaza in
the eyes of the public both in srael and abroad, while the false claims of 90%
intercept success rate of the ron Dome serves for numbing the public and greasing
the sraeli military-industrial complex.
[1] 2011-03-10 UN official: srael kidnapped Palestinian engineer from
click here
[2] 2013-03-20 Weapons Experts Raise Doubts About srael's Antimissile
click here
[3] 1992-09-08 Postol/Lewis Review of Army's Study on Patriot Effectiveness_fas.org
[4] 2014-07-13 Since the beginning of the operation, more than 400 damages claims
have been filed_Calcalist
[5] 2013-08-06 Biographical Sketch -- Joseph Zernik, PhD
Joseph Zernik, PhD [5]
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of the
United Nations was incorporated into the 2010 Periodic Review Report regarding
Human Rights in the United States, with the note: "corruption of the courts and the
legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California".
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of the
United Nations was incorporated into the 2013 Periodic Review Report regarding
Human Rights in srael, with the note: "lack of integrity of the electronic records of the
Supreme Court, the district courts and the detainees courts in srael."

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