Wild Blue Cohort: Investing in Enterprise Close To Home

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Who are we

Wild Blue Cohort (WBC) is a network of angel investors who live in West London and are interested in
investing in high quality start-ups and growing businesses with links to the local area.
Our network has been started with initial finance from the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea, is a
member of the UK Business Angels Association and has been active since Spring 2014.
We promote enterprise in the area, identify investment opportunities that offer attractive financial returns
and we seek to enable businesses to grow and increase their presence in the local area.

What we do
WBC promotes early stage investment in companies that are based or operate in West London, with
special interest in Kensington & Chelsea, or are interested in relocating to the area.
We are doing this because we are excited by cutting edge entrepreneurship and want West London and
its economy to prosper through the productive use of local skills and local finance.
We offer members privileged access to investment opportunities through regular pitch events and formal
and informal networking events. Entrepreneurs are invited to complete investment summaries and then
present their investment opportunity at pitch events, after thorough, high quality, well-informed
screening by members and external advisors.
Members of the network have no sector bias and typically consider early stage and growth capital
investment opportunities that offer a minimum potential of 3-5x return on investment in 5-7yrs.
Members seek opportunities that require up to 1m in debt or equity finance at reasonable valuations,
with priority given to enterprises that are eligible for EIS or SEIS tax relief.
We have run three pitch events since March 2014. Over 170 businesses have been evaluated, 17 have
pitched, two investments have been made a third close to completion - in early-stage businesses with
strong growth potential. Almost all of the other companies that have pitched have successfully closed
their finance round.

Wild Blue Cohort N: 8470674 VAT: 166 5487 71

Our members
Founder members of WBC include experienced investors, non-executive directors and a wide range of
international professionals who live local to Kensington & Chelsea, Hammersmith & Fulham and
Westminster. They work in banking, fund management, insurance, venture capital, healthcare, retail,
technology, media, marketing and food industries.
The venture was started in Spring 2013, led by David Barrie, a social entrepreneur and media producer
who has started up several prominent and award-winning for-profit and non-profit ventures that have
been credited with leveraging 0.5bn+ of new investment into local economies in the UK.
David runs WBC with Investment Director Deepali Nangia. Deepali is a specialist advisor and mentor to
SMEs, with a professional background in business plan evaluation and financial analysis for major
investment houses in the UK and USA. Both live in West London.
How we operate
WBC identifies investment opportunities through its network of members, in-house research/direct deal
sourcing, referrals by entrepreneurs and relationships with national and local organisations.
Companies who approach WBC are obliged to register their interest and provide a comprehensive suite
of materials in support of their proposition. Companies are screened for several indicators, with priority
given to growth potential, quality of management team and ROI to the local economy. An investment
summary is prepared, circulated to members for deal screening and consideration of company
inclusion in any pitch event. At least four businesses pitch at each event, with several additional
opportunities in circulation at any one time.
On applying to become members, individuals are required to comply with Financial Services legislation
and certify themselves as a high net worth individuals or sophisticated investors. They also need to
complete a non-disclosure agreement.
WBC is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. We seek to cover our operating costs and
operate in a way that is standard to managed angel investment networks in the UK and USA. We charge
members an annual subscription for the services that we provide (at present 250.00 + VAT p.a.) and
investees a success fee (5% of investment + VAT). There is no charge to companies that are seeking
finance and wish to be promoted to our network.

If youd like to become a member or have a business that you would like our
members to consider:
Please contact David Barrie (CEO) -+447775945302, david@wildbluekc.com - or Deepali Nangia
(Investment Director) - +447717855732, deepali@wildbluekc.com.
Wild Blue Cohort is the trading name of the Kensington & Chelsea Investment Project. The Project is funded by the Royal
Borough of Kensington & Chelsea and a member of the UK Business Angels Association. The Kensington & Chelsea
Investment Project is an exempt person by virtue of Article 5(2) of, and paragraph 40 of the Schedule to, the
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Exemption) Order 2001 (as amended) in respect of any regulated activity
specified by Article 25 (arranging deals in investments) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated
Activities) Order 2001 (as amended). The Kensington & Chelsea Investment Project does not give advice on investments.

Wild Blue Cohort N: 8470674 VAT: 166 5487 71

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