The 1914 Miracle at The Marne

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The 1914 Miracle at the Marne

Even before the battle had started, your Germans forced the French into defensive positions.
Schlieffen Plan
At the particular week-long encounter 6 French armies then one British army regarding just about
all practical purposes stopped the particular month-long German assault by means of Belgium as
well as Northern France that will brought your invaders within 30 miles involving Paris.
The initial consequence of the Battle of the Marne was the actual stalemate in which followed in the
Western Front. The Actual Schlieffen Plan, which usually had been designed at the beginning with
the 20th Century, had absolutely no provisions with regard to retreat. Your government abandoned
Paris and also left regarding Bordeaux, the port city of Southwest France.
Berlin now was insured the particular nightmare involving fighting a couple front war would turn out
to always be able to be reality. He would counter attack at the Marne.
These taxis de la Marne, mostly Renaults AGs, developed right into a symbol associated with French
resoluteness along with sacred unity between your folks as well as the army.
By the time the particular retreating Entente Cordiale (Allied) troops reached the particular Marne,
any tributary of the Seine, these were exhausted and in disarray. About September 7, 10,000
reserved troops had been moved through Paris to reinforce your defenders.
Prelude towards the Battle
Aftermath of the Battle
About 6,000 with the French soldiers that strengthened your Western Flank had been transported
inside 600 taxi cabs. It is considered which German Chief involving Staff Helmut von Moltke, whose
previous troops actions towards the East may get facilitated the Allied victory at the Marne, told the
particular Kaiser following your battle the war has been lost.
Joffre planned to begin out his attack upon September 6, however early on the 5th; German patrols
discovered and attacked the actual advancing French six Army. These, much better fortified and also
equipped will be quite definitely exactly the actual same defenses the actual Germans would man
until the finish of the war.
In your Western Flank, however, the actual invaders were badly beating your French sixth Army
along with had been near a breakthrough. This meant Highly recommended Internet site the
Schlieffen Program in order to defeat France within 42 days had to be discarded. Furthermore, the
particular British commander, Sir John French, has been reluctant to risk anymore regarding his
troops as to what he considered French indecisiveness and also insufficient coordination.
The German Initial along with second Armies had been close to becoming encircled by simply
September 9, but orders were provided to retreat towards the Aisne River, several 40 miles for the
east. The idea can be hard to ascertain the precise number because there are not really any official
records associated with human losses.
Battle in the Marne
As your German First as well as second Armies advanced, late the Metropolis involving Lights had
been considered a carried out deal. The Actual battle ended officially upon September 12, 1914.
Combat at the Marne
The French lost with regards to 260,000 troops, the actual British more than 12,000 men while the
German suffered with regards to 220,000 casualties.
But French Commander in Chief, General Joseph Joffre had various other plans. Concerning the sole
factor the German commanders could believe of, would have been to built trenches as well as hold
out for your advancing Allies. Whilst these days numerous historians query your military significance
of the taxis, their own impact upon French morale was immeasurable
But the actual subsequent day, Allied scout planes found the gap between your Germans First and
2nd Army which in turn was promptly exploited from the French Fifth Army and also the British
Expeditionary Force.
After the particular Marne, air reconnaissance became an essential element regarding strategic
planning for the Allies.

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