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19th september 2013 recalls

1. what is the development task of a late adolescent

a. object of permanence
b. identity of sexuality
c. having peers of same sex
d.leave home
2.treatment for anticholinergic delerium
a. daiepam
d. bentropine
3. u have a patient with poorly controlled hypertension! u add a calcium channel blocker to his other anti"
htn meds! the pharmacist calls u and says replace ca channel blocker with some other drug# i forgot the
a.u call the patient back rite away to review his medications again
b. ask the pharmacist to change the prescription according to what he thinks is right
%. a patient asks his lawyer to make a will. u r called to witness the will &
a. u will agree to witness it
b.u will refuse to witness it
c. call the registerar to witness it
d. ask the patient if he wishes u to be the witness
e. call the medical society for advice
'.a lady 1(weeks pregnant has a down syndrome screening which shows 1)200 risk and ultrasound
shows normal nuchal translucency..what will u do next&
a. amniocentesis
c. do nothing
d.terminate pregnancy
(. a girl has abdominal pain on and off during the week days an refuses to go to school! which re*ures
her mum to take leave from work to be with her at home. she is well during weekends.the medical
examination and investigations rule out organic cause. what will u do initially+
a. tell mum its normal for kids and self limiting
b. talk with the school on planning the return of the girl to school
,.a doctor has been forgetful since last 3 month and today in the ward rounds became disoriented for a
while..what will u do next&
a. talk to him about it
b. ask him to take a leave immeddiately
c.medical board
d.your supervisior
-. a patient complains of seeing a wave moving towards him. which part of the brain is effected+
a.parietal lobe
b. temperal lobe
c.occipital lobe
9.a scenerio of mnd. what inv u will do
b. emg
c. nerve conduction study
10.a straight forward case of ./ syndrome
11. abt ,"- ecgs..most were hard to figure out but one was inferior 01 and one was hyperkalemia was ca lung
13. one pic of varicocele pic of gynecomastia asking for cause
1'. milestones at 12 months.
1(.one pic of pyloric stenosis. 2%hrs fluid replacement is done and now patient has urine output of
'0ml)hr. how much k2 u will give for next %hrs
a. k2 'mmol
b.k2 2'mmol
c. no need to add k2
d. k2 100 mmol
1,.a elderly patient is brought by his daughter! she plans to move her mum to aged home. the elderly
ladyy appears tearful! *uiet and bruises on her neck andd arms.
a. elderly abuse
c. depression
1-. a young boy is brought by his mother with the complain that he was a good student . now after
completing his studies he is all the time in his room! sleeping or watching tv. not looking for a job or
showing interest in any activity. how will u manage this patient&
a. daiepam
b. risperidone
c. citalopram
d. olanapine
19.a man complains of sexual dysfunction for (months. he is married for 19yrs and has two children.what
is most likely the cause&
a. depression
c.panic disorder
d. marital discord
20.a 'th generation australian complains of non productive cough for 3 weeks. he is worried that his
3month old baby might catch it. what investigation will u do
a. pertusis serology
b. test for mycoplasma
c. test for tb
d. cxr
thats all i keep me in ur prayers...33
good luck to all of you3333

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