Health and Human Behavior Term Paper

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PH 225 Human Health & Behavior

Term Paper
The purpose of the research paper is to allow you to synthesize research about and apply the
biopsychosocial model to a specific health issue. Your paper involves choosin a specific health
issue! researchin how that situation"disease develops and the factors that contribute to it! and
current treatment! education! or prevention approaches. The specific steps are iven below.
#hoose a topic from the followin list.
You may choose a topic that is not on this list! but $ %&'T approve your topic.
o (atin disorders or obesity
o Prevention of accidents & in)ury *e..! safety ear! helmets! seat belts+
o ,epression"massae therapy
o #opin with chronic disease *e..! choose a chronic disease+
o 'mo-in
o Pain manaement
o $mmunizations or vaccinations
o $nfant mortality or treatment of terminally. or chronically.ill children
o #ompliance with medical advice
o Health impact of careivin *e..! family members of /lzheimer0s or /$,'
o Brain or spinal in)uries
o #ancer
o /rthritis
o 'urvivorship & rief
o /sthma
o Hospice vs. hospital care for the dyin
o 'tro-es
1arrow your topic and consider what -ind of information you need
o 2or e3ample! if your chosen topic is 4infant mortality!4 you could focus on '$,'
*4crib death4+! birth defects! child abuse! etc.
o You then need to thin- about focusin on prevention! copin! or treatment
PH 225 Human Health & Behavior
o How you narrow your topic dictates what -ey words you need to search the
literature . and what you find in the literature may help you narrow your topic
You may chose a topic and send me an outline for review/feedback.
#onduct library research
o Your paper must include at least 5 primary & and scholarly references *i.e.! not
te3tboo-s! not popular maazine articles! not the 5eb+ and at least 1 secondary
source *handboo-! professional encyclopedia! etc.+.
o 2ocus on sources that help you understand6
the nature of the topic or its definition *e..! what is '$,'7+
how this behavior or disease develops and important contributin factors
*loo- for bioloical! social! emotional! conitive! and spiritual factors+
current treatment or prevention approaches *e..! conitive or family
therapy! drus! e3ercise+
Writing your Paper
Content Requirements *dependin on your topic! you may need to oranize your paper
differently than this! but the content should still include these -inds of issues+6
,escribe the nature of your topic *8.2 pararaphs+
,iscuss factors that cause and contribute to the behavior or disease *hint6 thin-
biopsychosocial *BP'+ model9 about 2 paes+
'ummarize current treatments or prevention approaches *about 8 pae+
:eflect on this health issue from the perspective of the model *e..! what0s left out7+ and
your own life e3perience *8.2 pararaphs+
Format Requirements:
The body of the paper *e3cludin title pae and references pae+ should be typed Times
1ew :oman! 82 font! and 5 double space paes.
Papers must follow /P/ style in terms of the title pae! proper referencin! and
professional writin style.
Evaluation Criteria
Papers are worth 100 points. The well written paper will6
demonstrate ood understandin of a specific e3ample of the chosen broad topic *e..!
crib death as an e3ample of the broad topic $nfant %ortality+
demonstrate comprehension of the factors involved in causin! maintainin! contributin
to! preventin! and treatin the health issue
demonstrate your ability to apply the biopsychosocial model to this issue
PH 225 Human Health & Behavior
demonstrate your ability to synthesize information from a variety of sources
be well.written and meet the format and /P/.style re;uirements *note6 a sinificant
number of rammatical errors will decrease your rade+

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