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Single Phase to Three Phase Converters

8kW Booster D, 230V single phase in, 3x 400V 50Hz out
Basically two types of Converters.
1/ Low cost low power Solid State Single to three Phase converter

2/ Use a single phase motor as an alternator to mae one more phase and then synthesis the third from Caps
!rive Boosters" single to three phase converters.
Features o Booster single to three phase !on"erters#
$otors an% &a!hines start ast, e"en un%er loa%'
(o nee% or a larger !on"erter in !ase o %ii!ult !on%itions'
$otors an% &a!hines pro%u!e )00* &axi&u& po+er'
,o+er a!tor !orre!tion in!lu%e%'
Balan!e% sinusoi%al three phases'
,rote!te% against all ele!tri! an% &agneti!!ies'
,rote!te% against &oisture, %ust an% extre&e te&peratures'
Booster" converters#
/tarts one or &an0 large or s&all &otors un%er loa%'
1argest &otor !an .e an0 size +ithin the !on"erters thoughput'
Balan!e% an% sinusoi%al three phases +ith !orre!t )20 %egrees phase angles'
)00* !ontinuous po+er or all loa%s in!lu%ing in%u!ti"e, resisti"e an% &ixe% loa%s'
(o 2$3 e&&issions %ue to sot resonant s+it!hing' $eets 2(55022'
(o line!ies'
High noise i&&unit0 4523)000-4-4 an% -56
3opes +ith o"er"oltage, short !ir!uits, un%er"oltage, har&oni!s'
,ro%u!es up to 700* o"erloa% po+er or up to 30 se!on%s'
High ei!ien!0, a"erage .etter 85*'
9hroughputs 4kW to 74kW 45hp to 85hp6'
:"aila.le or all +orl% stan%ar% gri%s 4523, (2$:6' 50 an% 70Hz'
Booster" Technology
9he Booster is .ase% on %igitall0 !ontrolle% th0ristor te!hnolog0'
: Booster is &aintenan!e ree an% oers a "er0 long lie ti&e e"en un%er rough !on%itions'
: Booster is suita.le or +orkshops, ar&s, pu&ping stations, heating, +el%ing or &ixe% appli!ation +here the site la!ks three-
phase suppl0 an% +ithin large .uil%ings +here all three phases are not !lose to the e;uip&ent lo!ation'
< $otors +ill %e"elop )00* !ontinuous po+er +ith 700* o"erloa% !apa!it0 or har%-starts'
< (o !onta!ts to +ear, no ele!trol0ti! !apa!itors to %r0 out'
< =esonant !apa!itor s+it!hing pre"ents line!ies an% stress to po+er lines'
< :"aila.le in &an0 !ountries, or all +orl% "oltages an% all re;uen!0 stan%ar%s'
< ,o+er a!tor !orre!te% or lo+er po+er .ills'
< 1o+ har&oni!s, lo+ 2$3 ra%iation'
< :"aila.le +ith auto&ati! loa% !onne!tion an% &otor starter 4>1 re;uire&ent6'
Booster" $lectronics
Boosters are a%"an!e% %igital single phase to three phase !on"erters .ase% on "aria.le !apa!itan!e phase shit te!hnolog0'
Boosters are .ase% on a !entral ele!troni!s &o%ule, a set o stan%ar% po+er !apa!itors an% a high ei!ien!0 three-phase
in%u!tion &otor use% as a rotating transor&er'
Boosters are &aintenan!e ree an% oer an extre&el0 long lie expe!tan!0, e"en un%er rough !on%itions'
Boosters are suita.le or +orkshops, ar&s, a!tories or +ater an% oil pu&ping stations +here the site la!ks three-phase suppl0
an% +ithin large .uil%ings +here all three phases are not !lose to the ;uip&ent lo!ation'
Booster" Cost %dvantage
$an0 properties are, or e!ono&i! reasons, onl0 !onne!te% to one o the three phases o utilit0 po+er a"aila.le at the nearest
%istri.ution transor&er'
: single phase suppl0 line +as the !heaper option +hen the pre&ises +ere .uilt'
1arge .uil%ings +ith three phase supplie% &ight still ha"e lo!ations +here it is une!ono&i! or in!on"enient to run three phase
5 three-phase e;uip&ent is to .e use%, a si&ple !o&parison !an .e &a%e# !o&pare the !ost or pro"i%ing three-phase suppl0 4e'g'
%istri.ution transor&er, po+er lines, %ail0 or &onthl0 line !harges6 +ith the pri!e o a Booster'
Booster" &elia'ility
Boosters are &aintenan!e-ree' 9he internal &otor- generator is .rushless'
High ;ualit0 .earings are grease% or lieti&e'
9here are no ele!tro&e!hani!al !onta!ts in a Booster to open or !lose at ull "oltage an% to +ear out
: Booster +ill suppl0 a "ariet0 o &otor loa%s, resisti"e loa%s or &ixe% loa%s at ull peror&an!e'
5t has the uni;ue eature o pro"i%ing up to 700 * .oost po+er or up to 30 se!on%s to start large &otors un%er loa%'
Boosters are !apa.le o starting se"eral &otors un%er loa% si&ultaneousl0' :s i !onne!te% to utilit0 suppl0, &otors +ill rea!h ull
spee% in the shortest possi.le ti&e'
$otors +ill &aintain their spee% +hen &o&entaril0 o"erloa%e%' 3(3 &a!hines +ill !ontinue to +ork +hen &otors stop-start or
re"erse their %ire!tions'
:ll internal ele!troni! s+it!hing takes pla!e as the po+er +a"eor& !rosses zero, a"oi%ing an0 stress to po+er lines or !o&ponents
an% eli&inating har&oni!s, %istortions an% line!ies'
Booster" $fficiency, ;ualit0 o output po+er
2i!ien!0 at a"erage loa% is .etter 82*, usuall0 a.out 85*' Wa"eor& is sinusoi%al'
/hits .et+een phases are )20 %egrees as +ith utilit0 supplie% po+er'
?utput "oltage s0&&etr0 is .etter @-5*'
With a Booster D e"en large &otors +ill !ontinuousl0 pro%u!e )00* o their rate% shat po+er'
When &otors start, Boosters &o&entaril0 pro%u!e up to 700* o their rate% po+er'
/u!h .oost !urrents are pro%u!e% or up to 30 se!on% 4stalle% &otor !on%ition6'
Booster" %pplications
o Woo%+orking +orkshops#
o /a+, /pin%le &oul%er, ,laner, 9hi!knesser, Belt san%er, Ban% sa+, 3(3 &a!hine, Foursi%er, 9enoner, $ortiser,
3o&.ination &a!hine, Woo%turning lathe, /an%er, =outer, Borer,, Dust extra!tor'
o $etal+orking +orkshops#
o 1athe, Drill, $illing &a!hine, Arin%er, /a+, ,olisher, /haper, Auillotines, ,ress, Wel%er, ,ost lit, Hoist, ,u&p,
o Far&ing#
o 5rrigation s0ste&, /u.&ersi.le an% other pu&p, :ir !on%itioning, =erigeration unit, 3on"e0or, 3rane, Hoist, Wine
press, Arain &ill'
o ?il exploration#
o ?il +ell .ea& pu&ps' :uto&ati! pu&ping stations'
Booster" &o'(stness
Boosters .uil% +ith po+er ele!troni!s &o%ules are ro.ust an% i&&une ro& in!o&ing line!es, o"er- an% un%er"oltage
!on%itions an% short !ir!uits' 9he0 resist in!o&ing line!ies an% har&oni!s'
Bro+n-outs, .la!k-outs, unsta.le po+er lines, o"er an% un%er "oltage +ill not %o an0 har& to a Booster'
9he uni;ue 2uro9e!h Booster !on"erter !on!ept !opes +ell +ith the &ost %ii!ult appli!ations#
$etal lathes +ithout !lut!hes, h0%rauli! s0ste&s, rerigeration units, 3(3 &a!hines, +heel .alan!ers, ol%er t0pes o !o&pressors,
%eep su.&ersi.le pu&ps, !on"e0ors or lits starting un%er hea"0 loa%s, oil +ell .ea& pu&ps'
: 2uro9e!h Booster +ill !ope +ith start-stop appli!ations an% re;uent or+ar%-re"erse operation'
: Booster !an also .e use% +ith "aria.le spee% %ri"es, &otor sot starters an% all kin% o +el%ers'
=a%io re;uen!0 intereren!e an% ele!tro&agneti! intereren!e are +ell +ithin legal li&its' 2uro9e!h Boosters are oi!iall0 teste%
or 2$3 !o&plian!e'
9he0 also !o&pl0 +ith all appli!a.le e&ission an% ra%iation stan%ar%s'
Wa"eor&s are sinusoi%al, phase angles are pre!isel0 )20 %egrees'
+np(t and ,(tp(t -oltages
2uropean st0le 45236 single phase suppl0 "oltage is 230V 4in :ustralia 240V6 50Hz'
470V 4:ustralia 480V6 single phase suppl0 !an .e use% optionall0'
?utput "oltages are 3x 400V 4in :ustralia 3x4)5V6'
(orth :&eri!an suppl0 "oltages 4(2$:6 are single phase 230V 4240V6 or 470V 4480V6 70Hz'
?utput "oltages are either 3x 230V 43x 240V6 or 3x 470V 43x 480V6 70Hz'
5n a Booster "ersion D, the output line "oltage s0&&etr0 is ele!troni!all0 sta.ilize%'
9his is re;uire% or so&e in"erters 4+el%ers, "aria.le spee% %ri"es, &otor %ri"es6 or or .alan!e% heat %istri.ution +ithin &otor
+in%ings +hen &otors are running !ontinuousl0 un%er &axi&u& loa%'
Booster" +nstallation
Beore installing a Booster
: gui%e or 2le!tri!ians
During startup o the !on"erter or an0 !onne!te% &otor or &a!hine, or a short perio% o ti&e 4&ax' 30 se!on%s6 the suppl0 !urrent
!an rise to 700* o the &axi&u& no&inal input !urrents'
5n or%er to pre"ent "oltage %rops, install a single phase suppl0 !a.le hea"ier than a!tuall0 nee%e%'
5nstalling the Booster !lose to the s+it!h.oar% pre"ents large "oltage %rops on the suppl0 line'
5nstall a &otor rate% use 4o"erloa% s+it!h6 in the !usto&ers use .ox' 5nstall an in%ustrial single-phase three pin +all s+it!h-so!ket
!o&.ination' 5nstall a po+er !or% an% a &at!hing plugs'
$otor rate% uses
First "alue or 230V, se!on% "alue or 400V an% 470V suppl0#
Booster 4kW 20: )0:
Booster 8kW 40: 20:
Booster )2kW 70: 30:
Booster )7kW 80: 40:
Booster 24kW )20: 70:
Booster 32kW )70: 80:
/+it!h on#
Do not use uses larger than sho+n a.o"e' 9he Booster un!tions +ell i the internal &otor generator a!!elerates ast 4a.out 0,3
se!on%s6 an% the unit runs ;uietl0 +ith the hu&&ing noise o a ree running &otor'
/houl% 0ou +ant to &easure "oltages# Do not &easure phases to groun%, onl0 phase to phase'
5 single phase 230V is nee%e%# onl0 13 to groun% +ill pro%u!e exa!tl0 230V'
?ther phases to groun% ha"e so&e oset .e!ause the turning point o the three phases is not exa!tl0 as utilit0 supplies (eutral'
13 to 1) +ill .e 400V 4:ustralia 4)5V6 an% +ill ollo+ all input "ariations' Voltages .et+een 12 an% 13 an% 12 an% 1) is loa%
%epen%ent an% +ill "ar0 .et+een @-)0* 4Booster D @-5*6'
$otor rotation an% !ontrol transor&ers#
$ake sure no !urrent !an lo+ ro& one o the phases to groun%' $easure the resistan!e on the &a!hines plugs' : resistan!e
.et+een one o the phases an% prote!ti"e groun% is a ault0 !on%ition an% &ust .e ixe% irst' 43oul% .e a !ontrol transor&er, see
9he three-phase outputs o a !on"erter are 1), 12, 13 an% prote!ti"e earth'
/o&e operate% &a!hines ha"e an internal 400V to 24V !ontrol transor&er'
Fin% the t+o phases this transor&er is !onne!te% to .0 &easuring the !oil resistan!e on the &a!hines plug' 5n the &a!hines po+er
plug, these t+o phases &ust .e !onne!te% to phase 1) an% 13'
=otate 4%onBt s+ap6 !a.les in the plug until this !on%ition is &et'
/o&e &a!hines use a 230V to 24V !ontrol transor&ers' =otate !onne!tions 1) 12 13 in the plug until the transor&er is !onne!te%
.et+een 13 an% groun%' 3onne!t a &otor or a &a!hine an% start it .riel0' 3he!k or !orre!t &otor rotation' 5 +rong, s+ap 1) an%
13 in the &a!hines plug' 9est other &otors, &a!hines' ,rote!t &otors as 0ou +oul% +ith utilit0 suppl0'
/o&e transor&er-t0pe +el%ers use t+o o the three phases onl0' $ake sure 0ou !onne!t these t+o phases
to 1) an% 13' 9hree-phase transor&er-t0pe an% in"erter-t0pe +el%ers# in% the !ontrol transor&er
!onne!tion as +ith &a!hines an% !onne!t a!!or%ingl0'
(o &aintenan!e is re;uire%' 9o open# : !on"erter shoul% onl0 .e opene% .0 traine% ser"i!e personal' Dis!onne!t ro& po+er an%
+ait or at least t+o &inutes until the !apa!itors to .e ull0 %is!harge%' 5nternal !apa!itors are !harge% +ith 800VD3' Beore %oing
an0 +ork, &easure all !apa!itors i ull0 %is!harge%'
Do not run a Booster +hen opene%' $etal parts 4heat sink an% large !apa!itors6 !arr0 peak "oltages o up to )200V:3'
/tore an% operate in %r0 lo!ations onl0'

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