Academic Integrity Online Tutorial - Practical Skills Practical Skills Module

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Monash University Library

Academic Integrity Online Tutorial Practical skills

Practical skills module
Use this document as an alternative to the
online interactive tutorial
Academic Integrity Online Tutorial Practical skills....................................................1
Practical skills module...................................................................................................1
Use this document as an alternative to the online interactive tutorial............................1
Screen 1 Title Practical skills..................................................................................2
Screen 2 - Introduction...............................................................................................2
Screen Time management - understanding the assessment task !rocess..............
Screen " Time management - !ractical ti!s............................................................#
Screen # $inding in%ormation...................................................................................&
Screen & '%%ective reading......................................................................................(
Screen ( '%%ective note taking................................................................................)
Screen ) '*am!le summary....................................................................................+
Screen + Using your summaries...........................................................................11
Screen 1, -e%erencing..........................................................................................12
Screen 11 Using Turnitin.......................................................................................1
Screen 12 .onclusion............................................................................................1
Screen 1 Additional resources.............................................................................1"
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Screen 1 Title Practical skills
Title screen image showing a student holding a pen looking in a
+ide range o/ s0ills contribute to avoiding plagiarism,
1ractical s0ills, such as time management, spending time /inding suitable
sources, e//ective reading and note ta0ing, and care/ul re/erencing +ill all help
you to produce +or0 +ith academic integrity,
!his module +ill help you identi/y strategies and resources /or +or0ing
smarter, not necessarily harder2
!his activity +ill ta0e appro3imately $(.&0 minutes to complete,
Screen 2 - Introduction
Image o a young woman holding a white card with inormation on it.
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!here are many practical things you can do in order to maintain high
standards o/ academic integrity and avoid plagiarism,
4t is also important to develop a range o/ cognitive s0ills as +ell as increasing
your understanding o/ the ethics o/ academic +riting,
Instruction to user! 54n/ormation on card says6-
Clic0 the lin0s belo+ to learn more about speci/ic practical s0ills or clic0 789!,
Lin0s ta0e the learner to the screens listed belo+,
!ime management
'inding in/ormation
8//ective reading
8//ective note ta0ing
Screen " Time management - understanding the assessment
task process
Image o same young woman pointing to three te#t $o#es on page,
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!here are a lot o/ things to do +hen +or0ing on assessment tas0s, and there
is a general process by +hich you should approach each o/ them, !here is a
list o/ steps on the right +hich are out o/ order /or the assessment tas0
process, !he user is e3pected to drag the steps into order,
%ist o steps
8stablish your thesis 5your broad overall opinion on the topic6
nalyse the assignment instructions
:rainstorm +hat you 0no+ about the topic
'ormulate a plan /or the structure o/ your assignment
4mprove your dra/t.edit and proo/read your +or0
Conduct a search /or suitable academic in/ormation
;et going . start +riting2
<o your reading, ta0e notes, collate and connect ideas
=ave a brea0 /rom your +riting
ctually, everyone may do these in a slightly di//erent order, !he important
thing is to 0no+ that there are numerous steps, :elo+ is a suggested order,
$, nalyse the assignment instructions
&, :rainstorm +hat you 0no+ about the topic
3, Conduct a search /or suitable academic in/ormation
), <o your reading, ta0e notes, collate and connect ideas
(, 8stablish your thesis 5your broad overall opinion on the topic6
#, 'ormulate a plan /or the structure o/ your assignment
*, ;et going . start +riting2
8, =ave a brea0 /rom your +riting
%, 4mprove your dra/t . edit and proo/read your +or0
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Screen & Time management - practical tips
Image o same young woman pointing to laptop.
!here +ill be a lot o/ di//erent tas0s and competing priorities throughout your
university study,
!he users is as0ed to roll their cursor over the points on the computer to read
more about the actions one can ta0e to manage their time,
'eadings and inormation on computer!
$, 4denti/y all your activities
=ave you thought about all the activities you do in one day>
?our really can@t a//ord to be +asting your time,
s0 yoursel/-
Which activities do you 788< to do>
Which activities do you spend more time on>
=ave you go time /or everything you W7! to do>
&, 1rioritise tas0s
1rioritise tas0s by 4M1AR!7C8 and UR;87C?, 'or e3ample,
meeting +ith /riends /or co//ee is important but not as urgent as
/inishing and submitting an assignment due this a/ternoon,
When several assignments are due in the same +ee0 it can be
di//icult to prioritise tas0s, so divide big tas0s into smaller pieces
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and +or0 on these gradually leading up to due dates, !his avoids
clashes in priorities in the critical +ee0,
3, 1lan long and short term goals
8nter classes and assignment due dates in your calendar at the
beginning o/ a semester o/ study, !his overvie+ +ill help you plan
Bet short term goals on a +ee0ly basis to achieve your long term
targets, 'or e3ample, study prior to and a/ter classes, or +or0 on
smaller parts o/ an assignment,
), Btic0 to the plan2
Wor0 out ho+ long it ta0es you to do things, and schedule
appropriate time to do them,
Bchedule tas0s reCuiring deep critical thin0ing at times +hen you
are usually most alert,
Bchedule more practical tas0s 5eg, tidying a re/erence list6 +hen
you@re not at your best,
Leave gaps in your timetable to catch up on un/inished tas0s the
/ollo+ing +ee0
<on@t lose signt o/ the :4; 14C!UR8- your degree and your dream
Dob2 Remind yoursel/ o/ these, to 0eep the motivation and the
momentum going,
Screen ( )inding inormation

Image o same young woman holding card displaying links to other
%i$rary resources.
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4n general it is easy to /ind in/ormation, =o+ever, it is more challenging to /ind
the Eright@ in/ormation, =ere are some resources to help you /ind relevant
in/ormation o/ a suitable academic standard,
4n/ormation on card-
<eveloping a search strategy
5http-FF+++,monash,eduFlibraryFs0illsFresourcesFtutorialsFsearchingF6 . !his
tutorial +ill guide you through practical steps /or e//ective database searching,
<atabases by subDect 5http-FFguides,lib,monash,eduFsubDect.databases6 . !his
library guide +ill help you /ind databases by subDect and /aculty,
8valuating resources 5http-FFmonash,eduFlibraryFs0illsFresourcesFcF6 . !he lin0s
on this library +eb page +ill help you determine the Cuality and use/ulness o/
Screen * +ecti,e reading
Image o same woman holding up her hands.
common misunderstanding students have +hen reading /or study or
assignment purposes is that they must read every +ord,
Readings are provided /or students by lecturers because they contain some
in/ormation that is relevant to the assignment or lecture topic, Bimilarly,
resources you /ind /or an assignment topic +ould rarely be something +ritten
/or e3actly that topic, ho+ever you may have selected them because they
relate to some aspects o/ the topic,
Instruction to user!
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!o learn ho+ to save time by Ereading smarter@, the user is as0ed to clic0 an
image, !his +ill ta0e you to an e3ternal online tutorial about predicting
content, s0imming and scanning, Use the arro+s to navigate through the
4mage o/ a young +oman reading a boo0, Lin0s to
Screen - +ecti,e note taking
Image o same young woman holding up card with inormation on it.
!a0ing notes is an essential step in preparing /or assignments, use/ul set o/
notes /rom a reading is short 5less than &00 +ords6, clear and easy to read,
!his +hiteboard contains a list o/ the essential elements in a good set o/
4n/ormation on card-
a /ull citation /or the resource
a summary o/ the 0ey concepts or main arguments +ritten in your o+n
use/ul Cuotes should be +ritten in Cuotation mar0s and the page
number noted
a comparison o/ these concepts or ideas +ith others that you have
Cuestions that arose +hen reading, +hich +ere not ans+ered by the
your thoughts on ho+ these relate to the lecture or assignment topic
i/ /or an assignment, ho+ you could use this content,
Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, ustralia
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Instruction to user!
!o learn more about ho+ to ta0e e//ective notes, the user is as0ed to clic0 an
image, !his +ill ta0e you to an e3ternal online tutorial on e//ective note.ta0ing,
Use the arro+s to navigate through the tutorial,
4mage o/ a +oman +riting notes, Lin0s to
Screen . +#ample summary
Image o same young woman pointing to summary inormation.
summary records 0ey points /rom the original te3t +ritten in your o+n +ords,
?our o+n thoughts about these 0ey points should also be included, ?ou can
use the same techniCue +hen loo0ing at literature revie+s, boo0 chapters and
+eb pages, l+ays aim to +rite completely in your o+n +ords,
Instruction to user!
!he user is as0ed to clic0 an image to vie+ an e3ample o/ a summary o/ a si3.
page research article,
Image o student/s notes.
Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, ustralia
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Instructional $o#!
User is as0ed to roll cursor over the highlighted areas to discover +hat to
include in their o+n summaries,
+#ample Summary
Section 1-
Randler, C, :raun, M G Lint0er, B 5&0$06 'oot pre/erences in ring.
nec0ed para0eets 51sittacula 0rameri, 1sittacidae6, Laterality- symmetries o/
:ody, :rain and Cognition $#- &0$,
Roll over te3t- 'ull citation
Section 2-
pre/erence /or using one side o/ body /or a speci/ic purpose is seen in many
species, at both individual and population level,
Abservation- Huly to Beptember &008, =eidelberg, ;ermany $8) +ild ring.
nec0ed para0eets 51sittacula 0rameri6 /eeding at dus0, Researchers used
binoculars to count the number o/ birds using a speci/ic /oot to hold their /ood
and /ound that $0& parrots displayed a le/t./ooted pre/erence, +hile 8&
pre/erred the right./oot, Ane parrot 51sittacula eupatria6 living +ith the /loc0
+as e3clusively le/t./ooted,
83perimental /ood station- Actober.<ecember &008I
Researchers provided apple cut to siJe so birds +ould need to hold it +ith
their /eet and disturbed birds +hile /eeding to see i/ they used the same /oot
t+ice or changed, &) sho+ed le/t./ooted pre/erence, +hile $$ sho+ed right.
/oot pre/erence,
Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, ustralia
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Results are statistically signi/icant, !hey indicate that individually the +ild
parrots demonstrated speci/ic handedness +hen /eeding, and as a species
/avoured their le/t./oot, !he /indings agree +ith research on handedness in
other vertebrates and could help in understanding evolution o/ various brain

Roll over te3t- Bummary o/ the original te3t
Section "-
Counting birds /eeding in /loc0s through binoculars is prone to human error,
Contrast +ith Kretser and !a0eda 5&0$&6 +ho suggest that handedness is
speci/ic to primates and humans,
Roll over te3t- Btudent@s thoughts on the te3t, and ho+ it relates to other
things he has read

Section &-
;ood de/inition o/ handedness and its relationship to brain /unction, !his
e3ample can be contrasted +ith Kretser and !a0eda 5&0$&6 to discuss
scienti/ic contradictions complicating theories on brain evolution,
Roll over te3t- Btudent@s thought s on ho+ this can be used in his assignment
Screen 0 1sing your summaries
Image o same young woman thinking.
Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, ustralia
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Monash University Library
When +riting your assignment, it is best to re/er to your summaries /rom
di//erent readings rather than the original te3ts,
4mage o/ student hand +ritten summaries is sho+n,
Screen 12 3eerencing
Image o same young woman smiling and putting thum$ up.
Citing and re/erencing is a very important part o/ responding to an assignment
Cuestion /or the /ollo+ing reasons-
!o demonstrate the credibility o/ your ideas
!o validate your o+n +or0
!o give due credit to the research o/ others
!o allo+ your reader to locate the original sources used /or ideas and
evidence in your assignment,
Instruction to user!
Monash University Library has created a citing and re/erencing tutorial and
detailed guides /or the /ull range o/ citing and re/erencing styles used at
Monash, !o learn more about +hy, ho+ and +hen to cite and re/erence /or
your ne3t assignment clic0 the image belo+ 5clic0ing this lin0 +ill open it in a
ne+ +indo+6
4mage o/ Citing and Re/erencing online tutorial, Lin0s to
Bummary belo+-
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!o /ind the style guide you reCuire, clic0 the /ollo+ing lin0-
Screen 11 1sing Turnitin
Image o same young woman holding up a laptop.
Monash University provides !urnitin te3t.matching so/t+are to help you to
chec0 ho+ +ell you@ve incorporated the +or0 o/ others in your academic
Instruction to user!
!he user is as0ed to clic0 the image to the right to learn more about !urnitin,
Lin0s to !urnitin 'Ls /or students at
Screen 12 4onclusion
Image o same young woman with hands on hips smiling.
Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, ustralia
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Monash University Library
!han0s /or ta0ing the time to learn about the practical s0ills reCuired to
demonstrate academic integrity in your university +or0, :y developing these
practical elements . time management, /inding relevant and suitable
in/ormation, reading, note.ta0ing, summarising, and citing and re/erencing .
you can demonstrate academic integrity and probably also improve your
academic per/ormance2
Screen 1" Additional resources
4mage sho+s titles and icons o/ related resources,
Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, ustralia
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We hope that you /ound this activity use/ul,
Clic0 the lin0s belo+ to vie+ other modules in this academic integrity tutorial-
4ntroduction- cademic integrity
8thics 5http-FFmonash,eduFlibraryFs0illsFresourcesFtutorialsFacademic.
1ractical s0ills
Cognitive s0ills
Ctrl.C plagiarism
8rror.)0) plagiarism
'ind.Replace plagiarism
=ybrid G Mashup plagiarism
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Recycle G Clone plagiarism
Remi3 plagiarism
Ret+eet plagiarism
Collusion 5http-FFmonash,eduFlibraryFs0illsFresourcesFtutorialsFacademic.
;etting help
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