Advanced Master Tung Seminar With DR Young

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Course: Master Tungs Advanced Points Seminar Date: February 27, 200

Presenter: Dr! "ei#C$ie$ %oung, aut$or o& Lectures on Tungs Acupuncture: Points Study and Lectures
on Tungs Acupuncture: Therapeutics
%ou can order Dr! %oungs boo( &rom )o*den F*o'er!
General Theory and Point Associations
T$e t$eory be$ind Master Tung +oints $as a so*id basis in orienta* medicine! ,n ancient te-ts dista*
+oints are cited as being more +o'er&u* t$an *oca* +oints because t$e body $as better memory &or dista*
*ocations .'$ic$ sort o& ma(es sense because o& t$e density o& neurona* endings in t$ose areas/! ,& you
treat 'it$ dista* +oints t$e e&&ects are o&ten more dramatic and resu*ts are ac$ieved more 0uic(*y t$an
using *oca* +oints!
Master Tung +oint +rescri+tions a*so re*y u+on mirroring 1 to+ to bottom, *e&t to rig$t, &ront to bac( 1
and u+on ba*ance met$ods! Microsystems are a*so a strong com+onent o& Tung +oints! 2very com+onent
o& t$e body can be vie'ed as a microsystem: &ace, 2
metacar+a* bone, $and, ears, etc!
Master Tung points are related to the 14 channels
3ian 4$ong is a +oint in t$e center o& t$e de*toid musc*e! T$is is more o& a musc*e to treat musc*e
a++*ication! 5ecause it is *ocated in musc*e it $as S+*een a++*ications and t$us treats muscu*ar
atro+$y and +ara*ysis! T$is +oint a*so treats (nee +ain as does PC 6!
Cesan*i 75eside 8 mi*es9 !: cun *atera* to ST 86! T$is is bet'een t$e s$aoyang and yangming
c$anne*s so $as a++*ications &or bot$ 'ood and eart$! "i** a*so treat trigemina* neura*gia '$ic$
is a 'ind +rob*em .because s+asms and +ain come and go *i(e t$e 'ind/! T$is +oint estab*is$es
contro* o& bot$ eart$ and 'ood e*ements! %ou can a*so use ;, 8 and S, 8 &or trigemina* neura*gi
because t$e %angming and S$aoyang e*ements a&&ect t$is so strong*y! 5ot$ are S$u stream
+oints! S$u streams contro* <oint $eaviness and pain! A*so, t$e =ei<ing says i& a +rob*em comes
and goes, use t$e s$u stream +oints to treat it!
)anmen .*iver gate/ a*ong S, c$anne*!
;i(e S,>, treats $e+atitis
?eart )ate .S$en Men/ is 2 &inger 'idt$s dista* to t$e e*bo' <oint! @r 8 &ingers &rom ti+ o& e*bo'!
,nsert +er+endicu*ar*y! @&ten used &or (nee <oint +ain, inc*uding <oint degeneration! Anee is
re*ated to $eart '$ic$ is inerre*ated to S, c$anne* .interiorBe-terior re*ations$i+/! 5ecause ca**ed
?eart gate, orginina**y used to t- $eart diseases! C*ose to $e sea +oint '$ic$ t- interna* organs 1
+art o& S,B?T interna*Be-terna* re*ations$i+! Can treat (nee +ain because o& e*bo'B(nee *ocation
re*ations$i+! Can even trt bone s+urs on t$e (nee ca+!
88!0 1 0!8! T$ree +oint combination a*ong t$e ;, meridian! )ood &or $emorr$oids because o& t$e
meridian *ocation! Ce*ated to anus area # microsystem re*ations$i+ a*ong t$is boneBsegment o&
t$e c$anne*! 2rbai treats $emorroids &or t$e same reason 1 microsystem re*ations$i+! A,
communicates 'it$ S3 and ctr*s t$e 2 yin ori&ices!
3ie-ue DD!2D! !: cun be*o' t$e Ei c*e&t o& t$e stomac$ c$anne* .ST 8>/ '$ic$ is good &or re*ease o&
stomac$ +ain .acute conditions and +ain on t$e c$anne*Borgan are t$e ma<or indications &or -i
c*e&t +oints/! ST 8> 'or(s &or stomac$ u*cers too! Most -i c*e&t +oints are be*o' t$e e*bo'B(nee,
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avai*ab*e &or your use As ,s and may contain errors and omissions! Cat Ca*$oun retains &u** co+yrig$t o'ners$i+, rig$ts and +rotection in a** materia*
contained $erein! %ou may use t$is document &or your o'n +ur+oses and distribute it to ot$er +eo+*e +rovided you / do not c$arge &or it and 2/ attribute it
as $aving been generated by Cat Ca*$oun and disc*ose t$at it avai*ab*e &ree o& c$arge on CatsTCM=otes!com! F 200 Cat$erine .Cat/ Ca*$oun
but t$is one is above t$e (nee ca+! %angming is ric$ in 0i and b*ood, so good &or b*eeding! 3ie-ue
is good &or ne' trauma, b*eeding! )ood to regu*ate 0iBb*ood!
A*so good &or need*e s$oc(, &or stuc( need*es, bent need*es!
Many Tung points are related to Five Element correspondences and/or have Antique Point
3ing 'e** +oints are used to o+en ori&ices! ;iver and S+*een &or instance sto+ b*eeding because
;iver is t$e <ing 'e** &or t$e c$anne* and stores b*ood! S+*een conro*s b*ood! G5 67 is used to
o+en t$e ori&ice and induce *abor! Per t$e S$ang ?an ;un t$e G5 is re*ated to t$e uterus!
T$e +oint !7, "ood Anger, is above t$e yings+ring +oint, so is considered to be re*ated to t$e
<ing 'e** on t$e ;, c$anne*! T$e ;, c$anne* terminates at ;, 20, t$e e-terna* nose! T$ere is a &ive
e*ement 'oodBmeta* re*ations$i+ bet'een ;,Bmeta* and ;HB'ood, too! T$e ;iverB'ood c$anne*
goes to t$e internal nose, so "ood Anger 'i** treat bot$ interna* and e-terna* nose! )ood +oint
&or o+ening t$e nasa* cavity! "or(s simi*ar*y to Four )ates!
?e Sea +oints treat interna* organs! T$ese are eart$ and 'ater +oints on t$e &ive e*ement c$art! A*so
treat dee+ musc*e tissue! T$ese +oints are *ocated in t$ic( musc*e, so t$is is a musc*e musc*e
corres+ondence! Musc*e tissue treatments a*so bui*d Ii!
Toes and &ingers are *ess musc*e re*ated and more tendonBmotion re*ated!
T$e !0 +oint, Mu ?uo, is ca**ed 7bet'een 'ood and &ire!9 ,ts &unction a*so re*ates to t$is
corres+ondence! T$is +oint treats se0ue*a o& stro(e! Stro(es are caused by ;iver yang rising,
$y+ertension, or t$rombosis! A** o& t$ese reasons are re*ated to 'ood .;iver corres+ondence &or
yang rising and $y+ertension/ and to &ire .?eartBt$rombosis/! T$e $eart and *iver c$anne*s bot$
go to t$e $ead and contribute to stro(e! !0 is *ocated on t$e dorsa* as+ect o& t$e midd*e &inger
at t$e center o& t$e most dista* inter+$a*angea* crease!
%ing s+ring +oints are o&ten used to treat t$e common co*d because o& t$e c*ear &ire a++*ications!
Sanc$asan is a great +oint &or t$e co*d and is *ocated at t$e %ing s+ring *ocations bet'een t$e
(nuc(*es and t$e MCP <oint!
3ing river and ?e sea +oints treat c$ronic diseases according to t$e descri+tion &or t$ese categories o&
+oints! T$e c*oser to t$e 3ing 'e** +oints you are t$e more urgent t$e diseases you are treating!
%ou do not retain t$e need*e .or on*y retain s$ort time/ $ere, but b*eed instead! As you move
to'ard t$e $e sea and <ing rivers $o'ever, youre treating more c$ronic diseases and retaining
t$e need*e *onger! Cetain %ing s+ring and s$u stream +oints : 1 0 minutes! Cetain <ing rivers
and $e seas *onger!
Furt$er &ive e*ement associations! Tus$ui, 22!, is re*ated to 'ater and $as associations 'it$ eart$
and meta* as 'e**! ,ts *ocated at ;G 0 and is a great +oint &or ast$ma, u++er bac( +ain, diarr$ea
.you** see a b*uis$ +ur+*e vein $ere i& t$e +t $as a diarr$ea +rob*em/! ,t treats ast$ma because 0i
is re*ated to ;ung .meta*/, S+*een .eart$/ and Aidney .'ater/! S$ui<in +oint on t$e c$in .00!20/
is a*so eart$, 'ater and meta* re*ated and so treats ast$ma and coug$ as 'e** !
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avai*ab*e &or your use As ,s and may contain errors and omissions! Cat Ca*$oun retains &u** co+yrig$t o'ners$i+, rig$ts and +rotection in a** materia*
contained $erein! %ou may use t$is document &or your o'n +ur+oses and distribute it to ot$er +eo+*e +rovided you / do not c$arge &or it and 2/ attribute it
as $aving been generated by Cat Ca*$oun and disc*ose t$at it avai*ab*e &ree o& c$arge on CatsTCM=otes!com! F 200 Cat$erine .Cat/ Ca*$oun
5*ood is re*ated to ?eart .&ire/, ;iver .'ood/ and Aidney .'ater/!
Points also have ang associations
PC 6 &or instance is o&ten used to treat (nee <oint +rob*ems! Anees are re*ated to $eart! T$ere are *ots
o& vesse*s at PC 6 and in t$e (nee, re*ating it to $eart! T$e (nee is a*so a*ong t$e stomac$ c$anne*!
PC communicates to t$e ST and ST c$anne* re*ates to (nee! T$ere is a*so a $ang and &oot <ueyin
intercommunication goin on $ere! Fina**y, because PC 6 is bet'een tendons and most (nee +rob*ems
are tendonB*igament re*ated t$is is a tendon to treat tendon a++*ication!
Fu(e !2> is bet'een MCP and
inter+$a*angea* <oint, *ocated at t$e B8s! T$is is a ma<or +oint
to treat in&erti*ity! ,t is o&ten combined 'it$ !06 a*ong t$e S3 c$anne*! A, communicates 'it$ t$e
S3 c$anne*! T$is +oint can regu*ate A, and endocrine &unction, treating uterine and gyneco*ogica*
+rob*ems! Treat rig$t Fu(i and *e&t ?uanc$ao one time and t$en a*ternate &or t$e ne-t treatment!
J$i'u !26 +oint means 7contro* turbidity!9 @o4ing and c$ronic sores '$ic$ dont c*ose u+ and
$ea* .*i(e a&ter surgery &or instance/ are treated 'it$ t$is +oint! T$is is on t$e ;ung c$anne* '$ic$
conro*s t$e s(in! Gse a sma** *ancet and b*eed at t$e b*ueB+ur+*e vein you &ind in t$is area! S0uee4e
t$e area to bui*d u+ b*ood congestion in t$e area, t$en b*eed! S$ou*d start and sto+ on its o'n t$is
)anmen 88! means *iver gate! ,ts ma<or &unction is &or ;iver dys&unction suc$ as $e+atitis .acute
or c$ronic/ and is named &or its indication! ,t is on t$e S, c$anne* '$ic$ communicates 'it$ t$e
s+*een c$anne*! T$e S, c$anne* and organ se+arates turbidity and c*ari&ies! ,t is good &or treating
dam+ness '$ic$ is re*ated to t$e ;iver and to <aundice! %ou can a*so use S, > as a TCM treatment
because S, > is t$e yuan source +oint on t$e c$anne*!
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contained $erein! %ou may use t$is document &or your o'n +ur+oses and distribute it to ot$er +eo+*e +rovided you / do not c$arge &or it and 2/ attribute it
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Therapeutics o! Master Tung Points
Microsystem t$eory came out o& c$ina *ong ago!
"econd Metacarpal #one Theory Microsystem
Cemember t$e 2
metacar+a* bone microsystem &rom Advanced =eed*e
T$eory ! T$e 2
bone is divided into +arts 'it$ t$e most dista* $ead o&
t$e bone re*ated to $ead itse*& and t$e base o& t$e bone near t$e 'rist re*ated
to *eg and &oot!
Sanc$ayi .A0#0>/ and dabai are used to treat $eadac$e &or t$is reason 1
*ocated at t$e $ead o& &inger bones!
,nsomnia sidebar:
;G and ?T *ocations good &or insomnia! ;ocation bet'een da bai and
;, 8! Can a*so use ear a+e- +oint &or insomnia 1 su+er +oint &or insomnia! ,nsomnia comes &rom
?TBA, &ai*ing to communicate or &rom e-cess $eart &ire! C$ronic insomnia is treated by soot$ing
*iver and nouris$ing b*ood in $erba* treatment! Aidney o+ens ori&ices and ears! 5ut in Su'en
says $eart can a*so o+en ori&ices on t$e ears! 5y b*eeding t$e ears you communicate bet'een
?eart and Aidney! T$is treatment is an acu+uncture version o& $erba* treatment! S$aoyang
c$anne*s goes t$roug$ t$e ears! 5*eeding $ere communicates bet'een t$e t'o! "or(s even &or
c$ronic insomnia, t$oug$ may ta(e *onger i& more c$ronic! Persist, b*eeding a cou+*e o& times,
&or best resu*ts!
Turn t$e 2
bone microsystem u+side do'n 1 no' $ead is &oot and &oot is $ead! T$is is '$y you need*e
;ing )u &or di44iness a*so! T$is +oint is a*ong ;, c$anne*, '$ic$ is re*ated to *iver 1 *iver is re*ated to
'ind '$ic$ is a com+onent o& di44iness!
T$is is '$y ;ing gu is o&ten need*ed 'it$ Da bai! T$e combination o& t$e t'o is a Dao Ma treatment!
T$is em+$asi4es treatment &unction! Gsed &re0uent*y &or sciatic +ain '$ic$ o&ten occurs because bed too
so&t, not enoug$ movement, carrying $eavy stu&&!
Facial Microsystem
T$eres a microsystem on t$e &ace too! See $andout +age 2! T$e most genera* brea(do'n is by t$e areas
re*ated to t$e <iaos! Fore$ead is G3, nose is M3, *i+ area is ;3! Jits on t$e &ace are indicative o& '$ere
you $ave &ire in your system .*i+sBc$in K ;3/!
More detai*ed &acia* microsystems can be &ound on t$e $andout on +age 2, to+ diagram! Di&&erent &acia*
com+onents are re*ated to di&&erent areas o& t$e body! Some o& t$e &acia* areas are indicative o& *e&tBrig$t,
*i(e L K rig$t *ung, L2> K *e&t *ung!
Cemember t$at bot$ $eart and (idneys o+en to t$e ears! A crease on t$e &ace &rom ear to c$in can
indicate $eart disease '$en is straig$t do'n! ,& crease is transverse can be ringing in t$e ears!
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avai*ab*e &or your use As ,s and may contain errors and omissions! Cat Ca*$oun retains &u** co+yrig$t o'ners$i+, rig$ts and +rotection in a** materia*
contained $erein! %ou may use t$is document &or your o'n +ur+oses and distribute it to ot$er +eo+*e +rovided you / do not c$arge &or it and 2/ attribute it
as $aving been generated by Cat Ca*$oun and disc*ose t$at it avai*ab*e &ree o& c$arge on CatsTCM=otes!com! F 200 Cat$erine .Cat/ Ca*$oun
"ou*d t$is 'or( &or
our cant s'a**o'

See t$e notes, +age 2, bottom diagram &or t$e 2
&acia* microsystem! Trigemina* neura*gia can be treated
at t$e D and N area and a*so a*ong t$e <a'! T$e D and N area are S, and ;, 1 ties bac( to S, 8 and ;, 8
used to treat trigemina* neura*gia!
Facia* tics are a 'ind disease! =eed*e 'ood +oints 1 ;, 8 and S, 8 toget$er! Di&&erent diseases and
sym+toms, same treatment!
Ano' '$ere your c$anne*s and microsystems over*a+ and you 'i** understand better!
Dao Ma tec$ni0ue can be *arge*y s+aced! 2-am+*e: 8 +oint combinations on t$e *eg on t$e S+*een
c$anne*, Stomac$ c$anne*, etc!
G++er 8 %e**o's
Treat any (ind o& ;iver disease 1 b*ood, tendons, *itera* ;H diseases, Par(insons and ot$er
tremor ty+e diseases, $e+atitis, etc! 8 +oints toget$er used &or eac$ o& t$e <iaos! ,& sym+toms are
*oca*i4ed to one area, you can need*e di&&erent combinations o& t$ese +oints .*i(e u++er 2 &or
midd*eBu++er <iao a&&ectations!
Si Ma +oints 1 a*ong t$e stomac$ c$anne* are L &or any *ung diseases, dermatitis o& any (ind, s(in
diseases o& any (ind! 8 +oints toget$er used &or eac$ o& t$e <iaos!
;o'er 8 2m+erors
Tai $i holographic correspondences
! Same $eig$t corres+ondence
5est is o++osite side!
2! $and#&oot c*oc('ise corres+ondence
8! $and &oot counterc*oc('ise corres+ondence
>! $and body c*oc('ise corres+ondence
:! $and body counter#c*oc('ise corres+ondence
6! &oot#body c*oc('ise corres+ondence
7! &oot#body counter#c*oc('ise corres+ondence
D! $ead to $i+bone and $ead to &oot corres+ondence
Can do t$is on $ead 1 need*e du 20 &or t$roat +ain! %ou cou*d a*so corres+ond it 'it$ Du using a
di&&erent corres+ondence! %ou cou*d c$ange tactics again, using Du 20 to treat +ain at t$e so*e o& t$e
N! Front#bac( corres+ondence
Du : to treat $oarse voice &or instance!
,n Tung +oints t$ere is J$ongs$u 00!07 bet'een Du : and 6
&or t$is as 'e**, but best used &or b*eeding to treat nBv,
Menieres syndrome, *oss o& voiceBmuteness, se0ue*a o& stro(e
'$ere +atient cannot s'a**o' on t$eir o'n! A&ter b*eeding
ca*ms t$e nausea &ee*ing! T$is is a &rontBbac( corres+ondence!
C$asing a re*ated rabbit or t'o:
o ;, and PC 6 are anot$er 'ay to treat Menieres 1 can be used toget$er or
o ;, can treat di44iness and vomiting because ;, communicates 'it$ ;iver,
treating a** (inds o& di44iness!
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o PC 6 can treat *iver diseases due to t$e 3ueyin connection bet'een PC and ;H!
Anot$er connection bet'een t$em connects PC and ST so you can treat ;iver
and Stomac$ 'it$ one need*e!
5ecause t$is area connects direct*y into t$e brain, can use it &or brain stu&& too!
%iu$in/&maging 'orrepondences
T$is is a $o*ogra+$ic ma+ o& t$e body on t$e e-tremities, on t$e trun(! %ou can use t$is $o*ogra+$ic ma+
to ma+ t$e '$o*e body on t$e +arts! %ou mig$t ma+ t$em rig$t side u+ so t$at *e&t s$ou*der can treat
rig$t s$ou*der, or you mig$t ma+ t$em u+side do'n so t$at t$e &ingers or 'rist treat t$e s$ou*der!
Cegard*ess, i& youre using t$e e-tremities as your
corres+ondence ma+, be sure to use t$e e*bo's
and (nees as your midd*e +oints, so t$ey re+resent
t$e midd*e o& t$e e-tremity .e*bo' re+resents
(nee, (nee re+resents e*bo', or eit$er o& t$em
re+resent t$e nave* o& t$e trun( o& t$e body/! T$is
is '$y ;, &or instance can be used to treat
+rob*ems around t$e nave*!
T$is tur& 'as covered in Advanced =eed*ing 2
starting around C*ass :!
From Dr! ;ius notes
ST 8, as anot$er e-am+*e, can be used to treat
t$e u++er bac( in t$is corres+ondence! ;o'er *eg
can re+resent *o'er abdomen in anot$er e-am+*e!
T$is is '$ere Aidney gate is *ocated and can be used to treat t$e *o'er abdomen! Toes cou*d be used to
treat genita* area .;iver and S+*een used to contro* e-cessive menstrua* b*eeding or ;iver can be
used &or im+otence as an e-am+*e o& t$is +rinci+*eOor 5*adder 67 used to induce *abor! ;iver is a*so
re*ated to tendons and t$us to t$e +enis! ,m+otence comes &rom co*dness o&ten 1 ;iver can o+en t$e
ori&ice and e*iminate t$e co*dness! ;iver is 'ood +oint on 'ood c$anne* so is t$e best +oint to treat
'ood +rob*ems! ST 86 is t$e eart$ +oint on t$e eart$ c$anne* and is t$us t$e best &or
Ta(ing t$e u+side do'n &ootB*eg into account, toes can a*so re*ate to t$e $ead! )ood +oint &or $eadac$e
is ST >8 &or t$is reason! T$eres a better Master Tung +oint near ST >8 &or t$is too! G5 6: e-ce**ent &or
occi+ita* $eadac$e, tying in bot$ t$e meridian and t$e toes to $ead corres+ondences! SP 6 can re*ate to
PC 6 and treat simi*ar*y! An(*e can corres+ond to nec(, *o'er *eg to c$est! T$e Ac$i**es tendon +oint
.<ust above ca*caneus bone on +osterior *o'er *eg/ treats sti&& nec( &or t$is reason! Strong connection
bet'een Ac$i**es and nec(P ;o'er *eg +ain cou*d be treated 'it$ S< 6! Five tigers +oint treats &inger
+ain, but a*so addresses toe +ains!
A0: e-tra +oint very good &or an(*e +ain! %ou can need*e t$is +oint on o++osite side o& somet$ing *i(e
an an(*e t'ist and t$en $ave t$e +atient move t$e a&&ected side! T$is treats +ain 1 i& s'e**ing +ersists,
use c$i s$ao dou, a sma** red bean '$ic$ you grind and ma(e into a +aste! Put t$e +aste on t$e s'e**ing,
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'$en it dries rea++*y! Ta(es t$e s'e**ing do'n and $e*+s t$e t'isted an(*e $ea*! S$ou*dnt ta(e more
t$an 2#8 days!
#ody Tissue 'orrespondence
T$is is a +rinci+*e &rom t$e =ei<ing:
#one to treat (one
A*so can be used to treat (idney '$ic$ is re*ated strong*y to bone! #one to treat (one
says you go beside t$e bone, anot$er t$eory says you touc$ t$e bone! %ou can a*so insert
t$roug$ a tendon and touc$ t$e bone, e&&ective*y treating bot$ t$e ;iverBtendonsB'ind and
boneBAidney! ?ee* +ain &or instance can come &rom $ee* s+urs and can be treated 'it$
;ing gu 1 a boneBbone treatment! Cou*d a*so insert at )5 8 and touc$ t$e bone!
)5 8 is ca**ed "ind Mar(et! T$e =ine Mi*es +oint is a*ong t$e )5 c$anne*! =ei<ing
says a** meridians come &rom t$e )a**b*adder 1 t$at dude goes every'$ere inc*uding t$e
$ead! ,& you cant &igure out '$at t$e $e** to do &or t$e +atient, need*e )5 8 &irstP A*so a
great +oint &or $ee* s+urs! Add Du 26 to communicate 'it$ t$e s+ine! ,& t$ere are
*umbarBcervica* +rob*ems, add S, 8 and G5 6: &or t$e *umbar es+ecia**y!
5one a*so treats Aidney! Chronic disease should be treated by needling to touch the
bone. C$ronic diseases a*'ays a&&ect Aidneys! A*ong t$e bone 'e conduct in&ormation
&rom t$e membrane o& t$e bone do'n to t$e bone! T$e 8 +oints a*ong t$e bone o& t$e
*o'er *eg can treat bone s+urs! )5 8 can treat bone diseases i& you need*e to t$e bone
Muscle to treat muscle
A*so treats S+*een since it is in contro* o& musc*e! A*so toni&ies 0i and b*ood! Muscle to
treat muscle. Muscu*ar atro+$y is treated by need*ing t$ic( musc*e! Ancient 'or( says
atro+$y is treated 'it$ %angming c$anne*s! ST >0 area, ;, in de*toid area, etc! Atro+$y is
de&iciency Q dam+ness! %angming can treat bot$ o& t$ese!
Can a*so treat s+*een t$roug$ musc*e need*ing at t$e t$ic( musc*es!
Tendon to treat tendon
Treats *iver issues since *iver contro*s tendons! Tendon to treat tendon! Many Master
Tung +oints a*most or do over*a+ 'it$ TCM +oints! ;G :, &or instance, can be used to
treat tendon, but in t$e Tung +oints you bend t$e e*bo' and t$e $ig$ +oint o& t$e tendon
is t$e +oint! ,nsert right ne-t to t$e tendon! T$is is a*so t$e 'ater +oint o& t$e ;u c$anne*
1 strong mani+u*ation $ere can sedate t$e meta*!
A*so very good &or &ro4en s$ou*der! =eed*e t$is area 'it$ strong mani+u*ation on t$e
same side! Gsua**y &or +ain you need*e o++osite .because nerve systems cross to o++osite
sides o& body/, but functional +rob*ems are need*ed on t$e same side .because t$is is
more b*ood vesse* re*ated and t$ose run same side not o++osite/!
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Tendon treats ;iver as 'e** as s+asms and suc$! %ou can need*e A0- +oints '$ic$ are <ust
be*o' t$e tendon and c*ose to t$e bone 1 treats 'ind +rob*ems, but c*ose to t$e bone a*so
treats dam+ness! Ac$i**es tendon +oint <ust above t$e $ee* same dea*io!
)essel to treat vessel.
Direct t$eory e-am+*e is b*eeding! Anot$er is insertion o& need*e ne-t to b*ood vesse*!
%ou cou*d b*eed c*ose to t$e e*bo' &or $eart +rob*ems or b*ood *eve* +rob*ems! G5 >0 to
treat sores .s(in $eat/ &or instance! ;iver 8, '$ic$ $as a vesse* rig$t under t$e area you
need*e, can treat $eart disease &or t$is reason! Critica* +atients in t$e $os+ita* are c$ec(ed
&or +u*se at ;H 8 in C$ina! Same is true &or ;G N $ere!
Hesse*s can a*so treat $eart +rob*ems at noted above!
"*in to treat s*in!
Dermatitis can be treated 'it$ +*um b*ossom &or t$is reason! A*'ays insert need*e in a
s$a**o' +osition &or dermatitis!
S(in can a*so treat ;ung! Gse a s$a**o' insertion! Coug$ and ast$ma +oints on t$e c$in
are a*so very s$a**o'!
'hannel Meridians Applications
T$e > c$anne*s corres+ond to t$e Master Tung +oints! ?and s$aoyin and &oot s$aoyin
communicate, &or instance! T$eres a*so a +oint to +oint corres+ondence 1 you can use toget$er,
substitute one &or anot$er, etc! S3 8 and )5 > &or instance! See be*o' &or a cou+*e o& e-am+*es!




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hang Fu #ei Tong
> c$anne* meridian t$eory
"ame Energy Attraction
Taiyang .o+en/ S$aoyang .+ivot/ %angming .c*ose/
Foot G5 R ?and S, Foot )5 R ?and S3 Foot ST R ?and ;,
?and ;G R Foot SP ?and ?T R Foot A, ?and PC R Foot ;H
Taiyin .o+en/ S$aoyin .+ivot/ 3ueyin .c*ose/
.%ou can &ind a** o& t$is in&ormation in t$e T$era+eutics boo( t$at is t$e com+anion to t$e Points boo(! /
;oo( at t$e circuit above! T$is is t$e matc$ing o& t$e $and and &oot c$anne*s! Taiyang is an
o+ening +oint, s$aoyang is a +ivot, and yangming is a c*osing +oint! %in evi*s start at t$e *o'er
and move u++er and a*'ays in<ure t$e yin! Taiyin and Taiyang, t$e outer edges, are t$e &irst
attac(ed! T$ey $ave simi*ar &unctions and re*ations$i+s! Foot taiyang communicates 'it$ t$e
$and taiyin! ?and taiyang .S,/ is tied to Foot taiyin .SP/, bot$ re*ated to digestion!
Fro4en s$ou*der a*'ays re*ated to taiyang and yangming! Aidney gate on t$e s+*een c$anne* .!:
cun be*o' SP N/ is e&&ective &or t$is condition because o& t$is re*ations$i+! Actua**y, i& you
combine Aidney gate and SP N in a dao ma re*ations$i+, its even more e&&ective! .A*so seems
*i(e boneBbone, boneBAidney corres+ondence!/ =eed*e A, gate, retain, t$en *ater add ;G :!
S$aoyang is t$e +ivot +oint 1 $ence t$ose T inside, T outside t$ings! S$aoyin is midd*e o& yin
c$anne*s a*so, a*ternating bet'een $ot and co*d! =ote t$at ?T and )5 are *in(ed above! )5
disease can a*so trans*ate to ?T disease! ?eart in some 'ritings is a*so re*ated to sores t$at 'ont
$ea* or sores t$at brea( out on t$e body or to itc$ing a** over t$e body! %ou cou*d use ?t D &or
t$is! ?eart contro*s &ire, so t$is +oint cou*d e*iminate &ire! ?o'ever, in t$e boo(, Five
Transportation Points, it is noted t$at i& any disease c$anges t$e co*oring o& t$e s(in, you need to
use t$e %ing S+ring +oint! ?eart D is bot$ $eart, $orary o& $eart, and t$e ying s+ring!
)a**b*adder c$anne* a*so goes t$roug$ t$e ears! =ot too many +ages ago it 'as noted t$at t$e
$eart does too and you can b*eed &or insomnia &or t$is reason! Anot$er tie bet'een ?eart and
)a**b*adder! Taiyang c$anne*s go to t$e ears too and taiyang contro*s t$e sur&ace 1 re*ated to
;ungs 1 '$ic$ is '$y b*eeding &or dermatitis is e&&ective!
%angming is t$e c*osing! %angming disease are a*'ays $ig$ &ever and consti+ation, o&ten
+syc$o*ogica* +rob*ems a*so! "$en you see +syc$e +rob*ems, need*e yangmingP ?ig$ &ever and
e-treme $eat can generate interna* 'ind! Convu*sions, ;@C are bot$ +ossibi*ities! 3ueyin and
%angming t$us $ave simi*ar &unctions! T$is is '$y you can use ;, to treat di44iness, a 'ind
mani&estion t$at is re*ated to ;iver! T$is corres+ondence is a*so '$y you can use PC 6 to treat
nausea and ST 86 to treat $eart .+c/ disease .again 'it$ t$e (nee <oint to treat t$e $eart/! Gsing
bot$ c$anne*s toget$er $ave stronger e&&ect! T$is corres+ondence bet'een ;, and ;H e-+*ains
t$e > gates connection a*so! S'eet!
;G : and G5 >0 are bot$ b*eeding +oints 1 corres+ondence bet'een t$ese c$anne*s too!
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%ao o! %r. Tung
6 Tungs need*ing met$ods
+,1 %ong -i. Active -i moving needling technique
=eed*ing o& distal +oint so +atient can move t$e a&&ected area! See t$e $andout &or t$e $o' to s+eci&ics!
! Find t$e +ain&u* area and c$oose your +oints!
;ets say t$e +atient $as *e&t (nee +ain! C$oose rig$t side PC 6 or $eart gate!
2! A&ter insertion and arriva* o& numbBsoreBdistention, rotate t$e need*e and as( t$e +atient to
move t$e a&&ected +art s*ig$t*y!
,n our (nee e-am+*e, $ave t$e +atient move t$e a&&ected (nee! %ou can mani+u*ate t$e need*e
every 0 minutes t$en $ave t$e +atient move t$e a&&ected area! Cemember t$at one +oint can
treat many di&&erent t$ings 1 $aving t$e +atient move t$e a&&ected +art sends t$e Ii direct*y
to t$e area rat$er t$an scattering it to every ot$er a++*icationP
8! "$en +ain sto+s indicates t$e union o& t$e +oint 0i and 0i o& a&&ected area! Ii o& t$is area is
dredged and ba*anced! Sto+ rotating t$e need*e, retain or 'it$dra' according to s+eci&ic
>! For c$ronic +rob*ems, can retain *onger and rotate to *ead 0i arriva*! Patient sti** moves
a&&ected +oint! ,& c$est or abdomen is t$e a&&ected area, use dee+ breat$ing or massage to
guide to t$e area!
+,/ %ao Ma. Point coupling needle technique
! Find t$e main indication +oint!
2! Add a 2
+oint 1 ;ing gu and Da bai &or instance! T$is is a neig$boring +oint on t$e same
meridian! ,& you c$oose a di&&erent meridian, this is not ao !a" Dao Ma en$ances t$e
treatment i& you c$oose a +oint on t$e same meridian!
=ote t$at '$i*e ;ing gu and Da bai go toget$er o&ten, be sure o& '$at you 'ant to do and
need*e t$e +rimary a++*ication +oint &irstP ,n t$e case o& 8 +oint combinations, need*e t$e
midd*e &irst, t$en t$e surrounding +oints!
8! %ou can combine t$is 'it$ t$e Dong Ii tec$ni0ue above and $ave t$e +atient move t$e
a&&ected area! An e-am+*e is ;ing gu Q Da 5ai and t$en move t$e sciatic area!
+,0 Guiding needling technique
#reat for pain of all $inds.
! Se*ect a dista* +oint on t$e $ea*t$y side as your t$era+eutic +oint
%oure *oo(ing &or t$e s$u stream +oint most o& t$e time! Cig$t side sciatica on t$e bac( o&
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t$e *eg &or instance 'ou*d use t$e *e&t ;ing gu and Da bai!
2! Se*ect a dista* on t$e diseased side to serve as a guiding +oint!
,n t$e e-am+*e above .rig$t sciatica on bac( o& *eg using ;ing )uBDa 5ai on t$e *e&t/ Ii 'i**
go every'$ere a++*icab*e to ;ing )u and Da 5ai +oints un*ess you guide it di&&erent*y! 5ac(
o& t$e *eg is taiyang 1 you can add G5 6: as your guiding +oint .t$e s$u stream/ on t$e
a&&ected side!
,& +ain is bot$ in s$aoyang and taiyang areas on t$e *eg, add G5 6: and )5 > as your
guiding +oints! 5ot$ are s$u streams! T$is streams energy to bot$ c$anne*s!
8! Mani+u*ate t$e 2 +oints at t$e same time to create a t$era+eutic circuit, mutua**y guiding t$e
energy bet'een t$e 2 +oints!
>! As( t$e +atient to moveBmassage t$e site o& t$e +ain! Pain s$ou*d remit 0uic(*y! ,& so, may
not need to mani+u*ate!
Anot$er e-am+*e: &ro4en s$ou*der in yangming area! =eed*e A, gate and ;, 8 to guide! %ou can
use t$is tec$ni0ue &or > c$anne* treatments a*so!
Terri&ic treatment &or tennis e*bo'! =eed*e ;, B;, 0 c*oser to t$e bone area on o++osite side!
Gse same side ;ing )u .;, 8, t$e s$u stream +oint/ and Da 5ai .&or bone/ as your guiding +oint!
Tennis e*bo' a*'ays re*ates to tendon and bone and is on t$e yangming c$anne*! S$ou*d $ave
great resu*ts 'it$ a &e' treatments!
+,4 %epth o! needle insertion
Secret o& need*e tec$ni0ue is de+t$ o& insertion! ,& &or instance your *ing gu and da bai dont
'or(, it cou*d be because you dont $ave t$em dee+ enoug$! S$a**o' is an im+otence treatmentP
2very sing*e +oint $as 8 *eve*s:
?eaven 1 s$a**o', about T cun
@n*y treats *oca**y! S, 8 need*ed s$a**o'*y 'i** treat $and and s$ou*der!
?uman 1 midd*e de+t$, about cun
Ceac$es more dee+*y! S, 8 need*ed cun in de+t$ a&&ects t$e u++er bac(!
2art$ 1 dee+est de+t$, about !: cun!
"a(es t$e interna* Ii, reac$es t$e &urt$est regions o& in&*uence!
S, 8 need*ed !: cun in de+t$ reac$es sciatica and (nee ca+ +ain!
PC 6 s$a**o'*y on*y treats tig$t c$est! Dee+er goes to stomac$ +ain, dee+est *ayer .eart$ *eve*/
'i** treat t$e (nee ca+!
+,1 2etention o! needles to gain e!!ectiveness
Master Tung o&ten retained >: 1 :0 minutes &or best e&&ectiveness! ,& s$orter or *onger, resu*t is
not as great! %ou need a 'arm com&ortab*e +*ace in order to ma(e t$is 'or(P ,& your +atient gets
co*d or is uncom&ortab*e youre not getting t$e best e&&ect!
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Some docs retain &or $our to N0 minutes &or c$ronic diseases suc$ as ast$ma, etc! 'it$ good
resu*t! T$is is not &inancia**y &easib*e &or most +ractitioners!
A** t$at said, 80 minutes 'or(s +retty 'e** since t$ats a &u** cyc*e o& energy t$roug$ t$e
meridians! 2rgo, 80 # >: minutes 'or(s &or most a++*ications! ! !
2-ce+t 5e**s Pa*sy '$ic$ 'or(s better at 60 1 N0 minutes and +atient gets &aster reso*ution! .ST
86 and 87 are t$e 2 best +oints &or 5e**s Pa*sy, 2 cun dee+ to e*iminate t$e 'ind a&&ecting t$e
&ace!/ %ou can a*so combine t$is 'it$ b*eeding on t$e inner c$ee(!
"$en a++*icab*e, bui*d u+ a b*ood congestion by s0uee4ing t$e area, +us$ing t$e b*ood to t$e
area! ?o'ever on +*aces *i(e 5; >0, Taiyang, inside o& t$e c$ee(, etc cant do t$at! %ou s$ou*d
see a congested vesse* in t$e area you can b*eed! 5e +re+ared &or a ma<or b*ood re*ated eventP
Cegard*ess o& '$ere, b*ood s$ou*d sto+ on its o'n '$en it $as b*ed enoug$! ,& you get a s+urter
its because t$e +rob*em $as been going on a '$i*e and t$e stagnant b*ood needs to get t$e $e**
out o& t$ere!
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Points %iscussion
Finger Points
!06 ?uanc$ao
,nsert a*ong t$e bone, but aiming beneat$ t$e bone! A*'ays used 'it$
gyneco*ogica* +rob*ems and used in con<unction 'it$ Fu(e!
!7 Mu or 'ood anger
@n t$e D *ine o& t$e &inger .remember t$e C *ine is t$e midd*e *ine o& t$e
&inger/! 5et'een t$e 2 <oints, but is 2 +oints! Gse t$e B8 and 2B8! Most*y you
use on*y t$e *o'er +oint!
Acute r$initis: ?ave +atient c*ean out disc$arge and immediate*y need*e! ,& one sided
congestion, need*e o++osite side! )reat &or common co*d!
C$ronic r$initis or +ost nasa* dri+: "or(s to im+rove +ost nasa* dri+, but
rea**y need to &ind t$e root and treat t$at! Can be combined 'it$ t$e
> gates! ;iver c$anne* goes to t$roat area! ;, goes to t$e e-terna*
nose! For c$ronic +rob*ems or +ost nasa* c$ronic, combine 'it$ root
treatment +oints!
A*so treats dry eyes or running tears!
Dermatitis in t$e +a*mar area 1 *i(e crac(s on t$e s(in in t$e 'inter time!
!2> Fu(e
@n dista* inter+$a*anges o& t$umb! Gse t$e B8 and 2B8 *ocation met$od! =ot
need*ed +er+ to +oint, but +er+ to *ine C or t$e dorsa* side o& t$e t$umb!
=eed*e into t$e musc*e and a*ong t$e bone! Combine 'it$ !06 $uanc$ao
on o++osite side! A*ternate sides ne-t treatment!
Any (ind o& gyneco*ogica* +rob*ems!
Combine 'it$ !06 $uanc$ao on o++osite side! A*ternate sides ne-t
treatment! ,& you 'ant to treat in&erti*ity, a*'ays $ave t$e $usband do
a s+erm count test &irst! 80U o& time its t$e $usband '$o $as t$e
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Sidebar: !08B!0> is used in con<unction 'it$ !0 and !02! Dont $ave to use t$em a**O
+ic( a cou+*e! T$is is &or $ernia treatment! Combine 'it$ ;H or 2! Combines u++erB*o'er,
4angB&u, $andB&oot, branc$Broot treatment ma(ing a more com+*ete treatment!
Creates a stronger body memory and communication! A*so treats +rostatis, uret$ritis, varicose
veins in t$e testic*e area .a** o& '$ic$ can contribute to ma*e in&erti*ity/! 5i*atera* +oints reduce
+ain rat$er 0uic(*y!
!27 "u$u .Five Tigers/
;itt*e di&&erent in *ocation t$an ot$ers! "u$u +oints are bet'een t$e 2 <oints o&
t$e t$umb! First, &ind t$e midd*e +oint! %ou cant e-act*y *ocate rig$t in t$e
midd*e because o& t$at $uge t$umb <oint! Find t$e *ine on t$e +a*mar side t$at
runs rig$t in &ront o& t$e <oint, not t$e t$e one t$at runs straig$t do'n to'ard
t$e 'rist!

tiger treats art$ritis +ain in t$e &ingers! ,& you need*e "u$u , a*so need*e S3 : o++osite side! ,&
on*y or 2 &ingers $urt, need*e o++osite side "u$u and use guide +oint "u$u o++osite side!
?ave t$e +atient rest 1 +ain in t$e body is a 'arning sign! Pain no' is o&ten &rom overuse and
tig$tness .carrying too muc$, 'riting too muc$, ty+ing too muc$, etc/!
,& t$ere is more +ain a&ter a treatment, cou*d be due to over'or( in t$e absence and resu*ting
giddiness o& noB*ess +ain! Aind o& *i(e '$at $a++ens 'it$ cortisone s$ots!
"u$u 8 &or toes, "u$u > &or bac( o& &oot +ain, "u$u : good &or $ee* +ain and t'isted an(*e
Palmar Points 3//.xx section4
22!0 C$ong4i
=umber &or u++er bac( +ain .sca+u*ar/ and s$ou*der +ain!
C*ose your t$umb and *oo( at your t$umb! Find C *ine on inde-
&inger and &o**o' t$at do'n to t$e crease o& t$e t$umb rig$t at
t$e corner o& t$e t$umb <oint! T$is is t$e *ocation o& C$ong4i! To
veri&y, *oo( &or t$e meeting o& redB'$ite s(in, move to'ard
center o& +a*m by cun! =eed*e 1 T cun dee+! T$e t$ic(er
t$is area, t$e dee+er you can need*e! )auge de+t$ based on
t$ic(ness o& area!
,n "estern astro*ogy t$is is t$e Saturn area! T$ic(er means
stronger constitution! ,& t$e area is very t$in, t$e b*ood is coo*
and ot$ers run roug$s$od over t$em! ,& t$e area is e-cessive*y
t$ic(, youre a bu**$eaded ass$o*e and are driving t$e rest o& us
,nsertion to to T cun de+t$ 'i** treat &ibroids in t$e uterus a*so!
Combine 22!0 'it$ 22!02 &or nec( sti&&ness es+ecia**y in t$e morning or a&ter +ro*onged
22!02 C$ong-ian
G++er bac(, s$ou*der and nec$ area, es+ecia**y '$en combined 'it$ 22!0!
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contained $erein! %ou may use t$is document &or your o'n +ur+oses and distribute it to ot$er +eo+*e +rovided you / do not c$arge &or it and 2/ attribute it
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T$is combination is +retty tender! ?ave t$e +atient coug$ and insert '$en t$ey do so! Anot$er
tec$ni0ue, massage t$e +oint &irst to scatter t$e Ii!
T$ere are 8 *ayers $ere 1 you do t$e 8 +us$es to eac$ de+t$, targeting t$e de+t$ you 'ant! T$e
&irst t$rust is $eaven *ayer! Mani+u*ate a *itt*e and go dee+er to $uman *eve*! Ce+eat and go to
eart$ *eve*!
Can a*so treat &or o++osite side &inger s+asms, c$est tig$tness a*so .mirror side o& t$e u++er bac(
1 a*so 'or(s because t$is is a*ong t$e ;ung c$anne*/!
22!0> Dabai
According to modern sources, t$is +oint is very c*ose to ;, 8, but
insertion is c*oser to bone! .Traditiona* 'ritings *ocate ;, 8 at Dabai,
actua**y/! Combine t$e &unctions o& Dabai 'it$ t$e &unctions o& ;,
8, t$e s$u stream +oint and 'ood +oint o& t$e ;, c$anne*! Can treat
;, c$anne* +ain, 'ind disease! 7Dabai9 is 75ig "$ite9 and is re*ated
to ;ung c$anne*! )ood &or +ediatric or adu*t $ig$ &evers and
common co*ds! ?ig$ &evers mig$t mani&est 'it$ a b*uis$ +ur+*e vein
$ere! A*so very good &or treating +neumonia, $eadac$e, trigemina*
A*so cou+*ed 'it$ ;ing gu +oint in a dao ma combination!
22!0: ;inggu
?ave +atient $o*d $and *i(e t$ey are $o*ding a bott*e! @+ens u+ t$e
<oint at t$e base o& t$e
and 2
metacar+a* bones!
Can treat bac( +ain, es+ecia**y '$en combined 'it$ Dabai! L +oint &or sciatic +ain, bot$
Taiyang c$anne* and S$aoyang c$anne*! =eed*ed o++osite &rom mani&estation! Hery e&&ective &or
Can be combined 'it$ eit$er Aidney gate or 'it$ )5 8, de+ending u+on *ocation, t$oug$
;inggu and Dabai remain t$e +rimary +oints in combination!
Gse o++osite side ;inggu as t$e guiding +oint &or tennis e*bo'!
Gse &or o++osite side $ee* +ain!
;o'er bac( +ain Q inguina* area +ain a*ong ;iver c$anne*, i!e!, a** around $i+ bone area!
T- di44iness and $eadac$e a*so!
T$is +oint $as a meta*B'ater association because it is a*ong t$e ;, c$anne* area! Can t$us be used
to toni&y (idney, treating suc$ t$ings as c$ronic coug$ or ast$ma! 5reat$ a*'ays re*ated to meta*
and 'ater! ;ung contro*s descending 1 i& it doesnt t$e ;ung descending &unction may be o&&!
"ater is t$e receiving com+onent o& breat$! ,& A, 0i &ai*s, same s$ortness o& breat$ or *ac( o&
depth o& breat$! "it$out A, &unction in tact, $ear dee+ breat$ing, but +atient a*'ays &ee*s air
de+rived and t$e voice 'i** be so&t!
Page : o& 26
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contained $erein! %ou may use t$is document &or your o'n +ur+oses and distribute it to ot$er +eo+*e +rovided you / do not c$arge &or it and 2/ attribute it
as $aving been generated by Cat Ca*$oun and disc*ose t$at it avai*ab*e &ree o& c$arge on CatsTCM=otes!com! F 200 Cat$erine .Cat/ Ca*$oun
?e*+s 'it$ s$ou*der 'ea(ness, *oss o& range o& motion!
22! Tus$ui
.=ot in $andout/! T$is is a 8 +oint combination a*ong t$e
bone and t$e midd*e +oint is ;G 0! 2ng*is$ trans*ation is 7&is$ be**y!9
Most o& t$e time you on*y use t$e midd*e +oint in t$e combination!
7S$ui9 is 'ater, but is re*ated to co*dness! Treats SP and ST co*dness
causing c$ronic diarr$ea, *oose stoo*! .,n acute enteritis a b*uis$ +ur+*e
vein 'i** +o+ u+ $ere!/
Hery good &or ast$ma a*so! T$is is t$e %ing S+ring +oint &or t$e ;ung
C$anne*, and t$ese a*'ays treat e-terna* attac(! Combine 'it$
Sanc$asan &or common co*d, need*ing sanc$asan! ,& +atient a*so $as a
$eadac$e, combine 'it$ Dabai! ;G 0 and S3 2 combination is &or sore
t$roat, but t$e &unction is not as strong as ;G 0 and Sanc$asan!
.Sanc$asan 'as not in t$e origina* Master Tung boo(, but Dr! %oung says $e used it a *ot! As a
matter o& &act, t$ats '$at t$at '$o*e bac( section is in $is boo(!/
Treats any (ind o& stomac$ +rob*em, o++osite side +a*m +ain!
Points on the Forearm 300.xx points 4
.=ot s$o'n a** t$at 'e** in t$e diagram 1 s$ou*d be a s$ot &rom t$e
+osteriorB*atera* as+ect o& t$e &orearm!/
88!0 C$angmen
Combine 'it$ )anmen 88! &or acute $e+atitis .dam+ $eat/!
5y itse*&, treats acute diarr$ea! 5etter is Men<in .66!0:/, a +oint
near ST >8, can a*so use ;, as a TCM treatment! =eed*e bot$
bi*atera**y and you $ave a good > need*e treatment &or acute
enteritisBdiarr$ea! ,& enteritis is combined 'it$ vomiting and
diarr$ea! %ou can a*so use PC 6 &or nauseaBvomiting in
PC 7 treats bad breat$, ora* sores! PC : &or $iccu+s! PC 6 &or
nauseaBvomitingO!Stomac$ +rob*ems treated by Pericardium
88! )anmen
;iver )ate! @&ten used 'it$ 88!0! Ma<or treatment &or acute
$e+atitis in t$is combination! G++er 8 ye**o's 'i** treat c$ronic
$e+atitis! 88! 'i** treat *o'er *eg cram+sOa*most e0ua* to 5;
:7! Cibai .A06/ can a*so be used &or *eg cram+s and Dr! %oung
Page 6 o& 26
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*i(es it better t$an )anmen &or t$is! Acu+ressure at Cibai 'or(s, but ta(es about 0 minutes 1
need*ing is 0uic(er!
88!2 Einmen .?eart )ate/
,n a de+ression on t$e media* side o& t$e in&erior u*na, !: cun .8 &inger 'idt$s &rom t$e ti+ o& t$e
e*bo', 2 &ingers &rom t$e &*are o& t$e bone/ dista* to t$e e*bo'! ,nsert be*o' t$e bone!
Treats $eart disease: tac$ycardia, tig$tness o& c$est, c$est +ain, +a*+itations, irregu*ar $eartbeat!
A*so very good &or (nee and sciatica +ain! .5est &or taiyang area sciatica 1 a*so treats inguina*
area +ain Q sciatica, t$oug$ ;ingguBDabai is better! /
"or(s &or tai*boneBcoccy- +ain a*so .i!e!, &rom &a**ing on it/! %ou can a*so use Du N and 20 &or
t$is, t$oug$ Dr! %oung says Einmen 88!2 'or(s better!
Treats any (ind o& an(*e +ain as 'e**! T$is is a microsystem a++*ication, su+erim+osing t$e body
onto t$is bone!
Cemember i& you need a guide +oint, use t$e a++ro+riate S$u Stream!
Points on the Foot 5 ++.66
66!08 ?uoying
A*so (no'n as ;H 2, T cun &rom t$e 'ebbing o& t$e toes bet'een MTP
<oint and 2! Ce*ated to $eart &ire! T$is +oint can strengt$en t$e $eart,
treats unconsciousness, treats +a*+itations, and &or +*acenta &ai*ing to
Treats *oc(<a' and di&&icu*ty o+ening t$e mout$ .66!0> and 66!08 is
more +otent treatment t$an *oca* treatment/! 3a' is re*ated to ;H c$anne*
.due to tendon o+enBc*ose/! Combine 'it$ 66!0> '$ic$ is c*ose to t$e
bone and treats any bone degeneration associated 'it$ <a' +rob*ems!
3a' +rob*ems are a 'ood .tendon/ Beart$ .musc*e/ dis$armony!
De*ayed *abor due to ma*+*acement o& &etus: ST >>, G5 67 Q ?uoying
and SP 6! .Anecdota* insertion by Dr! %oung!/
Fibroids in t$e uterus '$en combined 'it$ 66!0>! =ote t$at mig$t &ee*
coccy- +ain 'it$ uterine &ibroids, uterine $ematoma, ti*ted uterus,
anyt$ing t$at +resses do'n on t$e nerve and gives a sort o& +$antom ty+e o& coccy- +ain! Gse
Fu(e &or t$is '$ic$ addresses ti*ted uterus .a*so can cause coccy- +ain/ and a** ot$er (inds o&
gyneco*ogica* +rob*ems!
Can e*iminate &ire, as can 66!0>!
Page 7 o& 26
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66!0> ?uo4$u
J$u means master! T$is is t$e master o& t$e $eart .because o& $and and &oot <ueyin
intercommunication/ and 'i** treat $eart disease! =eed*e by t$e bone! T$is is <ust about ;H 8 in
*ocation! T$is is t$e eart$ +oint on t$e 'ood c$anne* so 'i** treat 'ind, dam+ness, and co*dness!
Gse ?uo4$u and ;, > &or $eaviness in t$e > e-tremities &or t$is reason!
Psyc$o*ogica* '$o*e body +ain can be treated 'it$ > gates!
Can e*iminate &ire, as can 66!08! Hery good &or c$ronic sore t$roat! .S3 2 or Sanc$asan Q ;G 0
a*so, as +revious*y mentioned, &or acute sore t$roat/!
Treats ;HBS+ dis$armony a*so! 2s+ecia**y good &or emotiona**y created +rob*ems *i(e nervous
stomac$, irritabi*ity a&&ecting stomac$, etc! Can a*so treat di44iness because o& t$e *iverB'ind
5e**s Pa*sy, sedate $uo4$u! Dont retain need*e too *ong, but do a strong sedation tec$ni0ue! Add
ST 86B87 &or 5e**s Pa*sy! "or(s because t$e c$anne*s go around t$e mout$, because ;H c$anne*
goes t$roug$ t$e inside o& t$e ora* cavity! Hery simi*ar to b*eeding t$e inner c$ee( &or 5e**s
Pa*sy and can be substituted &or t$at!
Treats $ernia, +ain&u* urination, genita* +ain, inguina* +ain because t$e ;iver C$anne* goes $ere
too! Treats any 'oodBeart$ dis$armony! ,nsert need*e a*ong t$e bone! 5ecause its rig$t beside
bone $as a Aidney and t$ere&ore 'ater association!
66!0: Men<in
Posterior to ST >8, inserted c*ose to t$e bone! ?as t$e same associations as ST >8! )ood &or
acute or c$ronic diarr$ea! Sometimes acute diarr$ea is combined 'it$ cram+ing 1 'ood &ai*ing
to soot$e t$e eart$! S$u stream +oint in t$is case can sto+ t$e +ain! C$ronic diarr$ea, $o'ever,
*i(e ear*y morning diarr$ea is associated 'it$ co*d! "$en you insert t$e need*e $ere c*ose to t$e
bone you are treating boneB(idneys, $ence t$e a++*ication &or c$ronic diarr$ea!
)ood &or tem+ora* $eadac$e, distending sensations due to Ii, stu&&y nose .&oot yangming
c$anne* can treat t$e $and yangming '$ic$ goes to t$e nose/! )ood &or menstrua* cyc*e
cram+ing .due to 'oodBeart$ dis$armony/! Can cou+*e 66!0: and ST >> in a daoma combination!
;oc(<a' a*so!
Page D o& 26
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contained $erein! %ou may use t$is document &or your o'n +ur+oses and distribute it to ot$er +eo+*e +rovided you / do not c$arge &or it and 2/ attribute it
as $aving been generated by Cat Ca*$oun and disc*ose t$at it avai*ab*e &ree o& c$arge on CatsTCM=otes!com! F 200 Cat$erine .Cat/ Ca*$oun
"$y do t$e %in c$anne*s start at t$e 3ing "e** +oint at 'ood and t$e %ang
c$anne* start at meta*M %in c$anne* energy ascends .'oodB&ire e*ements/
and %ang energy descends .meta*B'ater e*ements/
Points on the 7eg , 88.66
77!0 J$eng<in
?ave +atient *ie &ace do'n and $ang &oot over edge o& tab*e! %ou 'ant
t$e &oot to be at a N0 degree ang*e! Too muc$ more ang*e and t$e tendon
'i** be too tig$t &or insertion!
Patient 'i** not &ee* +ain un*ess tendon stretc$ed too tig$t or you use a
need*e t$at is too t$ic( # 80 gauge is best!
T$is is tendon to treat tendon a++*ication so good &or sti&& nec(, a** (inds
o& cram+ing +rob*ems! G5 :7 is simi*ar &or *eg cram+s but t$is +oint
'i** treat even stu&& *i(e stomac$ cram+s!
)ood &or acute bac( strain, brain issues .suc$ as 'ater edema on t$e
brain a&ter trauma/!
Add a +oint 2 cun +ro-ima* to t$is +oint &or a dao ma combination to
en$ance +oint &unction!
)rou+ 77!0: 1 77!07 toget$er!
77!0: %i4$ong
)5 8N, but cun anterior to t$e &ibu*a! 8 +oint combination! S$aoyan
contro*s 'ind, %angming contro*s 'indBdam+ness! T$is grou+ing treats
'indB+$*egm +rob*ems, t$us treats 5e**s Pa*sy .ST 86B87 +robab*y +re&erab*e treatment/!
5reast or nec( area +rob*ems 1 in&*ammation and tenderness, gro't$s, etc!! =eed*e o++osite side
or bi*atera* &or breast +rob*ems! T$yroid +rob*ems suc$ as s'e**ing o& t$e t$yroid! =odu*es on
t$e nec( re*ate to S$aoyang 1 'oodBeart$ dis$armony! J$i )an Cao Tang cou*d treat t$is
$erba**y 1 good &or eyes bu*ging &rom t$yroid syndrome! Peo+*e 'it$ t$is syndrome o&ten $ave
irregu*ar $eartbeat! Mig$t need to add -ia (u cao or 4$i bei mu and s$eng mu *i to disso*ve
+$*egm nodu*es in con<unction 'it$ t$is &ormu*a! Add 77!07 San4$ong!
For s+*een +rob*ems, need*e on t$e rig$t!
77!06 2r4$ong
77!07 San4$ong
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contained $erein! %ou may use t$is document &or your o'n +ur+oses and distribute it to ot$er +eo+*e +rovided you / do not c$arge &or it and 2/ attribute it
as $aving been generated by Cat Ca*$oun and disc*ose t$at it avai*ab*e &ree o& c$arge on CatsTCM=otes!com! F 200 Cat$erine .Cat/ Ca*$oun
77!0D Si$uas$ang
8 cun in&erior to ST 8: on *atera* tibia
77!0N Si$ua4$ong 1 Center o& t$e Four F*o'ers
>!: cun in&erior to 77!0D, so 7!: cun be*o' ST 8: and !: cun *atera* to
t$e tibia! ST >0 is in t$is genera* vicinity!
,& you b*eed, go &urt$er a'ay &rom t$e bone, but i& you are going to
need*e, need*e c*ose to t$e bone! =eed*e &or di&&icu*ty raising arm and
s$ou*der +ain! ,& &or 'ristB&inger +ain, do same side!
Si$ua$uai is better &or b*eeding 1 0!: cun be*o', *i(e ST 8D! ST >0 is
a*so very c*ose to t$is *ocation! A** suitab*e &or b*eeding! %ou dont
need to +in+oint t$e *ocation, but &ind t$e vein in t$e area!
5*eeding $ere is good &or *ung disease .T5, 'ater retention,
em+$ysema, ast$ma/! A*so &or $eart and b*ood disease, a** (inds o&
$eart disease! C$ronic stomac$ +rob*ems too .since it is a*ong t$e
stomac$ meridian/!
77!> Si$ua'ai .Four F*o'ers ;atera*/
See notes! Didnt get t$is!
77!7 Tian$uang .?eaven*y 2m+eror/
Same as SP N, but di&&erent a++*icationBindications, so di&&erent name! T$is is t$e 'ater +oint on
t$e eart$ c$anne*! Toni&ies SP and A,, treating bot$ +re and +ost nata* +rob*ems!
L +oint &or &ronta* $eadac$e! A*so good &or ?T=, $eart disease! SP N indications a++*y too,
treating dam+ness, &u**ness &ee*ings! ,nc*udes u++er, midd*e and *o'er <iao treatments .since it
touc$es meta*, eart$, and 'ater c$anne*s/! )ood &or s$ou*der and nec( +ain!
"ater +oint on t$e eart$ c$anne* so treats eart$B'ater diseases *i(e +roteinurea and diabetes .bBc
in TCM diabetes K s+B(i -u/! Di&&icu*t urination 1 combine SP N and ST 86 to ma(e t$e 'aters
&*o' 'e**! T$is eart$ &ai*ing to contro* t$e 'ater, usua**y &rom S+ -u! A, -u caused by SP -u can
be treated 'it$ t$is +oint!
"$at about &re0uent urination due to Ai -uM S+ Ii inter&eres 'it$ A, 0i, so you use Tian$uang!
Sometimes combined 'it$ nBv '$ic$ means t$e Ai &un- is inter&ering 'it$ S+*een! ,& (i -u
causes s+*een s-, t$en you need*e eart$ +oint on t$e 'ater c$anne* 1 A, 8! So SP N Q A, 8 'i**
treat uremia!
,& a +rob*em mani&ests in dee+ musc*e, t$in( S+*eenV i& on t$e bone, t$in( "ater and AidneysV i&
by b*ood vesse*, t$in( about $eart and &ire! ,& rena* +rob*em, re*ates to 'ater and eart$
contro**ing it or not! T$in( Five 2*ement t$oug$ts!
Page 20 o& 26
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contained $erein! %ou may use t$is document &or your o'n +ur+oses and distribute it to ot$er +eo+*e +rovided you / do not c$arge &or it and 2/ attribute it
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=aming goo&:
=orma**y you &ind $eaven above,
$uman in t$e midd*e and eart$
be*o'! T$is +oint se0uence $as
$eaven, eart$ t$en $uman! Dr!
%oung says t$is is a mista(e but 'e
'i** continue to do it t$is 'ay in
de&errence to Master Tung!
77!D Tian$uang&u .Aidney )ate or S$enguan/
!: cun dista* to SP N! 5ecause t$is +oint is 7s$enguan9 is t$en re*ated to A, bac( s$u, 5; 28!
Can &unction as 5; 28 and t$us can toni&y t$e Aidneys! A*so toni&ies ;iver and S+*een! A*'ays
use t$is +oint toget$er 'it$ 77!7 Tian$uang in a dao ma combination!
S$enguan can en$ance t$e &unction o& 77!7 Tian$uang! Toget$er t$ese +oints $e*+ treat
rebe**ious stomac$ and acid in t$e stomac$! "i** a*so treat diabetes! A*so an e&&ective +oint &or
s$ou*der +ain, &re0uent urination .as 'e** as &rom en*argement o& +rostate/! Focus on Tian$uang
+oint &or &re0uent urination, $o'ever!
?emi+*egia can be treated 'it$ t$ese +oints +*us )5 8 and )5 82!
A*'ays combined 'it$ 8 cun be*o' +oint, Di$uang 77!N, or 'it$ cun above SP 6, 77!2 or
Cen$uang! T$ese toget$er are t$e *o'er 8 $uangBem+erors!
77!N Di$uang
Point is *ocated bet'een Tian$uang&u and Cen$uang, but t$e
*ocation is not e-act! %ou can &*uctuate 8 cun above or be*o'
t$e mid +oint bet'een 77!7 and 77!D because S+*een and
;iver and Aidney are crossing eac$ ot$er in t$is area! =o
matter your *ocation youre going to get one or more o& t$ese
c$anne*sP As a resu*t you can a&&ect a** 8!
77!2 Cen$uang
First *ocate SP 6 a *itt*e di&&erent*y 1 8 cun above t$e u++er
border o& t$e an(*e bone rat$er t$an at t$e $ig$ +oint! =o'
go +ro-ima* &rom t$is +oint by cun!
De+ression, +syc$o*ogica* +rob*ems, gyneco*ogica* +rob*ems, se-ua* dys&unction and
re+roductive dys&unction can a** be treated by t$e 8 em+erors! For c$ronic conditions can be
need*ed to regu*ate '$o*e body!
Treats S+*een, ;iver, and Aidneys simu*taneous*y!
)o t$e 'ebsite &or a c*ear e-+*anation o& t$e naming!
77!22 Cesan*i
)ood &or trigemina* neura*gia, migraines, toot$ac$e, &acia* +ara*ysis! Most o& t$e time used 'it$
77!28 as a dao ma combination! Can use &or 'rist +ain, 'ind and +$*egm +rob*ems! C*ose to
s$aoyang c$anne*! ST 86 and ST 87 &or &acia* +ara*ysis or you can use 77!22 and 77!28! %ou can
a*ternate bet'een t$ese 2 grou+s during a course o& treatment!
;ocate t$e DD!0 tongguan +oint, : cun above t$e (nee crease, but +ro-ima* to t$e mid*ine o& t$e
anterior as+ect o& t$e *eg!
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Points o! the Thigh 5 99.66
DD!0 Tongguan
: cun above t$e *eve* o& t$e (nee crease on t$e anterior mid*ine
o& t$e t$ig$!
DD!02 Tongs$an
2 cun above DD!0!
DD!08 Tongtian
)rou+ be*o' .tongs$en, tong'ei, tongbei/ treats any (ind o& A,
disease! Treats 'ater edema 1 &ace or '$o*e body 1 because is a*ong
t$e S+*een c$anne*! Cen N is t$e +oint &or edema in TCM! Cemember
t$at nave* is a*'ays corres+ondent 'it$ (neeBe*bo'! %ou toni&y eart$
.SP/ in order to contro* 'ater .A,/ in t$is case! Can use &or +regnant
+atients! Combination treats Ai -u causing bac( +ain!
DD!0N Tongs$en
Treats bac( +ain, sa&e &or +reggers!
DD!0 Tong'ei
)ood &or +regnant 'omen 1 treats stomac$ +ain! A*so ca*ms
DD! Tongbei
)rou+ing be*o' treats ;iver and S+*een diseases suc$ as cirr$osis, acuteBc$ronic $e+atitis, eye
+rob*ems, Par(insons disease .use t$e G++er 8 ye**o's +*us S$enguan +oint/, any (ind o& b*ood disease
.inc*uding *eu(emia, *o' "5C count/!
Cervica* bone s+urs: )5 8, G5 6:, DG 26, S, 8! ;umbar bone s+urs: )5 8, DG 26, S, 8! ,n severe
cases, b*eed in G5 >0 once +er 'ee( or once +er 0 days!
DD!2 Ming$uang
5et'een (nee crease and inguina* area a*ong t$e *iver c$anne* on t$e center o& t$e media* as+ect
o& t$e t$ig$! Can t$us treat *iver +rob*ems!
DD!8 Tian$uang
8 cun above DD!2
DD!> Ii$uang
8 cun be*o' DD!2!
DD!>, DD!: and DD!6
DD!: is !: cun su+erior and DD!6 is !: cun in&erior to Ii$uang DD!>! Combination is good &or
ga**stones and c$o*ecystitis and ot$er ga**b*adder system disorders! 5one s+urs in t$e $ee* too!
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DD!7, D, N .Four $orses/
G++er midd*e and *o'er treat *ung diseases o& a** (inds: ast$ma, c$ronic coug$, nasa* +rob*ems,
dermatitis! To &ind t$e +oint, &ind t$e midd*e &irst: dra' a straig$t *ine u+'ard &rom t$e *atera* corner o&
t$e +ate**a, &ind '$ere )5 8 meets it and t$is is t$e midd*e +oint!
5ac( and ribcage +ain, toni&ication o& Ii, s(in a**ergies!
DD!2: J$ong<iu*i
Same as )5 8! Gse &or '$o*e body ac$es! Hery t$ic( musc*e, so can use to strengt$en ot$er
musc*e and S+*een! ,& you need*e dee+ enoug$ to touc$ bone you treat A, and bone as 'e**!
Ear Points 5 ::.xx
NN!07 2rbei
5ac( o& t$e ears! ;oo( &or a b*uis$ +ur+*e vein! S$ou*d b*eed 'e** i& t$e vein is visib*e t$ere! ,&
t$e tissue $ere is t$ic( and smoot$ it s$ou*d b*eed 'e** too! ,& not, you 'i** $ave to massage it
more to bring t$e b*ood u+! Treats $y+ertension and sore t$roat, &acia* +ain!
2ar a+e-
Gse 'it$ b*eeding to treat insomnia, dermatitis, 5e**s Pa*sy, sore t$roat and common co*d, &ever!
Taiyang c$anne* goes to t$e ti+ o& t$e ears and goes to G5 and 2 and meets Du 20 .'$ic$ is
'$y G5 6: is good &or t$e verte- $eadac$e/! Taiyang contro*s t$e e-terior and common co*d
a*'ays re*ates to it &or t$is reason! T$is is a*so '$y it 'or(s &or dermatitis 1 t$at and t$e
connection to t$e $eart going to t$e ears! A*so treats e-cess s'eating! Aidney o+ens t$e ori&ice o&
t$e ears 1 +oint connects ?eart and Aidney and treats insomnia re*ated to t$is!
5ecause re*ated to TaiyangB5*adder c$anne* b*eeding $ere a*so treats sciatica +ain! %ou cou*d
a*so use 5; >0 'it$ b*eeding &or t$e same reason c$anne* corres+ondence reason!
Can a*so use t$e Master Tung +oint bet'een Du : and 6 &or insomnia as 'e** as di&&icu*ty
s'a**o'ing and *oss o& voice, nausea and vomiting '$en you b*eed it! Dont need*e as t$ere is a
+ossibi*ity o& need*ing into t$e brain!
00!N and !20 S$uitong and S$ui<in .'ater t$roug$ and 'ater go*d 1 a*so ca**ed 'ater and meta*/
5est +oints &or ast$ma! Treats eart$Bmeta*B'ater toget$er! Stomac$ c$anne* goes t$ru t$is area!
For coug$ing and ast$ma use t$ese +oints +*us Tus$ui +oint .;G 0/!
%ou cou*d a*so use ;G : rat$er t$an Tus$ui because it is t$e 'ater +oint on t$e meta* c$anne*,
getting bot$ o& t$ose e*ements as 'e**! ;G: is a*so t$e ?e sea +oint '$ic$ treats rebe**ing Ii
'$ic$ &or *ung is ast$ma and coug$!
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=ausea and vomiting is 0i rebe**ion o& t$e stomac$! Di&&icu*t urination is t$e 0i rebe**ion o& t$e
Aidney! ;iver yang rising is 0i rebe**ion o& t$e ;iver c$anne*!
S$ui<in descends t$e Ii not <ust &or coug$, ast$ma, $iccu+, but can a*so strengt$en t$e %ang
energy .code 'ord &or increasing se-ua* &unctionP/! Amenorr$ea +oint is A, > because Ai
c$anne* can nouris$ 'aterB body &*uids and source &ire! %ou can a*so use ST 2:, t$e FM &or t$e
;arge ,ntestine! T$is treats ;, and Stomac$ 1 t$e yangming '$ic$ is good &or 0i and b*ood -u!
Dr! %oung need*es Cen 2>, meeting +oint o& $and and &oot 1 Stomac$ and ;, meet in t$is area!
Cen 2> is a*so t$e &ina* +oint o& t$e %in c$anne*, but &unctions rat$er *i(e a <ing'e** +oint &or
Cen! C$ong and Cen treat +eriod issues so you can use Cen 2> to o+en %in ori&icies, but a*so
toni&ies %angming c$anne*! T$us: treats dysmennor$ea!
A0> Sanc$asan
Strengt$ens t$e s+*een, e*iminates &atigue, treats 'ea( musc*es and eyes! ,& you need*e +ro+er*y,
a*most reac$es ?T D so treats e-cess s'eat and itc$ing! "it$ one need*e you can t$read to many
+oints 1 S3 8 &or instance and 4$ongbai and ciaobai! Fatigue at t$e u++er *egsBt$ig$s! A*so treats
sore t$roat and common co*d!
,& a +erson *oses a *ot o& 'eig$t can im+act t$e s+*een and t$ey $ave a $ard time o+ening t$eir
eyes, (ee+ing t$e *ids u+P Gse t$is +oint!
=eed*e be*o' t$e tendon, ne-t to t$e bone! Toni&ies s+*een, *iver and (idneys! "$en you insert a
need*e you can reac$ to S3 8 '$ic$ is t$e s$u stream and toni&ies 0i '$ic$ is '$y it strengt$ens
t$e s+*een! Can see t$e b*ood vesse* $ere 1 so it can strengt$en t$e $eart!
A0: Eiao<ie
?o*d t$e t$umb, insert to'ard PC 7! S+ecia* e&&ect &or an(*e s+rain! 5one to treat bone a*so! T$is
is a*ong t$e $and taiyin c$anne* '$ic$ communicates 'it$ &oot taiyin to treat media* an(*e
in<ury! T$is area is t$e S+*een and Aidney area on t$e an(*e!
Treats any (ind o& bac( or c$est +ain!
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Treating stro(e:
,& +atient is *ess t$an 60, *ess t$an year since stro(e, good +rognosis! Above 60yo not so good! C$ances
are good t$ey $ave $ad more t$an stro(e! More di&&icu*t to treat t$ese +eo+*e! Peo+*e t$at $ave &*accidity
o& musc*es are easier t$an $y+ertonic musc*es! Gse b*eeding &or $y+ertonic cur*ed u+ musc*es! =eed*e
o++osite side i& *ess t$an 8 years since stro(e! ,& *onger, need*e bot$ ty+es! 5*eed or sedate at ;G : &or
$y+ertonicity and tig$t musc*esBtendons in t$e arm a&ter a stro(e! Probab*y $ave to do t$is severa* times,
es+ecia**y i& its *ong term!
Pain Management ;ith Tung Points
First use dista* .$andB&oot/ +oints! T$ese $ave a soot$ing &unction, ba*ance &unction! T$ere is a*so better
musc*e memory $ere and its sa&er t$an 'or(ing 'it$ *oca* +oints! "$en treating +ain need to regu*ate
essence and 0i! Cemember t$e Dong Ii tec$ni0ues, Dao ma, and guide +oints!
%ou must &igure out t$e +attern identi&ication!
'auses o! Pain
5u Tong Je Tong
Pain due to b*oc(ageBstagnation! =eed*ing o+ens it u+ to re*ease +ain!
5u Cong Je Tong
De&iciency can a*so cause +ain!
5u Song Je Tong
Tension causes +ain a*so! T$is cou*d be due to $eavy 'or( or due to com+uter 'or(! 5ot$ cause
tension and +ain! T$is is a *ac( o& re*a-ation! Fatigue +ain due to over#use! T$is re0uires rest!
Cemind +atients t$at even t$oug$ t$ey &ee* good a&ter acu+uncture, t$ey need to rest! Pain is a signa*
to t$e body t$at somet$ing is 'rongP
Co*d &oods, bananas, +a+aya and s'eet rice 'i** actua**y increase +ain! Co*d causes constriction and
t$us more +ain! 5ananas because o& +otassium! S'eet rice because di&&icu*t to digest so Ii $angs out
$ere, damaging and over'or(ing t$e ST c$anne*! 5eans and sea&ood 'i** create acidity and 'i** t$us
cause more +ain!
,& a** need*es $urt u+on insertion cou*d be t$at your +atient $as $ad insu&&icient s*ee+! T$is ma(es t$e
body $y+ervigi*ant!
Condition o& co*d in t$e body can cause greater sensitivity to co*d a*so!
Sidebar: c$ic(en is $ot and duc( is co*d! ,& you eat too muc$ duc( you can induce co*d into t$e body!
C$ic(en is a*so re*ated to 'ind and can e-acerbate dermatitis! Fire b*a4ing out'ard causes itc$ing!
Focus on 'ind and &ire to treat t$e itc$ing!
,& 0i and b*ood are &ig$ting eac$ ot$er t$ere is +ain! For a** (inds o& +ain, ca*m t$e &ig$tingP Fro4en
s$ou*der must be moved in order to &ree it u+ &or instance! Ma(e t$e circ*e e-ercise 'it$ t$e arm
c*oc('ise t$en counterc*oc('ise, cra'* t$e 'a** e-ercise, cra'* u+ t$e bac( e-ercise i& *oss o& range o&
motion is in t$at direction!
=eed*e )5 8> &or t$ese t$ings too!
Can a*so sedate ;G :!
S$enguan +oint &or &ai*ure to *i&t arm u+ and do'n!
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Etiology o! Pain
2-terna* &actors
"indBdam+Bco*d &or instance! Dam+ $eaviness, co*dness +ain, 'ind s+asming +ain!
,nterna* &actors
Cou*d be diet causing co*d in t$e body! Can a*so induce dam+ $eat! 2-am+*e is gout '$ic$ $a++ens
as a resu*t o& a diet $ig$ in +rotein, organ meats, +eanuts, mus$rooms, beer '$ic$ ma(es gout so
muc$ 'orse! Gsua**y starts at big or midd*e toe!
/ Gse midd*e "u$u +oint! 2/ A*so sedate S+*eenBStomac$ dam+ $eat! =eed*e same side ST 86
dee+*y and retain 0#: minutes! Stimu*ate strong*y t$en 'it$dra' to t$e $uman *eve*! "ait a bit,
'it$dra' t$e $eaven *ayer and do it again! .T$is is a 8 motion +attern to sedate '$ic$ is rat$er t$e
o++osite idea o& t$rusting 8 times to induce $eat!/
=eit$er e-terna* nor interna* &actors
Timing o! the %isease
For acute sym+toms, use t$e -i c*e&t +oint &or t$e a&&ected c$anne*, as acute +rob*ems are good &or acute
+rob*ems and +ain! For e-am+*e, i& you $ave sudden $eart +ain and never $ad it be&ore, need*e ?T 6
'$ic$ is t$e Ei c*e&t o& t$e ?eart! Sudden stomac$ s+asms, need*e ST 8>! 2tc!
=eed*e more dee+*y on t$e Ei c*e&t +oints to treat interna* organs! Dee+ insertion c*eans out dee+ +ain in
t$e body! Strong*y stimu*ate and continue unti* +atient <ust cant ta(e itP Aee+ t$e need*e in *onger 1
even an $our i& you can do it! Treat a++endicitis, ga**stone +ain, etc t$is 'ay! Eiaobai-ue &or (idney
stone +ain!
;oo( u+ t$e Tung +oints &or Ai and ga**stone +ain! @n t$e dorsum o& t$e $and!
'hronic +ain re0uires s$u stream +oints!
7ocation o! Pain
,n s(in, vesse*, tendon, boneM Gse same tissue corres+ondence once you &igure t$is +art out! %ou a*so
need to (no' '$at c$anne* t$e +rob*em is on! =eed*e t$at s$u stream +oint, t$e interna*Be-terna* *ou!
S$ou*der +ain &or instance is S, and ;,! Can need*e s$enguan +oint because o& S, connections!
Some +eo+*e need rest, some need to move! )otta 'atc$ diet too! )otta 'atc$ your o'n tem+erature too
1 getting too co*dM T$at 'i** ma(e co*d 'orse! ?eadac$es &or instance can sometimes be treated by
+utting co*d &eet into 'armB$ot 'ater t$at reac$es above SP 6! Co*d at t$e bottom 'i** cause +ain at t$e
P*ease note t$at greasy &ood can be a (iss o& deat$ &or +ain conditions as 'e** as a *ot o& ot$ers! T$is is
a*so +retty bad &or +eo+*e t$at $ave coug$ and +$*egm!
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