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UCF Instructional Design and Technology Program

eLearning and Educational Technology Track

EME6940 Practicum/Internship Proposal and Contract
TRACK 2 - Summer

Internship Site:
Florida Virtual School Contacts:
2145 Metro Center BLVD. Jeramy Gatza
Suite 200 Innovations Manager
Orlando, FL 32835 407-766-6999

Susan Stone


Jeramy Gatza, Innovations Manager at Florida Virtual School has agreed to be an internship
coordinator for EME6940.
Florida Virtual School is located in Orlando, Florida. It is a public school and services all
counties in Florida. It offers education for Kindergarten -12 grade in a virtual setting.
The innovations department is responsible for the planning, design, development, testing and
quality assurance. It reviews the departments business and product development processes. The
Product Development Manager maintains timelines, monitors budget, and obtains/monitors
resources to enhance product lines. The department works with vendors, partners, sales
managers, marketing specialists, subject matter experts, and design specialists in the production
and implementation of products, and consults for other FLVS departments to develop pilots and
new business opportunities. The department writes in!depth business plans, initiative reviews,
financial reports, and post-implementation reviews to move projects through the phases of the
development lifecycle, and uses emerging communication methods to market innovations within
and outside of FLVS. The department consists of the manager, designer and three specialists but
also work with the entire Innovation Schoolhouse and the curriculum department. The mission is
to deliver a high quality, technology-based education that provides the skills and knowledge
students need for success.

The FLVS Innovations Department requests an Instructional Design Intern to assist with the
research and implementation of applicable changes to applications for the Advance Placement
tests. The department will be doing an analysis of changes made by the Advancement Board and
recommend changes to the application to become compliant. The Innovations Department has a
variety of programs for the interns to work on throughout the summer.

Learning Goals and Objectives

Research changes made to the Advanced Placement test.
Facilitate changes to the applications for Apple and Android devices.
Support the Innovations Department through a gap analysis of a tutoring program for
Conduct a cost analysis for an outside tutoring program.

Responsibilities and Tasks

Evaluate changes to curriculum and how student learning is affected
Create analysis for usage of each application and analysis for Apple and android devices
Conduct a needs analysis of an outside tutoring program
Select materials needed for the Advanced Placement app.
Support the Innovations Department with numerous jobs and enterprises.
Support the curriculum department as required by the internship coordinator.

My emphasis for this internship will be research and design of two projects. I will be working on
technology for students that can be downloaded on Apple phones, Apple devices, Android
phones, and Android devices. The applications will be used for mobile education. I will be
focusing on designing and analyzing characteristics associated with learning and performance of
the Advanced Placement tests and incorporating changes that align with student standards set
forth by the Florida Department of Education. I will be conducting a context analysis to
determine which course applications are used the most and analyze specific learning objectives
and determine if they will be met by application. My other focus will be research on an outside
tutoring program and the cost of implantation for Florida Virtual School. The tutoring program is
in its initial research phase. My goal in this project is to determine if there is a need for outside
influence and if so how would it be implemented into FLVS. My internship hours will be
completed by working virtually with the Innovations Department Manager, the Innovations
Schoolhouse Instructional Leader and the curriculum department.


To demonstrate the successful completion of my objectives, I will provide for my internship

Documentation of research of applications for
-AP Algebra
-AP Lit
-AP Psych
-AP Micro

A download of the Application and the containers
Analysis of outside tutoring program
3-10 page paper reflection

Schedule and Milestones

We will be doing an agile development
We will be working in sprints of two to three weeks
2-3 week timelines to retool and readjust
160 hours research and additions to mobile app and tutoring program

Projected Timeline

Weeks 1-3 (Week of May 12- June 1)
Meet with the Jeremy Gatza and discuss projects
Gain access to applications Mstudying 2.0
Begin reviewing requirements for the application
Begin reviewing changes to the Advanced Placement Exam

Weeks 4-5 (June 2-June 15)
Compare and Contrast Existing Information with Advanced Placement changes
Write guidelines for changes needed
Meet with curriculum to determine information needed.

Weeks 6-7 (June16 - June 29)
Begin cost analysis of tutoring program
Continue reevaluation curriculum for applications

Weeks 8-9 (June 30 - July 9)
Propose changes to MyStudy 2.0 for all courses.
Present cost analysis and possible implementation methods of tutoring program by
outside provider.

Weeks 10-12 (July 10 - July 16)
Submit final changes and recommended revisions to MyStudy 2.0
Write 3-10 page reflection and submit to Dr. Gunter
Submit research and applications to Dr. Gunter
Have advisor write an assessment and submit to Dr. Gunter

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Date: 2014.07.13 11:37:59 -04'00'

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