The Passive

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Exercises on the passive voice - simple present

Dialogue in the simple present

Complete the short dialogue with the correct forms of the verbs.
A: English __________________ (speak) as a second language by a lot of people.
B: Yes, English __________________ (understand) all over the world.
A: In Switzerland four language __________________ (speak) but not English.
Passive sentences
Put in the correct form of the in the passive voice.
1. A lot of T-shirts _______________________ (make) of cotton.
2. The cotton _______________________ (grow) in America.
3. It _______________________ (pick) by machines.
4. The cotton _______________________ (take) to a factory.
5. The clothes _______________________ (sell) in the USA and all over the world.
6. Cotton T-shirts _______________________ (buy) by people who like comfortable clothes.
Passive sentences with adverbs
Put in the correct form of the verb in the passive
voice with an adverb.

Was ist denn blo wieder ein Adverb?

Ein Adverb beschreibt ein Verb (Tunwort) nher.

1. T-shirts _______________________ (usually wash) in a washing machine or by hand.

2. They _______________________ (often make) in lots of different colours.
3. The maker's name _______________________ (often put) on the front.
4. A picture _______________________ (sometimes print) on the front of T-shirts.
5. T-shirts _______________________ (often sell) in supermarkets.
6. They _______________________ (also find) at markets, airports and in souvenir shops.

Negative passive sentences

Use the passive voice with not or never to
answer the questions. Use the verb from
the question.

Wenn man allgemein sprechen will, kann man

z.B. statt "People say..." "It is said" sagen.
Das entspricht "Man sagt..." im Deutschen.

1. Do people know who invented the T-shirt? - No, it _____________________________.

2. Do people think it came from India? - No, it _________________________ that it's Indian.
3. Do people say it is uncomfortable? - No, ________________________ it is uncomfortable.
4. Do people believe it came from army clothes? - No, _____________________________ to
have come from the army but from the US Navy.
5. Do we know if it is "T-shirt" or "tee-shirt"? - No, ___________________________ which
is correct.
A report in passive voice
Every year Mr and Mrs Hooper go on a trip to London.
Put in the verbs in the passive voice.

1. Mr and Mrs Hooper ___________________________ (take) by car to the station.

2. In London they ___________________________ (meet) by a car and a driver from the
3. They ___________________________ (take) to a nice hotel and have dinner.
4. They ___________________________ (collect) by car.
5. They ___________________________ (drive) to a theatre and back again after the play.
6. The trip ___________________________ (pay for) by their son.
Active or passive?
a) Read the following text and underline all the verbs in the passive voice.
Books are made on big machines. First, the writer puts words and pictures on a computer.
These are sent to a publishers, a company that makes and sells books. There the text is
carefully checked. This text is passed on to a printer who puts the words on paper. This is
done by different methods. Which method is used? That depends. Some books are printed like
newspapers on huge rolls of paper. The printer makes these books quite cheaply, but in large
numbers. The pages of the book are cut by machine and are sorted into the correct order. Then
the cover is put on. Now the publishers sell the book to bookshops and readers.

b) Now look at the sentences in the active voice (you haven't underlined the verbs in these
sentences. Circle the verb and a double line under the object. The object of the active
sentence is going to become the subject of a new passive sentence. Example:
First, the writer puts words and pictures on a computer. - First, words and pictures are put on a computer.

Do this with four more active sentences from the text.

1. _________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________________
Some information on the trip to Yosemite National Park
Put in the verbs in the passive voice.
Yosemite ____________________ (visit) by millions of people every year. We'll cross the
park on Highway 120 but this road ____________________ (close) by snow in winter. We
won't use our bus in Yosemite Valley because tourists ____________________ (take) to all
the sights there by free park buses. In California earthquakes ____________________ (feel)
by millions every year and buildings, roads and bridges ____________ sometimes
______________ (destroy) In bad earthquakes people ____________________ (kill), too.


TOPIC: THE PASSIVE VOICE: passive voice sentences in the simple present 1 | LEVEL:

Everyone in the house has a task that he or she normally does. Describe what everyone
does, changing each active voice sentence into a passive voice sentence:
EX: John buys the food. --> The food is bought by John.
1. Thomas washes the dishes. --> The dishes __________________________ by Thomas.
2. Frank feeds the dogs. --> The dogs __________________________ by Frank.
3. Maria prepares the food. --> The food __________________________ by Maria.
4. David cleans the kitchen. --> The kitchen __________________________ by David.
5. My father pays the bills. --> The bills __________________________ by my father.
6. The gardener trims the bushes. --> The bushes __________________________ by the
7. Helen sets the table. --> The table __________________________ by Helen.
8. My mother waters the plants. --> The plants __________________________ by my
9. Arthur does the laundry. --> The laundry __________________________ by Arthur.
10. My uncle drives us to school. --> We __________________________ to school by my

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TOPIC: THE PASSIVE VOICE: passive voice sentences in the simple present 1

1) are washed 2) are fed 3) is prepared 4) is cleaned 5) are paid 6) are trimmed
7) is set 8) are watered 9) is done 10) are driven


Exercise 1:
Which of these sentences are in the passive form.

They are pulling down the old factory.

Students must not leave bicycles in the hall.

This door must be kept shut.

They gave him a watch.

Children under sixteen will not be admitted.

Exercise 2:
Rewrite the sentences in Passive voice.
1. The policemen help the children.
2. The manager sends the secretary to the post office.
3. Sarah will look after her little brother.
4. The robber broke our window.
5. We have cleaned the car.
6. My parents offered me a bike for my birthday.

W. B. F. L. -


Exercise 3:
Fill in the correct form of the passive into the gap. (Mind the tense written in
1. The words ___________________________ by the teacher.

(to explain - Simple Present)

2. My car ___________________________ while I was gardening.

(to steal Past Simple)

3. A new restaurant

4. Our street

___________________________ next week.

(to open Future)

___________________________ because of snow.

(to close Present Perfect)

Exercise 4:
Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). You must either use the
Simple Present or the Past Simple.

The Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty ___________________ (give) to the United States by France.
It ____________________ (be) a present on the 100th anniversary of the United

States. The Statue of Liberty ___________________ (design) by Frederic Auguste

Bartholdi. It ___________________ (complete) in France in July 1884. In 350
pieces, the statue then ___________________ (ship) to New York, where it
_________________ (arrive) on 17th June 1885. The pieces _________________
(put) together and the opening ceremony ___________________ (take) place on
28th October 1886. The Statue of Liberty ___________________ (be) 46 m high
(93 m including the base). The statue ___________________ (represent) the
goddess of liberty. She _________________ (hold) a torch in her right hand and a
tablet in her left hand. On the tablet, the date of the Declaration of Independence
(4th July, 1776) ____________________ (can / see). Every year, the Statue of
Liberty ___________________ (visit) by millions of people from all over the world.
W. B. F. L. -




La voz pasiva en ingls se forma con el verbo to be en el tiempo verbal
correspondiente y el participio de pasado.
El participio de pasado se forma aadiendo ed si es regular, teniendo en
cuenta las reglas de ed, y si es irregular con la 3 columna de los verbos.

E.g.: I write the letters (active present simple) >

The letters are written (passive present simple)
E.g.: I wrote the letters (active past simple) >
The letters were wrote (passive, simple past)


Cuando se pasa una oracin en voz activa a voz pasiva hay una serie de
cambios a tener en cuenta:
El sujeto de la voz activa pasa a ser el sujeto agente (by + agent)
El objeto de la voz activa pasa a ser el sujeto de la voz pasiva
El verbo de voz activa cambia a voz pasiva (to be + participio)


E.g.: The food



is cooked

the food

by him





E.g.: The exercises are done (by everybody)

E.g.: Thousands of books are published every year
E.g.: Im not obliged to work overtime if I dont want to







E.g.: The rooms were cleaned (by us)

E.g.: Rome was not built in one day
E.g.: This wallet was found in the street


Algunos verbos van seguido con dos objetos, uno de persona (indirecto) y otro
de cosa (directo)
E.g. They gave John a warm welcome


La forma ms frecuente de hacer la pasiva de estos verbos es que el

complemento indirecto pase a ser el sujeto de la pasiva. Es menos frecuente
que el complemento directo pase a ser el sujeto.
E.g.: They gave John a warm welcome


John was given a warm welcome (frecuente)

A warm wecolme was given to John (infrecuente)


El uso de la pasiva en ingls es mucho ms frecuente que su uso en
castellano. Esto se debe a los diferentes usos que tiene:
Cuando el que realiza la accin, el agente, es obvio o desconocido o
poco importante.
E.g.: My house was painted
E.g.: My purse was stolen
E.g.: The letter were typed
Cuando el nfasis se quiere poner en el objeto o la accin ms que en la
persona o cosa que hace la accin.
E.g.: The room must be cleaned
E.g.: The tickets were sold
Cuando se quiere ocultar quin realiz la accin, por ejemplo, para evitar
sealar quin es el responsable o bien por modestia.
E.g.: Our tickets were lost
E.g.: New ideas have been presented with great success.


Grammar Practice Worksheets

Passive Voice

A) Recognizing Active and Passive Sentences
Read the following sentences. Underline the verb or verbs in each sentence and then indicate whether the
verb is active or passive and also which verb tense is being used.
Ex. This hotel was built in 1950.
People speak Spanish in Mexico.

passive - past tense

active present tense

1. All the food at the party was eaten.


2. I fed the cat last night.


3. The mail is delivered every day.


4. The mailman delivers our mail in the morning.


5. The meeting will be held in the conference room.


6. The mechanic has already fixed my car.


7. Johns car is being fixed right now.


8. Twenty people were invited to the party.


9. They will make a decision at the meeting.


10. The wind blew down the trees.


B) Change the active sentences in the exercise above to passive. (Include the example.)
1. _______________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________________

Copyright 2011, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of in accordance with membership terms.

Grammar Practice Worksheets

Passive Voice

Passive Voice with Different Tenses and with Modal Verbs

A. Change the following sentences to passive voice.
1. simple present People speak English in Australia.
2. present continuous They are writing the report now.
3. simple past The dog bit the mailman.
4. past continuous He was still fixing the car when I arrived at the garage.
5. future Someone will give us a tour of the museum.
6. future with going to - They are going to tear down the old building.
7. present perfect They have already given him the bad news.
8. past perfect They had built the houses before the war started.
9. modal canThey can finish the project on time.
10. modal have to You have to send the parcel today.
11. modal should You should sweep the floor everyday.
12. modal must You must wear your seatbelt at all times.
13. modal might They might complete the new bridge by next year.
14. modal may They may contact you this week.

Copyright 2011, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of in accordance with membership terms.

Grammar Practice Worksheets

Passive Voice

B. Using the passive voice, complete the following sentences with the correct tense of the verb provided
or a suitable modal verb.

1. My car is at the service station. It __________________________ (repair) right now.

2. Dinner __________________________ (serve) at 7:00 last night.
3. Your check _______________________ already ___________________________ (deposit) in the bank.
4. The newspaper ________________________________ (deliver) before 6:00 A.M. everyday.
5. The book ____________________________________ (publish) in 1950.
6. The patient ______________________________________ (examine) by a surgeon tomorrow.
7. The question _____________________________________ (discuss) at our next meeting.
8. Twenty new workers _____________________________________ (hire) last month.
9. There are not enough hospitals in our area. A new hospital _______________________________ (build)
soon. (use a modal)
10. When you go through customs at the airport, your bags _______________________ (search). (use a modal)
11. Hundreds of people __________________________ (injure) in the train accident last week.
12. Your library books _____________________________ (return) in three weeks.

(use a modal)

Copyright 2011, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of in accordance with membership terms.

Grammar Practice Worksheets

Passive Voice

Passive with Present Tense and Present Progressive

Change the following sentences from active to passive.
Ex. People speak many different languages in Canada.
Many different languages are spoken in Canada.

Ex. She is serving dinner now.

Dinner is being served now.

1. Someone cleans the office everyday.

2. This restaurant bill includes service.
3. Mark drives his wife to work everyday.
4. We need honest politicians in our government.
5. Someone feeds the dog everyday.
6. We wash the floors often.
7. People grow oranges in California.
8. They are painting my house now.
9. Someone is using the telephone now.
10. I am sending the e-mail right now.

Copyright 2011, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of in accordance with membership terms.

Grammar Practice Worksheets

Passive Voice

Active Vs. Passive Past Tense

Form an active and passive sentence using the groups of words provided below.
Ex. Leonardo da Vinci / paint/ the Mona Lisa
Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.
The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.

1. Lee Harvey Oswald / kill/ President Kennedy/ 1963

2. Alexander Graham Bell/ invent/ the telephone.
3. John Lennon / write / the song Imagine
4. Tsunami/ kill/ many people/ in Indonesia.
5. Karl Marx/ write/ Das Kapital
6. The Allies /defeat Germany/ in 1945.

Copyright 2011, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of in accordance with membership terms.

Grammar Practice Worksheets

Passive Voice

Passive with Present Perfect Tense

Mr. Donald is at the service station picking up his car. The mechanic is giving him a report about all the
work that has been done on his car. Using the words provided, describe the work that has been
completed. (Use the passive voice in the present perfect tense.)
Ex. oil/change
The oil has been changed.
1. tire pressure/ check
2. tires / rotate
3. brake pads/ inspect
4. spark plugs/ clean
5. radiator fluid / change
6. windshield wiper fluid /add
7. broken headlight / replace
8. entire car /clean (inside and out)

Copyright 2011, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of in accordance with membership terms.

Grammar Practice Worksheets

Passive Voice

Passive with Future Tense and Present Perfect Tense

Fill in the blanks with the correct tense of the passive voice using the verbs provided.
1. You have to bring your own food to the school picnic next weekend. Only drinks _____________________
2. The report __________________________ (finish) by the end of the week.
3. I was planning to clean the office today but I see that it ___________________ already _________________
(do). Did you clean it?
4. You dont have to pack any towels for your trip. The towels ______________________ (supply) by the hotel.
5. John applied for a new job yesterday, but he doesnt know if he will get it. He _________________________
(notify) next week.
6. There was a bad car accident a few minutes ago, but I think an ambulance __________________________
already_____________________________ (call).
7. The meeting _________________________________ (cancel) three times already this week.
8. The garbage _____________________________ (not/collect) tomorrow because its a holiday.
9. Poor Johnny! He _______________ never____________________ (tell) the truth about his feelings.
10. Dont sit on that bench! It ____________________ just_________________________ (paint).
11. I bought a new sofa yesterday, but it ______________________________( not/deliver) until next week.
12. He is a very popular politician. Im sure he ______________________________ (re-elect) next year.
13. This is not a very safe area. Ten houses ________________________________ (rob) in the past month.
14. He is a very dangerous criminal, but fortunately, he ____________________ finally __________________
15. Mrs. Lyle is still in the hospital, but I think she _____________________________ (release) next week.

Copyright 2011, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of in accordance with membership terms.

Grammar Practice Worksheets

Passive Voice

Passive Voice Negative

Using the words provided, write sentences in the negative form of the passive.
ex. They are going to send the package by regular mail. (not/express)
It wont be sent express mail._or It isnt going to be sent express mail.
1. The police are going to release the boy.

(not/ put/ in jail)

2. I cooked the chicken in the oven.

(not/ barbecue)

3. The company president delivered the news in person. (not/ send by e-mail)
4. She makes the cake with oil.

(not/ make/ with butter)

5. The police gave him a warning.

(not/ give/ speeding ticket)

6. You should wash the sweater in cold water.

(not/ put in dryer)

7. He started the fire by accident.

(not/ start/ on purpose)

8. They will sign the contract next month.

(not/ sign/ tomorrow)

9. I should take these pills with a meal.

(not/ take/ on an empty stomach)


Copyright 2011, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of in accordance with membership terms.

Grammar Practice Worksheets

Passive Voice

Passive Voice Questions

Ask questions using the information provided and the passive voice.

Ex. There was a bad car accident yesterday. (how many/ people/ injure)
How many people were injured?
1. Many new employees are starting work tomorrow. (how many/ new people/ hire)
2. Mr. Brooks is going to fire his secretary. (why/ she/ fire)
3. You shouldnt wash that jacket. (how/ it/ clean)
4. My favorite TV program was cancelled last night. (what/ program/ show / instead)
5. The police found the stolen car. (where/ it/ find)
6. They will deliver the package tomorrow. (what time/ it/ deliver)
7. They are going to hold this meeting in Room 21. (where/ next meeting/ hold)
8. The company has sold 100 cars this month. (how many/ cars/ sell/ last month)
9. The war lasted five years. (how many people/ kill)
10. Someone took my wallet. (how much money/ take)

Copyright 2011, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of in accordance with membership terms.

Grammar Practice Worksheets

Passive Voice

Active Vs. Passive

Complete the sentences with the words provided. Some sentences are active and some are passive. Use the
correct tense.
1. I _______________________________(send) a birthday card to my girlfriend last week.
2. Three people _______________________________ (injure) in the accident yesterday.
3. He __________________________________ (contact) by the company next week.
4. The dentist said, That tooth ______________________________ (must/pull) right away.
5. My house______________________ (rob) last week, but fortunately the police _______________________
(catch) the thief yesterday and most of my stolen things ________________________ (find).
6. There was a bad fire yesterday. Three houses ________________________ (destroy), but fortunately,
everyone ________________________(have) house insurance.
7. The book _________________________ already ____________________ (complete) before the author died.
8. Your plants __________________________________ (should/water) twice a week.
9. English _______________________________ (speak) all over the world nowadays.
10. A strange man __________________________ (seen) in the neighborhood before the robbery took place.
11. This sweater __________________________________ (should/wash) by hand.
12. He didnt go to the party because he __________________________________ (not/invite).
13. The picnic ____________________________________ (cancel) yesterday because of the rain.
14. We _____________________________ (take) a bus to the game yesterday because our car
___________________________ (fix).
15. She ___________________________ (apply) to the best university in the country last month. Yesterday she
heard that her application _______________________________ (accept).
16. This jar of jam _______________________________ (can/keep) at room temperature if it is not opened.
Once you open it, it ________________________________(must/refrigerate).

Copyright 2011, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of in accordance with membership terms.


Grammar Practice Worksheets

Passive Voice

Review of Passive Voice Find Someone Who

A. Walk around the classroom and interview your classmates. Find someone..
1. who has been injured in a car accident.


2. who has been bitten by a dog.


3. who was born in April.


4. who knows what language is spoken in Brazil.


5. who was given a gift last month.


6. whose wallet has been stolen.


7. whose mail is delivered in the morning.


8. who has been taken to a hospital in an ambulance.


9. who was invited to a party last week.


10. who can name three famous world leaders who

were assassinated in the past 100 years.


11. who knows where the next winter Olympics will be held. _______________________________
12. who has been given a parking ticket or a speeding
ticket in the past year.


13. who has never been stung by a bee.


14. who knows when the electric light bulb was first used.


15. who was driven to school today.


B. More Conversation
Follow up each of your questions from the previous exercise with another question of your own using
either the active or the passive voice.
Ex. 1. Have you ever been injured in a car accident? Were you seriously injured?
2. Have you ever been bitten by a dog. What kind of dog bit you?
3. Were you born in April? When is your birthday? or What day were you born on?

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Grammar Practice Worksheets

Passive Voice

Page 1.
A. 1. passive - past tense 2. active - past tense 3. passive - present tense 4. active - present tense 5. passive - future tense
7, passive - present progressive 8. active - past tense 9. active - future tense 10. active - past tense
B. Example: Spanish is spoken in Mexico.
2. The cat was fed last night.
3. The mail is delivered in the morning.
to the party. 9. A decision will be made at the meeting. 10. The trees were blown down by the wind.

6. passive - past tense

8. Twenty people have been invited

Page 2.
1. English is spoken in Australia. 2. The report is being written now.
3. The mailman was bitten by the dog.
4. The car was still being fixed when I
arrived at the garage. 5. We will be given a tour of the new museum.
6. The old building is going to be torn down.
7. He has already been given the
bad news. 8. The houses had been built before the war started.
9. The project can be finished on time.
10. The parcel has to be sent today.
The floor should be swept every day. 12. A seatbelt must be worn at all times.
13. The bridge might be completed by next year.
14. You may be
contacted this week.
Page 3.
1. is being repaired. 2. was served. 3. has / been deposited
4. is delivered
5. was published
6. will be examined (or) is going to be examined.
7. will be discussed (or) is going to be discussed. 8. were hired
9. needs to be built 10. need to be searched
11. were injured
12. need to be
Page 4.
1. The office is cleaned everyday. 2. Service is included with this bill.
3. Marks wife is driven to work everyday.
4. Honest politicians are needed in
government. 5. The dog is fed everyday. 6. The floors are washed often.
7. Oranges are grown in california.
8. My house is being painted now.
My telephone is being used now. 10. The email is being sent right now.
Page 5.
1. Lee Harvey Oswald killed president Kennedy in 1963. / President Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963.
2. Alexander Graham Bell invented
the telephone. / The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
3. John Lennon wrote the song Imagine. / The song Imagine was written by John
Lennon. 4. The tsunami killed many people in Indonesia. / Many people were killed by the tsunami in Indonesia.
5. Karl Marx wrote Das Kapital. / Das
Kapital was written by Carl Marx. 6. The Allies defeated Germany in 1945. / Germany was defeated by the Allies in 1945.
Page 6.
1. The tires have been checked. (or, The tire pressure has been checked.) 2. The tires have been rotated.
3. The brake pads have been inspected.
4. The
spark plugs have been cleaned. 5. The radiator fluid has been changed.
6. The windshield wiper fluid has been added. 7. The broken headlight has been
replaced. 8. The entire care has been cleaned inside and out.
Page 7.
1. are provided 2. will be finished 3. has / been done 4. are supplied
5. will be notified
be collected 9. has / told 10. was / painted 11. wont be delivered
12. will be reelected
will be released

6. has / been called

7. has been canceled
8. will not
13. have been robbed
14. has / been arrested

Page 8.
1. The boy will not be put in jail. 2. The chicken wasnt barbecued.
3. The news was not sent by email.
4. The cake is not made with butter.
5. He
was not given a speeding ticket. 6. The sweater should not be put in the dryer.
7. The fire wasnt started on purpose.
8. The contract wont be signed
tomorrow. 9. The pills should not be taken on an empty stomach.
Page 9.
1. How many new employees will be hired? 2. Why is she going to be fired?
3. How should it be cleaned.
4. What program will be shown instead?
5. Where was it found? 6. What time will it be delivered? 7. Where will the next meeting be held? 8. How many cars were sold last month? 9. How
many people were killed? 10. How much money was taken?
Page 10.
1. sent 2. were injured 3. will be contacted 4. must be pulled
5. was robbed / caught / were found
6. were destroyed / has
completed 8. should be watered 9. is spoken 10. was seen
11. should be washed
12. was not invited
13. was canceled
15. applied / was accepted 16. can be kept / must be refrigerated.

Copyright 2011, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of in accordance with membership terms.


7. had / been
14. took / was being

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