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‫بسم ال الرحمن الرحيم‬

First of all regarding the slides we can not take them from the-
doctor so I get some pictures from the internet that are related to
. the subject
second the doctor started the lecture asking us if we have any-
questions regarding the previous lectures bcoz they were so
. crowded and she advice us to start studying from now
there is handout from DR about (15) pages related to resorption-
of teeth that is useful to study but it does not included in the
. exam

resorption of teeth
**: the definition of resorption of teeth

it is the removal of tooth structure by osteoclasts, referred to as

odontoclasts when they are resorbing tooth structure .so the
difference between it and the caries is that caries means the
removal of tooth structure by cariogenic bacteria so it is not
. resorption

**: types of resorption




it is the resorption that occur from the outer surface of the

tooth ,it may be from the root surface or the crown surface but
. the main idea is that it begin from the outer surface

: now the external resorption could be

physiological -1
pathological 2 -

physiological resorption which is a normal process

especially for deciduous teeth that are programmed to undergo
resorption so that they exfoliate , whether they have successors
. or not

this is an example of physiological resorption where the 5 &4

. teeth are resorping the root of the D&E

: pathological resorption has many causes

A- unerupted teeth
B- chronic inflammation
C- idiopathic
D-orthodontic movement
E- space occupying lesion
F- endocrine

A-unerupted teeth****
impacted third molar may have external resorption bcoz of long
period of impaction , on radiographs resorption appear as loss of
tooth structure and shall never be confused with caries since the
tooth is impacted . the follicle
that normally surround the unerupted tooth is lost so that the
. osteoclasts can reach the tooth surface and start working
:the DR put aslide for
an impacted canine that has resorption of crown bcoz of (1 )
apic for an impacted supernumerary tooth that has an root (2)
. resorption which is the most famous type of external resorption

B- chronic inflammation
As you remember that we talked if the chronic inflammation
stand for a long period of time it will result in the resorption of
.the involved tooth

The involved tooth is usually

. nonvital -1
. has big carious cavity -2
. widening of PDL space -3
. loss of lamina dura & root resorption -4
there is something called premature closure of the root apex
during tooth development and the root becomes shorter and
narrower than normal with closed apex , the root canal cannot be
seen all the way to the end of the root unlike resorption where
. the canal is seen opened from the tip of the root with a clear cut


Of unknown cause and no way to stop it . it is a very bad

condition especially if it is not localized , commonly occurs at
the cervical area just below the DEJ . so if there is no
inflammation or impaction or orthodontic movement so we call
. it idiopathic
When idiopathic resorption occurs at the cervical margin it is
usually extensive , it may occur at the root end but mostly it is
not extensive and the lamina dura reforms itself in majority of
non –inflammatory cases . so in the idiopathic resorption the
: tooth is
vital -1
pt is a symptomatic -2
and has no orthodontic treatment -3
we cannot stop this process of resorption and we just follow up
. the pt

D- orthodontic resorption
The forces that are applied to teeth during orthodontic
movement may cause their resorption

E-space occupying lesions

Cysts & BENIGN tumors and any lesions that occupy a space
that was occupied by something else like bone marrow spaces or
teeth . they may fully occupy the space or displace these
structures and cause directional resorption . malignant tumors
maybe considered as space occupying lesions but the difference
is that they cause non _ directional resorption and they are not
. confined to one area


It is internal but it chews out the internal part of the tooth , we
can radiographically differentiate it from internal resorption by
the fact that external resorption has an intact root canal with
irregular resorped borders , while they are regular defined
. borders in internal resorption

it start from the pulpal surface and is usually associated with

large carious ledions or restoration . it may occur after
pulptpmy or pulpctomy or after severe trauma , in all of these
cases the pulp is vital and inflamed . completely necrotic pulp
cannot have internal resorption since it has no cellular activity .
. treatment of internal resorption is RCT
clinically the pt is not complaint , unless resorption happens in
the pulp chamber coronal and resorps dentine reaching the
. transparent enamel which appears a little bit pink
Sometimes internal resorption progress and perforates the root
surface reaching to the outsides and causes a cavity around the
root , osteoblasts reach this cavity and start laying down bone ,
this process is known as inostosis , which is bone formation
inside tooth structures and it may happen even though the
. resorption is still inside the tooth

At last I want to send tahyate to my best friends hebbbooo ,

. sahar , duaa , aysarr and to my class
: Done by your friend

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