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1.The Simple Present Tense ( Th hin t!i "#n$
(V): I/ We/ You/ They + V (bare infnitive)
He/ She/ It/ Mary + Vs/ es
(not, V): I/ We/ You/ They + dont +V
He/ She/ It/ Mary + doesnt +V
(V) !o + I/ We/ You/ They + V""
!oes + he/ she/ it/ Mary +V""
# Th$ hi%n t&i '(n ')*+ di,n t- ./t +h0n 12, ./t s3 th4t hi5n nhi6n
78: The sun rises in the 7ast9
They 1ive in 7n:1and9
I a. a student9
# Th$ hi%n t&i '(n di,n t- ./t th;i <uen, ./t h=nh '/n: 8-y ra th)>n: 8uy6n ?
hi%n t&i9
78: Mary o@ten :oes to s+hoo1 by bi+y+1e9
I :et uA ear1y in the .ornin:9
# Th$ hi%n t&i '(n +Bn ')*+ dCn: '5 di,n t- ./t h=nh '/n:, s3 vi%+ t)(n: 1ai sD
8-y ra theo th>i :ian bi5u hoE+ +h)(n: tr$nh, FG hHa+h 'I 'Jnh theo th>i :ian
78: The train 1eaves at seven tKenty#three to.orroK .ornin:9
Ive :ot the tour detai1s here9 We sAend three days in Lo.e9
Cc trng t thng c dng chung vi th hin ti n!
+ o@ten, usua11y, @re<uent1y: th)>n:
+ a1Kays, +onstant1y : 1uMn 1uMn
+, o++asiona11y : thNnh thOan:
+ se1do., rare1y : Pt Fhi, hiG. Fhi
+ every day/ KeeF/ .onth : .Qi n:=y/ tuRn/ thSn:
"# tr$ c%a cc trng t ch& t'n su(t:
# TuMn 'Un: tr)V+ '/n: tW th)>n:
78: My .other o@ten goes shooAin:9
# Th)>n: 'Xn: sau '/n: tW )e v= +S+ tr *ng t9
78: I am a1Kays at ho.e on Sunday9
2. The Present %&ntin'&'s Tense (Th hin t!i ti(p )i*n$
I +a.
He/ She/ It/ +is +V#in:
We/ You/ They +are
Th$ hi%n t&i tiGA di,n di,n tI ./t h=nh '/n: hay ./t s3 vi%+ 'an: di,n ra n:ay 1U+
n;i9 YS+h dCn: n=y th)>n: 'i FZ. vVi +S+ tr&n: tW hoE+ tr&n: n:[ +hN th>i :ian
no+, right no+, at the moment, at -resent.
78: The +hi1dren are A1ayin: @ootba11 noK9
What are you doin: at the .o.ent
\e <uiet] The baby is s1eeAin: in the ne8t roo.9
# Th$ hi%n t&i tiGA di,n di,n t- ./t h=nh '/n: hoE+ s3 vi%+ n;i +hun: 'an: di,n ra
nh)n: FhMn: nh^t thiGt Ah-i th3+ s3 di,n ra n:ay 1U+ n;i9 YS+h dCn: n=y th)>n:
'i FZ. vVi no+, at the moment, toda/, this +ee0, this term, this /ear.
78: I. <uite busy these days9 I. doin: a +ourse at +o11e:e9
The +o.Aany I KorF @or isnt doin: so Ke11 this year9
# Th$ hi%n t&i tiGA di,n di,n t- ./t h=nh '/n: s_A 8-y ra (? t)(n: 1ai :Rn)9 YS+h
dCn: n=y th)>n: di,n t- ./t s3 s_A 8GA hoE+ ./t FG hHa+h 'I 'Jnh9
78: He is ne8t KeeF9
My Aarents are A1antin: trees to.orroK9
1ote: khng dng th hin ti tip din vi cc ng t ch nhn thc t!i gic
nh"# )e, see, hear, understand, 0no+, 2i0e, +ant, g2ance, 3ee2, thin0,
sme22, 2ove, hate, rea2i4e, seem, remem)er, 3orget. $ %i cc ng t n&'
th dng th hin ti (n tha' th$
78: I a. tired noK9
She Kants to :o @or a Ka1F at the .o.ent9
!o you understand the 1esson# Yes, I understand it noK9
+. The Present Per,e-t tense( Th hin t!i h./n th0nh$
I/ We/ You/ They + have
+ `9` (Va)
He/ She/ It/ Mary +has
# Th$ hi%n t&i hBan th=nh di,n t- ./t h=nh '/n: hoE+ s3 vi%+ vWa .Vi 8-y ra9
78: I have bust seen .y sister in the AarF9
She has fnished her ho.eKorF re+ent1y9
# Th$ hi%n t&i hBan th=nh di,n t- ./t h=nh '/n: ')*+ 1EA 'i 1EA 1&i nhicu 1Rn ? <uS
FhX v= +Bn +; th5 ')*+ 1EA 1&i ? hi%n t&i hoE+ t)(n: 1ai9
78: !aisy has read that nove1 severa1 ti.es9
I have seen dTitani+e three ti.es9
# Th$ hi%n t&i hBan th=nh di,n t- h=nh '/n: hoE+ s3 vi%+ 8-y ra tron: <uS FhX Fhi
n:)>i n;i FhMn: biGt rf hoE+ FhMn: .ugn 'c +4A 'Gn th>i :ian +hPnh 8S+9
78: I have :one to Hanoi9
He has done his houseKorF9
# Th$ hi%n t&i hBan th=nh di,n t- ./t h=nh '/n: hoE+ s3 vi%+ 'I 8-y ra tron: <uS
FhX nh)n: FGt <u- vhn +Bn tron: hi%n t&i9
78: He has broFen his 1e:, so he +ant A1ay tennis9
Youve broFen this Kat+h9 (It isnt KorFin: noK)
Cc trng t thng i 05m vi th hin ti h6an th7nh!
+ bust, re+ent1y, 1ate1y: :Rn '0y, vWa .Vi
+ never : +h)a bao :i>
+ yet : +h)a
+ @or : tron: (FhOan: th>i :ian)
+ sin+e : tW Fhi (.g+ th>i :ian)
+ a1ready : rii
+ so @ar j unti1 noK j uA to noK j uA to the Aresent: +ho 'Gn b0y :i>
1ote: YS+ tr&n: tW n=y +hN ')*+ dCn: FZ. vVi th$ hi%n t&i hBan th=nh tron: +S+
+0u '(n9 kgi vVi +0u +; tW hai .%nh 'c tr? 16n hoE+ tron: ./t 'Han vln th$ '/n:
tW Ah-i ')*+ +hia theo n:[ +-nh +hX FhMn: Ahm thu/+ v=o +S+ tr&n: tW9
78: He has bust seen her9 )*t: He said that he had bust seen her9
I have a1ready done .y ho.eKorF9 )*t: When I +a.e, they had a1ready shoKn
the f1.9
n9 The Aresent `er@e+t Yontinuous tense9(Th$ hi%n t&i hBan th=nh tiGA di,n)
I/ We/ You/ They +have
+ been + V#in:
He/ She/ It/ Mary +has
#Th$ hi%n t&i hBan th=nh tiGA di,n di,n t- h=nh '/n: hoE+ s3 vi%+ b_+ 'Ru tron:
<uS FhX v= Foo d=i 1i6n tm+ 'Gn hi%n t&i9 YS+h dCn: n=y th)>n: 'i FZ. vVi
since+m,c th-i gian .o!+kh/ang th-i gian
78: I have been studyin: pren+h @or fve years9
They have been 1ivin: in this +ity sin+e qrrs9
HoK 1on: have you been Kaitin: @or her
#Th$ hi%n t&i hBan th=nh tiGA di,n di,n t- ./t h=nh '/n: vWa .Vi FGt thU+ v= +;
FGt <u- ? hi%n t&i9
78: Youve out o@ breath9 Have you been runnin:
1. The Simple P/st Tense (Th 2'3 4h5 "#n$
S + V#ed/t
#Th$ <uS FhX '(n di,n t- h=nh 'I 8-y ra tron: <uS FhX, +h^. dXt rii v= biGt rf
th>i :ian9
78: To. Kent to `aris 1ast su..er9
My .other 1e@t this +ity tKo years a:o9
He died in qruv9
#Th$ <uS FhX '(n di,n t- h=nh 'I 8-y ra sugt ./t FhOan: th>i :ian tron: <uS FhX,
nh)n: nay 'I hBan tBan +h^. dXt9
78: Mowart Krote .ore than xvvAie+es o@ .usi+9
She KorFed as a se+retary @or fve years be@ore her .arria:e9
#Th$ <uS FhX '(n di,n t- ./t th;i <uen tron: <uS FhX9
78: My @a.i1y a1Kays +a.e here @or our ho1iday Khen I sti11 a student9
#Th$ <Ua FhX '(n di,n t- ./t +huQi h=nh '/n: 8-y ra tron: <uS FhX9
78: The .an :ot uA, Aut on his +oat, and 1e@t9
#YS+ tr&n: tW 'i FZ.: 1ast KeeF/.onth/year", a:o, yesterday, in qruv9
1ote:yhi 'zi san: Ah{ 'Jnh v= n:hi v^n, nhV ')a '/n: tW vc n:uy6n .hu9
6.The P/st %&ntin'&'s Tense.(Th 2'3 4h5 ti(p )i*n$
I/ We/ You/ They + Kere
+ V#in:
He/ She/ It/ Mary + Kas
Usage: Th$ <uS FhX tiGA di,n di,n t-:
#H=nh '/n: 'I 8-y ra v= Foo d=i ./t th>i :ian ? <uS FhX9
78: Yesterday, Mr Moore Kas KorFin: in the 1aboratory a11 the a@ternoon9
What Kere you doin: @ro. aA9. to xA9. yesterday
#H=nh '/n: 'an: 8-y ra v=o ./t th>i 'i5. ? <uS FhX9
78: I Kas doin: .y ho.eKorF at xA9. 1ast Sunday9
They Kere Ara+tisin: 7n:1ish at that ti.e9
#H=nh '/n: 'an: 8-y ra (? <uS FhX) th$ +; ./t h=nh '/n: FhS+ 8en v=o (h=nh
'/n: Foo d=i h(n dCn: `ast Yontinuous, h=nh '/n: n:_n h(n dCn: Si.A1e `ast)9
78: When I +a.e, he Kas s1eeAin:9
What Kas she doin: Khen you saK her
#Hai h=nh '/n: 8-y ra son: son: +Cn: ./t 1U+ tron: <uS FhX9
78: Yesterday, I Kas +ooFin: Khi1e .y sister Kas Kashin: the dishes9
1ote: yHMn: dCn: th$ <uS FhX tiGA di,n vVi +S+ '/n: tW +hN nh4n thX+, tri :iS+9
Thay v=o '; ta dCn: th$ <uS FhX '(n9
78: When the students heard the be11, they 1e@t9
He @e1t tired at that ti.e9
7. The P/st Per,e-t Tense.(Th 2'3 4h5 h./n th0nh$
S + had + `9` (Va)
Th$ <uS FhX hBan th=nh di,n t- ./t h=nh '/n: <uS FhX 8-y ra tr)V+ ./t th>i :ian
<uS FhX hoE+ tr)V+ ./t h=nh '/n: <uS FhX FhS+9 ( |Gu tron: +0u +; hai h=nh
'/n: <uS FhX, h=nh '/n: n=o 8-y ra trX(+ ta dCn: `ast `er@e+t, h=nh '/n: n=o
8-y ra sau ta dCn: Si.A1e `ast9
78: We had 1ived in Hue be@ore qr}s9
When I :ot uA this .ornin:, .y @ather had a1ready 1e@t9
~@ter the +hidren had fnished their ho.eKorF, they Kent to bed9
8. The P/st Per,e-t %&ntin'&'s Tense.(Th 2'3 4h5 h./n th0nh ti(p )i*n$
S + had + been + V#in:
Th$ <uS FhX hBan th=nh tiGA di,n di,n t- ./t h=nh '/n: <uS FhX 'I 8-y ra v= Foo
d=i 1i6n tm+ +ho 'Gn Fhi h=nh '/n: <uS FhX thX hai 8-y ra (h=nh '/n: thX hai
dCn: Si.A1e `ast)9 Th)>n: th)>n: FhOan: th>i :ian Foo d=i ')*+ n6u rf tron:
78: The .en had been A1ayin: +ards @or a hours be@ore I +a.e9
They had been 1ivin: in Tondon @or qv years Khen I .et the.9
9. The simple :'t're Tense.(Th t;#n< l/i "#n$
You/ He/ She/ I/ They + Ki11
+ Vo
I/ We + Ki11/ sha11
#Vo: k/n: tW n:uy6n .hu FhMn: to
#Ki11 not j Kont sha11 not j shant
#Th$ t)(n: 1ai '(n th)>n: di,n t- ./t h=nh '/n: sD 8-y ra ? t)(n: 1ai9
78: He Ki11 +o.e ba+F ne8t KeeF9
We Ki11/sha11 need the .oney on the qs
#th$ t)(n: 1ai '(n ')*+ dCn: di,n '&t 2 FiGn, ')a ra ./t 1>i hXa hoE+ ./t <uyGt
'Jnh tX+ th$9
78: I thinF TiverAoo1 Ki11 Kin9
I11 Ahone you toni:ht9
Cc trng t i 05m: so.eday, ne8t KeeF/ .onth" , to.orroK, soon9
1=.Ne/r :'t're (Th t;#n< l/i <>n$.
I + a.
He/ She/It +is + :oin: to + Vo
We/You/They +are
I + a.
He/ She/It +is + V#in:
We/You/They +are
\e :oin: to v= th$ hi%n t&i tiGA di,n ')*+ dCn: '5 di,n t- ./t h=nh '/n: s_A sa
8-y ra hoE+ ./t d3 'Jnh s_A tVi(th)>n: th)>n: tron: +0u FhMn: +; +m. tW +hN th>i
78: My @ather is retirin:9
Where are you :oin: to sAend your ho1idays
11. The :'t're %&ntin'&'s tense.( Th t;#n< l/i ti(p )i*n$
S + Ki11/ sha11 + be + V#in:
#Th$ t)(n: 1ai tiGA di,n di,n t- ./t h=nh '/n: sD di,n ra v= Foo d=i sugt ./t
FhOan: th>i :ian ? t)(n: 1ai9
78: ~ndreK +ant :o to the Aarty9 He 11 be KorFin: a11 day to.orroK9
#Th$ t)(n: 1ai tiGA di,n di,n t- ./t h=nh '/n: sD 'an: 8-y ra v=o ./t th>i 'i5. ?
t)(n: 1ai
78: He Ki11 be doin: resear+h at this ti.e to.orroK9
When you +o.e today, I 11 be KorFin: at .y desF9
12. the :'t're Per,e-t Tense.(Th t;#n< l/i h./n th0nh$
S + Ki11/sha11 +have +Va
#Th$ t)(n: 1ai hBan th=nh di,n t- ./t h=nh '/n: sD hBan t^t tr)V+ ./t th>i 'i5. ?
t)(n: 1ai9 YS+h dCn: n=y th)>n: ')*+ dCn: vVi +S+ +m. tW +hN th>i :ian b_t 'Ru
bn: ?@: 0'+m,c th-i gian 0' the time 0' then 0' that time1
78: I11 have fnished .y KorF by noon9
They 11 have bui1t that house by u1y ne8t year9
#Th$ t)(n: 1ai hBan th=nh di,n t- ./t h=nh '/n: sD hBan t^t tr)V+ ./t h=nh '/n:
FhS+ tron: t)(n: 1ai9
78: When you +o.e ba+F, I11 have Kritten this 1etter9
1+. The :'t're Per,e-t %&ntin'&'s Tense.(Th t;#n< l/i h./n th0nh ti(p
S + Ki11/ sha11 + have been + V#in:
Th$ t)(n: 1ai hBan th=nh tiGA di,n di,n t- ./t h=nh '/n: b_t 'Ru tW <uS FhX v=
Foo d=i 1i6n tm+ 'Gn ./t th>i 'i5. n=o '; tron: t)(n: 1ai9
78: \y |ove.ber, Ke11 have been 1ivin: in this house @or qv years9
1ote: q9yhMn: dCn: +S+ th$ tiGA di,n (Yontinuous Tense) vVi +S+ '/n: tW +hN
nh4n thX+, tri :iS+ (see, hear, sound, taste, @ee1")
t9yhMn: dCn: +S+ th$ t)(n: 1ai (putute Tense) tron: +S+ .%nh 'c tr&n: n:[
+hN th>i :ian th$ t)(n: 1ai ')*+ thay bn: th$ hi%n t&i, th$ t)(n: 1ai hBan th=nh
')*+ thay bn: th$ hi%n t&i hBan th=nh hoE+ hi%n t&i hBan th=nh tiGA di,n9
%3-h ph3t Am Bs
q9 s ')*+ 'H+ 1= /s/ sau +S+ tW t4n +Cn: +S+ 0. nh): /t/, /A/, /F/, /@/
78: KorF K:FKorFs K:Fs
t9 s ')*+ 'H+ 1= /w/ sau +S+ tW t4n +Cn: bn: +S+ 0. nh): /b/, //, /:/, /1/, /d/,n/,/./,
/v/, /'/ v= sau +S+ n:uy6n 0.
78: +ity sity +ities sitiw, rin: ri rin:s riw
a9 es ')*+ 'H+ 1= /iw/ sau +S+ tW t4n +Cn: bn: +S+ 0. nh): /s/,/w/, /d/, //,
/Fs/,//, /t/
78: .at+h
%3-h ph3t Am Be)
q9/id/ Fhi nh[n: '/n: tW t4n +Cn: bn: +S+ 0. nh):/t/, hoE+ /d/
78: Aaint Aeint Aainted Aeintid
t9/t/ Fhi nh[n: '/n: tW t4n +Cn: bn: +S+ 0. /t/, /A/, /@/, /F/, /s/, //,//
78: stoA stA stoAAedstAt
a9/d/ Fhi nh[n: '/n: tW t4n +Cn: bn: +S+ 0. /b/, //, /:/, /'/, /n/, /1/,
/d/, //,/d/, /v/, /./ v= +S+ n:uy6n 0.9
78: hurry hri hurriedhrid

IF N<'@Gn tH- -h'n<I
2$ TEA 1&i d/n: tW t)>n: thu4t S~I! hoE+ 'zi S~I! T th=nh TT!9
7:: Mary said to .e: d I saK the. at the s+hoo1 :ate9e
Mary to1d .e that she had seen the. at the s+hoo1 :ate9
3$ kzi d^u Ahy hoE+ d^u hai +h^. th=nh TH~T, v= bO d^u trP+h dhn9
4$ kzi '&i tW nh0n 8)n: v= s? h[u nGu +Rn thiGt, tCy theo n:ha +{a +0u9
5$ kzi '/n: tW tron: 1>i tr3+ tiGA 1Ci vc ./t th$ nGu nh) '/n: tW ? 1>i :iSn tiGA
6& th 7* kh (n
Si.A1e Aresent Si.A1e Aast
`resent +ontinuous `ast +ontinuous
`resent Aer@e+t `ast Aer@e+t
Si.A1e `ast `ast Aer@e+t
`ast +ontinuous `ast Aer@e+t +ontinuous
Si.A1e @uture puture in the Aast
Yonditiona1 senten+e tyAe q Yonditiona1 senten+e tyAe t
Yonditiona1 senten+e tyAe t n+han:ed
Yonditiona1 senten+e tyAe a
8$ kzi +S+ tW +hN vc th>i :ian v= n(i +hgn sao +ho n:ha tron: +0u :iSn tiGA
h*A 12, rf r=n:9
This That
These Those
Here There
|oK Then
Today That day
~:o \e@ore
To.orroK The ne8t day/the @o11oKin: day
Yesterday The day be@ore/ the Arevious day
|e8t KeeF The @o11oKin: KeeF
Tast KeeF The Arevious KeeF
IIF Cep&rte) Spee-h Jith inKnitiLeI
#yhi 1>i n;i tr3+ tiGA 1= 1>i 'c n:hJ, 2 'Jnh, 1>i hXa, 1>i y6u +Ru" '/n: tW t)>n:
thu4t +Cn: vVi '/n: tW n:huy6n .hu theo sau n; th)>n: ')*+ dCn: '5 +huy5n t-i
n/i dun: 1>i n;i tr6n9
#TCy theo nh;. '/n: tW t)>n: thu4t, ta +; vJ trP +{a '/n: tW n:uy6n .hu (to#V)
nh) sau
~sF('c n:hJ)
\e:(+Ru 8in)
Yo..and( ra 1%nh)
7n+oura:e (+z v)
78Ae+t (.on: '*i)
Instru+t (h)Vn: dhn)
Invite (.>i)
rder (ra 1%nh)
`ersuade (thuyGt Ahm+)
Le+o..end (Fhuy6n)
Te11 (b-o)
r:e (thU+ :im+)
Warn (+-nh bSo)
Want (.ugn)
+to V
+not to V
78: He ordered: d !o it]e
He ordered .e to do it9
d!ont @or:et to 1o+Fed the door,e .y .other said to .e9
My .other re.inded .e not to @or:et to 1o+F the door9
to 1o+F the door9
~9 T>i 'c n:hJ
Wou1d you/You1d you/Wi11 you/Yan youasFed+sb+to V
Wou1d you .ind/do you .ind asFed+sb+to V

78: dWi11 you 1end .e your di+tionarye Mai to1d .e9
Mai asFed .e to 1end her .y di+tionary9
\9 T>i .>i:
Wou1d you 1iFe/ Wi11 you invited + sb + to V

78: d Wi11 you have breaF@ast Kith .ee he said9
He invited .e to have 1un+h Kith hi.9
Y9 T>i Fhuy6n
Shou1d/ou:ht to/had better/Khy dont you/ I@ I Kere youadvised+sb + to
78: d Why dont you send her a bou<uet o@ oKere
He advised .e to send her a bou<uet o@ oKer9
IIIF Cep&rte) Jith Ger'n)
#yhi 1>i n;i tr3+ tiGA 1= 1>i 'c n:hJ, 1>i +hU+ .Wn:, 1>i +S. (n, 1>i 8in 1Qi"'/n:
tW t)>n: thu4t +Cn: vVi danh '/n: tW (V#in:)theo sau '; th)>n: ')*+ dCn: '5
+huy5n t-i n/i dun: 1>i n;i tr6n9
8! 9e-orting "er) : ;erund <"=ing>
78: They said: dTets not drinF a 1ot o@ Kine Khen Ke @ee1 tired9e
They su::ested not drinFin: a 1ot o@ Kine Khen they @ee1 tired9
re-ortiing "er) :<s)> :?re-osition :"=ing@ not "=ing
78: dI. haAAy to FnoK that you Aass the e8a.ination9Yon:ratu1ation9e
Mary +on:ratu1ated .e on Aassin: the e8a.ination9
thanF sb @or obbe+t to
a++use sb o@ insist on
+on:ratu1ate sb on +o.A1ain about
Karn sb a:ainst thinF o@
aAo1o:iwe sb @or Arevent sb @ro.
drea. o@ stoA sb @ro.
IF M'i tH-I
q9 S+ 'Jnh: S V
t9kzi theo +Mn: thX+:
~+tive: S V

`assive S(o) be+Ved/a""""" by (s)
a9 kzi '/n: tW san: bJ '/n::
A-tiLe P/ssiLe
Vq / Vs/es
a./ is/ are +V#in:
Kas/ Kere + V#in:
have/ has + Ved/a
had + Ved/a
Ki11/ sha11/ +an/ +ou1d
Wou1d/ shou1d/ .ay
Must/ .i:ht/ have to/ +Vo
Has to/ had to/ ou:ht to
\e :oin: to/ used to
a./ is/ are +Ved/a
Kas/ Kere +Ved/a
a./ is/ are +bein: + V#in:
Kas/ Kere + bein: +V#in:
have/ has +been +Ved/a
had +been + Ved/a
Ki11/ sha11/ +an/ +ou1d
Wou1d/ shou1d/ .ay
Must/ .i:ht/ have to/ be+Ved
Has to/ had to/ ou:ht to
\e :oin: to/ used to
a9yhi +h{ n:[ v= tU+ tW tron: +0u +h{ '/n: 1= '&i tW, ta Ah-i thay 'zi +ho AhC h*A9
78: The tea+her Aunished .e9
I Kas Aunished by the tea+her9
b9yhi +h{ n:[ tron: +0u +h{ '/n: 1=: AeoA1e, I, Ke, you, they, so.eone,
so.ebody, everyone, everybody, anybody"Fhi 'zi san: bJ '/n: th)>n: ')*+ bO
78: They bui1t this brid:e 1ast year9
This brid:e Kas bui1t 1ast year (by the.)
a9 yhi tron: +0u +h{ '/n: +; t tU+ tW th$ dCn: tX+ tW n=o 1=. +h{ n:[ +n: ')*+,
tuy nhi6n, tU+ tW +hN n:)>i ')*+ s dmn: nhicu h(n9
78: My .other bou:ht .e a neK shirt9
I Kas bou:ht a neK shirt by .y .other9
~ neK shirt Kas bou:ht to me by .y .other9
n9|Gu +h{ n:[ tron: +0u +h{ '/n: 1= |oone/ noboby Fhi 'zi san: bJ '/n: ta bO )/
noone@ no)od/ nh)n: *ng t -hAi Bi sang thC -h% #nh9
78: |o one be1ieves his story9
His story isnt be1ieved9
x9VJ trP +{a tr&n: tW9
Tr&n: tW +hN th5 +S+h ')*+ 'Et trX(+ `ast `arti+iA1e9
78: I do .y ho.eKorF +are@u11y9
My ho.eKorF is +are@u11y done9
Tr&n: tW +hN th>i :ian +; th5 'Et ? 'Ru +0u hoE+ sau )/ : D
78: I 1ent hi. .oney yesterday9
He Kas 1ent .oney yesterday9
Tr&n: tW +hN n(i +hgn ')*+ 'Et tr)V+ )/ : D
78: Mary bou:ht the :i@t @ro. that shoA9
the :i@t Kas bou:ht @ro. that shoA by Mary9
IIF MNt sO )!n< ?P "Nn< 4h3-I
E!"er)s o3 -erce-tion ('/n: tW +hN :iS+ <uan): see, hear, Kat+h, s.e11"
~+tive: S +see/ hear/ s.e11 + +Vo / V#in:
`assive: S + be + seen/ heard/ s.e1t + t& V&FVBin<.
78: |oone saK hi. Fi+F you9
He Kasnt seen to Fi+F you9
F! ma0e@ 2et :"o
78: Tea+her .aFe the students do a 1ot o@ ho.eKorF9
Students are .ade to do a 1ot o@ ho.eKorF9
G! +ant@ need : to : "
78: He needs you to be1ieve his abi1ity9
He needs to be be1ieved his abi1ity9
H! remem)er@ hate@ 0ee-.:someone :"=ing!
78: I re.e.ber .y .other taFin: .e to s+hoo1 on the frst day9
I re.e.ber bein: taFen to s+hoo1 on the frst day by .y .other9
I! "er)s o3 o-inion <*ng t ch& J 0iKn>: sa/, thin0, )e2ieve, 0no+, re-ort,
~+tive: Sq + say/ thinF/ be1ieve"+(that)+ St + Vt +t
`assive: It +be +said/ thou:h/ be1ieved"(that)+St +Vt +t
St + be said/ thou:h/ be1ieved + to V/ to have +Ved/a
dCn: to +V: Fhi s3 vi%+ +h)a hoE+ 'an: 8-y ra tron: Fhi n;i
dCn: to have + Ved/a Fhi s3 vi%+ 'I hBan t^t9
78q: Tea+her says that To. is the 1awiest student in +1ass9
It is said that To. is the 1awiest student in +1ass9
To. is said to be the 1awiest student in +1ass9
78t: `eoA1e said that Mr9 ohnson had 1e@t a11 his Kea1th @or +harity Khen he died9
It Kas said that Mr9 ohnson had 1e@t a11 his Kea1th @or +harity Khen he died9
Mr9ohn Kas said to have 1e@t a11 his Kea1th @or +harity Khen he died9
L!Causative 3orm <thC nh, )Ao>: have, get
~+tive: S + have + (Aerson) + Vo + (thin:)
`assive: S + have + (thin:) + Ved/a
78: I had the .e+hani+ reAair .y .oto+y+1e yesterday9
I had .y .oto+y+1e reAaired yesterday9
~+tive: S + :et + (Aerson) +to V + (thin:)

`assive: S + :et + (thin:) + Ved/a"
78: I :et her to +ut :rass in the :arden9
I :et :rass +ut in the darden9
M! Nm-erative 3orm <thC mnh 2nh>
78q: yeeA your hand +1ean
Tet your hand be FeAt +1ean9
78t: !ont ta1F the se+ret to her9
!ont 1et the se+ret be ta1Fed to her9
I9M%nh 'c 'icu Fi%n 1= .%nh 'c Ahm +hN 'icu Fi%n, ')*+ ngi vVi .%nh 'c +hPnh b?i
1i6n tW Ip n6n +Bn ')*+ :Hi 1= .%nh 'c i@ (i@#+1ause)9 Y0u +; .%nh 'c 'icu Fi%n
(Yonditiona1 senten+e)9
Y; a 1Hai +0u 'icu Fi%n ')*+ Ah0n theo b-n: +Mn: thX+ sau9
I. Ce/l in the present
&r ,'t're ( +; th4t ?
hi%n t&i hoE+ t)(n: 1ai)
sha11 + Vo
Si.A1e Aresent
(+hN ./t s3 th4t, ./t
<uy 1u4t hoE+ ./t th;i
Si.A1e `resent
IIF Snre/l in the
present (FhMn: +; th4t
? hi%n t&i)
shou1d + Vo
`ast Si.A1e
IIIF Snre/l in the p/st
(FhMn: +; th4t ? <uS
shou1d +have +Ved/a
`ast Aer@e+t
(had + Ved/a)
78: I@ I have ti.e, I11 he1A you9
I@ I heat i+e, it turns/Ki11 turn to Kater9
I@ I Kere you, I Kou1d +o.e there9
He Kou1d have Aassed his e8a. i@ he had studied hard9
M%nh 'c 'icu Fi%n +; th5 'Xn: tr)V+ hoE+ sau .%nh 'c +hPnh9
kgi vVi 'icu Fi%n 1Hai t a, ta +; th5 '-o n:[ bn: +S+h '-o n:[9
I, T S T JereUUUV m/in -l/'se Were T SUUUV m/in -l/'se
I, T S T h/) T Ve)F+UUV m/in -l/'se H/) T S T Ve)F+UV m/in -l/'se
t9Tron: .%nh 'c 'icu Fi%n, ta +; th5 thay 1i6n tW Ip bn: |T7SS (nGu" FhMn:,
trW Ahi)9 Snless t;#n< ";#n< LXi I,Un&t
Ip#YT~S7 |T7SS
Th5 Ah{ 'Jnh Fhn: 'Jnh (.%nh 'c +hPnh FhMn: thay 'zi)
Th5 Fhn: 'Jnh Fhn: 'Jnh ('zi '/n: tW tron: .%nh 'c +hPnh
san: th5 Ah{ 'Jnh)
78: I@ you dont study hard, you11 @ai1 in the e8a.9
n1ess you study hard, you11 @ai1 in the e8a.9
I@ she doesnt Kater these trees, they Ki11 die9
n1ess she Katers these trees, they Ki11 die9
a9 `rovide (that), n +ondition(that), ~s 1on: as (.i,n 1=, vVi 'icu Fi%n 1=),
SuAAose, SuAAosin: (:i- s nh)), In +ase (tron: tr)>n: h*A9 7ven i@ (n:ay +- Fhi,
dC +ho)" +; th5 dCn: thay +ho Ip tron: +0u 'icu Fi%n9
78: In +ase I @or:et, A1ease re.ind .e o@ .y Aro.ise9
M%nh 'c <uan h%(re1ative +1ause) +Bn :Hi 1= .%nh 'c tPnh n:[(adbe+tive +1ause) v$
n; 1= ./t .%nh 'c Ahm ')*+ dCn: '5 bz n:ha +ho danh tW 'Xn: tr)V+ n; (ticn
n:[)9 M%nh 'c <uan h% ')*+ ngi vVi .%nh 'c +hPnh b?i +S+ '&i tW <uan h%
(re1ative Aronoun) WH, WHM, WHIYH, TH~T hoE+ +S+ tr&n: tW <uan h% (re1ative
adverbs) WH7L7, WH7|, WHY9M%nh 'c <uan h% 'Xn: n:ay sau danh tW .= n; bz
N@ Cch dnh i t Ouan h v7 trng t Ouan h :
q9WHD: '&i tW <uan h% +hN n:)>i, 1=. +h{ n:[
78: The .an Kho is standin: over there is Mr9 `iFe9
t9WHDM: '&i tW <uan h% +hN n:)>i, 1=. t0n n:[9
78: The Kho. you saK yesterday is .y aunt9
Who. 1=. t0n n:[ +; th5 1)*t bO tron: .%nh 'c <uan h%9
78: The boy Ke are 1ooFin: @or is To.9
a9WHI%H: '&i tW <uan h% +hN v4t, 1=. +h{ n:[ hoE+ t0n n:[ +ho '/n: tW 'Xn: sau
78: This is the booF Khi+h I 1iFe best9
9hich 1=n t0n n:[ +; th5 1)*t bO tron: .%nh 'c <uan h%9
78: this is the booF I 1iFe best9
n9 THAT: '&i tW <uan h% +hN +- n:)>i 1hn v4t9 :hat +; th5 ')*+ dCn: thay +ho
9ho ;hom ;hich
78: That is the booF that/Khi+h I 1iFe best9
My @ather is the Aerson that/Kho. I ad.ire .ost9
YS+ tr)>n: h*A b_t bu/+ dCn: TH~T9
#yhi di sau +S+ ticn tg hQn h*A (:i. +- n:)>i 1hn v4t9
78: I +an see a :ir1 and her do: that are runnin: in the AarF9
#yhi 'i sau h$nh thX+ so sSnh nh^t9
78: she is the ni+est that Ive ever .et9
#yhi 'i sau +S+ '&i tW everythin:/one, so.ethin:/one, anythin:/one, nothin:/one,
a11, 1itt1e, .u+h, none"v= 'Mi Fhi 'i sau It is/ Kas"
78: I have said a11 that I Kant to say9
YS+ tr)>n: h*A FhMn: ')*+ dCn: TH~T:
#yhMn: ')*+ dCn: That tron: .%nh 'c FhMn: :iVi h&n9
78:The dLo.eo and u1iete, Khi+h (that)I borroKed @ro. you, is an interestin:
#yhMn: ')*+ dCn: TH~T '5 thay thG +ho WHS7
78: the Aerson Khose(that) oAinion I resAe+t .ost is .y @ather9
s9 WHDSE: '&i tW <uan h% +hN s3 s? h[u, 'Xn: sau danh tW +hN n:)>i hoE+ v4t v=
thay thG +ho tPnh tW s? h[u tr)V+ danh tW99 Whose 1uMn 1uMn 'i FZ. vVi danh tW9
78: The boy Khose bi+y+1e you borroKed yesterday is To.9
x9WHEN: tr&n: tW <uan h% +hN th>i :ian, 'Xn: sau danh tW +hN th>i :ian9When
')*+ dCn: thay +ho at/on/in Khi+h, then
78: May !ay is the day Khen (on Khi+h) AeoA1e ho1d a .eetin:9
}9 WHECE: tr&n: tW <uan h% +hN n(i +hgn, 'Un: sau danh tW +hN n(i +hgn9 Where
')*+ dCn: thay +ho at/in/on Khi+h, there
78: !o you FnoK the +ountry Khere(in Khi+h) I Kas born
u9WHR: tr&n: tW <uan h% +hN 12 do, 'Xn: sau the !eason$ Khy ')*+ dCn: thay +ho
@or Khi+h
78: `1ease te11 .e the reason Khy (@or Khi+h) you are so sad9
NN@ ?hPn 2oi mnh Q Ouan h!
q9!efnin: re1ative +1auses (.%nh 'c <uan h% 8S+ 'Jnh): '0y 1= 1Hai .%nh 'c +Rn
thiGt v$ ticn n:[ +h)a 8S+ 'Jnh, FhMn: +; n;, +0u sD FhMn: '{ n:ha9
78: The .an Kho FeeAs the s+hoo1 1ibrary is Mr9reen9
t9|on#defnin: re1ative +1auses (.%nh 'c <uan h% FhMn: 8S+ 'Jnh): k0y 1= 1Hai
.%nh 'c FhMn: +Rn thi^t v$ ticn n:[ 'I ')*+ 8S+ 'Jnh, FhMn: +; n; +0u vhn '{
78: That .an, Kho. you saK yesterday, is Mr9`iFe9
Rnh Q Ouan h 0hSng Tc #nh c ngUn vi mnh Q ch$nh )Vng
cc d(u -hW/! Xrc danh t thng cY: this, that, these, those, m/, his.
hoZc t[n ri[ng
NNN@ ;ii t trong mnh Q Ouan h!
#Tron: tr)>n: h*A '/n: tW +{a .%nh 'c <uan h% +; :iVi tW, ta 'e. :iVi tW 'Et ra
tr)V+ .%nh 'c <uan h%9(tr)V+ Kho., Khi+h)
78: The .an to Kho. Mary is ta1Fin: is Mr9`iFe9
The shoA @ro. Khi+h I :ot .y stereo has 1ots o@ bar:ains9
#Ta +n: +; th5 bO ;hom ;hich v= 'Et :iVi tW ra sau '/n: tW +{a .%nh 'c <uan
h% 8S+ 'Jnh9
78: The .an Mary is ta1Fin: to is Mr9`iFe9
The shoA I :ot .y stereo @ro. has 1ots o@ bar:ains
#yhi dCn: that v& ;ho, ta FhMn: ')a :iVi tW ra tr)V+9
78: The .an that/Kho Mary is ta1Fin: to is Mr9`iFe9
|ot the .an to that/Kho Mary is ta1Fin: is Mr9`iFe9
#yhi :iVi tW 'Xn: +ugi .%nh 'c <uan h% 1= th=nh AhRn +{a +m. tW(Ahrasa1
verbs)th$ ta FhMn: 'e. :iVi tW ra tr)V+ Kho., Khi+h9
78: This is the booF Khi+h I. 1ooFin: @or9
That is the +hi1d Kho. you have to 1ooF a@ter9
N"@ \ng r]t g^n c%a mnh Q Ouan h!
q9M%nh 'c <uan h% +; th5 ')*+ rUt :Hn bn: +S+h dCn: +m. Ah0n tW (Aarti+iA1e
Ahrase):a9Aresent Aarti+iA1e Ahrase: V#in:
b9Aast Aarti+iA1e Ahrase: V#ed/a
#|Gu '/n: tW tron: .%nh 'c <uan h% ? th5 +h{ '/n: (a+tive), ta dCn: +m. Ah0n
tW hi%n t&i thay +ho .%nh 'c '; (bO '&i tW <uan h% v= tr* '/n: tW, ')a '/n: tW
+hPnh vc n:uy6n .hu rii th6. Yin<)
78q: The .an Kho is sittin: ne8t to you is .y un+1e9
The .an sittin: ne8t to you is .y un+1e9
78t: !o you FnoK the boy Kho broFe the KindoKs 1ast ni:ht
!o you FnoK the boy breaFin: the KindoKs 1ast ni:ht
#|Gu '/n: tW tron: .%nh 'c <uan h% ? th5 bJ '/n: (Aassive), ta dCn: +m. Ah0n
tW <uS FhX thay +ho .%nh 'c '; (bO '&i tW <uan h% v= tr* '/n: tW, b_t 'Ru +m.
tW bn: VBe)F+)
78: The booFs Khi+h Kere Kritten by To Hoai are interestin:9
The booFs Kritten by To Hoai are interestin:9
t9M%nh 'c <uan h% +; th5 ')*+ rUt :Hn bn: +S+h dCn: '/n: tW n:uy6n .hu +;
to (to#infnitive) hoE+ +m. '/n: tW n:uy6n .hu (@or + + to#in@)
78q: 7n:1ish is an i.Aortant 1an:ua:e Khi+h Ke have to .aster9
7n:1ish is an i.Aortant 1an:ua:e to .aster9
78t: I a. a1Kays the frst Aerson Kho +o.e ear1y and the 1ast one Kho 1eave9
I a1Kays the frst Aerson to +o.e ear1y and the 1ast one to 1eave
rt gn bng cch dng ng nguyn mu c to khi trc danh t
thng c nhng cm t ch! th" t#$ duy nh%t &th' (ir)t$ )'cond$ third*th'
+a)t$ th' on+y*,ho-c ch! mc .ch$ )o )nh nh%t/
( Mnh v cm t ch s nh!"n# $%&
q9~1thou:h / Thou:h / 7ven thou:h (.E+ dC)
7ven thou:h + Y1ause (S + V +999) , Main +1ause
78: ~1thou:h they are ri+h, they arent a1Kays haAAy9
t9!esAite / In sAite o@ (.E+ dC)
+ |oun / erund `hrase , Main +1ause
In sAite o@
78: !esAite their ri+hness, they arent a1Kays haAAy
a9Whatever (dC thG n=o)
Whatever + (|oun) + S + V, Main +1ause
78: Whatever you said, I dont be1ieve you any .ore9
n9|o .atter (+ho dC999thG n=o 'i n[a)
|o .atter Khat / Kho / Khen / Khere / Khy / hoK999 + S + V, .ain +1ause
78: |o .atter Kho you are, you .ust obey the 1aK9
s9HoKever (dC 'Gn '0u, dC thG n=o)
HoKever + adb/ ~dv + S + V, Main +1ause
78: HoKever Aoor they are, they 1ive haAAi1y9
(M!& tZ$
<= >o t 0?t @nh AindeBnite a!tic6esC# D DE
8, an +; th5 'Xn: tr)V+ danh tW 'G. ')*+ sg Pt9
#~, an ')*+ s dmn: tron: 1>i n;i +hun: +hun: hoE+ '5 :iVi thi%u .o%t 'icu :$
+h)a ')*+ 'c +4A tr)V+ ';9
78: ~ ba11 is round n;i +hun: .Hi trSi b;n: 'cu trBn
I saK a boy in the street +hUn: ta FhMn: biGt dboye n=o
+ ~n ')*+ dCn: tr)V+ nh[n: tW b_t 'Ru bn: ./t n:uy6n 0.
+ ~ ')*+ dCn: tr)V+ nh[n: tW b_t 'Ru bn: ./t Ahm 0.
78: a booF, a Aen, an aAA1e, an inF#Aot
M/t sg tW +; th5 :0y ra s3 nhR. 1hn do +S+h viGt v= +S+h 'H+ FhS+ nhau9
78: a house nh)n: an hour
a university nh)n: an u.bre11a
# |h[n: tW sau '0y 1uMn ')*+ dCn: vVi a
7uroAean house uni@or. eu1o:y
ho.e university heavy
universa1 eu+a1yAtus ha1@ union
#|h[n: tW sau 1uMn ')*+ dCn: vVi an
|ote: an u.bre11a a Khite u.bre11a
an hour a Kho1e hour
<<= >o t Fc @nh AdeBnite a!tic6esC# :GH
#Xhe ')*+ s dmn: '5 +hN s3 vi%+ .= +hUn: ta 'I biGt hoE+ 1= ./t FiGn thX+
+hun:, Ahz biGn
78q: The boy in the +orner is .y @riend9(+- n:)>i n;i v= n:)>i n:he 'cu biGt dboye
78t: The earth is round9(+hN duy nh^t q dearthe)
#VVi nh[n: danh tW 'G. ')*+, .&o tW the ')*+ s dmn: '5 n;i vc ./t +Si :$ '^y
ri6n: bi%t, nh)n: sD FhMn: dCn: .&o tW nGu .ugn +hN +Si :$ +hun: +hun:9
78: Su:ar is sKeet9 (')>n: th$ n:Ht) n;i +hun: +hun:
The su:ar on the tab1e is @ro. Yuba9 (')>n: ? tr6n b=n 1= ')>n: Yuba)
ri6n: bi%t
#ThMn: th)>n:, vVi nh[n: danh tW 'G. ')*+ sg nhicu Fhi n;i 'Gn ./t 1Hai n=o ';
th$ FhMn: +; the 'i tr)V+9
78: ran:es are :reen unti1 they riAen9 (a11 ora:nes)
#VVi danh tW ri6n:, sD +; .&o tW the 'Xn: tr)V+ nGu n:)>i n;i .ugn 8S+ 'Jnh rf9
78: The Susan `arFer that I FnoK 1ives on pirst ~venue9
#|h[n: tW nh) 0!eak.ast 6*nch dinne! schoo6 ch*!ch home co66ege ;o!k FhMn:
s dmn: b^t +X .&o tW n=o nGu FhMn: :iVi h&n n:ha
78: We ate breaF@ast at ei:ht o+1o+F this .ornin:9
We Kent to s+hoo1 yesterday9
S dmn: s3 tzn: <uSt sau '0y nh) ./t s3 +hN dhn +ho vi%+ s dmn: .&o tW the
A. S[ )\n< THE LXiI
1.&-e/nsV riLersV se/sV <'l,sV pl'r/l l/4es
78: the Led Sea, the ~t1anti+ +ean, the `ersian :u1@, the :reat TaFes
2.m&'nt/in r/n<es
78: the Lo+Fy Mountains, the ~ndes
+.e/rthV m&&n
78: the earth, the .oon
].s-h&&lsV -&lle<esV 'niLersities Jhen the phr/se ?e<ins Jith s-h&&lV...
78: the niversity o@ p1orida, the +o11e:e o@ ~rt and S+ien+es
1.&r)in/l n'm?ers ?e,&re n&'ns
78: the pirst Wor1d War, the third +haAter
6.J/rs (e^-ept W&rl) W/rs$
78: the yorean Kar
7.-ert/in -&'ntries &r <r&'ps &, -&'ntries Jith m&re th/n &ne
J&r)(e8+eAt reat \ritian)
78: the nited States, the nited yin:do.
8.hist&ri-/l )&-'nemts
78: the +onstitution
9.ethni- <r&'ps
78: the Idians
_.Kh`n< s[ )\n< THE LXiI
1.sin<'l/r l/4es
78: TaFe eneva, TaFe 7rie
78: (Mount) Vesuvius, (Mount) M+yin1ey, (Mount) 7verest
78: Venus, Mars999
].s-h&&lV -&lle<esV 'niLersities Jhen the phr/se ?e<ins Jith / pr&per
78: Hon: \an: niversity, Hun: Vuon: niversity
1.-/r)in/l n'm?ers /,ter n&'ns
78: Wor1d War I, +haAter three
6.-&'ntries pre-e)e) ?@ aNeJb &r /n /)ce-tiLe s'-h /s )ire-ti&n
78: |eK ea1and, South ~@ri+a
7.-&'ntries Jith &nl@ &ne J&r)
78: pran+e, SKeden999
78: 7uroAe, ~@ri+a999
78: p1orida, hio, Ya1i@ornia999
78: basFet ba11, base ba11
11./?str/-t n&'ns
78: @reedo., haAAiness
12.<ener/l /re/s &, s'?ce-t m/tter
78: Mathe.ati+s, so+io1o:y
78:, 7aster
N@ ;ii t ch& thi gian, ni ch_n
por ti.e (+hN th>i :ian)
~t ')*+ dCn: tr)V+ +S+ +m. tW +hN th>i :ian sau:
#at n o+1o+F, at q a9. #at ni:ht
#at, at 7aster #at on+e (n:ay 14A tX+)
#at 1ast #at the .o.ent
#at Aresent #at KeeFens
por A1a+e(+hN n(i +hgn)
#at ho.e #at the theatre
#at the seaside #at the :ro+ers, at the hairdressrs
#at s+hoo1 #at the +orner o@ the street
#at the toA #at the botto.
#at the @oot o@ the Aa:e #at the be:innin:, at the end
#at the shoA #(to arrive)at the airAort, rai1Kay station,999
@or ti.e: In ')*+ dCn: tr)V+
78: in qruv, in qu}v, in tvvv
78: in une, in May, in ~u:ust
78: in sArin:, in, in Kinter
#\uzi (n:o&i trW /t ni<ht)
78: in the .ornin:, in the a@ternoon
#I| TIM7: 'Un: :i>
78: He +a.e to the Aarty in ti.e
por A1a+e:
#In (? tron:)
78: in the dinnin:#roo., in the bo8, in the desF
#In: ')*+ dCn: tr)V+ +S+ th=nh Ahg, '^t n)V+, .icn, Ah)(n: h)Vn:,999
78: in Tondon, in `aris, in Hanoi
In the east, in the north,999
in the street tr6n ')>n:
in .y oAinion theo 2 tMi
in :ood Keather : tron: th>i tiGt tgt
in (the) neKsAaAer : tron: bSo
in the (a).idd1e o@ (the roo.) :? :i[a(AhBn:)
in 7n:1ish, :bn: tiGn: ~nh, kX+999
a9 |
por ti.e:
#n ')*+ dCn: tr)V+ thu (n:=y tron: tuRn)
78: on Sunday, on Monday999
#n ')*+ dCn: tr)V+ n:=y, thSn:
78: My birthday is on une qvth
#| TIM7: 'Un: :i> (+hPnh 8S+)
78: The f1. Kas shoKn on ti.e9
por A1a+e:
#n (? tr6n)
78: There is a booF on the tab1e
on horse : tr6n 1)n: n:3a
on @oot : bn: +h0n (bn: 'i b/)
on TV : tr6n truycn h$nh
on radio : tr6n radio
on the bea+h : tr6n bIi bi5n
#\y (b?i) ')*+ dCn: tron: +0u bJ '/n: +hN n:)>i :0y ra h=nh '/n: tron: +0u
78: The 1etter Kas Kritten by Mary
#\y (bn:)')*+ dCn: +hN Ah)(n: ti%n 'i 1&i
78: I o@ten :o to s+hoo1 by bi+y+1e9
#\y(tr)V+ 1U+, v=o 1U+)')*+ dCn: '5 +hN .o%t th>i 'i5.
78: I have to fnish this reAort by Thursday9
by the ti.e : tr)V+ Fhi
by +han+e :t$nh +>
1earn by heart : hH+ thu/+ 1Bn:
#:o th)>n: ')*+ dCn: sau '/n: tW <& (:o to: 'i 'Gn)
78: I. :oin: to the +ine.a noK9
|ote: :o ho.e (FhMn: dCn: to)
#:o th)>n: ')*+ dCn: '5 +hN s3 di +huy5n (tVi)
78: My @ather used to taFe .e to the +ir+us Khen I 1ived in Tondon9
#Into +o n:ha 1= v=o tron:, ')*+ dCn: sau +S+ '/n: tW: :o, Aut, :et, @a11, bu.A,
78: I. :oin: into the dinin:#roo.9
}9T p (ra FhOi)
78: He +a.e out o@ the house9
#With (+;, .an:, +Cn:) j havin:, +arryin:
78: ~ +oat Kith tKo Ao+Fets
#With ')*+ dCn: '5 +hN ./t +Mn: +m, Ah)(n: ti%n
78: I o@ten Krite Kith a Aen9
#With (+Cn: vVi) ')*+ dCn: '5 +hN s3 1i6n h% hoE+ 'in: h=nh
78: I. 1ivin: Kith .y Aarents9
#With (vVi)
78: !o you a:ree Kith .e
#nder (? d)Vi): +hN vJ trP AhPa d)Vi ./t v4t9
78: The +at Kas under the tab1e
#nder (it h(n, th^A h(n)
78: the under tvvv a year .ade hi. Aoor9
#nder: ')*+ dCn: '5 +hN s3 vi%+ 'an: tron: t$nh tr&n: n=o ';
78: The road is under reAair9
IIF GiXi tZ the& s/' tdnh tZ
#asha.ed o@ :8^u hz vc999 #a@raid o@ : s*, e n:&i
#ahead o@ :tr)V+ #aKare o@ :nh4n thX+
#+aAab1e o@ :+; Fh- nln: #+onfdent o@ :tin t)?n:
#doubt@u1 o@ :n:hi n:> #@ond o@ : thP+h
#@u11 o@ : 'Ry #hoAe@u1 o@ : hy vHn:
#indeAendent o@ :'/+ 14A #Aroud o@ : t3 h=o
#bea1ous o@ ::hen t vVi #:ui1ty o@ : Ah&. t/i
#si+F o@ : +hSn n-n vc #boy@u1 o@ : vui .Wn:
#<ui+F o@ : nhanh +h;n: vc
Ba++eAtab1e to :+; th5 +h^A nh4n #a++usto.ed to:<uen vVi
#a:reeab1e to : +; th5 'in: 2 #addi+ted to :'a. .6
#de1i:ht@u1 to : thU vJ 'v ai #@a.i1iar to sb :<uen thu/+
#+1ear to : rf r=n: #+ontrary to :trSi 1&i
#e<ua1 to :t)(n: ')(n: vVi #@avourab1e to : tSn th=nh
#:rate@u1 to : biGt (n ai #har.@u1 to sb @or sth :+; h&i +ho ai
#i.Aortant to :quan trng -likely to : c th
#1u+Fy to :.ay ._n #ne8t to : FG b6n
#oAen to :.? #A1easant to :h=i 1Bn:
#Are@erab1e to : 'Sn: thP+h h(n #Aroftab1e to : +; 1*i
#rude to :thM 1Q #si.i1ar to : :ign:
#use@u1 to : +; P+h +ho ai #ne+essary to sth/sb: +Rn thiGt +ho
#avai1ab1e to sb : sn +ho ai #resAonsib1e to sb: +; trS+h nhi%.
#avai1ab1e @or sth: +; sn(+Si :$)
#1ate @or :tr," #di+u1t @or :Fh;"
#@a.ous @or :nzi tiGn: #dan:erous @or :n:uy hi5.
#ne+essary @or :+Rn thiGt #:reedy @or : tha. 1a."
#suitab1e @or : thP+h h*A #sorry @or : 8in 1Qi
#<ua1ifed @or :+; Ah. +h^t #he1A@u1/use@u1 @or:+; 1*i, +; P+h
#:ood @or : tgt +ho #:rate@u1 @or sth :biGt (n vc vi%+
#+onvenient @or : thu4n 1*i +ho" #ready @or sth :sn s=n: +ho
#resAonsib1e @or sth :+hJu trS+h nhi%.
]. AT
#:ood at ::iOi (vc) #bad at :d? (vc)
#+1ever at :Fhoo 1oo #sFi11@u1 at :Fhoo 1oo
#<ui+F at :nhanh" #a.awed at :vui vc"
#e8+e11ent at :8u^t s_+ vc #Aresent at :hi%n di%n
#surArised at : n:&+ nhi6n #an:ry at sth : :i4n vc 'icu :$ at :vmn: vc #annoy at sth :Fh; +hJu vc 'icu :$
#de1i:hted Kith :vui .Wn: vVi #a+<uainted Kith:1=. <uen
#+roKed Kith :'Mn: 'U+ #an:ry Kith ::i4n d[
#@riend1y Kith :th0n .4t #bored Kith :+hSn"
#@ed uA Kith :+hSn" #busy Kith :b4n r/n
#@a.i1iar Kith :<uen thu/+" #@urious Kith :Ahhn n/"
#A1eased Kith :h=i 1Bn:" #AoAu1ar Kith :Ahz biGn
#satisfed Kith :thOa .In"#+ontrasted Kith :t)(n: Ah-n vVi
#+on@used about :bgi rgi(vc) #e8+ited about :h=o hXn:
#haAAy about :h&nh AhU+ #sad about :buin"
#serious about :n:hi6. tU+ #uAset about :th^t vHn:
#Korried about :1o 1_n: #an8ious about :1o 1_n:
#disaAAointed about : th^t vHn: vc"
#interested in :thP+h, <uan t0. #ri+h in ::i=u (vc)
#su++ess@u1 in :th=nh +Mn: #+onfdent in sb : tin +4y v=o ai
#iso1ated @ro. :bJ +M 14A #absent @ro. :v_n: .Et
#dierent @ro. :FhS+ #@ar @ro. :8a
#sa@e @ro. :an tBan #divor+ed @ro. :1y dJ
#Feen on : hln: hSi vc
|ote: sau :iVi tW ta th)>n: dCn: danh '/n: tW (V#in:)hoE+ danh tW (|oun)
NNN@ ;ii t theo sau *ng t
#aAo1o:iwe sb @or sth :8in 1Qi ai vc vi%+ :$
#ad.ire sb o@ sth :Fh0. Ahm+ ai vc vi%+ :$
#be1on: to sb :thu/+ vc ai"
#a++use sb o@ sth :tg +So ai vc vi%+ :$
#b1a.e sb @or sth :'Q 1Qi +ho ai vc vi%+ :$
#+on:ratu1ate sb on sth :+hU+ .Wn: ai vc vi%+ :$
#dier @ro. :FhS+ vVi
#introdu+e to sb ::iVi thi%u vVi ai
#:ive uA :tW bO
#1ooF at : nh$n v=o
#1ooF a@ter :+hl. s;+, +hl. no.
#1ooF @or :t$. FiG.
#1ooF uA :tra tW (tron: tW 'i5n)
#1ooF @orKard to :.on: '*i
#Aut on v=o, .E+ v=o
#Aut o :hfan 1&i
#stand @or : t)*n: tr)n:
#+a11 o :h{y bO
#obbe+t to sb/V#in: :Ah-n 'gi ai
#in@er @ro. :suy ra tW"
#aAArove o@ sth to sb :'in: 2 vi%+ :$ vVi ai
#Aarti+iAate in :tha. :ia
#su++eed in :th=nh +Mn: vc
#Arevent sb @ro. : n:ln +-n ai
#Arovide Kith :+un: +^A
#be: @or sth :van n=i +ho, 8in
#borroK sth @ro. sb :.)*n +Si :$ +{a ai
#deAend on/re1y on :d3a v=o, Ahm thu/+ v=o
#die o@ (a disease) :+hGt v$ (./t +ln b%nh)
#boin in :tha. :ia v=o
#es+aAe @ro. :th;at FhOi
#insist on :Fhln: Fhln:
#+han:e into, turn into : h;a ra
#Kait @or sb : +h> ai
#arrive at (station, bus stoA")
In (Tondon, `aris, Vietna., pran+e)

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