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Hall Ticket for Higher Speciality Courses :


HALL TIC(ET )or Step*+ Higher Speciality ,DM-MCh. Courses &'+/
Hall Ticket Nu01er : * Test Date : &%
May &'+/
Na0e :
Test City :
Test Ce3ter A22ress
Registere2 Course-s
Step # + test paper Reporti3g
E4a0 Ti0e
Test Center Gate closing Time: 2.30 pm
(No candidates are allowed after this time)
5lease rea2 the follo6i3g I3structio3s carefully:
1. You should report at the Test Center at the time mentioned.
2. This Hall Ticket is issued subject to the condition that if ineligibility is detected at any stage, the candidature ill be dis!ualified.
". Check the seating plan at Test Center and identify the #oom$%ab allotted as per your Hall Ticket number.
&. 'ntry to '(amination Hall is strictly subject to production of Hall Ticket.
). *o not carry any article, e(cept your Hall ticket and pencils into the e(amination hall.
+. You must bring your on pencils for doing rough ork. You ill be alloed to take only pencils into the e(amination hall. ,o pens ill
be alloed. You ill be pro-ided " sheets of rough paper hich must be returned after the e(am.
.. The e(amination ill be a Computer /ased Test 0C/T1 for 2%% C2,*3*2T'4. A sa0ple co0puter 1ase2 test ,Mock test. is a7aila1le
for all ca32i2ates to practice! at the CMC "ellore College a20issio3s 6e1site http:--a20issio3s8c0c7ellore8ac8i3-
All ca32i2ates 0ust go through the sa0ple co0puter 1ase2 test a32 practice to fa0iliari9e 6ith the test8
5. To anser a !uestion, you must do T:O thi3gs: i1 click on the shape adjacent to the anser option you think is correct AND THEN
ii. click o3 the ;sa7e a32 3e4t; 1utto3 i3 the 1otto0 of the scree3 to sa7e your a3s6er 0and go to the ne(t !uestion1.
6. 7uestions that are ansered and 89arked for #e-ie: ill also be considered as ANS:ERED8
1;. Cell phones, 3 <od, portable 0e(ternal1 hard disk, pen dri-e, data card, pagers, calculators, diaries, beepers or any other electronic de-ices .
=iolation ill lead to e(pulsion from the e(amination. ,o arrangements ha-e been made at the centers for their custody.
11. >nce the Test starts, you ill not be alloed to lea-e the Test Center$Hall for any reason till the test is o-er and all the formalities are
completed. <lease be prepared to remain in your seat till the e(am is o-er.
12. Candidates found -iolating the instructions of the Test 3n-igilator ill be dis!ualified.
1". The official language of the test is 'nglish.
1&. *o not attempt to gi-e or obtain irregular assistance of any kind in the e(amination hall including copying of !uestions.
1). <lease preser-e this hall ticket for future reference.
1+. <lease check the details on the Hall Ticket for correctness in relation to your name, address, course applied for, name of entrance e(am
paper, photograph and signature. 3f any discrepancies are found, please contact the office of the #egistrar, C9C, =ellore immediately.
1.. 2ll timings gi-en are 3ndian 4tandard Time 034T1.
The e4a0i3atio3 6ill 1e a Co0puter <ase2 Test ,C<T.8 A sa0ple co0puter 1ase2 test ,Mock test. is a7aila1le for
all ca32i2ates to practice! at the CMC "ellore College a20issio3s 6e1site http:--a20issio3s8c0c7ellore8ac8i3-
All ca32i2ates 0ust go through the sa0ple co0puter 1ase2 test a32 practice to fa0iliari9e 6ith the test8
D.M. Endocrinology Bengaluru
East West Polytechnic No 63,Off Magadi
Road,Anjana Nagar,BEL Layout
Vishwaneedam Post,
Bengaluru,Karnataka, India,560091
D.M. Endocrinology 1:30 PM 3:00 PM to 04:30 PM

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