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Loch Ness Lake (Part 1) Read the little articles and do the exercises

Loch Ness is a lake between the Scottish towns of Inverness and Fort Augustus.
The word loch is Scottish for lake. Loch Ness is about 37 km long and
etremel! dee"# the dee"est "art is $$% m.
Loch Ness is famous for its friendl! monster# Nessie. &ost "eo"le think that
this is onl! a legend# but ever! !ear tourists from all over the world come to
Loch Ness and ho"e that the! will see the monster# however# none haven't !et.
A reward of ())#))) *ounds was offered b! the owner of the +uiness ,rewer!
to the "erson who could catch the creature alive. &an! attem"ts were made#
with no results.
Exercise 1
-emember that we use the "resent "erfect to e"ress what has .and hasn't/
ha""ened so far. Write the verbs in present perfect in the blanks.
0.1 Tourists from all over the world .go/ 2222222222222 to Loch Ness.
$.1 &ost of them .see 3 not/ 2222222222222 Nessie# however.
3.1 4nl! ver! few "eo"le sa! that the Loch Ness &onster .a""ear/ 22222222 in
front of them.
3.1 5ven scientists .come/ 2222222222222 to Loch Ness to find the monster.
6.1 The boss of the +uinness brewer! ."romise/ 2222222222 to "a! ())#)))
*ounds to the "erson who catches Nessie.
(.1 &an! attem"ts to catch Nessie .do/ 222222222222222 but none of them .be/
2222222222222222 successful
Loch Ness Part 2
Read ONE the follo!in" extract of an article. Pa# attention to the details.
The most fre7uent s"eculation about 8Nessie9 .the Loch Ness &onster/ is that
the creature is a line of long1surviving dinosaur. 4ne of the most iconic images
of Nessie is known as the :Surgeon;s *hotogra"h:.
The im"ortance of this "icture lies in the fact that it was the first "hoto and onl!
"hotogra"hic evidence of a 8head and neck9. The scientific communit! was
ver! ske"tical at first and# after reviewing closel! the original negatives of the
"hotos# their doubts onl! grew in number. In 0<7< it was claimed to be a
"icture of an ele"hant .see below/. 4ther ske"tics in the 0<=)s argued the "hoto
was that of a diving bird.
After a lot of debate and after -obert >enneth ?ilson .the "erson who took the
"hotos/ was under a lot of "ressure both from the scientific communit! and the
"ress# he finall! confessed that the "icture was a fake.
@e confessed that the "icture was a to! submarine# with a scul"ted head
attached in the front of the to!. @owever# even after the confession was known#
man! "eo"le still believe Nessie eists# and that the "hoto is in fact an original
and "roves it's eistence.
Part $. %ns!er (in "ro&ps) the follo!in" '&estions &sin" the infor(ation in
the article #o& read.
0.1 ?hat was Nessie considered to beA
$.1 ?h! was the 8surgeon's "hotogra"h9 so im"ortantA
3.1 @ow was the rece"tion of the scientific communit! of this "hotoA
6.1 ?hat other animals the ske"tics claim to see in the "hotoA
(.1 @ow did the events of the 8surgeon's "hotogra"h9 endedA

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