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6th Grade Spanish

Sr. Lambie
2-1 Menu Choice Board
Directions: Choose 3 boxes to complete on a piece of loose leaf paper. You must choose one from each
category: vocabulary, grammar and conversation.

Grammar: Write a verb
chart (6 forms) for 2 of the
verbs from our vocabulary
Conversation: Prepare a
short skit where one
student asks another about
what time they have
various classes and the
other responds.
Vocabulary: Illustrate an
analog clock and label
when you would use half
past, ten past, half past,
and quarter to.
Vocabulary: Write out your
daily schedule for one day
of the week using the
subjects in spanish.
Include the times.
Grammar: Using the verbs
from this chapter, write one
sentence about what you
do in 3 of your classes, one
sentence for each class.
Conversation: Prepare a
skit in which two students
discuss what classes they
have on their rst day of
Conversation: Prepare a
dialogue in which one
person asks another what
time it is and the other tells
Vocabulary: Write a song
about your daily schedule
talking about what you do
at school.
Grammar: Write 3
sentences describing how
much you do various
classroom activities, using
the frequency words from
our vocab list

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