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New Dawn: Life in The Citadel

The Citadel is a massive underground bunker-complex, more like a city than anything else but it is a sealed
environment. Everything is controlled, resources, food, water, even the air is circulated and scrubbed and the usage
is monitored. Everyone works for the continued survival of the human race, as far as the everyday citizen is
concerned they are everyone that is left. our co-operation is not !ust expected, it"s mandatory from birth to death and
after you belong to the Citadel.

Everyday life in the Citadel is a strictly controlled regime, by necessity everything is monitored, free-time, work-time,
resource use and wastage it"s all tracked and accounted. #t"s worth noting that nothing in the Citadel is new,
everything has been recycled, repaired and generally turned to make do. $othing is new in the Citadel.

Every hour of every day there is one constant. The voice of %other. %other reassures you, comforts you. %other tells
you what you"re doing is for the good of all and assures you that anyone who works against the Citadel will be
found... and punished.

The average member of Citadel society is raised and educated within their parent"s sector. &t the end of their
education they undergo a %andatory &dministration &ptitude Test. This test is supposed to decide your works
placement in service to the Citadel. The truth is that, if you are born in the lower echelons of Citadel 'ociety, unless
you are truly exceptional you will probably serve in the sector you were born in for the rest of your life. Everyone has
a living assignment. (amilies with children get the very basic, small, sparse apartment domiciles. Everyone else
shares in huge single sex barracks blocks and communal facilities. Children who choose to misbehave and find
themselves e!ected by the Citadel run schooling systems, find themselves at work throughout the ventilation ducts of
the Citadel, being small enough to s)ueeze through and carry out maintenance operations. *nfortunately however as
the fans are never actually shut down +to ensure that air is continually recycled,, industrial accidents are particularly
common and the mortality rate amongst these !uvenile workers remain high. The Energy -oards last pro!ected
estimates indicate only ./0 survive to take the %andatory &dministration &ptitude Test at the age of fourteen.
-ereaved parents are always assured to take solace that their child died 1doing their part2.

#n the lower echelons of maintenance, supply and all the 'ectors +except for C-'ec and 345, work goes on around
the clock in triple shifts. The barracks bunks are shared between shifts so at any time someone will be sleeping,
another will be working and the last will be on 6free" time. our work secures you a place in a bunk, clothing and food
+though the clothing is patched and hand-me-down and the food is basic and bland, everything you have is earned,
the better you work the better your stuff.
7owever the higher up the chain of command you are, the more resources you have to draw upon and the more
facilities are at your disposal.

& low position in the hierarchy also means you live in the lowest sections of your 'ector. The concrete walls are bare
and stained with damp, the lights are dim and badly maintained most areas run constantly on emergency lighting. #t"s
cold all the time. 5own here C-'ec are stretched to the limit of their resources so they employ the most violent and
invasive tactics to maintain order. -eatings and public strip-searches are normal, the 6baggers" work all hours
because the security feeds can"t monitor everything. 8f course, in the eyes of C-'ec, they have good reason to be
harsh, -lack %arketeers trade stolen resources in the lowest sections, petty bullies form their barracks gangs and
take what they want from harder working personnel and, in secluded corners, desperate workers sell their bodies for
re)uisition allowances or in trade for simple food or water rations.

The Citadel is controlled by the &dministration, which is composed of the five 1sectors2 which govern the day-to-day
running of the Citadel. These are as follows.

- C-Sec the Citadels Security Forces
- The Agency
- The Citadel Energy Board
- Citadel ater and aste !anage"ent
- The #ene Ban$

C- Sec

The most well-known and feared 'ector is C-'ec, Citadel 'ecurity. They see everything and they tolerate nothing.
&ny acts of sedition, treason, terrorism, theft, vandalism, mutation, assault of a senior member of the hierarchy can
be punished by death +then they recycle you,, being suspected of any of the above will earn you a visit from the
6baggers". They"ll find you, drop a bag over your head and you might find yourself detained, in a very unpleasant
place, with some very rough guards. ou might not be found at all.

'pot searches, domiciliary turn-overs and random interrogations are the norm for the masses. 'uspicion of a crime is
enough to earn you a tribunal and a tribunal is little more than a polygraph test in front of a board made up of a C-'ec
psych analyst, a couple of local guards who 9might9 be aware of your existence as character witnesses and a C-'ec
'ector 'enior to act as a final !udge. if the polygraph confirms the charge you can be flogged, 6detained" or executed.
#f not you 9might9 be released, more likely you will be conscripted.

C-'ec are also responsible for training and maintaining the Citadel"s &rmed (orces, which are always on constant
standby against outside threats and internal pressures, more than once in Citadel history has an attempted revolution
by religious demagogues, liberals and freedom fighters been bloodily put down.

The current departmental head of C-'ec is an iron-hard woman by the name of 3osanna 7arper: she has a dire
reputation of taking a zero-tolerance approach to treason, sedition and those seeking to undermine the Citadel, as its
preservation runs forethought in her mind. &lthough whether these incidences stem from a general desire to weed
out politically undesirable elements, or can be attributed to her distinct dislike of complex appeal paperwork has
never been categorically established.

Conscripts are the lowest order of C-'ec ;ersonnel, often e)uipped often with outdated arms, e)uipment and the
lowest grades of ammunition. They are often sent to do the dirty !obs from patrolling the ventilation ducts, to
overseeing rations being doled out and putting down incidences of social unrest. <ife for a conscript can be harsh
and brutal and whilst some have managed to claw their ways up the ranks, the incompetent, the idle and the hidden
traitor more often than not find themselves facing a firing s)uad.

3ecently the conscripts are being prepped and trained for Ex-8ps, Exterior 8perations. 8f course this in on an
entirely need to know basis.

The Agency
Everyone answers to the &gents. ou don"t need or want to know about the &gents and you definitely don"t want to
%EET one. 5ark suits, dark glasses, threatening demeanour. That"s all you need to know.

The &gency is the clandestine organisation that acts as the will of %other. #t represents her =ill on the Council and
strives to ensure the smooth running and operation of the Citadel, heedless of other concerns. 3umours persist that it
was the &gency that shut down %anufacturing (acility >?@ twenty years ago, when the population rebelled.
Estimations indicate several thousand men, women and children were sealed in by blast doors and allowed to
suffocate when the ventilation ducts were shut down, to prevent the civil unrest spreading to the rest of the Citadel
and as an ab!ect lesson in obedience to the population.

The Citadel Energy Board

&rguably responsible for the day to day running of most of the systems, power systems and their auxiliary sources, it
is the Energy -oard which oversees the running and maintenance of the Citadel"s fusion generators which are buried
deep beneath the complex. #t is also their responsibility to operate the artificial day and night cycles which the Citadel
operates within all of its premises.
The Citadel"s 3esearch and 5evelopment Team can also be found within the Energy -oard, who are responsible for
maintaining and manufacturing the e)uipment found throughout the Citadel and predominantly the arms and armour
utilised by C-'ec. =hilst the Energy -oard also concerns itself with the manufacturing of industrial hardware
necessary to keep the Citadel repaired and working, over the last hundred years since the $ew 5awn there has been
a slow degeneration in the understanding of technology. =hilst most scientists, technicians and engineers within the
Citadel understand how to keep its labyrinthine systems of vents, lighting systems and various factories operating
they have little understanding as to how they actually work. The technology involved being beyond the capabilities of
the Citadel to reproduce.
Citadel aste and ater !anage"ent
Exactly that, this sector governs one of the most important aspects of the Citadel feeding and watering the
population, whilst keeping the Citadel clean and preventing both infections and sickness from spreading within the
cramped confines. =hilst most of its water is drawn from underground reservoirs and filtered through various
purification facilities, they also govern the huge underground gardens and conservatories lit with ultra-violet light in
which they grow a variety of high protein moss, lichen and other plant based nutrient rich slimes which form the basis
of the Citadel"s nutri-gruel rations.
#n the C==% nothing is left to go to waste, the sector refines all human and industrial wastes, breaking it down into
it"s constituent, useful parts. The most closely kept secret of the C==% is the final fate of the deceased. %other
doesn"t encourage her citizens to think about the fate of their immortal souls, nor does she give then pause to
consider the fate of their earthly remains after life is done, certain grim individuals have pointed out that the human
body is a goldmine of precious chemicals and substances from hydrochloric acids in the stomach, trace iron and
other minerals in the blood and calcium in the bone-structure, fats can be used to make soap, hair for insulation or
ropes. Then there is the nutritional )ualities of the flesh. 7uman remains are not interred, left to dignified burial or
burned, they are processed, separated and put to best use. =hat does make it into the nutri-gruel doesn"t even
resemble meat anymore, but it is there. These rumours continue to persist despite the best efforts of C-'ec.
The #ene Ban$
3esponsible for ensuring genetic purity and the prevention of inbreeding, the gene-bank seeks to ensure mutation
and other undesirable genetic elements do not enter Citadel society. Citizens wishing to have a child must approach
the Aene -ank and undergo a screening process to ensure that their 5$& is compatible and that the child will not
become a drain upon Citadel resources.
The Aene -ank is also responsible and liaises with C-'ec in regards to the matter of religion. =ithin the Citadel any
outbreaks of religion are cracked down upon and eliminated, with the Council and %other preaching that religion
begets not only war but causes differences between man and causes him to turn upon himself. 3esearchers in the
Aene -ank believe that it is an aberration of the human condition to believe in the intangible and diligently seek to
purge it from the gene pool. Those who are convicted of theist beliefs and not executed in the public s)uare and
broadcast across the vid-screens may be unfortunate enough to be taken down into the vaults of the Aene
-ank...and never be seen again.

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