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Alyssa Breda

14 Hadley Drive Nashua, NH 03062 Phone: (603) 769-1493 E-Mail:

niversi%y o& Ne' Ha()shire - Durha(, NH E*)e+%ed: May 201,
Major: Nursing GPA: 3.66
Highest Honors (GP o! 3."5 or #etter)$ %&ring '01'
High Honors (GP o! 3.65 to 3."4 a(erage)$ %&ring '013) %&ring '014
Honors (GP o! 3.5 to 3.64)$ *a++ '011) *a++ '013
,e-#er o! %ig-a .heta .au /nternationa+ Honor %ociet0 o! 1ursing
-.#//- 0 !E1"#2#!A"#$N-:
/i+ensed Nursin3 Assis%an%2%tate$ 1e3 Ha-&shire. 4icense nu-#er$ 0505"7-'4. 56&iration date$ 117'17'014.
!P1 and AED !er%i&ied$ 56&iration date$ ,a0 '016
Nursin3 -i(ula%ion /a4$ 8ee9+0 si-u+ation scenarios incor&orate nursing s9i++s and critica+ thin9ing e6ercises.
Medi+al--ur3i+al !lini+al 2013-2014
Wentworth Douglass Hospital
Per!or-ed 3ee9+0 assess-ents) -edication ad-inistration) and docu-entation on co-&uteri:ed s0ste-.
;o--unicated and co++a#orated 3ith hea+thcare tea- regarding &atient care.
;o-&+eted 3ee9+0 &atient care that consisted o! head-to-toe assess-ents) &rioriti:ation o! c+ient needs) /< site care) =4
assistance) #+ood g+ucose -onitoring) and (ita+ signs.
Ma%erni%y !lini+al 2014
Wentworth Douglass Hospital
ssessed and cared !or ante&artu- and &ost&artu- -others.
Per!or-ed ne3#orn assess-ents inc+uding (ita+ signs) +ength) head) and chest -easure-ents) and &resence o! ne3#orn
8ee9+0 docu-entation o! (ita+ signs and assess-ent !indings 3ith uti+i:ation o! nursing notes.
Men%al Heal%h !lini+al 2013
Concord Hospital
5sta#+ished nurse-c+ient re+ationshi&s #0 uti+i:ing thera&eutic co--unication inc+uding (er#a+ and non(er#a+ cues.
d-inistration o! -edications under nurse su&er(ision) !o++o3ed #0 assess-ents o! -edication e!!ecti(eness.
;o++a#oration 3ith hea+thcare tea- and co-&osition o! care &+ans #ased on &atient needs.
;are !or c+ients 3ith de&ression) an6iet0) suicida+ ideations) #i&o+ar disorders) and schi:o&hrenia.
6eria%ri+ !lini+al 2013
oulder Ca!pus at "i#erWoods
Per!or-ed assess-ents regarding !a++ ris9) nutrition) de&ression) -o#i+it0) en(iron-enta+ sa!et0) cognition) -edication)
gait7#a+ance) (ision) and hearing.
;ared !or +ate-stage +:hei-er>s &atients #0 assisting 3ith acti(ities o! dai+0 +i(ing inc+uding a-#u+ating) eating) #athing)
toi+eting) and dressing.
7$/N"EE1 8$1.:
Mission "ri) %o Ne' $rleans, /A 2011
ssisted +oca+ co--unities and co-&anies to he+& c+ean u& and re#ui+d a!ter Hurricane ?atrina.
7olun%eer -o++er !oa+h 2011
@sed s9i++s and e6&erience to teach) -oti(ate) and -entor 0oung chi+dren ho3 to &+a0 soccer and 3or9 together.
$"HE1 8$1. E5PE1#EN!E:
-ales Asso+ia%e 2013 - Presen%
$%&' %utlet ( Merri!ac)* NH
;o-&+eted a++ tas9s assigned #0 uti+i:ing organi:ationa+) &rioriti:ation) and custo-er ser(ice s9i++s.
!ashier 2011 - 2012
Pet+!art ( Nashua* NH
;reated a !riend+0 3or9ing en(iron-ent #0 assisting and interacting 3ith custo-ers.
1E2E1EN!E- A7A#/AB/E P$N 1E9E-":

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