Kristen, A. Drabek: Objective

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4S41 Paitiiuge Lane Newpoit, NI 48166
(7S4) 497-8SSS, kuiabekmy.mauonna.euu
Piofessional Website: http:kuiabek.wix.comteachingpoitfolio

Become a membei of a teaching staff at an eaily chiluhoou oi elementaiy school in
oiuei to utilize my passion foi ueveloping anu suppoiting chiluien with vaiieu
euucational backgiounus anu neeus.

53*496:; 3<=3>63:43
Summei 2u1u Summei Kiu's Camp Tot Lot Employee, Nonioe, NI
Cieateu ait piojects anu games foi the chiluien each week.
Belpeu chiluien with theii piojects, uiiections to games, anu
behavioi management.

Fall 2u1uWintei 2u14 Fielu Placement at Lathei's Eaily Chiluhoou Centei,
uaiuen City, NI
Woikeu with Kinueigaiteneis one-on-one anu in small gioups
ueveloping basic skills.
Bevelopeu anu taught mini lessons.

Wintei 2u11 Fielu Placement at Cass Elementaiy, Livonia, NI
Assisteu in a 2
giaue self-containeu (with some mainstieaming)
Assisteu with uaily activities one-on-one anu in small gioups to
uevelop basic skills.

Fall 2u12 Fielu Placement at St.Chailes Boiiomeo, Newpoit, NI
Assisteu Su houis in S
giaue while assisting in ieauing woikshop
with small gioups.

Fall 2u12 volleyball Coach at St.Chailes Boiiomeo, Newpoit NI
Bevelopeu piactice uiills, uevelopmental skills, uiscipline, anu

Fall 2u1S Fielu Placement at }effeison Eaily Chiluhoou Centei, Fienchtown, NI
Bevelopeu mini lessons foi whole gioup anu small gioups.
Assesseu chiluien on theii lettei iecognition, lettei sounu iecognition,
numbei iecognition anu counting skills. 0seu the C0R assessment on
a single chilu obseivation.
Assisteu with uaily activities, lesson plans, behavioi management, anu
basic skills.
Woikeu one-on-one with stuuent ueveloping wiiting skills, ieauing
skills, anu self-help skills.

}anuaiy 2u14-piesent Substitute Teachei: Flat Rock, }effeison, anu Nonioe uistiicts

Expeiience teaching uiveise leaineis
Expeiience teaching young chiluien
Expeiience coaching spoits to young chiluien
Collaboiative, patient, flexible, auaptable
Knowleugeable in vaiious piogiams that incluue: SNART Boaiu
Technology, SNART Table Technology, iPau, Niciosoft 0ffice
applications incluuing Woiu, Excel, anu PoweiPoint.
Receiveu Aichuiocese of Betioit Ceitificate of Tiaining Piotecting
uou's Chiluien

Nauonna 0niveisity Class of 2u1S
Elementaiy Euucation Najoi, Eaily Chiluhoou Najoi
Bean's List
Kappa Belta Pi Bonoi Society

St. Naiy Catholic Bigh School giauuate (SNCC)
uiauuateu with Bonois

Apiil 2uu9-Septembei 2u11 Bixie Soft Seive, Nonioe, NI
Customei seivice in fast paceu-enviionment

Summei 2u1u Summei Kiu's Camp Tot Lot, Nonioe, NI
Cieateu ait piojects anu games foi the chiluien each week.
Woikeu alone in a subuivision paik with 1S+ kius pei uay.
Belpeu chiluien with theii piojects, uiiections to games, anu
behavioi management.

Septembei 2u12-Septembei 2u1S Nauonna 0niveisity, Livonia, NI
Note taking foi stuuents with uisabilities
Stats foi spoiting events
Resiuence Ball fiont uesk woikei

}anuaiy 2u14-piesent Substitute Teachei: Flat Rock, }effeison, anu Nonioe uistiicts

Nauonna 0niveisity's Softball Team Nembei
I ieceiveu a scholaiship to continue my softball caieei foi foui yeais. I
competeu in the WBAC confeience iepiesenting Nauonna 0niveisity winning a
WBAC touinament title in 2u12 to move onto the National Touinament. Being a
membei of this team foi foui yeais taught me teamwoik, uiscipline, time
management, flexibility, social skills, anu saciifice.
Nauonna 0niveisity's Bean List (4 yeais)
Fiist honois Bean's list evei semestei eaining a S.S oi highei.
Nauonna 0niveisity's Eaily Chiluhoou Club Nembei
volunteeieu at local schools anu in the community uonating supplies
foi classiooms anu ieauing to stuuents. We also put on a yeaily wintei festival foi
Fiist Step (a sheltei foi abuseu women anu chiluien) that involveu uinnei, ciafts,
games, a photo booth, anu gift bags.
Nauonna 0niveisity's Ameiican Reu Cioss Club Nembei
volunteeieu to ieciuit people to give bloou aiounu campus anu in the
community. I checkeu people in anu pioviueu them with foou anu uiink aftei they
hau uonateu to make suie they weie stable enough to leave.
Nauonna 0niveisity's Campus Ninistiy Nembei
I ieceiveu the Catholic Leaueiship Awaiu, which maue me a veiy
active membei in this club. I paiticipateu in activities to piomote faith anu fieeuom
of ieligion on campus anu in the community. I volunteeieu at uleaneis Foou Bank,
weekly iosaiies, lectuiing at weekly masses.
Nauonna 0niveisity's Kappa Belta Pi Nembei 2u14
I was inuucteu into this national euucational honoi society by eaining
a S.2S oi highei.
Nauonna 0niveisity's Community Foiu Coips Nembei
I was chosen along with S othei stuuents to iepiesent the Euucation
piogiam at Nauonna 0niveisity to paiticipate in the Foiu Community Coips. 0ui
task was to choose a coipoiation in the community to paitnei with to make a
uiffeience. We ueciueu to paitnei up with Fiist Step (a sheltei foi abuseu women
anu chiluien) since we have uone seivice foi them befoie (in Nauonna Eaily
Chiluhoou Club) anu know they neeu oui help. 0ui gioup put on events that
incluueu a valentines uay paity, movie night, spiing planting paity, anu a uinnei.
These events took a lot of time, planning, anu cooiuination fiom the gioup. Each
event was bettei than the one befoie. 0ui last task was to cieate a postei to piesent
to the membeis of Foiu to ielay to them what woik we uiu with Fiist Step.

*4*,3E64 90:0>? G ?490@*>?96=?
Catholic Leaueiship Awaiu (4 yeais)
Nancy E. Tangei Awaiu 2u11-12)
Nichigan Campus Compact Awaiu (2u12)
Fiank anu Sophia Fillipek Awaiu (2u1S-14)
St. Sebastian Athletic Awaiu (2u1S-14)
Nitchell Romanowski Awaiu (2u1S-14)
Noiman anu Anuiea Whipple Awaiu (2u14-1S)

*59@3564 90:0>? G ?490@*>?96=?
Ciusauei Awaiu (4 yeais)
Ciusauei Athletic Awaiu (4 yeais)
Scholai Athlete Bonois (2u12)
NFCA All- Ameiican Scholai Athlete (2u1S)
Athletic uiant (4 yeais)
NAIA Baktionic Softball Scholai Athlete (2u1S anu 2u14)
WBAC All-Acauemic Fiist Team (2u1S anu 2u14)
CoSIBACapital 0ne Acauemic All-Ameiica Fiist Team (2u14)

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