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mice --- is loss, rst meaning , but it is also strong doubts and fears which eat you up,

, you know what a mouse does with his teeth, that is

the symbol when you have a doubt that consumes.. next to woman..low self estreem.... mouse loses whatever is behind it...
cofn -- can be negative but also positive like putting closure on a phase, with mouse--can be like there will come an end to the doubts in
this combination.
scyth -- is a break, a separation. or dismiss something.... MOUNTAIN & SCYTH-- break because of distance.
sh --- sh is richdom, but also quantity, it magnies the card which is next to it ie. business. money. if you have a child speaks or more
children or a numerous family. excessive. super positive as long as with positives or alone.
house - someone feels close to you. familiar. safe.
cross --- can also indicate an illness then depends on the combination, cofn and cross together i quite ugly someone being very ill. A
TEST. sun AFTER cross.. a test that will pass.
RIDER -- one is a man (usually a foreigner or someone from abroad) can indicate a romance or a ing at same time. New guy. together
with the STAR (which indicates a new beginning) can be the beginning of a romance.... UPCOMING NEWS. shallow..not lasting.
lily --- love card, attraction, luck, succes, you name it is loaded with positive meaning also some WISH being fullled, (there is a lot more to
it) almost the most positive card. peace.
ower-- invitation. DATE. time spent together. happiness. Joy. Good news.
anchor -- stability is a safe place. in this case a relationship which gives a secure feeling. Or surrounded by negativity... its like someone
being STUCK. loyalty. anchor and snake=another woman. anchor/clouds-- another man. attached to. bond. solid. strengthens neighboring
mountain-- is an obstacle to the relationship(the ring) now what the obstacle is you should look what is around the mountain to know . ok,
the obstacles with the KEY are something which can be overcome. challenges. delays. generally negative but with a promise of positive
eventually. blocks...
road--- on the fence. decision. choice. 2 things to choose from. unsure what to make of it...
-- is success but also that you have CONTROL on a situation. You have it in your hands. solution. resolution. feels like a FRESH START.
knowledge. new beginning. open door. realization. destiny... guided.
MOON --- the moon is neutral card, this means also the past. emotions. MOON rst then dog -- someone from past. deep roots of the
PAST. HOPES. LONGING. DEEP. depressed sometimes....
GARDEN: is growth , creativity, can also be other things if it is with negative cards. but it is all positive has a positive meaning. (surrounded
by positive card means positive) reinforces in this case the love between the people. like a conrmation of the mutuality of the feelings also
can mean a RECONNECTION if two people were apart. MEETING. (with fox fear about not being able to)
PARTY. EVENT. SOCIAL SITUATION. being out in public.
CHILD - child, immaturity.. something in it's initial phase. Teaching. new. with heart/new love. emotionally immature.
SNAKE -- is rivalry SNAKE&DOG betrayal in friendship. snake and ring-- sexual relationship. snake and heart-- cheating... snake and
anchor... another woman..... sex and lilies... another woman with interest. problems ghts....
BIRDS --- also a love card or news about a love situation. or WORDS. COMMUNICATION.

FOX - can be work.. or mischief. sexual rendevous... FEAR news is not truthful. someone you can't trust. FOX & BOOK - fear of unknown..
fox and heart-- fear of feelings or secret affair. extra marital affair.
TREE --- is positive by itself, it means GROWTH, creativity depends on the question as well bc it is also a card indicating health. but also
a reconnection of two people. new relationship. or ROOT of the problem. foundation. Past. Karma.
LETTER -- GOOD news which will make you happy , owers is happiness. NEWS you heart. Email. Letter.
DOG -- is a good card, means friendship. but also if you ask if someone is sincere or faithful. when surrounded by good cards... someone
you can count on. SUN and DOG - brother friend
BEAR--- power and strength is the main meaning. about a person can indicate an intelligent strong willed, brave, .... the snake and the
bear together -- (about the person asking) bears energy is determined by the cards around it... negative means more strength to that.. or
positive. jealousy. anger. stubborn. business/money.
tower - thinking, thoughts. separation of ways.... ego.... in relationship-- separation. isolated. long term.
heart - love and anything where emotion is involved. with LETTER someone close to your heart....
clover -- luck. interest. hidden interest. quick. happening very soon. a good energy.
star --- happiness and success. dreams. wishes. fantasies. imagination. WISHING for something. HOPES.
sun-- positive. sun rst and bad.... means rocky.... bad and then SUN... it will pass... sun&stars wishes lled beyond expectations! HAPPY.
cross- suffering.... tests....sorrow.... pain... depression. w/book hiding depression. tests. CROSS and MOON - addiction
ring -- RECONNECTION, relationship.
book -- hidden. secret. last card direction is unclear--not meant to be known. FOX & BOOK - fear of the unknown. school. studying. legal.

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