Element 7:-Monitoring, Review and Audit of Health and Safety Performance

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Element 7:- Monitoring, Review and Audit of Health and Safety

Active Monitoring
Takes key performance indicators and compares them externally
with similar organisations or industry standards
!or"lace #n$"ection$
A formal, structured examination possibly by a team of people of
the working environment that identify hazards that are not
%imitation$ of in$"ection$
Some hazards are not visible
Some hazards not always present
Unsafe practices not seen
&y"e$ of in$"ection$
General workplace inspections
Statutory inspections
ompliance inspections
Peo"le who carry out in$"ection$
"ealth and Safety advisors
#mployee safety representatives
#nforcement agencies
#n$"ection 'hecli$t
ondition of processes and plant
#nvironmental conditions
$ire protection
$irst aid
"and held tools
"azardous substances
&ifting e'uipment
!anual handling
!achinery guarding
(oise etc)
Safety Sam"ling
A random exercise in which assigned observers walk in allotted
timescale noting incidence of health and safety defects on pre*
prepared sheets
Safety &our$
An unscheduled examination of a workplace to look for
acceptable standards) A tour can be carried out by a !anager
and demonstrates commitment to safety

A thorough examination of the performance of the health and
safety management systems, procedures)
Audits look at !anagement systems, +rocedures, Training,
documentation such as safe systems, +ermits to work, ,nterview
selected employees as well as examining the workplace)
Reactive Monitoring
,ll*health statistics
(ear misses
-angerous occurrences
omplaints by workforce
#nforcement action
ivil claims
Test ( 8 )
Outline the strengths & weaknesses of using a
checklist to complete a H&S inspection of the
The inspection is more structured & systematic
It reduces the chance that important areas or issues might be overlooked
Provides an immediate record of findings
Ensures a consistent approach by those carrying out the inspection
Provides an easy method for comparison and audits
The weakness
May lead to a blinkered approach by inspectors
!ignificant risks might be missed
That the checklist may not be revie"ed & updated to account for
changes to "ork processes or e#uipment
That there is a danger that inspections become routine "ith no follo"$
up% #uestions being asked
May be no scope for peripheral issues to be considered
&ntrained persons may be tempted to conduct inspections
Explain how accident data can be used to improve
health & safety performance within an
!ho"s trends
Identifies "eaknesses in policies and procedures
Prioritises safety measures
Identifies areas for improvements
!ets targets for reduction
Outline FO! proactive monitoring methods that
can be used when assessing an organisation"s health
& safety performance
Safety surveys ("hich generally focus on a particular procedure'
such as the introduction of ne" e#uipment)
Safety tours ("hich are unscheduled' less formal inspections to
check on general "orkplace standards)
Safety sampling ("hich is an organised system of checking
defined areas of the "orkplace' & often particular health & safety
issues' on a regular basis)
#enchmarking ("here performance is compared "ith that of
similar organisations)
The environmental monitoring (e(g( air monitoring' noise
Outline the reasons why an organisation should
monitor its health and safety performance
To identify substandard practices
To identify trends in accidents and incidents
To compare actual performance "ith previous
To benchmark against that of similar
Identify "hether control measure are in use
Make decisions on remedial actions
!et priorities and establish realistic targets
)ssess compliance "ith legal re#uirements
Provide management "ith relevant information
Explain how the following may be used to improve safety
performance within an organisation%&

a' $ccident data
b' Safety inspections
a) )ccident data
!ho"s trends and patterns(
Identifies "eaknesses in procedures and policies(
Priorities safety measures(
Identifies areas for improvements(
!ets targets for reduction(
b) !afety inspections
Identifies "orkplace ha*ards(
Introduce control measures(
+onsultation "ith employees(
,enchmark improvements(
+overs all aspects of "orkplace(
State E()HT measures that can be used to monitor an
organisations health and safety performance
-ates of accidents.incidents
)ctions taken by enforcement authorities
/umber of compensation claims
-esults of inspections
-esults of environmental monitoring
0utcomes of safety audits
-esults of tours' sampling and surveys
+ompliance "ith procedures
/umber of staff trained in health and safety
-esults of medical and or health surveillance
a' Outline the factors that should be considered
when planning an inspection of a workplace
The nature of the ha*ards in the "orkplace1
The composition & competence of the inspection team1
The areas to be inspected & the routes to follo"1
The timing & fre#uency of the inspections1
The relevant legislation & standards against "hich the
results of the inspection "ould be 2udged1
The preparation & provision of checklists1
The action that should follo" the
The means of notifying
+onsulting "ith relevant staff prior to the inspection
Explain the main features of%
a' $ safety inspection
b' $ safety audit
a' $ safety inspection
) straight observation of a "orkplace or the activities
or e#uipment(
&sually carried out by a manager or employee
0ften aided by the use of a checklist
May be carried out routinely
4as the aim of identifying ha*ards & assessing the
use & effectiveness of control measures
b' $ safety audit
+ritical e5amination of an organi*ation6s safety
management systems & procedures(
+arried out by a trained auditor' often someone from
outside the organi*ation(
It is a structured "ay of assessing the 4&!
performance of an organi*ation by supplying
ans"ers to a series of #uestions'
0ften involves a scoring system such that
improvements can be made
$ production manager intends to implement a programme
of regular workplace inspections*
a' State the main health and safety issues that may
be included on the inspection checklist

machinery safety'
the storage of ha*ardous substances'
fire prevention & the procedure to be follo"ed in the
event of an emergency'
ergonomic issues'
"elfare provision'
observation of "orkers7 behaviour'
the "ork environment

b' (dentify the possible costs to the organisation as a
result of the accident

The cost of loss production1
Time lost by the employee.employees involved in the
+lean$up costs
The possible repair of damaged plant & e#uipment1
) possible increase in insurance premiums1
The cost of legal representation in any subse#uent
proceedings & the fine that might be imposed1
compensation payments
Intangible costs such as the effects on the business
image of the organisation & the morale of the
"orkforce as a "hole(

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