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Phase Shifting Transformers: Principles and

A pplications
J ody V erb oomen, Memb er I E E E , D irk V an H ertem, Memb er I E E E , Pieter H . Schav emak er,
W il L . K ling, Memb er I E E E , R onnie B elmans, F ellow I E E E
A b stract- The pu rpose of this paper is to giv e a short ov erv iew
of ex isting technologies regarding phase shifting transformers
( PST' s) . A classification is made b ased on the sy mmetrical or
asy mmetrical and on the direct or indirect character of the
PST. A s a case- stu dy , the PST' s in Meeden, The N etherlands
are stu died more profou ndly . F u rthermore, a model is dev eloped
on a real- time digital simu lator ( R TD S) in order to demonstrate
the capab ilities of the PST.
I ndex Terms- Phase Shifting Transformer, Pow er F low C on-
trol, R eal Time D igital Simu lator
I n the recent past, the operation of a transmission grid w as
relativ ely straightforw ard. The grid w as designed to su pply
electricity to the cou ntry in w hich it w as b u ilt and to su pport
neighb ou ring cou ntries in times of need. There w as no need
for large capacities at the b order, b ecau se most of the energy
w as su pplied b y pow erplants w ithin the cou ntry itself.
The deregu lation of the electricity mark et, how ev er, has led
to maj or changes. The transmission grid is u sed as a transport
mediu m b etw een produ cer A and consu mer B , not necessarily
located in the same cou ntry . A and B hav e concealed a contract
in w hich is stated that A produ ces a certain amou nt of energy
and that B b u y s this energy . H ence, the contractu al path of the
electricity is straight from A to B . The phy sical path, how ev er,
is a grou p of parallel paths, some of w hich lead throu gh
cou ntries that are not inv olv ed in the contract. I n this manner,
u ncontrolled pow er flow s can occu r in the transmission sy stem
of a cou ntry and ov erload its lines.
A nother prob lem that can occu r is the u nev en loading of
parallel transmission lines. The distrib u tion of the pow er flow
b etw een tw o parallel lines is dictated b y their impedances [ 1 ] .
The line w ith the smallest reactance carries the largest part
of the load. I n most situ ations, one of the tw o lines w ill b e
operating w ell b elow its nominal rating b ecau se otherw ise the
parallel line w ou ld b e ov erloaded.
I n the tw o prob lems stated ab ov e, activ e pow er flow needs to
b e controlled. The phase shifting transformer ( PST) does j u st
that. Sev eral cou ntries hav e already installed or are planning to
install PST' s [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] . A lthou gh the technology is relativ ely
J . V erb oomen, P. H . Schav emak er and W . L . K ling are w ith the E lectrical
Pow er Sy stems G rou p of the D elft Univ ersity of Technology , Mek elw eg
4 , 2 6 2 8 C D D elft, The N etherlands, E mail: j . v erb oomen
oew i. tu delft. nl,
p. h. schav emak er
oew i. tu delft. nl,
w . l. k ling
0 ew i. tu delft. nl
W . L . K ling is also w ith the Pow er Sy stems L ab oratory of the E indhov en
Univ ersity of Technology , The N etherlands and Tennet b v , The N etherlands
D . V an H ertem and R . B elmans are w ith the E L E C TA research grou p of the
K . U. L eu v en, B elgiu m
old, the PST prov es to b e a v alu ab le means of control. I n
the follow ing paragraphs, the principles of this dev ice are
ex plained.
P, Q ( pu )
0 , 5
0 , > O 5 1 1 , 5 2 2 , 5 3 3 , 5
6 ( rad)
- 0 , 5
- 1 , 5
- 2
F ig. 1 . A ctiv e and reactiv e pow er ov er a transmission line as a fu nction of
The activ e and reactiv e pow er transported ov er a transmis-
sion line is giv en b y the follow ing eq u ations:
p lUslUr i(
p - Ps~ u r~ sine
, y , ( U
( 1 )
( 2 )
These eq u ations are plotted as a fu nction of d in F ig. 1 ,
w ith the v oltages and the line reactance eq u al to 1 pu .
The activ e pow er is proportional to the v oltages on the
sending and the receiv ing side and to the sine of the electrical
angle b etw een b oth sides; it is also inv ersely proportional to
the line reactance. A ltering the activ e pow er can b e done
b y altering the v oltages, b u t this has a b igger influ ence on
the reactiv e pow er, so this method is not v ery effectiv e.
The total line reactance can b e low ered b y placing a series
capacitor in order to compensate for the indu ctance of the line.
B esides the increased pow er flow , an additional adv antage of
this method is that oscillations can b e damped b y sw itching
the capacitor at appropriate times. Some F lex ib le A lternating
C u rrent Transmission Sy stems ( F A C TS) can alter the total line
impedance v ery dy namically [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] .
The method discu ssed in this paper is the method of altering
the electrical angle, as show ed in F ig. 2 .
I Usk 8
| UrI z O
. Sy mmetrical PST' s create an ou tpu t v oltage w ith an
altered phase angle compared to the inpu t v oltage, b u t
w ith the same amplitu de.
The comb ination of these characteristics resu lts in 4 cat-
egories of PST' s. E ach category w ill b e discu ssed in the
follow ing paragraphs.
| UrI Z O
F ig. 2 . Model of a transmission line w ith and w ithou t a PST
The PST is modeled as a reactance in series w ith a phase
shift. The pow er flow throu gh the line is increased b y adding
an angle a to the ex isting angle 6 . The phase shift is control-
lab le w ithin certain limits. E q u ation 1 b ecomes:
p L
sin( 6
+ a) ( 3 )
The eq u ation stated ab ov e can also b e interpreted in another
w ay : the same amou nt of activ e pow er can b e transported ov er
the transmission line w ith a smaller v alu e of 6 .
The graph of 3 is shifted b y an amou nt a in comparison w ith
1 , as can b e seen in F ig. 3 . The max imu m pow er decreases
b y a factor XL +XPST w hen u sing a PST.
A . D irect, asy mmetrical PST' s
L l
L 3 _
F ig. 4 . D irect, asy mmetrical PST
1 , 2
P/ Pm ( pu )
0 , 8
0 , 6
0 , 4
0 , 2
UL 2
UL 3
0 0 , 5 1 , 5 2 2 , 5 3 , 5
F ig. 3 . A ctiv e pow er as a fu nction of 6 w ith and w ithou t a PST
The activ e pow er transported ov er the line is a non- linear
fu nction of a. This is an important aspect w hen designing con-
trollers for a PST, althou gh in most cases they are controlled
b y hu man action.
PST' s come in many different forms. They can b e classified
b y these characteristics:
. D irect PST' s are b ased on one 3 - phase core. The phase
shift is ob tained b y connecting the w indings in an appro-
priate manner.
. I ndirect PST' s are b ased on a constru ction w ith 2 sep-
arate transformers; one v ariab le tap ex citer to regu late
the amplitu de of the q u adratu re v oltage and one series
transformer to inj ect the q u adratu re v oltage in the right
. A sy mmetrical PST' s create an ou tpu t v oltage w ith an
altered phase angle and amplitu de compared to the inpu t
v oltage.
F ig. 5 . Phasor diagram of a direct, asy mmetrical PST
F ig. 4 show s the configu ration of a direct and asy mmetrical
PST. The inpu t terminals are L I to L 3 . The w inding w ith
v ariab le tap [ 8 ] that is connected to the inpu t terminal is
magnetically cou pled w ith the w inding b etw een the other tw o
terminals. I n this manner, a q u adratu re v oltage that can b e
regu lated b y means of the v ariab le tap is added to the inpu t
v oltage in order to ob tain a phase shift a. The direction of
the phase shift can b e changed b y u sing the sw itches. I n
this manner, the pow er flow in the line can b e increased or
decreased. The relation b etw een the tap position and the angle
a is non- linear and can b e deriv ed from the phasor diagram:
a =arctan A U, ( 4 )
The relationship b etw een the ou tpu t v oltage and the inj ected
q u adratu re v oltage is giv en b y :
A U1 ( 5 )
sUn4 e
Using 4 , 5 b ecomes:
( 6 )
sin ( arctan
u Ul
The ou tpu t v oltage
U, 1
is alw ay s larger than the inpu t v olt-
age UL 1 The fact that v oltage lev els are changed, influ ences
the transmitted pow er ov er the line:
p X +
sin( Q + a)
4 and 6 , 7 can b e rew ritten as follow s:
( 7 )
Ur A U1 sin + arctan A -
XL + XPST sin ( arctan \U1 ) s
( 8 )
This can b e rew ritten as: F
Ur *
( | UL
sin6 +
A U,
cos ) ( 9 )
The effects of an increasing angle and an increasing sec-
ondary v oltage comb ine in su ch a w ay that the resu lt is a linear
b ehav ior of the activ e pow er w ith respect to the q u adratu re
v oltage. I n theory , there is no max imu m for P.
E q u ations 4 and 9 are plotted in F ig. 6 for d =6 w ith UL 1
eq u al to 1 pu . The cu rv e of a is relativ ely linear
u p to a v alu e of ab ou t 0 , 6 rad or 3 4 .
P, 5
( pu )
ac( rad) T
1 , 2
2 q ,
F ig. 7 . D irect, sy mmetrical PST
F ig. 8 . Phasor diagram of a direct, sy mmetrical PST
0 , 8 Using 1 0 , the transferred activ e pow er b ecomes:
1 , 5
sin ( + 2 arcsin 2 U )
F ig. 6 .
asy mm
B . D i
0 , 2
E q u ations
and are
F ig.
9 w ith UL 1 and
eq u al
1 pu .
q u asi- linear range
of the
a- cu rv e
0 0 , 5 1 1 , 5 2 2 , 5 0
has dou b led in
w ith
F ig.
6 .
A U, l ( pu ) A n alternativ e implementation of a direct and sy mmetrical
PST is depicted in F ig. 1 0 . The resu lting phasor diagram
R elation b etw een P, oa and the q u adratu re v oltage for a direct ( F ig. 1 1 ) has a hex agonal shape. A n important adv antage of
6 this implementation is that only one tap v ariab le transformer
is needed per phase. A disadv antage is the need for additional
impedances to protect the tap changers w hen the phase shift is
irect, sy mmetrical PST' s set to z ero, b ecau se in that case, short circu it cu rrents occu r.
W ith some modifications, the direct, asy mmetrical PST can
b e made sy mmetrical. A n additional tap changer is needed,
w hich raises the total cost of the dev ice. The adv antages are
that the v oltage amplitu des remain u nchanged and that the
max imu m attainab le angles are mu ch larger.
The relation b etw een the q u adratu re v oltage and the angle a
is still non- linear and can b e deriv ed from the phasor diagram
( F ig. 8 ) :
a =2 arcsin A U, I
( 0 )
UL fl1 0
C . I ndirect, asy mmetrical PST' s
The indirect, asy mmetrical PST consists of an ex citer and
a series transformer. D epending on the rating of the sy stem,
these tw o transformers are hou sed in separate tank s or in a
single tank . The tw o- tank sy stem has the adv antage of easier
F ig. 1 2 show s the configu ration of the sy stem. The phasor
diagram is ex actly the same as the one depicted in F ig. 5 .
- L l
- L 2
- S2
- L 3
0 , 6
0 , 4
( 1 1 )
V , O
a ( rad)
3 , 5
2 , 5
1 , 5
0 , 5
A Ui
F ig. 1 1 . Phasor diagram of a direct, sy mmetrical PST w ith hex agonal w inding
1 , 5 2 2 , 5
I A Ull ( pu )
F ig. 9 . R elation b etw een P, a
sy mmetrical PST w ith 6 =
1 -
and the q u adratu re v oltage for a direct
S2 L 3 S3
F ig. 1 0 . D irect, sy mmetrical PST w ith hex agonal w inding connection
F ig. 1 2 . I ndirect, asy mmetrical PST
D . I ndirect, sy mmetrical PST' s
The indirect, asy mmetrical PST can b e made sy mmetrical
b y splitting the series w inding in tw o halv es and tapping the
v oltage for the ex citer from the middle. F ig. 1 3 show s this
configu ration. The phasor diagram is the same as the one in
F ig. 8 .
The N etherlands has fiv e interconnectors w ith its neighb or-
ing cou ntries B elgiu m and G ermany ( F ig. 1 4 ) . The sou thern
region is mu ch denser popu lated compared to the northern
part. A s a conseq u ence, import of pow er cau ses a heav y
loading of the sou thern interconnectors, especially on the line
Maasb racht- R ommersk irchen/ Siersdorf, compared to a low
loading of the most northern interconnector Meeden- D iele. I n
order to maintain n- I secu rity , the import capacity had to b e
limited. The D u tch Transmission Sy stem Operator ( TSO) Ten-
neT, stu died v ariou s solu tions to solv e this prob lem. A dditional
transmission lines didn' t offer instant relief, as su ch proj ects
w ou ld tak e mu ch too long b ecau se of negotiations w ith other
TSO' s and procedu res to ob tain all necessary permits. A b etter
solu tion w as to install a phase- shifter in an appropriate location
in the transmission grid [ 9 ] , [ 1 0 ] . The dev ice shou ldn' t b e
placed in the Maasb racht interconnector w ith G ermany , as
this w ou ld only shift the import to the B elgian b order, not
affecting the Meeden interconnector. L ocating the PST in
Meeden w ou ld offer the possib ility to increase the import in
the northern part of the cou ntry , distrib u ting the loading of
the interconnectors more eq u ally . I n reality , tw o PST' s are
req u ired b ecau se the interconnector consists of tw o circu its.
I n the y ear 2 0 0 0 , TenneT ordered the PST' s w ith Smit
Transformers. The most important design parameters are giv en
in Tab le I .
The chosen ty pe of PST is a sy mmetrical, indirect config-
u ration ( F ig. 1 3 ) . The series transformer and the ex citer can
b e constru cted as tw o separate 3 - phase transformers. This is
the tw o- tank design. The prob lem w ith this design is the fact
that the connections b etw een the tw o tank s are at the highest
v oltage lev el.
I t is also possib le to grou p the series transformer and
ex citer per phase, resu lting in a three- tank design. More
interconnections are needed, b u t they are on a low er v oltage
P ( pu )
1 , 2 l
0 , 8
0 , 6
0 , 4
0 , 2
C o
0 , 5
L I SI L 2
3 phase throu gh rating 1 0 0 0 MV A
A pplicab le standards I E C
Ty pe of cooling ON A N
Ty pe of regu lation Sy mmetrical
N u mb er of steps +/ - 1 6 steps
N o- load phase angle 3 7 . 2 degrees
L oad phase angle at 1 0 0 0 MV A 3 0 degrees
Short circu it impedance <1 2 % at 1 0 0 0 MV A
N ominal v oltage 3 8 0 k V
L ml C
. - cu
C i) -
L 2 - I 2
L m2
L 3 * : S3
L m3
* 1
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
a E x citer
F ig. 1 3 . I ndirect, sy mmetrical PST 0 1 -
Ut2 Ut3
1 3 3 _ k V m 1 3 k V
- UL - -
F ig. 1 5 . A one- phase u nit of a Meeden PST
Meeden D iele
I deal
line A : 1 0 0 k m
, - F ! , - ~
L oad
H engelo G ronau
G eertru idenb erg
Z andv iiet
Maasb racht
Meerhou V G ramme R ommersk irchen/
F ig. 1 4 . I nterconnectors of The N etherlands
lev el. This configu ration has b een adopted for the Meeden
PST' s.
E ach one- phase u nit consists of:
. A single- phase series transformer, rated at 2 1 3 MV A
A single- phase ex citer w ith tw o tap- changers, rated at 2 0 2
. Tw o cu rrent control transformers to distrib u te the cu rrent
eq u ally b etw een the tw o tap- changers.
The scheme of a u nit is draw n in F ig. 1 5 . The series
transformer consists of tw o smaller transformers of 1 3 3 k V
primary and 7 0 k V secondary each. The ex citer is constru cted
ou t of tw o parallel transformers w ith v ariab le tap. The primary
w inding is rated at 2 0 8 k V and the secondary w inding at 3 8 . 5
k V . The secondary w indings are connected in series, resu lting
in a rated regu lating v oltage of 7 7 k V .
line B : 1 8 1 k m
F ig. 1 6 . The configu ration u sed for the R TD S simu lation
A R eal- Time D igital Simu lator ( R TD S) is u sed to demon-
strate the u se of a sy mmetrical, indirect PST. The configu ration
is show n in F ig. 1 6 . Tw o transmission lines connect an ideal
generator w ith a load. The lines are identical, ex cept for the
length. The shortest transmission line ( line A ) is loaded more
heav ily than the longer one. A PST can distrib u te the load
more eq u ally . F ig. 1 7 show s the resu lts of the simu lation.
The activ e pow er flow is shifted from line A to line B as
the magnitu de of the phase shift angle a increases. I t is ev en
possib le to load line B more heav ily than line A if a is
increased b ey ond 1 7 degrees.
Phase shifting transformers ex ist in different forms. The
asy mmetrical v ersion is relativ ely simple compared to the
sy mmetrical PST b u t changes the v oltage amplitu de. The
indirect configu ration offers an easier modu lar design, b u t the
ov erall cost is higher than the direct v ersion. A PST is a
u sefu l means of control of activ e pow er flow , as is prov ed
b y hands- on ex perience ob tained from the Meeden PST' s in
The N etherlands. A simu lation in a real- time digital simu lator
( R TD S) illu strates the ab ility to regu late the activ e pow er
transmitted ov er a line.
J ody V erb oomen ob tained his M. E ng. in E lectron-
ical E ngineering from G rou p T Technical School in
L eu v en, B elgiu m in 2 0 0 1 . H e ob tained his M. Sc.
in E lectrical E ngineering from the C atholic Uni-
v ersity of L eu v en ( K UL ) , B elgiu m in 2 0 0 4 . H e is
cu rrently w ork ing tow ards a Ph. D . on the application
of F A C TS in transmission sy stems in the E lectrical
Pow er Sy stem ( E PS) lab oratory of the D elft Univ er-
sity of Technology , The N etherlands.
1 0 0
- 2 5
a ( deg)
- 2 0 - 1 5 - 1 0
F ig. 1 7 . The resu lts of the R TD S simu lation
This research at the TU D elft has b een performed w ithin the
framew ork of the research program ' intelligent pow er sy stems
that is su pported financially b y SenterN ov em. SenterN ov em
is an agency of the D u tch ministry of E conomic A ffairs.
The research performed at the K U L eu v en is financially
su pported b y the B elgian ' F onds v oor W etenschappelij k
Onderz oek ( F . W . O. ) - V laanderen' . D irk V an H ertem is
a doctoral research assistant of the F . W . O. - V laanderen.
[ 1 ] I E E E Pow er E ngineering Society , " C 5 7 . 1 3 5 I E E E G u ide for the
A pplication, Specification, and Testing of Phase- Shifting Transformers, "
May 2 0 0 2 .
[ 2 ] P. B resesti el al. , " A pplication of Phase Shifting Transformers for a
secu re and efficient operation of the interconnection corridors, " in I E E E
Pow er E ngineering Society G eneral Meeting, 2 0 0 4 , pp. 1 1 9 2 - 1 1 9 7 .
[ 3 ] R . M. G . C astro, F . M. R . B atista, and J . M. M. Medeiros Pinto, " A ppli-
cation of F A C TS in the Portu gu ese Transmission Sy stem: I nv estigation
on the Use of Phase- Shift Transformers, " in I E E E Porto Pow erTech2 0 0 1 ,
Porto, 2 0 0 1 .
[ 4 ] J . B ladow and A . Montoy a, " E x periences w ith Parallel E H V Shifting
Transformers, " I E E E Transactions on Pow er D eliv ery , v ol. 6 , no. 3 , pp.
1 0 9 6 - 1 1 0 0 , J u ly 1 9 9 1 .
[ 5 ] P. Moore and P. A shmole, " F lex ib le A C transmission sy stems part 4
A dv anced F A C TS controllers, " Pow er E ngineering J ou rnal, pp. 9 5 - 1 0 0 ,
A pril 1 9 9 8 .
[ 6 ] R . G ru nb au m, M. N orooz ian, and B . Thorv aldsson, " F A C TS -
pow erfu l
sy stems for flex ib le pow er transmission, " A B B R ev iew , v ol. 5 , pp. 4 - 1 7 ,
1 9 9 9 .
[ 7 ] R . G ru nb au m, R . Sharma, and J . P. C harpentier, " I mprov ing the effi-
ciency and q u ality of A C transmission sy stems, " A B B Pow er Sy stems
- J oint W orld B ank , Tech. R ep. , March 2 0 0 0 .
[ 8 ] A . K ramer and J . R u ff, " Transformers for Phase A ngle R egu lation C on-
sidering the Selection of On- L oad Tap- C hangers, " I E E E Transactions
on Pow er D eliv ery , v ol. 1 3 , no. 2 , pp. 5 1 8 - 5 2 5 , A pril 1 9 9 8 .
[ 9 ] W . L . K ling et al. , " Phase shifting transformers installed in the N ether-
lands in order to increase av ailab le international transmission capacity , "
in C I G R E Session 2 0 0 4
C 2 - 2 0 7 , 2 0 0 4 .
[ 1 0 ] C . J . G . Spoorenb erg, B . F . v an H u lst, and H . F . R eij nders, " Specific
aspects of design and testing of a phase shifting transformer, " in XI I I th
I nternational Sy mposiu m on H igh V oltage E ngineering, 2 0 0 3 .
D irk V an H ertem gradu ated as a M. E ng. in 2 0 0 1
from the K H K , G eel/ B elgiu m and as a M. Sc.
in E lectrical E ngineering fOm te K . U. L . L eu v en
B elgiu m in 2 0 0 3 . F rom 2 0 0 3 he has b een w ork -
ing tow ards a Ph. D . in the E L E C TA research
grou p, department of E lectrical E ngineering of the
K . U. L eu v en, B elgiu m.
F rom Octob er
2 0 0 4 ,
he is a
research assistant for the F . W . O. - V l. I n 2 0 0 1 , his
masters thesis receiv ed the ' V I . K . aw ard' and in
2 0 0 4 , he receiv ed the ' K . B . V . E . R &D aw ard' for his
second masters thesis. H is special fields of interest
are pow er sy stem control and optimiz ation.
Pieter H . Schav emak er ob tained his M. Sc. in
E lectrical E ngineering from the D elft Univ ersity of
Technology in 1 9 9 4 and he ob tained his Ph. D . in
E lectrical E ngineering from the D elft Univ ersity of
Technology in 2 0 0 2 . Since 1 9 9 6 he has b een w ith
the Pow er Sy stems L ab oratory w here he is cu rrently
A ssistant Professor. H is main research interests in-
clu de pow er
sy stem
transients and po ter sstem
calcu lations.
W il L . K ling receiv ed his MPS- degree in electrical
engineering from the Technical Univ ersity of E ind-
hov en in 1 9 7 8 . Since 1 9 9 3 he has b een a ( part-
time) professor w ith the D epartment of E lectrical
E ngineering at D elnaUniv ersity of Technology , in
the field of Pow er Sy stems E ngineering. I n addition,
he is w ith the Operations department of TenneT ( the
D u tch Transmission Sy stem Operator) . Since 1 9 9 9 ,
| the has also b een a part- time professor at the TU
E indhov en. H is area of interest is related to planning
and operations of pow er sy stems. H e is the proj ect
leader of the research programme ' I ntelligent Pow er Sy stems' , sponsored b y
Senter, an agency of the D u tch Ministry of E conomic A ffairs. Prof K ling
is inv olv ed in scientific organiz ations su ch as C I G R E and the I E E E . A s
N etherlands' representativ e, he is a memb er of its A dministrativ e C ou ncil.
F u rthermore, he is inv olv ed in sev eral international w ork ing grou ps in the
field of netw ork planning and sy stem stu dies, w ithin UC TE , E u relectric and
other b odies.
R onnie B elmans receiv ed the MS. degree in elec-
trical engineering in 1 9 7 9 , the Ph. D . in 1 9 8 4 , and
the Special D octorate in 1 9 8 9 from the K . U. L eu v en,
B elgiu m and the H ab ilitieru ng from the R W TH ,
A achen, G ermany , in 1 9 9 3 . C u rrently , he is fu ll
professor w ith K . U. L eu v en, teaching electrical ma-
chines and v ariab le speed driv es. H e is appointed
v isiting professor at I mperial C ollege in L ondon.
H e is also President of UI E . H e w as w ith the
L ab oratory for E lectrical Machines of the R W TH ,
A achen, G ermany ( V on H u mb oldt F ellow , Oct. ' 8 8 -
Sept. ' 8 9 ) . Oct. ' 8 9 - Sept. ' 9 0 , he w as v isiting associate professor at Mc Master
Univ ersity , H amilton, Ont. , C anada. D u ring the academic y ear 1 9 9 5 - 1 9 9 6 he
occu pied the C hair at the L ondon Univ ersity , offered b y the A nglo- B elgian
Society . D r. B elmans is a fellow of b oth the I E E E and the I E E ( United
K ingdom) . H e is the chairman of the b oard of E lia, the B elgian transmission
grid operator.
5 0 0
4 0 0
PB ( MW )
eq u ilib riu m at - 1 7
3 0 0
2 0 0

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