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Media Resources

Week Learning Objectives Media Resources

1. Develop strategies for learning online
2. Post an introduction in the Discussion
- Welcome to IPS campus; to being an online IPS student
- Welcome video introducing the layout of the course
- Tutorial for using the online Canvas classroom
o Accessing the Syllabus / Schedule
o Grading
o Posting in the Discussion
o Replying to your colleagues
1. Evaluate benefits of a Catholic-Christian
vision of the person
2. Apply the IPS model of the person to a

- Media presentation on IPS vision
o A: The Why IPS was necessary
Include element on how this distinguishes studying psychology
at IPS [dont impose / propose]
Faculty Panel interview on the IPS Model and its significance in
the study of psychology
o B: What the model is whats unique [graphic]
What underlies the IPS model vision of person, reality, and
how psychology fits into that as a science and as a source of
therapy and as a source for helping professionals [a graphic
image of the model with overlays that can help people
understand the model; the three lenses of psychology,
theology, philosophy
o C: Applying the model in a practice setting
Relevance of earning this degree at IPS and how it will
influence their lives personally and professionally
Vignettes [Scenario A standard approach compared to
Scenario B IPS Model applied to the scenario]
1. Evaluate the influence of positive
psychology on personal flourishing
2. Evaluate the development of virtues and
character formation in helping others
- Possible compare and contrast media piece of how a person who is flourishing
versus a person who is not. [A day in the life of a person flourishing and a day
in the life of the same person not flourishing; could be a narrated photo
montage or animation]
- Possible media piece on character formation [Nick; timeline growth /
development as a person [virtues]; stages of life]
o Importance of getting into good habits to build good dispositions /
- PPT with audio discussing 10 virtues: cardinal virtues and positive psychology
virtues [Lickona piece already existing from SUNY]
- Tutorial on accessing the online library
Media Resources

- Tutorial on conducting keyword searches
1. Explain factors that inhibit flourishing
2. Analyze vicious cycles for maladaptive
coping styles
3. Evaluate challenges in establishing
professional boundaries
- Media presentation on recognizing the main intentions in a vicious cycle and
how it prevents the flourishing and virtue
o Show the flow of a vicious cycle [with graphic]
o Illustrate with a concrete visual; possible montage of photos depicting
relationships with an audio file of two people having a conversation to
demonstrate vicious cycles and how it prevents flourishing and virtue;
present numerous concrete examples of vicious cycles and how they
lead to irony [could be a graphic image that moves around in the cycle
demonstrating the dysfunction; walking through the stages; could use
thought bubbles]
o List various maladaptive coping styles [these are psychological; other
aspects to think about too spiritual which manifest themselves in
1. Appraise the impact of psychological
baggage on overcoming obstacles and
2. Explain how a Catholic-Christian model can
influence healing relationships
3. Analyze the impact of a personal
transformational experience
4. Evaluate the application of psychological
topics to personal and professional
situations through self-reflection and self-
- Possible narrated PowerPoint discussing the application of Jesuss example of
healing relationships throughout the Gospels tied in to personal / professional
life and experiences with others
o Give a demonstration of how to provide a corrective emotional
o Tie into the IPS model
- Build on the relationships introduced in Week 3; little bit of audio about the
scenarios demonstrating professional healer who comes and breaks the
cycle and how the IPS model comes into play Narrated PPT providing a
conceptual walk-through and introducing students to reading and synthesizing
evidence-based articles.
- Panel or individual interview on the healing power of relationship and how that
leads to hope [Dr. Scrofani]
1. Appraise the field of and roles in social
2. Relate the IPS model to helping professions
3. Outline personal and professional values

- PPT on how we are defining the healing professions; person centered approach
- Media interview with Dr. Scrofani about being a helping professional [Former
director of Social Services for DC]
- Media element that highlights the journey of this degree program [narrated
fast draw? The trajectory of the whole program, the courses, the concepts
covered in the courses; their journey through the program and how it relates
to them personally and professionally]
- Media presentation on the three levels of vocation [demonstrates the IPSs
Media Resources

oral tradition; Dr. Nordling or Dr. Titus or both could do this too]
1. Appraise the IPS Model as an approach to
helping people flourish
2. Analyze areas for personal and professional
growth related to helping skills
3. Develop objectives for each area of your
Flourishing Development Plan in support of
a professional identity
- Media of faculty presenting a case conceptualization using the IPS model
- PPT helping students digest the IPS Model
- Media vignette on the focus of the three vocational levels in a practice setting
[refine this]; these are not therapeutic cases these are not for counselors. It
could be the intake person across the table from the homeless person; police
officer who just deescalated a family violence situation and he is helping them
take the next step
1. Analyze the influence of commitment in
relationships as a part of flourishing and
2. Compare secular research findings on
happiness and unhappiness with the
Catholic-Christian position on human
behavior and happiness
3. Develop SMART Goals that support a plan
for flourishing
- Media piece with Dr. Nordling on the three levels of vocation and the influence
on happiness; relate this to their development plan [Short interview with Bill;
then goes into a scenario that you would see photo based scenario format
(its not about the nail; empathy between a couple YouTube video)]
- Arthur Brooks Happiness / Unhappiness [recording of a presentation maybe
include here?]
1. Apply psychological concepts and a
Catholic-Christian view of human dignity in
different practice settings
2. Develop strategies for improving
professional skills applicable to helping
3. Create a plan for developing personal and
professional flourishing
- PPT about work and personal calling (capture the teaching from JPII On
Human Labor, Grisez on personal calling, and Dies Domini on the importance
of Sabbath rest) may not need this PPT
- Media piece discussing how students can apply all the concepts from this
course to their personal and professional endeavors [Have Dr. Nordling to
speak to this]
- Media piece informing students of the next course / next step in the journey
- Revisit the Journey media so they can get ready / excited for the next step
- Three or four case studies to be used in the Discussion OR one good case

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