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PART-B (11*1=11 marks)
1. Explain the major components of HVDC converter stations with a neat schematic
diagram (repeated question)
2. Explain the different DC link configurations stating the important factors of each DC
link configuration
3. Compare AC and DC transmission based on economics of power transmission,
stability limit and reliability (repeated question)
4. Describe the factors to be considered for planning of a HVDC transmission system
5. Briefly explain the modern trends in HVDC transmission system (repeated question)
1. State the assumption made in simplified analysis of Graetz circuit and derive the
expression for voltage when there is no overlap (repeated question)
2. Explain constant current and extinction angle control in operation of HVDC
transmission system(repeated question)
3. Draw and explain the DC and valve voltage waveform without overlap of a three
phase bridge converter. Derive the average of DC voltage, rms value of harmonics
and power factor
4. a) Draw and explain the converter control characteristics
b) Explain the effect of overlap angle on the performance of converter circuit
5. With the help of neat sketch explain 3 phase bridge converter? (repeated question)
6. For a 3-, 6 pulse Graetz circuit, draw he timing diagram considering overlap angle is
less than 60
and without overlap for the following:
a) Voltage across load
b) Voltage across any two pair of conduction values
1. Explain in detail the basic faults that can occur in a converter? (repeated question)
2. What are the functions of smoothing reactor? Explain the different location of
smoothing reactors? (repeated question)
3. Explain the causes of over voltages in DC transmission system. Also explain the over
voltage protection in a converter station with schematic arrangement? (repeated
4. Explain the concept of transient over voltages in DC line with typical voltage
waveform for: (repeated question)
a) Inductive
b) Capacitive
c) Resistive terminations
5. Explain the purpose of smoothing reactor in DC line?
6. a) What are the basic principles of over current protection?
b) Discuss the various faults that exist in converter station? Explain?
1. Explain harmonics and its ill effects. State the difference between characteristics and
non characteristics harmonics?
2. Explain the design of single tuned filter with the impedance characteristics? (repeated
3. Briefly explain the thyristor controlled reactor and thyristor switched capacitor type of
static VAR system with configuration and characteristics? (repeated question)
4. Bring out the distinguished features of single tuned and double tuned AC filters with
circuit diagram and frequency response curves? (repeated question)
5. Write a note on the following sources of reactive power (repeated question)
a) Synchronous condensers
b) Static VAR system
6. Derive an equation for harmonic voltage and current for single tuned filter and discuss
the influence of network admittance on design aspects?
7. Explain in detail, the concept of reactive power requirements in HVDC converters?

8. Write short notes on the following: (repeated question)
a) Telephone influence factor
b) Harmonic distortion
9. What are the filter configurations that are employed for HVDC converter station?
Give design aspect of one such filter?
10. Explain the generation of HVDC harmonics? (repeated question)
11. Explain in detail about active and passive SC filters with design criteria?

1. a) Explain the types of MTDC system? (repeated question)
b) What are the advantages of parallel MTDC system over series MTDC system?
2. Explain the working principle of DC breakers? (repeated question)
3. Draw and explain the series MTDC system and parallel MTDC system. Also discuss
their advantages and disadvantages? (repeated question)
4. Explain the concepts of DC breakers with schematic arrangement. Current and
voltage waveforms and communication circuit? (repeated question)
5. Write short notes on multi terminal system, overvoltage on the HVDC system, Bypass
value and its use?


PART-A (1*2=2 marks)
1. Compare AC and DC Transmission. (repeated question)
2. Define Energy Availability. (repeated question)
3. Define Transient Reliability. (repeated question)
4. What are all the applications of DC Transmission?
5. What are the types of DC Links? (repeated question)
6. What is meant by Converter Station?
7. Write the different configurations of Converter Transformers.
8. Mention the types of Filters. (repeated question)
9. Define Smoothing Reactor. (repeated question)
10. What is the purpose of DC Switchgear?
11. What are the disadvantages of DC Transmission?
12. What is meant by Ground Impedance?
13. What is the use of Line Compensation?
14. Where the reactive power control is required? (repeated question)
15. What are the advantages of DC Transmission over AC Transmission? (repeated
16. What are the factors considered for planning of HVDC system?
17. Write the different configurations of DC link for Interconnections.
18. What are the considerations required to choose the DC Interconnection?
19. What are aspects required for System Interaction?
20. What is the reason to move to the Modern trends in HVDC technology?

1. Write the modes of Inverter station.
2. What are the different modes of operation in a Twelve Pulse Converter?
3. What are assumptions made in the analysis of converters?
4. What is the principle of DC Link Control?
5. Draw the Converter Control Characteristics.
6. Write the three different modes of operation in a converter control characteristics.
7. What is meant by firing angle control? (repeated question)
8. What are types of firing schemes?
9. What is the main feature of individual phase control?
10. Define constant control.
11. Define inverse cosine control.
12. Write the drawbacks of individual phase control.
13. Draw the block diagram of current control.
14. What is meant by extinction angle control?
15. What is meant by harmonics? (repeated question)

1. What is meant by commutation failure?
2. What are the types of faults that occur in converter?
3. What are the effects of commutation failure?
4. What are the types of over voltages in AC system? (repeated question)
5. What are the disturbances caused by over voltage?
6. Explain the principles of over voltage protection?
7. Explain surge arrestor? (repeated question)
8. What is meant by smoothing reactor? (repeated question)
9. Explain Corona? (repeated question)
10. What are the effects of Corona?
11. What are the mathematical conditions of detection in line fault?

1. What are the objectives of static VAR systems? (repeated question)
2. What are the different types of AC filters? (repeated question)
3. What are the sources of reactive power?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of synchronous condensers?
5. Explain TCR?
6. Explain TSC?
7. What is meant by harmonics?
8. Draw the circuit for single tuned and double tuned filters
9. Draw the circuit for high pass filter
10. Write the expression for Telephone influence factor?
11. Write the expression for DC voltage harmonics?
12. What are the advantages of TSC?
13. What are the types of SVS systems?
14. What is meant by Audible noise?
1. What is meant by Multi-terminal system? (repeated question)
2. What are the applications of MTDC systems?
3. What are the types of MTDC system? (repeated question)
4. Define series MTDC system.
5. Define parallel MTDC system.
6. Compare series and parallel MTDC system. (repeated question)
7. What are the methods available in MTDC systems?
8. What is voltage limiting control?
9. What are the drawbacks of voltage limiting control?
10. Define DC Circuit Breaker.? (repeated question)
11. Write some typical problems in MTDC systems.
12. What are the protection requirements of MTDC systems?
13. Draw the Multi-terminal characteristics curve.
14. How to reduce the typical problems in MTDC system? (repeated question)
15. Write the types of parallel MTDC system.

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