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Appendix F: Horsepower and kilowatt calculations

Appendix F Horsepower and kilowatt calculations

Pump-motor horsepower calculations
Horsepower calculationUS units
Calculate motor horsepower for shipboard auxiliary equipment such as pumps.
By definition horsepower is equal to 550 ft-lb per second or 33,000 ft-lb per minute.
Pump Brake Horse Power (BHP)
time(sec onds)x550
(Where Work = Force x distance)
Brake Horse Power for Pump = GPMxKessurehead(FT)xSpecifcGravity
3960 xefficiency
GPM = Pump capacity in gallon per minute.
SG = Specific Gravity (SG) of the fluid.
=Efficiency of the pump
Pressure head (FT) = 2.31 x PSI (lbf pressure per square in)
Fresh Water
Salt Water
Lube Oil
Diesel Oil
Typical specific gravity
Example 1 - Horsepower Calculation
A seawater service pump installed in the engine room at a 50 c ambient. Calculate the horsepower nameplate rating of the motor, when
the pump capacity is 550 gallons at 300ft pressure head, at 89 percent pump efficiency (), and motor efficiency () is 92 percent.
Fluid Horse Power for Pump
Fluid Horse Power for Pump
Step 2
Mechanical output of the pump = Fluid horse power/ pump efficiency
= - = 48/7P
Step 3, Motor brake horsepower
Note that mechanical output of the pump is equal to the brake horsepower of the motor, which is 48 hp.
GPMx fxessure(Ft)xSpecificG ravity
550;c300;ri.024 =
4 2
7 HP
Handbook to IEEE Standard 45: A Guide to Electrical Installations on Shipboard 331
Handbook to IEEE Standard 45: A Guide to Electrical Installations on Shipboard
by Mohammed M. Islam
Copyright 2004 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Appendix F: Horsepower and kilowatt calculations
Step 4, Motor indicate horsepower (IHP)
Motor IHP is equal to motor brake horsepower divided by the motor efficiency.
MotorlHP = - ^ - = 52HP
Step 5, Motor nameplate horsepower
Motor nameplate horsepower is the rating of the motor is to be purchased.
For 52 IHP, the next available size motor is 60 hp.
Step 6, Special ambient consideration
In general the motors are rated for 40 C ambient. Appropriate derating factor should be applied for using 40 C ambient motor 50 C
application. Motor manufacturer's recommendation should be applied. For example if the derating factor is .95 the 60 hp nameplate rated
motor, the motor is good for (60 x 0.95) = 57 hp service.
Step 7
Motor rated at 60 hp is sufficient for this application at 50 C.
In this example the motor is selected from NEMA frame rated horsepower such as 30,40,50, 60, 75 etc. For IEC motor the IEC frame
rating in kilowatts is used. Traditionally the US shipbuilding uses horsepower rated equipment and all supporting engineering
documentations are also horsepower related. The IEC standard kilowatt system should be adapted. The next example is shown in kilowatt
Example 2- Kilowatt Power CalculationSI units
Calculate motor kilowatt rating of a Seawater pump motor for shipboard application:
Kilowatt calculation for seawater pump motor
Kilowatt = -s-i-
Q is the capacity of the pump in m
/hr, H is the pumping head in meter (m).
SG is the specific Gravity (SG of seawater 1.025), pump efficiency is 70%.
Example 3 - Kilowatt Power Calculation
A seawater service pump installed in the engine room at a 50 C ambient. Calculate the kilowatt rating of the motor, when the pump
capacity is m
/hr at 100 m pressure head, at 80% pump efficiency (), and motor efficiency () is 92%.
MotorKilowatt = MD=.= I P ^ L O ^ - 27.9 kW
270x1.36*77 270*1.36x0.8
Handbook to IEEE Standard 45: A Guide to Electrical Installations on Shipboard

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