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India is a vast country with a high population. The population of is

scattered far and wide in rural and urban areas. India has number of
villages scattered around. ost of the mar!ets in rural areas are not much
developed. any companies have tried to enter into rural areas and have
also failed in some places because of inaccessibility" lac! of
communication systems etc.
ar!eting in rural areas is not easy as mar!eting in urban areas. In
rural areas the availability of media is very less and also the language of
communication differs from place to place. Rural mar!eting means
mar!eting goods or services where proper infrastructure may not be
available. The mar!et in rural areas has a great potential for many
companies because of rise in income of rural people due to higher prices
available for agricultural products.
In rural areas many unbranded or less famous brands products are
available. The demand for different types of products have been increasing
because of increase in literacy rate" media etc. #ence many companies are
finding rural mar!ets as the potential for their growth.
$%OUT CO&$N'
r. #emant mehta is a distributor and also proprietor of grocery
shop. #e is one of the distributors of the $mar toothpaste in rural areas. r.
#emant also runs a shop in umbai and also tried to sell the toothpaste
here in urban areas but has failed miserably. (o he mainly concentrated in
distributing the product in rural areas only. Nutan &vt. )td. Company is one
of the small brand and suppliers of toothpastes in many rural mar!ets India.
They produce various types of toothpastes. (tarted in the year *++," Nutan
&vt. )td is a trusted name engaged in the manufacture of toothpastes. The
company mainly deals with toothpastes and has also diversified into other
products li!e shampoos" soaps etc.
The company faces competition from many small and big brands.
#aving e-perienced for around *. years" Nutan &vt. )td. Company is one
of the small brands in toothpastes. Their toothpastes and other products are
popular in many rural areas. They strive to ensure that every product
satisfies customer/s needs and wants so that they can achieve complete
satisfaction and loyalty.
Over years" the company has tried to ma!e their position in the rural
mar!et by diversifying and e-panding in different areas.
any of the rural mar!ets in India are still to be discovered by the
big brands. ost of the products available in rural mar!ets are unbranded
or not much famous brands.
ost of the people in rural India used the traditional system for
cleaning their teeth. They mostly used babul stic!s or neem stic!s to clean.
0hen the toothpaste entered in to rural areas people started using
toothpastes. ost brands available in rural areas are of low brands. Nutan/s
$mar toothpaste was also launched around *++, in rural areas. The
reali1ed the need for toothpaste in rural areas and also about its future. The
demand for toothpastes was also increasing and many big companies
started entering the rural areas.
$s the demand increased many new products were introduced
around *++23+4 by the company. &roducts li!e 5$mar gel paste6" 5$mar
triple protection6" $mar flavored pastes" various type of tooth powder and
many other types were introduced. They also provide toothpastes" which
are rich in providing Calcium and minerals for teeth. Company/s basic
product started was toothpaste7 it then started offering different types of
toothpaste and also entered into other products li!e soaps" shampoos and
other products. Company provides high 8uality of toothpastes meeting the
consumer/s e-pectations in rural areas.
Company started the brand 5$mar6 in rural areas of :u;arat. The
product was mainly for the rural areas only. Initially no branded toothpastes
were available and also the company thought that the future of this product
would increase.
$s the mar!et for toothpaste was not much developed the company
decided to enter in to local area only and then e-pand to other areas. They
first entered into a village called 0adnagar. This place is located around 2<
!ilometers from $hmedabad. Initially as the operation was in local area"
the company itself did distribution" but as the company e-panded its
operation they started appointing distributors to distribute their products in
other areas. The distribution of products was done by selling through the
local stores or !irana stores" co3operatives stores etc. The company tried to
enter into few urban areas but failed miserably because of big brands
$s the company mainly mar!ets their product in rural areas" they try
to !eep the cost of production as low as possible so that the price of the
product is low and the rural people can afford to buy it. ost of the income
in rural areas comes from agriculture or other small activities their income
level is low and not fi-ed" hence the company has !ept the price of the
products low. They try to bring down the cost in production" distribution
and also in promotion.
Different types of pastes are available in different prices because of
the differences in characteristics. The company has mainly !ept their prices
low so as to cater to the needs of middle class and lower middle class
people living in rural areas.
=or the product to be sold in the mar!ets" promoting the product is
very important. The companies have tried various types of promotion to
mar!et their products. Use of television media is very less as the cost of
promotion is very high through television and also the company cannot
afford it. They mainly promote the products by painting the walls on the
streets of rural areas in local or in #indi depending upon the place and
people. If the place is of high literacy rate the paintings on the wall can be
inn #indi and also in 9nglish. &utting up of hoarding at some places is also
a way of advertising done by the company. They provide posters and hang3
ups to the local !irana stores for promoting their products. The company
has also tried to conduct free dental chec! up facilities at some places for
promoting their products" but due to high e-penses incurred this strategy is
hardly used now.

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