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The increasing acceptance of Major over the years, owe its credit to the
dynamic entrepreneurial team who are experienced and hold deep grasp of
this thriving industry. It is their exemplary hard work and insight to develop
and maintain a sense of excellence coupled with a thorough understanding of
the customers needs that has paved the way for the emergence ofMajor as
one among the leading food brands in the region. Major speaks not only of
product uality but also of the commitment to bring out the best through
continuous upgrading of existing product standards to achieve even better
Major !reakfast moments are not only inviting but also invigorating. "t Major
believe that a good day begins with a good breakfast because a good
breakfast provides the nutrients needed to start the day off right. The
authentic taste of #erala breakfast is gifted to you through Major$s variety
breakfast products that are appealing, tasty, healthy and easy to prepare....
which elements that are most are sought for in todays modern lifestyle. Major
earnestly endeavors to bring out uality products that confirm to the taste
expectation of the customers and improve their overall health and well%being.
&ise and shine for breakfast time with Major.
'ositive "ssociates ventured into the highly competitive market of food
products in ())* with the determination to mark a visible presence in the
Indian market. The company strived hard towards achieving the goal of
making every household aware of the brand +M",-&% an epitome for good
breakfast. 'eople today have become increasingly aware of their health
reuisites. Moreover they acknowledge the fact that a good breakfast will fuel
up the morning activities. Major on a breakfast enriched by
nutrients, enhanced by taste and endeared to all by ease of preparation.
The companys operative facility is ideally located at /eliyathunadu, near 0.1.
1ollege, "luva an area beautifully carpeted by the most refreshing, lush green
paddy fields. The plant is euipped with machineries of latest technology
backed by the devoted and dedicated hands of our work force. Major
breakfast products though produced with the most modern methods still retain
the pure taste and natural uality that nature gave us to enjoy. 2ach batch of
Major nutritional powerhouses is the result of high uality raw materials,
selected under stringent uality control. They are hygienically treated at all
stages % from processing to packing.
Today, Major breakfast products enjoy very high appreciation both in the
home market and abroad especially in the Middle 2ast and 2urope. The fine
taste, good uality and close conformity to customers reuests range them
among the most chosen brand of the kind. Major is expecting to move up the
value chain through its other range of products that are sure to grab a place in
everyone$s heart. 3etermined to scale heights, Major has diversified to
marketing varied food products other than breakfast products and is expecting
to move up the value chain and envisions a bright future ahead.
4ood processing dates back to the prehistoric age when crude
processing including various types of cooking, such as over fire, smoking,
steaming, fermenting, sun drying and preserving with salt were in practice.
4oods preserved this way were a common part of warriors and sailors diets.
These crude processing techniues remained essentially the same until the
advent of the Industrial &evolution. 5icolas "ppert developed a vacuum
bottling process to supply food to troops in the 4rench army, which eventually
led to canning in tins by 'eter 3urand in (6(7. Modern food processing
technologies, in the ()
century were also largely developed to serve military
needs. In the early 87
century, the space race, change in food habits and the
uality consciousness of the consumers in the developed world furthered the
development of food processing with advancements such as spray drying,
juice concentrates, free.e% drying and the introduction of artificial sweeteners,
colorants and preservatives. In the late 87
century products including dried
instant soups, reconstituted fruit juices and self% cooking meals such as ready%
to% eat food rations etc., was developed.
The food processing industry is the complex, global collection of diverse
business that together supplies much of the food energy consumed by the
world population. -nly the subsistence farmers, those who survive on what
they grow, can be considered outside the scope of the modern food industry.
The ministry of food processing industries was set up in ,uly ()66 with view to
give thrust to the development of food processing industries in the country. "
strong and effective food% processing sector plays a significant, supportive
role in generating employment including rural employment, income and
production of agro food products for export etc.
Throughout history, rice has been one of the mans most important
foods. Today this uniue grain helps sustain two% thirds of the worlds
population. It is life for people. It is deeply embedded in the cultural heritage of
their societies. "bout four% fifth of the worlds rice is produced by small% scale
farmers and is consumed locally. &ice cultivation is the principal activity and
source of income for about (77 million households in "sia and "frica.
India is one of the important countries in the world in export of rice.
Indias exports are expected to go up further during current financial year.
9ence, Indian rice exports are set to reach second place in the world markets
after Thailand edging out /ietnam in the process as per the report of the food
agricultural organi.ation.
&ice is a grain belonging to the grass family. It is related to other grass
plants such wheat, oats and barley, which produces, grain for food and are
known as cereals. &ice refers two species : -ry.a ;ativa and
-rya<laberrima= of grass, native to tropical and subtropical southeastern "sia
and to "frica, which together provide more than one% fifth of the calories
consumed by humans. The plant, which needs both warmth and moisture to
grow, measure 8%> feet tall and long flat, pointed leaves and stalk bearing
which produce the grain known as rice. &ice is rich in genetic diversity, with
thousands of varieties grown throughout the world.
There are many unproven mythological tales related to origin of rice,
through historians hold little or no stock in any. &ice cultivation is considered
to have begun simultaneously in many countries over >?77 years ago. &ice
has been cultivated in 1hina since ancient times. 1hinese records of rice
cultivation go back @777 years. Most believe the roots of rice come from A777
!1 India, were natives discovered the plant growing in the wild and began to
experiment with it. 1ultivation and cooking methods are through to have
spread to the west rapidly and by medieval times, southern 2urope saw the
introduction of rice as a hearty grain. In several "sian languages, the words
for rice and food are identical. "frican rice has been cultivated for A?77 years.
In the Middle 2ast and Mediterranean 2urope, it started around 677 !1. &ice
spread throughout Italy and then 4rance, after the middle of the fifteenth%
century, later propagating to all the continents during the great age of 2urope
in exploration. In, (>)@, rice arrived in ;outh 1arolina, probably originating
from Madagascar. The ;panish brought rice to ;outh "merica at the
beginning of (6
century. &ice cultivation has been carried in to all regions
having the necessary warmth and abundant moisture favorable to its growth,
mainly subtropical rather than hot or cold.
In kerala paddy, processing industries is one of the traditional%
industries. 2arlier paddy processing was considered as a household business
and each member of the family was involved in the business. 2mploying
traditional methods of operation, paddy processing was done by the female
members of the family. "s the time passed, with the increase in production of
paddy, rice mills on modern lines originated. They flourished with the
introduction of high yielding variety crops, which in turn resulted in business.
They made bulk purchased on behalf of the traders and products were
transported from production centers to trading centers.
The Ministry of 4ood 'rocessing Industries :M-4'I= is a ministry of the
<overnment of India is responsible for formulation and administration of the
rules and regulations and laws relating to food processing in India. The
ministry was set up in the year ()66, with a view to develop a strong and
vibrant food processing industry, to create increased employment in rural
sector and enable farmers to reap the benefits of modern technology and to
create a of surplus for exports and stimulating demand for processed food.
India is the worlds second largest producer of food next to china, and has the
potential of being the biggest with the food and agricultural sector. The food
processing industry is one of the largest industries in India% it is ranked fifth in
terms of production, consumption, export and expected growth. The food
industry is on a high as Indians continue to have a feast. 4uelled by what can
be termed as a perfect ingredient for any industry B large disposable incomes%
the food sector has been witnessing a marked change in consumption
patterns, especially in terms of food. Increasing incomes are always
accompanied by a change in the food basket. The proportionate expenditure
on cereals, pulses, edible oil, sugar, salt and spices declines as household
climb the expenditure classes in urban India while the opposite happens in the
case of milk and milk products, egg and fish, fruits and beverages.
4or instance, the proportionate expenditure on staples :cereals, grams,
pulses= declined from @?percent in rural India while the figure settled at A8
percent of the total expenditure on food in urban India. " large part of this shift
in consumption by the processed food market, which accounts for A8 per cent
of the total food market
It accounts for 0;C 8).@ billion, in a total estimated market of 0;C )(.>>
billion. The 1onfederation of Indian Industry :1II= has estimated that the food
processing sector has the potential of attracting 0;C AA billion of investment
in (7 years and generates employment of ) million people B days. The
<overnment has formulated and implemented several 'lan ;chemes to
provide financial assistance for setting up and food processing
units, creation of infrastructure, and support for research and development
and human resource development in addition to other promotional measures
to encourage the growth of the processed food sector.
'rocessing is a large sector that covers activities such as agriculture,
horticulture, plantation, animal husbandry and fisheries. It also includes other
industries that use agriculture inputs for manufacturing of edible products. The
Ministry if 4ood 'rocessing, <overnment of India indicates the following
segments within the 4ood 'rocessing industry.
Dairy, fruit and vegetable processing
Grain processing
Meat and poultry processing
Consumer foods including packaged foods, beverages and packaged drinking
Overview of Food Processing
4ood processing encompasses all the steps that food goes through
from the time it is harvested to the time it arrives on consumers plate.
"ccording to 4ood and "griculture -rgani.ation :4"-=, processed foods can
be classified into three types :(= 'rimary :8= ;econdary and :A= Tertiary. The
primary processing includes basic cleaning, grading and packaging as in case
of fruits and vegetables. ;econdary processing includes alteration of the basic
product to a stage just before the final preparation as in case of milling of
paddy to rice. Tertiary processing leads to a high value%added ready%to eat
food like bakery products, instant foods, health drinks, etc.
Traditional food processing had two functionsD to make food more
digestible and to preserve food during times of scarcity. Most crops are
seasonal. There are times of the year when either glut can result in high levels
of wastage or shortages can arise if adeuate measures are not taken to
preserve and store the foods. This is particularly important in areas that have
a dry season or winter period when crops cannot be grown and animals are
slaughtered because of a lack of fodder. In these situations stored dry grains
or root crops provide energyE dried, salted or smoked meats, or cheeses
provide a source of protein, vitamins and mineralsE and processed fruits and
vegetables such as pickles, chutneys or dried fruits or leaves provide vitamins
and minerals. " few crops, including cassava and some types of beans also
contain poisons or anti%nutritional components, which must be removed by
processing to make the food safe to eat. 9ence, 4ood processing enables to
maintain the health of the human beings throughout the year by increasing its
food security.
!y processing food, it can be customi.ed to suit the nutritional
reuirements of groups such as the elderly, pregnant women, infants, young
children and athletes. ;uch foods are characteri.ed by a balanced
composition of energy suppliers in the form of fats, carbohydrates and
proteins, and by a cocktail of vitamins and minerals composed according to
the current state of scientific knowledge. 4ood processing is a route to
creating sustainable livelihoods and economic development for rural
communities. ;ophisticated technologies define modern food production.
They include many areas. "gricultural machinery, led by the tractor, has
reduced the human labor in many areas of production. !iotechnology is
driving much change, in areas as diverse as agrochemicals, plant breeding
and food processing. Many other areas of technology are also involved, to the
point where it is hard to find an area that does not have a direct impact on the
food industry. 1omputer technology is also a central force, with computer
networks and speciali.ed software providing the support infrastructure to
allow global movement of the myriad components involved.
Global Food Processing Indusr!
The global processed food industry is estimated to be valued around 20& 8.?
trillion and accounts for three%fourth of the global food sales. The global food
industry is ever changing and evolving. 9owever, health, convenience and
value continue to be the key value propositions in this industry.
3espite the large si.e of the industry, only > percent of processed foods are
traded across borders compared to (> percent of major bulk agricultural
commodities. The 0nited ;tates and 2uropean 0nion together account for
over >7 percent of total retail processed food sales in the world.
Trade liberali.ation policies through multi%lateral and regional trade
agreements have led to a rapid growth in food processing. In the "sian region,
,apan is the largest food processing market, but India and 1hina are likely to
grow at a faster rate in the next decade. The processed food industry is strong
in ,apan and ;outh #orea, as they are the leading meat importing countries in
the world and consumption of meat is high in these countries. The "ustralian
processed food industry is one of the most technically advanced in the world
and it produces products of international standards at comparatively lower
prices for the world market. The 0.;. continues to live up to its reputation as
the Fbreadbasket to the worldG. 1ountries in the ;ub%;ahara "frican region,
Hatin "merica and parts of "sia continue to be on the lower%end of technology
prowess in food items and are inclined to their staple diets, whereas, those in
2urope, 5orth "merica, and ,apan are on the higher%end of technology, with a
sharper shift towards convenience and diet foods.
Curren scenario of food "rocessing indusr! in India
India is the worlds second largest producer of food next to 1hina, and has the
potential of
being the biggest with the food and agricultural sector. The food processing
industry is one of the largest industries in India%it is ranked fifth in terms of
production, consumption, export and expected growth. The food industry is on
a high as Indians continue to have a feast. 4uelled by what can be termed as a
perfect ingredient for any industry % large disposable incomes % the food sector
has been witnessing a marked change in consumption patterns, especially in
terms of food.
Increasing incomes are always accompanied by a change in the food basket.
The proportionate expenditure on cereals, pulses, edible oil, sugar, salt and
spices declines as households climb the expenditure classes in urban India
while the opposite happens in the case of milk and milk products, meat, egg and
fish, fruits and beverages. 4or instance, the proportionate expenditure on
staples :cereals, grams, pulses= declined from @? per cent to @@ per cent in rural
India while the figure settled at A8 per cent of the total expenditure on food in
urban India.
" large part of this shift in consumption is driven by the processed food market,
which accounts for A8 per cent of the total food market. It accounts for 0;C 8).@
billion, in a total estimated market of 0;C )(.>> billion. The 1onfederation of
Indian Industry :1II= has estimated that the food processing sectors has the
potential of attracting 0;C AA billion of investment in (7 years and generates
employment of ) million person%days. The <overnment has formulated and
implemented several 'lan ;chemes to provide financial assistance for setting
up and food processing units, creation of infrastructure, support for
research and development and human resource development in addition to
other promotional measures to encourage the growth of the processed food
sector. 4ood processing is a large sector that covers activities such as
agriculture, horticulture, plantation, animal husbandry and fisheries. It also
includes other industries that use agriculture inputs for manufacturing of edible
'ositive "ssociates ventured into the highly competitive market of food products
in ())* with the determination to mark a visible presence in the Indian market.
'ositive "ssociate is an I;- )77(D 8776 certified company. The company
strived hard towards achieving the goal of making every household aware of the
brand +M",-&% an epitome for good breakfast. 'eople today have become
increasingly aware of their health reuisites. Moreover they acknowledge the
fact that a good breakfast will fuel up the morning activities. Major
on a breakfast enriched by nutrients, enhanced by taste and endeared to all by
ease of preparation.
The increasing acceptance of Major over the years, owe its credit to the
dynamic entrepreneurial team who are experienced and hold deep grasp of this
thriving industry. It is their exemplary hard work and insight to develop and
maintain a sense of excellence coupled with a thorough understanding of the
customers needs that has paved the way for the emergence ofMajor as one
among the leading food brands in the region. Major speaks not only of product
uality but also of the commitment to bring out the best through continuous
upgrading of existing product standards to achieve even better results.
The companys operative facility is ideally located at /eliyathunadu, near 0.1.
1ollege, "luvaE an area beautifully carpeted by the most refreshing, lush green
paddy fields. The plant is euipped with machineries of latest technology
backed by the devoted and dedicated hands of our work force. Major breakfast
products though produced with the most modern methods still retain the pure
taste and natural uality that nature gave us to enjoy. 2ach batch of Major
nutritional powerhouses is the result of high uality raw materials, selected
under stringent uality control. They are hygienically treated at all stages % from
processing to packing.
Today, Major breakfast products enjoy very high appreciation both in the home
market and abroad especially in the Middle 2ast and 2urope. The fine taste,
good uality and close conformity to customers reuests range them among
the most chosen brand of the kind. Major is expecting to move up the value
chain through its other range of products that are sure to grab a place in
everyone$s heart. 3etermined to scale heights, Major has diversified to
marketing varied food products other than breakfast products and is expecting
to move up the value chain andenvisions a bright future ahead.
To be a leader in the food industry, offering the widest variety of high!uality food
products that become a way of life for all those who loved good food, across the global.
To come out with a wide variety of innovative food products, that combines health, taste
and convenience, so as to make cooking good food fun " easy.
#. $aw Material Department
%. &uality 'ssurance Department
(. )roduction Department
*. +tores Department
,. Maintenance Department
-. Finance Department
.. /$ Department
0. +ales1 Marketing Department
)uali! Polic!
)rocessing, )acking, Marketing and Distribution of /igh &uality Food )roducts
that our Customers +pecifications and +chedules.
+electing of /igh &uality $aw Materials, /ygienically Treated at all +tages of
)rocessing and )acking, Confident to withstand any check of &uality.
Continual improvement of our processes and products category to customer
needs and !uality measurement.
)uali! Ob*ecives
Focusing on process and customer
Developing and empowering people
2ncouraging creativity, innovation and teamwork.
POSITI,E ASSOCIATES has been awarded ISO -..#/%..0 certificate for its
management system. The company has uality standards for each and every
component which are well documented.
3nspire Media 'ward %4#( 5 6est 3nnovative Food )roduct 'ward 7
Fuure Plans
$educe cost of production
+ell improved !uality cost efficient products.
8pgrading the present !uality of products to international !uality standards.
'rocess 4lowD % Manufacturing process
'urchase of raw materials and consumables like packing
materials, labels etc. Incoming inspection for all items. 'eriodical
Test of the items through an approved lab.
!lowing for removal of foreign matters using !lower. 3e%;toning
for removal of stones using 3e%;toner Machine.
'rocess 4lowD % '&-12;;I5<, M"&#2TI5< "53 3I;T&I!0TI-5
4inished products are shifted to the stores, packed and sold to
the consumers through distributors.
&oasting the 'ulveri.ed powder in the &oaster at specified
temperature and drying using 1yclone tanks to reduce heat
content before packing.
<rinding using 'ulveri.e and ensuring fineness of the powder
Iashing in the Iashing Machine to remove any other impurities
not separated after !lowing and 3e%;toning.
Juotation, Tenders K 4inal work order issue wherever
Marketing, 2nuiry from party with details
5egotiate K discussion on feature of final products
&eceipt of purchase order from party wherever
1hecking K periodical inspection by J1 department and
approval batch wise.
Manufacturing activity is carried out as per the
"ssign the work to the production department
&aise '-Kindent for materials and checkKinspect the
/erify stocks L order for &aw materials, if not available
"ccept the work order
'ositive "ssociates is one among the leading food companies in ;outh India.
M",-&, our brand name speaks not only of our product uality but also of our
commitment to bring out the best
(, 'uttu 'owder
8, 1hembaputtu 'owder
A, 2asy Idiyappam'owder
@, "ppam'owder
?, &oasted &ava
4inal approval after validation through an approved
9andover to the party along with the bill, 1ollect
'acking and batch labeling and dispatch
>, 'alappam'owder
*, Iheat 'owder
6, /atteppam'owder
), 3osa'owder
(7, Idily'owder
((, 4ryums :Iheat pappad=
(8, #udapuly :#erala Tamarind=
(A, Tamarind
(@, ;oyaball
(?, #ondattam
(>, Matta"val
(*, !rocken Iheatrava :;amba=
(6, !rocken Iheat :;amba=
(), !rocken Iheat
87, !rocken &ice
8(, !itter !itterguard
88, Iheat 'uttu 'owder
8A, 1leaned 1hilly
Marketing a functional area of management is becoming
increasingly important compared to other fields, /i. . 'roduction,
4inance, 'ersonal, &esearch and 3evelopment. "ll decisions in
the modern business organi.ation revolve around the marketing
information. -ther areas may be the way of success but the
marketing is the key, which turn the luck.
managers must make major decisions such as what features to
design n into a new product, what prices to offer customers, where
to sell products, and how much to spent on advertising or sales.
Marketing deals with identifying and meeting human and social
needs. -ne of the shortest definitions of marketing is Fmeeting
needs possibilityG. Marketing management is the art and science
of choosing target markets and getting, keeping and growing
customers through creating ,delivering and communicating
superior customer value.The aim of marketing is to make selling
superfluous.The aim of marketing is to know and understand so
well that the product or service fits him and sells itself.
;elling concept is one of the competing concepts under which
organi.ations have conducted marketing activities. The purpose
of marketing is to sell more stuff to more people more often for
more money in order to make profit. Most firms practice the selling
concept when they have over capacity. The organi.ation must,
therefore, undertake an aggressive selling and promotion effort .
their aim is to sell what they make rather than make what the
market wants. 9owever, marketing based on hard selling carries
high risks.
Marketing and sales are different, but have the same goal.
Marketing improves the selling environment and plays a very
important role in sales. If the marketing department generates a
potential customers list, it can be beneficial for sales. The
marketing departments goal is to increase the number of
interactions between potential customers and sales team using
promotional techniues such as advertising , sales promotion,
publicity and public relations , creating new sales channels, or
creating new products : new product development = among other
;ales potential is the maximum percentage of market potential that
e an individual company can obtain for a specific product or
service. In other words, it can also be said as the maximum sales
attainable under a given set of conditions within a specific period of
time. The sales potential is estimated mainly to make entry or exit
decisions, to make location and other source allocation decisions,
to set objectives and evaluate performance. ;ales potential
provided an understanding of the most needed area for
improvement for the sales team.
In todays competitive marketplace, developing an effective sales
force is more important than ever. The sales forecast is a
prediction of a business unit. The sales forecast are generally
based primarily on recent sales trends, competitive developments,
and economic trends in the industry, region and nation in which the
organi.ation conducts business. ;ales forecasting is
managements primary tool for predicting the volume of attainable
sales. Therefore, the whole budget process hinges
The objectives of this study are classified into specific and general
To study the sales potential of Major food 'roducts
. To assess the market strength of the company

. "ssume the consumer awareness of various Major food
. To find out what can be done for sales improvement
. To find out effectiveness of advertisement with respect to
;ales potential.
&esearch is process of collecting. " and
interpreting information to answer uestions. !ut to ualify as research, the
process must have some characteristicsD as far as possible, it must be
controlled, rigorous, systematic, valid and verifiable, empirical and critical.
The adoption of a proper methodology is an essential step in conducting
survey :or= any research. The research design is purely and simply the
framework of plan for a study that guides the collection and analysis of data.
3escriptive research is done in this survey.
3escriptive research attempts to describe systematically a situation problem,
phenomenon, serviceor programmed, or provides
information about, say, living condition of a community, or describes attitude
towards an issue.
Researc6 Design
The exploratory research design is adopted for this project &esearch
worker conducted the respondents personally with well%prepared seuentially
arranged uestions. The uestionnaire is prepared on the basis of objectives
of the study. 3irect contact is used for survey.
Researc6 Tool
Juestionnaire survey method was adopted for completing the data
collection in this research. " uestionnaire was used as the research tool for
this study. The uestionnaire was chosen as it provides a more
comprehensive view than other research tool. " typical five level Hikert scale
is used to mark the responses. Juestionnaire were constructed based on the
following types B -pen ended uestions, closed ended uestions, multiple
choice uestions etc. "ll the uestions in the uestionnaire are organi.ed in
such a way that elicits all the relevant information that is needed for the study.
Sa7"ling Plan
The sampling method used here is 5on%probability sampling. 1onvenience
sampling method has been adopted.
Sa7"le Po"ulaion
;ample unit consists of 1ustomers in a supermarket , hypermarket, and
department stores
Sa7"le Si8e
The study sampling consisting of (77 respondents selected.
T!"es of Daa
In this study, the foremost data collection instrument used is the uestionnaire
method. The uestionnaire has been designed with both open ended and
closed ended uestions. "part from this, the research instrument consists of
primary and secondary data collected for the study.
Pri7ar! Daa/
9ere first hand information is obtained by distributing printed uestionnaire to
the marketing executives of the company. 3ata was also obtained from the
observation and interview techniue adopted by the researcher. Moreover,
information was disseminated by the departmental heads.
Secondar! Daa/
9ere the information is obtained from the brochure of Major 4ood 'roducts,
books, websites, newsletter, journals, maga.ines, newspapers, etc.
Daa Anal!sis &e6ods
Saisical ools used
Tables, 4reuency charts and 'ie charts have been used to represent the
statistics of the data. Microsoft 2xcel was helpful for analysis.
&e6ods used
Percentage method
)ercentage analysis is often used in data presentation as they simplify
numbers, reducing all of them to a 4 to #44 range. Through the use of
percentage, the data are reduced in the standard form with base e!ual to #44,
which enables easy comparisons
)ercentage 9 5:o. of respondents1 total no. of respondents7;#44
Pri7ar! Daa
Secondar! Daa
Juestionnaire 5ewsletter
-bservation ,ournals
Interviews Maga.ines
/isits to other 5ewspapers
1ompanies Information !ooks
Period of 6e sud!
The study was conduct for the duration of 8 months starting from (?K78K87(@
to 87K7@K87(@ in 'ositive "ssociates, on the topic F1ustomer ;atisfaction.G
(i7iaions of 6e Sud!
$espondents provided information in a hurry, so accuracy can<t be e=pected.
3t is not assured that the responses from all the respondents are true as some of
them may like to tell the incorrect information.
The survey was conducted in a short period as a part of the curriculum.
Certain individuals took more time than re!uire for answering the
T"!H2 ?.( 10;T-M2& M-TI/"TI-5 T-I"&3; ;2H21TI5< M",-&
4--3 '&-301T;
5o 1ategory 5o.of
( !rand name (7 87M
8 1ustomer
8? ?7M

A intrest (? A7M

total ?7 (77M
-ut of the ?7 respondents, (7customers of 87M are motivated by
brandname .8? customers of ?7M are motivated by service and rest of (?
customers with A7M are motivated by their intrest
19"&T ?.(B 10;T-M2& M-TI/"TI-5 T-I"&3; ;2H21TI5< '&-301T
T"!H2 ?.8 T92 <--3 I-&3 -4 M-0T9 I; M-&2 IM'-&T"5T 4-&
5o -pinion 5o. -f


;trongly agree

87 @7M
5ot decide
The table indicates that the customers opinion regarding the advertisement,
*7M of customers says that advertisements provide purchase facility and A7M
of respondents say that advantage of advertisement is give information about
the product.
19"&T ?.8% T92 <--3 I-&3 -4 M-0T9 I; M-&2 IM'-&T"5T 4-&
T"!H2 ?.A 3- 10;T-M2&; H--# 4-& /"&ITN I5 T92 '&-301TO
5o catagory 5o. -f
In the table A7M of the respondents not looking for varity in the products and
majority *7M looking for the varity
19"&T ?.A % 3- 10;T-M2&; H--# 4-& /"&ITN I5 T92 '&-301TO
T"!H2 ?.@ 3I3 T92 '2-'H2; "&2 "I"&2 "!-0T T92 M",-& 4--3
5o 1ategory 5o. -f
( Nes A? *7M
8 5o (? A7M
Total ?7 (77M
"bove table shows that *7M of the respondents are aware and A7M of
them are unaware about various major food products.
19"&T ?.@ % 3I3 T92 '2-'H2; "&2 "I"&2 "!-0T T92 M",-& 4--3
T"!H2 ?.? 9-I 3I3 N-0 <2T T- #5-I "!-0T T92 !&"53 -4
'-;T/2 ";;-1I"T2; O
5o Merits 5o. -f
( Television (7 87M
5ews paper
A7 >7M
In the above table >7M customers consider television . 87M
consider newspaper 87M consumer consider hoardings an nobody in this ?7
cutomers consider radio
19"&T ?.?% 9-I 3I3 N-0 <2T T- #5-I "!-0T T92 !&"53 -4
'-;T/2 ";;-1I"T2; O
T"!H2 ?.> "&2 N-0 " &2<0H"& 10;T-M2& T- T92 '-;ITI/2
5o 1ategory 5o. -f
( Nes 8? ?7M
5o 8? ?7M
total ?7 (77M
"bove table show that ?7M respondents are says yes and rest of the ?7M are
says no
19"&T ?.>% "&2 N-0 " &2<0H"& 10;T-M2& T- T92 '-;ITI/2
T"!H2 ?.* I-0H3 N-0 !0N '-;ITI/2 ";;-1I"T2; '&-301T;
5o 1ategory 5o. -f
Most definitely
87 @7M
3efinitely not
? (7M
5o comments
(7 87M
3ont know
(? A7M
Total ?7 (77M
4rom the table 87 customers most definitely by the products again ? are
definitely not (7 respondents are no comments rest of (? dont know
T"!H2 ?.* I-0H3 N-0 !0N '-;ITI/2 ";;-1I"T2; '&-301T;
T"!H2 ?.6 "&2 N-0 T92 10;T-M2& -4 T92 '-;ITI/2 ";;-1I"T2;
1-M'"5N ;I512
5o 'romotional ;chemes 5o. -f
Hess than > months
(? A7M
> to (8 Months
(? A7M
( to 8 years

More than 8 years
The above stated uestion clearly states the product usaging period of
customers out of ?7 respondents A7M are using the product less than >
month A7M using >%(8 month 87M respondents using (%8 years and rest of
(7M using more than 8years
19"&T ?.6 % "&2 N-0 T92 10;T-M2& -4 T92 '-;ITI/2 ";;-1I"T2;
1-M'"5N ;I512
T"!H2 ?.) 10;T-M2& -'I5I-5 T-I"&3; T92 J0"HITN
5o. of respondents 'ercentage
( 3I;"<&22 (7 87M
8 "<&22 87 @7M
A 3I;"<&22 (? A7M
@ ;T&-5<HN
? (7M
Total ?7 (77M
-ut of the ?7 respondents, (7 customers or 87M of the customers are
agree and 87 customers or @7M of the respondents are of strongly agree.
Ihile (? customers or A7M of the respondents are disagree and ? customers
of (7M are strongly disagree
19"&T ?.) % 10;T-M2& -'I5I-5 T-I"&3; T92 J0"HITN
T"!H2 ?.(7 "&2 N-0 ;"TI;4I23 IIT9 T92 ;2&/I12 -4 '-;ITI/2
";;-1I"T2; '&-301T;
5o 'articular 5o. -f
( <--3 A7 >7M
8 ;"TI;4"1T-&N (? A7M
A '--& ? (7M
Total ?7 (77M
9eare we have ?7 respondents and from ?7 respondents A7 says that good service and ? says that
poor service rest of (? says that satisfactory
19"&T ?.(7% "&2 N-0 ;"TI;4I23 IIT9 T92 ;2&/I12 -4 M",-& 4--3
T"!H2 ?.(( I9"T I; N-0& -'I5I-5 "!-0T T92 T";T2 -4 '&-301TO
5o 1ategory 5o. -f respondents 'ercentage
( excellent (? A7M
8 <ood 8? ?7M
A average (7
Total ?7 (77M
In this table 67M respondents say that advertisement can help the company
to survive in the market and 87M respondents say that advertising cant help
the company in the market.
19"&T ?.(( I9"T I; N-0& -'I5I-5 "!-0T T92 T";T2 -4 '&-301TO
T"!H2 ?.(8 I9"T I; N-0& -'I5I-5 "!-0T T92 '&I12 -4 '-;ITI/2
";;-1I"T2; '&-301T;O
5o 4actor 5o. -f
( 9I<9 (? A7M
8 4"I& 8? ?7M
A H-I (7

T-T"H ?7 (77M
In the table A7M of the respondents feel very high pricing in major food
products 87M respondents feel price is low and rest of the ?7M feel a fair
19"&T; ?.(8 % I9"T I; N-0& -'I5I-5 "!-0T T92 '&I12 -4
'-;ITI/2 ";;-1I"T2; '&-301T;O
T"!H2 ?.(A I9"T I; N-0& -'I5I-5 "!-0T T92 "3/2&TI;2M25T -4
T92 '&-301TO
5o 4actor 5o. -f
( excellent (? A7M
( good (7 87M
8 averageg 8? ?7M
total ?7 (77M
In the table 87M of the respondents feel very good about the advertisment,
?7M of the respondents feel goodabout the advertisements, 87M of the
respondents have no opinion about the advertisements and (7M of the
respondents feel bad the advertisements.
19"&T ?.(A% I9"T I; N-0& -'I5I-5 "!-0T T92 "3/2&TI;2M25T -4
T92 '&-301TO
T'6>2 ,.#* ?/'T 3+ @A8$ A)3:3A: '6A8T T/2 )'CB3:G AF )A+3T3C2
'++AC3'T2+ )$AD8CT+D
5o ;ource 5o. -f
( <--3 87 @7M
8 4"I& (? A7M
A !"3 (? A7M

T-T"H ?7 (77M
The above result shows 7ut of ?7 customers 87 respondents says that
packing is good and (? customers says that fair and rest of respondents says
that packing is bad
C/'$T ,.#* ?/'T 3+ @A8$ A)3:3A: '6A8T T/2 )'CB3:G AF )A+3T3C2
'++AC3'T2+ )$AD8CT+D
T"!H2 ?.(? I9"T I; N-0& -'I5I-5 "!-0T T92 1-M'"5N;
&2;'-5;2 T- 1-M'H"I5T;O
5o -pinion 5o. -f
( immediate (? 87M
8 slow 87 >7M
A 5o action
In the table 87M respondents say that immediate.>7M of respondents say
that slow not true full and 87M say that no action
19"&T ?.(?% I9"T I; N-0& -'I5I-5 "!-0T T92 1-M'"5N;
&2;'-5;2 T- 1-M'H"I5T;O
T"!H2 ?.(> 1-M'"5N 1-5125T&"T2; -5 &0&"H M"&#2T M-&2
T9"5 0&!"5 M"&#2T
5o 4actor 5o. -f
;trongly agree
(7 87M
(? A7M
;trongly disagree
In the table @7M of the respondents disagree and A7M disagree 87M
strongly agree rest of (7M respondents strongly disagree
19"&T ?.(>% 1-M'"5N 1-5125T&"T2; -5 &0&"H M"&#2T M-&2
T9"5 0&!"5 M"&#2T
T"!H2 ?.(* 3- N-0 2P'21T T92 '-;ITI/2 ";;-1I"T2; M"&#2T
IIHH ;'&2"3 "HH -/2& #2&"H"
5o catagory no 'ercentage
( yes A7 >7M
8 no 87 @7M
total ?7 (77M
-f the total ?7 customers surveyed of Major 4ood products, A7
customers with >7M says yes and rest of 87 customers with @7M says that
19"&T ?.(*% 3- N-0 2P'21T T92 '-;ITI/2 ";;-1I"T2; M"&#2T
IIHH ;'&2"3 "HH -/2& #2&"H"

!rand awareness plays a crucial role in purchase decisions.
1onsumers prefer convenient and economy products.
Consumers prefer convenient and economy products
!ased on my problem study, the customers of positive associates
products are happy with the practical uses and applications of the products.
The ualities of the products are also very good and they think the products of
positive associates provide value for money. The customers feel that the
after%sales services and spare replacements of the company have to open
more exclusive showrooms of the company.
They also feel that the company has to approach the customers as
they find that the company is not making any efforts to contact them so that
the customers view points and ideas cannot be expressed. The products of
positive associates has got good brand value and the customers are ready to
buy the products if the price of positive associates products are reduced and
if the after% sales service of the company is improved
The positive associates especially major food products 1ompany 'vt.
Htd should use uestionnaire method for the feedback of the products
at regular intervals of time and do the necessary changes as per the
4irst the company should give the customers a toll free number to
clear their complaints.
The company should use good strategic marketing plans as well as
new techniues for marketing the products.
The company should increase the commission of dealers so they sell
the product at lower price and overpricing can be avoided.
The company should maintain the uality of food products so that they
are not spoiled in a short time.
The company should develop all the new technology to maintain the
uality of food products.

Company should provide others small advertising items in the
form of garlands, hangers recto the shopkeepers as there are
cheap and Q good source of advertising.
No. of hoardings should be increased.
The company should maintain the prices, to keep up its current market
1ustomer satisfaction must be maintained and after sales services to be
provided on time.
Company should elaborate public announcement on important
days like Health day, Antidrug day world aids day etc.
1ompany should provide offers to the customers which motivates them to
buy the brand.
Shopkeeper feedback should be taken in regular manner.
The company should provide incentives to the dealers, it will increase sales
Company should organiing campaigns ! distributes caps, "ey
rings, glasses, serving tray, pussels on which company packages
are branded
#om$an% record!
( 1ustomer motivation towards selecting company
!rand name 1ustomer service
8 The good word of mouth is more important for company
;trongly agree "gree 5ot decide
A 3o customers look for variety in the productO
@es :o
@ "re you aware of major food products O
@es :o
? 9ow did you get to know about the brand of major food
Television :ewspapers $adio
> "re you a regular customer to the positive associatesO
@es :o
* Iould you buy positive associates products againO
Most definitely 3efinitely not

comments 3ont know
6 "re you the customer of the positive associates
1ompany since
Hess than > months > to (8 Months
# to % years More than % years
) 9ow do you rate the Juality of major food product is
better than other companies in the marketO
+trongly agree 'gree Disagree +trongly
#4 're you satisfied with the service of positive associates
<ood ;atisfacory 'oor

(( Ihat is your opinion about the Taste of productO
2xcellent <ood "verage
(8 Ihat is your opinion about the price of positive
associates productsO
9igh 4air How
(A Ihat is your opinion about the advertisement of the
2xcellent <ood "verage
#* ?hat is your opinion about the )acking of positive associates
Good Fair 6ad
(? Ihat is your opinion about the companys response to
3mmediate +low :o action
(> 1ompany concentrates on rural market more than
urban market
+trongly agree 'gree Disagree +trongly
(* you expect the positive associates market will spread
all over kerala
@es :o
(6 Nou have any suggestions to improving the products
varity and uality in positive associatesO
Nes 5o
Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire
Ie are constantly striving to provide a good food service. This survey is part
of the process. 'lease help us to do this by completing this uestionnaire.
This section is about the food in the staff restaurant. Please tick the
appropriate boxes and add your comments where relevant.
(. 9ow many times do you usually eat in the staff restaurantO
More than three times a week up to three times a week once a week
hardly ever (Please specify why)
8. Ihen you eat in the staff restaurant, what type of food do you normally
chooseO :Tick each one as appropriate=
starter vegetables desserts
hot main course fried food fresh fruit
vegetarian main course salads sandwiches
other (Please specify)
A. Thinking about value for money, how would you describe the food in
Good value for money reasonable bad
(Please give reasons)
@. 9ow would you describe the variety of foods on offerO
excellent good fair poor
(Please give reasons)
?. Ihat improvements, if any, would you like to see in the variety of foods on
>. If the following were introduced in the staff restaurant how likely would you
be to try themO
/ery likely Juite likely Juite unlikely /ery unlikely
lowfat spread
lowfat yoghurt
fro!en yoghurt
fresh fruit
exotic varieties of fresh fruit
diff types of bread (e.g. wholemeal)
semiskimmed milk
"acket potatoes with fillings
vegetarian choices
a wider range of vegetarian meals
a pasta bar
a selfservice salad bar
a sandwich bar
a yoghurt bar
*. "re you concerned about the types of food you eat :i.e. do you consider
whether they are healthy for youO
Most of the time sometimes never
6. Iould you like more information about
Nes 5o
the ingredients used in our dishes#
how our dishes are prepared and cooked#
This section is about the restaurant environment and service.
). 'lease tick as appropriate
Most of the time ;ome of the time 5ever
$ have to %ueue for a long time
The restaurant is very clean
The cutlery is clean
The portion si!es are about right
The staff are helpful
The staff are wellpresented
The general service is good
$ can find a seat
(7. "re there any other comments you would like to makeD
about the breakfast service#
about the lunch service#
Please supply the following details about yourself&
'ge& under () ()*+ *,,+ ,, and over
-ex& male female
Type of work& managerial administrative clerical manual
other (Please specify)
Thank you for completing this uestionnaire. &esults will be treated in
confidence. 'lease give your name and a contact departmentKnumber if you
would like us to follow up your comments.
1ontact department %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

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