Rules Adm

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Rules for admission to M. Phil and Ph.D.

programmes (Phase I)
(a) M. Phil Programme:
In the first phase of admission to this programme, candidates having a valid NE !R"
#ualification certificate $ill %e given admission. &'( of the total seats availa%le in each
department $ill %e filled through this process. he NE !R" #ualification certificate
should not %e more than t$o )ears old i.e. those candidates $ill %e considered for
admission in this #uota, $ho have cleared NE !R" e*am after !une +',+ to till !une
+',&. hese candidates $ill not %e re#uired to appear in the entrance test for admission to
this course. he merit list of all candidates $ill %e prepared department $ise.
-ourse of stud) for M.Phil. degree shall e*tend for a period of one academic )ear
covering t$o semesters out of $hich one semester $ill %e common for the course $or.
prescri%ed for the Ph.D. programme.
/ candidate su%mitting application for admission in M.Phil programme must have
o%tained a Master0s degree $ith at least 11( mar.s in the Post2graduate e*amination of
the universit) or of an) other universit) 3 institution recogni4ed as e#uivalent thereto in
the su%5ect or an) allied su%5ect in $hich he 3 she $ishes to pursue the course provided
that the master0s degree should have %een o%tained after 6achelor0s degree full
course prescri%ed for the degree.
/ rela*ation of 1( in the minimum eligi%ilit) shall %e applica%le to the candidates
%elonging to the categories of 7- 3 7 3 ph)sicall) handicapped and visuall) impaired.
In2service candidates shall not %e eligi%le for admission to the M.Phil. course e*cept that
8ecturers in the universities recogni4ed %) 9:- 3 7tate 8egislature 3 -entral 8egislature
and affiliated colleges ma) %e allo$ed to 5oin it %ut onl) after leave from their
emplo)er for the duration of the course. "or admission of teacher candidates to this
course, the teacher candidate must have;
a) / permanent position in an) of the constituent 3 affiliated colleges.
%) -ontinuous e*perience of three )ears in 9:- pa) scale.
Provisions of reservation as in force in the universit) shall appl).
"inal admission to this course $ill %e made su%5ect to verification of documents,
e#uivalence of P.:. degree and availa%ilit) of seats in a department.
(b) Ph. D. Programme:
In the first phase of admission to this programme, candidates having a valid NE !R"
#ualification certificate $ill %e given admission. &'( of the total seats availa%le in each
department $ill %e filled through this process. he NE !R" #ualification certificate
should not %e more than t$o )ears old i.e. those candidates $ill %e considered for
admission in this #uota, $ho have cleared NE !R" e*am after !une +',+ to till !une
+',&. hese candidates $ill not %e re#uired to appear in the entrance test for admission to
this course. he merit list of all candidates $ill %e prepared department $ise.
/ candidate su%mitting application for admission for the degree of Ph.D. in the facult) of
arts, fine arts. Music and Dramatics, 7ocial 7ciences, 7ciences, -ommerce, Education,
8a$, Management and Engineering and echnolog) must have o%tained the Masters
degree $ith at least 11( mar.s at Post2:raduate e*amination of the 9niversit) or of an)
other 9niversit) 3 Institution recogni4ed as e#uivalent thereto in an) su%5ect provided that
the masters degree should have %een o%tained after 6achelor0s degree full course
prescri%ed for the degree.
/ rela*ation of 1( in the minimum eligi%ilit) shall %e applica%le to the candidates
%elonging to the categories of 7- 3 7 3 ph)sicall) handicapped and visuall) impaired.
/ permanent teacher candidate appointed on a su%stantive %asis %) dul) constituted
selection committee as per the 9:- #ualifications $ith three )ears of continuous service
in an) 9niversit) teaching department or affiliated colleges of an) 9niversit) on regular
pa) scale ma) also su%mit application for admission to this course. 7uch candidates ma)
%e allo$ed to 5oin this programme onl) after leave from their emplo)er for the
duration of this course.
he application of foreign students on a cultural e*change fello$ship 3 government grant
ma) %e considered in this phase. / foreign student $ill %e considered onl) $hen he 3 she
come on research visa.
Direct admission of those candidates $ho have completed M. Phil. course during +',,
,& through 9NIR/! MP/ e*ams (+','2+',<) or of those candidates $hose M. Phil.
result is a$aited= $ill also %e considered for admission in the Ph.D. programme.
"inal admission $ill %e made su%5ect to verification of documents, e#uivalence of P.:.
degree, availa%ilit) of seats and supervisor.
Provisions of reservation as in force in the universit) shall appl).

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