Chris Brown Ft. Lil Wayne & Tyga "Loyal" Deconstruction.: TH TH

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Chris Brown ft.

Lil Wayne & Tyga

Loyal Deconstruction.

Loyal was published on March 24
2014; by the 26

June 2014 it had reached 86,933,038 views. The music
video is based on woman and them not being loyal.


The music video starts with
being quiet and an old
stereo being placed down
on the ground and then
being turned on, with the
music then playing.


The video then shows Lil
Wayne, his appearance
such as his tattoos suggest
the type of music the
music video is based on.
Especially the tattoos
represent what type of character the artist is. The location
that the music video is performed in suggests a shopping
center where woman are walking past, this links with the
connotation of the music video being about woman, the
fact that the artists video is based within a public place
suggests that they are more normal and can be related to
by others. All the women within the music video are
dressed in high heels with
clothing that shows off
their body which also links
to the connotation of them
not being loyal. Within the
music video the title of the
song is in the back ground
to show the title of the
video. The title is placed
with lights that make it
stand out more, the title is
in green while the
background behind the
title is red, the goes with
the connotation of woman
being passionate or
dangerous. The music video also contains images of a
character smoking which links with the suggestion and
connotation of what the artists of the music video are like.
The lighting and saturation in the video is bright and gives
a warm feeling towards
the video. The use of
when the artist Tyga
begins to sing/rap uses a
clip of him with a baby
tiger; this can link with
the connotation of the
artists name.

Camera Work:

The camera work within
the Loyal video uses
many different
techniques to show the
artists which suggest what the music is, it uses techniques
such as close ups and medium long shots to show the
artists appearance. It also uses a range of shots such as
low or worms eye shots.
They use crane shots that
can be based in front of
that artists and then is
then raised above the
artists. This makes the
music video more
interesting and links with
the rhythm of the music.
The use of tracking and
using crane shots allows
the viewer to see the
location that the music
video is set in.


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