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UPSI 02 (A131PJJ)
MOHD HALIM SHAH BIN MISWAN D2010204!"4 013#2"$5!4
To prepare a report on how the school-based assessment s mplemented n a prmar! school"
$ssessment% n whate#er &orm t takes% s wdel! reco'n(ed as one o& the man
determnants o& ed)catonal practce" O#er the past &ew !ears% new approaches to assessment
ha#e emer'ed n a n)mber o& co)ntres ncl)dn' *ala!sa" Iss)es n teachn' and learnn'
ha#e also emer'ed alon'sde wth the ntrod)cton and mplementaton o& the School-+ased
$ssessment ,S+$- as well as the S+$ contrb)ton to teachn' and learnn' and how teachers.
bele&s and ther pro&essonalsm become n#ol#ed" Teachers. pro&essonal actons% ther
str)''les% worres% concerns as well as ther #sons and aspratons are all consdered n ths
new assessment re&orm" S+$ also brn's abo)t the mplcatons &or teacher pro&essonal
The Concept o& School based $ssessment"
P)blc e/amnatons ha#e lon' been the onl! meas)rement o& st)dents. ache#ement"
+)t nlne wth the on-'on' trans&ormaton o& the natonal ed)catonal s!stem ths co)ld be
chan'ed" Ths was hnted b! 0"$"+" Tan Sr *)h!ddn 0assn% Ed)caton *nster% a&ter
la)nchn' the state le#el 12th Teacher.s Da! at Dewan Ser Pan'lma 3ee Shen% S* 4en 5wa%
4enn'a) on 6 7)ne% 899:" $ new e#al)aton method wll be ntrod)ced to 'a)'e the
competence o& st)dents b! takn' nto acco)nt both academc and e/tra-c)rrc)lar
ache#ements" ;The ,present- e#al)aton s bascall! based on c)rrc)l)m-ache#ements< we
wo)ld lke to see a more ro)nded sort o& ed)caton ache#ements amon' o)r chldren"= ,Dal!
E/press% > 7)ne 899:-
$ccordn' to ?kpeda% the &ree enc!clopeda' E()*+,-./+0 A1121132/, s the process o&
doc)mentn'@ )s)all! n meas)rable terms% knowled'e% sklls% attt)des and bele&s" $ssessment
can &oc)s on nd#d)al learner% the learnn' comm)nt! ,class% or other or'an(ed )nt o&
learners-% the nstt)ton% or the ed)caton s!stem as a whole" The term assessment s 'enerall!
)sed to re&er to all act#tes teachers )se to help st)dents learn and to 'a)'e st)dent pro'ress"
$ssessment s o&ten d#ded )sn' the &ollown' cate'ores:
&ormat#e and s)mmat#e@
obAect#e and s)bAect#e@
re&erencn' ,crteron-re&erenced@ norm re&erenced-@
n&ormal and &ormal"
Bor the p)rpose o& consdern' the d&&erent obAect#es &or assessment practce% t s d#ded nto:
C" S)33+,-42 +1121132/,: S)mmat#e assessment s 'enerall! carred o)t at the end o&
a co)rse or proAect" In an ed)caton settn'% s)mmat#e assessment are t!pcall! )sed to
ass'n st)dents a co)rse 'rade"
8" 5.63+,-42 A1121132/,: Bormat#e assessment s 'enerall! carred o)t thro)'ho)t a
co)rse or proAect" Bormat#e assessment% also re&erred to as ;ed)cat#e assessment= s
)sed to ad learnn'" In an ed)caton settn'% &ormat#e assessment m'ht be a teacher%
or the learner% pro#dn' &eedback on a st)dent.s work% and wo)ld not necessarl! be
)sed &or 'radn' p)rposes" $n ed)catonal researcher% Robert Stake e/plans the
d&&erence between &ormat#e and s)mmat#e assessment wth &ollown' anolo'!:
;?hen the cook taste s the so)p% that.s &ormat#e" ?hen the ')ests taste the so)p% that.s
The Report
a" Introd)cton
" 0ear that s ass'ned to the researcher
+ased on the task% I ha#e chosen to &oc)s m! research on the p)pls o& 0ear 8 n
Sekolah 4eban'saan +nAa 7a!a% Sabak +ernam% Selan'or" The selected school s
located n one o& the remote areas n Selan'or" Ths wo)ld mean that the maAort! o&
p)pls n ths school are &rom low-ncome back'ro)nd wth lack o& e/pos)re especall! n
En'lsh 3an')a'e" *ost o& them do not reall! )nderstand the mportance o& En'lsh n
ther dal! l&e" To these p)pls% the! are sats&ed wth ther dal! a&ter-school ro)tnes%
ncl)dn' spendn' ther weekends and d)e to these &acts% t s lkel! that most teachers
n ths school &eel that ther roles are 'on' to be challen'n'"
" Teacher Inter#ewed
I ha#e the opport)nt! to ha#e met and nter#ewed one o& the teachers teachn'
En'lsh n 0ear 8" She s P)an Rosmnah bt *)hammad% an e/perenced En'lsh
teacher who has ta)'ht n 3e#el C ,0ear C to 0ear 1- &or more than ten !ears" I bele#e
that I ha#e selected the r'ht person &or ths task" I wsh to thank the school admnstrator
&or '#n' me the opport)nt! to cond)ct the s)r#e! and o& co)rse m! heartest thanks to
P)an Rosmnah &or her &)ll cooperaton"
" S)r#e! D)estons
Some E)estonnares are '#en to 'et a thoro)'h back'ro)nd o& the S+$
mplementaton" The s)r#e! E)estonnares are meant to pro#de a clear process o&
mplementn' S+$ n the respect#e school" The responses '#en to the E)estonnares
are also )sed as an ndcator &or the e&&ect#eness o& the S+$ mplementaton n terms o&
teacher.s )nderstandn's o& S+$% ther readness% as well as &ollow-)p act#tes or
pro'rammes" The! ether pla! the part on how to enhance teachers. mot#aton% or
perhaps n lookn' &or wa!s to remed! the respect#e teachers" Ths s one o& the
s)pport#e meas)res to assst teachers to boost )p ther &)t)re assessment sklls% as
well as ther teachn' and learnn' process" ,Please re&er to attachment n appendces-"
b" The Bndn's
" The School-+ased $ssessments ,&or En'lsh s)bAect-
The School-+ased $ssessment ,S+$-% better known as ts *ala!
acron!m PBS (Pentaksiran Berasaskan Sekolah) was ntrod)ced n 89C8 n all
'o#ernment and 'o#ernment-aded prmar! schools and n 89C1 n all
'o#ernment and 'o#ernment-aded secondar! schools" $ccordn'l!% both the
central e/amnatons% UPSR &or the !ear > p)pls at prmar! le#el and PMR &or
&orm 1 at the secondar! le#el wll be re#amped to accommodate the
S+$ s holstc and assesses co'nt#e% a&&ect#e and ps!chomotor
domans% encompassn' the ntellect)al% emotonal% sprt)al and ph!scal
aspects" S+$ also embraces both academc and non-academc &elds"
Ths polc! acknowled'es teachers. roles n whch the! are '#en
reco'nton and ha#e the a)tonom! to cond)ct &ormat#e assessment d)rn' the
learnn' process% and also the s)mmat#e assessment at the concl)son o& a
learnn' )nt% or an! other s)table tme d)rn' the school !ear" Ths s done at
the teachers. dscreton% takn' nto acco)nt the p)pls. readness"
There are &o)r ,F- man reasons wh! S+$ and ts mplementaton ha#e
been ntrod)ced:
Brstl!% S+$ s e/pected to enhance the meann'&)lness o& assessment
where the &oc)s s more on p)pls. de#elopment and 'rowth rather than merel!
on ther scores on 'rades" Secondl!% S+$ s des'ned to red)ce the o#er-relance
on data ,'rades and scores- obtaned thro)'h central e/amnatons n 'ettn'
n&ormaton abo)t p)pls n the school s!stem" Thrdl!% t s antcpated that S+$
wll empower the schools and teachers to cond)ct E)alt! assessment o& p)pls"
There&ore% school assessment wll be '#en d)e reco'nton and s'n&cant place
the o#erall assessment s!stem@ and% &o)rthl!% S+$ ens)res that the per&ormance
o& p)pls s comparable to world standards n #aro)s areas o& knowled'e% sklls
and competence% wth the ntrod)cton o& a standard-re&erenced assessment"
One o& the most cr)cal statements s that% ;The s!stem does not constrct<
Teachers to create test papers or hand-o)ts e#er! tme the! wsh to assess a
p)pl.s ache#ement" Teachers ma! also carr! o)t creat#e act#tes that are &)n
to 'ather n&ormaton abo)t the p)pls. pro'ress" $ &ew e/amples o& act#tes are
homework% E)((es% E)eston-answer sessons and obser#atons" Teachers co)ld
also )se tests to assess p)pls. de#elopment and 'rowth="
In o)r *ala!san S!stem o& Ed)caton.s conte/t school-based
assessment co)ld be )nderstood as : assessment that s 'on' to take teachers.
'rade as part o& st)dents. o&&cal 'rade a&ter completn' spec&c school le#el"
There are &o)r schooln' le#els n *ala!sa@ and at the end o& each le#el%
st)dents are reE)re to st &or : UPSR% P*R% SP* and STP*" The p)rpose o&
school-based assessment s to +4.-( st)dents totall! dependent on those h'h
stake e/amnatons alone ,&or ther 'rade- whch created a lot o& tensons and
an/et! amon' them"
The mplementaton o& school-based assessment wll mpl! that school
teachers wll ha#e to take some o& the responsbltes o& *ala!san E/amnaton
S!ndcate G *aAls Peperksaan *ala!sa n cond)ctn' e/ternal testsG
assessment@ that s some o& the e/ternal test Aobs carred o)t b! *ES G *P* are
to be trans&ered to become teachers. Aobs whle cond)ctn' ther nternal test" It
reE)res a teacher delberatel! 'ather n&ormaton ,'radn'- how well each
st)dent has ache#ed stated learnn' obAect#es" Ths means &oc)sn' an act#t!
on spec&c learnn' obAect#es and e#al)atn' st)dent ache#ement o& these
learnn' obAect#es a'anst establshed crtera"
Presentl!% the maAor reasons &or *ESG*P* to solel! carr! o)t the h'h H
stake test lke UPSR% P*R% SP*" and STP* s to ens)re the #aldt! and
obAect#t! o& the e/amnaton o& the e/amnaton" Once part o& the responsblt!
o& cond)ctn' e/ternal assessment s trans&erred to teachers% the maAor ss)es
C" how to mantan scorn' obAect#t! or relablt! % and
8" how to ens)re the #aldt! o& the school based test"
Th)s% the need o& a well-des'ned school based assessment s!stem
cond)cted b! classroom teachers to complement the role o& *ES who
cond)cts the con#entonal standard(ed test" C)rrentl! maAort! o& tests
admnstered b! *ES G *P* are paper-and-pencl t!pe whereb! canddates
are '#en wrtten E)estons &or them to respond n a spec&ed tme span" Ths
t!pe o& test s 'ood &or lar'e n)mber o& canddates and the scorn' obAect#t!
can be easl! and s!stematcall! mantaned"
One o& the test &orms that &t the reE)rement o& a school-based
assessment s!stem s 7268.63+/*2 ,21," +! per&ormance test% we mean a
test that needs st)dents to pro#de 'en)ne response n an assessment
doman closest to the ntended crtera &or the e/amner to make n&erences"
,Popham% 8999-" The med)m co)ld be thro)'h actons or report wrtn'@ s)ch
as report wrtn' on st)d! o& 3ocal Geo'raph! at P*R" The e/amner wll
obser#e the per&ormance and s reE)red to repeort the A)d'ement abo)t that
per&ormance" Th)s admnstern' per&ormance test n a b' scale s not eas!
n terms o& mantann' scorn' obAect#t!"
Itko ,899F- n hs ke!note address enttled ;A0,26/+,-42
A1121132/, 8.6 T2+*9-/: +/( L2+6/-/:= at the Second Int!ernatonal
Con&erence on *eas)rement and E#al)aton n Ed)caton@ n Penan' stated
that alternat#e assessment to o)r e/stn' e/amnaton s!stem sho)ld:
C" presents a hands-on-task reE)rn' st)dents to do somethn' wth ther
knowled'e% s)ch as makn' ,a bookshel&-% prod)ce a report,on a 'ro)p
proAect that s)r#e!ed parents attt)des-% or '#e demonstraton ,show
how to meas)re mass on a laborator! scale-@
8" a clear r)brc &or scorn' H clearl! de&ned crtera to e#al)ate how well the
st)dents ache#ed ths applcaton"
$ common msconcepton s that an! alternat#e learnn' act#t! )sed
n teachn' s also an assessment" Us)all!% classroom alternat#e act#tes
lack ths scorn' r)brc component% and th)s cannot E)al&! as assessment"
" The Doc)ment Standards
" The Process o& de#elopn' the nstr)ments
#" The e#dence &or each +and
#" Standard(aton
c" Dsc)sson
" Re&lecton o& the whole e/perence
" Concl)son

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