Remedial Law Notes

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General Principles
A. Concept of Remedial Law
- Remedial Law
B. Substantive Law as Distinguished from Remedial Law
C. Rule-making ower of the Supreme Court
!. Limitations on the rule-making power of the Supreme
". ower of the Supreme Court to amend and suspend
procedural rules
D. #ature of hilippine Courts
!. $eaning of a court
". Court as distinguished from a %udge
&. Classi'cation of hilippine courts
(. Courts of original and appellate %urisdiction
). Courts of general and special %urisdiction
*. Constitutional and statutor+ courts
,. Courts of law and e-uit+
.. rinciple of %udicial hierarch+
/. Doctrine of non-interference or doctrine of %udicial
II. Jurisdiction
A. 0urisdiction over the parties
!. 1ow %urisdiction over the plainti2 is ac-uired
". 1ow %urisdiction over the defendant is ac-uired
B. 0urisdiction over the sub%ect matter
!. $eaning of %urisdiction over the sub%ect matter
". 0urisdiction versus the e3ercise of %urisdiction
&. 4rror of %urisdiction as distinguished from error of
(. 1ow %urisdiction is conferred and determined
). Doctrine of primar+ %urisdiction
*. Doctrine of adherence of %urisdiction
,. 5b%ections to %urisdiction over the sub%ect matter
.. 42ect of estoppel on ob%ections to %urisdiction
C. 0urisdiction over the issues
D. 0urisdiction over the res or propert+ in litigation
4. 0urisdiction of Courts
!. Supreme Court
". Court of Appeals
&. Court of 6a3 Appeals
(. Sandiganba+an
). Regional 6rial Courts
*. 7amil+ Courts
,. $etropolitan 6rial Courts8$unicipal 6rial Courts
.. Shariah Courts7. 0urisdiction over small claims9 cases covered b+ the rules on
Summar+ rocedure and Baranga+ Conciliation
:. 6otalit+ Rule
III. Civil Procedure
A. Actions
!. $eaning of ordinar+ civil actions
". $eaning of special civil actions
&. $eaning of criminal actions
(. Civil actions versus Special proceedings
). ersonal actions and real actions
*. Local and transitor+ actions
,. Actions in rem9 in personam and quasi in rem
B. Cause of Action
!. $eaning of cause of action
". Right of Action versus Cause of action
&. 7ailure to state a cause of action
(. 6est of the su;cienc+ of a cause of action
). Splitting a single cause of action and its e2ects
*. 0oinder and mis%oinder of causes of action
C. arties to Civil Actions
!. Real arties in interest< =ndispensable parties<
Representatives as parties< #ecessar+ parties< =ndigent
arties< Alternative defendants
". Compulsor+ and permissive %oinder of parties
&. $is%oinder and non-%oinder of parties
(. Class Suit
). Suits against entities without %uridical personalit+
*. 42ect of death of part+ litigant
D. >enue
!. >enue versus 0urisdiction
". >enue of real actions
&. >enue of personal actions
(. >enue of actions against non-residents
). ?hen the Rules on >enue Do not Appl+
*. 42ects of Stipulations on >enue
4. leadings
!. @inds of leadings
a. Complaint
b. Answer
A!B #egative defenses
A"B #egative pregnant
A&B A;rmative Defenses
c. Counterclaims
A!B Compulsor+ counterclaim
A"B ermissive counterclaim
A&B 42ect on the Counterclaim when the
complaint is dismissed
d. Cross-claims
e. 6hird Afourth9 etc.B part+ complaints
f. Complaint-in-intervention
g. Repl+
". leadings allowed in small claim cases and cases
covered b+ the rules on summar+ procedure
&. arts of a pleading
a. Caption
b. Signature and address
c. >eri'cation and certi'cation against forumshopping
A!B Re-uirements of a corporation e3ecuting the
veri'cation8certi'cation of non-forum
d. 42ect of the signature of counsel in a pleading
(. Allegations in a pleading
a. $anner of making allegations
A!B Condition precedent
A"B 7raud9 mistake9 malice9 intent9 knowledge and
other condition of the mind9 %udgments9 o;cial
documents or acts
b. leading an actionable document
c. Speci'c denials
A!B 42ect of failure to make speci'c denials
A"B ?hen a speci'c denial re-uires an oath
). 42ect of failure to plead
!. 7ailure to plead defenses and ob%ections
". 7ailure to plead a compulsor+ counterclaim and
*. Default
a. ?hen a declaration of default is proper
b. 42ect of an order of default
c. Relief from an order of default
d. 42ect of a partial default
e. 43tent of relief
f. Actions where default are not allowed
,. 7iling and Service of pleadings
=. a+ment of docket fees
==. 7iling versus service of pleadings
===. eriods of 'ling of pleadings
=>. $anner of 'ling
>. $odes of service
A!B ersonal service
A"B Service b+ mail
A&B Substituted service
A(B Service of %udgments9 'nal orders or
A)B riorities in modes of service and 'ling
A*B ?hen service is deemed complete
A,B roof of 'ling and service
.. Amendment
a. Amendment as a matter of right
b. Amendments b+ leave of court
c. 7ormal amendment
d. Amendments to conform to or authoriCe
presentation of evidence
e. Di2erent from supplemental pleadings
f. 42ect of amended pleading
7. Summons
!. #ature and purpose of summons in relation to actions
in personam9 in rem and quasi in rem
". >oluntar+ appearance
&. ersonal service
(. Substituted service
). Constructive service Ab+ publicationB
a. Service upon a defendant where his identit+ is
unknown or where his whereabouts are unknown
b. Service upon residents temporaril+ outside the
*. 43tra-territorial service9 when allowed
,. Service upon prisoners and minors
.. roof of service
:. $otions
!. $otions in general
a. De'nition of a motion
b. $otions versus pleadings
c. Contents and form of motions
d. #otice of hearing and hearing of motions
e. 5mnibus motion rule
f. Litigated and ex parte motions
g. ro-forma motions
". $otions for Bill of articulars
a. urpose and when applied for
b. Actions of the court
c. Compliance with the order and e2ect of noncompliance
d. 42ect on the period to 'le a responsive pleading
&. $otion to Dismiss
a. :rounds
b. Resolution of $otion
c. Remedies of plainti2 when the complaint is
d. Remedies of the defendant when the motion is
e. 42ect of dismissal of complaint on certain grounds
f. ?hen grounds pleaded as a;rmative defenses
g. Bar b+ dismissal
h. Distinguised from demurrer to evidence under Rule
1. Dismissal of Actions
!. Dismissal upon notice b+ plainti2< 6wo-dismissal rule
". Dismissal upon motion b+ plainti2< e2ect on e3isting
&. Dismissal due to the fault of plainti2
(. Dismissal of counterclaim9 cross-claim or third-part+
=. re-trial
!. Concept of pre-trial
". #ature and purpose
&. #otice of pre-trial
(. Appearance of parties< e2ect of failure to appear
). re-trial brief< e2ect of failure to appear
*. Distinction between pre-trial in civil case and pre-trial
in criminal case
,. Alternative Dispute Resolution AADRB
0. =ntervention
!. Re-uisites for intervention
". 6ime to intervene
&. Remed+ for the denial of motion to intervene
@. Subpoena
!. Subpoena duces tecum
". Subpoena ad testifcandum
&. Service of subpoena
(. Compelling attendance of witnesses< Contempt
). Duashing of subpoena
L. $odes of Discover+
!. Depositions pending action< Depositions before
action or pending appeal
a. $eaning of deposition
b. Eses< Scope of e3amination
c. ?hen ma+ ob%ections to admissibilit+ be made
d. ?hen ma+ taking of deposition be terminated or
its scope limited
". ?ritten interrogatories to adverse parties
a. Conse-uences of refusal to answer
b. 42ect of failure to serve written interrogatories
&. Re-uest for Admission
a. =mplied admission b+ adverse part+
b. Conse-uences of failure to answer re-uest for
c. 42ect of admission
d. 42ect of failure to 'le and serve re-uest for
(. roduction or inspection of documents or things
). h+sical and mental e3amination of persons
*. Conse-uences of refusal to compl+ with modes of
$. 6rial
!. Ad%ournments and postponements
". re-uisites of motion to postpone trial
a. for absence of evidence
b. for illness of part+ or counsel
&. Agreed statement of facts
(. 5rder of trial< reversal of order
). Consolidation or Severance of hearing or trial
*. Delegation of reception of evidence
,. 6rial b+ commissioners
a. Reference b+ consent or ordered on motion
b.owers of the commissioner
c.CommissionerFs report< notice to parties and
hearing on the report
#. Demurrer to 4vidence
!. :round
". 42ect of denial
&. 42ect of grant
(. ?aiver of right to present evidence
). Demurrer to evidence in a civil case versus demurrer
to evidence in a criminal case
5. 0udgments and 7inal 5rders
!. 0udgment without trial
". Contents of a %udgment
&. 0udgment on the pleadings
(. Summar+ %udgments
a. for the claimant
b. for the defendant
c. when the case not full+ ad%udicated
d. a;davits and attachments
). 0udgment on the pleadings versus summar+
*. Rendition of %udgments and 'nal orders
,. 4ntr+ of %udgment and 'nal order
. ost 0udgment Remedies
!. $otion for #ew 6rial or reconsideration
a. :rounds
b. ?hen to 'le
c. Denial of the motion< e2ect
d. :rant of the motion< e2ect
e. Remed+ when motion is denied9 7resh !)-da+
period rule
". Appeals in :eneral
a. 0udgments and 'nal orders sub%ect to appeal
b. $atters not appealable
c. Remed+ against %udgments and orders which are
not appealable
d. $odes of appeal
A!B 5rdinar+ appeal
A"B etition for review
A&B etition for review on certiorari
e. =ssues to be raised on appeal
f. eriod of appeal
g. erfection of appeal
h. Appeal from %udgments or 'nal orders of the $6C
i. Appeal from %udgments or 'nal orders of the R6C
%. Appeal from %udgments or 'nal orders of the CA
k. Appeal from %udgments or 'nal orders of the
l. Review of 'nal %udgments or 'nal orders of the
m. Review of 'nal %udgments or 'nal orders of the
n. Review of 'nal %udgments or 'nal orders of the
o. Review of 'nal %udgments or 'nal orders of the
p. Review of 'nal %udgments or 'nal orders of the
-. Review of 'nal %udgments or 'nal orders of
-uasi-%udicial agencies
&. Relief from %udgments9 orders and other proceedings
a. :rounds for availing of the remed+
b. 6ime to 'le petition
c. Contents of petition
(. Annulment of 0udgments or 'nal orders and
a. :rounds for annulment
b. eriod to 'le action
c. 42ects of %udgment of annulment
). Collateral attack of %udgments
D. 43ecution9 Satisfaction and 42ect of 0udgments
!. Di2erence between 'nalit+ of %udgment for
purposes of appeal< for purposes of e3ecution
". ?hen e3ecution shall issue
a. 43ecution as a matter of right
b. Discretionar+ e3ecution
&. 1ow a %udgment is e3ecuted
a. 43ecution b+ motion or b+ independent action
b. =ssuance and contents of a writ of e3ecution
c. 43ecution of %udgments for mone+
d. 43ecution of %udgments for speci'c acts
e. 43ecution of special %udgments
f. 42ect of lev+ on third persons
(. roperties e3empt from e3ecution
). roceedings where propert+ is claimed b+ third
a. in relation to third part+ claim in attachment and
*. Rules on Redemption
,. 43amination of 0udgment 5bligor ?hen 0udgment
is unsatis'ed
.. 43amination of 5bligor of 0udgment 5bligor
/. 42ect of 0udgment or 7inal 5rders
!G. 4nforcement and 42ect of 7oreign 0udgments or
7inal 5rders
R. rovisional Remedies
!. #ature of provisional remedies
". 0urisdiction over provisional remedies
&. reliminar+ Attachment
a. :rounds for issuance of writ of attachment
b. Re-uisites
c. =ssuance and contents of order of attachment<
a;davit and bond
d. Rule on prior or contemporaneous service of
e. $anner of attaching real and personal propert+<
when propert+ attached is claimed b+ third
f. Discharge of attachment and the counter-bond
g. Satisfaction of %udgment out of propert+
(. reliminar+ =n%unction
a. De'nitions and Di2erencesH reliminar+
=n%unction and 6emporar+ Restraining 5rder
b. Re-uisites
c. @inds of =n%unction
d. ?hen writ ma+ be issued
e. :rounds for issuance of preliminar+ in%unction
f. :rounds for ob%ection to9 or for the dissolution
of in%unction or restraining order
g. Duration of 6R5
h. =n relation to RA ./,)9 Ban on issuance of 6R5
or ?rit of =n%unction in cases involving
government infrastructure pro%ects
i. Rule on prior or contemporaneous service of
summons in relation to attachment
). Receivership
a. Cases when receiver ma+ be appointed
b. Re-uisites
c. Re-uirements before issuance of an 5rder
d. :eneral powers of a receiver
e. 6wo A"B kinds of bonds
f. 6ermination of receivership
*. Replevin
a. ?hen ma+ writ be issued
b. Re-uisites
c. A;davit and bond< Redeliver+ Bond
d. Sheri2Fs dut+ in the implementation of the writ<
when propert+ is claimed b+ third part+
S. Special Civil Actions
!. #ature of special civil actions
". 5rdinar+ civil actions versus special civil actions
&. 0urisdiction and venue
(. =nterpleader
a. Re-uisites for interpleader
b. ?hen to 'le
). Declarator+ Reliefs and Similar Remedies
a. ?ho ma+ 'le the action
b. Re-uisites of action for declarator+ relief
c. ?hen court ma+ refuse to make %udicial
d. Conversion to ordinar+ action
e. roceedings considered as similar remedies
A. Reformation of an instrument
B. Consolidation of ownership
C. Duieting of title to real propert+
*. Review of 0udgments and 7inal 5rders or
Resolution of the C5$4L4C and C5A
a. Application of Rule *) under Rule *(
b. Distinction in the application of Rule *) to
%udgments of the C5$4L4C and C5A and
the application of Rule *) to other tribunals9
persons and o;cers
,. Certiorari9 rohibition and Mandamus
a. De'nitions and distinctions
b. Re-uisites
c. ?hen petition for certiorari9 prohibition and
mandamus is proper
d. =n%unctive relief
e. Certiorari distinguished from Appeal b+
Certiorari< rohibition and Mandamus
distinguished from =n%unction< when and
where to 'le petition
f. 43ceptions to 'ling of motion for
reconsideration before 'ling petition
g. Reliefs petitioner is entitled to
h. Actions85missions of $6C8R6C in election
i. ?here to 'le petition
%. 42ects of 'ling of an unmeritorious petition
.. Quo Warranto
a. Distinguish from Quo Warranto in the
5mnibus 4lection Code
b. ?hen government commence an action
against individuals
c. ?hen individual ma+ commence an action
d. 0udgment in Quo Warranto action
e. Rights of a person ad%udged entitled to public
/. 43propriation
a. $atters to allege in complaint for
b. 6wo stages in ever+ action for e3propriation
c. ?hen plainti2 can immediatel+ enter into
possession of the real propert+9 in relation to
RA ./,(
d. #ew s+stem of immediate pa+ment of initial
%ust compensation
e. Defenses and ob%ections
f. 5rder of 43propriation
g. Ascertainment of %ust compensation
h. Appointment of Commissioners<
CommissionerFs report< Court action upon
commissionerFs report
i. Rights of plainti2 upon %udgment and
%. 42ect of recording of %udgment
!G. 7oreclosure of Real 4state $ortgage
a. 0udgment on foreclosure for pa+ment or sale
b. Sale of mortgaged propert+< e2ect
c. Disposition of proceeds of sale
d. De'cienc+ %udgment
A!B =nstances when court cannot render
de'cienc+ %udgment
e. 0udicial foreclosure versus e3tra%udicial foreclosure
f. 4-uit+ of redemption versus right of redemption
!!. artition
a. ?ho ma+ 'le complaint< who should be
made defendants
b. $atters to allege in the complaint for
c. 6wo A"B stages in ever+ action for partition
d. 5rder of partition and partition b+ agreement
e. artition b+ commissioners< Appointment of
commissioners9 CommissionerFs report<
Court action upon commissionerFs report
f. 0udgment and its e2ects
g. artition of personal propert+
h. rescription of action
!". 7orcible 4ntr+ and Enlawful Detainer
a. De'nitions and Distinction
b. Distinguished from accion publiciana and
accion reinvindicatoria
c. 1ow to determine %urisdiction in accion
publiciana and accion reinvindicatoria
d. ?ho ma+ institute the action and when<
against whom the action ma+ be maintained
e. leadings allowed
f. Action on the complaint
g. ?hen demand is necessar+
h. reliminar+ in%unction and preliminar+
mandator+ in%unction
i. Resolving defense of ownership
%. 1ow to sta+ the immediate e3ecution of
k. Summar+ procedure9 prohibited pleadings
!&. Contempt
a. @inds of contempt
b. urpose and nature of each
c. Remed+ against direct contempt< penalt+
d. Remed+ against indirect contempt< penalt+
e. 1ow contempt proceedings are commenced
f. Acts deemed punishable as indirect contempt
g. ?hen imprisonment shall be imposed
h. Contempt against -uasi-%udicial bodies
IV. Special Proceedings
A. Settlement of 4state of Deceased ersons9 >enue and
!. ?hich court has %urisdiction
". >enue in %udicial settlement of estate
&. 43tent of %urisdiction of robate Court
(. owers and Duties of robate Court
B. Summar+ Settlement of 4states
!. 43tra%udicial settlement b+ agreement between heirs9
when allowed
". 6wo-+ear prescriptive period
&. A;davit of Self-ad%udication b+ sole heir
(. Summar+ settlement of estates of small value9 when
). Remedies of aggrieved parties after e3tra-%udicial
settlement of estate
C. roduction and robate of ?ill
!. #ature of probate proceeding
". ?ho ma+ petition for probate< persons entitled to
D. Allowance or Disallowance of ?ill
!. Contents of petition for allowance of will
". :rounds for disallowing a will
&. Reprobate< Re-uisites before will proved outside
allowed in the hilippines< e2ects of probate
4. Letters 6estamentar+ and of Administration
!. ?hen and 6o whom letters of administration granted
". 5rder of preference
&. 5pposition to issuance of letters testamentar+<
simultaneous 'ling of petition for administration
(. owers and duties of 43ecutors and Administrators<
restrictions on the powers
). Appointment of Special Administrator
*. :rounds for removal of administrator
7. Claims Against the 4state
!. 6ime within which claims shall be 'led< e3ceptions
". Statute of #on-claims
&. Claim of 43ecutor or administrator against the 4state
(. a+ment of Debts
:. Actions b+ and against 43ecutors and Administrators
!. Actions that ma+ be brought against e3ecutors and
". Re-uisites before creditor ma+ bring an action for
recover+ of propert+ fraudulentl+ conve+ed b+ the
1. Distribution and artition
!. Li-uidation
". ro%ect of artition
&. Remed+ of an heir entitled to residue but not given
his share
(. =nstances when probate court ma+ issue writ of
=. 6rustees
!. Distinguished from e3ecutor8administrator
". Conditions of the Bond
&. Re-uisites for the removal and resignation of a trustee
(. :rounds for removal and resignation of a trustee
). 43tent of authorit+ of trustee
0. 4scheat
!. ?hen to 'le
". Re-uisites for 'ling of petition
&. Remed+ of respondent against petition< period for
'ling a claim
@. :uardianship
!. :eneral powers and duties of guardians
". Conditions of the bond of the guardian
&. Rule on :uardianship over minor
L. Adoption
!. Distinguish domestic adoption from inter-countr+
". Domestic Adoption Act
a. e2ects of adoption
b. instances when adoption ma+ be rescinded
c. e2ects of rescission of adoption
&. =nter-countr+ Adoption
a. when allowed
b. functions of the R6C
c. Ibest interest of the minorJ standard
$. ?rit of Habeas Corpus
!. Contents of the petition
". Contents of the Return
&. Distinguish peremptor+ writ from preliminar+
(. ?hen not proper8applicable
). ?hen writ disallowed8discharged
*. Distinguish from writ of Amparo and Habeas Data
,. Rules on Custod+ of $inors and ?rit of Habeas
Corpus in Relation to Custod+ of $inors AA$ #o.
#. Writ of Amparo AA$ #o. G,-/-!"-SCB
!. Coverage
". Distinguish from habeas corpus and habeas data
&. Di2erences between Amparo and search warrant
(. ?ho ma+ 'le
). Contents of return
*. 42ects of failure to 'le return
,. 5mnibus waiver rule
.. rocedure for hearing
/. =nstitution of separate action
!G. 42ect of 'ling of a criminal action
!!. Consolidation
!". =nterim reliefs available to petitioner and respondent
!&. Duantum of proof in application for issuance of writ
of Amparo
5. ?rit of Habeas Data AA$ #o. G.-!-!*-SCB
!. Scope of writ
". Availabilit+ of writ
&. Distinguish from Habeas Corpus and Amparo
(. ?ho ma+ 'le
). Contents of the petition
*. Contents of return
,. =nstances when petition be heard in chambers
.. Consolidation
/. 42ect of 'ling of a criminal action
!G. =nstitution of separate action
!!. Duantum of proof in application for issuance of writ
of Amparo
. Change of #ame
!. Di2erences under Rule !G&9 RA /G(. and Rule !G.
". :rounds for change of name
D. Absentees
!. urpose of the Rule
". ?ho ma+ 'le< when to 'le
R. Cancellation or Correction of 4ntries in the Civil Registr+
!. 4ntries sub%ect to cancellation or correction under
Rule !G.9 in relation to RA /G(.
S. Appeals in Special roceeding
!. 0udgments and orders for which appeal ma+ be taken
". ?hen to appeal
&. $odes of appeal
(. Rule on Advance Distribution
V. Criinal Procedure
A. :eneral $atters
!. Distinguish 0urisdiction over sub%ect matter from
%urisdiction over person of the accused
". Re-uisites for e3ercise of criminal %urisdiction
&. 0urisdiction of Criminal courts
(. ?hen in%unction ma+ be issued to restrain criminal
B. rosecution of 52enses
!. Criminal actions9 how instituted
". ?ho ma+ 'le them9 crimes that cannot be
prosecuted de ocio
&. Criminal actions9 when en%oined
(. Control of prosecution
). Su;cienc+ of Complaint or =nformation
*. Designation of 52ense
,. Cause of the Accusation
.. Duplicit+ of the 52ense< 43ception
/. Amendment or Substitution of complaint or
!G. >enue of criminal actions
!!. =ntervention of o2ended part+
C. rosecution of Civil Action
!. Rule on implied institution of civil action with
criminal action
". ?hen civil action ma+ proceed independentl+
&. ?hen separate civil action is suspended
(. 42ect of the death of accused or convict on civil
). re%udicial Duestion
*. Rule on 7iling 7ees in civil action deemed
instituted with the criminal action
D. reliminar+ =nvestigation
!. #ature of right
". urposes of preliminar+ investigation
&. ?ho ma+ conduct determination of e3istence of
probable cause
(. Resolution of investigation prosecutor
). Review
*. ?hen warrant of arrest ma+ issue
,. Cases not re-uiring a preliminar+ investigation
.. Remedies of accused if there was no preliminar+
/. =n-uest
4. Arrest
!. Arrest9 how made
". Arrest without warrant9 when lawful
&. $ethod of arrest
a. b+ o;cer with warrant
b. b+ o;cer without warrant
c. b+ private person
(. Re-uisites of a valid warrant of arrest
). Determination of robable Cause for issuance of
warrant of arrest
*. Distinguish probable cause of 'scal from that of a
7. Bail
!. #ature
". ?hen a matter of right< e3ceptions
&. ?hen a matter of discretion
(. 1earing of application for bail in capital o2enses
). :uidelines in '3ing amount of bail
*. Bail when not re-uired
,. =ncrease or Reduction of Bail
.. 7orfeiture and Cancellation of bail
/. Application not a bar to ob%ections in illegal arrest9
lack of or irregular preliminar+ investigation
!G. 1old Departure 5rder K Bureau of =mmigration
:. Rights of the Accused
!. Rights of accused at the trial
". Rights of persons under Custodial =nvestigation
1. Arraignment and lea
!. Arraignment and lea9 how made
". ?hen should plea of #56 :E=L6L be entered
&. ?hen ma+ accused enter a plea of guilt+ to a lesser
(. Accused plead guilt+ to capital o2ense9 what the
court should do
). Searching =n-uir+
*. =mprovident plea
,. :rounds for suspension of arraignment
=. $otion to Duash
!. :rounds
". Distinguish from demurrer to evidence
&. 42ects of sustaining the motion to -uash
(. 43ception to the rule that sustaining the motion is
not a bar to another prosecution
). Double 0eopard+
*. rovisional Dismissal
0. re-trial
!. $atters to be considered during pre-trial
". ?hat the court should do when prosecution and
o2ended part+ agree to the plea o2ered b+ the
&. re-trial agreement
(. #on-appearance during pre-trial
). re-trial order
*. Referral of some cases for Court Anne3ed
$ediation and 0udicial Dispute Resolution
@. 6rial
!. =nstances when presence of accused is re-uired b+
". Re-uisite before trial can be suspended on account
of absence of witness
&. 6rial in Absentia
(. Remed+ when accused is not brought to trial
within the prescribed period
). Re-uisites for discharge of accused to become a
state witness
*. 42ects of Discharge of accused as state witness
,. Demurrer to 4vidence
L. 0udgment
!. Re-uisites of a %udgment
". Contents of 0udgment
&. romulgation of %udgment< instances of
promulgation of %udgment in absentia
(. ?hen does %udgment become 'nal Afour instancesB
$. #ew 6rial or Reconsideration
!. :rounds for #ew 6rial
". :rounds for Reconsideration
&. Re-uisites before a new trial ma+ be granted on
ground of newl+ discovered evidence
(. 42ects of granting a new trial or reconsideration
). Application of !e"pes Doctrine in Criminal Cases
#. Appeal
!. 42ect of an Appeal
". ?here to appeal
&. 1ow appeal taken
(. 42ect of appeal b+ an+ of several accused
). :rounds for dismissal of appeal
5. Search and SeiCure
!. #ature of search warrant
". Distinguish from warrant of arrest
&. Application for search warrant9 where 'led
(. robable Cause
). ersonal e3amination b+ %udge of the applicant and
*. articularit+ of place to be searched and things to
be seiCed
,. ersonal propert+ to be seiCed
.. 43ceptions to search warrant re-uirement
a. Search incidental to lawful arrest
b. Consented Search
c. Search of moving vehicle
d. Check points< bod+ checks in airport
e. lain view situation
f. Stop and 7risk situation
g. 4nforcement of Custom Laws
/. Remedies from unlawful search and seiCure
. rovisional Remedies
!. #ature
". @inds of provisional remedies
VI. Evidence
A. :eneral rinciples
!. Concept of 4vidence
". Scope of the Rules of 4vidence
&. 4vidence in Civil Cases >ersus 4vidence in
Criminal Cases
(. roof >ersus 4vidence
). 7actum robans >ersus 7actum robandum
*. Admissibilit+ of 4vidence
a. Re-uisites for admissibilit+ of evidence
b. Relevance of evidence and collateral matters
c. $ultiple admissibilit+
d. Conditional admissibilit+
e. Curative admissibilit+
f. Direct and circumstantial evidence
g. ositive and negative evidence
h. Competent and credible evidence
,. Burden of roof and Burden of 4vidence
.. resumptions
a. Conclusive presumptions
b. Disputable presumptions
/. Liberal Construction of the Rules of 4vidence
!G. Duantum of 4vidence A?eight And Su;cienc+ of
a. roof be+ond reasonable doubt
b. reponderance of evidence
c. Substantial evidence
d. Clear and convincing evidence
B. 0udicial #otice and 0udicial Admissions
!. ?hat #eed #ot be roved
". $atters of 0udicial #otice
a. $andator+
b. Discretionar+
&. 0udicial Admissions
a. 42ect of %udicial admissions
b. 1ow %udicial admissions ma+ be contradicted
(. 0udicial #otice of 7oreign Laws9 Law of #ations
and $unicipal 5rdinance
C. 5b%ect ARealB 4vidence
!. #ature of 5b%ect 4vidence
". Re-uisites for Admissibilit+
&. Categories of 5b%ect 4vidence
(. Demonstrative 4vidence
). >iew of an 5b%ect or Scene
*. Chain of Custod+ in Relation to Section "! of the
Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of "GG"
,. Rule on D#A 4vidence AA.$. #o. G*-!!-)-SCB
a. $eaning of D#A
b. Applicable for D#A testing order
c. ost-conviction D#A testing< remed+
d. Assessment of probative value of D#A
evidence and admissibilit+
e. Rules on evaluation of reliabilit+ of the
D#A testing $ethodolog+
D. Documentar+ 4vidence
!. $eaning of Documentar+ 4vidence
". Re-uisites for Admissibilit+
&. Best 4vidence Rule
a. $eaning of the rule
b. ?hen applicable
c. $eaning of original
d. Re-uisites for introduction of secondar+
(. Rules on 4lectronic 4vidence AA.$. #o. G!-,-G!-
a. $eaning of electronic evidence< electronic
data massage
b. robative value of electronic documents or
evidentiar+ weight< method of proof
c. Authentication of electronic documents and
electronic signatures
d. 4lectronic documents and the hearsa+ rule
e. Audio9 photographic9 video and ephemeral
). arol 4vidence Rule
a. Application of the parol evidence rule
b. ?hen parole evidence can be introduced
c. Distinctions between the best evidence rule
and parol evidence rule
*. Authentication and roof of Documents
a. $eaning of authentication
b. ublic and private documents
c. ?hen a private writing re-uires
authentication< proof of a private writing
d. ?hen evidence of authenticit+ of a private
writing is not re-uired Aancient documentsB
e. 1ow to prove genuineness of a handwriting
f. ublic documents as evidence< proof of
o;cial record
g. Attestation of a cop+
h. ublic record of a public document
i. roof of lack of record
%. 1ow a %udicial record is impeached
k. roof of notarial documents
l. 1ow to e3plain alterations in a document
m. Documentar+ evidence in an uno;cial
4. 6estimonial 4vidence
!. Duali'cations of a ?itness
". Competenc+ >ersus Credibilit+ of a ?itness
&. Dis-uali'cations of ?itnesses
a. Dis-uali'cation b+ reason of mental
capacit+ or immaturit+
b. Dis-uali'cation b+ reason of marriage
c. Dis-uali'cation b+ reason of death or
insanit+ of adverse part+
d. Dis-uali'cation b+ reason of privileged
A!B 1usband and wife
A"B Attorne+ and client
A&B h+sician and patient
D. riest and penitent
4. ublic o;cers
e. arental and 'lial privilege rule
(. 43amination of a ?itness
a. Rights and obligations of a witness
b. 5rder in the e3amination of an individual
A!B Direct e3amination
A"B Cross e3amination
A&B Re-direct e3amination
A(B Re-cross e3amination
A)B Recalling the witness
c. Leading and misleading -uestions
d. $ethods of impeachment of adverse
part+Fs witness
e. 1ow the witness is impeached b+ evidence
of inconsistent statements Ala+ing the
>=. 4vidence of the good character of a witness
). Admissions and Confessions
a. #es inter alios acta rule
b. Admission b+ a part+
c. Admission b+ a third part+
d. Admission b+ a co-partner or agent
e. Admission b+ a conspirator
f. Admission b+ privies
g. Admission b+ silence
h. Confessions
i. Similar acts as evidence
*. 1earsa+ Rule
a. $eaning of hearsa+
b. Reason for e3clusion of hearsa+ evidence
c. 43ceptions to the hearsa+ rule
A!B D+ing declaration
A"B Declaration against interest
A&B Act or declaration about pedigree
A(B 7amil+ reputation or tradition regarding
4. Common reputation
$. art of the res %estae
:. 4ntries in the course of business
1. 4ntries in o;cial records
=. Commercial lists and the like
0. Learned treaties
@. 6estimon+ or deposition at a former trial
,. 5pinion Rule
a. 5pinion of e3pert witness
b. 5pinion of ordinar+ witness
.. Character 4vidence
a. Criminal cases
b. Civil cases
/. Rule on 43amination of a Child ?itness AA.$. #o.
a. Applicabilit+ of the rule
b. $eaning of Ichild witnessJ
c. Competenc+ of a child witness
d. 43amination of a child witness
e. Live-link 6> testimon+ of a child witness
f. >ideotaped deposition of a child witness
g. 1earsa+ e3ception in child abuse cases
h. Se3ual abuse shield rule
i. rotective orders
7. 52er and 5b%ection
!. 52er of 4vidence
". ?hen to $ake an 52er
&. 5b%ection
(. Repetition of an 5b%ection
). Ruling
*. Striking 5ut of an Answer
,. 6ender of 43cluded 4vidence
:. Supreme Court Rulings as of December "G!G
VII. Revised Rules on Suar! Procedure
A. Cases covered b+ the Rule
B. 42ect of failure to answer
C. reliminar+ conference and appearances of parties
VIII. Katarungang Pambarangay
A. Cases covered
B. Sub%ect matter for amicable settlement
C. >enue
D. ?hen parties ma+ directl+ go to court
4. 43ecution
7. Repudiation
I". Rule o# Procedure #or Sall Clais Cases $AM %o. &'('()(
A. Scope and applicabilit+ of the Rule
B. Commencement of small claims action< Response
C. rohibited pleadings and motions
D. Appearances
4. 1earing< dut+ of the %udge
7. 7inalit+ of %udgment
". Rules o# Procedure #or Environental Cases $AM %o. &+(,(
A. Scope and Applicabilit+ of the Rule
B. Civil rocedure
!. rohibition against 6emporar+ Restraining 5rder
and reliminar+ =n%unction
". re-trial Conference< Consent Decree
&. rohibited leadings and $otions
(. 6emporar+ 4nvironmental rotection 5rder
). 0udgment and 43ecution< Reliefs in a citiCenFs suit
*. ermanent 4nvironmental rotection 5rder< ?rit
of continuing mandamus
,. Strategic Lawsuit against ublic articipation
C. Special roceedings
!. ?rit of &ali'asan
". rohibited pleadings and motions
&. Discover+ measures
(. ?rit of Continuing Mandamus
D. Criminal rocedure
!. ?ho ma+ 'le
". =nstitution of criminal and civil action
&. Arrest without warrant9 when valid
(. rocedure in the custod+ and disposition of seiCed
). Bail
*. Arraignment and lea
,. re-trial
.. Subsidiar+ liabilities
4. 4vidence
!. recautionar+ principle
". Documentar+ evidence
IMP-R.A%. %-.E/ 6his bar coverage description is not intended and should not
used b+ law schools as a s+llabus or course outline in the covered sub%ects. =t has
drawn up for the limited purpose of ensuring that candidates reviewing for the bar
e3aminations are guided on what basic and minimum amounts of laws9 doctrines9
principles the+ need to know and be able to use correctl+ before the+ can be
licensed to
practice law. $ore is re-uired for e3cellent and distinguished work as members of

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