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OTV and LISP on the CSR 1000v

OTV and LISP are two interesting new data center technologies that are worth examining when
you are studying for a Cisco Data Center certification, such as CCNP or CCIE Data Center.
Unfortunately, not everybody can afford a couple of Nexus 7000s to play with. As an instructor
for Fast Lane I regularly have access to Nexus based labs, but I still thought that it would be nice
to have a lab setup of my own to experiment with. Fortunately, there is now a very nice way to
get some hands-on experience with these protocols through the Cisco Cloud Services Router
(CSR) 1000v, which I blogged about earlier.
The CSR 1000v is based on the same IOS XE code that runs on the ASR 1000, which supports
both OTV and LISP. So I decided to try to build a lab to test VM mobility using OTV and LISP
in my home lab using a number of CSR 1000v instances.
Note: The CSR runs IOS-XE, not NX-OS, and as a result it uses a different command set to
configure OTV and LISP. In that sense, it cannot replace practicing with actual Nexus gear for
the purposes of exam preparation. However, it does allow you to examine the underlying
structures and mechanisms of the technologies, and it allows you to get an idea of the common
configuration elements in an OTV or LISP configuration.
The Basic Lab Setup
I decide to implement the following topology:

I create two separate VLANs on my vSWITCH which I intend to bridge together using OTV
between the routers dc1-otv and dc2-otv. I create two VMs, one in each VLAN, to which I
assign IP addresses from the same IP subnet VM VM-1 gets IP address and VM-2 gets The routers dc1-xtr, dc2-xtr, and branch-
xtr will be configured as LISP xTRs later.
I put the following basic configuration on router dc1-otv:
hostname dc1-otv
enable secret cisco
no ip domain lookup
interface GigabitEthernet1
ip address
no shutdown
router ospf 1
network area 0
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 0 0
password cisco
And I put a similar configuration on router dc2-otv:
hostname dc2-otv
enable secret cisco
no ip domain lookup
interface GigabitEthernet1
ip address
no shutdown
router ospf 1
network area 0
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 0 0
password cisco
Configuring OTV
The next thing I do is preparing the OTV join interface for multicast operation. I enable multicast
routing, set the IGMP version to 3 and enable PIM in passive mode on the OTV join interface:
ip multicast-routing distributed
interface GigabitEthernet1
ip pim passive
ip igmp version 3
Note: Unlike the Nexus 7000, the CSR requires multicast routing to be enabled in order to
enable the IGMP functionality that is required for OTV. On the Nexus 7000 it is not necessary to
enable multicast routing and PIM. Simply setting the IGMP version to 3 is sufficient on that
Next I configure the OTV site ID and create the Overlay interface on router dc1-otv with the
following parameters:
otv site-identifier 0001.0001.0001
interface Overlay1
otv control-group
otv data-group
otv join-interface GigabitEthernet1
no shutdown
Of course I configure router dc2-otv in a similar manner:
otv site-identifier 0002.0002.0002
interface Overlay1
otv control-group
otv data-group
otv join-interface GigabitEthernet1
no shutdown
I verify the OTV configuration and confirm that the adjacency between the two routers has been
dc1-otv#show otv overlay 1
Overlay Interface Overlay1
VPN name : None
VPN ID : 1
State : UP
AED Capable : No, site interface not up
IPv4 control group :
Mcast data group range(s):
Join interface(s) : GigabitEthernet1
Join IPv4 address :
Tunnel interface(s) : Tunnel0
Encapsulation format : GRE/IPv4
Site Bridge-Domain : None
Capability : Multicast-reachable
Is Adjacency Server : No
Adj Server Configured : No
Prim/Sec Adj Svr(s) : None

dc1-otv#show otv adjacency
Overlay 1 Adjacency Database
Hostname System-ID Dest Addr Up Time State
dc2-otv 001e.bd03.a200 00:00:47 UP
One thing that is worth noticing, is that the OTV devices are not marked as AED capable yet.
This is caused by the fact that the OTV site VLAN is not configured and operational at this
point. The site VLAN configuration is done slightly differently on the CSR compared to the
Nexus 7000. The CSR is not a switch, and therefore does not support direct configuration of
VLANs. Instead of a site VLAN, a site bridge-group is configured. The bridge group represents
the broadcast domain and can be linked to interfaces and VLAN tags using so-called service
instances. To setup the site VLAN I use the following commands on router dc1-otv:
otv site bridge-domain 2001
interface GigabitEthernet2
no shutdown
service instance 2001 ethernet
encapsulation dot1q 2001
bridge-domain 2001
And similarly, I configure the following on router dc2-otv:
otv site bridge-domain 2002
interface GigabitEthernet2
no shutdown
service instance 2002 ethernet
encapsulation dot1q 2002
bridge-domain 2002
These commmands essentially create a bridged domain on the router, which is then associated
with interface GigabitEthernet2 for frames that carry an 802.1Q VLAN tag of 2001. For more
information about Ethernet Service Instances refer to Configuring Ethernet Virtual Connections
on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Router in the ASR 1000 configuration guide.
At this point the OTV overlay has become fully operational on both sides:
dc1-otv#show otv overlay 1
Overlay Interface Overlay1
VPN name : None
VPN ID : 1
State : UP
AED Capable : Yes
IPv4 control group :
Mcast data group range(s):
Join interface(s) : GigabitEthernet1
Join IPv4 address :
Tunnel interface(s) : Tunnel0
Encapsulation format : GRE/IPv4
Site Bridge-Domain : 2001
Capability : Multicast-reachable
Is Adjacency Server : No
Adj Server Configured : No
Prim/Sec Adj Svr(s) : None
In this lab the site bridge-domain configuration is pretty meaningless, because there is only a
single OTV edge device per site. Therefore, I just attached the bridge-group to an arbitrary
interface and VLAN tag, to simply ensure that the overlay interface would become operational.
In reality, you should take care that the VLAN selected for the site bridge-domain is properly
extended between OTV edge devices within the site, but not carried across the overlay.
The final piece in this configuration is to actually extend some VLANs across the OTV overlay.
Again, this is done through a bridge-group and corresponding service instance configurations. I
add the following configuration to router dc1-otv:
interface GigabitEthernet2
service instance 201 ethernet
encapsulation untagged
rewrite ingress tag push dot1q 200 symmetric
bridge-domain 200
interface Overlay1
service instance 201 ethernet
encapsulation dot1q 200
bridge-domain 200
And I add a similar configuration on dc2-otv:
interface GigabitEthernet2
service instance 202 ethernet
encapsulation untagged
rewrite ingress tag push dot1q 200 symmetric
bridge-domain 200
interface Overlay1
service instance 202 ethernet
encapsulation dot1q 200
bridge-domain 200
This configuration is a little peculiar, which has to do with the specifics of my lab setup. The
intention is to create a single VLAN 200 stretched across the two DC sites. However, in my lab
this is all setup on a common virtual infrastructure. To still create two separate VLAN 200
instances I essentially created two VMware port-groups and associated VLANS (VLAN 201 and
VLAN 202). CSR dc1-otv and VM-1 are both connected to VLAN 201. Similarly, CSR dc2-otv
and VM-2 are connected to VLAN 202 (see diagram). As a result, the VLAN 200 frames
arrive as untagged frames on the internal interfaces of CSR dc1-otv and dc2-otv. These frames
then need to be bridged across the cloud as VLAN 200 frames. In a more realistic scenario the
frames would already arrive with VLAN 200 tags on the internal interfaces and the rewrite
commands would be unnecessary.
With these final steps the OTV configuration is finished and I can put it to the test. So I ping
from VM-1 in DC-1 ( to VM-2 in DC-2 (

The ping succeeds, confirming that OTV is operational.
Update: Brantley Richbourg and Brandon Farmer pointed out in the comments that this ping
fails if you dont have your VMware vSwitch set to accept promiscuous mode. Initially, I didnt
notice this behavior, because I already had my vSwitch set to accept promiscuous mode for
different reasons. I retested the lab with promiscuous mode set to reject and confirmed that this
stops the ping from working. The explanation for this behavior is that the frames from VM-1 to
VM-2 have the VM-2 MAC address as the destination MAC address, which is not registered to
the CSR virtual NIC. For unicast MAC frames, the vSwitch normally only sends frames with a
particular destination MAC address to the VM that is associated with this MAC address (if it is
local) or to an uplink (if it is remote). Therefore, the VM-1 to VM-2 frame is not sent to the CSR
VM, so the CSR never sees the frame. As a result, the frame cannot be forwarded across the
overlay. When promiscuous mode is set to accept on the vSwitch, the CSR receives all traffic
on VLAN 201, allowing it to forward the VM-1 to VM-2 traffic across the overlay. So, if this
ping fails in your lab, make sure that you have your vSwitch set to accept promiscuous
mode! Thanks to Brantley and Brandon for pointing out this potential issue with the lab setup!
Now, lets verify the MAC address entries and ARP entries on the OTV edge devices:
dc1-otv#show otv route

Codes: BD - Bridge-Domain, AD - Admin-Distance,
SI - Service Instance, * - Backup Route

OTV Unicast MAC Routing Table for Overlay1

Inst VLAN BD MAC Address AD Owner Next Hops(s)
0 200 200 000c.296a.a4ad 40 BD Eng Gi2:SI201
0 200 200 000c.297c.e283 50 ISIS dc2-otv

2 unicast routes displayed in Overlay1

2 Total Unicast Routes Displayed

dc1-otv#show otv arp-nd-cache
Overlay1 ARP/ND L3->L2 Address Mapping Cache
BD MAC Layer-3 Address Age (HH:MM:SS) Local/Remote
200 000c.297c.e283 00:00:33 Remote
Also, the internal OTV IS-IS database can be examined to confirm that the MAC addresses are
advertised by the OTV edge devices:
dc1-otv#show otv isis database detail

Tag Overlay1:
IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database:
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
dc2-otv.00-00 0x0000000C 0xBED7 933 0/0/0
Area Address: 00
NLPID: 0xCC 0x8E
Hostname: dc2-otv
Metric: 10 IS-Extended dc1-otv.01
Layer 2 MAC Reachability: topoid 0, vlan 200, confidence 1
dc1-otv.00-00 * 0x0000000C 0xE51A 959 0/0/0
Area Address: 00
NLPID: 0xCC 0x8E
Hostname: dc1-otv
Metric: 10 IS-Extended dc1-otv.01
Layer 2 MAC Reachability: topoid 0, vlan 200, confidence 1
dc1-otv.01-00 * 0x0000000A 0x2916 753 0/0/0
Metric: 0 IS-Extended dc1-otv.00
Metric: 0 IS-Extended dc2-otv.00
Although it is usually not necessary to dive into the IS-IS database that is used by the OTV
control plane, it is nice to be able to take a peek under the hood.
So now that we have a working OTV setup that extends VLAN 200 and the corresponding
subnet across the two DC sites, it is time to add LISP to optimize the inbound
routing for mobile VMs.
Preparing for LISP
To start, I add two additional routers to the network, which will act as a LISP ingress tunnel
router (ITR) and egress tunnel router (ETR) for their respective sites: router dc1-xtr and router
dc2-xtr. I connect these routers to the IP core and enable HSRP on the interface that faces the
stretched VLAN 200. This results in the following basic configurations:
hostname dc1-xtr
enable secret cisco
no ip domain lookup
interface GigabitEthernet1
ip address
no shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet2
ip address
standby 200 ip
no shutdown
router ospf 1
network area 0
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 0 0
password cisco
hostname dc2-xtr
enable secret cisco
no ip domain lookup
interface GigabitEthernet1
ip address
no shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet2
ip address
standby 200 ip
no shutdown
router ospf 1
network area 0
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 0 0
password cisco
While doing my verifications I notice something interesting in the behavior of HSRP:
dc1-xtr#show standby brief
P indicates configured to preempt.
Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Virtual IP
Gi2 200 100 Active local unknown

dc2-xtr#show standby brief
P indicates configured to preempt.
Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Virtual IP
Gi2 200 100 Active local unknown
Both routers dc1-xtr and dc2-xtr consider themselves to be the active router and do not list a
standby router. Is OTV not properly bridging the traffic of these routers across the overlay? Lets
try a quick ping to see if these routers have connectivity across the extended VLAN 200:
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 60 percent (3/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/2 ms
So OTV seems to properly bridge the packets between routers dc1-xtr and dc2-xtr across the
overlay. Lets have a closer look on the OTV edge devices:
dc1-otv#show otv detail | include FHRP
FHRP Filtering Enabled : Yes
dc1-otv#show otv route

Codes: BD - Bridge-Domain, AD - Admin-Distance,
SI - Service Instance, * - Backup Route

OTV Unicast MAC Routing Table for Overlay1

Inst VLAN BD MAC Address AD Owner Next Hops(s)
0 200 200 0000.0c07.acc8 40 BD Eng Gi2:SI201
*0 200 200 0000.0c07.acc8 50 ISIS dc2-otv
0 200 200 000c.290b.cab0 50 ISIS dc2-otv
0 200 200 000c.295d.29e5 40 BD Eng Gi2:SI201
0 200 200 000c.296a.a4ad 40 BD Eng Gi2:SI201
0 200 200 000c.297c.e283 50 ISIS dc2-otv

6 unicast routes displayed in Overlay1

6 Total Unicast Routes Displayed
dc1-otv#sh otv isis database detail

Tag Overlay1:
IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database:
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
dc2-otv.00-00 0x00000025 0xF13B 1178 0/0/0
Area Address: 00
NLPID: 0xCC 0x8E
Hostname: dc2-otv
Metric: 10 IS-Extended dc1-otv.01
Layer 2 MAC Reachability: topoid 0, vlan 200, confidence 1
0000.0c07.acc8 000c.290b.cab0 000c.297c.e283
dc1-otv.00-00 * 0x00000025 0x5EE0 1180 0/0/0
Area Address: 00
NLPID: 0xCC 0x8E
Hostname: dc1-otv
Metric: 10 IS-Extended dc1-otv.01
Layer 2 MAC Reachability: topoid 0, vlan 200, confidence 1
000c.295d.29e5 000c.296a.a4ad
dc1-otv.01-00 * 0x0000000D 0x2319 659 0/0/0
Metric: 0 IS-Extended dc1-otv.00
Metric: 0 IS-Extended dc2-otv.00
As it turns out, OTV on the CSR has FHRP filtering built-in and enabled by default. This means
that it is not necessary to configure customized access-lists to filter HSRP hellos across the
overlay. Interestingly enough, it does seem to advertise the HSRP MAC address through OTV
IS-IS. When you configure manual FHRP filtering on a Nexus 7000 you would usually suppress
these advertisements as well as the actual HSRP packets. It looks like this behavior on the CSR
could lead to continual MAC updates for the HSRP MAC address, which in turn could affect
control plane stability. This may be a point worth investigating further if you are considering
deploying CSR/ASR-based OTV in production. On the other hand, I really like the fact that the
CSR has FHRP filtering straight out of the box and that it is controllable through a simple
command (otv filter-fhrp), rather than a cumbersome access-list configuration.
Configuring LISP
Now that we have verified the basic setup we can start on the actual LISP configuration. I start
by configuring my LISP map-server and map-resolver. I want to make these vital functions
redundant and I want to separate these functions from the LISP tunnel routers (xTR) to keep the
configurations a bit cleaner. Although it is definitely possible to put the map-server/map-resolver
functions on a router that also acts as a LISP xTR, I think this might make the configurations a
bit harder to understand. Also, I intend to take some LISP sniffer traces on this lab later and
having separate IP addresses for the different functions will make these traces more easily
Of course I could have added two more routers to my lab, but since the OTV routers are separate
from the LISP xTRs anyway, I decide to make these routers perform the role of LISP map-
servers and map-resolvers. First, I add the LISP map-server function to routers dc1-otv and dc2-
router lisp
site DC1-DC2
authentication-key DC1-DC2-S3cr3t
eid-prefix accept-more-specifics
ipv4 map-server
I added the accept-more-specifics keyword to the EID prefix to allow registration of
individual mobile /32 routes later.
Next, I set up the map-resolver function on routers dc1-otv and dc2-otv:
interface Loopback37
description LISP map-resolver anycast address
ip address
router ospf 1
network area 0
router lisp
ipv4 map-resolver
To make the LISP resolver function redundant I add an anycast address ( to both
dc1-otv and dc2-otv. This address will be configured as the LISP map-resolver address on the
Note: When configuring anycast IP addresses on routers, you should take proper care that these
addresses never get selected as a router ID for any routing protocol. This is why I specifically
configured the OSPF router ID on these routers using the router-id command.
Now that the LISP map-server and map-resolver have been set up, I configure the routers dc1-xtr
and dc2-xtr as LISP xTRs for the EID space that is associated with the OTV
extended VLAN 200. On router dc1-xtr I add the following commands:
router lisp
locator-set DC1 priority 10 weight 50
database-mapping locator-set DC1
ipv4 itr map-resolver
ipv4 itr
ipv4 etr map-server key DC1-DC2-S3cr3t
ipv4 etr map-server key DC1-DC2-S3cr3t
ipv4 etr
And on router dc2-xtr I add the following commands:
router lisp
locator-set DC2 priority 10 weight 50
database-mapping locator-set DC2
ipv4 itr map-resolver
ipv4 itr
ipv4 etr map-server key DC1-DC2-S3cr3t
ipv4 etr map-server key DC1-DC2-S3cr3t
ipv4 etr
The only real difference between these configurations is the locator IP address, which is for DC1 and for DC2.
Next, I verify that the EID prefix has been registered on the map-servers:
dc1-otv#show lisp site detail
LISP Site Registration Information

Site name: DC1-DC2
Allowed configured locators: any
Allowed EID-prefixes:
First registered: 00:04:05
Routing table tag: 0
Origin: Configuration, accepting more specifics
Merge active: No
Proxy reply: No
TTL: 1d00h
State: complete
Registration errors:
Authentication failures: 0
Allowed locators mismatch: 0
ETR, last registered 00:00:09, no proxy-reply, map-notify
TTL 1d00h, no merge, hash-function sha1, nonce
state complete, no security-capability
xTR-ID 0x78ED0ACF-0x8B46F5F7-0xF896252E-0xEC47696E
site-ID unspecified
Locator Local State Pri/Wgt yes up 10/50
ETR, last registered 00:00:19, no proxy-reply, map-notify
TTL 1d00h, no merge, hash-function sha1, nonce
state complete, no security-capability
xTR-ID 0x58ABCEE0-0x5DF04443-0xBB0C7B58-0x4AEB3FD8
site-ID unspecified
Locator Local State Pri/Wgt yes up 10/50
To test the LISP functionality, I need to have a third site that I can run connectivity tests from.
This is the role of the branch router in the lab topology. I add the following basic configuration
to that router:
hostname branch-xtr
enable secret cisco
no ip domain lookup
ip dhcp pool BRANCH-LAN
interface GigabitEthernet1
ip address
no shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet2
ip address
no shutdown
router ospf 1
network area 0
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 0 0
password cisco
Because this router is part of the LISP enabled network and the prefix is part of
the EID space, we need to create a corresponding LISP site configuration for this site on the
LISP map-servers. So I add the following commands to routers dc1-otv and dc2-otv:
router lisp
authentication-key Br@nch-S3cr3t
Now that the map-servers have been set up, we can add the LISP xTR configuration on the
branch router. I add the following to router branch-xtr:
router lisp
database-mapping priority 10 weight 100
ipv4 itr map-resolver
ipv4 itr
ipv4 etr map-server key Br@nch-S3cr3t
ipv4 etr map-server key Br@nch-S3cr3t
ipv4 etr
And again, I confirm that the EID prefix has been properly registered on the map-servers:
dc1-otv#show lisp site name BRANCH
Site name: BRANCH
Allowed configured locators: any
Allowed EID-prefixes:
First registered: 00:00:11
Routing table tag: 0
Origin: Configuration
Merge active: No
Proxy reply: No
TTL: 1d00h
State: complete
Registration errors:
Authentication failures: 0
Allowed locators mismatch: 0
ETR, last registered 00:00:11, no proxy-reply, map-notify
TTL 1d00h, no merge, hash-function sha1, nonce
state complete, no security-capability
xTR-ID 0xE8323230-0xFABD8623-0x2448E48B-0x2B80C3A0
site-ID unspecified
Locator Local State Pri/Wgt yes up 10/100
So now it is time to put the LISP configurations to the test and ping from VM-3 to VM-1 and
VM-2. The pings succeed as expected:

However, at this point we have only implemented a straightforward LISP setup without
introducing the VM mobility concept. The branch router does not know where to forward
packets for individual VM IP addresses. It only knows how to reach the EID prefix of VLAN 200. When I actually perform a traceroute to VM-1 and VM-2 from
VM-3 I see that the traffic to both VMs is routed through DC-1:

This means that traffic from VM-3 to VM-2 actually needs to go across the OTV interconnect
between DC1 and DC2 in order to reach VM-2. Clearly, this is sub-optimal and this is where
LISP mobility comes in. By registering individual /32 EID prefixes for each VM, the location of
the VMs can be tracked in the LISP enabled network and the traffic flow can be optimized. So I
add the following commands to router dc1-xtr:
router lisp
dynamic-eid MOBILE-VMS
database-mapping locator-set DC1
map-server key DC1-DC2-S3cr3t
map-server key DC1-DC2-S3cr3t
interface GigabitEthernet2
lisp mobility MOBILE-VMS
lisp extended-subnet-mode
And I add similar commands on dc2-xtr:
router lisp
dynamic-eid MOBILE-VMS
database-mapping locator-set DC2
map-server key DC1-DC2-S3cr3t
map-server key DC1-DC2-S3cr3t
interface GigabitEthernet2
lisp mobility MOBILE-VMS
lisp extended-subnet-mode
For the mobile VMs I selected a sub-prefix of the overall prefix that belongs to
the twin-DC site. Of course, I could also have used the complete prefix for mobility. In that case
the regular LISP database mapping for that prefix should be removed.
Note: There is one other thing that is specifically worth noting about this configuration: I
configured the link-local multicast group as the LISP map-notify group. This is not a
best practice and I should have used a regular ASM multicast group (for example
However, when I first configured LISP using a random ASM group I was
experiencing all sorts of problems. My VMs were reporting duplicate IP addresses and the
traceroutes from VM-3 were inconsistent. After a couple of hours of troubleshooting, I finally
figured out that this was caused by the fact that the LISP map-notify multicast group wasnt
properly forwarded across OTV between routers dc1-xtr and dc2-xtr. I tried to tackle this
problem in various ways, including converting my OTV configuration to a unicast setup with
adjacency servers, but to no avail. In the end I started suspecting IGMP snooping (or the lack
thereof) in the whole chain of vSwitches, bridge-domains, and OTV to be the cause of the
problem. To test this hypothesis I decided to change the multicast group to a link-local group,
because those groups should always be flooded within a VLAN regardless of IGMP snooping. It
is a bit of a hack, and clearly it isnt a real solution for the underlying multicast problem. But at
least implementing this workaround allowed me to further concentrate on LISP rather than an
obscure multicast issue. I am hoping that this is a VMware vSwitch problem, rather than an OTV
multicast problem, but further testing is needed to pinpoint the issue.
So with the proper LISP configuration in place we can now test the traceroutes from VM-3 to
VM-1 and VM-2 again and see if the path was optimized:

The two different RLOC addresses for the VMs can also be verified in the LISP map-cache on
the branch router branch-xtr:
branch-xtr#show ip lisp map-cache
LISP IPv4 Mapping Cache for EID-table default (IID 0), 3 entries, uptime: 00:47:51, expires: never, via static send map-request
Negative cache entry, action: send-map-request, uptime: 00:45:47, expires: 23:54:47, via map-reply,
Locator Uptime State Pri/Wgt 00:05:12 up 10/50, uptime: 00:46:54, expires: 23:55:38, via map-reply,
Locator Uptime State Pri/Wgt 00:35:25 up 10/50
As a final test I move VM-1 from DC-1 to DC-2. Due to the way the lab is set up this is not a
vMotion, but simply a change of port-group from VLAN 201 to VLAN 202. When I trace again
after the move I confirm that the traceroute now goes through router dc2-xtr (
During the move I also ran a continuous ping from VM-3 to VM-1 and I only lost a couple of
packets. Of course, the LISP map-cache on router branch-xtr also reflects the change in RLOC
IP address:
branch-xtr#show ip lisp map-cache
LISP IPv4 Mapping Cache for EID-table default (IID 0), 3 entries, uptime: 00:53:55, expires: 23:59:16, via map-reply,
Sources: map-reply
State: complete, last modified: 00:00:43, map-source:
Active, Packets out: 195 (~ 00:01:56 ago)
Locator Uptime State Pri/Wgt 00:00:43 up 10/50
Last up-down state change: 00:00:43, state change count: 1
Last route reachability change: never, state change count: 0
Last priority / weight change: never/never
RLOC-probing loc-status algorithm:
Last RLOC-probe sent: never
At this point, we have a working configuration combining OTV with LISP mobility, which is a
good base for further experimentation with these protocols. Despite the multicast problems that I
experienced, I feel that a virtual lab setup with a couple of CSR 1000vs is a nice addition to the
toolbox for testing advanced routing and data center technologies like LISP and OTV.

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