TNT The Power Within You A Concise Review

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TNT THE POWER WITHIN YOU - Claude Bristol and Harold Sherman (a quick

The book's subtitle stands as: How to release the forces inside you & get what you want!
Since I enjoy studying any philosophy designed to promote guidance and assistance to
people I was glad to read this !ook that was suggested to me !y a "riend here in the
#irgin Islands$
%u!lished in &'() the !ook reiterates the ancient philosophies that hold the secret to
success in all aspects o" li"e whether a person*s desire is general happiness "inancial
prosperity or to have a "amily o" their own$
+ike many contemporary ,-urus. or ,+i"e Coaches. the !ook argues that these ancient
theories have !een around "or years !ut un"ortunately are !uried !y an age o"
sensualisation media television technological advancement cele!rity/ any enterprise
that has argua!ly in"licted mankind with amnesia a!out these signi"icant ideas$
Books like TNT The Power Within You are concise easy to read versions o" ancient
-reek and 0oman philosophies teachings "rom religious doctrine and any other
hypotheses produced over the centuries that present the real truth o" the universe$
1!viously the !est option "or someone wanting to study these philosophies in their
entirety would have to go to the primary source !ut many would not !e a!le to
comprehend the comple2 language and old-style writing used and in this "ast-paced age
these types o" te2t !ooks are just as good "or a !reak-down o" the ideas$
3or me personally the !ook did not teach me anything I had not already learned$ It was
more o" a revision e2ercise$ It was another version o" ,4he +aw o" 5ttraction. The
Secret 6 the idea that i" you visuali7e what you want and are a!le to truly !elieve in it it
will !e so (granted you work hard as well)$
The Law of Attraction is the idea that everythin in the wor!d wor"s in accordance
with the !aws of e!ectro#anetis#$ Positive thin"in attracts %ositive thins$
Neative thin"in attracts neative thins$ A si#%!e idea when stated !i"e this& '(t
#(ch #ore co#%!icated when st(died intricate!y$
TNT The Power Within You also covers ideas surrounding the human mind "rom how the
mind can cure physical health issues through to the potential o" telepathy and ,the
place!o e""ect$.
8hat I would advise when studying anything that re"ers to ,4he +aw o" 5ttraction. is to
remem!er that those people mentioned as e2amples o" operating with this code are
people that pro!a!ly weren.t aware they were doing so may have had another name "or it
or were just doing it without thinking$ 4he guide !ooks videos or "ilms usually give
e2amples like Shakespeare 5!raham +incoln 9artin +uther :ing ;r <instein/ great
people who "ought "or their cause without restriction !ut they pro!a!ly didn.t call their
way o" li"e =4he +aw o" 5ttraction> even though they were using it daily$
1ne huge di""erence I did "ind in this !ook that I haven.t heard or read in other "orms o"
these teachings was a strong emphasis to not use this "or evil$ It listed e2amples o"
people who had used this power "or sinister deeds like Hitler and Stalin warning that i"
you do you will "all in the end$
In conclusion what the philosophies all come down to is interpretation and relativity$
Certain events issues pro!lems will occur in li"e that cannot !e controlled$ It.s how we
react to those events in li"e that determines how our e2istence will turn out$ I" we react
with depression and sadness li"e will correspond with this$ I" we choose to respond with
progression powering through the dark times and continuing toward the personal
mission the purpose the world will correlate with this$ 5s I read more and more and
study these philosophies the statistics that I set "or mysel" a!out code o" conduct in li"e
are continually changing$ 9y statistics are as "ollows?
Life is divided into two thins)
*+ Inter%retation ,-ENTALITY). How yo( choose to a'sor' and act with certain
thins that occ(r in !ife+
/+ Rea!ity ,PHY0I1ALITY).What is act(a!!y ha%%enin$ The fee!ins that are
evo"ed 'y certain events2iss(es that arise witho(t tho(ht+
8hen I was a teenager I would have easily said that li"e is (@?(@ with regard to these two
elements$ I now say that it.s A(B interpretation and C(B reality and the interpretation
"igure continues to increase$$$

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